The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 06, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 7

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    Wash-Day a Pleasure
AVlicn 3fou are provided with one of our
Eas K
Washing Mac
We have the two best and most easy running nui
cliines on the market.
Large Linne of Wasfra Boilers
Justt Received
gcnts for Iiirley-T)nvldsoii nnd Imlliiti ."Motorcycles.
If you want your eyesight stretched a mile;
With Portland Thompson keep in touch;
He'll do as good a job as Marshfeld Hayes
And charge you twice as much
Capt. T. J. Macgenn
Gas Water Heaters Make It
To Secure Plenty
Of Hot Water
In Summer
when tho furnnco flro la doad for
the summer, a GA8 WATER HEAT
Klt will supply nil tho hot water you
need, any tlmo you nood It.
quickly and consunio little gas.
convcnlonco of boating wator In In
sullUleut quantities on tho range.
Toleuhono 178 for details of our ga
water heaters.
! Oregon Power Co.
Parties Desiring Monuments Erected
Would do ell to rail hi
At the Live Stock Show
tllft ntnA
"We whin, i . n,ways tlion.
very 1 ,,. !' ,,,avo. ueon fed on tho
I'lItU U hiini,,,
'fs feP,i iii nil(l Klnl"' 0nly tho
"'e test .!!l,t n"a keo" th01 "'
Rood for kI 1UI"- lf K00(l feo'1 ,a
jours, if. l ,lU0 u 13 Kood 'or
m l II mil inu
fncynr uV , ' .?
wiem wnrrii n
tnn. '. ' i
'IU ninlv'O Villi ia ti'nrlli
tt"h tlmt end , X' 'eotl '" raln
""IB, 100.
A. I . Hainoe
W-l0j""-2 w-
.H,.,Va nuu.
fcvf....1 wt: !i I
South Broadway and make sole',
tioii from tho large stock now on
hand. ir. Wilson has in his employ
the only practical marble and granite
cutter in floos County. And none
but tho host work is turned out.
And tlio values given with any
special salo In town.
Suits, $ 7.50
Suits, $ 8.50
Suits, $10.00
Suits, $12.00
Suits, $15.00
Suits, $18.00
Suits, $20.00
We Invito Ymir Inspection,
lie your Oh n Judge.
IKe Fixup
Marshfield North Bend.
WANTED ! ! !
PIANOS TO CLHAN, by tho Pncu
tiintlc Cleaning Company. Orders for
uork taken at
Real Estate and Insurance
I'M North 1-Yont Htrrci
I Will Furnish Your
House on the
Installment Plan
W. K. Wiseman
ll North Front St.
Phono 29G-X: Res. Phono' IGC-J
II honvy team harness
A express harness
It .light delivery harness
X light double harness
K slnglo harness
S light road harness
H If It's a haruoss
we havo It
Cor. Central Ave. and Wntor Sts.,
Evorythlng for tho liorso but
shoes and feed.
200 GartoorLS Tell More
Than 200 Columns
The World's Dest Each Month
Cartoons from dailies nnd weeklies published in
una country, irunuun, uuuun, j'ait. itcrnn,
Munich. Vienna, Warsaw, Hudapest. St. Peters.
bun:. Amsterdam, Stuttgart, urin, Home, Lisbon,
Zurich, loKio, ahanKliai, bydncy, Canada, and
South America, and all tliu great cities of Ihe
world. Only the 200 best out of 9.000 cartoons
each month, are selected.
Picture History of World's Evtnts Each Month
campaign in "Cartoons" nnd watch the oppos-
ins parties caricature each other.
On. Ir umpU copy vrlll Ic inillrd hy tl,lmtlnz th pub.
lUhcr, II. II.WINU&OR. 118 W. WuhSuKtonbUtct, tlllCAT.Q
iBfifewsii vPminWiU3
9lm -. INSTEAD
Will Uo Very Popular on
Account of Coronation.
Jeweled oruatneiitM of nil dcscrlp
tlons, It In declared by London author!
ties, will bo worn In lavish profusion
tho coming season, duo chiefly t6 the
coronation of King George nnd Queen
Mury of England. Tho Jewelers are
vying with onch other to produce (he
most elaborate effects. Tho picture
sIiowh some of the designs. The hand
some dog collar occupying tho center
of tho cut In composed of ten rows of
famous pearls, cnrefully matched, and
a wonderful reproduction of nnturo'H
work, both as regards coloring and
texture. This dog collar Is made dou
bly attractive by a largo central plaque
composed of an elaborate scroll work,
carried out in Parisian diamonds, with
a very big single stone in tho mlddlo
of tho design.
At the top may bo seen a bow of real
lace, which serves as a suitable back
ground for a charming brooch of Louis
XVI. design, while tho ribbon waist
belt, which comes below the dog collar.
Is drawn through a most picturesque
and effective clasp, recalling tho best
period or antique French bijouterie
A long muff chain, sultablo for evening
wear, completes tho picture, carried
out In platinum and set alternately
with Parisian dlnmonds and pearls.
Home Mutlo.
"To ilso the plnyer piano nnd the ro
productive Instrument not only for
pleasure, but to your knowl
edge of music, Is a duty you owo
yourself," says C. II. Claudy In tho Wo
man's Home Companion. "Tho musi
cally Ignorant may prefer light opera
and march and waltz music to that
which they do not understand, yet an
evening of light music nlono Is much
like a dinner of dessert nloue. If you
give a concert at home on player
piano or phonograph, strive to arrange
your programme with some regard to
tho fitness of things. As the chef In
creases the enjoyment of a meat with
a sauce, of an entree with a sweet side
dish, for contrast, so can you lucrcaso
enjoyment or u musical program or
'menu' by contrast, by skillful ar
rangement of your numbers and by In
termissions. If you havo several short
numbers of the sumo general charac
ter, play them ono after tho othor
without Intermission."
Cord Around tho Wolit.
The very latest wnlst band Is tho
cord. This tubes the place of the rib
bon or the sush or tho old fashioned
girdle. It may be adapted to any
gown mid be of any color or In gilt or
silver. The cord may be looped artis
tically, with long hanging ends orna
mented with pretty tassels.
For the Engaged Girl.
.Monogramuied Turkish towels are
how Included among presents to tho
engaged gir- An oval of linen about
fair liickVH ucros'i has thp Initials em
bioldervd upon It by lwn.1.
This medallion is stitched Into the
toweling wllh two rows of tine ma
chine stitching. Usually tho marking
It In pink or old blue, and If a mono
uriuu Instead of separate Initials is
used a round medallion lootu butter
than the oval one.
Alleged Impostor near Eugene
Real Clarence Dietz is
on Coos Bay.
That thoro Is n man by tho name
of Clarcnco DIetz traveling In Oro-
gon who Is nn Impostor Is tho claim
mado by Ernest Chczcm of Eugene,
Who this man Is not known but tho
real uiarcnco iJlotz is on cjoob nay
or was n fow days ago. J. Gordior
who recently enmo to tho coast from
Mlnnonnolls and who know Dlotz In
Wisconsin as a mombor of tho Wood -
men attests this. Concerning tho
alleged Impostor, tho Eugono Rcglst-
or says:
"Ernest Chozom, son of II. Chczom,
of this city, Is In receipt of a letter
from Mrs. John F. DIetz, of Mary
vllle, Wis., rolatlvo to tho possibility
of tho body of tho young man allogod
to havo boon seen floating down tho
Willamotto past tho mouth of tho
McKonzio, Ronio tlmo ago, bolng that
of lior son. Mrs. Dlotz says that
it Is n mIstnko, as her son was novcr
n.,laM r,r Wlonnn.ln .luring Mm nnaf
year oxcopt to Duluth, Iowa, nnd ho
Is now circulating n potltlon In tho
northorn pnrt of Wisconsin, nsklng
tho pardon of his fathor, John F.
Dlotz, who Is In tho Wisconsin ponl-
tontlnry as a result of troubles
growing out of a famous dam con -
trovorsy in thnt stato,
"Tho man whom Mr. Chozom bo-
lloved to bo tho victim of tho Blip-
posod accident worked for II. Che -
zom hero a short tlmo hoforo ho was
said to havo floated down tho rlvor.
Ho represented himself as Clarence
ninf. arm nf .TnJ.n V. Dint, nf Wis-
ronsln. Ho disappeared a short
:'::";," ;;.; ' .
nmo ucioro mo nouy was scon in mu
river. II. Chozom sad tho man look- rowctl ,,, 8 f ,, nt-
od llko a thief but scorned to bo ,nchca on Ul0 stronRth of ,,f8 i0bb nnd
honest. Ho was Blopo-Bhoudored n Btory to t,,0 offccttlmt ,10 ,m(
and appoarod to weigh 130, but real- wIrCll for eG00 to otlnwn
ly wolBhGil 1G4 pounds. Ho had a YounK Man Accepted,
receding chin nnd palo blue oyes. Ho j Wlth tho tnlo of Miss Politico thor
woro clothes sovornl bIzos too largo. leaked out other Itoms of Intoros-.
"Tho mnn camo to Eugono Boveralt wnB ascertained thnt Mr. nnd Mrs.
weeks ago and nogotlatod for tho, j0y Cunningham had visited tlm Vr.
Chozom ranch out on Spencer creek,
hut suddenly dlsnpponrod, nnd Mr.
Chozom Is of tho opinion that tho
supposed body of n man floating In
tho rlvor wns thnt of thin man, who
ovor ho wan.
THE press, according to Louis T.
Goldlng, editor of tho St. Joseph
(Mo.) Nows-Pross, Is widely
condemned for Inaccuracy. Ho ac
knowledges thnt "thoro Is vnstly
more Inaccuracy than thero should ho
nnd Hint thero seems no remedy but
Incrcnsod carofulnoss." nut ho also
ndds countervailing facts that aro too
soldom taken Into account. Ho says:
rPlin nhnrirn la tltltllat n'rilrlllf
Into consideration the mimbor of
t IIU iiint, nv n ii..j...'v. ....n
statements mado nnd weighing tho,nndlnn llnnk of Cnmmorce, Btntlng
truo ngaltiBt tho fnlso tho press as a - tlint I2B00 had been deposited thoro
wholo Is romarkably nccurato. Tho for him."
establishment of fact Is one of tho Lnurier wns not reticent. To vnrl
most difficult problems thnt faces hn- 8 ncqunlntnnccs In nnd nround tho
man endeavor. Even In thn courts. Argonnilt ho confided thnt hn wni
...i.nH. i. .A..i.. i..-... it... i.nn
"iniiu lilt" ijiuiikiiI' io uvur iiiu iiunii
methods of Hopnrntlng tho falso from
tho truo that tho wisdom of tho ngct
has brought us, thoro froquontly nro
riicIi conflicts of testimony thnt
sometimes tho ascertainment of fact
becomes n psychological and not n
Bcloutlflc problem."
Such bolng tho enso In courts nf
law, which aro proverbial for tho r
deliberation and for tholr determina
tion to ascertain tho facts that Indl
cato what' Is Justice, It Is Inevitable
that Inaccuracies and honost errors
should occur In tho publication of
Tho business is n "rush
Job." Tho
clrcumstancos nttondnnll
upon procuring nnd publishing tho
nows nro not thoso most favorable to-
Ideal and absolute accuracy.
correspondent writing an account of a
political convention while In tvo
midst of Its tumult dnos not enjoy the
snmo facilities for attaining exact ac
curacy as tho historian writing In the
cnlm air of tho study.
As n matter of fact tho approxi
mate rccurney of tho Amorlcnn-prosa
Is Httlo short of mnrvolous. Truth
ih mi? iiiuiii oi mo iireuH association
and tho newspaper mo.,.. Ono has but
to rend tho representative
O papors Of
nanors of
tho great cities and the rural press as Tnow I Sen le,'' dec ared Mr
a whole nnd ho will he convlncod if.Ki. wi, m,,imSi, . AVLiJ.
this fact.
Tho piess dispatches and tho edl-
torlal comments of the papers of tho
United States for the last tliroo
T!it! LSh",01"?" .n '
.. ,...o...u..v.... ..,
amazed tho studious reader with
tholr prevailing correctness of stato-
meiit nnd Judgmont.
Heroism Is novor vain,
glorifies and uplifts and
uoblos this human world. It
shods a glory about tho most
comuionplaeo of human rlmim- 4
stances and uplifts tho most sor-
did repetitions of llfo. Above
all it convinces us that sonio- v
thing which wo do not seo or
touch or hoar, hut which wo
call spirit, pormoates and por-
vades the wholo of llfo; and
that whleh matters, that which
counts for or ngalnst llfo, is tho
quality of tho spirit. Nothing
Is dohasod which tho spirit up-
holds; nothing Is valueless
which spirit onllghtons Soloet-
ru CiilL ConJuct.J by the SISTERS OF THE HOLY
CilIiiUu Cmim. Mu.Ic An. BlcuUo n4 Ccnmer
till Dctlt, RiiUau tmdbt) iiuJtmh. Rcluc4 MralD4
litcllcctulTitl lnf. Write loiAnoouacmnLAJJ(tM
tltTEK WrXKlOK. r. M.n'i Mdni. h'lUmJ
IS IffiiS
.(Con tinned from Pago One.)
nows of Latirlor, whoso hrldo sho had
expected to becomo on Monday night,
only to linvo lionn lff. nt- Mm nilirn nf
tho marital nltar when thn Imrrlnt.-r
failed to ho present,
Laurlor attractod Httlo nttcntloa
until last Friday, whon ho appoarod
' at pollco headquarters and thero re-
laieu a story of tho loss of 100
wmio touring tho Barbary Const Ja
company with n stranger whom no
i hnd mot on tho stenmor Cltv of Piinh
, la on tho way hero from Seattle, and
who, chancing to meet tho barrister
' nrrnln lin.l vnlitntnn.n.1 ,.. ..I...... t.t-.
......., ,.1u tuiumvuii-u iu auuw il I ill
tlio night llfo of San Francisco.
Laurlor did not dcslro to havo his 1ojj
tnndo public, ho said, as ho was to ho
married In n few days.
Groom Docs Xot Appear.
It was not until Monday evening
that tho strnngo notions of Charles
Honry became of gront moment, and
then tho Invited guests at an oxclit
slvo party given In tho homo of Roy
m. uuuningnnm, 1919 Dnkcr street,
WCrO itlCXPrCSSlblV SMOCkOll llV llll
fn"" to pay his respects at what,
! ((lo3 donlnls, Is generally bcllovod
' lmvo boo llIa wedding festival,
mi! .."T.T In attendance.
ft7"fikf n",'1 bocn '"trod'icod an
mofi"nf Qi.CwiilC?,Hory LftUr,or
1 "'0 ' s'f Wilfrid nnd ovory ona
was expectant.
,j,i f't .,Viu.BJ1l!!F, P"Ptlvo
''"''. ?" ,,, "' " iU, "nvo rtf
- fto - ln whn w fibf-W?B on
r.80tcr' n v,. lo ,Zm1L fti";
fiocntJ tho mon dvo lh
m( Son Joblmd nnmn oft n Tnfir
."' . .".F.n ru.0. nttcinpted to inter-
.lv,w ' t mo Argonaut. Ho wns
gone. Nor had ho taken hla baggage.
i. ,.. oonfiM., ,.. i. ..,,.'..
gonnut nnd becomo ncqualutcd with
Lnurier. Tho barrister related a
ficoro of IntlmntodctallB of tho llfo of
Sir Wilfrid, called hlmnolf tho
nophow of tho Premier nnd won tho
comploto confldonco of Cunningham.
It wna n short stop to ontreo to tho
Ilohcnilnn qiub. Other oxcluslvo or
gaulzntlona throw open their doors to
tho Cnnadlnn nnd ho was accoptod
with little question by society ovorv
whoro. On tho strength of his ovl
ilont social connections, ho had enrte
blancho at tho hotol.
His meals consisted of expensive
dishes, with nioro cxpcnslvo wine.
J. A. Walker, day clork. whon
questioned, said: "Whon I hoard of
his loss, I readily loaned him ?3G, for
' which ho gave mo n check on tho Ca-
IrnniVM In nttnu'n n
Ottawn as "Tho Little
'I' roncli L
awyor." Ho said thnt ho
had boon n mombcr of Parliament for
two years. His approaching mnv
rlago ho also froquontly inontloncd.
Donlnls woro ontorod to questions
Intlmntlng thnt Laurlor had Jilted hli
hrldo nt tho pnrty. When Mrs. Cun
nlnghnm wns seen yesterday, alio
"Thoro wna no woddlng scheduled
for this houso. Truo. I did Invito
sovornl frlonds to dinner. Miss
I-'ouIko's presonco wns nn nccldcnt.
Sho tolephoncd early Mondnv morn-
' ,,,,'' n8,'"K whothor wo hnd Been her
"",'LU' ' '"v,lt" "or a?.wn nna
r"" ' iro iu
1IB boc?. n MIB. t In fact. Mr.
' ir inn not iiiioim to wen rao
girl until ho rocoived monoy from Ot-
tnwn. Ho 1-nd wirod, but It was a
holiday thoro Mondny nnd no reply
wns expected. Tho dlsnpponrnnco nf
Laurlor, whllo strnngo, has not sha'r
on our faith In him. Whntovor Mr.
Cunningham did for tho man was ntf
tunted by my own friendship for tho
This story was contrndlctr at ho
i, ...i.a mi i..ii.- .. ,-..i..
""? '" ; "AT Tium ' Z
InlrmlnnMn,. frn... !. lol . n. nh
i,,-n.i..,i , , ,.. . . .:.:
-"rt " Ufcuiijiivo VIII.) Ilfl lMIVIIb7
"Sho spoko of Laurlor nnd Invltod us
, V" VLn,nrt"l .S, ";.""""
Monday. Later wo woro told It had
,,eP postponed until 8 p. m. W
-woro "ot "" to go and Madge camo
nonio unuorved, hnlf hystorlcal.
T(?n wo , , tnt , , ,
,1Ilonro,i ,, ,,, M i.nn,, ,, ,,' .,
I appoarod and the girl believed ho had
mot with foul play. Sho has gone to
1 visit a nrlest now to consult with him
regarding tho woddlng, ns hor faith
differs from thnt of hor flnnco."
Miss Foulko npponred nt tho Argo
nnilt Hotel vosterdny nfternoon nnd
them mndn Inquiries of the nttaches.
The clrl stated thnt Bho had come
to Pun FY-Mictsrn on the same stenmor
with Lnurlor. Sho cavn her ho-no ad
dress ns MniRlifleM, Oro. Sho ex
plained that thoro had been some dif
ficult nbout tho wedding, as I'
would havo ronulmd a sneclal dh
nonsntlnn fnim thn Arclib'shon of O-
tnva. but this had been overcome hv
,Mo ho-.i)ltnlltv of tho Cunninghams
who offered their homo In lion of n.
church nffalr.
Tho following marrlago licenses
j wore Issuod by Conntv Clork Wntson
during tlio pnfit wook:
Jess H. King and Mary Jano
nalloy. Both of North Bond.
Chnrles I). Loin as nnd Myrtlo L.
MPcholl. Tloth of Dandon.
Albert V. Jlalrd and Helen R.
Mooromnn. noth of Dnndon.
If you have anything to sells trade,
or rent, or want help, try a Want Ad.