THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1912 EVENING EDITION. i. 8 i i . ! : ; fr (Continued from Pago Thrco.) rlinndollor to the yellow shaded can NNwv,VNv'rfVNvw dloa at each place Dainty cards of ou food saio tins coming aaiuruay ni yollow roso-uuu ucsign muicnicu wiu tho Porry-NlcholBon Btoro, at which tho usual supply of dollclous goodlcfc will bo on display. Among th ladlos prcsont WodnoBday woro Mr$ A. L. Butz, MrB. F. 8. Dow, Mrs. Evn Gammlll, Mrs. M. C. Horton, MrB. H. n. Hydo, Mrs. T. J. Scnlfo, MrB. 0. II. Walter. Mrs. Jaa. Cox, Miss Elizabeth Cox, Miss Alico Cox, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Win. Schroodcr, Mrs. Honry Bls hop, Mrs. A. Li. Darkor, Mrs. Mary Thompson and Mrs, A. H. Dlmont. Tho noxt mooting will bo Juno 10, probably with MrB. M. C. Horton. O Tho Prlacllla Club moots noxt Wed nesday July 3 with Mrs. Frod Grln olds. O Tho American Womon's Loaguo lias postponod further meetings un til Soptombor first. rj MrB. Frank Framo will bo IiobI 088 to tho Altar Guild Thursday, July 11, at her homo In North Bond. O A mooting of tho Coos Bay Motor Boat Club will bo hold at tho club rooniB Monday ovonlng when tho dato and placo of tho next crulso will bo sottlod. ' COOS KIVEH FL1TTINOS Dr. and Mro. J. T. McCormao will havo as ovor Sunday giuihta at tholr South Coos Itlvor homo, Mr. and Mrs. Colby K. Porry and Miss Vlolot Hondorson. O Mrs. Arthr .McKcown plans to go with tho ch) en, Jooy and Draco, to sot up camp nt tho Mazo soon after tho Fourth. O MIsb Mary Loulso MoArthur ro- turnod Wednesday evening from bpondlng n fow days with Miss Knth- ryn Horton at tho McCollum placo on South Coos River. O Mrs. A. T. Halnos camo down Tuesday to attend Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Smoaton's ball and tho Elks' ball Wodnosdny ovonlng, returning Thurs day morning to stay until tho Fourth of July colobratlons. O PICNIC OUTINGS A Jolly party of Mnrahllold young pcoplo onjoyod a picnic nt Charleston last Sunday, n special launch bolng chnrtorcd for tho trip. Various pic nic diversions and frolics In tho surf followod by a big basket dlnnor mado tho outing Ideal, Among thoso In tho party woro Mrs. Rosb, Misses Boatrlco Roborts, Ellon Rudnas, Maud Noblo,, aoorgono Zl minor, Mln nlo Harkonsco and Mnrtlm Uornltt nnd Messrs. Wm. Huchlns, Guy Chambors, Archlo Evans, John Mot loy, Ford Palntor and Preston Jonos. O Tho Enstsldo Social and Athletic Club gavo a largoly attended picnic last Suudny. Tho Alort was chart ered to carry tho crowd to Allegany whoro tho dny was spout In gamos and picnic sports, and was greatly onjoyod In. splto of tho draw-back of , wot weather. About seventy people nttondod. 0 Tho Wesleyau Blblo class lrindo an .excursion on tho Tioga last night to Delniont Goodwin's plhco on Coos Illver Heights. They had n delight ful tlmo and enjoyed tho long climb up tho hill to tho place. Thoso go Intr woro Mr. 'nnd Mrs. J. L. Kin ney, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvoy Russell,' Miss Mary Stevens, Miss Mnrjorloi Smith, Miss Jeuslo King, Misses Hat-, tlo. Nora and Guraa Huge Miss Ruth Glbortfi.on,. Miss Amy Isaacs, Mtssl Genovra Smith, Miss Ethel Motzler of 'CorvulHs. 'Miss Mnudo Bailey, Mss Mnrjorlo Swonrjngen, Miss Vonii WlUon, MJsa Norma abuse. Miss Nn otnl Smith. Miss Juno. Young, L. Bolslnger. Mr. Thayer, Tom Hago. Justin Arms, Edvard Steele, Earl Huchlns, Earl Brown, Harold Hunt nnd Roy Fulton. Q - 4 vEPJSCOlUL. TEAS - ,4 Mrs. P. A. Sondberg. was hostess Thursday itfterjrt)0.n 'ntJno'.'of .iho last In tho series of Episcopal teas, Among her guests woro Mrs E. Mln gus, Mrs, SI. D. Mnlonoy nnd .daugh ter, Alico Loulsoj Mrs. E, G, Per ha in, Mrs. F. E. LeoW, Mra. Geo. F. Murch. Mrs. J. V. Smoaton, Mrs. W. T. Stoll.J .iji'c.un uunning, mtb. unristino Kruso, Mrs,.,Jj Albert Matsou nnd Mrs.-W.'AVToy ... o . , BRIDGE 4 1 ' Mrs. D. 0. Greeno ontortalned Fri day afternoon at live tables of Bridge In compliment to her guests, Mrs.1 P. A. Young and Miss Isabol Young. At tho cards, Mrs. Geo F.. Murch and Sirs, F. E. Leofo von tho first nnd Becond prizes nnd Mrs. Young was awarded thoKuost prize. Mrs. Greene's home was filled with branches of crimson rambler and bunches of wild, flowers, - ST , .. Q- 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 4L4 4 4 4 , 4 ' imilkiKUXCHEON '4 44444444444444444 Mrs. M. C. Horton entertained at luncheon and Bridge Friday at ta bles beautifully decpratod with yN. low, and laid for thlrteiq! jjues'ts.' Nilffon ribbons hung from iho'central .. " - places. Tho luncheon was sorved by MIbscs Lucy and uutii iiorton. At Brldgo a hnndsomo prlzo was won by Mrs. N. Rnsmusaon, tho scoro cards n so carrying out tho color idon. Amonir tho guests woro Mcsdnmcs D, Y. Stafford, W. T. Merchant, P. A. Sandberg. A. L. Housoworth, N. Rns muBBcn. Krnmor Batsford, E. Mln- gUB, Honry Songstackon, J. S. Coko, Dorsoy Kroltzor, A. II. Poworu, 0. Wi Towor and G. A. Bennett. O 44444444444444444 4 DANCES 4 44444444444444444 Tho North Bond Concort Band 1b mnlclnc nrennratlons to glvo a dnnco July Fourth nt Eckhoft Hall nnd expects to havo ono of tho InrgoBt crowds on that dny that havo ovor turned out. This is tho first danco they havo attempted slnco organi zation. 0 Noxt wcok will seo several dnncoa by tho Band as part of tho colobra tlons for tho Fourth. Tho Odd Fol- Iow'b nnd Eagles' halls havo boon on gaged for a couplo of nlghtB and big things nro In preparation for nddlug to tho Jollity of tho occasion. O 4444 444444444444 4 WEDDINGS AND ANNOUNCE- 4 4 MENTS 4 444444444444444 44 4 Tho mnrrlngo of Miss Ellon Snod- don. dntiRhtor of Mrs. Alico Sned don, nnd Wm. Abol, Jr., was solomn Iml qulotly nt Coqulllo Tuesday af tornoon In tho prcBonco of tho groom's fathor and Miss Mary Wll Bon of Coqulllo. Justlco Holden porformod tho corornony. Tho bridal couplo roturnod to Mnrshnold whero they woro tondorod a wedding suppor by Mr. nnd MrB. Wm.,Abol, Sr. About rourtccn guests woro prcsont. loung Mr. nnd Mrs. Abol will llvo In Mnroh flold. O 44444444444444444 4 INFORMAL. CHAT 4 44444444444444444 Mrs. A. B. Daly nnd children who havo been spending tho winter nt Phoenix, Ariz., havo gouo to Santn Monica, Calif., for n short stay boforo returning to tho Bny. Mrs. Daly Ih much. Improved In health. O Wm. Horsfnll Is spending tho sum mer nt tho homo of his undo, J. A. Yonknm, In Coqulllo. O Miss Edna Larson roturnod homo this wcok from Mexico, Mo., whoro slio hns spent tho pnst yonr perfect ing her musical education. Sho wns warmly wolcomod by tho ninny Coos Bny admlrors of hor musical talent. o Mrs. P. W. Dodson plans to lonvo soon for n short visit with hor par ents nt Oregon City. O Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. Wolls will leave week after next for Portland and otlior northorn points whoro they will spend n fow wcoks. . o Miss Juno Dnuwaltbr of Pleasant Dalo, Nobr., Is tho guest of hor friend, Mrs, Karl Halnos of Enstsldo. -0-r Miss Una Bradley of San Fran cisco, daughtor of Theo. Bradloy, tho well known traveling man, Is spend ing n few weeks at homo of hor undo nnd mint, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. II. Mills, on Contral Avenue, West. O Mrs, Eric Wold and children, Nod nnd Evolyn, arrived this wook from Burllngnmo, Calif., for an oxtondod visit at tho homo of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. E, A. Anderson. Mr. Wold mny Join thorn horo later In tho summor. Ho Is city engineer nt BUrllngnmo now. o-r Mrs. Win. Ford nnd baby arrlvod this wcok from Portland to spend tho summer with her pnrcnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll nt tholr homo at tho Mnza. Mr. Ford will Join thorn horo Inter. Mr. and Mrs, O'Connoll also havo as guests nt tho Mazo Mrs. Boyd M, Richardson nnd chlldron and Mrs. E. K. Jones nnd son, Eugono. O Mrs, R. F. Gobhart, formerly Miss SubIo Elckworth, nnd baby arrlvod horo this wook from Portland to visit nt tho homo of hor parentB, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Elckworth nnd nt tho homo of hor slater, Mrs. R. E. Plno gor. Mr. Gohhnrt Is expected hero soon nnd thoy mny dccldo to rolocato on tho Bay, Mrs. Geo. F. Winchester nrrlvod homo this wook nttor a six wooks' visit with relatives in tho WUInmotto Valley and with friends at Portland. O Mrs. L. E. Doll and son who wero oxpectod horo this wook from Denver to visit at tho Alva Doll homo woro delayed and will not arrlvo on tho Bay for a wcok or two. O Mlssos Graco nnd Evolyn Turnoy of Hood Rlvor, Oregon, nrrlvod horo this wook with tholr cousin, Mnlr Dano, nnd proceeded to Dandon whoro thoy will visit tholr undo nnd mint. Mr. Dnno is nlso spending tho bnlnnco of his vacation at Bandon, O Mrs. I. S. Smith nnd dnughtor, Miss Knthorlno, roturnod this wcok from Corvnllls whoro thoy havo Bpont tho pnst year whllo tho children havo boon attondtng. Oregon Agricultural College. Mrs. W. C. Bradley Is Bpondlng n fow weeks nt tho Noslor homo nt Brldgo. 0 Mra .Lando nnd Mrs. M. A. Mc Lood, worthy matron nnd secretary, respectively, of Doric Chapter, O. E. S arrived homo this wook from Port land whoro thoy visited frlonds fol lowing tho annual mooting of tho Oregon Eastern Stnr. O Mrs. P. M. Wilbur roturns today from an oxtonded vIbII with frlonds in Portland nnd Spoknno. Whllo nwny sho was alao n guest at tho Hofer homo In Salem. O Mrs. Prey of Wobstor City ,In., and Mrs. McMillan of Chicago aro visitors at tho homo In Emplro of tnoir Bister, sirs. w. E. 8 trock Is their flrHt visit to tho Pnclllc const and both think tho weather Is entire ly too cold for nild-summor. Tho throe Blators will bo Jolnod In July by a fourth, Mrs. Boworiy, nt whoso homo In Washington stnto thoy will later visit. This is tho first mootlnir of tho four sisters In thirty years. o We want to talk to you xr E ARE not going to bore you with a long talk on our clothing. Personally we are satisfied with our lines and feel that we could not find stronger ones, but what we want to impress firmly upon the minds of everyone is the fact that we are giving the people values and we are certain of it. Money is not everything in busi ness, we admit frankly we're not in it for our health, but at the same time we are here to please the people and we WANT YOU TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE. We make our business a study all the time endeavoring to find now ways to save our customers money, and at the same time give them the best merchandise obtainable. Buy for cash and save from $4.00 to $10.00 on your Suit now and Prove to yourseir that "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Bandon. Marshfielcl. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES 4 444 444444-444444 STANDING Vernon CO Oakland 45 Lob Angolos ... .44 Sacramento 31 Sail Francisco . .33 Portlnnd 30 OF TEAMS 4 W. L. P.O. 4 30 .G2G 4 34 .570 4 3G .057 4 45 .408 4 4G .418 4 43 .411 4 Santn Rosn, Calif., to visit at tho homo of Mrs. LowIb' parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thoinns Howard. O F. E. Haguo and wlfo lonvo today on tho Broakwatcr for Portland1 whoro thoy will visit his slstor, Mrs. Stoffon, nnd daughtor, May Tully, of Now York who nro making n westorn tour on tho Orphoum circuit, Mra. Tully bolng ono of tho stars of tho Orphoum plnyors. From Portland, Mr. and Mra. Haguo plan an auto trip to British Columbia whoro thoy will visit other relatives. The trip Is planned for tho bonollt of Mra. Hague's hoalth. 0T Mr. and Mrs. J. Leo Brown havo ro turnod from n month's visit at Snlom, Portland and Pugot Sound points. At' Los .Angeles R, airs, unrry wnsDurg and mtlo I Los Angolcs 5 dnughtor aro oxpectod homo about J Portland , . c tllO miuilla of Jnlv frnni (ink nm 444444444444444444 PORTLAND, Ore, Jino 29 Port lnnd won from Los Angeles yesterday by n scoro of C to 5. Tho Coait Lcnguo gamos yostorday rcsultod ns follows: At Snn Francisco R. H. B. San FrnnclBco CIO 2 Oakland 3 0 0 H. 9 9 E. whoro thoy nro.. tho guosta of Mrs. Th.iujNnBburg'8 parohts. O Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Oron nnd child ren nro oxpocled horo on tho noxt Nnnii Smith from Bnyl'oint for u fow -.vcoka' visit with rolntlvos and friends on tho Bay. Mr. Oron who was formerly gcnornl mnnagor of tho I 0. A. Smith mill horo Is now ongngod In tho manufacturing business lilm- At Sncrnnicnto r, h. e, Sncrumcnto 0 2 2 Voriinn ,,,1 2 ? Photo Supplies. Wnlkor Studio. BIG REGATTA TODAY. Enters Eastern Bay Stanford University Event for First Tlmo (uy Associated Press to C001 Tirnos.) POUailKEEPSIE, N. Y., Juno 29. Crows of six universities compoto today In tho Intor-colloglato rogata ovor tho Poughkoopslo course. Lo land Stanford, Jr., Unlvorslty will mutch its strongth nnd skill for tho first tlmo with tho Atlantic seaboard mon. Wisconsin university ngnln Is In tho lists aa aro tho unlvcrsltlca of Cornoll, Pennsylvania, Syrncuso and Columbia. Tho woathor outlook Is favorable - Cornoll won tho varsity four-oarod raco. Columbia was second, Syrncuso third nnd Pennsylvania fourth. Tho tlmo wns 10:34 1-5. NORTn BEND NEWS. 4 Clina. Murr who has boon sick with rheumatism for tho last two weeks Is ablo to bo back at work today. B. Clarko. of Portland, enma la yostorday on tho Brcakwator and will spond n fow wooks ns tho gucBf of Ms mother. Dr. Dlrd B. Clarko. John Ilnppy of Spdkano who ls'solf. visiting ut tho homo of his sister,! 0 Mrs. G. V. Kaufman, Is oxpoctlng to Mnvor nnd Mr F w .... ... T ' ..'... l'r",.:. "..."". pceieu nomo today or Straw nro tomorrow when ho may bo joined by his imii" ex ended via w? tho TA ""I ,r8- CiVm ,,n,,,,yl ".otnoSKUSvcsIayo? for tho return homo. O Miss Irono Prciiss is oxpectod horo Bar- Straw at Klnmnth Falls. . O ; Mrs. H. H. Lubo and In vluK 1,1. .r i..,-4i i.... .... All's. 11. 11. I. UHO mid duuiMitnr bnrn Preuss, nnd othor relatives. , trn"l'0.1' of ITosno, Calif., nnd Mrs. about tho last of August or early In ";'. ro" nnu bohh, Honton nnd Sontnmiinr. iinr viuit ,uin ,i.i,i.. llllniu, nrrlvod horo this wook for "III HuxliifXH for Your Health" Phoiio 74-.T. September. Jlor visit will nrobnblv Lbo mado nfter hor sister, Miss Mny rroiiBs. leaves ror norkoloy In tho fall to enter collogo thoro. Tho lat ter will bo accompanied south by iier auiu, .Mrs. w. t. Morolinnt, who nn oxtonded Ialt nt tho Win. Luso homo on Coos Rlvor nnd with othor' rolntlvcs on tho Bay. O Miss Eugouln Schilling nrrlod plans to visit Hor son, Chnrllo'ln Son1 "oro rr!".n llnrt""'' this wook for it FrnnClsco nnd Onkland? ' 1 B,,ort v,8,t nt tno no," ot ,10r nn'. ' O 1 .11-s. w. r. Aiurpny. nor porents, Don't Wait Until tho last minute to buy your Fourth of July Supplies andiDecorations or you The Owl - .Says: Mr. and Mrs. J. Broekmlllor aro Mr- .'!la MJW-1 K Hdillllng, will oxpoctliiR ns guests' nt tholr homo K hlovo rr?ni Onrdlnor to Myr.tlo Mr. Brockmlllor'B parents from vfi1 whoro thoy will nBsunio chnrgo North Dakota, and his. sister arid hor 'oOuorln hotel which thoy ro chlldron from near Snjom, Orogon. , conl1 bousUt' tho lattor of whom l mnko qulto ' A . . . . . . T9T 1 nn oxtonded Btay. i444444444444.4 4444 lN,vil(,l'.lllTt 4 444 44444 4.4 44444 L. A. Llljoqvlat nnd wlfo of Co-i , ., ,, qulllo passed througlr hero this week rMr: n"'1 ; 'ro Poto,rson will en route to Wasan.VIs,, whoro thoy ,IntyrtIaJ" ", l nnor to-row nt wwi spona n month or 80 'at Mr. LIM , i, ,t, uv. " ul ui Jcavlsta old homo. Thoy wont vln Snn Francisco and will probnbly ro turn tho northorn. route, stopping off nt tho prlnclpnl points of Interest on route, O Mrs.' J. W. Ross nlul llttlo son of Snn Francisco are horo to spend thq summer with friends nnd relatives. niey win visit nt tho homo of Mrs. May BelDisappointed AVo have the largest line ever shown in Coos Comb ty. Wholesale and retail. Special attention given to dealers. Orders filled j.romptly. NORTON 8b HANSEN Two stores :'- , WHOLESALE 'AND RETAIL bo .Mr. and Mrs. M. O, Colomnn, Mr, nun; .Mrs. E. E. Rlggs, Miss Goldlo Rlggs of North Bond; Miss Roso My- r.en, MIbb May Peterson, Miss Clara u Myron and Mlsa Esthor Johnson of MiiTshlleldj Mrs. O. Potorson nnd Miss FJoronco Potorson, nnd Mnr guorlto and- Alvlu Potorson of May. n Dr. Haydcn Inst ovonlng wns boat Front Street. Central Avenue. Roes' slstor. Mrs. R. A. Church, andY" .ft",08t enjoynblo llttlo stag party her mntliar. Mm ll,n m rii'nt Ills rooms. Among his Kiiesta Rlvor, Afrs. floss before her marri'i were Judge Coke, J. V. Smoaton, Ar ago was Miss Npttlo Boattlo. 'U,? 5Iorcon' Herbert Lockhart J. H. O ('Flanagan, nnd J. Albert Mntson. C R. J'.eck Is oxpoc'tod homo next L . . . . . . 7"2T week1 fiom a vacation trip with , ,fxt f, Peck- to tholr home cities In Vermont. ' A . Y1N ! I1 0HWAY nnd other .eastern places. .Mrs. Peck 1 t,h 1 u , . ruiiiuiimu. in iionningion to mnko n longor visit wjjh her parents. Mrs Win, Grimes who had been nt Mercy hospital for the past two weeks was able to return to her homo In Marshfleld Thursday. Sho is much Improved in .health. - ' -o ."tallies, listen to this: TJigi j-wbll 'known fine of Steam's Toilet preparations may . be obtained here -V Steam's Rouge Steam's No-. cessitv Tor nfirsnirntinrt Freckle Cream and illO Hal. . Mrs nnehart of Portland Is nijlrns It camo .0 her, Thus tho Rpmnfm ThTriS L 5'' UC8' t tho homo of her slstor. Mrs. , '"' ' -eson .nscrlbed ten - inl Tho Lndlos' Club mot 'Sunday nf- iern.0011 ror a strawberry feast at tno nomo of Mrs. Calvin Ray. This Ya wiu insi meoiing ror tho sum mer and to commemorate it oaeh Jady had pieced a quilt and wrapped It. . Little Ora Ray, bllndfoldod, passed tho packages, and each lady wroye n&r name on n Diode of oach .11 'These are the last wond Toilet Preparations,' 'VJJ OWL : ',.'- 4 , P1W SCRIPT 'TOR; iu 'J PHARMACr "THE NE-W STORE'". 170 Front St, Phone 74-.I. "In Business for Your Health" 4" C. H. Marsh. Mrs. MrHh o.i P e'ery square, and each lady car- , , .-.-...., , .....p. .. i-.,i ....... 1 ... . . - daughter, Isls, jire expected homo' , "Uf V. "ur n vamaoio rom- trjp. soon from their California --Mrs.'JrL. Koqntz and chlldron loft this 'week- for n short .visit at tiro I horn of hor undo, Capt. Hill, Keep er or mo umpqua ugnthouso near Gardiner. " . .. O Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Mlfn,er ioft this week for a, month's trip ,to California points of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. LowU and I children arrived here this week from embranco of tho pleasant dny. Tho ball game Sunday afternoon between Rlvorton and Norway was a fine game although tho weather was rather damp. Tho scoro waB 6. to 3 In favor of the Norway boys, who wero out In their new suits and mado n flno showing. New Studio.. Goods low prices. Walker Grand Celebration and Big Race Meet MYRTLE POINT, OREGON aTduFrfd:y July 4th and 5th Destined to bo the two greatest days in the history ol the beautiful Coqnillo Valley. PARADES, "BALL GAMES . HORSE RACES AND -. PATRIOTIC EXERCISES Frivolity and Jollification will Reign. Make your plans to come to Myrtle Point and Be ITappy. Special CANDY SALE at STAF FORD'S. SATURDAY and SUNDAY. Taffy and PEANUT Brittle 2,0. pen's Pound. ,