mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1912 EVENIM6 EDITIOW. " " i "" v i t .id n B 1 COOS BAY TIMES .r,....llH. llf,.' ...... ...... I nllmli I ulifeKvaim lac a liiniiiu uu.ii'f, , There la n tang mid a tingle to theso rout' words mat must uppeai m M. O. MALOXEV ICdltor mid I'ub. young people who like to toll nil DAN IS. MALONKV News IMltor climb and ngut ana win. - Can any ono suggest a better nr Entered at the postofflce t Marsh-,t year's graduating class? Held, Oregon, for tranimiuioa through the malls as second data Ball matttr. THE I'ltESHNT 1AXKK. JUST at this time, when there '8 danger that too many progres slvo Kepubllcnns will permit' themselves to get Into the state or mind Sonntor Works of California manifested in the Sonnto tho othnr day, It Is well to give n few momon's to nn nnnlysls of tno program such men as the Solictor have outlined 'or themselves. Tho Senator says he will not be bound to the "alleged nominee" of the Chicago convention. Ho made this plain In some very severe stric tures, not only on the conduct of the convention, but on tho personal char acter and conduct of tho President. Neither Is tho Senator at all predis posed In favor of Mr. Roosevelt: "Jf half tho things they said of each oth er wero true, neither of them was IK to be nominated." Nor has tho Senator any use for a third-party movement. "If any good itopubllcnn," he sds, having an eye evidently on Senator La Follotto, "representing the real sentiments of tho party wero to become nu Inde pendent candidate, running on n pro gressiva platform that ho could con scientiously stand upon, tho voters of tho party would miHtaln him." Hut even under such favorable conditions be still believes n third party to bo a mistake. "In my Judgment tho man who nttomplH to form a new party ns conditions now uro, will not bo serv ing tho Interests of tho people." What, thou, ilocw the Senator pro pose? Jirlufly, to let the Demoern'H hnvo the offices: Hotter far to see the great Republi can party go down to temporary do feat now for tho slim Its leaders have committed mid redeem it four yearn honcc than attempt the uncertain and dangerous remedy of forming u now party. Once upon a tlmu a studeut nt West Point, who had been listening 'to nn elaborate explanation from n brother student of IiIh plan of attack ' upon n fortified place, was asked to tell how ho would defend. lie promptly replied that he would evac uate, allow the enemy to hold the fort nnd then proceed to attack. The response wns clever, but It has novor received tho sanction of military au thorities. If It was the purpose of the prog ressive lenders to struggle for tho control or the Republican party. It was so evidently a mistake for Mi. to turn tho whole machin ery of the party over to the regulars, tho platform, the ticket, and evorj. thing, that there can be no argu ment. How will the progressives bo In position to fight for party control In four years? And In what way will tho election of Wood row WIIhoii aid them, especially If they can bo held rosponslblo for It? It must not lie forgotten tlint woodrow Wilson lias shown hlmsnif a capablo political manager In his BEARD ON iTHEr-" STREETS! "I would like to see MnrshfleM get a garbage disposal plant," said a local physician today. For n "I don't mean a plant for Garbage only the disposal of kltch 1'laiit. e ngnrbagc, but for all kinds of garbage. This kind of a plant Is badly needed, and wo are going to have It some day." mm PLAY IN COAST L VALLEY SUNDAY EA6UE IE PETITION UNUSUAL B AT GOLD I BALL SCORES! FOR SINGLE TAX i Marshfield Baseball Club Plays Portland Defeats San Francis-1 First Initiative or Referendum "I seo that both of the candidate for president of tho National Federa tion of Women's Clubs Equal have come out In favor Suffrage, of equal suffrage," said a Marshfield club womnn today. "It shows that tho club women of this country nio- realizing thnr the Btiffrngo question Is really nu Issue this year In club affairs nnd It pleases me very much to know that this Is true. It Is surprising to mo tfe way that the suffrago cause has advanced within tho last year." The Hull nnd it Illeycle. Myrtle Point North Bend Is to Meet Coquille. GAMES TOMORROW. Marshfield vs. Myrtle Point, at Myrtle Point. North Ueud vs. Coquille, at Coquille. Eastsldc vs. Dandon, at Dan- don. of t". e A certain young man of Mnrshfleld who Is In tho Insurance business hero hail qulto a thrilling ex perience yesterday morn ing. Ho Is n very In dustrious young fellow nnd covers a fair amount of territory. Yesterday ho covered .1 strip about 5 feet 9 Inches long and nbout one and one-half feet wide. Ho was returning frohi Falrvlew by bicycle after a successful business. trip to that plnco and was dreaming of the futuro ' days when dollars would romo rolling In in heaps. As he rousted around a curve and down a. hill he still was lost In thought but received a rather rude awakentng, colliding licnd-tlrst with n bull that stood In the mlddlo of the road. After turning a beautiful flotnmnr sntilt over tho nnlmnl's hoad and back l:c landed safely on all fours and forgot, for the moment, the won drous dreams of the future. He nr rlvod In town safely and found him self In fairly good shapo, excepting games are expected. Marshfield will SHORTY'. (Inscribed to Mlko Durke. Marshfield nine.) His name Is Busy Izzy And he's always on tho Job, There Is lightning In his pedals And there's nltro In his knob; He's n cross between n bear cat And n rnpld flro gun, With n whip surcharged with radium To keep 'em on tho run; He's hnrveylzed nnd bullet proof And toug! er than rattan, And n busy llttlo geezer Is the shortstop man. Ho'll take n chance on anything Thnt comes along his way. He gnlly hazards life and limb A hundred times a day; Ho plucks 'em from tho atmosphere, He grubs 'cm from the ground, Ho takes cm on the line or fly, The ricochet or bound: He throttles 'em with either hand, And eats 'cm up like pic, Tor a busy llttlo geezer Is tl.c shortstop guy. He's ns wiry as n mustang And as rangy ns a hound, He covers half an ncro Of the diamond nt a hound; Ho's second, third nnd shortstop, And a fielder, too, by spells, He's tho champion nsslstor And the backor-up as well; He's a demon on the bases And n dlvvle with tho staff, And n busy llttlo geczor Is the shortstop gaff. Tomorrow the liny teams meet tho Vnlloy teams on tho diamonds of the Coquille Valley cities and some wnrm co and Oakland Shut Out By Sacramento. STANDING OF TEAMS i w. l. r.u. ! Vernon 57 38 .GOO Oakland 53 41 .501 t ' Los Angeles 51 42 .549 Portland 39 47 . lojj .Snn Francisco ..39 55 .415 Sacramento 37 53 .407 PORTLAND, Ore., July 13. Port land defeated Snn Francisco yestei dny In tho Const League ball game. Sacramento shut out Oakland In tho game nt San Francisco, and Los A:. goles defeated Vernon. The scoroj In detail follow: At San Francisco It. II. K. Sncramento 1 G 0 Oakland 0 0 1 K. for a fow scratches and bruises bull Is recovering slowly. Tho With Signatures Secured By Volunteers. Distinction of having Hied tho first petition In the Secretary of Stnto's olllco which was procured wholly by volunteers fell to the Mnrshllold fol lowers of the single tax. C. II. Mc Laughlin of this city has received a letter from Attorney H. S. U'Kon of Oregon City who states that tho single tax petition from this local ity has been received mid tiled nnd that it was tho llrst Initiative or re ferendum petition which had been filed without slgnntures sccurod by paid circulation. Tho Petition. The receipt from tho Secrctnry of State of tho petition showing tho nn turo of the bill asked for la as fol ia wb: Received from W. S. U'lten of Ore gon City, In behalf of C. II. Mcr Laiighllii, Frank II. Ailnms, II. J. Isaacs. A. II. King, R. II. Hong, Win. J. Palme, K. F. Clark and John Rob ertson of Coos County, Oregon, nn Initiative petition for A DILL For u local law fonlho County of Coos to exempt from till taxes levied within Coos County tho nsscssod vnl ties of under perty which tno state laws req shall bo nssossed by the County As , sossor: to require the County Ahhcs I sor to list the nssossed values of said Improvements and iiarsonttl pro I pcrty In the assessment rolls sepnr I ntely and npart from resources; to I provide conditions for exemption from said taxes of said classes of Im provements iniiI porsonnl property whlrli tho State lawH require tho tlnn.l ,. C?1-1A fM..u rt 1 . . . . Coos County Is to have n lslr from ' ""'"" "l oll,lu '" oiiimissioiiern 10 N 0 Mnr 8 ono of tho t rnmlnm? I nHfiC8S nn, cor"r' ' "Ulcers: nen from cxpm"t fr,,, "c" " " Mr Marls w H bo broXht horoTv ! b,l".,ll0,," In,,or' ,nuk'8' 'lntloi.s Cotyseliood professions, except liquor llcen- nnd will deliver addresses In differ-, r ,..,. .,,, ont pnrtB of tho county. Itegnrdlngl .,, tn ',. . , "'.? M' . the visit of Mr. Marls the &qume 7 ,.w,n8 t0 tho volu,B ,mH Vnlloy Sentlnol snys: I ,,c" '"": "County School Superintendent W. .,." , . . .. "s -01,l"! ' At Vernon It. Los Angolcs 11 Vernon 4 At Portland R. Portlntul 7 Snn Frnnrlsco 2 N. C. IMS TO H. 17 9 H. 12 G m covin Race Prejudice Causes Unlo nna oy jury in Jackson uounty Trial. Thu Med ford Sun nnyg' nJl C. J. Davis, the coiiininlulnr .1 in nu assault case, wna nr t N iih-iii n iiifv. I,. .! ,. ..Ul ml " uiu jiiBiiceoii peace court at Gold inn Tuosrt.,1 elded thut C. U Rneiner, sXi teu snigger, anotiid go freo. fw hnd boen beaten uml bruised H iuco nnu a uiiim snowed the nnd one of the strim....,,, i. ..'" tho history of the law' In nrZH written when the defendant 'S uu. ....o ubiiuiiiuu ACCOrdln, Prosecuting Attorney II. p . ho talked with Bonie of ih-i.' who told him they ttioughf i,2 would uest no served by freelntJ defendant because of Hie rnceoH prosecuting witness, though thi.l ilntKin ttttt.i Miiinliiiil.... "PI Davln nnd Raemer m ,J1 for a plcttiro house ami last 3 cuiivnss'ed Central Point. Qj.l Rnemor Is nlloged to have nnitl services of Davis and nt the Li llmo taken n lint bcloiiBlne ta! former 'boHa' Davis followed l fiirninr m-wnrkni. i, n..i. ,,,.' tho rlghtBof Itiiomcr to tho hn wero discussed. In the end ik.'J engugod Inn bnttle In whirl. I Ik til t.x.x. " nil liuprovoments on. tu nntl JISIrow wns VnltorSrt vorclr. ti, land nnd of nil porsonnl pro- ,,,nK " ""',l)r, of, 1,,wvltncie, which tho slate luws require .,.?. ?' , !' u'n,lct 'n a tt: Prominent Man From Agricul tural College Will De liver Addresses. ' plete Hiirprlse. "I talked with n couple of jBj iiniT me inni nun nsxeii their r sons for tho verdlst." said l'roin lug Attorney Aliilkuy ' Thd-inui that whllo the evidence showed til they thought It best to let Hiea go freo because his nrruner ul ti ? n THIRD PAHTV CAM, ISSIErIj tiKW YORK, July 13 . mi the people of the United Stateiil are In sympathy with the NulwF "progressiva movement" to send ill egaics to ii National conventloitf open August ' in Chicago, Lai Ik given out by United Slntes Sett uixoii, of .Montana, Theodore Ki "I noticed by The Times Saturday that the Democratic candidate Is go ing to make the high cost nigh of living his campaign rost or Living. "I believe thnt something more than political agitation and In vestigation Is needed to get at the excesalvo cost of necossltlos. Investi gations do not sconi to bring results, no snid in substuncc "": ,. v.::., r :: ,V, "r " . ," .. V"""? ?" .0' uP.onn.,onu.ent w- wish ni.n .n.,vn "."" :.',', volt8 campaign manager. Th9 rirc )... n,iu .. ,,...i ,i, i. I..' .. "." ..... ."S."..'1 : .!V,n :""" n'acruthiv of hi inn m , .,.i .i.. . In nlgncd by mombors of the rtl "oYnra first time this season boys feel confident Johnson will do tho with him In tho box, will hnvo to go soiuo tenm will iiiIsk l.nnilnrj cry. remarked a Marsh. 'lonvn for Piriinini in i,n nimnm am Held business ninn todav ,'eral weeks, but othorwlsn the linn- . --. ..... up will bo stronger than It has been In some time. G. Johnson will bo back In tho center garden and will gobble up everything that cornea way; Mike IJurke has recovered en tirely from nn Injured hnnd nnd cm v.., t.u.. i..i.. ...... .:; ..."" "" K'B'"i' Hiqiiin :'- 'V . " mm uuriug ueem to cheancn rents nor mlo Uo campaign he lias conducted him-1 wages The ' nvestTgntlon of tho so t of em,'lt,.eSWa,.h ,0 BV0,,d ,!"0 S'ndar,l Oil company Ims not choa " i.i ii nnu mu iiiiuHiiig iioiiHo mciuodri uns lie ffirl'iiirnn il.n .i.n i i ",iiu mu ikiukiiik liuuso 11101110(18 lllfj I lllJ l'." ",0,,n " .".V1 opened the price of clothing. V L,0llfl,Kica, ,r,n f !lls 'ho Investigation of tho Harvester Ron; rLiJi'".. ,y. !'r.,.,,."r : romnnny has not l.ureased the pur- :7:.rLu" "'V,l" n"onnB coiworv... Wilson or c.urk. I. strike i. ... v vestor tlon n n.,iiP,,i ...i ..."..,",.'."." I l " " mil iiicrensen tne pu nfflrn ,;;..;..:. "?.. "l,"",u. " W lwor of tie dollnr. Tho Islatlon w th V ! , V K-1"" A" ?;- - "V:"1"" or w Tuft. Roosevelt. tlvo Hunnort. tain (hat n ruc ' jvuiq (lllll II1I I'lllllllll' rVllin !..,... . tl. jwirs will for nn. i..l : 12..'"?.. ' K. ." "" V "" ..... .. .. .. ' --1"ii tiuniiiiiK uacK inn Hinnn loimvv pvhether he Is working for someono "They Investi gate, and when the Inquiry Is over it bo oxnortoil to Htm .invii.i.i,. tii..t seems to bo i.lgoonholcd nnd forgot-' comes his way. First base will bo iuii. i.cKisiaiivo lunuiries no nnt.iioii iinu-n in- .Tin- riinmnu ,.., i,..0 . . I ".. .... o, ,,,.., ii. .n been Hhowlng up well In practice. Mny Ih Tie. f'apt. McCiitcheon tins had the hoys out and working hard through tho week and feols Hint they arc In uood snnpe. a win Mnrshlleld k. - "W.VI . . ... ,.- . . . Mr. Mnriu la o..,.m.,.- .. .i. n " . ninies, wiiiiout regard to tan v gon Pure Ilred Livestock Assocln-L ,n n,lt!ltlon ''"B to stnle to tho foroncoB. who, through reKattlM tlon, nnd It Is his Intention whllo In ' , .' , ot HlnRl Tnxors In Coo8l,"Vi renV i . . . y m m U008 UOlinty to dollvor a urm nf -""' ini. i. j. HUbl or .Mars I e I l "' .'"" l"'wi uujwi i; kcturcs. Tho subjoct of his lectures . ?n.1,0F?,,. ,m nn 1'ivnliiablo and Will bo: "Tho School Fair of tho' , nl nlU ln UiIb eau80 nnl whon- Chlldron's Industrial Contest" and i ovo,r c",s ConO' Is ready for honest "Tho High Cost of Living and Howl","'' fm"t olllclals wo reconiinend ....'""";" "' ,lUM' "i Placed nt tho top of tho list. (Signed) C. II. McLAUCHLLV. to Mnko tho Farm More Popular nnd Profitable." "These lectures will bo dollverod with the object of forwarding the project of Stato School Superintend ent Ackermnn to encournco the TRV TO CROSS LLVH ,l.fT liftl cor- climiKo the relation of the big nnii lc",l,f,l",m,n "'""on'pyetl Interests and the small moneyed -nnd the coining four Interests. The big fel'ow !" '', iikiii win not yivit the D.'iuccrntlo in ii mug lease ur power. snhool children to compoto at tlio ' ,n.lnii.. Have Tumble M Tnliiu i.i vuu... .mu ouiiu iiurn tor ror m-nni .imcilcn. of tho privileged classos behind tin is so strong In tho two old nartre gnnlzatlons that no holp In the rt iinerestu or our country can comec; of cither. National Scoite Proinlvil. "Who bollevo thut the time b como for n Natlonnl proKreuh movement n Nntlon-wldo nicvfen on nou-Bcctlonal linos, so ll.attl peoplo may bo served In (nter aud truth by an organization. atl ronfllrllnc & nilO A Will lllMliin-mf . . . til ,,."" "" " ."lin lur M !.(.' lor "'"III .IIIM'IICH. .............. uj i.i. uiHiuii, ushlleld and mSo Pont till for ' nBr,rilIt,,rrtI nn,) llvu 8t0lk Products. . I1BKM.V, July 13. -The nltomnt !orcd 1)y 0,'Kon to cc rd laco wlUia "Mr Marls' lectures will bo nc of " l-arjy of Russian e. Igr" is tcr,?,8'- MaiifiwJoeSclwt '' "10V"K I'"'. Ho Amorlcn to gain tho land of III ery' "Who bollevo In tho r ved that tho oxen is on irnln will ." '" ."" .'?' "" ' ins lee- - be crowded. North Uend hits miuio1. .?,,'" f"c" n.w"y ns t0 n,nko t,,om preparations for taking over "u I id i? b, KnX' Toh08 ,,,r,,,re8 X and there will be "tilings UuIiik" ul ' ti"1 f ? o OreKon Slnto Fair nnd Connllle. "l tho Portland Union Stockyards. ' '; JJiinrd In nn Incident reporteil from Schmallenlngken. village L I flfit Utmeii .... I i. ... ' - .... . . U03.UII iniruer. wnicii tt ono o I! mny In II... !.... .. i . . l ,hl ol " ln "USinCSS ror 1 1.180 f. it Inlry'l. ,tn0v.r T $& ..f -"'! . ' tho Individual Interests country thnt Governor Wilson should tn S ',, wwaior Works seems to think. Jin t let us not deceive our selves nbout the effect of such elec Hon on the fortune of progressive Ilepub leans. Whatever we do let "" " " wi "ur eyes open, and our political vIhIoii reasonably rlear. If party control Ih what we nre ulmln for. tho wny to i, i ..... ' ?" wny Senator Workn has point,., out. TIIK CLASS .MOTTO. UK grnduatlous io The Coquille backers have liwn Ln"i0 w' ,'tro first nt Mnrshlleld l''6,,"'"'" conjors for "r.innl,,,. tho ,'r?.,t,fl ft c lalnlng thnt It is hard o find Zl ",0 "lK'i f Saturday. July 20. f"", without passports. The V h . men who will take money oven""! ' Tf -"."JS? A?""!"' - TL l"' """' .! -"1 'Vf,l Tf low,, 'r ,"""' aro 0ver' l,' futnmliiH would I. ve got the mm floweiH of roniineiireiiiiMit ,..i.i i,.n.. h"1 ul nt,nu II.,. .1 .. . ---.. .....v.., ,....,...,, w.v u,iii,i,,- Biruins or clasa day of the lenders urn grentor than interests or t ho masses. Sn inn this sltiintloii remains the rondltl Will llOt lie llllirh rhnilL-oil llnr.uo. Ih rrinflitn,.. t ...I....I.... velfs action nt Chicago nindo mo feel i Knstsldo nnd Jtiimloii. nV, l?ZS,r" ,"!?" illif?.!.0:1 1 ... 'S.'SWft will go ,. , .. "' iii lima in iiiiiitiuii iiuiesH so iietn nir imroi-. velt had not been so Insistent nt Chi cago. Tuft would not hnvo beon riom nnted. I bollove some dark horse like Hail ley. Ilutilips nr iinri.n.... . - ----,, ... VIMII Id who hold that only through xi nnu iiuiustrlnl Justice, thus securt. can honost proporty find pernunc. luii'uumi. bellove thnt covernmentV tonds to become, nnd hiiij; lan tho odds ngnlnst the Coquille nine, but i ,.I.!W8:. orth ,,e"'1' Jl,'y 22, Co.'"" lot for unrnolested passage e't ct. hecomo Rovornmcnt by tlie? long as they will probably get uu a eii"r-,(.1."1110' Jl,ly 2:,: nlon. July 21: ' u8"'l rate of Jl.r.O per head burl111 Inroala that control tho f. idltlons mis amount tomorrow ns North Ilend :M:rtle lolnt. July 2.1. Ho will pro-' Ule1lr " was relieved before the . "Who bollevo that wholesome p i- tu. nviuiud in rair-',,,, im--:u. ne remnined 'ii i n """"i t4" ll,,,,u u" " " Norway, Rlverton nnd "MnK nonr the spot, and when tho' wIlolesonio party management ifter his arrival. !"'n' appeared endeavored to forro'" B,'ll, of "orvlco to tho whole h says ho had a veryi ".l, H.".creHfior ' divide the money I try nm' who no'l tl'at the commuj . While In Corvnllls, w,Ul ,m- filing In this, h0 fire J lmont l,veroil at Sinai. "Thou iW tho Summer School for.8"0.1 ,0 ou" tho gunrd and stop thlnot K,enl1' PPPHcb to politics M Howell gt'iTi: a ma.v. nll.u ,.... .".""." V",nB J .....v ....,., iiMirii in inrou. Hnei. wenry graduates .,r ri.w...i... .... . be Jul- ,.niM.l .... i ...'''. "." ' I Pnwnll n ..- ..... . i ue class .: ,' " '"" " iwo lemons ...:: ".". " ""' " " 'w'ii n.i.i..i iue can win n game this season, Thel "" mu sjummer hciiooi ror,;T " ;"" l" Kunru and stoii r..,.u, ..sum eiiuroiors, then In ,,',,,;,', ""nroupon his comrade m nn I'll Mill nml tlim. .. . When the gurVrd V'; 7 Z mn grants wore In safety on (lermnn boys live so far npart that they -can- ""Porvlsors nnd educators, then In not tfot together for practice and 8e88l(1'" f't'io. The subject of his talk thore are tlnios when they cannot w.ns SuPerv,8lon ""J a Larger Unit . ini; ii.ii og earned text books. mo to. wjt, us ,,, 0V,.,.KIYt(11 , grow whoro only ono grew beforo.l a., , , ,1r.a,u "' 8- fust out In the iiibblHh heap. ii.m '"J'1 ,,u'n hnn'1 thorn both to you'.i.Tl!.0 ,",.8.e'nll excursion train the sentiment that the elasi nioti wh,,n 'nn nro nt looking. 'i the Coquille Valley loaves Marsh lgn fled nlso Mded out of the Hear I "o VOIfTTI "' "' n1, S",,dny- flip graduates? .o . .. l '','K'S l, . 7 ... evofi show mi for n enmn. Tii.- n..n.lor Adiulnlstratlon In tho School ni .. -" ..j ..'ir i.i . . . " ..... ...... I. mu: 111 ,-iu i eiu .Mr, ljunch attended the County School Suporln tendent's convention, and ns n mem ber of the state board of examiners assisted In grading tho papers of those who took the recent stnte ox nmlnutlon for teacher's certificates." sequontly show tl o lack of practice, I.. llOWIltt. "Don" .....I Johnson will probably officiate In m. What sort of n ninn 8l,worrowRnmos but what their ter- iuiv nu, uo huh not yet been dv I elded. for lZ ".. tin wi-ie roiinu, .u!wJ-sCusKnThr.,k,nd Y0U "" ':.""'".." . UHhl). Phone T2 Vnnti i.iverv .y Triinsfer f'i, ns to business." Photo finishing. Walker Sludfc UKVITtKl'L 51 lMIX'K set i CHINA. Ilon.l ileslim. GOLIJ ll.WW onlv coos h.w r.w STORK. HOT TA.MAI.KS nt 8ARTKUS'. PHKSKRVE your ROOF. Hail I ftlATKI). .1. T,. HRICK. Hot L .... ... ..... ii- riiiitiiiaKn..a ... . nieir life as It Is lived .h,v i,v ....I'Ti. . .. " .".""" " ",0 w' '": oeiiea the sentlineni imsi.xi o h. .' ..,, , " """ ""IW Willi n I Ml show you something great; ingly over tholr wi.i.,..,..,. .....'" i ' l "" " KWs; It's Just three solum" i Vol fi i ..... i ""Ids lake off your hats: now ready, no rooks dinner over ii inn at,.... ...... ... A class motto Is Ilk,. trumpet nm" "" "",t n,, v" -" . nuim- in,- ,,,u mio M1, , ,,lo , ,.....-: - Whnt Is the finest of all the ...nnv' ti, i .. " ln,, f'""0" "'-0"' " v in nuLlt'lt - 1 nn , .. ir rshflold" HRK'S AN INVITATION, STKVIJ: ,.... T I . "t. ;in.,;: irJI!;,,,,I lr"Kln ;:. -". i iniiiiiiiii, . (From Oram's Pass Pnnrinr i Here Is nn Item of Interest taken' . Till: NKW STOCKINtJS ARK .MOSTLY HOLDS I :y;l"V. .'3't'" -AiiouT nXiinaAn' ... Xiwl u .Mngiilfylni; V.lus" '.,. tC,'l, vlf Cn,,lf "" fr0,n Bnn" the peek-a-boo storkluea' Of ! 2" " ".. r,,,ny ,0 ,nok af,r ""! I nn .wi...." ,iT". ...... ..8.!...or 0's mntters connected with tii i...' from Dandon to I noon to mosquitoes, t" o peek-a- noisiery that Is about to twine its negligible filaments nbout shapely ankle nnd clnssle calf strikes the final chord. The Interstices nr flu. .w.b,. T A. . ' . I', vi...- w . uuos are uliiuit an Inch square, v ! and will stretch farther. Thev ) need no darning. You couldn't ! darn the darn thliu-a tnr. .i. . a , . ; ." "" ' .-! .- iii i u uaru tning to darn. 1 ho peek-a-boo stocking Is view at 230 West Tlilrty.nlnti. street. If Lady Oodlva had worn a union suit of It i posed railroad Grants Pns. Hy the way, we have not seen Move up this way for some time and 1 e Is overdue nt this moment. Rn'l-v-ny mngnntes nre always Interesting characters, no matter where von meet tlem. but when thoy take "the trouble to come and see you they're doubly go. rn .- i .... . .. ... ii" Here Is one int.. for "A.i ... ,'n.... ." n,t ",'g0,', l,or " lnln. ipera" (To .-... ,,.. .,V". ':. , '. "'"i'."ne innn from eonihiK thorns) wMel. i.t ,.,.. .;..,.. . ."'" "'M '" mr his niune? ' motto of Kiinsa, ' - wo would have been the same ladv .odlva wh. . .ule the famous ride A flJMOln" ii1,. . . . ., I.,. Mini. r icmi. t I 'I' .. .......A , . ... ,, ii . reaiiy no Making at nil I u necli-n-hnn unin iu ..i .. ...... ' A - .. . " - .1 . Illil l As n ennililnati.... r .. , '"" "". ""'rah. for the nurnle n.,.i T ol ""V" ll,sl'le It She who It ! "''wing. ,e,MI,. iZV !v . ?...w:h l.": .. I .."." mny. h'V,w "' "or hear. as nn evpitwslon of ideas in v, Jii- .' I ... . l".r n'c colors If ' I I ... ., ' "i't.1 " stockings nnrnses it u .i..... ..... ;v ." ' "iiiu ne jusr rmnt. i - zr'' "" "zsxajw u- ill defined, v , n ',; " ran,r. '"' tho height of earthly bliss for Thon again, It U f,y. ,l-al,8t,flt l-RN. WAM.ON. ' StmlT ,,0tr,,,r,n co'1 ... ,. , V "" "i"l llllK. ut others who look without the '1 ii ""'U.,B iook witnout the .-, . 1 "'' ,(,)f strl",B s.Iassos wl" know f , nothing nbout it. A. Tma1 ! LOST HIS .MlSTACHi:, IH'T CAINKI) A ItRlhr SPOKANE. Wash.. jy "gX juiiiui in jiny occidoiit meant -in early marriage for I). M. Mll'nne n I olk-emun of Spokane, in the ncel'. dent a large firecracker removed the major portion of his moustache, and I o wns compelled to shave the rest of It off. For months he lmi ni.i cDiirt to .Miss Wlnnlfred St. VlncW but she refused to marry a man with n mustache. The day following .,.. accident she visited Mlllane. and nt thnt time the marriage, acrenm..... as consumnted. Tho weddim- ,.. curred Monday at the hnnm f i.' Walker bride's parents. J Foto Finishing. Walker Studio. w Wash-Day a Pleasure J AVhen you nre provided with one of our asy Running asJlSIlP, Ibrhme rO,hil(1n,yfithehvo,best aiul most csv running nw clunes on the market. Large Lnmie of Wash Boilers Jujast Received . SEE OUR WINDOWS )JiSkM, Agents for llarley-Davldson nl Indian Motorcycles. w m ..iiw ', wi -J?'i sffigaiprvraffiKMB .