1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. Li I, ( t II if' I i til ft 1 wiwmm The Great Reason I ,$r"v-7?v .vly liko -o buy at this store," remarked one MkM of ollr customers a few days ago, "is that I Know X am sale here. You have never yet sold me anything that wasn't right, and I guess you'd make good, if the goods didn't." 1 i & fc RWHI" rSum ! 40jjM JImuI JHHIB'vt4 f tW .3,-f.l, .liDa ?AM .Tliwl&iH lr- ; MEWS FROM NEARBY i , ., TOWMS I An expression like that makes us feel as if lifn ,n ,.,on. !:..: -rr.i .. nivj wua wuiiu ixviiii;. tvuu ruuier near one customer say that, than sell a hundred dollars worth of merchandise. And wn lwlinvn l.linf if rtmk .. Jl. 1 1 I jiH uiu general iceiing among our customers. We find it pays to handle only "the gootte that make good." AVouldn't it pay you to buy only at the store that makes good? We thinir. so; just bear us in mind when you need am- Mb ihing in our line. m Suits $8.50 to $25.00 North Bend. The Fixup Mnrshfield. COQUILLE CULLINGS. Ncivs of tlio County Sent ns Told by Tho SonUnel. MIbs Gortrudo Millor of Marshfleld, cntno ovor Tuesday to visit relatives and friends for nn indeflnlto trao. Miss Millor Is Just recovering from a surgical operation and will not bo nblo to rosumo hor work as steno grnpher In J. D. Gobs' ofllco this sura mo r. Capt. O. U. Wlllard loft Monday for Portland and Pugot Sound to no gotinto for a modern passenger boat for tho Coqulllo river. Ho will pro bably bo absont a couplo of weeks. A vory pleasant surprlso party was given Captain Prank Wlllard last Tuesday ovoning at tho rosldonco of Mr, and Mrs. II. L, Johnson, tho oc casion bolng his thirty-sixth birthday. Mrs. W. A. CuBtor went to Marsh field Wcdncsdny morning to spend a fow days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Custer. Sho wns accompanied by llttlo Aorlal McDonald. LIRHAItY AND HIGH SCHOOL . 11 THE FIUKND OF COOS MAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR COOS DAY FROM PORTLAND AT 6 P. M., TUESDAY, JULY 4 CONNECTING WITH TIIU NORTH HANK HOAI) AT PORTLAND NOIITII rACIFlO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 41. C. F. McGEOHGE, Agent. I FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIHEI.E'.iS AND SUHMAHINE HELL SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY 4 Friday. July 5. At 2:30 P. M. INTEH-OCEAN THANSPOUTATION COMPANY. Phone 44. O. F. McGEOHGh, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SmshiP Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. r t SAILS FROM A1NSWOHTH DOCK, PORTLAND, AT 0 A. M JULY Untl, Oth, lllh, HKIi, 21th mid IHMIi. FltOM MAHSHFIELR AT THE SERVICE OF THE TIRE, JULY (Mi, 11th. JOtli, tllst, Sfl'tli mid Ulst. Phono Main .121. L. J. C. MILLER, Agent. Steamer Washington Will Sail for San Francisco From Coos Bay Wednesday evening July 3 vitiiTahsk.ngi:ks and freight iF. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. COOS BAY-IlOSEBUIiG ST QE LINE. Stngo leaves Marshflold every morning at 0 and roaches RoBoburg lu time to connect with evening train for Portland. Stage also loaves Rosoburg every morning at C o'clock and reaches Marshfleld samo evening. FADE 90.0Q, Hound trip $11.00. Good meals en route. C. P. Barnard, agont, Rosoburg. Otto Schotter, agent, 120 Market Avenue, Marshflold. Tickets can bo obtained at HIHyor's Cigar Store. Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, RUT FIRST COME IN AND GET Ol'R PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES $1.B0 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. lSL Hhi Star Transfer and Storage Co. if prepared to do all kinds of hauling short notice. Wc meet all trains id boats aud wo also have the latest ly'o Reynolds Piano Mover. We (unrantoo our-work. f . . , . . a . . . tirA MM mm mm M a ' " mmwujm ft. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-R, 120-J, or 49-L. We Have Been Successful In buying a large stock of first class Electrical material and can I give our patrons a very low price I on hoiiseylrlng. Get our price you enn'rafford tOLmlss It. -' Coos Bay-Wirinn"Cd. ' C . Wm'HI 4W. v;" -,K Phone 237-J Marshfield & Norlh Bend Auto Line GORST & KING, Proprietors. Cars lcavo Mnrshfield every 45 minutes from 7:15 n. m. until 12:30 midnight. Loavo North Dcna on samo scliodulo, Btnrtlng at 7 a. m. until midnight. See Saturday Times far schodulo. City Auto Service Good Cars, Caroful Drivers and roaHonnblo chnrgos. Our motto: "Will go anywhere nt any tlmo." Stands Dlanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 40 Night Phono 40. MARKER & GOODALK. proprietors. SOI JUNE WEDDINGS Anywhere, Any Time Cnl-cful Driving Reasonable Rates FISHER AUTO SERVICE WM. FISHER, Prop. Phono ordors to Hlllycr's Cigar Storo, Phono 18-J. After 11 P. M., Phono r.-.I. Mnrshfield. OrcKon. Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE Sovoral good bargains In Farms and city proporty. AUG. FRIZEEN. OH Central Ave. Marshflold, Oregon. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN' DYERS. CLEANERS, PREHSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agont for Edward B. Strauia & Co, flno Tailoring Lot us maka your next Suit. 3ft Commercial. Plioao ano-X CmjiiI1Io May Innugurnto New Men In Running There. COQUILLE, Ore, Juno 29. Tho commlttco nppolntod at tho nnnual school mooting to wait upon tho trus tees of tho Coqulllo Library Associa tion to negotlnto for tho purchaso of a Blto for a high school, mot Tuosday ovoning at It. S. Knowlton's rosld onco. Thoso prcsont woro tho mombors of tho commlttco II. O. Anderson, M. O. Hooton and R. S. Knowlton; also tho trtiHtccB of tho library association R. S. Knowlton, Mrs. Fred Dollonl and John Quick. Tho library trustees expressed a willingness to dlsposo of tho library lota for school purposes for 11000, ! Point Enterprise. providing tho school building erected thorcon shnll contain a pormancnt li brary room and n public gymnasium both to bo under tho uchool mnnngc ment. It was oIbo understood that tho $1000 should bo used for tho pur chaso of books for tho library. Tho commlttco was well ploaBod with tho offer and will shortly report tho procoodlnga of tho meeting to tho school board by whom they wero ap pointed. Public sentiment soonio to bo growing strongly In favor of tho plan to purchaso thoso lots, which will afford ground spaco 100x100, and tho erection of tho high school build ing thorcon according to tho plans nbovo outlined. Coqulllo Sontlnol. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tho following mnrrlago licenses woro Issued by County Clerk Watson during tho past week: Honry James Walker and Lotha Pearl Moore. Doth of Uandon. William N. Abol and Ellon Flor enco Sneddon. Doth of Marshflold. Richard JacobBon and Ingrld Low land. Roth of Marshflold. Follx Droulotto of San FranclBco, and Desslo May Muchado of Myrtlo Point. Frank II, Wilson of Lntnpa and Laura E. Tiller of Prosper. Thomaa D. Kennlcutt and Annlo L. Culver. Both of Myrtlo Point. Albert V. Ralrd and Holen Ray Moorman. Both of Bnndon. Co qulllo Sontlnol. MYRTLE POINT MATING8. Follx Broulotto of San Francisco and MIbb Bessie Mnchado of this city woro united In tho bonds of wedlock by Judge E; G, D. Holdcn nt Coqulllo last Saturday afternoon, Juno 22. Tho happy couplo loft on tho Tuos day morning's stngo for San Fran clsco, whoro thy will mako their homo and whoro tho groom Is em ployed by nn auto company. WHITES OF COQUILLE Archdeacon Horsfnll Telia of Coos County Heat In letter Tho Oregon Churchman prints tho following: "Tho Rov. Win, Horsfall, doan of tho Southern convocation, reports that ho and Mrs. Horsfall havo re turned to Bandon after tholr trip to Portland refreshed and strong. Ho Bnys: 'At Coqulllo and Bandon I havo taken the opportunity to toll our pooplo of tho growth and pros perity of tho diocese. Our pooplo aro cheered with tho good nows of what Ih being dono and by tho Bishop's contemplntod visit in Soptombor, grently regretting that Mrs. Scadd lng will not bo nblo to como this ybar. Wo havo fair sized congregations, notwithstanding tho fact that thq beautiful woather keeps pooplo from our Borvlcos. Coqulllo has a popu lation of 1200, eight churchos. two There Ib considerable rellglouB indlff dlino theatres, and forty automobiles, orence. Tho resident Mothodlst min ister is trying to reach tho men by strcot prcnchlng. Saturday nights when pcoplo woro on their way to moving plcturo shows or to do tholr marketing I saw him kneeling In tho street, and heard htm praying loud ly and fervently, tho pcoplo passing on, none caring to stop to listen. Tho pnstor of tho Presbyterian church said to mo this morning: 'Thoso flno Sundays aro making my congrega tions, quite Btnnll.' With ouraolvos I am thankful to say that so far thoro Is llttlo cntiBo for complaint.' " MYRTLE POINT MENTION. Tom Konnlcutt and Miss Anna Cul ver flllppod away quietly to Coqulllo IaBt Thursday, whoro thoy woro mar ried that afternoon by Judgo E. Q. G. Holdon. Tho groom Is one of tho Konnlcutt boys and tho brldo Is tho daughter of our townspeople Mr. and Mrs. Sol Culver. Thoy will mako tholr homo near Bridge. Myrtlo FIGHTS AT HANDON We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J Day ami Fnrrell to Meet There July In SO Round Go. Tho fights which to to bo pulled off In Bnndon pn July 3rd, aro pro ving to bo a sourco of Intorcst to tho followers of tho fighting gnmo In 'In Coos County. In tho main ovont, Jess Day will moot Kid Far roll In a twonty round go. Day has been training hard anil should ho In good condition. Ills followers bollovo ho will bo nblo to dlsposo of Farroll be foro tho twentieth round. ' Thoro Is to bo n ten round prelim inary which Is rrcntlng nlmost nB much Intorost as tho main event. Dol. Prlco and Geo. Smith will furn ish tho nmusomont and havo wagered JfiO on tho sldo. COQUILLE COUPLINGS. Married: "Frank Wilson of Lamps, and Laura E. Tiller of P'rospor, at tho parsonngo of tho M. E. Church, South, Saturday Juno 21, Rev. C. II. Clcnvcs officiating. Sontlnol. COOS COUNTY IIIRTHS Born To Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnronco Davis of Roinoto, a daughter, on Sat urday, Juno 1C, 1912. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. Born Thursday. Juno 27, 1012, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hurloy, a ton pound son. Coqulllo Sontlnol. NEWS OF COOS HAYITES Novts of tlio Week Gleaned from Tlio Enterprise. Roy Miller, tho slx-yoar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Millor of Brldgo, was badly BCaldcd ono day last wook by upsottlng some hot milk ovor his person. Tho Eoml-nnnunl election of offi cers of tho Presbyterian Aid Socloty took plnco last Thursday aftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. L. Strong', and tho following ladles woro oloctod to ofllco for tho ensuing six months: President, Mrs. W. J. Strong; Vice President, Mrs. A. Hougo; Socrotary treaaurcr. Mrs. H. A. Guorln. Mrs. J. S. Whltnkor was appointed chair man of tho literary work which Is carried on In connection with tho Aid Socloty. Former RcflldcnU, Now nt Honolulu, Plan Trips. A nows lottor from Honolulu says: "Norman B. Courtonoy, secretary to Governor Fraor, cxpocts to spond his vacation with rclntlvos and frlonds in Portland and Snlom. Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Lansing, of Coos Bay, Or., aro guests of frlonds at Hllo, Floyd Lansing, a Btudont nt Corvnl lls, Isoxpected to Join Ills parents next month." WORK OX RRIDGE. Tho Eugeuo Guard snys: "Tho Southern Pacific concrete men nto now working on tho flrit culvert out of Eugcno on tho Cons liny line. This culvorf Is located on tho McClnron plnro a short distance west of Illnlr strcot and luslda tho fltv llmlta OMini nrnu'u YlnVA linnn Prlco has boon onH ( ., u ,lf .i,., flr iiriii!?ii ;ho Ray for Bomo tlmo and Smith lBncr0B8 Coyoto Creek sovornl mllca It nnlnrnd linrir lilnnl nr inn finiilnn ' i ,W VW.W4UW MUWkW.MVt. MW W...W.. . 0.r BlancharcTs Livery W havo secured tho livery busN pcss nt L. H. Holsnor, nnd are pre pared to render excellent service to tho people of Coos Bay. Caroful drivers, good rlKS and everything that will moan uatisiactory service to tho public. Phone us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed In the llvory line. Wo also do truck ing business of all kinds. RLAXCHARD BROTHERS Phone 1.18-J Id very, Feed and Bnles Service. I II Firm nnd Alder Streets. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance I'M North Front Rtr Have That Roof Fixed vow See GOllTUELL Phone H1U1 A Modern Brick ButlUlng, Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot uad Cold Wnter. II O T E L COOS 0. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: f0 cents a Day and Upwards Cor Droanwny and Maiket. Mnrshfield. Orfcon Barnard & Langworthy Electrlcul Contractors nnd Supplier. PHONE18I.R. 170 So, Rrnndnny, net door to Union Mj;ut Market. Oak Harbor Shop. Jloth aro heavy weights. Bud Andorson nnd Rough Houio Charley Burns aro matched for n twonty round fight to bo pullod off at Klamath Falls July 3rd. Both aro well known hero. Andorson put out Young Henderson In tho oovonth round of what was to havo been a twonty round contest, hero last Do combor and BurnB has also fought hero, meeting Guy Leo, Evans and Hondorson at tho skating rink. An derson's last fight was with Abo La bol and ho was given tho decision nftor twonty rounda of milling. &Hinm read" PICTURES HV 3. INSTEAD 200 Cartas Tell More Than 200 Columns Tho World's Best Each Month Cartoons from dailies and weeklies publUhcd in thU country. London. Dublin, Paris. Ilerlln. Munich. Vienna. Warsaw. Iludapett. St. I'elers burg. Amsterdam, StuttgartTurin. Rome. Lisbon. Zurich, Tokio. Shanghai, .Sydney, .'Canada, and South America, and all the great cities of ihe world. Only the 200 best out ot 9.000 cartoons each month, are selected. A Plcturo History ol World's Events Each Month CAMPAIGN CARTOONS-Follow tha campaign In C'Amoo.ss" and watch the oppos ing parties caricature each oihcr. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION $1.0O SINGLE COPY IS Oh lit Mmple copy will U nulled ly tdJtwInir the pub. KSir, II. ll.WINUSOR. JUW.Wuhiugtonsuctt. Chicago ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER "Tho Hates & norgor Construction company, ot spoKano, wiucn is noin tho work, ovontunlly expect a hl forco, hut cannot definitely toll how soon they will strike n large- Job. "Mr. Hasmusson said that' thoy would ptiBh things ns booh ns thoy got Rtnrolghtoned nut, which would bo In n short time. Tho Southern Pnrlflc Is preparing for their work nnd hns erected n largo cofferdam on Coyoto Creek nnd made other propnratlons for tho brldgo across that- stream. STEVE OAM.IEIt HAILWAV MAG NATE. Stovo Galllor como up from IJnn don last Friday to look aftor busi ness mnttors connected with tho pro posed railroad from Dandon to Grants Pass. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. WE'LL HET OX "UNCLE HENRY." R. J. Clinton, who was reported suffering from n fungus growth at tho bottom of his loft foot, n couplo of months ago Is still on tho "limp" but hopes that tho doctor will get tho growth entirely burned out nnd healed over In tlmo for him to go In to trnlnlng for tho quarter mllo foot raco In which "Bob" and "Undo Hon ry" will participate. Myrtlo Point Entorprlse. MILKS 20 COWS AN HOUR. Verne Lundy hns recontly Installed a set of milking innchlneK at his father's dnlry south of tho city, and whllo ho hns not decided as yet how great n success It will he, ho is milk ing with It nt the rnto of about twon ty cows an hour. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. SPECIAL I1INNER at Tho CHAN DLEK with music on July 2, ;i and I. 1JUY NOW. Some choice lots in NORTH IlEN'D can bo hnil at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO. First National Dank. Mrs. Eugono Shotter nnd chlldron returned to Ilnndon Wodnosday af ter a weok'a vlalt nt tho homo of Mrs. C. E. RrondbonL Tho Indies nro old girl frlonds, having grown up to gothor In tho Coqulllo vnlloy. Ah Mrs. Rbntlnr hns nlnrn lmnn In vnrl. ouh parts of tho Unltod States nnd tho Hawaiian Islands, thoy had not soon each other for twonty yoars, nml tbn vl.qll wnn tnndn nnnnolnllv In. foresting In reminiscences ot tho plo neor days. Mrs. Sehottor will ho ro momhornd to old settlors ns Miss Jonnlo Tlienlan. L. J. Slpcs and his grandson, Clint Israol nnd wlfo, recent arrivals from Kansns, drove Into tho Eckloy coun try looking up a location for n stock ranch, Tho oldor gontloman Is a former resident of Cooo county, nnd will enjoy n visit with oldtlmors In Southorn Coob nnd Northern Curry. Roy Slovens hns tho construction of n largo scow under way at ono of the landing Just below tho forks of tho rlvor. Jim Wilson wqnLto Gcorgo Plko's ramp bolow CoiiulUo ,Votlnosdy tft nccop.t n Job oJ-joRjUng hopkjv. Mrs. Wnltor Condron wns horo from Mnrshfield a rottplp of days last week visiting hor huahand nnd son. TIiob, Dickson wna looking nftor huslnoBs affairs nt Mnrshflold, Co qulllo nnd North Ilond sovornl days thin wook. Mrs. E. J, Carver, who recontly sold hor rosldonco property In this city to Mrs. L. Rohblns, departod last Monday for Cincinnati, Ohio, whoro sho will spend four months visiting relatives nnd old tlmo friends. WOMAN FORFEITS HAIL . Daisy Starr, a woman of tho undor world, was arrostod yesterday for using profano Innguago on Front strcot. Sho wns also Intoxicated, Sho furnished ? 25.00 ball to nppoar bo foro Recordor Ilutlor this morning nt 10 o'clock but did not show up, for feiting hor money, Sho dlroctoJ hor abunp against her roputod husband, n cripple, and nttractod qulto a crowd. ECHO OF DRAIN LINE Atty. A. N. Oreutt roturnod this morning from n visit to his formor homo In Iowa. Ho wont vln Los An golos and Now Orleans to Chicago, and roturnod via Omaha, Denver and Salt Lako. At tho lattor place ho was to havo participated In tho trial of tho lawsuit growing out of tho fail ure of tho C. B. Loss Co., contractors on tho Drain-Cons Day railroad. An accumulation of other casus, how ovor, caused nnotlior postponement until tho first week In Soptombor.- Rosoburg Rovlow. PRESERVE your ROOF. Havo It COATED. J. L. IimOE, Box 220. SPECIAL DINNER nt Tho CHAN DLER with music on July li, aud I. Don't forget tiie Turkish riatbd. PHONE 1M4J. ,