THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1912 EVEMING EDITION. Clean-Up Shoe Sale Vc have a number of broken lines of Men's O; fords and Shoes renniants of the season's selling--Good Shoes, including the PACKARD, that are sold Regular at $4.00 and $5.00 That we will sell for one week at ONLY $2.50 Sk They conic in all shapes, sizes and colors. Patcnu leather,' Black leathers, Oxblood and Tans Button and Bluchcr. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. See Our AVindow. Phone 32 THE BAZAR. House of Quality LUMBER TRADE COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES 1 June Receipts at San Pedro Portland Loses to San Francis Break All Previous : co Los Angeles Blanks Known Records. I Vernon. STANDING OK TKAMS w. Vernon !4 Oakland '1 Los Angeloa ",ft Portland 3fi Snn Francisco ..39 Sacrnmonto . . . .34 I,. P.C. 3G .COO 33 .."(57 40 .r.r.ii 17 .434 r.l .133 T.2 .39" rCKMJNAL NUIO Where Sail Meets Rani Tho Osproy crossed In this morn ing. Tho Brooklyn arrived nti Dnndon today. Tlio Newbcrg sailed from hero this morning. Tho Hustler soils for Port Orford this nftcrnoon. Tho Ilcdondo Is expected In tomor row morning from Snn Francisco. Tho Steamer Flflold will sail from Dnndon Thursday evening at tho ser vice of tho tldo for San Francisco, carrying pnsscngors nnd a cargo of lumber. SAN PEDRO, July 10 Tho enor mous growth of tho lumber trndo at this port for Juno eclipsed all pre vious rccordB completely. Tho re ceipts of lumber nlono aggregated 77,551,000 feet, besides largo quan tities of shingles, laths, tics, poles, piles and posts that If reduced to board measuro would bring tho ag gregate close to 100,000,000 feet. ! This cxcecdB tho rccolntB of lum ber by water at any other nort In the1 PORTLAND. Ore.. July 10. Port , world. Much of tho lunibor Is usod luud was abut out by San Francisco I In Los Angelos proper, tho phcnoni- yesterday. Vernon also was on tho ' cnal growth of tho rcsldenco section zero end of a -I to 0 score. Only 2 1 eating It up ship londB nt a tlmo. i hits were made In all three games i Much mining timber still contln- nnd the probabilities nro thnt tho 1 iiucb to go Inland from this port, but Const League batting averages will tho greatest expansion of recent suffer n slump In the coming week. ycnrB has uecn in tne Biupmcnt or Following are tno scores: i BoaBoncd nnd finished redwood lum-1 At Portland H. i her to enstcrn points, oven ns far as, Portland 0 I Now England. Ono firm nlono Is 150 Snn FrnnclBco 1 1 cnrlondH behind on ordorB. nnd others ' nro nlmoBt nB badly crowded. J At Snn Francisco R. Tho prlco of charters for cargoes Oakland ' from Washington and Oregon ports Sacramento 2 5 hns reached S5.50 a 1000 fcot, with I a prospect of a still further rise. Ev i cry shipyard on tho northern conBt Is 1 ...t.l... ,t. ..11 .nnl. l.i.ll.llnM t ttUIIUIIK 1U UlU lllll HtlHIlilJ1 Ulllltllllh U. E. 2 1 7 0 A. HOLM left on this morning's stngo lumber carriers and a number of mill II. At Vernon R. H. T.nq Ancelcfl 4 5 Vftfnnn 0 1 for Hoscburg, DAVE WALLACE drove from Catching Inlet. MILO PJERSON ,1b making n trip to Coqulllo todny on business. ownors hnvo largo steel steamers on tho stocks In Enstcrn yards, which In today i will bo used to carry lumber to At- Plan to lantlc const ports upon tno opening of tho Pnnnmn canal HASH BALTj EXCURSION C S. WINSOR and son Joo woro Mnrshllold visitors ycBtcrdny. II. W. PAINTER 1b making n bUBl ncsB trip to tho Coqulllo valley. Joseph DutiHon, who succoedB Wil liam Denning nt tho Capo Arago Lighthouse Is expected to arrive In n day or two from the Smith Island, Washington, to take chargo nt Arago. Upon his nrrlval, Charles Miller will leavo for Tillamook wlioro ho linn bcon appointed fourth nssUtnitt light kcopor. ley. ALUERT SHELIO left hero this morning for .Myrtlo Point on business. 1'tikc North Ilcml Ilund on Sunday Trip. ArrnnccmcntB hnvo been perfected In tho Item of lumber nlono tho re- for tho big excursion which Is to bo colpts wcro 20,000,000 fcot In ox- run by tho bnBO ball teams to tho Co cess of thoso of any other month. I nulllo valley next Sunday. Tho Tho principal Items of Import In- teams aro planning on n great tlmo eluded: lumber, 77,550,000 fcot: 17,- nnd will bo accompanied by tho 350,000 shingles, 503,000 Bhakes, North Rend Bnnd. A lnrgo bunch of 11.55G.000 laths, 35.700 tics, 1391 fans will go over nnd bnck their piles, 5524 poles, 15,094 doors. Oth- teams to win. It Ib thought that a or shipments wcro 53,500 bnrrols of, lnrgo amount of money will bo up on North Ilcnd-Coqulllo gnmo ns towns arc confident their nines unvliic winning ball. with tho total not tonnngo of 137,094 Tho train Is to leavo at S a. m. tons. Tho pnsscngor list shows 13,- nnd will return after tho gamo. Tho E. C. PADDOCK returned todny from udo oil, 8067 ton of general mor-' llio n buulucss trip to tho Coqulllo vnt- chandlso and 2985 tons of panor. , both iov Incoming vcbboIb numbered 225 nro p MR. and MRS, E, MOELLER nro homo from n vhilt In tho Coqulllo valley. I PRO 894 arriving nnd 17,702 departed. Domestic exports Included 3709 tons of merchandise,' 135 tons of nsphnlt, 801 tons of cement nnd 710 lmrrolB of nltrnto of lime. Tlio Dig gcHt Items of foreign ImportH nro vetch, roffco, fertilizer, watermelons, and whiskey, foreign exports woro BEGG8 left tills morning for. llt.l,t with the nirnntinn nf nn Item Coqulllo where ho Iiob n class ln'0f feet of lumber. dancing. W. J. CONRAD returned todny from loquino wncro no nns been on business. An appropriation of 125,000 l aBkod by RcprcHcntntlvo Parrnn of Maryland with which to nurchnsoi MRS. G. W. SHELLEY and son Gor ftngH Hiilllclent In number to ily from I don will visit In Myrtlo Point for; nil tho lighthouses In tho united ' n few dnys. States and Ita Insular possessions. ' This Is n Renslblo nnd patriotic ro-qui-at, and ndded thoroto should bo n rodo of Rlgunl Hags for light house kcopors to uso on tho soncoast to notify passing vessels If anything Is going wrong or, as Iiiih frequently linppoueil wlioro an nsslstnnt or tho keopor tins been 111 or died and relief Is required. F. E. ALLEN returned yesterday from n business trip to Coqulllo Valley points. mnrrlago to Miss Delia Chnpmnu, a Mnrphflold girl, Ib to take place on the 17th of this month. MISS Rl'TH McLAUOIILlN, who has been visiting Miss Thclma Month crlngtou nt Smith-Powers Cnnip No. 5, Is expected home this week. to change sciieih'li' GEORGE DOLL returned today from n luminous trip to San Francisco nnd Portland. 1 MRS. EDNA RICHARDSON loft yes-l ton! ay for tho O'Connell cottngo! on South Coos River. I REV. FATHER SPRINGER retiirne.1 todny from nn extended vacation trip to eastern points, MRS. J. T. McCORMAC enmo down from Coos River last evening and returned this afternoon. 1.1. M. DODGE returned todny from Fnlrvlew, where ho has been for about a week on business, Tillamook to lie Put on ltuii to Ban don and Coqulllo. . , Several changes In tho runs of vos sols nf tho PaclUc Navigation com pnny'H Hoot nro Bcheduled to taka place this week when tho gns m homier Tillamook returns to her run after being laid up nonrly u mouth nnd n half for repairs. Tho Tillamook will bo nut of the Siipplu shipyard .Monday, an ordinal to tho Information received nt the local olIU'o of tho company, and she. will leave hero on hor regulnr run to Unndon and Coqulllo Tuesday! night. The gas schooner Patsy I wlilrli lias boon running In the Tllln mook'H plnco whllo tho latter was laid tin for round's will rommio hor own run between hero and the SluMnw' nnd Newport districts lonlng hero tomorrow w'th general freight. Tho Tillamook was damaged to tho extent of nhuut $.",000 when she was 111 in lllttliilt with tlm till1 Rninann mill rock barges on the lower Columbia' '"J1 aim .mho. i. r.. iihuw.m.mi HUGH KENNEDY, n prominent con trnctor of Curry county, Is on Coos liny Investigating tho rnllway sit uation am) may become Interestjd In the construction work. MR. AND MRS. L. II. LARSON, of Lnkoport, aro spending a few days In Mnrshllold. Mr. Larson Is onj of the lending business men thu'o nnd largely Interested in real es tate. NED C. KELLEY of Coqulllo Is hero for a couple of days on business, Ho reports thnt the street work ar Coqulllo Ib going on nicely nnd that two crows are at work getting ready for tho paving. round trip faro wilt bo $1.00 and Manager Shott urges all tho homo fans to get out nnd root for the team Sunday nnd promises thnt Mnrshflold will ploy ball. Tho homo boyB nro practising hard every night nnd are recovering from n fow bad accidents which Is was their mlsfortuno to encounter. SEAMAN PROTEST AGAINST TOW ING OF LOG RAFTS MASTER DUNCAN SCAIFE Is spend ing a few days nt tho Robt. Roots j ranch on North Coos River. M. C. HORTON loft this morning for Unndon on business and will re turn on tho evening train. MISS MARJORIE COWAN oxpects to loaxo for her summer school on Coos River tho llrst part of next w ook. river ono night about six weoke ago. Orogonlan. NORTH HEX I) NEWS ! ' Jay Wilcox formerly of this place hnH rotumod from Snn Francisco nnd I expects to remain for some time. have written friends that they ox poet to leave Washington. D. C, for Coos Ray about July 15. MRS. A. M. Sl'M.NER and daughtor. Mrs. E. II. Fish nnd Miss Floren-e Fish are over from Rnndon visiting with Frank nnd Mllo Sumner. ' AMONG THE SICK Ray Whltted Is slowly roiowrlng, from a severe Injury to his left foot caused by n glancing blow of a sharp axe while trimming a log at tho Clarenco Unuld camp He was brought to Mnrshllold for surgical W attendance. , ALUERT MATSON nnd family left this morning for tho Nook ou South Coos River where they hnvo established their summer home REESE WRIGHT who spent nn ex tended vacation with his pnrontH, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnl Wright In this city Is again bnck on his old ves sel plying between Pacific Const ports and Central America. A. II. DERRYSHIRE of North Ilond went to Couqlllo this morning on business connected with tho dis trict attorneyship and to attend to tho legal part of some road mat ters beforo tho county court. ARERDEEN, July 10 Masters of vessols arriving tho past fow days complain of' the log drifts all tho way from Snn Diego to Grays Harbor, which aro serlousy interfering with navigation. PresB Dispatch. Whttther by more coincidence, or not, the fact rcmnlns thnt tho fore going dispatch appoars simultaneous ly with tho announcement thnt cer tain shipping concerns nro prepar ing to send nut more than tho usual number or log-rnfts during tho com ing season. Inevitably we shall hear moro about tho log drifts which aro "seriously Interfering with naviga tion." Sooner or Inter wo shall henr of n shipwreck duo to collllslon with one of thoso log drlftB. Then wo shnll henr of legislation to stop tho towing of log-rnfts. Query: Why wait until tho Inovltnblo shnll hnvo happened? Query 2: Which ship Is doomed? Query 3: Who nmong tho trnvellng' public nro going to glvo up their lives In order that tho nec essity for precautionary monsures mny bo demonstrated to tho sntlsfnc tlon of the lnwmnkers? Const Sen men's Journal. Stetson Shoes Stetson Hats Benjamin Clothes Cluett Shirts Keiser Ties Sold on Our System for Cash Notice the Saving "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MAKSHFIELD. BANDON. 'THE FRIEND OK COOS HAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIUELE8S SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAND THURSDAY, JULY 1 1 , AT 9 A. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK HOAR AT PORTLAND NORTH rACIFIG STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44. O. F. McGKOKGE, Agut Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Monday Evening, July 8 WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. 8. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS 1SED. Phone 72 Pacific Livery M Transfer Co. J. HOWARD traveling missionary for tho Folgor products on Coos Hay and Willamette territories, Is homo after an extended trip. Wm. Fnthoriughnm. a young man from Spokane, has recovered from n rather sevore case of ptomaine poisoning. , A. REfD and family leavo today for the Selbrodo homestead a South Slough whore they will l Join! later by F. K. Gonitis and family. MRS REV. S. L. GRIGSHY. who has been spending some tlmo nt Medford and other Oregon points, returned yestordny via Snn Francisco and will supply tho pulpit of tho Pres byterian ehurch on next Sunday. RALPH AND HJALTE NJERDRl'M returned this morning from Port land whore they met their families who enmo direct from Finland and nccompnnled thorn to Mnrshllold. On their wny ncross the continent thov encountored track washouts and their train was delayed neair, two dnys In Its arrival in Portland. Messrs. NJerdrum will make their home nt Tho Chandler until their now residences on South Fifth street are completed. PRESERVE your ROOF. Hnvo It COATED. .1. L. HRICE. Rox 220. Tl'RKIH HAT1I GOOD. Phono 114 J. will do you far niili. Conducts by tie SISTtRS OFIHE HOLY nTmes or jesus and mary. g""1Iw,.J CMnUu Cum, Huilt. Ait. ElocvUen ind Centner dil Dtiu,R,IJnt,mJD4 Sn.i,..RfncJ Mortlinl ltllKH4lTnJilir.WmefotABiicBivmrit.Ad4iri FAST AND COSLMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELEUS AND SUBMARINE HEIJi SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FR.OM COOS BAY Saturday, July 13, At. 1:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COSIPANY. Phono 44. o. F. McGEOUGh, Agtn EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS O.N TI.ME. SAILS FROM AIXSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND. AT O A. M., JULY 2nd, Oth, Mil), loth, am, una "Oth. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THE TIDE, JULY (Ith, 11th, 10th, 21st, Sfltli nnd 3lL Phone Main .121-1, Jf c MlLMjR Agent. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR r R. BIRD 11. CLARKE. - Specialist In Nerve und Spinal Disease. COOS BAY.ROSEBU11G STGE LINE. tVmf tinii""0111 evfry mo'n'ns at 6 nnd roachea Rosoburg l Rosehnr Uh ,evenlnB train for Portland. Stago also Imtm eenlng? o'nlng at 6 o'clock and reaches Marshfleld mi r p nn,10,00' .Ro,-!nd tr,P 1100' Cod weaui en route, u P. uarnard, ngont, Roseburg. Tii10 Sc,'ette''' aeent, 120 Market Avenue, Marsbfleli- ... v0 k.uu uu umamea at Hiiryer'a Cigar Store. Reach Party. F. C. Rurch atid wife. E. c. Drews and wife, and Frank Sumner nnd wife made up tin outing pnrty thnt spent yestordav at Rastondorf Reach. KiiMoru Star Mcellnc. Tho Or.lor of Eastern Star had a very pleasant di'morkst co.vntsr I'nt'ji'iiiii of Mih'iIuk to Bo Belli In Stiinnei' TliurMlay Kioning, Tho followiiiK proKiam will bo giv en In tho last Demori.t stiver medal contest to be held in Sumner Thurs day ovonlng. '"The Liquor Truffle" May Myrn "Why Women Want the llallof. . Ilruc Kollo "Patriotism" Cecil Roberon "How Long? Oh, How Long?". . Howie Flanagan "A Puro Ballot Box" Alta Soulo "Bnptlsod In Blood" , Arthur Kuhlstad tS. A. 0IIKRG and daughter MUs, mooting nnd bnnquet last evenVn. Ruth of Portland are exnoctod to- An Interestlnc feature -.. ..., day on the Rroakwator for a visit ' sentntlon of a beautiful new bible l with a hlster Mrs. Helen Mcljjtigh- Mrs. S. Lando. recent lv elected lln of this city. I Grand Worthy Matron. near MR. AND MRS. ROY SOl'RRERTl A. M. Nason. fnrmtnir nave returned to Acme. Ore., after I Canann. Me., was badlv crippled with a short visit with Mrs. Suurlwrt'sjsclntlo rheumatism due. lie savs to parents. Mr. ami Mrs. C. G. Larson, urle neld In his blood. -Folev' Ki I of est Bunker Hill. . nay iillm entirely cured me and also tMivs i wni.'7,i,. it.v,. . romov, numeroug black specks that . l"NNI)hHH '.,f t,u "reakwater.wore continually before my eves" office hore will leave on tho next Foley Kidney P!1U are a uric ncid boat; for Portlnnd to tnke tho pln.-o solvent nnd are effective for the var of Harry Moore, who goes on Vs lous forms of rheumntlsm I IcL vacation shortly. Mr. Moore was hart- & Parsons DruJ Co Ti0 n"v formerly of Marshfleld and hU Corner." ' Office, Room 2, Rogers House Marshfleld. Office Hours 2 to 6 Phone 144-L. r R. A. J. HENDRY'S Modem Dental Parlor. we are equipped to do high clar work on short notice at the rep owesi price. Examination fre. Lady attendant, Coke building, opp. tlte Chandler Hotel, phone 112-J. J. W. UKNNBTT, Idnrjtrr, me oTer Flanagan & Bennett Bank arahfleld Oregor QU. J. T. McCOHMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. )fflce: Lockhart Building, Oppoalto post office. Pbone 10S. City Auto Service uuu uurs. uaretui Drivers and MasonatJlo charges. Our motto: c. "i so anywhere at any time." Stands- Blanco Hotel and Blanco Clgijr Store. Day Phones 73 and 46 Night Phono 46. MARKER .V GOODALE. proprietors. Anywhere, Any Time Cnrefnl Driving .,. Reasonable Rates FISHER AUTO SERVICE WM. FISHER. Prop. Phone orders to Hlllyer's Cigar Store. Phono 18-J. After 11 P. m.. Phono o.-j. Marshneld. Orefon. Real Estate and Pine ivcim ... Several good bargains In Farms and AUG. FKIZEEN. Marshfleld08 Centra, A Qfec Oregon Try The Time' Want Ads. We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of fl11 class Electrical material Bnd glvo our patrons a very low prk on house wiring. ' Got our prk' you can't afford to mls " Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J TiTe Star Transfer aid Storace Co. Is prepared to do all kinds of baulW and boats and wo also have the ia guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, ?M Phones 98-R, 120-J, or 49-1 H. iwim ,-; i in fzms laas.'iav-