The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 06, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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. t'f ' .A?!
WiJffinW!rBrtr bVtWlWlTEDinUN.
fKlNNf HI P If
lived In North Minneapolis, hnvo ro-1 spend n few months visiting her
turned with tho Intention of making mother.
Mnrshflold their homo. O
O ! Miss Mnrguoiito Witt of Portlnn I
Mr. and Mrs, John Dnshnoy nnd Is expected hero today to enro for her
children of I.nmpn wore in town this infer, Mrs. Harry I.ruilllclil, who uas
(Continued from Pago Two.)
.with friends and relatives in Port- T""n)doy.
I land and other northern points.
week to Join in tho celebration
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb, MIssj
Sarah Webb, and Mr. Robert Webb;
and Mrs. Ezra Kinney of North Pond
wcro In Mnrshflchl Thursday.
Sirs. Kate Hood and daughter Miss
Mildred Itood and Mnrlon Reynolds
onjoyed nn outing on Coos Hlvor last
Messrs. Orln Pratt, Albert Tardy,1 Mrs. Horry S. Grimth and llttlo
Gordon Kasmusscn, Fred Lntnon and I daughter, Evelyn, arrived hero this
Arthur Chase,
Mr. and Mrs. Molchor Nolson of
Ban Francisco aro expected hero tho
latter part of July to spend tho
month of August with Mrs. Nelson's
paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rog
ers, of South Coos River.
Mrs. A. J. Shorwood and daught
ers, Misses Helen and Delia, of Co-
qulllo will spend next week at tho
homo of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Stephon Rogers, of South Coos Riv
Warron Craddock of Redding,
California, Is tho guest of his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rog
ors, of South Coos River.
Mrs. J. 13. Orcn nnd children who
nro hero from California tn spend tho
Biimmor will leavo shortly for tho
August Carlson ranch on North Coos
Rlvor whoro they will enjoy a short
Mrs. W. E. Dungan of South Coos
Rlvor ontortnlnod Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl
Downing, Miss Hunt nnd J. T. Hnrrl
gan at hor homo on South Coos
Rlvor July Fourth.
Mrs. Mngco nnd Miss May Mngeo
of Emplro spent tho Fourth with
friends In Mnrshflold.
Mrs. Clydo Llghtnor arrived horo
this wcok from Snn Francisco to
opond n fow weeks as tho guest of
wcok from Snn Frnnclsco to visit at
tho homes of Mrs. Fred Nolson nnd
Mrs. Fred Kruso and other relatives
nnd friends. Mtb. Grimth will bo
remembered as Miss Addlo Anderson,
a grnnddnughtcr of J. N. Nolson, for
merly of Mnrshflold.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Vnsoy and fnm-!
Ily returned this week from n short
visit In California.
R. R. Watson nnd wtfo nnd child
ren of Coquillo spent tho Fourth
with relatives In Mnrshflold and Coos
Miss Ethel Mctzlor of North Ilond
loaves todny for Coquillo whoro sho
will visit a fow days beforo going
to Fnlrvlow whoro sho will tench
a three months' term of school.
Capt. It. W. Olson nnd wlfo leavo
today for Portland whoro they will
bo tho guests of Mrs. Olson's broth
er for a fow wcoks. Thoy will also
visit other points of Interest in tho
northwest. This will bo tho first va
cation trip that Capt. Olson has tnk
on in nbotit four years.
John Kronholm left Friday by
stago for Portland whoro ho will
spond part of his annual vacation at
tending tho Grand I.odgo Rounlon of
of tho Elks.
MIsh Graco Rhorldan is expectod
hero shortly from Snn Francisco
with her fathor, T. It. Shoridnn, of
RoHoburg, to spend a fow wcoks as
guests of her mint, Mrs. C. P. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Lovcno of Co
quillo celebrated tho Fourth nt Myr
tlo Point.
been quite sick. Miss Witt is n
trained nurse.
Miss Ilesslo Coko expects to roturn
to her school work at Berkeley about j
tho nineteenth of August.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Sneddon audi
children leave todny for Portland
whoro Mr. Snoddon will nttend tho
Hodmen's convention. Upon Its con
clusion, they Will go to Grand Island,
Nobr., to visit at the homo of Mrs.
Sneddon's parents.
Mrs. P. A. Young nnd daughter,
if MlA I)
hr wahnnlg up more the game. ' ''
Mr. Lawrence Jennings of Ilridgo mf8 jHnboli )cnvo ,0(lny for tll0,.
celebrated at Myrtle Point this, nnll,0 ln Drtlniitl after a fow weeks'
Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Downing left
this wcok for n short stay ln Snn Dor
nnrdlno. From thcro thoy will go
to make their futuro homo In Albor
ta, Cnnada, whoro Mr. Downing will
engage In business. Last Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Downing, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Terry and Mr. nnd Mrs. E. O'Connoll
spent n pleasant day's outing on
Coos River nt tho Maze
Mrs. A. J. Davis of North Bend
spent a fow days at Myrtle Point
this week.
Mrs. Claudo Nasburg had planned
to entertain tho Bowling party last
Friday evening but It wns postponed
on account of tho Fourth of July
colobrntlon. Tho party will bo hold
next week.
Miss Edith Hildcnbrnnd leaves
tills afternoon to visit for n wcok or
two with friends In Portland.
visit nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
D, C. Grceno.
i,nr nnr.nt. t. .i xi. T..n... t - uoiiuni oi jNonn ucnu, nnti omor rO-
ll... flW4tn, .144. 1(4414 .HID. UllllllO 1IHI- .,
eon nnd other relatives nnd friends' ,nuC8' .
on tho Bay. I u
n MIhh I.cnn Krusc of North Bend Is
Miss May Bennett plnns tn leavo1 expected homo In n week or ton days
next wcok for San Francisco to ro-l from nn extended visit nt tho homo
Bumo hor courso In tho NurseB Train-1 f hor slBtor, Mrs. Cnthey, In Port
ing Bchool nt Lnno hospltnl. 8ho J Innit. Mtb. Cathey who wbb expected
tins boon tho recipient of ninny social lo roturn with her for a visit at tho
courtesies from hor numerous frlonds homo of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
on tho Bay during hor month's fltnyi " V. Kruso, In North Bend has been
Dr. J. J. Mnloney nnd wlfo nnd
daughter, Miss Helen, of Rock Rap
ids, Iowa, nro expected on tho Bay
next wci'k to visit nt the homo of his
brother, M. C. Mnloney.
C. S. Dodgo nnd wlfo nnd children
left this week on n mouth or six
weeks' trip to California and eastern
' points.
Fred Reynolds of North Bend colo
brated at Myrtle Point yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Snqchl returned
this wcok from California whoro
thoy linvo boon spending n fow weeks
for tho benefit of Mr. Saccht'a
health. Ho Is feeling much Improv
ed ns a result of tho trip.
Mrs. D. A. Curry and llttlo daugh
ter nnd son, Harold, left yesterdny
for San Frnnclsco nnd other Cnllf
ornla polntB whoro thoy will spond
ADD SOC n month or six wcoks. Mr. Curry
Mr. nnu .Mrs. iranit wncK nnci niny Join thorn thoro for n Bhort vMt
family enjoyed tho July colobratlon ' , rclurn wIth thjm
wiin menus ni simmer.
with hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. O.
A. nennott.
Mrs. Robert K. Booth who recent
ly undorwent nil oporntlnu nt Morcy
Hospital is recuperating rapidly,
much to tho gratification of hor mnnv
friends, nnd will soon bo nblo to ro
turn to hor homo.
Mrs, Nols Rnsmiissen expects to
lonvo soon ror I'ortlnnd to nttond n
moating of tho Grand Lodgo of tho
Oregon Dogreo of Honor.
.MIhh It nt It Dungan Is spending tho
week nt Sumner ns tho guest of Miss
Wlldn Harris nt tho homo of Capt.
nnd MrH. V. C. Harris.
Mrs. A. E. Gngtioii who has been
critically III nt their homo In Bmikor
compelled to postpone her trip
Mrs. Chapman of Portland who is.
a guest nt tho homo of her sister,
Mrs. Geo. I). Ma ml I go, ln North Bend
lias boon qulto 111.
Mrs, Sonmnn nnd children woro
down from tholr summer homo, "Tho
Orchard" on South Coos Rlvor this
wcok to attend tho colobrntlon.
Mrs. Wickmnu nnd dnughtors.
Misses Annlo nnd Mabel, of Emplro
woro In Mnrshlleld Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. I.eltoy Hall spent
i fow dnys nt tho M. 1. Cutllp homo
on Kontiick lulet the latter part of
Inst week.
Tho W. C. T. V. will moot Frldnv
Hill Is reported somewhat Improved. July 12 nt the homo of Mrs. Fannlo
Miss- Edith Horn of .North Bend
MIhh Corn May Montgomery who
has been tho guost of hor sIhIoi'h.
Mrs. I). Y. Stafford and Mrs. C. K.
Porry, and her brother. It. J. Mont
gomory, oxppcts to leave noon for hor
homo nt Decatur. 111.
Mayor nnd Mrs. I.. J. Slmpnou and
Dr, Hurry RIiiiphoii nro snondlnit Sun.
ilny nt Kboro Arrow,
thero Friday.
was n guost of Miss Evolyn Flnnngnn
n tiny or two this week.
The flint of-noxt week will bo hold
tho InMt DomoroHt Silver Modal con-
twt. Tho contest will bo held nt
Sumner and tho contestants nrn Ar.
Thoy loft forllhur Kolstad. llnrvoy Walter, Cecil
uoiii'Mou. Alia Soulo. May Myron,
Bosnia Flanagan and Horace Rahs-
Mrs. I.cttlo Cowan and daughter
of Allegany wcrp In Murshflcld tho
Inttcr part of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Haines, Mr.
nnd Mrs. II. A. Wells, Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. N. Ekblnd, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W.
Hlldonbrnnd nnd Miss Edith Hildcn
brnnd woro passengers on tho Break
water for Portland to nttend tho
Elks' convention.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Neff loft todny
for Portland to attend tho Elks' con
Dr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Toyo nnd
daughter Knthorlno loft todny on tho
Breakwater to attend tho Elks' con
vention in Portland. From thoro
they will go to Sonttlo nnd other
Pugct Sound points to visit friends
and relatives for sovoral weeks.
Mrs. Delhi Rlnohnrt, who recently
moved from I'ortlnnd to Now York.
arrived a few dnys ngo to visit nt
tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. C. II.
Mnrsli. Mrs. Mnrsh nnd dnughtor,
Isls. nro still In Cnllfornln but will
roturn beforo Mrs. Rlnohnrt loaves
for hor homo In Now York.
Miss Mndgo Barry of Emplro Is
Wsltlng for n fow dnys with Miss
Frnnces Wllllnms.
After spending several weeks
visiting In Portland, Miss Selntn
llowo roliirnod homo Inst Monday.
E. P. Lowls loft yesterday for his
homo nt Santa Rosa, Calif., but Mrs.
Louis and children remained for n
moro cxtondod stay nt tho homo of
hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. How
nrd. O
Mrs. J. W. Stnddcn nnd baby re
turned this wcok from n pleasant vis
It with relatives nnd friends nt points
in Washington.
Mrs. Louis Doll nnd Bon nrrlvcd
horo thin wcok from Denver to visit
nt tho homos of Alvn nnd Goorgo
Mrs. C. C. Going nnd children hnvn
returned from n two'wookB' visit
with hor parents In Portlnnd.
R. T. Stroot roturned this week
from Ohio to nrrnngo to movo his
Household furnishings to Portlnnd
WE hevei'have a cus
tomer leave our store
with the remark that he cannot be
suited in a STETSON hat. This is
due to three things style, price and quality.
The "Stetson" hat is the standard for style. The
quality is the best and the prices right. .This
season be sure to select a "Stetson" hat here.
"Money Talks"
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co.
mont Bhnrtly. Miss Gotcholl is ro
putod to bo n talented elocutionist.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Miss
Frnnces Wllllnms, Geo. Goodrum nnd
.Mr. Goodrum's frlond who is com
ing horo Boon from tho Enst nro con
templating an nuto trip through Cnl
lfornln tho latter part of tho month.
Mrs. Gcorgo Gclscndorfor of North
Bond In entertaining a fow friends nt
sowing todny complimentary to hor
guests, Miss Katrlnn Golsondorfor
nnd Miss Susie Schrcpfer of Snn
Frnnclsco. j
Tho Times will bo plonsod to pub
lish letters from Its readers on sit
questions of public Interest. Each
lottor must bo slgnod by tho writer,
and so far as posslblo bo limited to
00 words. In publishing theso let
ters It must bo undorstood that Tho
Times docs not Indorso tho vlows ex
pressed thcroln; It Is simply affording
h means for tho voicing of difforont
opinions on all questions affocttns
tho public 'welfare.
Editor Times:
"Our ngo is n wonderfully Idola
troim ono, nnd tho god wo worship
Is tho dollnr. Wo want tho dollar
nnd tho things wo enn buy with tho
dollnr, nnd In our blind worship of
C. M. Bylor nnd wlfo nnd family our R0, wo do not boo much of tho
fr uesi oi mo. now iiuio wo minx
1 tT rJjKllt llnml nfl An t j -.1 ..
u lAtf lm mill nnlrA H. M !.... -- " '"Mill HUIW tUll JUniUIllllV
n counlo of vnnrn v. s ronf nn.i Tcn Mll wlloro " will enjoy n of uolng BntlBflod with tho Blmplo
lit lo dnug"itor "vil'l Join him In ISr ,,,ontl1'8 ,IB- " W' ltor. thlnw how llttlo wo think of music.
and I In n week or Men days formerly Miss Deo Tnrpon. of Knu "f pIcturoB, of good lltoraturo, of n
aim in a wcok or ten uajs. . , exnectod horo booh from lior walk In tho woods, of a bontitlful gar-
1 I.. "" .1A A ...- ..!. A t.S
Miss Anna On rnli.rnn.l 11,1a .nk ,ln"' ' WHirornill 10 J0I11 III0III. W.- "" i"".wiiu ci go., ins pions-
ron Portia id ,of n,,80 tl,lnKfl' w,,lc" ''
."past year Rl.o will prolmbly r"i ! ",K0 ox"-,dc'' t0 ",0" coks "in inyo for n most i.o tiling. Is rich
II. im-VM I'UITIIIV IIIU 4IIIIII nnu llin Ullflltl
nnds who hns lost his lovo or novor
MIA final vlnt Qlin ii'lll ....nltftl.lii
..... ,..... jvi, , .,iu I,,,, INW 1 It, ,1.---
innln nn llin Tlnv u'llli Imr nni-nula I illoro,
,, .". ".... ,ut I'liiviitn,
1f n,l lra W TI i-lnw
...... ...i4, .1 ... KUi, ., , ,, , . . ,,,,111, .,.! .1. !.. i.ii. t .
I'liu u UOilllOII IH 11081 10 a '"" iiiu nnu in IIIKII llllll DUHII-
Miss I.llllnii Eliiioro. n Marshflold 8l""n mr,y of riontlB nt Ten Mllui ,ful Hm"Rlit nnd Blmplo living. I
scl.nni innvnL ,!.. fL ' over Sunday. F. E. Loofo nnd wlfoi 'nown no hotter wny to aorvo tho
Portlnnd nnd other norlhorn points J ,'ii . ." ,,rl,,n' lo romnln ovor
whoro sho will spend part of her vn-, um" Ml),"'"'" .
rnflnn I O
0 Mrs. .1. W. Bennott nnd Bons, Rod-' fi(,",8nn0BS' nn,l 1 H'o on thoso
Mn,.. ...i i i.i ii m - i 01' CK mid lllittnn nTnnnnr lmvn m.i IIIRHOr III ncs Hint nrn Mm klnir.
Mr. IF. F.. Coleman loaves today for, rlv'o.l homo this week from n short i ,,I,,U"' ,0 "lolr rump at Ten Mllo nf- ,lom of "'" r0'' Prlnccn of tho human
different points In Montana. Ho will visit with Dr, fitrnw'fl niothor nndi ,or 8,on'"nK tl10 I''rth nt tholr t rnre- Not that I unilorvnltio monoy,
viMiii in lumiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii wiin uiB oiiior rolntlvos nt ICInmnth Fnll
w f mill baby wll go to Spokane Thoy enmo In via Myrtle Point. I)
U'lWll'A UlAl' U'lll tllflln MiaIm l.n...A I.. 1 111 .. . . "V :
world todny thnn to kcop our honrts
imtniiitoil by tho mnd rush for wonlth
nnd llkoly to lend to dishonesty nnd
.Mrs. A. h. Hlchtor. forinoii Mls'kopf. The gold niodnl contost will
.TnmosliiH Hlbbnrd. loft todny vln I bo hoi I In .Mnrshlleld tho latter part
Portland for her homo at Yrokn.! of tho nionih. Only tboxo liuvlng sll
California, after n fow weeks' vlult ver moilnls will bo allowed to con
with Mlwt Alpha Muusoy mid nthor lost at this tlmo. Thoso ontoiing tho
rolut I viu and friends on tho Buy. t'outimt nro Chostor IsnncHou, F.os-
m. ,. . ,T." !, lw,Hl,. Uric Bolt, I.eo Byorly.
AIIhh AiMiitle Painter nMurnetl homo llnrrlvt IIhiiwii hikI Mrs. Gosnoy
this wcok from a year's stay In Okln- o-
liomn, California nud Canada. I Mr. It. A. Copple loft Friday niorii-
n i . ,. r, '. .. !" for " flve woelm' IiiihIiioah trip
Unlit. MiC'iiin ii ml wlfo of North In the Kat.
Bond HiMMit the Fourth with fiifiut O
nt Myrtlo Point. I MIm IMvn FIhiiukhii will bo lion.,.
..""" i from WIU Nevada, about tho iilnth
Mr. Mriry TlioiMKa nnd her dauli. of July. Slim In, been vIdIMur rela
tor Mm. J. K-. Preulal of rHNKltuiri., tivos for the pstit to or three
California, are iendliiir n moiilli In moHihs and write to friends that
North lienl. They formerly mlil . ho U having a mont delightful time
there and were warmly welrumtMl. o
tiacK Jy tilr numerous old time I'rurowior HouhIUoii who U horo
friends on the Hay. ; tlt lh uieret of Um Mi-Mlnnlii!
"0"" , Collone. upoke nt the UaitiUt iin.r. u
The North Bend KjilscuiwI Altar' Inst TUm-sday ovenli.K.1 ''
Guild will hold a regular iueeluK 0--
wltli Mrs. Frank KriH next Thuis. Mr. (!. .,.Hoy Hall loft thl ttook
",,- n .'w the Ten Mllo country nhcic h.
Ml.. Delia BrTulUar, will leave o " " " n- '' U"
!,,h",'i!.Ji!!!?I!:I",,,'fw' r- .'' Wnh. siiperhnonlen,
..;" .."'". p,,ru" 7 moHiiw ,n I'S-'lnY Coast .IhUt.m t n,.. -.
niii'ii' nil')- win ii ano i or iinino n iv mnn n ti,, n..... ...1.1. .,.
II... t. ........ "? "'-""I'i "' UH'MI nun II1H
IIIU 111111117,
Mis. Cnii Evortson ontortnlned
Mrs. E. Kelly nnd Miss Frnnonn
FrntiHo at luncheon last Monday nf-!
u'iiiodii. i.nior in t no i nv. .Airs. v.v. iinva iv,i itnin;t. .... .. .. .:.;.
r." tJ",l5l't.f,,., . :ornmI herjhnvo been visiting nt tlio iionio of
I;."" ;" :" ,S ,u ,,u'", inior-,.Mi-. iiniiistoi-s unroots. Mr. nnd m.
homo In town.
hut thoro Ib bo much nood of mon-
0 j oy to enrry on tho liidustry, minister
Mrs. l 10. Allen nnd son. Dnnni.i to tho comfortless nnd nllovlnto tho
nuto for Mm imimiLA nt ii. t-i.. i.. returned this wcok from n visit witii. misery of mankind. And n mnn In
O ' Mnrshflold. j rolntlvo nt Wlllnmotto valley points, i fin "l('11 nnror tho bonst whon ho
II. TonlO a r lived Inst Wnd.l Miss Itllth Allnn nlsn rnlnrnn.l cntl COt Ills linnnlnnKB nntv tn ilrlnlf
nesdny to visit n short whllo nt tho I Mrs. 10. 10. FFnyos ami daughter wook r'om Bl'nrt visit nt Tdu Mllo. h""1 '" outing. In gaudy nttlro nnd
.. ' ",;""0,t ,lomo- ' Tealo Is, Miss Flnsslo Haves, nnd Miss Itiibv! O sensiinl plonBurcs, for tho pig hos
quite well known on the Bny. Inning McDonald of Cooulllo woro In Mnrsh-' ,)r- ,,lnl n- t'lnrko and fnmlly of, '" v, nud his corn nnd his swill
visitocl Hero on sovornl occasions. Held for tho colobrntlon (North Bond spent tho Fourth nt'nni1 n, wallow, hut mnn lives his
0 MiKosldo ; better solf ln high nnd nobln
Mrs. Ilnllls'or, mother of Dwtor' 0 i thoughts, puro nnd gonoroun fool-
nnd Fred Hnlllster of North Bond, i $$ $! '"R8' ,n "road humnn sympnthy nnd
Iioh been crltlcnlly 111 tho last fowl HIGH SCIIOOi. Al.u.M.M roiI)n88lon nnd In enrncst nBplrn-
4t 4 nn. men most llKo Ills Maker nnd
Thn Mnr.i.nniii in... ci .a. h'0Rt llko 1iIh Mnkor Intondod liltn
j no .Mnrsnllolil High School Alum- to bo."
in iu inivo n iiiisinoss nieotlng soon
ensuing yenr.
n mi A,....i.., .
.. ..iiujuiiu uiiwiui win ioavo
est lug book.
Mrs. Warren Bmiitel iiin! iimnon
or. Miss Dorothy, left this week for
UiattmiooKn. Tenn.. where they will
"" '''"irri'TT
"In Business fur Voiir Health"
'"" ,,IU" r Home In Anierlonii BamUt ubllti.i. Vi.V
line una been the mont at, III arrive from Porl.i.i ,1... ..'.
! T
llni'i'iiiiiii nt i'ini.,, i .. 1 '" "'" i'vo 11 mis uoss
iietkinnn, nt Iloronco, hnvo boon i0 elect niii fm. i,n
suiiiiiionod homo. 1 oniiorsji)i tho
.nA4 HH
111 im; ri,..s a
After tho races nt Myrtlo Point
(iKtnriltiv lit- llm.1.11 r ... .iu......i
to roHiiiuo hor Htiullos in Septombor.I n very olnrmont oration from tho
U 1 111 ill: OK Htnilll i onnln f IiId v
w ' i'nj ui inn ua-
. -, ..-. ( mm, mil rtl . . 1
AA.A&....- l 111 KU KIUI1II ... I. .. I I..
0.4A if. " ' .. .,'"" " "" ,m8 ,,et, i l' loncos. in tlio Coquillo vnlloy In
Tho Coos Bay Motor Boat Club .,. J ,"? .,' ,ho l",8t ow woolH "t ploneor .Inys nnd plctiirod In glow
will hold !ta next crulso Sundav. i ' " I,.0 H!'5'.'. ,ho .lul. colo,"- ' ''iis tho rich horltngo of ovory
July H. to Piper's Grovo on Coos Vhi'i in 11 ' lves1I "i"1 tr?n In jenldent of this pnrt of Coos County.
Hlvor. As tho North Bond basebill .nn" , Jl 8a IoJm w,n rotur n'8 won, woro wildly applnudod. -tonin
will bo plnylng in the vallev n.l Xm, er to ,oncl1 for nwlillo nnd j Coquillo Sontlnol.
It Is expoctel that there win i.i " 1,?n will rosumo hor studies nt Ber-1 :
.... .,.., ,v . irtii iiiil .,
I " ' A' "igUli1-.- ,r, nioto Siimllna wnlkor Studio.
- , rr ' r " i,m" jm MiinniiiM
1 no inme nr nni iirniiiaK r n 11.....11 ,1 .i .. . in-i in Nor,., lld. In. i w'ffi ilsVK JSTrJ"'
mid h-m made many friend, who hope Mrmtlon of the uew lohS-tsS hi ' '
for hor e,rly return to the Bay. ,..,, ,," ZnTZT y
O the tivul uemild '
good turn out for It
O t
11. nmi . Njordrum. tho mnnngora
of tho new Smith pulp mill, nrQ
Btopplng at tho Multnomah hotol In'
I ortland awaiting; the arrival of
their fainlllos from Finland nnd will
conio nt once to Coos Bny to make
tholr futuro home In this city
Mr. Arno Moreen, Doris Meroen
Allao l.i M 11... ,.. ... .,,. wiiilllini: Will enva
rrow ovorlnnd for Seattle whero
Dunn iiir nnd Tin.ic u.m ,..
for several weeks. Mr. Mnnun .in
' iVf9'!' ' Ml"ePfli to meet Mlis
Miss Nellie A. Moultinmerv m-i..
!" mm ween rrom a few week
Owl Says is
""El crtrt -w . "iihob'i 1 1 .Mum
ILLLDKAIlim' S ( JVFR ':', " 'ereew w" w' "turn ?
" - 'Mill Itllll,
Eft Crow Ovair Glasses!
... .. . 0 o must Kl.( ,,un , . . ,, o
h .rM. 11. k, Vnn n.P,ir i. . ... niinlii. I'ln- 11.1i i.,..i ,, Tli liim... i 1... .
II 7' "I".L"" 0,W1" ?. '.. J. Albert,,: H " , I -He, ,..,,. o'" , f"Z"?. llv S" n " 1, ' ,'
l'.H ..h'- HhV H,Pht X L'lttth lay J,r"- v "iir1 "".von,, health. ! t tho Odd Fellow.' ,M l?1
s;.v '--"-- J""" - - :x jsrM-iS
-O- Kro L .ht0r",?l"., u,0,,,er- w ii JVu''"'"' ,",r,',uy .'... Hies ., 'IstrlUiitlon of Ice cream ami caiHy
.VM KH a, Are WvJ .nTiJ M Oner- '" , h, J.!? " !"8 who took ""' M
111. ilV fnr fnrl tt.i.l v.-lw... t ..T . . -.v V"'' -fHKIHIU . TllBV " '" IIHK tt Willlf . i '""W HUU (IftlH'ftfi l)rnl
, - - - . iniiiiuu n iidi ihmi- ui nmtitiiiti.. - .. m
U 111 lki)...Kl.. ' . ",
.1.1 M... ...... m --- -r.rf r, M '"IIHUI Will I'ltlttn II Oil .1,., !.... f
OWI prescription rK'Krij;
Phono 74-.T.
"Iii Business for Your Health"
Begs U
ami n i
the ser-r
MISS Gotclloll Of Irlnni-lll ....... I
' cnmo to Marshtlehl a fow days ngol
,ls intending to givo an entertain"' I
thnt you hnvo bought nt n bar
Bnln. Bargain glnssea iro
nbniif tho dearest Invostniont
you can mnko. AVo chnrgo a
right piico bocnuso our glasses
mo right. Wo fit thoiu to your
sight as only skilled optlclmif.
can do. They will nld you
when bargain glasses nro Just
ns npt to Injure.
Eyes Examined Free!
Brokou lenses dupllcntod.
ir . rx .