The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 11, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    It is always safer b sure or yourself than of a hundred other people
Will Keep the Income from Voor
Fnrnlsticd Rooms from Lp1jijJ
YOU can roully help tlw ftnlly
rovonueo by renting a fow Xuralnhsd
rooms and, It you know how sind
when to ubo tho classified columnj,
you may keep that Uttlo extra Income
as "nteady as a clock."
the Market" Kffcctlvelyl
t. -HI nut tho facU about your
tt-S bSore 'ho eyes or all "poa-
ffbuyor-?' lu town. And If
iff on" of thorn who ought to
own . uu
Tjntnbllshed In 1878
M The Const Mali
A Consolidation of Tlmrw, Const Mall
nnd Coo ny Advertiser.
No. 307
Frank 0. Gray Gets Out of Jail
and Will Look for Ethel
1 Metcalf.
Prank O. dray will coullnuo hlu
Hcnrch for tho missing Mctcnlf girl
Lcral Manager Tinkler Did
Not come uui ib ucuiuu w
Portland Conference.
lot Known How Long the Con
struction at mis enu win
Be Held Back.
funeral Manngor Tinkler of tho
dllroad contracting firm of MacAr
hur Dros. nnd Porkfl company, did
lot arrlvo In tho city today nB wna
iDcctcd. insieau oi tui"b " ", -- "
ay ho has gono to Portland whoro according to tho following from tho
' .. . . .AHrnMnrn with TCflf?! ttian1inrir Ttnvlnu.
per Hooy. It In Bad tlint tho South- "Aftor thrco wcoks' Incnrnntlon In
L. n.Mdo ima docldod to mako Bomo tho county Jail. Frnnk O. Gray, nc-
ihnnees In tlio grades between Coob msed of mulcting Mra. Carrlo Sot-
uuubv" . .i ii. i nnlliltir. ii 1..1.1.....1 .. tnr.n ....... -
lll bo dono until this matter hna lonscd thlu afternoon on tho pnyment
ccn adjusted. Mr. Tinkler instead of $22ri hall monoy hoiu hero hy hln
f coming to Coos liny wont direct ( hrnther nt PlttHhurg, Kan. Ills trlnl
ora San Francisco 10 ronuuiu iu,wiu noi uo cnuou uniu couri meow
nfer with Mr. liooy. no oxiiutm next jNovomiior. in 1110 mcniiiimo
bo hero Inter. I Gray will search for hla missing
tnii hnw much of n dolay will bo Hwoothcnrt, Ethel Metcalf, who was
ecasloncil by tho chango of plans for nbdurtcd from Oakland two wcoks
he Krado Is not known but It wan ngo. Ho bellovcB sho wiih taken to
nderstood todny In North Rend tlint, Portland and ho will lonvu for that
o moro clearing was to bo dono un-' city tonight."
I tho changes In tho grnuo woro tio
ded upon.
Engineer Here.
Knelncer Hrouchton of tho Snutli-
rn raclflc who nrrlvod In tlio city on
ho steamer Ilrcnkwator ycRtoniay(
eft this morning on a inp over mo
lcht of way. Ho would not give
I ut any Information an to mo pur
ma of his visit hut snld ho might
omoback this evening or mlglit go
n oyer tho lino to Eugene. Slnco
l ln-irnpil nt North Ilolld todny I
hat Mr. Tinkler had boon called to'
oriiami bocniiHo or tho cimngo in is on Program to Speak at Pa
cific Logging Congress at
Seattle -This Month.
Ihs trades It Is HunuoHod tlint Mr,
" " . ..
BroiiRhton's trip over tlio lino linn
ometlilnc to do with that mnttor.
Tnnhy llrotlii'is Rusy.
Tho Eiikciio HcfilHter snva: "Two-
py mothers hnvo cstalillslioa n
Jack Moreen of tho C. A, Smith
compnuy of this city, will bo ono of
tho Bponkora at tho Pacific hogging
1 II. n..l.ln lltlAHfn
tWO rtu" " l'l-r un iiiu nuiijuLi, riuimu
amp at tho west portal of tho Noll ",0 "Pomcon. ai iiiu ' '''
unnel nnd will start a big forco of CngrosH which will bo ho ,1,1 nt .Son
un to boring Into tho mnunlnln,o 2R to " M.r: 5 LVi
om tho est enlrnnrn. WlHi two nd it paper cm tho aubjoc t. "h ectrl
Iutnts working toward cncli other In , '"KK'K. no w rnu.i -ho
mountain It will not tako so long ' Prosontatlves of tho olcrlrlrnl corn-
put tho big linlo through tho back
ono of tho Coast rango.
panloH when tho exporlinonts woro
...... 1. 1... .1.- O...I.1. lln....H
I lllliuu nuru uy iiiu niuiui-i -unvin
company In oloclrlo logging. Mr,
Moreen wiih nmnng tho Ilrst to tnko
up tho oloctrlcnl work nB appllod to
logging nnd r well qualified to talk
on tho aubjoct which has boon as
signed to him.
Tho program for tho Congress lias
boon rocolvod In thla city. Sovornl
of tho logging oporntora from thla
locnllty wJU nttond tho mooting. Tho
' Congross omhrnccs In Its mombor
slilp oporntorfl of California, Oregon.
I Washington, Idaho, Montnna nnd
Urltlslt Columbln. Tho objoct is tlio
Arrival and Departures Make
Much Activity in Shipping
Circles of Coos Bay.
Klvo Inrgo pasRongor and freight
stcamors woro In Coos Hay nt tho
aamo time today, which ninilo moro
thnn the usual nctivlty In shipping
circles. Tho Hreakwatcr, which ar
rived yesterday, departed this nftor
iioon. Tho stenmcrH Nnnn Smith, Hc
doudo nnd Washington all arrived
from San Francisco nnd tho Alllnnco
came In from Kurckn. None of tho
vcbhoIb brought nny railroad con
Rtructlon mnchlnery but nil had largo
shlpmcntB of freight and good pas
senger lists.
IU'doudo From South.
Tho Itcdondo crossed lu enrly this
morning from Snn Francisco nftcr u
good trip up the coast. Shu carried
tho usual cargo of general freight
and a good pnsscngoi' list nnd will
sail for San Francisco at 1 p. in. Sat
urday. Those arriving on her wcro
as follows:
K. h. Skog, Mrs. J. C. linker, J.
Lundman, It. It. Norton, K. K. Hart
saugh, Mrs. II. Hnnscn, II. Hanson,
K. Hnnson, Mrs. K. Hansen,
M. HaiiBcn, F. J. (Jorckc, L. G. Irwin,
Miss E. A. Lnhey, MIbs Hazol Masnu,
Mrs. Ii. Mason, Miss Mlnnlo Gcrlsh,
Mrs. M. Collins, 13. II. Hcpson, Gladys
Wheeler, Mnbol Houston, Mr. E, .1.
Houston, S. Ilrownstono, F. Dnvls, F.
Earlo, C. Hughes, F. Kultz, W. Man
ning, II. Klowoll, G. Dncon, O. Mov
er, Geo. Miller, .1. Ronz, J. Ingrem.
Wiislilnglon Arrives.
Tho Washington nrrlvod hero nt
7 p. in, yesterday with n cargo of
general freight. Howovor Bho did
not bring nny railroad material. Sho
had a fair passenger list and Balls
at 5 p. m. Saturday for San Francis
co. Her passenger list follows:
F. 0. Fletcher, Mrs. J. M. Taylor,
Mrs. L. E. Chambers, Miss Chnmbors,
II. Vcrnoy, MIsb Ituby Nelson, M.
Wolf, Job. Wolf, 7.. Uak. It. Saxccnln,
F. H. Nock, Geo. L. White, J. II.
Whlttsnm nnd J. Prcndorgnst.
Alliance In from Eureka.
Tho Alllnnco nrrlvod hero today nt
0 n. m. from Eurckn nnd sailed for
Portlnnd nt 10 o'clock. Sho had n
fair slzoil passongor list to Coos Day
Including tho members of tho ZInn
Travesty Co., and n good cargo of
through freight. Following Is her
incoming passongor list:
MIbs Evorman, MIbb Porrln, Miss
Dubar, Miss Leach, Miss Raymond,
Miss Lennox, Miss Dalo, Miss Soy
mour, ForyBtho Slaters, Goo. Dost,
Sol. Carter,. Dud Duncan, Wm. ZInn,
Mrs. ZInn, J. T. Duford, Mrs. Du
ford, E. Conklln, Miss A. Hutcho
son, W. S. Dolnt, F. McGowan, Miss
E. Schneider, G. Chrlstl, Mrs. G.
Christ!, Mrs. Jones, C. A. Duck, A.
Nnnn Smith Here.
Tho Nann Smith crossed In early
this morning from Day Point and
sails early tomorrow with about two
million feet of lumber. Mrs. E.
Matson and baby arrived on hor and
will visit with friends horo.
llrcnkwuter Sails.
Tho Drcnkwator Balled for Port
land at 1 o'clock this afternoon with
n fair sized outgoing list and a ship
ment of cheese nnd wool in addition
to tho regular cargo of gonornl
freight. Following Is her passcngor
Mrs. A. Abbott, Dotty Hlckorson,
Alice Pollock. Mr. Dock. Mrs. Deck.
JMIsb Adn Deck, Mrs. E. S. Robinson,
E. A. Anderson, C. D. Curtis, II. Q.
Hoy, O. Mctcnlf, W. C. Stead, MIbb
Williams, Mrs. C. Cannon, Mr. Aspln
wnll, D. J. Horn, Claudo Morgan,
Mrs. F. Mooro, Miss G. Miller, O. H.
Lamphcnr, A. Erlckson, Chas. Erlck
sou, Frank Smith, T. E. Drondloy,
Mrs. Annn Anderson, C. D. Landers.
A. M. Simpson Coining.
A San Pedro dispatch says:
; Tho steamer A. M. Simpson baa
completed tho dlBchargo of SCO, 000
feet of lumber for the Southern Cali
fornia Lumbor Co. and will clear for
Coos nay In ballast to load n rotum
Shipping N'oIch.
Tho Condor, n amnll gasoline
schooner, arrived In this morning
from lnqtilna.
Tho Hardy was out early tills
morning for San Francisco with a
cargo of lumber.
Tho Nowborg crossed In this morn
ing from Dnndon.
. .. , ,i lirillHIl UUIllIIIIJIil. IIIU Ulljuui in lliu
II Letter tO Times Maintains . dlasomlnntlon of Informntlori nnd dls-
That False Evidence Was
Returned Against Him.
cusslonof tonics Incldentlnl to tho
logging Industry. It has nothing
whntovor to do with tho question of
I ...InA.. I... I rn.l... I f iilnKn t)ii Inrvcvlnf
i,i... . - il li I'O imii pi-nun ii- i'hivw uiu .wc,ri"n
ilHen tllO truth la nut 1 linnn tn t.H,.l. !. l... in Imolnnaa nn n
Ei, . - -' " IJIillll-ll III III" -' "UI inioim.wn .... ..
iJ i"yt.-felon80' H tho Rtntomont highor plnno mil tho croatlon of tho
hV .,, ' . "tm80 w ,B "l profcHslon of logging ongineor as a
"C Slate Denllfllltlnrv nt Snlnlll. .Ill., l,n...,nl. nt UIaiico
Err!son uns convicted of tho chnrgo Tho utilization of oloctrldty nnd tho
'murdering Hoy PorkliiB on Coob ub0 0f fuel oil In logging oporntlona
in it . . 80n,eil(,0(l to hang. WH i,o among tho principal topics
J in tlmo Garrison hnB boon ' dlscussod.
-b iu peopio in tills locality .
"0 a IeV of seeurlncr hla rnlnnnn.
n a letter In Tim ti.., n,...innn
a. '" illlll-O, VllllllDVIU
I Seo by VOIir nnnni. rt Timn 07
Ml I have been trying to Invent
ume achemo slnrn i wnH i.rni,
pre to secure my rolonso. I wish
L.i .,huat Ul on,y Bchomo that I
lTe Is tn hrlnn ... ,1.. ....... ...
I1. "th ot I hopo to obtain my
-""v, 4 nm nniV trvlnrr trt nMn n
JJlta which will bring out tho
y' J"1.' by certain evidence given
certa n in.n .1 .--.!
"ID8 Was nllvn n,1 ,ll M.l
viaence of two witnesses nt mv last I
mat Perkin. tt.n u.. ' i.
3 4 nN .A --"... ,, t.a IIIIIU tID IUIO
smu iu nflvt
Story Circulated to Effect That
Marshhelg Man Deserted
Wife for Another.
It was roported today about
Or 10 n'tlrtnl. n .1.- - . i -m !,.. , n ...nil Irnntvil V-nnnfT Ulfir-
in ii. ,... I rlod man had loft his wlfo and child
tate that he L Z 80n .?008 .n ,nnd gone away from tho city with a
! bttCanyP ChTiAvoman of bad, reputation. Little
u; -- "'"".could no joarneci 01 1110 roimn luutij.
"I Hill ..... t .Inniinlnlminaa nt tlio. 111 H 11 sn(l
'otan aUer state that I do ? "' TeVrd I the .torV but could
,alements wan?0vi B,B,V .?ni ,fn,8, not vouch for Its truth. The man
5 ,he truth i u-i i S" V"; ','". was not nt his place of liusiness in
ie iitn.:. "" ",ou "I'"" nun.
are ii."V. u'r tll stnte did
dny and It waa snld tlint ins who
know nothing ot the supposed departure.
uro ii . '
B'wnv, ''n rdor t0 Becuro
TiroolTJ" ' ,.iorun.s cm, iioba.
omethim. lecure a "lense. it was
ho fact fh"! conclilonco In vlow of Current
Ihsuo of IJiilIotln Tells of
erif .V!hnt x'r. Footo was a mom.: '" Meeting Here.
i-erttt1": Brand Jury that returnn.l n I
erdletof m,,M . y tnnt rotrned a The
8!,Bt QaS2nr 'i t!' " l0Sreo oniclal
?.'cted for''?"' d?,r K00l? wna of Ho
The Juno Issue of tho Dullctln, tho
monthly paper, of the order
for tho Mm ool wnB of Il0 lj00' tl10 lunioormuiis u-
nrt ,'"s Killing of Charles c.etv. contains an artlclo regarding
tho concatenation which was recent
ly hqJd in Marshfleld and also printed
a plclfico of Col. R. H. Rosa of Dnn
don, who Is tho vicegerent snark of
Southern Oregon.
B'licoi j i "
nd trial. v awntlng a
IfA.. v ."
' jvu nnvA .it.
r ft, or waV, "h",n. n?J. ! . "ade
- -v, jr a want aq
City Council Has Extensive
Public Work in Hand for
County Seat.
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQUILLE, Ore., July 11. Pnvol
streets, sidewalks, bowers, bettor
water hyHtem and a city hall tiro
sumo of tho Improvements which the
Coqiiillo city council Is planning.
Some of tho work Is nlrendy umtor
way and this sumiuur will seo mor?
public Impiovemont In tho county
seat than during nny previous sea
son. Mayor Morrison, who recently
was elected, Is lu favor of n progro..
slvo policy nnd tho momborB of the
councir arc supporting him.
Front street Is now torn up nnd Is
holng pnved with bituminous pave
nient. Spurgeon street for several
blocks from Front street Is also ho
lng paved lu tho samo manner. Tlio
rnllroad trackB woro last year moved
from Front streof to tho river frout
so tho mn I n strcot of tho city Ib nnv
used exclusively for ordinary traffic.
Will Iliilld Swots.
Tho council has also decided to put
down n hard pavement on Spurgeon
street and to lnv cement sldownlki.
His Patent Will Be Given Test
by Lighthouse Service
' at Tongue Point.
Tho Portland Telegram prints tho
following regarding a bell buoy do
signed by Capt. Macgenn:
"Designed and patented by Cap
tain T. J. Macgeen, a now typo of
bell buoy will be placed in position
soon near tho Tongue Point depot
and given a tost by Henry L. Deck,
Lighthouse Inspector of the Seven
teenth District. If it gives satisfac
tion or meets tho requlremnts, tho
buoy will be established in tho vic
inity of Sand Island, where a Bite for
another buoy had been chosen. The
main feature of tho Macgenn buoy
Ib that the bell has been suspended In
such a manner that It will remnln
perpendicular, regnrdless of stormy
weather and rough seas, working on
the same prlnclplo as a compass. It
will also bo equipped with a rudder.
The aid to bo tried out Is being con
strrcted from nn ordinary buoy be
lonclnc to the government. It Is be
ing altered to conform with the Mac-1
genn model oy tne Astoria iron
The council has power- to coustrurt
sewors nnd It ,hns been decided not
to do nny moro paving. until tho Bovv
ers h'nvo been put In so tlint It will
not bo necessary to tako up tho pnvj
incntH Inter on to lay tho sowers.
P. M. Hall-Lowls wbb recently on
gaged nB city ongineor nnd ho will
lay out regular Bower systems bo that
next year a largo ninount of street
Improvement work enn bo dono.
At tho last election tho people
voted to buy tho water front on tho
river nnd nlso voted to hnvo n clt
hall. The slto for tho city hall will
ho decided upon nt tho next meeting
of tho council.
Improve Water System.
Tho wnter system of tho city Is also
being Improved. Tho city hna a good
water supply but tho old wooden
pipes nrc being tnkon up nnd roplnccd
with motnl plpos.
Tho peoplo of Coqulllo nro also
talking of building a now high school.
The matter will bo taken up by ho
school bonrd and It Is quite llkoly
that a movo will ho mndo toward
building n now school houso. It la
now necessary to rent nn oxtrn
building to nccommodate tho high
n i w s
14.000 REBATE
Tax Association Receives
Money Which Was Assessed
for Road District.
Tho Coos County Tax Association
luiB received from tho county a ro
bnto of $4,000 on road taxes which
was paid Into tho county trensury on
nn assessment which waa afterward
found to bo Illegal. Tho road dis
trict In question Ib abovo Allegany
on both tho oast and west fork roads.
Aftor tho road asscsstment waa mndo
tho tax association fought tho as
sessment on tho grounds that tho
road election had not boon hold ac
cording to law. Tho association won
?nd In consoquonco tho road Improve
ment was not mndo and tho associa
tion was robatod $4,000 paid for tho
Not Ask Them to Turn it
Over to the Southern
Late Rains in Coos Co. Have
PostponedTime When For
est Fires May Start.
Dangor of forest fires In Coob
county this year Ib probably loss
than In nny other part of tho state.
Usunlly tho flro dangor senson In this
locnllty starts about tho mlddlo of
July but this season tho lato rains
hnvo postponod tho dangor tlmo. In
fact thoro Is so Uttlo danger tlint tho
Coos County Flro Patrol Association
will not now send out any extra war
dens. W. J. Conrad, tho sccrotnry,
had proparod to employ about twon-ty-flvo
extra mon to bo stntlonod In
dlfforont parts of tho county to help
protect tho forests but as thoro Is
now no danger tho mon will not bo
put In tho Hold.
It appears now that thoro might
not bo nny forest flro senson nt nil
but of courso if tho dry spoil should
routlnuo for n long tlmo thoro will
bo tho usual dangor of flro In which
ovont tho oxtrn wardons will bo em
ployed. Tho Flro Patrol Association has
tnkon ovory other precaution in tho
way of burning brush, making trails
and extending tho tolophono linos.
An assessment of ono cent por aero
to dofray exponscs was assessed the
Matter of Right of Way for the
S. P. in Marshfield is
' Discussed.
That tho matter of turning over
tho franchlso of tho Terminal Rail
way to tho Southern Pacific should be
left to tho discretion of tho ofllcora
nnd owners of tho Terminal was tho
Bcnso of tho railroad commlttoo of
tho Chamber of Commorco as ex
pressed at a meeting hold this after
noon. Hugh McLnln acted as temporary
chairman. W. S. Chandlor who Ii
chairman of tho commlttoo did not
fool qualified to net on account of his
personal Interest In tho Terminal
Railway. Tho matter of securing a
right of wny through tho city for tho
Southern Pacific was dlscussod for
somo tlmo but was novor doflnltoly
sottlod. It Ib thought tlint tho action
of tho commlttoo at this aftornoon't
session will, howovor, put nn end to
tho war that has been waged bo
tweon tho Southern Pacific nnd tho
Terminal company so far as tho cIU
zents of Marshflold nro concornod.
Tho mooting was tho outcomo of
tho Chambor of Commorco mooting
cnllod last Friday. At that tlmo a
potltlon wiih prcsontod by Dr. E.
MIngUB to bo clrculntcd by tho Clian
bor of Commorco asking tho co-opor-ntlon
of tho pooplo of Marshflold la
securing n right of way for tho WIl
Inmotto Pacific Railway. Tho matter
was referred to tho Railway Coni
mltteo by Dr. J. T. McCormno and
tho action of tlint body will probably
bo considered as flnnl aR far as tho
Chambor of Commorco Ib concornod.
Resolution Passed.
Tho following resolution was Anal
ly passed by tho rnllroad commlttoo:
"RESOLVED: That it is th
senso of tho Rnllroad Commlttoo of
tho Mnrshflcld Chnmbor of Commorco
that tho mnttor of turning over tho
franchlso rights of tho Terminal
Railway company to tho Wlllamotto
Pnclllc railroad compnuy, bo loft to
tho discretion of tho stockholders
nnd ofllccrn of tho Terminal company
and tho Railroad Commlttoo of tho
Chamber of Commorco nlllrms its
confidence In tho Integrity of tho of
ficers nnd stockholders of tho Tor
mlnnl company nnd their purposo
and good faith In protecting tho
rnmmorclnl Interests of tho City of
In Some Parts of County There
Will Be No field This
It Is roported In pnrts of tho coun
ty that tho apple crop this year will
probably bo almost a total failure.
Thla Is unusual for this locality as
It is seldom that there is ever a Ben
son when thoro is not at least a small
crop of npples. Tho ranchers say
that the late rains and frosts during
tho winter probnbly spoiled tho .crop.
In tho Falrvlew district which is ono
of the best of tho fruit localities there
will bo practically no apple crop and
in other parts of tho Coqulllo valley
section slmllinr roports aro made.
Tho smnll fruit have given fine
yields however this year and somo of
tho strawberries and other borrles
marketed havo been among tho best
ovor produced horo.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Day Times.)
WASHINGTON, D. 0., July 11
Greut Drltlan's roquest that tho en
actment of tho Panama Canal admin
istration bill be hold in abeyance un
til Mr. Innes, tho Drltlsh chnrgo, can
present a noto in behalf of his gov
ernment confronts Congress nnl tho
Stnto Department with nn oxtraor-j
dlnary situation. The roquest for a
dolay has been communicated to tho!
Senate Interoceanio uanais uommu
teo from the summer ombnssy at
Kino, Mnino, lato yesterday and was
sent by Mltcholl Innes, tho charge,
acting for Ambassador Dryco, who
la in Now Zealand. While reasons
for tho request nro not stated there
Is no doubt that tho Drltlsh govern
ment Is concerned In tho elauso to
grant free passage through the canal
to American vessels In tho coastwise
trade. '
(Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day
JUAREZ. Mex., July 11 Orozco,
tho robel chief, while admitting his
defeat In nn orgnnlzod niovomont.
mndo It plain horo today that the
guerilla warfare now being plannod
wns calculated to harass sovoroly tho
Mexican government but ho said
neither friction nor alllnnco with any
foreign government was contemplat
ed. Toward tho United States, ho
said, ho entertnlned no ill will from
the nation.
The funeral of Theodore Olson of
Eastsldo (Will take place at 2 p. m.
Friday from tho Swedish Lutheran
church. Rev. Dengston will officiate.
Times' Want Ads bring results. Times' TVant Ads bring results.
Western Union Troubles Hold Dark
the Associated Pitss ReMirt. I
Tho wires of tho Westom Union to
Marshfleld wero down most of thai
time todny nnd when communication
was established thq wires worked
badly. In consequence Tho Times
was able to secure only n small por
tion of the. Associated Press report.
Forty-Five Workmen Employ
ed at Camp 1 on South
ern Pacific Line.
About forty-flvo mon aro employed
at Camp No. 1 of tho MacArthur
Porks company. Tho camp which
was the first ono to bq established
by tho contractors Is located on the
Resin ranch on North Inlot . Tho
men are at work cloarlng right of
way for tho Southern Pacific road.
Tho camp will bo hoadquartors for
the forco which will establish other
construction camps along tho lino,