THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION. - 1 r. Special Low Prices On House Furnishings This is the. sonson when vc close' out all odd pieces of furniture, all short lengths of Draperies, remnants and small pieces of Linoleum, odd Dishes n fact all doparltneiits have clearances to offer at great sacrifices. SSKu 20 Per Cent Off J Odd I Icilsleads, al ' 20 Per Cent Off fgjJL..3fiU. S 20 Per Cent Off 3:i LSBnS Wl '11" Pssw?ai5 5W ':".n'ds: 20 Per Cent Off fe !?!,& 20 Per Cent Off L . . 5)111 Less ilia n C vard lei iul lis TA D. TmI-A-Ff 'II ,.f Draperies, at. ....... &V " r Lent Oft BARGAINS IN RUGS Every reduction we make is a genuine reduc tion, and a saving of that much to each custonio- Perry & Nicholson 4 ' iti II li I If IP' 11 Iff C?wJ?TTCrMMTHwrr-yiiiCTiaiaaJOwi nwimwn Depend On Us For Your Medicines Your doctor will never have the slightest cause for complaint about the ay we fill his prescrip tions. He will praise the fidelity and exactness with which wc folio; his directions, and the pure, fresh quality of the drugs we use. But our medicines are net more satisfactory than our prices. It is this combination of high quality and low prices that has built up our business. We sell many very good, ready-prepared remedies for different ailments. Are you troubled with corns? We can give you a positive remedy for their painless removal and cure -REXALL CORN CURE. It relieves and cures the roost stubborn and painful corns and bunions. It is absolutely painless and sure in results. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. ;Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. 'THe Busy Corner" PUmir -IIIMIIY CUO WANT ADS. h FOR SALE Street's Household Furniture Any dining room, pnrlor, bedroom or kitchen furiilttiro for snlo ploco by piece. Chcnp. STHKKT AT CHA.VIM.nit HOTEL. SNAP -Good minis Iiiii-iicsh mill bug gy, at n bargain If taken nt once. Seo W'uUor, tho drny tiinn, or ad dress F. W. Vnwtor, Mursliflold. "TEeRexallSfre" US IIAIIO'AI.V If tnlson nt once. Tluco lots on corner, nnu Mock from North Hend High School, $800. Inquire TlnicB office. roil PLAIN oi fiiiicy sewing, call on Mrs. Vnn Vleot, 230 Market nvo. Houso drosses u specialty. PERSONAL NOTES FRANK SMITH loft this afternoon for Ton Mllo. on tho Alllanco nftcr a flvo months' visit with friends. COOS 11 V TIDK8. Mol w Is given tho tlmo and 'eight of high nnd low wator at Mursliflold. Th Udos arc plnccd In tho order of occurronco, with tholr times on tho flrst lino and holghtB on tho lec oiid lino of each day; a comparison of consccutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low wator. For high wntor on bar, subtract 2 hourB 34 minutes. Onto. July. 11 Mrs. .5.33 12.33 4.G2 11. Ai, Ft. 0.3 3.5 3.7 C.T 12 Hrs. .C.32 1.31 C.03 0.0 Ft. 0.5 3.S 3.8 0.0 13 lira. .0.41 7.25 2.27 7.00 Foot .7.0 1.1 4.3 3.(5 14 Hrs. .1.35 8.15 3.15 8. OS Foot .7.2 1.4 4.8 3.3 - 15 Hrs. .2.28 9.03 4.00 9.04 Feet .7.2 1.5 5.2 2.9 LOCAL TIlMI'rcnATUItK ItU- PORT. For twonty-four hours ondlng nt 1.13 n. in., July 11. by Henj. Ostllnd, special govornment mo- toorologlcnl obscrvor: Maximum 03 Minimum 51 At 1: 13 n. m 53 Precipitation nono wind northwest; clonr. Will Itiillil Goo. Cook Is nlnnnlng to erect n now buiiBnlow on his Fern, dale lots. W. P. Mt'RPlIY is milking n business trip to Hnndon. MRS. . E. MAJOR wns In this morn ing from Day City. ,t ... 11. K. HESSHY Is In town today from tho Coos Hny crenmcry. NEIL WATSON, of Coos City, Is a Marshllcld visitor today. F. E. ALLEN loft today for tho Co (liilllo Valley on business. 12. A. ANDERSON left on tho Urou wutor today for Portland. MISS NORA TOWER will loavo shortly whoro sho will enter tho University of California at tho op ening of tho year. FRED GEHRKE has returned from n business trip to Snn Francisco. MRS. GEO. DOWNING, of Eustsldc. wns shopping In Marshllold todny. MRS. EMILY McFARLAND of North Inlet Is a Mnrshflold visitor today. V. A. W1CKMAN of Coqulllo was n business visitor In thcclty yesterday. MR. AND MRS. D. O. KEN YON, of Ton Mllo, were Mnrshlleld visitors yesterday. J. W. GARDINER returned today from a business trip to tho Co tiulllo Valley. W. J. CL'LHEUTSON has roturnml from Coqulllo whoro ho has bon on a short visit. Will Gli Party. Miss Hsthor Sul-i II vn n lniH Issued Invitations for 't party to boglvon Monday, illy 15. I.ocnti' hi Mnrsliflcld. Mr. Mor- . row, who arrived recently from SU- son. Call., has taken a position with j tho Mat; n ok &. Mutsoii store. I MRS. J. A. HLATT and bnby enmo down from Coos Rival' this morn lug to spend tho day. MAY PREUSS expects to lenvo soon for Uorkoley whoro hIio will outer school this fall. Rcglnx Residence Pat Tully, tho' contractor, commenced work today' on tho now resldonro of Dennis Mc-' Cartliy on South Fifth street. FATHER KEEVENEY. of llandon, Is visiting In Mnrshflold ns the guest of Father Monro. Will Give Picnic Tho Mnrshflold High School Alumni Is pi ruin lug n moonlight ildo for Saturday even ing, July 20, nt Jordan's Covo. CicIh New Auto I). C. Grcono, mnnngor of tho Oregon Powor Co,, hns a flno 7 passenger Overland auto coming on tho next nrcnkwntor. M. C. HORTON returned from Ilnn doii this afternoon where ho htm been on business. Plan Picnic Tho ladles of tho First Ilnptlst church nro contemplat ing u plcnlo Wednesday, July 17. Particulars will bo given nt n lutor dnto. Moulin- Meeting. Tho II. Y. P. U. will hold n business meeting mid bon 11 io pnrty at tho homo of Mrs. Daisy Anderson at Hunker Hill Friday ev ening, July 12. Ruby IHcd Tho Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Totton of Flag staff dlod last ovcnlng. Tho funornl took placo this afternoon from tho G, W. Dungnii undertaking pnrlors. MISS CATHERINE DYER, of Dau . lnls Crook, Is In tho city us n guest of Mrs. Chniiibors. .MISS AGNES 1IUTCIIESON returned on tho Alllanco from Eureka whoro sho hns been visiting with her brother, James Hutcheson. MISSES RUTH DUNGAN and Ado laldo Clarke left yesterday for Sumner where they will bo tho guests of Miss Wllda Harris. MISS GERTRUDE MORGAN, Mr. Ross and Mrs. Mntthlson were among tho Indies from Ton Mllo shopping In Mnrshlleld this week. ANDREW McCLELLAN who has been visiting relatives on tho Day for tho past several weeks loaves for San DIogo next Saturday on tho Rcdondo. MRS. PARKER enmo down front Kontuck Inlot (odny to visit with her sister, Miss Annlo Smith, for n couple of days nftor which sho will return to her homo nonr Loon Luko. MR. AND MRS. II. E. SHINE, of Co qulllo, have moved to Empire to spend the Summer. Lnter they ex pect to romovo to a cottngo at Mussel Roof, near the lighthouse, for n few weeks. MR. and Mns. J. II. MARTIN of Creswoll, Ore., arrived In vln Drain yesterdny to visit nt tho homes of tholr son nnd dnughtor, Chns. Mnrtln nnd Mrs. L. M. Tozlor, la West Mnrshflold. T. J. 11UFORD, mnnagor of tho Mnr garot Thoator of Eureka, Coll. n In tho city with n vlow of looking over tho local sltuntlon. if ho llnds Mnrshflold n satisfactory theater town he mny nrrnngo o bring companies to this city. MRS. NELLIE A MORAN loaves to day for her homo In Watortown, South Dakota, Mrs. A. Abbott and grnnddnughtor, Miss Glonda Johnson, will accompany hor as far ns Salom whoro they will visit for three wcoks with a sister nnd two brothers. CAPTAIN nnd MRS. L. O. MASTERS of Sumner lenvo for Romoto on a camping trip soon. MISS RLANCHE LANDRITH. of North Coos River, wns a Marsh llold shoppor yestordny. MISS ELNA SELANDER of Catch ing Inlot wns a guest of rolatlvcs In Mnrshlleld yesterday. MRS. W. A. REID and chlldron liavo loft for a month's outing nt tholr homestead on South Inlot. PROF. REGGS returned todny from Coqulllo where ho hns hoen In tho Interest of his dancing class. NED C. KELLEY loft- horo this after noon for his homo In Coqulllo nft or a short slny on tho liny. MRS. W. E. DUNGAN nnd her gueit. .miss Hunt, enmo down from Com River this morning nnd loft on the nftcrnoou train for n short visit at Random Miss Hunt will leave on the Rcdondo for Snn Frnnclsco ami from thoro will go to Alameda to resume hor position In tho schools of thnt city. MRS. J. T. CHAMBERS nnd dnugh tor nrrlved horo todny from Graf ton, Call., nnd nro visiting Mrs. Chambers' aunt, Mrs. S. 11. Cnth cart. Whllo In this vicinity Mrs. Chambers will visit hor brother. C. C. Ilrldges. of Coos River, and hor slstor, Mrs. Walter Ranch, of Loon Lake. If hns been twonty three years since Mis. Chnmburs loft Coos Ray and sho senrccly recognized Marshflold for the snmo town. AIiiiiiiiI .Meeting. A mooting of tho four-year High School Alumni Association was hold last evening nt tho homo of Miss Marjory Cowan fo.' tho election of officers and other business. Will meet nt Store All tli'oso who wish to attend tho bonllro party at Hunker Hill tomorrow evening, will moot at 'tho corner of Connor nnd Hoagluud's storo on South Hrondway at 8 o'clock. Will Know SooiiT E. G. Porham Is In iccelpt of a tolegriun from Mod ford stilting that tho argument In tho Injunction case In tho bridge contract In which ho Is Interested was argued li) court yesterday mid a decision Is expected soon. New Night Wucli Goo. W. Artls formerly Stownrd of tho Motor Ilont MRS. FRANK ROGERS, of Coos RIv or, Is visiting with her mothor, Mrs. E. A. Cotfolt, nt North Dend. MISS EMMA SCHNIEDER of Myrtlo', Point returned from Eurokn, Cal WILD HLACKHERRIKS for Sale fiOc gal. Phono your orders W. C. Lund, Formlule. FOR SALE Newsstand, confection ery nnd lco cream business in good thriving town; paying proposition, For particulars nddroBs Opportuni ty, care Times. EXPERIENCED stenographer mid compotent office girl wishes posl ' tlon. Phono 140-J. FOR RENT Nice, .bright rooms. $1.50. $2.00 and $3.00 por week. Enqulro 190 Second St, l-'Olt RENT IilglithousekeepiiiB rooms over Times olllco. arties Desiring Monuments Erected i ,-,- Would do well to cull hi AC1FIC MONUMENTAL WORKS Soutli Broadway and make solec tion from the largo stock now on liand. Alp. Wilson lias in his employ the only practical marble and granite fitter in Coos County. And none hut tho host work is turned out. "7j ti?,. fttL-Ta; r "tzZisvsi. trkl'n Z, "iwLU i Wrt ! WANTED A saleswoman. Apply botwoon 7 and 8 In tho evening at 250 Front St. WANTED EK'rienced dry goods man desires position on const- ns manager and buyer; best refer ences. Address "Huslness," caro Times. LOST Rlcycle. Pnrty having Iro quois wheel Is roquestod to bring snmo fo Tunes office Reward. Pique Panhrfn, i?6nn' :,,wwnum Bia'SHW.. T- ktoV.K?. "AT RRKOVSa iii ...' -ward k o. ----w,.!. hii-uin airaiui St Ca raak youi I'hnae 2.10-X Marshfield Cyclery UICYCLES FOR RENT Phone 13H-R. 172 No. nrondwiiy. HARGMN SM.E Kt liorsejwer auto for $450; first-class condi tion; fully equipped: cost new $3000; will sell for $450 on e.viy terms. John L. Koontz Machine S'iop. North Front street. Phono IS 0-J. WANTKD Molinlr. wool nnd cas earn hark. Apply to Honry Seng stnekon. nt office of Title Gunr nnteo Ahptrnrt Cn. 11UY NOW. Some choice lots In NORTH BEND rnn bo had at a very reasonablo price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO . First National Club of North Rend has boon tem porarily appointed night olllcor In North Hond to (111 tho vacancy occa sioned by tho resignation of A. II. McKay. Hridogrooin" Coming Leo Fuller Is expected lu on tho next Hroak wator. His marrlago to Miss Ada Chapman, who for some tlmo has been un elllclent teacher In tho Mursliflold schools, will take placo Wednesday, July 17. E. W. Schrock 111 E. W. Schrock. tho proprietor of tho hotel at Em plro, nnd a well known resident of Coos count-, has been sorlously ill at Mercy hospital for soveral days. It Is feared that Mr. Schrock may have to submit to a surgical operation OrtleiiMl Out of Town Marshal Carter is rounding up so mo of tho i'Sons of Rest Club." nnd ordering I them out of town. Soma of tho high I ofllclnls of that organization became ' qulto Incensed at bolng ordered away) and so have been stored In bohind tho bars until they got ready to go to work or leave. J lies Company Coming. Manager j Lomnnskl, of tho Royal thoator, 'sj in reeo'jit of a letter from Mnnngor Mondo, of tho Margaret lies Com-' pnny, old tlmo Coos Hny favorlt03, saying them hnve Just closed a suc cessful engagement ut Klnmnth Fa'ls and nro on their way to Coos Hny. ' They will probably opon nt tho Royil Saturday night. INVESTMENTS THAT WILL- HEAR INVESTIGATION. Six room houso and two lots on south Fifth street $:!fii Six room houso nnd flvo lots on Tenth streot i!."S0f) Two choice rostdonco lots on South Fourth Btreot, near Ingorsoll $1100 Two lifts on Hrondway, nonr Hall nvenuo SU'JOi) Two lots on Second street, nonr Hnll nvenuo $2200 rwo iois on Second street, I near Hall nvenuo $1 (!()) ou x iuo on Hall avonuo, near Second streot ijsiflot) ii x iu resiuonco cornor on Commercial avonuo 9 7.10 Choice residence lot on Con trnl nvenuo $m.V) Two lotn on Second streot, near Golden avonuo 82200 Eight room house and two lots la Eastsldo $1700 20 acrefl on Catching Inlot. nil good bottom hind, undor cnl- tlvntlon; per ncro ij; 200 20 ncres of first c'nss lovol bonch hind, nnnr Eastsldo; per aero , , , ,s (to HAINES REALTY CO,, '18C nroadway South. Clinnge Territory E. C. Paddock who for tho past threo yours has boon representing tho Raker & Hamilton Hardware compnny of Snn Francisco In tho Coos Hay territory, rocolved notlco today of his promotion to tho Snn Jobo territory Jn California. Ho will bo succooded horo by Mr. notil tman who will arrive from San Fran cisco in a fow days. Mr. Paddock will romnln long enough to intro duce his successor to tho trade' During his residence hero, Mr. Pad dock nnd his estimable wife lmv mndo ninny friends in n social wfly who will lonrn with n genuine regret of tholr departure. Mr. Paddock, Is popular with tho trado nnd his busi ness friends whllo sorry to seo him go will rojolco In his good fortune nnd wish him continue success. Tho bnnkor says not all who auto ought to, hut tho socialist changes It to not nil who ought to auto. Rifular Price 55c fr r af ill USi Miiv Locate Here. II. J. Pnlmnr. tho well known piano mnn of Med-' ford, Is In tho city. Mr. Pnlmer Is ploasantly romembered by t!io ninny friends ho made during tho tlmo ho conducted i( branch house In Marsh flold and t'loy will ho glad t6 know I that ho contemplates locating horo )n tho future. Mr. Palmer Is an entor prlslng business man and would bo n ' welcome addition to the commercial circles of Coos Hay. Advsrlbcd la woman's magazlaM You Will U80 "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Utensils always, if ono bucIi utensil la placed in your homo so tho manufacturers believe. That is why they sacriflco their profit nnd wo cut ours in two. on this one-quart wf Saucepan, which is yours r at tho Special Price, 'Jvt Replace utensils thawaV out with utensils that "Wear-Ever" Pioneer Hardware-Cop 330 North Trout St. Poisom Oak Cured by using Der 10I, or money hack; 90 in every 100 cases cured by Derinol. Try Some D sp TWk Sea W A most delicate and de licious article of food, suitable for lunches and picnics. Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage. Co. Pbonq 73, Deliveries 8 a. m.r2 Ji. hi. JS m n i ill