THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1912 EVENING EDITION. WITH TOAST AND TEA The First Addition To Marshfield Coke Bldg. Inique Pantatorium 1IR MODKRN DTKItfl. CLKANKR. riuuaKna m hat rknovatoiub stent (or tdwtrd B. 8traui A C. Not Tallorlnv Let ui rnak youi kit Suit. I OomrrvrcUl. Phone sno-X. (ou Auto Call Foote nioxi: m-J night and day Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OAKS After 11 P. M. Phone 6-J Reeldenco Phono 28-J Will make trips to CoquIHc. Ee Star Transfer and Storage Co. i prepared to do nil kinds of hnulin,: n short ootlco. Wc moot nil twins llld boat! and wn nlao hnvn tho lntfwr itylo Reynolds Plnno Mover. Wo uammco our work. t. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-H. 120-J. or 49-L. Wanted Quick A fchrpiril Inr.aln. t vlL- n wrgaln In two of Uio choicest lots on Ewuide. Fine view of liny and MiKiifiniii iii,.i. 1...1 'htlX. $I7B. ! S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front St. WANTED ! ! ! "UPHOLSTERING AND lorfc ?v " Ctonr". Orders for GOING HARVEY rilONK IDA 1 i. MONTGOMERY RealEstateand Insurance Lt North Prfttit H, Barnard & Laneworthv Metrical Contractors anil Supplies. 170 i "u, I81R. "rendu ay, next door to - """" "" Mnrlrrt st Sensible Shoe r. lU0 cn"ren is tho famous "SKUFFMi.. shoe. tt p or salo at Slferic Shoe Store Jw .... Marshfield. Wise Ones Reynolds Development Ownors OONKI-AOIIATION.l'ilOOr TOLICIM German American Insurance Ass'n of New York ASSETS .i. I. I.ll. lll.lLil I 21 Millions R. J. MONTGOMERY Resident I'AIIIONI.R AH Kill The Labor-Saving Fuel the kind that is always on tap, the brand that makes no ashes, the sort that leaves no soo. that requires no preliminary firing up, that is always ready. . Gas There are many kinds of gas ranges, gas water heaters and gas room heaters, We'll be glad to help you select the ones which will suit your needs, Just telephone 78 and ask for the New Business Department, Oregon Power Co. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKN.tY 8F.NGBTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl.o Phone 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal andents "EASTSIDF." Oeneral Ag Marshfield Office 14-J. Are Buying "While some of us are wilting for "something to hap pen" a few of those who don't "wait for their ship to come in," but go out and meet it, are quietly mak ing real estate investments. Make your opportunit.y. Buy now. Buy something and while you're looking for something good investi gate First Addition, the lowest priced first class property on the Bay. Only $300 for 50 x 120 foot lots and wc sell them on such terms that you can pay for one with your monthly savings. Located right less than 2000 feet south of the Fifth Street pave ment and right on its boulevard continuation. Lots arc sightly, sheltered and accessible now. You can't make a better buy in this city' of wonder ful opportunities than a lot in First Addition. The property is selling rapidly; let us give you a plat that you may make a selection while the choice 5s still to be had. ;s OVER I I Agent Marshfield, Ore. CAN CAPITAL Co. Tel. 160-J. Tiry Some A most dcllcnto nnd de licious nrticlo of food, sultablo for lunches nnd picnics. Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Co. Phono 73. Dolivcriea 8 n. m.; 2 p. rn. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD. nANDON. Money- Makers Deep Sea Turkey For Salo or Exchange A good business, paying big inter est on tho Investment, with 3 yeara leaso; rent ?50. Tho prico is right, tho terms right. Call nnd let us tell you about It. A Mghly improved ranch with stock, Implements and ' launch Included: C miles front from town. Price ?90 per acre; terms. A road house site, 100 per cent better than tho famous Cliff Houso site at Frisco, wtrh n natural covo for a salt water plunge; 100 x 150 in size; bal ance lovel and natural park on good nuto road; fresh watr spring for all hotel needsj a gonulno buy at 20Q0. French Realty Co. 315 U N. Front St. THE LOGGER Well, I used to read of loggers in tho Eastern story books, nnd I had tho fellers pictured kind o' like n pirate looks. Had o'm wearla' bushy whiskers, huntln' troublo on the street, pnckln' round n knife anC penvy, lickln' ev'ry guy they'd meet. Thought they nil was fiorco an4 savage, wcarln' corks in bull-hide shoes. Kind o' thought thoy'd cat a feller ns n Bide dish with tholr booz So I dodged around tho corner when I hit this Goldon West, ov'rjr time I Been n logger In them blue pajamas dressed. Didn't know a "Dluo Ridgo Tiger" was a peaceful sort o lad. Dldnt know a "North Coos Tommy" nlways kept from bein' bad. Dut I'vo sort o got acquainted, nnd I want to take their part for I find them logger fellers 'nlnt so bad down In the heart. Find they're not n huntln' trouble, hate a row with all their hearts, but, aro most accommodatln' when the other feller stnrts. I have long ago discovered that their word Is good ns gold nnd they have n code of honor that It neither bought nor Bold. Yes, I'vo changed my mind about 'cm, and I'm glad to call 'on "frionds," 'causo their rough and refdy manner with this Western Coun try blends, and I'm glad to soo tho loggers as they flot along tho street, for their good big-hearted manhood Is about the best wc meet. GOOD EVENING: ' It is easier to build a character than to sustain n false reputation. Once lot n tnnn's habits bo laid, and solidly laid, in truth, honor nnd vir tue nnd the moro tho man Is tried tho more he profits by it. Such men nrc revealed to tho world by misfor tunes. Tho troubles which threaten them only end in lotting people know how strong nnd rcnl nnd good they are. Henry Ward Dcecher. THE FIELD OF PEACE. I know where tho birds and grassos sing And tho daisies bloom like stars; And whispering nooks and merriest brooks Call over tho meadow bars; Whoro a dewy pnth winds through clustering vines, Whcro reddest strawborrlcs grow; And lips may cool In a shady pool Do you ask, Whereway? I knowl And tho swcot reward of a task woll dono Is to slip from tho mesh of men, To bid goodbyo to tho rciitlcns throng To wander beyond tholr ken. And out whoro tho fields and tho skies aro broad And tho daisies bloom Ilka stars. I roam nnd dream of a field of poacc, ' With tho world outsldo tho bars. SELECTED. There Is nothing in tho news dis patches to lncronso our hnnkoring for n balloon or any other kind nf an ' airship. Thoro aro somo men on Coos Dny, so groucny mat iney nnie 10 iook ai thcmsolvcs In a mirror. Sometimes peoplo who roll In wealth go fast when they hit tho to boggan. A COOS RIVER DITTY! 'So, IIoMi, So! There was a young girl who Bald "Wow I I can milk this cantankerous cow!" Sho grabbod two front teats And was kicked into bits Oh, whoro is tho poor young thing, now? THE HACIIELOR GIRL SAYS: - If you must flirt, girls, for hoav on's snko, flirt with something that you won't bo ashamed of If It should happen "to tnko" sorlously. Havo you noticed that' the women who are slighted when invitations to affairs aro sent out never go to tho Hlblo for consolation? Some Coos Dny husbands retain tholr' wives' affections by keoplng tho'hirod girls in a good humor. Among curious writings on grave stones in English churchyards, tho following Is a good one: "Hero lies tho remains of Dlshlp Lowe, A faithful friend, a bitter foe. Who shall pronounce now ho Is dead Whoro his unhappy soul has Mod? If to the realms of poaco and Joy, Concord no longer rolgns above. If ho has found a lower level All should commiserate tho devil." There aro men in Marshfield that tho same might bo written about without stretching the truth. "Even policemen cannot arrest tho flight of tlmo," remarked Frank Co han. "Oh, I don't know," rejoined Dob Graves. "I saw ono enter tho Pull- $100 Reward, $100 The readers efthts paper Mill be pleated lo learn that there is at least nne dreaded dUeaio that sclenie has been able to cure in all It. st.RO.and that la Calami. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only poklme cure now kuouii to the metllral fraternity. Calami belnu a com. stltutlonal disease, requires a innstltutlmial treatment. HaII.h ("atari h cure la taken Inter, nally, acting directly upon the blood and mil cotih kiirtarct nl tint kjeleni, thereby ilc.trolim the foundation of tlicdl.tai-e, ami uh Inutile pa lent Mrt-npth fn bulldlix up the ronnltu. tlon and atletl b imiure In iIoIiik Its work. The proprietors imt-o inueli faith In ft cur atle powers that they , ffer One Hundred Dol. lar for any rn.e that it falU to cure. Send for lUt of lestlconla s. K.J.fHKNKY A CO., Toledo, O Foli liv all IlrilKKits.7.V. Take Hal's' I'linillv I'IUk lor constipation fatf'S")!" $ nrnnicuco. .Al.lV,. nOH STANLEY. man this morning and stop a fai minutes." As for those Elks who walked 2207 miles to sco Portland It is to be hopod they won't bo disappointed. If they aro let them como to Coos Day. A Boston preacher says thoro arc 1,800 kinds of holl and ho novur rnado a trip over tho road to Rose burg, cither. Thoy'ro going to wonr 'em tlgU ns usual this autumn, girls. A! this talk about kilts and plaits Is it bo set at naught. If we aro give room to step without doing an lml tation of a thoroughbred who reach la limited by a hobble strap 'K will bo becauso wo havo 'om slnshefS up tho sides. Tho knights ot the ncedlo havo been in sosslon and have decreed that tho standing-room-only skirt shall remain a foaturo of fash Ion. Dut so much has boon said, why say more. Just keep your weather oyo on your droasraakor that sho docs not accomplish somcthlix too revealing, yon insist upon clos lines, for hobble, hobblo, hobblo la tho foreword In fall skirts'. It wai Oliver Wcndel Holmes who describ ed an afternoon tea as "Qlgglo, gob ble, gabblo git." Sonio wag has de scribed tho narrow skirt as "Hobblo. huddlo, hcadovor, hit." FELIX SAYS: What's tho ubo of goln' away from your homo for a vacation whon you enn get const or mountain weather nnd bcnutlful scenery at your own door at any tlmo If you'll make up your mind that you'ro having a good tlmo? TIGHT SQUEEZE FOR GRANDMA. Grandma tumbled in tho cistern. Geo! It almost kilt horl Now wo'ro half afraid sho can't Get through the pntont flltor. Scnttlo peoplo prcsontod a nogre bootblack wllh n gold medal. This Is Just ns 'n'pproprlnto as tho rocont presentation of a gold headed cano to a man Who had lost both his arms In n railway accident. UNEASINESS. Cattle nil has gono to rest, Hardly movo n-tall, Dronch, ho's nctln' mighty strnuge Puttln' up a stall. Moon 1b creopln' up tho sky, Llko n silver ball, Llghtin' up a hazy way For the stars that fall. Seo tho lights at "Lazy L", Whoro the dance is at, Couldn't got ncrost that way, All my hopes fell flat. 'Spect that good old pard o' mine's Got my gal in tow, Said he'd take good enro o' her, Cause I couldn't go. Det sho's wlshln' that I'm there, When them fiddles start1, Dot sho's shedtlln' hitter tears Way down In her heart. ' Wonder would thnt pard o' mine, Work tho doublo cross, When I couldn't got away, From our brnnd now Doss? DOD STANLEY. NEWS ITEMS. Androw Shnmpney of Yonkers, N, Y., has appealed to tho pollco to mako his wife stop hugging and kiss ing htm so much. A SHY DRIDE. Miss Violet Shy of Mishawaka, Wis,, was married July 9. THE SHANK SUNDAE An Indiana druggist has originated tho Shank sundao in honor of Mayor Shank. Horo aro tho ingrodionts: Ono measuro of Ice cream, any flavor of syrup, ono strawborry, and potnto chips around tho edge of tho glass iu which tho sundae is served. A Portland .woman Is suing for a (livorco because hor husband Jumped into n baby carriage. If tho wlfo of every Coos Day man who makes a baby of hlmsolf once in awhile should suo for dlvorco thero would bo a lot of grass widows horoabouts. Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Marshfield Paint, Hi"' H1 Have That Roof Fixed HOW See GORTEELL Tbofto'SISJ I)prrv.i.:.. WM. S. TURPEN Architect, 171 FRONT ST. 'PSW Mtu, W US "0. " Phone 140L Oregon