THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1912 EVENING EDITION. OU don't Y see these spring suits at a $5 or a $10 reduction. world. It's the spring clean-up time, and $30 Suits $25 Suits $20 Suits :4 Broken Lines of Summer Underwear at Y2 Price 1 1 HH K Your about the tions. Hs will exactness with which wc follow hia directions, end the pure, fresh quality of the drugs wc use. But our medicines are not more catisfactory than our prices. It is this combination of high quality and low prices that has built up our business, We sell many very good, ready-prepared remedies for different ailments. Arc you troubled with corns? Wc ccn cv3 you a positive remedy for their painless removal cr.d cure REXALL CORN CURE. It relieves and cures the most stubborn and painful corns and bunions. It is absolutely painless and sure in results. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "Tho Busy Comer" PHONE- MAIN 298 US fou Auto Call Poote I HONK HJ.J NIGHT AND DAY stand front of Lloyd Hotol. i TWO NKW OAKS AfT U P. M. Phone 5-J Residence Plmnn h.t Will niukn trips to Coqullle. The Sign of Good Candy Always Jniqiie Pantotoriism ''IK M()iL-i. 'Rksie iVu "v ::rlXH cleaners. 'Wnt to, P"rtnd "AT HE.VOVATOIW 'ne T JiWar.d B- StrauM & Co. cxtsult ua Iuake youi "v'Cf.u...rc. nhrai.nM. ' BCA,J,E ft A . 0DlirNB Marshfield Paint decorating Co. ptlmat MAUSHFirci.n 'irnUh Phonn 140L Oregot Have TtaLc.u!J prtat,D don aea' offlce. You can't afford to want to lose $5 Hart Schaffner & Marx $15 Suits The Woolen Mill Store Mill-To-Mmi Depend On Us For Your Medicines uoctcr will never have the slightest cauoa, for complaint way wo fill his prescrip praise the fidelity and "TEe Rexall St: re" Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line GOHST & KING, Proprietors. Cnrs leavo Marshflold ovory 45 minutes from 7:15 a. in. until 12:30 midnight. Leavo North Bona on sumo schodulo, Blurting at 7 o. m. until midnight. See Saturday Times for schodulo. . WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu matin Cleaning Company. Orders (or toik taken nt GOING A HARVEY PHONK 100 R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estateand Insurance I'M North Front Htreot Barnard & Langworthy Klcctrlrnl Contractors niid Supplier. PHONK 18 l-R. 170 So, Broadway, next door to t'nliui Me'it Market. Most Sensible Shoe For the children Is the famous "SKUFFEK" shoo. For salo at The Electric Shoe Store or $10 Then They are standard goods, the best in the here are the prices : at $22,50 at $ 18.85 - at $14.85 at $H. 85 Boys' Suits Brown and Gray Cheviots XA Clothiers COMING! ZHNM'S TRAVESTY COo And Dancing Girls. Fine Costumes Pretty Electrical Effects Special Scenery Grand Opera Singers Masonic Opera House Thursday Night July 11th Tickets on snlo at "The llnsv Corner." WANT ADS. FOR SALE Streets Household Furniture Any dining room, pnrlor, bedroom or kitchen fiinilturo for snlo pleco by piece. Cheap. STREET AT CHANDLER HOTEL. WANTED Saleslady. Apply at 23U Front st between 7 and 8 p. in. WILD BLACKHEHRIES for Sale COc gal. Phono your orders W. C. Lund, Forudale. LOST Glass fuced loeket with lock " of hair and chain. Liberal rownrd for roturn to Times ofllco. FOR SALE Newsstand, confection ery and ice cream business In good thriving town; pnylng proposition. For particulars address Opportuni ty, caro Times. EXPERIENCED stenographer and competent offlco girl wishes posi tion. Phono 140-.I. FOR RENT Nice, .bright rooms. $1.50. $2.00 and $3.00 per week. Enquire 100 Socond St. FOR RENT Llghthousekeeplug rooms over Times olllre. WANTED A saleswoman. Apply between 7 and 8 in tho evening at 230 Front St. WANTED Experienced dry woods man deslros position on const as mnnnger and buyer; host refer ences. Address "Business," caro Tlmos. BARGAIN SALE 10 horsepower lose you'd better Off nuto for $-150; first-class condi tion; fully equipped; cent now $3000; will Hull for $450 ou cany terms. Jolin L. Koontz Machine Shop, North Front Btrcet. Phono 1S0-.I. WANTED Molinlr. wool nnd cas- I cara bark. Apply to Henry Song- BtnclctMi, nt offlco of Tltlo Gunr- I llllfft. JC' Almtrnnt Prt t buy now. Somo cholco lots In NORTH BEND can ho had nt n very ronsonnblo price I If taken now. E. S. QEAR & CO, First Mitionnl Bnnk. TONIGHT AT The Royal IN VAUDEVILLE "HARROW," tho hlgh-class equlllb rlat. MOVING PICTURES 3 "Life's Supremo Measure" "After Jinny Years" Two vory good dramas, "Cupid and the Ranchman" A thrilling western comedy. TOMORROW NIGHT "Angels Unaware" "A Mother's Sacrifice" ".Mrs. Mathews Dressmaker" Threo good features well worth tho prlco because they aro presented tho "best." ONLY 10c. NOTE Tho Margaret IIos Co. will oiien Saturday night for n week'3 engagement. Marshfield Cyclery RICYCLES FOR RENT Phono 1BH-R. 172 No. Ilrnitilwiiv, Blanchard's Livery Wo have secured the livery bust reflR nt L. II. Helsnor, and aro pro pared to render excellent service to tho people of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, gond rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory service to the public. Phone us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed In the livery line. Wo also do truck ing business of nil kinds. HLANCHAHD BROTHERS Phone 1SH-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First nnd Alder Street. A Modern prick Building, Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. It O T E L COOS O. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: r0 rents a Day and Upwards Cor Broaawny and Mnrket. Marshfield. Orenon. Ul'ILDING AND REPAIR WORK House Moving and Grading. W'fi nrp propared to do this worli by tho day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us figure with you. G. 8. FLOYD CO. Phono 31C-J. Marshfield, Ore. I COOS RAY TIDES. Hoi w Is glvon ths time and , height of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tides aro placed In tho ordor of occurronco, with tbolr times on tho first lino and holghts on tho sec ond lino of ouch day; a comparison of cotiBccutlvo heights will tndlcato whether It is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 mlnutos. Date. July. 10 Hrs. .4.27 11.23 Feet .0.4 3.3 11 Hrs. .5.33 12.33 Ft. 0.3 3.5 12 Hrs. .0.32 1.34 Ft. 0.5 3.8 13 Hrs. .0.41 7.25 Foot .7.0 1.1 14 Hrs. .1.35 8.15 Foot .7.2 1.4 15 Hrs. .2.28 9.03 Feet .7.2 1.5 3.41 10.51 3.4 C.4 4.52 11.45 3.7 C.7 C.03 0.0 3.8 0.0 2.27 7.00 4.3 3.0 3.15 8.03 4.8 3.3 4.00 0.04 5.2 2.0 THE WEATHER (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and Thursday with westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPETtATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 n. m., July 10, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special government mo- toorologlcal observer: Mnxlmum 02 Minimum 50 At 4:43 n. m 51 Precipitation '. ...nnno Wind northwest; clenr. Building n Home Clnudo Nniriitirg has commenced work on n now bun galow In Nnsburg's addition. Purchase Residence Harry Wink ler has purchased tho II. T. Stnnt residence In West Mnrshllold, Game Season Xcnr Tho open sea son for deer begins August 1 and tho season for salmon fishing opens on Coos Dny next Monday. Many Will Attend Dance. A Inrgo numbor of young pooplo from Marshnold expect to attend tho U. M. O. dnnco nt North Bond Friday evening. July 12. Gets Pension Ephrnlm V. Nyo, an old veteran who Is seriously 111 In Mercy hospital, North Houd, has just been ndvlsed thnt .ho has been al lowed an Incronso of pension to $30 por month dating from Juno 19. Presbyterian Meeting. Thoro will bo a meeting of tho session nnd trus tees of tho First Prosbytorlnn church tomorrow evening linmcdintoly after tho mld-wcok prayer service A fu'l attendance Is desired. Terminal Co. Active. Tho Ter minal company has started work north on tho continuation of tho Front streot track and will havo a h.rgo numbor of mon nt work by tho Hist of next wcok. Alumni Meeting Thoro will bo n mooting of tho High School Alumni association this ovonlng nt tho homo of Miss Mnrjorio Cowan In South Mnrshllold whon olllcors for tho on suing yonr will bo olectod. Another Eastsldo Rlaze W. J. LnPalmo roports n tiro was started undor his storo n couplo of weoks ago and but for Its timely discovery would havo proved disastrous. Somo of tho pooplo nro wondering If thoro Is a II ro bug in tho community. I Will Arrive Tomorrow. Tho A11I unco will nrrlvo horo tomorrow with tho members of tho .Inn Travesty Co., who nro bookod to play at tho Masonic Opora IIouso, Tho company has Just completed n successful on gagemont nt Eureka where thoy showed for CO days. New Road Nearly Complete. Tho road from South Slough to Bnsteu dorf's Bench Is almost complotod nnd Is reported to bo ono ot tho best stretches In tho county. It Is wldo enough to allow teams or automobile to pass each othor with tho greatest easo and Is n great Improvement over tho old road. Coqulllo Woman Dies. Newb reached, Mnrshllold today of the death last evening of Mrs. Wilson, of Coqulllo, wlfo of n woll know.i stockman In thnt city. Mrs. Wllsn-i wns formerly n Miss Gllklo and many frlondn will rogrot hor early death Sho was still undor 20 years of ag. Death followed a lingering Illness. Eastside Fire Protection. Tho people of Eastside are agitating tho matter of lire protection since tho ro cont Whltty conflagration. Tho fact that tho Whltty fire might havob een extinguished with a fow buckets of wator whon Hrst discovered has en lined a general sentiment In favor of somo method of protection. Lane In Coqullle. Dr. Hnrry Lnno spoke last night nt Coqulllo where ho reco'ved a rousing reeontlnn. Ho I has been 1 eartlly wo'comed through-, out the county and It Is hollo ved bv locnl Democratic leaders that ho will i N. J Gorhnm. Cashier Bank of Woodvllle Woodvillo. Gn.. nnd a vory sovoro attack of klduoy troublo nnd tho Dn'ns In Ms kidneys nnd bnc'' weri errlb'o. "I mot n lnttlo of Foloy Kldnoy Pills from our drug gist nnd thoy entirely relieved mo. I hnvo rioro benefit from thorn than any other, medicine" Lnckhnrt & "nrions Drug Co., "Tho Busy Corner." run well In November. Dr. Lauo left this morning for Portland nftor campaigning In this section for about a week. Gypsy Rand Here. A Hcenso has been Issued to llolena Cruz, a gypsy fortune teller who Is lioro with somo other mombors of tho gypBy tribe, to fortoll tho futures of Marshfield peo ple. Each year a fow of theso wan derers drift Into Coos county to stay for n tlmo and then roturn to tho out flldo world, but as yot nono of the larger tribes havo mndo their way u Coos Hay although they will probably put In an appearance when thcro are hotter ronds. Mllo Picrmm Is Receiver J lid go Coko has appointed Mllo Plorson ro celvor of tho Lakosldo Croatnory on Petition of Edward Kruso of San Francisco, who holds a mortgago ot $1,000 on tho property. Tho plant Is not In oporntlon nnd Mr. Plorson will havo chargo of tho proporty un til some final disposition Is mado of It. Tho plant was ono of a string of creameries formerly owned and op erated by Qreono, Foster & Lohmann of San Francisco. Model of Roat. Rev. O. Le Roy Hall has a model ot tho Baptist Col porteur boat that Is to bo built for Gospel sorvlccs on Coos Day. Tho designer Is Geo. II. Hltchlngs of North Rend who Is contributing his work as a donation to tho ontcrprlso. Everything Is now In rcndlness for tho Inspection nnd npproval of Rev. Whlto who will lot tho contract on his arrival. Rev. Hall Is still receiv ing subscriptions to tho fund for Mio i construction of tho boat. The Tkhenor Twins Tho follow ing concerning tho twins of F. B. Hlchcnnr, who Is well known on Coo3 Hay, will bo Intorstlng roadlng to Marshfield pcoplo: "In n littlo rod wagon with big purplo Elk bannard on tholr heads In placo ot hats, tho small twins of F. B. Tlchonor, of 1118 Enst Mnrkot Btroot, took in tho convention nnd wns soon from tho streets Sunday. Anna nnd Marlon gnzed tranquilly with wldo open eyoi nt tho docorntlons nnd Inughod back nt thosu who turnod to smllo nt tho unlquo cqulpngo. Reedsport on the Map Congress man Hnwloy has recommended tho establishment of a postoulco nt Reedsport, Douglas county, with Joseph Lynns ns postmnstor. Roods port Is n now townslto nbout threo miles south of Gardiner. Several Industries, including n ennnory, a crenmory and n cold storago plant havo boon located nt this point and tho promoters of tho townslto clnlm that Reedsport will bo tho tormlnnl of tho railroad now being construct ed by tho Southern Paclllc company, nnd, bocnuso of this and Its dcop wator facilities, has a bright future Rosoburg Rovlew. Prof. Regg's New Dancing Class. Hoggs' now children's clnss will bo started Saturday at 2:00 p. m, nt tho I. O. O. F. hall. Prlvato lessons will also bo glvon. HOTEL ARRIVALS Chandler. V. II. Alton, Salem; R. Konyon, North Ynklma; J. F. To landor, Portlnnd; F. Mugnusson, Portland; M. T. Fisher, San Frnnch co; C. R. Brighton, Snn Francisco; Win. Candlln, Coqulllo; D. Same), Portland; G. Wlldin, Portland; J. I.. Ansen, Coqulllo; Hugh Kennedy. Lakoport; L. B. Larson nnd wife. Lakeport; F. G. Bunch, Coqulllo: A. A. Beck. Onklatid; R. A. Smith, Fort Worth, Tex.; J. C. Hughes, Portlnnd; N. Bogart. Boise; Mrs. J. A. McMa hon. Snn Frnnclsco; W. Young, Port land; Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Hnnlmnn, Long Bench, Cnll. Coos Hotol Vorn Buoll, Roso burg; Geo. S. Oothro, Portland. Blanco Hotel G. W. Wilson. Liv ingston, Mont.; A. T. Bostul, Co qulllo; J. II. Wynnt. Portlnnd; J. D. Clinton, Norway; A. II. Brnsh. Lew'j ton; E. Thompson. S. Burd. Seattle; Fred Iloosler, Eureka; Ned C. Kol ley, Coqulllo, FLORENCE NEWS. Interesting Items Taken from tho Florence West. Tho commissioners of t'o Prt of Sluslnw hold tholr annirl mooting Wednosdny to sottlo up tin br-Inoss nffalrs of tho pnst year. Their fin ancial statomont Is published in this pnpor. Among tho disbursements is ono Item of $115,500. This Is monoy recolvod for tho second Issuo of bonds nnd wns passed to tho control of tho Socrtary of War. Frod Holllstor and family of North Bond nrrlved horo Saturdny to visit rolotlvos and look after business In- i forests. Mrs. Schroedor and son arrived hero Saturday from Coqullle to visit hor son Georgo T. Shroodor of the Boy View hotel. L. C. Reynolds and family who hnvo boon living nt Point Torraco for a yonr or so pnst loft Tuesday for tho Coqulllo to reside. "Everybody's Dolu It." What? Going to ceo tho DANCING GIRLS nc tho MASONIC THURSDAY night. Times' Want Ads bring results. Good Looks Make a presentable appearance. ( iiltlvute good looks through th" regular use or 11. S. Lavender Ovum. I ISO So, Broadway .... Marahfleld, j