rsssiM ifflWAY, JULV 4, iBU-EVHIIIto Edition' I nc ouuo ua i '3T I i -1 B5SK!!2a - J w lT mi U .' r 1 ,l l 1 .1' 1 jti .? i i COOS BAY TIMES 61. C. MALONKV Edllor mid Pub. DAN E. MA LONE V News Editor Entered at tho poitofllce nt Marsh fleld, Oregon, (or tranamlwdoB through tho malls as second class mall matter. Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho people, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not Ihrlvo lunopposod. SUIISCIMPTION KATES. DAILY. Cne ioar 16.10 Per month BO WEEKLY. One year $1.50 Whon paid strictly In advnnco tho subscription price of tho Coos Day Times Is JG.00 per year or $2. GO for lx months. tironments which nro rnlrtilntcd to brims out only the wcro' and most (ltBcnornto trnlts of their natures. Anil ninny of these conditions and much of tho suffering could bo al leviate 1 by the conscientious con cern of thoso who pny taxes to tnko care of tho ndult criminal or derelict which tho neglected boy or girl is In a fair way to become. WALT MASON THE POET PHILOSOPHER When I nm tired worn, convinced that mnn wns made It is a subtle and delicate thing, ' to mourn, when all tho world seems nt onco the dnnger ntul promiso or pnlo and sick, 1 tnko my trusty swat tho future of civilization. It re- ting stick nnd with it deftly pnrnly?." quires earnest and untiring effort to nbout flvo hundred million files. I provido in any adciiunto manner for lovo tho pleasures of the chase! Thoy Its best development. Dut tho ro- bring tho smiles back to my face, re ward Is worth tho labor and tho pen- store my feeble faith In mnn nnd in nlty of neglect is sufficient to mnko the good old mundane plan. Let oth us thoughtfully and practically sorl-;cr sportsmen seek tho lair of tiger, ous at tho responsibility that is ours, warthog, wolf or bear and bring their I useless trophies homo from lands be- NO POLITICS. ! yond tho ocenn fonni, nnd thus their M valor advertise I'll stay nt home OIIK thnn forty road organise- and swat the files, and win. by feats tlons In the United States wir "f skill and stealth, the plaudits of ond con SUMMED PASTIME. nnd sad nnd . tho board of health. Let other hunt ers take their guns and slay tho fur red nnd feathered ones, tho harm less nntlves of tho wild; my weapons : won't be thus defiled. I shall not rob the birds of life to make u bonnet fori my wife, nor yet assassinate tho seni that sho downtown In furs may reel. . ...... . .... . ... (. .-. .1.. ft.. ! Willi 10111111 MIOIB 111 SWlll 1110 U. which can't do better thnn to die. It In a sport for kings and queens, so arm yourselves with swnt-mnchincs, nnd sing n Joyous hunting song, nnd help the good crusade along! Gas Water Heaters Make It Easy To Secure Plenty Of Hot Water In Summer OwtliM. 1912, tr PXf vtit idiot Cbosjh CKffA An Independent Republican nows jrnpor published ovory evening oxcopt Sunday, nnd Weekly by Tlio Coon Dny Tlinos Publishing Co AddrcBs all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrxliflcld :: a U : Oregon THE DAY THAT UNITI S. WHEHEVEIt AmerlcniiH nro con gregated, whether In the Unit ed States or In tho fnrthr.t corner of the earth, there Is rejol. lug on Independence day. On other days discordant notes may be honrl hero nnd there, but ou this day there is only harmony and a feeling of thnnkfulnoHH for the good fortune that tins come lo the fnthcrlnnd since tho first Fourth of July was cole, united. ADOPTING THE IMU'LA RATION. ALTHOUGH tho Fourth Is th day that Is celebrated by many iik that on whloh the Immortal Declaration of Independence wns signed, sealed and promulgated, as n innttor of fact hiicIi Ih not tine. The groat document wan rend to the uoo plo on the Fourth after having hem npprovod by Congress, but It wns no signed on Hint day. On July 2 Jofferson presented for Adoption the immortal Declaration after Congress had adopted a resolu tion prosontod by Itlrlmrd Henry Lw. of Virginia, whlnh had boon place! beforo the body on June 7. 177i'c hiwiuvcii, rnni u omii nniteil co'o n I on are nnd of a right ought to bo frort.nnd Independent state: that they nro absolved from all nlloglnnrcM to i no nriUHii crown and that all po co-oporate in tho first gross nt Atlantic City, September 30 to October U. ! The United Stntes Is estimated to i I ....I.... ..... l.....i i AAA Ann I IIL' IftllllK "HI ilMUIIl l.UUU.UUU U day, In different- Jurisdictions, for road Improvement. It authoritative ly Is estimated that about one-half of this sum Is utterly wasted. It Is announced Hint "It Is to find ways and means of stopping tills tremen dous ilia I n of road rovonuos nnd of Introducing tho best possible meth ods of construction and of mnlute'i unco that lending engineers, chem ists, financiers, legislators, cducatoi'3 nnd oxecutlvos will nssemblo In At lantic City." Every norson will fool Interest in the conference nnd If It doos devls- n means, which can bo enforced on the Intelligence of public officials nnd the people, for Improving road conditions It will ho a consumnintlon devoutly wished nnd which has been tho subject of earnest endeavor In many qunrlors for tunny years WITH TOAST AND TEA & GOOD EVENING. Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto nil tho luliabl- tants thereof. lnit lens xxv, 10. Cheap politics, of course, will not! outer Into the Atlantic City road meeting. It Is called honestly and with an eye slnglo to Its purpose, j Designing politicians, probably, will I try to use It to, further tl elr own1 ends, but If the convention desires' tho confidence of the people In lu ! luiiciiiHions persons with ulterior mo tlvos shonlil bo promptly nnd effec tively lirnnilcd and driven out. MOTOR MOATS. Snmo old speeches, Same old flags, Snmo old rockets, Same old Jags. Snmo old music, Same old noise, Same old crackers, Snmo old boys. Same old picnics, Snmo old ilrean, Snmo toiriptntlon, Snmo old head. Satno old fires, Snmo old lights, Samo- old crowds nnd Same old fights. Same old cannons, Snmo old thrills, Samo old cheers nnd Doctor's bills. Same old brightness, Samo display, Same old glndsomo Xntnl day. FLASHES l-OR THE FOl'MTH. It's n wise father who knows his own son tho dny uftor. Everything hns to liavo a starter. Don't be a trouble breeder. W lint's the odds what peoplo think nbout just so thoy don't toll you. Llfo Is too short to spend it talk ing about our troubles. This does not refer to political troubles, nnd social troubles nnd church troubles, etcotern. Seriously thoro nro plenty of bright nnd plena nnt things to consider. Whoro forty or fifty men put tholr shoulders to tho wheel In a tow.n al together, dond In earnest, something Is going to move. ON TIMJ l-'OURTII. when tho furnaco flro is dond for tho summer, n GAS WATER HEAT ER will supply nil tho hot water you need, nny tlnio yor nocd It. GAS WATER HEATERS hent water quickly nnd consumo llttlo gns. GAS WATER HEATERS savo tho In convcnleuco of boating wnter In in sufllclcnt quantities on tho range. Tolophono 17S for details of our gai wotor boaters. Oregon Power Co. fee c L tc t A?S JH 1 1 I I I ifcsinuui Ijl jfl I MW1 AftwU I nil ' 111, " 111 I A fool and pnrtod. his fingers nro soon A MOTOR boat Is a Hinnll. frail vessol. nffllcted with n gasoline engine nnd mi nnmim..-,. le. When the eiitclne Ik In full ..u. ...hi inu nicciiniiic is innKing tiirei'H, i i in- mini sonieiimet developes n speed of no mile nn hour In Its efforts to gel away from both or them. .Motor boats are iimul liv nm., r.....i IIIIohI connection between Ihoni ntitl "r "inlilner-. nnd neep them from mo sinie or moat Drltnln Is nnd,'""""' ",,,rp vmiiniiio things npiut iiiihhi ' loiniiy iiissoivoii, j"' i'iih-iiik ilium. wi:on a man I This resolution wns debated for.,,lH. n motor boat and two bushels )fj He It' over so homely, there's no Hourly a month, and owing to tho nb-, ,,,"'M llp Ih perfectly Imppv and will. '"'? IHo a whole one. feiico of Leo, who had been called i ,l0t H'".v t home Sundays and nt- homo, Ihodefonso of It fell on his col- ttMiijit to dissect tho p blng or re. An eye In the head Is worili two lengiio. Jefferson. It needed defense, II1"'!' "'o fnmnco or tunc tho piano or "- hlghwny. for In Hint Congress woro nblo mon J'ovlvo tho door bell. A very small i who oiiposed Its pnBsiiBo nnd rovolu-' l0' with an englno In It two sizes As you light you shall burn. Hon. Orent, thorofore. Is America's, '""ger than nn nlnrm clock will koep debt to Jofforsnn nnd Lee. On July'w" B,r""K men busy nil snmmor. mil Tin- paths jf glory lend hut to tho 2 Leon resolution wns adopted nnd wl" l,vo lirovonl-thorn from aild'iiiti "'wpltnl. .IcfrerHon's draft of (he Declaration'0,"10 horrors of a presidential cam-' WIIH ailontOd Oil Jlllv I. 177C. Il'lllgll bv talkllll! nnllHxa rn .,.. II'h n iinn,. in,.l.-,,i )... i. John Ilnncork. president of Con-',"ml K ,l,l0 proccdenco over politics or hotli wnys. piesH, and Chnrleu Thompson. Hh sec- "l0 ,s' f living when two boat own-' retnry, lintnedlntely wlgned the dneii-prB,nr fonvorslng. I Today Is tho day to exhibit your men nnd bmime tlius the first offl-1 A motor boat Is very simple-, unlike patriotism without pride and lnvnltv rial traitors from nn English point of."" itmoblle. and can bo stnrtod, wlihofit "lushing." . ii wii8 iiiiiiio puiiitc to tlio cltl-j M, ruimiiy ny putting in u now (From ode sung In tho town hall,' uoncoru, .muss., juiyl, 1SD7) TJio cniinon booniB from town to town, Our pulses bent not less, Tho Joy bells chlmo tholr tidings down, Which, children's voices bless. For ho that flung tho broad bluo fold, O'or mantling land nnd son One-third pnrt of tho Bky unrolled For tho banner of tho froo. Rnlph Waldo Emerson, t ' QUESTION OF THE DAY ' Why It Is that tho last cut of ment! tho butcher throws on tho scnlo' weighs ns much ns nil tho rest? I POLITICAL POE.M FOR THE DAY: I T stands for Theodoro, baffod nnd! gnm: It Htnnds for roller Hint rolled ovor li 1 in. ions by John Nixon, who rend It to "l,"1rkl,,,,P' ndjustlng tho vibrator. H'hii wise husband who knowH his ..... i ,v ' ' "'"'"iiiiiiii in inii. """ mi' rnriiiiieior. repairing wn wire with a mask on. penitence Sounio. nn tnii. ir. i ...... II o feeil ii no iii.M.i.ii i... ordered to he engrossed, mid on this . l'r- r :ievlnic t'.e b.ittc.Ies and Ktrulii ooing dono tho slgnors nppended tholr !'K "l0 water out of the gasolln,. nnmeHon August 2. I When this Is nil done the hunt u-m "nn i iiiiiiicdimei Meanwl'llo them lm,i in,,.,, ,. changes In the persouuel of Congrens. John Dlckln Edward Hldd'b. Thomas Willing and Charles llumn'i reys of Pennsylvania fought the Dec. tarn ton, ami the commonwealth sent Denjninln Franklin, liobeit Morris George Ross and .lumen Wilson ii Congross In their plncoB to sign the ;ront- paper. tin: promise or hie world THE recent books of Jnno Addams rogarillng tho xplrlt of youth nnd mi' nm oi uio sireots, fnctorlc v nnd niiipi-ml u-iii. no utmost lieorfnlm.mi to a point 1 Jths miles from civilization. :u which place It will en Into !.. i comn for the rest of the- dnv. Tho1 Minn who tries to navigate any motor, Oh. the "morning nfter" The night beforo Thero'H innnv ,i bend That's feeling sore. CURIOUS FACTS. In 1900 tho vnluo of nutomnblles iiiiuniiiicuireii in tlio United Stntes wns 5.000.000; In lOOfi, $30.000,. wuj in i.iu:i, -' IU.000,000. There nro now 2Cn,f!S3 Indlnus in tlio United Stntes nB ugnlnst 237,19(5 ton years ngo. Census. There nro 10.210 nniiitn u,.i,ia nnd 227S prlvnto schools In tho Unit ed States. I Worry, fretfulness nnd IrrltuMlltyj novor holned solvit n iiirripni ,.r..i. J lorn. Get tho cheerful, buoyant, hopeful habit. This Is t! o medlclno that most of us need. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, June J-l, 11)12. RESOURCES. Lonns nnd discounts $238, GIG. 72 IJonds, wnrranta nnd securities 78,101.32 U. S. bondp to Bocuro circulation 20,000 00 Real c8tnto, furniture nnd flxturcB : 81,011 34 Cash and sight exchango 188,GG3io9 Totnl S(lll,:J7iJ.!J7 LIAUIL1TIES. Capital Btock paid Inl $100,000.00 Surplus nnd undivided profits 10,548.0.1 Circulation, outstanding 23,800 00 Deposits 477024i7 1 Total $nii,7.'i.7 In addition to Capital 8tock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. IIORTON, VIco-ProsldonL DORSEY KREITZER. Cashier. W ESTAMLISIIED IN 18HI). STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF It Is n fortunate thing for political i.i.iMiB nun nicy m,vo n National convention only onco ovory four years. THE MACIIELOR oilli, SAYS: - I'oat. no matter how exponslve. wlt.i-1 ,,ovo tl'rlves Ijest in n mild torn- WHAT AM I? out nn nuxlllnry engine In tho hIiiiii I"'"""!': Imrnt chops and hot words I'm somotlnies nimlo of silver, or n stout-onr. In not wise. I will smoko It out iiIiiiohI ns quickly I'm often mndo of gold Home motor bontB nro verv power- "B ,'0,,,f ofrt0 "d cold words will ' h'wii.vh have a lotti or dents fill and Imvo enKlnes of 400 mulo rriH,0 ll t- . Hoth when Tin nod nnd m.1- .. oa, i" ,?.V1 " W: ' ! I " : . ' ,r"!!,' J tliollttlo girls mini, i lllKl'H ni torles. .innro halls, theatres mid mi'l'l" who ey are once In action t"i! bribery Investigation, does. Clotll03 i .u .v... ... ,,u Kit-iu riiv u' .i....a .....ii i,ii'ni-iiiH nil iiianii.i. ..!.. . n.m I,,wk,rm,, " ' 'THIS. Geo. GoodrumV A ' , linvo for ytiunir niiiiiium.i .....i vast s uhih if u-nin- "I '. si ...,..... hood, mil our '',"" .' and slnkl mr , ,. V" ".".'.V " . ' . .fnrl.olor girl Baya: "A bach. 'xna ,,,HK0 im that "snlrli nf ...... i. io ii. ...v..'"". from hnl n. Tii... i.-.V' - " '",,B i V'"r "u's " Porpetunl stnto of .... --, ww ... jwiiui n i m ii ii ii i5iip . --...., ri iiiitiin iiiiv ii iir Pfin. r ..-. . . .. -i r u nriaii .in mil tim in-M.,iL, .r .i ...."" rm-hiiii. imt 1.. -....: - i"""' r. no ih nrrniii tn tnnrrv' . .." ! TIIhI a tfc'i '! Irhanle and r"M:,M '"",0: .'' RM for fear she w II boi l'" but l nm fr........... '"" I they nro the m.iv ,.r.f. .... :'....".' ,"."". " l"or ""o for fear sho win .". ;."." ",0" '"" d. Wo briiHb ...I, '.. ..". ?.... i 'o nblo t Vor nk : '".""'.' " ?.PK ". nlnt for fear she1 V " ' " !,ow r iliat Is. bt we tho youiiK: w,, IT:1"'" Mm from tho roar. ' ''" """."1.1 pa ronlxo lilm. n genius for fear.". " """" " " np aibw iflelU neoi. o cles to ovll u ,, ' ltr boating a f ,cl,. .. ' 8. ?. w. Rn "!". n fool for fear sho ' ,V L .i; "" "??' U111 c0ector nt a s frivolity, ii.i.i ;, r.w,. ...:. :M"ft"'. and whon tho mi.i. Z ," .'". "oro .'" nd n human belmr' L '. '" U'K"1 Pnrnsangs by bIio-m- ml m ,,rn,.. i,..L i . " . ." 7 '"" iorniiiulod in ii.i tia ai.r .i..M." V" . ,or e:r she will dlsannolni III... I ""'""' nn- wurK. r . dent ate of louden lesi obllg ".in nriiiMiiiis to inuo care of (ho danger which was not properly fiunrdod agnliiHt or the promlKo that was miinehow blighted In the unfold- It may bo Imi)nnihi. ... . ...... nrlght vory girl ,- j,,,,., ml ,t (iJ Will very useful rin.i When they their dollies would mnkn Like llttlo mothers kind; I push n little mm- of steel nny eye. rour busy friend moments fly. says an evo aim. recognize a familiar fig. 01 iuii motors." Wn FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSIIFIELD, OREGON. At the close of business, Juno 1 1, 10V2. RESOURCES. 1 ........ ...... TM ... ..vim a uiiti LriBi'uiuim. . J07joiio nn.lkln ITnuon f-l IB 1.43 f'nol. n...l I.1UI... ...... C WM1H unit uAuuiiiiKi-a ............ .......,..,,,.,, Totnl 0,000.00 24C.112.22 $723,593.70 n u , c . ... MAHIL1TIES. SIZ SkuflJ,i-p,u.v.v.- : ::::::::::::::::; !SJ no,,08lt8 r. . . Cicl23.80 Total $723,693.70 I Is also n pleasant recreation --GEORGE FITCH SHOULD DAVE LESS POLITICS. ; PHILOSOPHKRS who have stud-' led tho subject, tell us thnt as' ni. hi, lno political commotion! LET THE OLD FLAG FLY. All hall our country's natal day! Lot our dear flag float freo. unfurled, s orstwhllo, when our claim of rights Went forth a world. challenge to DI l-.M with music on July g. :i ftml ., $100 Reward, $100 ;:,,f,!!!yb!.,r10,,,!U,,,, ,hi" " woia .-"taw. tha;7s.''w,;; ;, "x; o' ..ero-aro hundnm'tho s.bV'o . Ih-tT hav'Z Slp.t ' "TSgZsi ?"" V' v! !LVTl" W,.,"1 T Rrow'B '"' !' f1,,,,!ro' n"" l wnSn lly be ' ,,onKh"' shp" bt'0" Oppression without tho lOHtrc ons. .... i,..- Ilovoil hat rancm.. ...V.i ...'"i..."0 ... . . IUDI- v.. 11 .. """l I .. I.. . .. " ..l I III- KIlllllS MIllOll llrill fa.I I! SJSKttjJS.; ,to-SKva.'S.:,w - tncllii (rHhrnltv I'ii.JV.. i . "'""' ,0 " i1! , .... miioKiianiing out ets of "'" "'ivo mo constitution niuomlnT ' v.. m ,o,,,ont and Inter.wt. which" tl"' Prosldontla ",t " nJl SK , S.1. 'W' Sl rmal H-.,,r -ry -., or eight "'. Chlldron kiow tin with the gray-1 SPECIAL DI.Wkm nt Tlio ciiiv ' ,''"n.!', blooded haiiillcnii r ill....... ....'..?. DLEIt ulii. ...... i . ... ..V.u. ' ll's' 0,T upon their itnl. "v. v ;.T," '' """" """'"-. nnil I. Proc Mcugg.0 ,,,, K,,w ,-, y- - ;s:,,vKHlr,1'. . -. - IMIA -.III. Ji '-Ql'0' flour Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality nrm. erect, undauntoil. ir. "oo7 tU TyrmVs "wor to reedom. choicest gift to man. ' Sires on innnv n li.nMlnnr.i.1 lalnied that thov wnni.i i...' i stnnd. Prpnrod to dlo. but not to ylold. "" "ovor mn' "mt day dawn hero hen Liberty shnll bo Inurned -" ",ve or nowr or sordid gain omul CHU80 nor to bo Mnirned. basely Dut over mny tho natrlofs fame Grow brighter with the passing years. And oven may tho patriot's lire imr uenrts. sub.l.... .,.. .... v tr fears. ...i. ''- " " lllllt'll IHllll III fid ..... ii ... iiiV.''' l'-To,ed"' T.k Hull.- rwmnv ., ,.., ,lillnn Have That Roof Fixed vow See COliTUELL Phone K1M1 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HK?MY BKNOSTACKBN, Ugr. Coqulllo om Phono 181 PUttln Und a .pocUlty. ITarmt Tlmbtr Coal andtatt "KA8T87DB" . Qomral Ag Uarshflcld Offl 09 14J. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do WeH to t-nll at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make soley tion from tho lare stock now on hand. Alp. Wilson litis in his employ the only practical marble and granite flitter in Coos County. And nono nut tho best work is turned out. ' lfCfHL. ! lBT" UL' A.M IlKIMIIt worn.- House Slovlne mid Grading. We are nronaroii a,. ... I - . -u t-j una worn oy tne dnv or Mnii-..i l.DiTa?4l."8d!? h0 t 3at,8fac,lon- "ere JSJ "shts from tho flr. ,... .,.,"B'.,:or"8' . O. S. FLOyn m v" " bo on. raoni 31B..I ...' 1;:.. .u4ilu, ure I Get Busy SSI PuTc?rovSTSrI,,,lJT F,R8T COMB 8HIXGI.KS ftSo A i" UP. ANU ,lOOF,N PAPER. HOOFIXG PAPEIl, OXK PLY, $1.25 AXD UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfir Co IN AND GI-H" IJEPARTMKNT. Times Want Ads Bring Results ;ssr7Tw jyg