I H WOODWQ 11 Dan McCoy of Humboldt Coun ty Will Share in an Enor mous Fortune. EUREKA. Cal . July 11 Dan Mc Coy, a well known pioneer woods- man of this county, will shortly re- celve a large share of an estate vai- ued at 1 12.500.000 now being pro- bated In the English courts. The rost fortune was left by an Irish millionaire named Harris, who was an uncle of McCoy mother. It Is Tint VriAtrn va( tintr tca a Iiiia i9 the fortune McCov will r!v. but -..-.-., - . th.t .; who are batlngl! VI j ImIabai la ttiA m ft at a la a !... have written to him to come to Eng- nrXU ? ?,. Z, ht p- land. McCoy will not go to England P"? ?h? ill JJiden?! th.t ha." ,.i, i. I. -.-i, ... .....Z. ' feseor Lull that all evidence that has h?m to ro abw,Ute,r nMM84rr '".accumulated tends to show that the B -... t. ... . horse of today had Its origin it t w '. Q ,ui i . . he Ions extinct animals that once McCoy has known of his Interest roaraed tne expansive plains In tho In the vast fortune for over a year -rexas panhandle past, but has said nothing about It Discoveries of bones that are clas4 and It Is only through close friends lfIed ns belonging to the prehistoric that his good fortune Is now becom- horse have been mad from time to lng generally known. tme in this section. Not a great Coming here from Canada In 1SS0. wbIe ag0( jn opening a gravel pit McCoy has worked In practically all near Plalnvlew. the tosslls of an an. of the logging camps of Humboldt mal that scientists proclaim belons and Is one of the best known woods- to the equine species was brought to men In the redwood belt. light, and when placed together the It was through an article publish-' height of the skeleton measure mors d In The Eureka Herald about a than 100 hands. This relic of an year ago that McCoy first learned he, unknown past was brought to light was one of several heirs to share In by R. M. Irlck of Plalnvlew. The the J12.SO0.000 estate of his great-i bones of the animal were sent to the uncle, being entitled to his mother' Smithsonian Institute at Washing share. ' ton. Is Recojmlzed. The quarry now being exploited It Is thought that McCoy will re-1 turned out some rich finds in the way eclve bis share of the estate within of bones of these ancient monsters In the present year, a share estimated' 1S99. when the spot was visited and at between 1S00.000 and 21.000.000. considerable expedition work w:ts There are about fourteen heirs, all done by Prof. James W. Oldlcy. of whom arc distant relatives of the Irish multl-mllllonalrc. Harris I1ANDON RRIEFS. News Note of City-liy-thc-Sca Glenn- ed fmni the Recorder Charier nnnman mont ! days In Marshfleld last week, re- turning home Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Sorenien and son Lester, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. T. SUIllvan mad the tr'n tn Mir.1,. field Sunday In the doctor's automo bile. George Laird made the trip to nv n.i rMnrnt in m. rt.n,u the Bay and returneJ in his Flanders roadster Sunday. The Woodlann Tennis Club eel- ebrated the Fourth on the tennis court and report some fast playing with the racquet and sphere. C. G. Adams left on the Kllzn- beth Sunday. The Uandon people will remember Mr. Adams as a mem bor of the band here a few years ago. He has seen foreign and dom estic service as an army musician, amounting to twenty Ave years. Vic Iireuer returned last week from Garibaldi where he has been In the lite saving service for some time. Vie has been trnferred to the Uan don station anil will remain here per manently. His many friends are glad to see him back once more. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Carpenter re turned on the Flfleld from Southern California where they bad been spending some time. Mr and Mr. Carpenter are the parents of D W. Carpenter, and Carpenter and son nro proprietors the Racket store. Following Is the business done by the Dullard's Ferry during th month of May and June. For May 1475 passengers, 12 double rigs. $7 sin- Bio rigs. 19 auto. 2s saddle horses. 16 head of stock For June. 17" 4 passengers. 4tf double rlns. 61 single tr popular niusUal comedv. "Teetv rigs. 52 saddle horses, 37 auto and Vei " The scenery ued thU' 22 head of stock. .eveninic will be the same as tint (JET VOIR Bathing Suit U the F1XUP IION.V UATlllNCi THINKS Only 25c ROWS' UATHINfi SI ITS 75c to $1.00 MEN'S 1ITHI(. SI ITS $1.50 to $3.75 ISe Fixup rarshfield North Bend. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, HUNTING FOR G Scientists Find Enormous Ani mals When Digging in Quarries of Texas. SILVEHTON. Tex. July 11.-V hunt for giant horses, some of thorn measuring more than 30 feet tall, Ij now in progress In this part of the Texas Panhandle, Ranch peoplr are stirred up ov-r ,h excavation that has been started ' P n Prairie Dog Creek. jut norm oi aiivenon. oy an wpeuiwon of scientists sent out by Yale Un.- verslty. This party is headed by til..!... .... c braJ Plo?lonr of that Institution. IWlUil.U O Lull, professor of vertc itology of that institution. They are digging for the fossils of It ' the theory of Professor Lull that In the prehistoric time, when these galnt horses roamed the plains there was coincident with them a civ ilization of high standard In what s now New Mexico and Arizona. The ruins of the homes of these people are still to be seen In some parts of ,ne rli ,rR,0n nre bn dli- covered the evidence of extensive syi- terns of Irrigation. There Is nothing rlnlnK t this time to show from wh,at. "rc.e l.he W,a,Cir f?r the lrrl " mimm uuutiwvu There are good reasons for believ ing according to Profeosor Lull that these giant horses, which had a ,, l,,,"!,'? L'"'; r , domesticated by the people of that day and time, and were the chief means of them getting about from P'"ce ,0 ptll HOTEL ARRIVALS 4 CHANDLER K R. Bacon, San rrancisco: Mrs. V. Mason. San Fed- ro: .miss uazei Mason. San Pedro: Mrs. E. Houston. San Francisco; Miss M. Houston, San Francisco: Miss G. Wheeler. San Francisco: C. B Hlxon. San Francisco: L. G. Irwin, San Francisco: I. S. Prendergast. tieuiami. cam : v. a. uuei. san Frant-lseo ri?c? Wftili?- SeoCrlra 'w'iT ' ortland. ! BLANCO O. C. Pether. Glendale. ' DRSES Ore.: H. M Sibley. Wodderburn. Or: minutes from 7:15 a. m. until 12:30 t-oss of L. H. Helsner. and are pro Chas. Fitzhugh, Port Orford; Mrs. ; midnight Leave North Bena on pared to render exceMent service tc E Mullln. Random J. P. Johanson. me schedule, starting at 7 a. m the people of Coos Bay. Carefui Wedderburn: E. W. McCall. McMInn llle: S. Itownstone. San Francisco: F. G Unfard and wife. Eureka: Sol. Carter. Eureka: Miss Addle Durbar. 9-xn Fran Isi o. ; ; ; ; Ph VI-.. -r. ........ x...... ... r . ia will ..pen their engagement M, V e Oira llniit thu wHtnu 'n I .i7 , i tiniT-pi. ..IIISIIHI ioni i.i ..j ji.nn iitun nen n put Oil t this mm remedy at a high price K.Doxl FcraFnanri Inc.,.. i. .neies. 'mere are eighteen I.PmilA a .lik,llll k.at.a ll U I -. ,-.wr,. , M MHi.i .M iMi'iua Mil ni.I I prued The wardrol both varlei i and bt'auitful and changes with ench ! p! Spfcial scener will be used! Hlth tonight's performance OI'1'll.'IAI.S TAKE NOTICE. Government Fortt Mini Akn About Prize Kv-Plan. Attention of government forest -lfr-' partment employes has been attr.irt. el by the plan adopted by W. J. Ci nrad. evretary of the Coos County lire Patrol Association to interest the nhool children of the county In the matter of Are protection. Mr. i loarad recently launched a plan of offer.ng ca.h prizes for the best es- rre prot;tl,,uHb; th;rJh:o. children ot tne vounty It is eMdent that the Mheme Hill do much to arouse Inter-!" et on the subjt A few days ago Mr. Courad received a letter from tne upM-vior of the Trinity Nation ai roret in California, asking nc for detail of the plan with a Mew of tar- rjlng out a similar essay contest in that locality. PRESERVE your ROOF Hae It CO VIED. J. L. RRICE. Box 22 A TipKISH 11ATH GOOD. Phone 2I4J '111 do you T'-' T - :- m Wan' Vis The Sign, of Good Candy Always !Nrth News The Ladies Aid of the Swedish 'Lutheran church met at North Ben J this afternoon. . About twenty of the Presbyterian ladles enjoyed an excursion to Coos River yesterday. Mrs. Robert McCnnn visited her daughter Mrs. E. R. Hodson of Marshfleld yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dyler and three children left North Bend last Monday for a month's outing at Lakeside. - I panies u suumvui iauuua.c Mrs. S. J. Immel of Marshfleld was warrant the effort of coming to Coos a guest of her, sister, Mrs. R. D. Bay. Such is the statement of V. O Hhicombe on Meade Avenue yester- Pratt who is the manager of the Ma day. grnlo Opera House in this city. The Zlnn Travesty company has come here The Methodist Episcopal Sunday! from Eureka to play at the Masonic school will hold a picnic at tho home j Special rates were secured on trans of Professor Raab on Kentuck Jnlet portatlon and It will be possible for tomorrow. .other companies playing In Eureka to make this city under similar ar-' Mrs. P. McCann of Portland ar- "nImenvt',5rov,d,lne t L5."r,X S.l rived on the Breakwater yesterday he Marshflcd people show sufriclen for a visit with her sister. Dr. Bird I0"5 t0 Slve Patronage which Mil B. Clarke of North Bend. warraiJ5 the companies coming this , far. The manager of one of the the- The crew of men Vho have becn,nlrs ot Eureka came here with the j working on the waterfront road be- company today to look Into the local tween Marshfleld and North Bend, situation. As to whether or not the are now below the Stave mill and companies playing on the Eureka clr hope to put the road through In a.cjt will b? regularly brought here very short time. ' w'" depend upon the Inclination of . tho local theater coers. fr .Yntin TVa1iitwI nnil il-iticlv tor ti.n tn,irn,i nnA ufi .,,( Clifford Freelund who havo boenurdnv and Sunday evenings with a visiting for several days with rela-: change of program each night. tlves on North Inlet. returned to North Bend yesterday. AMONG THE SICK . Mrs. R. K. Booth who has been1 111 at Mercy hospital Is Improving, j V J. Murnhv of the Smith milt I Is laid up with a severe injury to his' hand sustained while at work the' other day. 1 Mrs. R. H. Olson, of Empire, whot has been seriously III. is reported somewhat improved today. . Mrs. Chapman of Portland who Is visiting her sister Mrs. Geo. D. Man-' dlgo of North Bend Is reported very 111. Her life has been despaired of and her brother, Frederick Krlbs, of Portland with whom she makes her home and his two sons have. been summoned to her bedside. Greatest MUSICAL COMEDY ever In Marshfleld. MASONIC. Thursday. YOU CAN CURE THAT BACKACHE. Pain along the back, dizziness, head ache and general languor. Get a ' package of Mothc Gray's AROMAT-, IC-LEAF, the pleasant root and hero euro for all Kidney. Bladder and l'.-j ' inav troubles hen you feel all run down, tl cd wvn& nau niiiioui enercv tin thi rm.iritihi onmh n 1 atioi of nature's he bs and roots. As a regulator it has no equa!. Mo. ther Gray's AROMATIC-LEAK Is sold by D ugglits or sent by mall for 50 ; cts. Sample sent FREE. Address, th Mother oar ro I.e Rov. N Y. Mshneld & North Bend Auto Line GORST tf KING. Proprietors. Cars leave Marshfleld every 45 until mmnignt. see Saturday Times for schedule. . WT A MTrn I I I WAN I LD ! ! ! ..'VlXH?T5TERIXO AYP I.I..W.-. iw i.i.r..i,i, uj- ini- i-nen "Mf:"'B votn Orutrs for - .. .n. .. ... GOING HARVEY PHONE 100 R. J. MONTGOMERY i-ui UOIUICUIIU IIIOUI QIILt. 1n1 North Front gtrw Barnard & Laneworthy Klccirlcnl Contractors and Supplln PHONE 18I-P , i70 Ko iim'i.r'B r I1'" ho- r,wny. J nl"n '" next door to MnrkM. Mrcf Aneikl QU,!i lYIOSt OenSlDle OilOe For the children Is the famous "SKUFFER" shoe For sale at TL - Fni- CU Ci H R- n,RD n- CLARKE, I flC LlCCtriC bhOe M0re'USnecMIUt In Nerve am H0 - .... Marshfleld. - i- " ' CAirB rK A H. HODODrt V a w . ' iTiarsnneia Famt S r. , 2 r w' CVUI dllllff KjO. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phono UAL Orrzror I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman : .111 North Front St. Bus. Phone 298-X; Res. Phone J66-J Try The Times' Want Ads. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1912 'PROMISE MOD" ; ATTRACTIONS I Theatrical Companies Will Come to ML'fsm'ieid Regularly. Marshfleld has the opportunity of securing some cood theatrical com- ' TVia 7lnn f.Amn.nf wilt nnn.np fit i the Masonic Thursday, Friday, Sat A MC 4.MM Willi... " .,','a. w "Ecrj lK)d)'i Dolti' It." What'.' I Going to see the DANCING GIRLS ni the .MASONIC THURSDAY night. imwrnu Tk.n1,V(iri,.M . "".f.c?:"f. hf ' i?,?.l Jfte AwniV Co. Don't forget rue PHONE SI4J. Turkish Batbt. Money-Makers For Sale or Exchange A good business, paying big Inter est on tho Investment, with 3 years lease; rent $50. ThJ price Is right, the terms rlgb: Cad and let us tell you about It. A highly Improved ranc'j Mth stock, implements mil launch Included: 0 miles fnn: from town. Price $90 per acre: terms. A road house site, 100 per cent better than the famous Cliff House site at Frisco. wh a natural cove for a salt wafr plunge: 100 x 150 In size: ba. ance level and natural park on good auto road: fresh wt.T spring for all hotel needs: tt genuine buy at $2000. French Realty Co. ai.1a N. Front St. ' Blanchard's I i vpi-v UlcUlUalcU U b LAVGYy We have secured the iiv. hum. ' anvers. good rlcs and everything , that will wean sanstactory service tr the public. Phone us for a driving lh."?.' r,B or anything needed 1c 'be ,,vy n. We nUo do truck ng business of all kinds. RL.NCHARD IIROTHERS , Phone I.1K-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 1 11 Flrt and lilor Streeln. t. A Modern Brick Building. Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS C. A. METLIN. Prop. Rates- hO cents a Dsy and Upwrrds Cor Broaaway and Mai kit. Marshfleld. Oreeon "iva and repair work ....v .u,.uti mm vinuiint , We are prepared to do this work i by the day or contract and cuarnntna 'satisfaction. Let us figure with you n c .,. .. G. S. i'l.ux l .V iu, Phone 31-J Marshflp'd Or? ; PROFESSIONAL 0IRECT0R na spinal 'ase. Office. Room 2, Marshfleld. Office Rogers Hours House 2 to 5 none ll-u n- J- HENDRrs Modera Dental Parlor.. r... Tve are eauiDtved tn An hi.k ... work on short notice at the rep lowest prices. Examination fre Lady attendant. Coke building, oppi dte Chandler notel, phone 112-j. J. W. RFA'NUTT, Lawyer. me over Flanagan Bennett Ban) farsh field Oregor. DR. J. T. McCORMAC, Pnyslclan and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. )fflce Lockhart Building. Opposlt post office. Pbone 105 EVENIMU EDITION. It's a wise head that wears a Stetson Hat and Benjamin Clothes "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing (Sh Shoe Co. Bandon. Marshfleld. I THE FRIEND S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH W1HKLE88 SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND THURSDAY, JULY 1 1, AT 9 A. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK HOAI) AT PORTLAND NORTH TACIIIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44. O. K. McGEOHGE, Act Steamer Washington Will Sail Prom San Francisco for Coos Bay Monday Evening, July 8 WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT K. S. DOW, ARcnt. FAST AND Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELI.HS AND SUIIMAIIINU DELI. SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY Saturday, July 13, At 1:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 44. a p, MiGEOROh, Aso EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALU AYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK. PORTLAND. AT O A. M., JIM' 2nd, oih, no,, 10th, "in, and 20th. FROM MARSHFIELD AT TUB bhllWCi: OF THE TIDE, JULY (Ith, 11th, 10th, 21st, Sfltli and 81 Phone Main 321-1. J c MILLERi Agent. COOS BAY.ROSEBUXG STji OB LINE. Umeetoeconnio,.0ruuflhe1'1 eVfry raornlDB nt C "aches Roieburf b Rm.duk.ts?) mlhn,VeD,nK,tra,n for Portland. Stage also leaves evening. morn,De t 6 o'clock and reachea Marshfleld o c p. tZZ'ToZ911'00' Cood meaU cn rou,e- OttO Schpttpr .nnnl inn -...! i .., 1,f ti.v.i. w i "v"v T'rfcf can be obtained City Auto Servi ce Good Cars. Careful Drivo n '"asonaDle charges. Our motto: c. i R"nywhere at any time." S'ands- Blanco Hotel and Blnnco , Cigar Store. Day Phones 73 and 46 Mght Phone 46. ' DARKER fl GOODALE, proprietors ) Anywhere, Any Time Careful Driving FISHER AITO SERVICE WM. FISHER. Pron I Phone orders to Hlllyer's Cigar 1 SI0.1- rhone 1S-J. After 11 P. t ! Phone 5 -J. Marshfleld. Orer.on Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE several good bargains' In Farms and ; . .lu' Property. -M-U. Jj'KlZBEN. v.r,!, ,AttS Ce,1,ra Ave. .Marshfleld. n Oregon ""'' i ".-n.fc. OK COOS UAY' Ocean Dock. COMMODIOUS - -nurKei Avenue, im at Hlllyer'a Cigar Store. J We Have Been Successful In buying a large stock of flf1 class Electrical material and tti give our patrons a very low prl on house wiring. Get our prf" you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J TiTe Star Transfer and Storage Co. j U prepared to do all kinds ot baulWj 8hrt notice. We, meet all wJJ and boats and we also have the ? i .v;t ;""? . ";""":. m guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, P Try The Time' WBrAd int Ads. Phones 9S-R, 120-J, or 49'u - Tr fr - &!& !-"-- J... 4-