THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1912 EVENING EDITION. MILLICOMA HATS For Summer Wear TheBest $3 Hats Made Woolen Mill Store Leading Hatters Marslificld WELCOME I'lvoi'x one, and while you are in lite city if you fee! llie need Of any of those lilllo toilet requisites when away from home, lel-us supply you. room imrsiiias tooth powder COM USTOILET WATER PRUWMID TOI LIST SOAP. In fact, anvthingand ovorvihing you need niav bo found here at prices that will Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" MAIN 298 - 'HONE jubClotliing&ShoeCo. hiumt'iKi.n. BANDON. :tra Good! fciprovej and entiltinmt inn.nnr,. . with 197 acres bottom; ha I I bench land: Iiur nil nmiiwri. fc-fourtlis of a mllo waterfront' If J3Q par aero. Tonus. very business paylne better than r cent on tho lnveatinont. Price rO. ench Realty Co. 31512 . Front St. IVEU JOHNSON BICYCLES at JZHgrTTardware Go. Ar3? NeW' JiidL. StyIish yKKm Shapes Oregon please you. US WANT ADS. LOST Small gold locket ami clialii, mar bnudstnud. Finder plcnso lciivo at Tlmeu office ntul rccolvo reward. I.OKT Small memorandum book containing fow checks, FIndor ro ll' rn to An Hon Rogors and rocolvo rownrd. Banks hnvo boon notl Ho 1 not to cash chocks. WANTED Mohair, wool and ens earn bark. Apply to llonry Song slacken, at office of Title Gunr nnteo & Abstrnct Co. BARGAIN SALE 10 lioi-MMwer nnto for HoO; Hrst-class condi tion; ' fully equipped; cost now $3000; will sell for $450 on onny terms. John L. Koontz Machine Shop. North Front street. Phono 180-.T. FOU HUNT Sunny two-room apart ment. Apply Nasburg Grocery. You Auto Call foote PIl6VE 144-J NIG11T AND PAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phone B-J Residence Phone 28-J Will make trips to Coquille. The Sign of Good Candy Always For Sale at a Bargain Tract of 2 , ncres In Reynolds Addition, with crop, 200 chickens, horses, harness and wngon. Will bo sold cheap If taken at once. Apply I. E. Fltzgornld. Phono 311 G. Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOR RENT COOS DAV TIDES. JJol w Is glvon th time and tiolght of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tides nro placed in the ordor of occurrence, with tholr tlmos on the first lino and holghts on tlfo sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of cousccutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low wator. For high wator 011 bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Dale. .Titly. 4 Hrs. .5.01 11.11 G.ll 11.37 Foot .5.2 0.1 5.3 3.0 5 Hrs. .5.44 11.42 G.4G 0.0 Foot .4.8 0.5 5.5 0.0 C Hrs. .0.19 0.3G 12.17 7.2.1 Foot .2.0 4.4 1.1 5.0 7 Hrs. .1.13 7.38 1.01 8.0S Foot .2.2 4.0 1.7 5.7 LOCAL THMPnilATUHE BE- POUT. For twenty-four hnurn ondtng nt 1:43 n. in., July 4, by BenJ. Ostllnd, Bpoclnl government mo- tcorologlcnl obsorvor: 4 Maximum 04 Minimum 51 At 1 : 13 n. m 5 1 Precipitation nono Wind Northwest, clonr BORN. CROSS To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cross of Dnnlols Creek Wodnosdny, July 3, n Bon. Mother nnd child nro doing ulcoly. Left Wednesday. Tho Wnshlng ton sailed Into yoHtordny for San Francisco with passengers and freight. Form New Firm Qoorgo nnd Ed Fnrrln who movod from horo to Portland hnvo taken n now partner named Loot and oponod law oIIIcoh In tho Soiling building thorc. Has Operation. Hnrley Snllng, an employe of tho C. A. Sirlth mill, undorwent an operation ycitordny nt Mercy hospltnl for appendicitis. It was' a very ncuto enso but ho Is re ported getting nlong nicely. Firecracker Victim Milton Mor ris, a lad of about- 10 years, was tho oily tire-cracker victim reported up lo noon today. Ills oyo was painful ly but not seriously burned. IIIh parents are said to reside nt Hun ker Hill. Coming Soon Gcnrgo Slough, "tho Old Man" chimney swoop, In a, card to Tho Times says ho will roach Coos Hay tho latlor part of July. Ho wroto from Forndnlo. Calif. A few months ago, It was roporlod horo that ho had boon killed but that ho If HtHl alive nnd well Is nttostod by his card to Tho Times. Wed La si Night Jess H. King, ngod 25 and Mary Jane Ilnlley who celebrated her llftconth birthday threo days ago wero married last night by Judgo John F. Hall. Miss Ilnlley Is a Coos Day girl nnd form erly lived with hor parents on Wll lnnch Inlet but has lived nt North llond for tho Inst yonr or so. Hums Hat Mrs. J. W. Mitchell wns tho victim of n pocullnr nccldont Inst evening. She wns shopping nt tho Ilusy Corner nnd whllo talking to a frlond, stoppod nonr tho cigar counter. Slio wns wearing n largo plumed hat and tho plumo enmo In contact with tho cigar lighter. In on Instant It was In llnmes. Frlonds rushod to hor nsslstanco and extin guished tho tiro before sho sustained and Injuries but her hat was ruined. WILL .MEET WILSON National Democratic Committee floes to Seagirt Today. - (Dy Associated Press to CoosDa Times.) BALTIMORE.. Md July 4. Tho Democratic Nntlonnl committee left here today for Seagirt, N. J to con fer with Gov. Wilson. Ilpve your calling cards printed at The Times' oHJoe. TONIGHT AT TEe Royal An exceptionally good program In which the "Diablo Co." presont somo of tholr best productions of vaude ville entertainment. Ah a moving picture feature thoro are two reels of a lato ono by tho Gnumont Co., "Tho Trust," very ap propriate, And other good ones, "The Squnk City FJ10 Department" FOR TOMORROW NIflllT "Little Kiddie Mine" "Keeping 1111 ICyo 011 Father" "Mid Winter Trips In Los Angeles" DIABLO CO. IN VAUDEVILLE 10c Balcony; UOe Lower Floor We Clean and Press ladies' and Gent's Sui's Goods Called for and Delivered Co9S Bay Steam Laundry i'iioneT MAi.v nW. " PERSONAL NOTES Ali NICHOLS Is horo from Empire for tho celebration. DR. C. C. TAGQART left yestorday morning for McICInley. F. W. CATTERLIN, of Bandon, Is n Marshllcld on bustuosH. a W. C. LAIRD nnd wife of Couulllo ate Marshlleld visitors today. T. H, WRIGHT was an outgoing paa Heuger on the Roseburg stnge lino. MISS M'LLIE GOULD came over f 10111 Coiiulllo on the noon train to day. MR. AND MRS. F. W. MADDOCIC loft this morning on the Rosoburg Stngo. WM. LIND, n pioneer of Coos county, Ib horo from Coiiulllo to spend tho Fourth. CHAS. HUNTER went to Ilnndon yea tordny to take In tho boxing boulH there last night. BERT DIMMICK, formerly of Marsh lleld, Is In town from Randolph to spend the Fourth. DAN MeDONALD nnd wlfo of North Bond wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. J. MeKeown yesterday. MRS. LENA JOHNSON, of Coquille, is visiting nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Nordstrom. CLAY KNOWLTON of Conulllo re turned to his homo today after spending a couple of days in Mnrshllold. R. A. COPPLE leaves tomorrow morning on a five weeks' trip to Chicago nnd New York and other eastern cities. ARTHUR HOLM who has been lo cated In Snn Francisco, nrrlvod horo this week from San Francisco to visit rolntivcs nnd friends. F. A. SACCHl and wlfo lmvo re turned from California whero they have been spending n few wook for tho benefit of Mr. Sncchl'n health. WM. GORDON.n formor Mnrshllold printer who has boon employed on tho Coiiulllo Herald, Is horo on route to Eastorn Oregon whero ho tuny loc,nto. C. 8. DODGE and family will lonvo tomorrow for San Francisco and from thoro will mnko an oxtendod eastorn and southom trip. Thoy will be ubseut n month or six' weoks. "BILLY" FORD nrrlvod horo yestor day from Portland to Join his wife nnd baby, who nro guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugonu O'Connoll. Ho will remain Lore a wook or ten dnys. HENRY OLSON, n brother of ono of tho principal owners of tho Olson & Mnhouoy Steamship company, hns beon horo tho last fow days on buslnoss. This Is his first trip to Coob nny. Tito Olson & Mnhonoy eompnny Is ono of tho inrgost Btcamshlp companies operating on tho North Pacific. SALOONS AT BANDON Tho city council mot Wodnosdny night nnd grantod saloon llccnso to six saloons as follows: Rasmusson Bros., Stovo Curren, Prod Gross, Jnm leson & Pago, Alvln Munclc, nnd tho Club Saloon. Owing to a musundor standlng, thoro was no application In from tho Oregon Bar, nnd tho coun cil will moot again this ovonlng to consider thla application. Bandon Rocordor. WEI) AT BANDON Ilnrry J. Walker nnd Leatha Pearl Mooro woro unlled In marriage at St. John's Episcopal church, Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock by Archdea con Horsfnll. Mr. and Mrs. Walker aro among Bandon's very host young pooplo, Mr. Wnlker being tho son of Mrs. Mary E. Walkor, post mlatress of Bandon, nnd tho brldo also comes from ono of Bnndon'a excellent fam ilies. Bandon Recorder. Times' Want Ads bring results. BUY NOW. Some cholco lots In NORTH BEND can bo had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO. Flret National nnnk. Try Some DeepSea Turkey A most dollcato and de licious article of food, sultablo for lunches nnd pIcnlcB. Coos Bay He & Cold Storage Co Phono 73. Deliveries 8 a. nu; 2 p. in. North Bend News Miss Lillian McCnnn is spending a few days In Marshflold. Ilnndon will piny North Bend in North Head next Sunday. Fred Ilollistor nnd family vlsltinc relatives at Florence nro Mr. nnd Mrs. It. McCnnn are spend ing the Fourth nt Myrtlo Point. . C. M. Uylor and family will loavo tomorrow for Lnkosldo to spond part of the summer cnmplng out. S. Rogstnd of the Hotel Oregon Is enjoying n wcok'B fishing nt Lnko sldo. Mrs. E. E. llnyes and daughter, Miss Flossie, and Miss Ruby McDon ald, of Coquille, arc spending tho Fourth In Mnrshflehl. G. W. Artls is nctlng night pollco man whllo A. II. McKay Is enjoying a two wcoIcb' vacation. L. F. Plckona arrived horo thla wook from Grants Pass to tako chargo of J. A. Allen's Ico cronm nnd enndy factory. It. fl. T'lnUnrlnn nnd lirliln rnfnrn ed on tho Broakwntor from Portland , whoro they woro married Juno 20 nnd aro recipients of congratulations from Mr. Plnkcrton's mnny frlonds Mr. nnd Mrs. Faliy and daughters, Misses Mnbcl nnd Hnzol. nnd Mr. Robort Fnhy, from nullnrds, nro spondliiK n few dnvH In North Bend ns gucstB nt tho W. It. Simpson homo. ' Geo. D. Mnndlgo nnd Rov. D. A. MacLeod loft yesterday for Scotts- burg to bring homo Mr. Mnndlgo'a nuto. Owing to tho bad roada whon ho returned from Portland, ho docl-' dod to loavo tho mnchlno thoro nnd llnlsh tho trip in by stngo. I TI1.0 North Bond Mnsonlc Lodge hns piirchntcd thrco lota on Union nonr( Montana and expects to erect n lodgo. homo there In tho future. Thoro is n ' two-story rcsldcnco on tho property nnd tho prlco pnld Ib uuderfitood to 1. ...... 1 ... nrn1 ri.i. . ' 111110 ijui-ii fiitiuu. 1 iiu iitiiuny w.w known ns the Barry property. Jos. Kaisor nnd son arrived horo this wool: from Snn Frnnclsco to visit nt tho homo of his brothor, Chns. Kaisor. They started to mako tho trip by auto but tho had roads j compelled thorn to glvo It up whon 1.1UJ i u...-iii'ii i.uiunii. nil l.liuj' Dllliiuu tholr mnchlno nnd flnlshod by bont. F. W. Korn. ono of tho principal ownors of tho Coob Bny Mnnufnctur Ing company, nnd wlfo nrrlvod horo this week from Snn Francisco nnd will probably mako tholr homo horo. Mr. Korn planning to dovoto most of his tlmo to tho buslnoss. L. J. Simpson's option for tho purchnso of tho property Is understood to hnvo ex pi rod, 1lE LOVES THEM ALL I'm stuck on Tod, you hot, you hot, I hopo ho'll punch 'om harder yet, And smash 'em nil nlong tho lino Ah, Toddy's doing work that's lino. I llko BUI Taft, Indeed I do; Ho's protty good at pounding too. He's got n good and level head I llko the wny ho goes for Tod. And La Follotto Is not so slow; Both BUI nnd Tod, ho trios to show Aro not ono bit tit for tho plnco That both of thorn should quit tho rnco. I ralso my hat to Ted, I do; I tako It off to Wllllnm, too. To Ln Follotto I tip tho snmo Oh, don't thoy piny a corking gamo. What's that you say? "How, can It bo Thnt I ndmlro all of tho threo?" Tho onawor's onsy, sir, to thnt Decauso I am a Democrat. HUGH McLAIN. Don't forget ttio Turkish Baths. PIIONESMI AU UHiiuuu naub liuuao. uuuHr . nesp Tlmos Want Ads brine result i J. Leo Brown, Ph. G. EVERYBODY is welcome to mnko our store their headqunrtors for resting and meeting friends and acquaintances dur , ing tho coming celebrations. You will find a phono at vour service, scats, a friendly WELCOME and a wish to accommodate you in every way pos sible. Remember the location, 71 Market Ave., Coos Building. Let us all celebrate in the best festival spirit tho proront joyous FOURTH OF JULY Invite your friends and tell them to bring theif friends; there is room for all, and watch those cob webs vanish that have been accumulating for the past year. .Be sure and meet us whore everybody is woledmu at nil timo, The Store for Whitman's Choice Candy. THE PARADE AWARDS 1 Host business float F. S. Dow. Host nuto In pnrndo A. II. Cnmp boll, first; Times, second, and J. F. Wilson third. Best decorated bicyclo Chas. Doano. Host pony trnp Kathorino Barry. Girl nnd pony Clinrlotto McMuI len. Boys' Wngon Unknown. Boy on horseback Francis Plana-' gnn. Best business window Ollivnnt & Weaver first. Prlzo for ench of children pnrtlcl paling in Human Rosobud parade, mnypolo danco, boy flag bearorB and little girls with doll carriages. IN BALL GAME Bandon and Marshfield Play Here This Afternoon Sunday's Games. Tho big bnsoball gamo botwoon Ilnndon and Marshflold comes off to day nt tho Fair Grounds nnd will be Inrgoly attended. Tho purse is $200 and tho division of tho gnto receipts will bo GO and 40 por cont. Bandon l.i Intent on winning and hopes to even things up with Marshflold for tho beating thoy rccolvcd nt tb hands of tho locnl boys at tho begin ning of tho Benson. Thoy will prob nbly uso Colllor nnd Bylcs, tho Co qulllo bnttory. Tho gamo will ho called nt 2:30 nnd E. Howntt, ot Marshflold, will umpire. It Is not 0 lenguo gnmo nnd will not niter the stnndlng of tennis. Tho North Bond nlno moots tho Myrtlo Point team today on tho lot ter'a dlnmond. Coqulllo will piny Mnrshllold hero Sundny, Ilnndon plays at North Bond nnd Myrtlo Point will piny Eastslde. Kvcryonu Wns Ploixsod Last Nlglit Come Tonight nnd See. The Famous Play 'The Lion and The Mouse" AT THE Masonic Opera House Tonight Presented by the Clamnn-s. With the National Stock Co. R. W. S wanton, Ph. 0. MUCH INTEREST I 1't.W Wn1yt,h,nK t0 8P' trad. ' or want heU'. trr a Want Ad! Phono 158-R. 172 No. Broadway.