THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1912 EVENING EDITION. V 1 nnvni'J liv n nlinrtor-flicll coat Of sterilized paraffin. When romovdj fiom tho glass tho Jolly should bo firm but not tough. It Bhould pre-1 serve its angles when cut, nnd should , We want to talk to you havo a good color and a disiinctivo flavor of the Juico used." NEW YORK .MAX PLANS ELECTRIC CHICKEN FA KM 4 PARADE IS A TELLS WTO FINE PAGEANT MAKE JELL! :i r i i I i V i M iS :,- (Continued from Pago One.) Misses" Helen .Merchant, 'jelln Swln- ford, Mnrlnn Horsfnll, Helen Rccs, Florcneo Flanagan, Mnry Motlln, Doris SongBtncken, Dorothy Dylor, Maud Wilson, Alice Johnson, Jane McLaln, Irene Ouhnetto, Dess Flana gan, Myrtlo Nelson, Alma Pratt, Ruby Pitman. In tlio Liberty Cnr. Tho Liberty Car wan In charge of MIbs Frances Fran so and was ono of tho most attractive that has ovor tmnn ti rwi it irflil tnr n liVitlrtli linrn. Miss Mnudo Noblo was tho Goddess of Llborty and L. K. Ualllngor por trayed Undo Sam. J, E. Fltzgorald drovo tho car. Tho others In tho car and tho states they represented woro: Lucllo Douglas, Tennessee. Ednn Mlrrnsoul, South Carolina. Ucrnlco MIrrasoul, Missouri. Ethel Davis, Dolnwaro. Emma Douglas, Maine, Lavlna Painter, Ohio, Marjory Draws, Massachusetts. Elsie Thomas, Colorado. Anna Downs, Pennsylvania. Itoulnh Hill. Oroeon. . Esther Wlstl, Indiana. Ida Cook, Arkansas. Anna Storgard, North Dakota, Elslo Thomas, Colorado. Olllo Mooro, Novadn. Anna Haklund, Iowa. Nova Oosnoy, West Virginia. FJorenco Cardoll, Wyoming. Margnrot Stauff, Alabama. Rlnnch MlrraBoul, North Dakota. Mary Wlstl, Georgia. Loronn Hoffman, Maryland. Mayboll McLaughlin, New Hamp slilro. Lcoua Hoffman, Texas. Clara Abel, Wisconsin, Aldono Smith, California. Elvio Grant, Washington. Cecil Smith, Louisiana. Loulso Gldlcy, Kansns. Helen Perkins, Mississippi, Mary Cordoll, Ithodo Island. Marrow Wilson, Illinois. Agnes Johnson, Minnesota. Clara Turgon, Michigan. Oortrudo Robertson, Virginia. Dorothy Painter, Now York. Mndgo Stutsman, Utah, Evelyn Fourier, Florida. Edith Johnson, Oklahoma. Maud Stutsman, Idaho. Huth Gol den, virglo ilosnpy, Frances Lang, Anna Myers, Edith Ayres, Ellzaboth Jones, Genovlovo Oosnoy, Ellznboth Johnson, Virginia Clarke, Lillian Soaninn, Nora Hlldonbrand, Irono uook and Margaret Lund represented tho "Island Possesions." Dig Crowd Hero With ono of tho largest crowds as sembled that linn over gathered for n Fourth of July rolebratlon, Mnrsli llold today Is bringing Its Uireo-ilny Jublluo to n glorious close. Prnctlcully every section of tho coun ty Ib roproHontod In tho crowd. Tho parado, rosebud drill nnd speaking progrnm nt tho Masonic Opora llouso tblH morning ontortnln cd tlio crowd. Dr. Harry Lono of Portland dollvorod tho ntldreiM. mihi uiKiit. (onfottl throwing and good naturoil raillery miido n pleus nnl t lino for tho crowd. SovortU shows and dunce nUo rui'iilwliud dl vorsiou. Ki' Five Show-. a. nig rreo siinw was put on last night on the bund platform on Front street. Vlnco Pratt nrted km tlu mnn ngor nnd Win. Dtingnn pladed tlio rola of )r. Ponnut.Hinlih of tho Zulu IhIiiiiiIh. Tln iiu'inliTa of iht Zulu Quartet were CIikh. Stauff. C. S. Dodgo. Jny Tower mid Chm-le Uidi. rolugruiim wore iwolvod from Mayor ?& ' 'im,on' C' J- Mll". King of KiiKlHiid uii.l many otberu. mo porfoniiaiuo vwu well gotten mi nnd kept the crowd In. n roar. Ways to Preu'iit Candying and Oilier Faults by O. A. C. Girl In Article. COUVALL'S, Ore., July 4. How to avoid tho "candying" and mnko Jelly 'Jell," is told In an nrtlcle writ ten by .Miss Margaret McCall, of Al bany, n graduate of tho Oregon Ag.'- cultural College, department of Jo mestlc science, In the last number of "Tho Oregon Countryman," pub lished by tho students. "Tho most common disappoint ments In jolly making are inuuro 01 the Jelly to harden, and tho candying of the Jolly," Bnys Miss McCnlt. "Jolly Is made by combining sugar and fruit Juico nnd heating to the bollhj; point for a short time. Tho ability of tho fruit to form Jelly Is owing to a Bitbstnnco called pectlu, present in all fruit when rlpo or near- t.a a . tl,...!.. Ih M I I 1 n M t fllnVAll 1 hu. I uuuil id minimi iu otuibii, and Ik Is tho action of tho pectin nnd tnc acid in tno mm wnicn causes u to gelatinize. 'TiViill fnf Inllt. Diini.i.t lin anlnMnil carefully, being not over-ripe, so that inn nwiin ih nt hh ui!Hi. jl Himuiti bo freshly picked nnd free as pos sible from defects. Any defective part should bo removed, An ncld fruit Is UBiinlly preferable for Jelly. Somo ncld fruits, however, nro defi cient In pectin, nnd thus difficult to make Into Jelly. This trouble may be overcomo by nddlng fruit Juico con taining n largo amount of pectin. Tho flnvor will ho modified, but in many enses tho result Is a very good Jelly. "Somo of llio most dcslrnblo fruits ror jolly limiting aro currants, ulncu bcrrlcs, raspberries, loganberries grapes, quinces, peaches, apples and crabapplcs. Juicy fruits, such as cur tints nnd berries, should not bo gath ered after n rain on nccount of tho larco amount of molsturo thev hnva absorbed. Thoy should, for tho snmo ronfon. bo washed no quickly as pon- nunc. "They mny bo put In tho present ing kottlo nfler washing, crushed Hl'ghtly with n wooden spoon nnd rented slowly, while they nre stirred at frequent Intervals. When tho fru.t 'b hot It should bo rrushed thorough ly with n wooden vogetnblo masher. It should then bo strained thrniiiili .1 doiililo thickness of cheesecloth placed ovor a wlro strnlnnr. wlilnii la ovor a largo bowl. It should drain as long as tl-o Juico will drip, and pres sure should not llO llSod. Tim rlnnr Juico may bo used at onco, or mny 13 strained through a finnnol bng bo- roro use. "When tho Juico hns been meas ured Into n clean preserving kettle, n pint of grnnulntcd sugar should be ndded for ovory pint of Juico nnd stirred until dissolved. When It has been nut- on tho flro nnd brought o n boll, It should bo drawn back nnd Hklmmed. This should be repented, twlco before pouring tho liquid In hot. sterll'jpd JoMv tflno Tim.., V.ould be put near n minnv window 'n n room free from dust. Tlio cinm. OB should bo covered with cheese cloth until tho Jelly hns sot. "Largo frultB. biicIi no tho nppK HUlt llO llOllOll III U'fllnp l.nlll . and the liquid strained from tho pulp Dr. Llennu to Fatten Poultry After Method Discovered In England. Dr. Kudolph C. Llennu, a New York dentist. Is having instnlled on it farm belonging to him nt Great Riv er, N. Y., tho apparatus necessary to raise chickens by electricity. Dr. Llennu expects thnt his chickens wlM oquni ordinary cnicKens in wcigm 111 hnlf tho time or, In n Blmllnr period, will exceed tho common barnyard fowl In weight by some 38 per cent. The dentist says that his Ideas are similar to thoso of Dr. Thorno Bake, of London, who finds thnt by prac tically continuous doses of high fre quency eiucmuii lie 11111 biiuuk 111a chickens Into rapid growth. Dr. Lle nnu tolls of n comparison which Dr. Dnkor made. "Tho conditions surrounding tho two classes of chickens, four In each class, were Identical," said ho. "Tiny had tho same food and tho Bnmo runs. Somo G000 volts of electricity woro used In nltornnttnir current, which was so directed thnt it swept tho basking runs of the fronted birds. The cost of tho treatment was found 10 nvcrnge 1 cenis n uini iroin mc time It stnrted to killing time." Tho dontiBt presented tho figures of Dr. linker's test showing that four chickens which hnd been treated with electricity to tho broiling stage weighed 4 pounds 1 l.S ounces, while four not spurred to moro rnpld growth by tho current weighed only 3 Hounds fi.fiS ounces. Dr. T.tofinn nnvu lin linn ilnvlsml nmiln Imnrnvnmnnta In thn mntinnt nt convoying tho shocks to tho chickens, 11111 ouicrwico nis inr;u win ue mod eled on fhnt of Dr. linker's. DON'T GET RUN DOWN Weak and mlso.nblo. If you havo Kidney or Uladdcr trouble Dull head pains, Dizziness, Nervousness, Pains In the back, nnd feel tired all ovo-, get a packngo of Mother Gray's Alt- O.MATIC-LEAF tho pleasant herb euro. It nevor falls. Wo have ninny testimonials from grateful poo plo who havo used this wonderful remedy. As a rceulntor It has no equal. Ask for Mothor Gray's Aro- mntlc-Lcnf nt ftrugglsts or sent by mall for COc. Snmplo FREE. Ad dress, Tho Mothor Gray Co., Lo Roy, .V. Y kt E ARE not going to bore you with a long talk on our clothing. Personally wc are satisfied with our lines and feel that we could not find stronger ones, but what we want to impress firmly upon the minds of everyone, is the fact that we are giving the people values and we are certain of it. Money is not everything in busi ness, we admit frankly we're not in it for our health, but at the same time we arc here to please the people and we WANT YOU TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE. We make our business a study all the time endeavoring to find new ways to save our customers money, and at the same time give them the best merchandise obtainable. Buy for cash and save from $4.00 to $10.00 on your Suit now and Prove to yourself that "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Bandon. Marshfield. mmm .. . WiV"I--5 Htt V Tsft -,, of ITit World READ PICTURES INSTEAD OF TYPE Steamer Washington Will Sail for San Francisco From Coos Bay Wednesday evening July 3 WITH PASSE.VOERS AND FREIGHT 1 S. DOW, Agent. Ocenn Dock. 200 Garter, Tel! More Than 200 Columns The World's Best Each Month Co Ih lu Tho program inn UTnnillK 1 for thl nrtmini.ii. R follows: 3D p. in. Flow RpnrlB 2:J0 to In town: .J0.0.?!,L,,",,. ? ,or "" lw ! vt, , iw.wu nun ?(,UU. 100 yard (IhkIi for laillos, two prl row. ?5.oo and $3.00. J I 75 yrd dniili, riinnlut; bnelcviirJT, twojirlias. ?3.00 nnd 5..00. ' 1 Back nice for hoya undor 10 yours Ihrca prison. ?:t.00, 2,00 nndll.00. 100 yard tlnali. nion wolKhlnn ovor 3.Ool tW ,,rh8' 5,0t) nni1 Uniio ball tlirowhiK ronioat. hullo IwonrlJM, 15.00 nml $3.00. ' ' ' " ( sSoMlWl,,c (5,",80l, lU)0' ono )r". Plo-ontlmc pontoit. ono- prlzo' 4.L . k JrmU D Co,mn' 8ec 1:00 to fi:00 p. ni. Tub of wnr Moon' tW '""I"8' l,B-00 "" ', , A- ' J'owors. Roc. 1 I'AVt.l s,JSn"-,n'n' Concert l niin''?0 '' m Miwkoil Car.! nlvnl, Confetti Ilattlo. Uall. All thoso npponrliiK on tho I Htroota of Mnrslillold nftor 8:30 p. m. July ith, should wear iiinRkH, Eor liifornintlon ronrorulni; nny tnont, plonso corrospond with tho hocrotary havlnb- that ovont In charge An additional prlzo of J 10,00 will ho Klvon for tho bost docorntod busl. . wimipw in Mnrslillold during tho throo dnya. b All ontrlog for fli.m 8,,(,rt8 . " 11 o'clock on day of ovct' THE NIXWXICIJM 1CU11WKA. July i. doo.i proKro8a roporto.1 In tho construction f 1 8 b earn scl.oonor Nocanlrum. bullUliS nt Ilon.llxsou shipyards for tho II, lit niond Lumber company. Framowork has boon compiotod and durl.iK tZ wok dock bn,s b'e'r JJ ?. ?h,ozo!;;v'L''-'cod,,abo,u . 4 ui-iiouiuor. Cattoom from dallies and wcrklic publlihcil in mi vwiiiiiij lAiiuiuii. iuuiiii. 1'iriB. iirriin. Munich, itnun, Wnruaw, Iiud3nct, bu IVicrt uri?. Ktitfttfnrt Tittfn Unm 1 !.( 'urifh Tnlln c, lb. !...' "' '.I-"VL1 'I bouih Amfrtcn, nnd nil the cities o( the ivnrlfl flnlt. .Iij. .nl Lut ... flr.A J each montli, nro iclrctcd. j A Picturo History of World1 Evsnlt Each Month hoforo mklwtl,o joily! "tIio h'! SliAST.Hgl s .i .in- iiiiii, jiiito Mild BltHfir to "r'""; miicaiure men oilier. Hn boMliiB point nerves throo pur- VMHLVUD,cniPTION-"OiimoLecoPYio or rniiNlsloiiry: nml to Invor 1. .."0,v ' wu" "BwautAUER cnnililnod nctlon of toinporntiiro nnd fro ncld. n Inrgo n.iiniUNy of cnno timir. nnVontliiir in iiu. tnm I KraniilntliKr. 'Precautions l b0 olmcrvod In lot. rinnkln nro: Do not uxo Inn or' I uuMimii.: urn fruit nclds nttnk iiw motnls nnd kIvo n Imd color to he rinlshed product, nnd nffeef tho !;: tho kottlo Fhmitd ho porccI:(n Hied or onaniPlcd. or of nluinlnuni )n not cook tho fruit Juico nnd stiKitr t- i,.,jir ,.r M-o pectin will lo in olNtluUiiin pownr. Do not ndd too '.'',?' ".."roiwllon of miRiir or tho "iv ,vm crvmiim Hard boill'isi .;, ,,'. ,w ".vHtnlllimtlon. HIM)M tjlunild ho covered na soon a hev bi., set to prevent t! .. uMowih of n.oldH n.i Mitorla and to "Lnt ?roinritloii Tl.ov mnv bo .x&'im wmimm miw V" 'Bj Svl ll 4yVi jnt fSiiv I V -l f- A A. --l lJ 7 B -X 1 I a UrSi mJ g l) THE PRICE QUESTION 7 AND TiTo GUALITY QUESTION ? Am: iivrii .iswi:ni Suit Showings AND Furnishings WM. S. TURPEN Architect! 171 FIIOXT ST. COOS BAY-IIOSEBU11G STXOE LINE. Stngo lenvos Slnrshnold ovory morning nt C nnd rcncheB Rosoburg In n.h.?0,l?ocl w,lh 1ovon,n& trn.ln ror 1'ortlnnd. Stngo nlao lonvoa Rosoburg ovory morning nt C o'clock nnd roaches Mnrahflold snmo Us uUIIlK FARE 90.00, Itound trip 911.00. Oood meals en route. C. P. Unrnnnl, ngont, Rosoburg. Otto achottor, ngont. 120 Mnrket Avonuo, Mnrshflold. Tlckota can bo obtnlnod nt Hlllyor'a Clgnr Storo. Thi Star Transfer aid Storage Co. Is nronnrod to dn nil Wlmin nt im,,ii.. flfl tltmt tmflAn fir &.. a la . n n..,fc uuiitu. v& uicoi nil tram nnd bonta nnd wo nlao hnvo tho lntcs stylo RoynoldB PInno Mover. 't gunrnntoo our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-R, 120-J, or 40-L. flMnMIIESJflil'! THK FUIE.VD OF. COOH DAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR COOS BAY FROM POR.TLAND AT 6 P. M., TUESDAY, JULY 4 CUXMSCTIXCI WITH THE NORTH DA.VIC ROAD AT PORTLAND XORTII TACIFIO STEA.MSIUP COMPANV. Ph0lui "' ' O. F. McflEOHOE, Agent. -""" iMOTirntrmnrmimirwH I A Modern Ilrlclt DullUlug, Electric Light, Stenm Rent. Elegantly Furnlahed Hooms with Hot nnd C'jld Water. HOTEL COOS U. A. AIETLI.N, Prop. Hates- fiO conta a. Day nnd Upwr.rda Cor llrpnnwny and Market. Murshflold. Oreson. Wanted Quick A Hlirowtl Investor to pick up y lMirgnln lu two of tlio cliolccwt loUl on EnMldc. Flno view nt Ha; nnd Mnrslillold. High, level and nigllliy. 9170. I. S. KAUPMAN & CO.! 177 Front St. Barnard & Langwor Electrical Contractor nml Suppllnl P1IO.VE lHI-R. I 170 So. ItromlHiiy, noxt door t I'lilim Mont Market. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH W1RELE IS AND SUDMARINE IIKLL SAILS FOR. SAN FRANCISCO FROM. COOS BAY riday, July 5, AL 2:30 P. M. I'luiuc 41. INTER.DCEAN TRANSPORTATION' COM PAW. I Ai O. F. McOEOHQh, Agent Unique Pantatorium rijE MODERN DVERH. CLE WKItH I riJftii'I-.IIH and RAT RENOVATORS ; Ageut for Edward E. Strauia & Co . flno Tailoring Let ua mak yom j ifxt Suit ' gjW Coiium-rclHl. VUaue no.x T. J. BCAIFE A II. HODUINI Marshiield Paint . (Sh Decorating Co. Katlirmtoj ...,.,,5.-:, I Marshfield & Norlh Bend Aulo lintl (JORST oi Kl.Vfi, Proprietors. Cnra lenvo Mnralifiniii ..nrU ill ni mites from 7:16 n. in. until 12:l miunignt. Lenvo North Dona I snmo Bchodulo, Btnrtlnc nt 7 n. a until midnight. Seo Snturdny Tlmeil wi OUIIUUI1IU. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALU AVSON TIME. SAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK. POltTr ivi. . ., I'lione Mala aai-I. J. C MILLER, AKei,t. j BlancharcTs Livery Wo hnvo Bocurod tho livery bull- peas of L. H. Holanor, and aro pn pnred to render excellent sorvlco U ino poopio of Coos Day. Carefo jdrlvera, good rigs and everytblti that will mean tmtmrnctory sorvlco b I the public. Phono ua for n drlrlti !i it ft rle or nnyHilDB neoded li wio uvory uno. wo also do truci ug ousiuesa or all kinds. niaXCHARD HROTIIERS Phone 138-J Llvory, Feed mid Sales Service. Ml FlrM nnd Alder StroetH. I Katlmatod Punilhi MARSHFIELD. Phnnp HOI. Orotmi AT TEe Fixup Mnrahtield North Bond. WANTED ! ! ! (Aitpirm su PIANOS TO CLEAN. I," Jh" .?H'! rout i- Cleaning Company. Onkrs foi moiK Inl.i-n at OOING HARVEV PHONE IOO City Auto Service 0n,l o .... . ".. vhib, uareiui ur vera and reasonnuio charges. Our motto; ci 1 KQrtlnn'whero nt any time." Night Phone 16. DARKER .V OOODALE. iroirlplon R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance lt North Frowt Btrttt Anynliere, AiiyTImo Ciuvfnl Driving i.c.. Reasonable Rates FISHER AUTO SERVICE WM. PISIR'U n i nono orders to Hlllver'a rinr Store, Phono 1S-J. "f ,or H r? m Phono 5,-J. Marshfield. Oregon. "S',.no .2' oeers Houh n .'":" ""ice Hours 2 to H i uuuu 1 H-Jj, Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE Several good bargains In Farms and city property. AUG. FK1ZEEN. Marshflald. 08 Central Ave. A TURKISH HA-rti ... . - GOOD. Phons IHJ. ""' ao yo" I Most Sensible Shoe j For tho children la tho fnmous "SKUFFER" shoo. For sain at The Electric Shoe Store ibu so. nrondway .... MarshlleM PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I Will Furnish Your d r ,vn,) n cmkb j , Specialist In Xcne nd Splnid rfnifCO An t-Un. ' Disease. Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman !MI Xoith Front St. Una. Phone 290-X: Res. Phnnn J66-J We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Electrical material and can give our patrons a very low price on house wiring. Get our price you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J Pi " A- J. HENDRY'S , Modem Dental Parlor. We are equipped to do high cl work on short notice at the wf lowost prices. Examination fret L.ndy attondaut, Coke building, oppo site unnnaier Hotel, phono 112-J. J. W. HKNNBW, Lawyer. )me over Flanagan & Bennett Ban mranneiq Orcgoll )" - T. RIcCORJIAO, Physician and Surgoon Marshfield, Oregon. )fflce: Lockhnrt Building. Opposlto post ofUce. Phone l05-