THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Extra Good! Improved nntl equipped 300-ncro much, with 197 ncrca bottom; bal nnco bench Inncl; has oil prospects; three-fourths of n mllo whterfront. 1'rlco $90 por aero. Torms. Livery biiHlncss paying bettor than 40 por cent on tho Investment. Price $3750, French Realty Co, 31 519 N. Front St. I Will Furnish Youn House on the installment Plan W. K. Wiseman Oil North Front Bt. Dua. Phono 29Q-X; Itos. Phono 100-J City Auto Service flood Cars, Caroful Drivers and rensonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhero at any tlmo." Stands Blanco Hotol and bianco Cigar Store Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phono 40. BARKER .V; GOODALE, proprietors. BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK llouso Moving and Grading. Wo nro propared to do this work ,bv tho day or contract and guarantee (satisfaction. Lot ub flguro with you G. 8. FLOYD & CO. iPhono 31C-J. Mnrshflold. Ore; 3 1 Wc Have Been Successful? In buying a largo stock of first class Electrical mntorlnl and can give our patrons a vory low price on houso wiring. Got our price you can't afford to mis It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J Wanted Quick A Hhrewd Investor to pick up ; bargain In two of the choicest Iota on Eastwlde. Fine view of May and Mnrohflcld. IUkIi, level nnd sightly. $175. I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Froat St. t. J. scaifb H5 A. H. UODUDXI Marshfield Paintk 8fe Decorating Co Ketlmates MARSHINBLD, Furnished Phono HOL Oregpi U ;. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR DIt. BIRD u. clarkb. ' Specialist In Nervo and Spinal" Disease. Office, Room 2, Rogers House, Marshfield. Offlco Hours 2 to 5i Phone 1H-L. D it. a. j. HKNumrs , MiHlrra DoUl Parlora. vVo are equipped,' to do n'Kh clan work on short notice at the verj lowest price. Examination free Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phone lll-J. JW. HENNBITt Lawyer. Jffl.e over Flanagan Dennett Dank Iarshleld Oregon, DH. J, T. McCORMAP, Pbyslolau and JT?A Uarshfleld, Oregon, Office: Lookbart Building. Opposite post ofUfw. Phone 10B-J You Auto Call foote PHONE J-H-J NIOHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS After 11 ?, L Phone 6-J 1 Residence Phono 28-J Will wake trips to Coqullle. A Modern Brick.. Building. Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS C. A. METLIN. Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadwoy and Market. Marshfield. Oreron WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu matic leanln Company. Orders for Mork fakoa at' GOING & HARVEY PHONE 1 . A TURKISH BATH will do you GOOD. Phoae St 4 J. Nocleetod wounds produco old sores and theso In tlmo dovolop ulcers which cat away tno vitality. Ballard's Snow Liniment Is a Healing Remedy for All Ailments o? the Flesh of Man and Beast. The 1 opood with which this splendid llnlmont heals up a bad wound or soro has aurprlBcd and pleased thoso who woro accus tomed to tho slower and uncortaln otlcct of less powerful rcme ?!? .J1 nymds tho lacoratcd flesh so quickly that thoro la but littlo tlmo lost from work. In relieving rheumatic pains, noural gia, sciatica. It lias dono and Is doing a wonderful work. Many chronic victims of theso diseases havo found to their great satis faction that It cures an attack In n fraction of tho tlmo required by tho ordinary treatment. It Is equally cffcctlvo In tho flesh ailments of animals. Ownors of blooded stock highly for two reasons: It heals sores and wounds quickly, and leaves no disfiguring scars. This remedy Is needed In ovcry homo. If its great power and efficacy was goncrally known, no family would bo without It. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. James f. baluhd nwnitmn tx. loihj, ho. Strphrna Eye Salve la i aafe nntl ISoloAmd Rcqmmndio6v1 cklinrt-Parsous Drug Co. "Tho SAVKS LABOR SAVKS TIME Many a woman has said that of the electric flat iron. Its time saving quality is only one of its best features, To a busy woman, a few extra hours each week mean everything. Extra hours for rest or recreation will keep woman young. Telephone our New Business Department and ask to have a demonstrator call. tf Oregon Power Co. m- . . Telephone 178 ESTABLISHED JN 1HHD. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAItSIIFIKLD, OREGON. At tho close of business, Juno 1 1, 1012. RESOURCES. P i'Loana and Discounts , Banking Houso ' Cash nnd Exchnncos .'. . T Total ., f723.G93.70 LIABILITIES. Capital Stqck paid in S 50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits. .- G7.409.90 Deposits , C16.123.80 Total 1723,593;70 --! CONDENSED STATES! ENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, June 11, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts w. Bonds, wurrants and securities U. S. bonds to secure circulation Real estate, furniture and fixtures Cash and sight exchange,.., Total 4 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ......... 91?S'2?fiS? Surplus and undivided profits '. 10,548. 1.v Circulation, outstanding. . . 2252929 Deposits .j ..' 477.024.71 Total $011.37:1.37 In addition to Capital Stock'tbe Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is 1100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEIKSITB. W S. CHANDLER. President. . M. C. HORTON. Vice-President. DOR8EY KREITZER, Cashier, Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENVtV SKNGSTACKKN, atgr. CoqbIIU 0v Pkoae lit PUtUag Laai a .pecUItjr. raroi Tlajber Cea! U "iTD" Oeaeral AJt Mars-ieli Oalee 14-J. apeedjr remedy for Sore ISyra. llusy Corner" Tho Hcxnll Store. "The Grand Thing About The Electric Flatjjlron Is It's Economy of Time" DOUBLES OUTPUT PRICE $3.00 ....'.... II27.4S1.4S 60,000.00 240,112.22 .. . ; $238,G1G.72 78,191.32 .....' 25,000 0Q 81,011.34 188,653,99 ' OH,n7:l.a7 (PalKZSiEEI33sssnnN 1 JUL! FOURTH I DAPAflC DIMI .MANAGER WILSON ANNOUNCES ORDER OF LINE OF MARCH- MANY NEW FILATURES INTRO DUCED. Mannger Fred Wilson of tho Fourth of July pnrnilo today gavo out tho following as tho order of tho lino of innrch: Marshal niul Aides. Mayor nud Coininoii Council ot .Miu-si.llehl, carriages. .Mayor nud Common Council of North Bend, carriages. Hon. Hurry Lane. Coos Bay Unml. Nnvnl Militia. Liberty Car. Mnrshllcld Fire department. North Bend Flro Department. Loyal Order of Moose. KnlghtH of Pythias. Sons of Norway. Llnncn Society, Siioml Society. Elks. Sunday Schools. Floats. Decorated Automobiles. Miscellaneous. Human Roso Buds. Lino of Mnrch Form on Broad way South; north on Brondwny; cast on Aldor; south on Front; wost on Central to Masonic Opera House. Parade will form nt 9:15 o'clock sharp on South Broadway. F. E. WILSON. Chnlrman. fm filr L Coaintlrd b Ik. S SIf Rl OT TMT HfllV NXMCS Of J15US AND HART. Ct.4., AiU.U..i CtlUtUu CtKK Mtule, An. EUntlta 4 Caimp cltl Vtiu.idJrl,m,jSnU.Killt4 MonlktU l.lillrttiiUTitldiic.Wihef.fAaMukmMBtAdirtM UITKK wrtKIOK. i. Mirt'i MUmu hU.J II hoavy toam harness A express harness R light delivery harness N light doublo harness E slnglo harness H light road harness S If It's a harness wo havo It HOPSON Cor. Central Avo. and Water Sts Marshflold. Everything for tho horso but shoes nnd feed. n HubClothin?&ShoeCo. MARSHFIELD. R.VNDON. IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES nt ftintf'i,V ffftrfhrnrc Co. - vortiaad.Ono , Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line (JOIIST & KINO, Proprietors. Cars leave Marshflold overy 45 .iilputes from 7:15 a. m. until 12:30 miiitiivM. i.onvp North Bena on lanie schedule, starting nt 7 a. nw ui)iii miunigui. doo duiuiuuj ...u.o for schedule. Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE Several good bargains In Farms and city property. AVit. FIMZEEN. BH Cenlrul Ave. Marshfle'd. Oregon Unique Pantatorium niB MODERN PVERfl. CLKANBrW. I'MCHSKIU. and HAT RieNOVATOR Agent for Edward K. atfauae Co fine Tallorlflg--Let us soak yaui next Suit. 2!H fVtmntrrrlal Ptm MKUX Lynn Lambeth Fred Nemle Cadillac Auto Service UcmhI rare Reasonabln Rates All Night Senrlce Careful driving assured. Phone Blanco Pool Room. 231-R tntll 11 P. M. After 11 P. M. phone 3-J. Palace Restaurant. 'lU.ldtat aal Day B.Lool (or aula lv cUw ot BUUia e( BUJoha IUtUt IKsUeopalA OriltlUU, AtUualt aa4 UwMUry Brartw4at, I Mult, Ait. IlMtllM, SrBU.Ua.. I ToreaUlof aalrvwTIIK 8ISTKH SUrKHIOR OWwM, St. liaUn. Hall j ALONG THE WATERFRONT 4 Orders rtro out requiring two wire less operators on nil vessols going to sen niul carrying 100 poople, Includ ing crow, horenftef, nnd this will create a demand for moro "sparks." If wns found recently thnt quite a largo por ccntago of tho graduating class ot 1912 from tho Naval Acad emy hnd not acquired the. nrt of BWlmmlng; and until this Is lonrnea, diplomas will be withheld from thosa who haYe not qualified. Tho test re quires n midshipman not only to know how to swim, but to swim for n period of five minutes nt lenst hy using a cortaln prescribed stroke. Ocean liners nro coming Into port nowadays with boats and llfernfts lashed on every open space on tha decks. You couldn't find room In which to pet a cat on some of the larger stenmors. No spare room nt all Is loft nnd what thoro Is Is taken up with life, prdsorvors, Bnfoty belts, pncumntlc Jnckots and other modish articles of Bcnwator apparel. So far as tho safoty of tho traveling public may bo assured by a multltudo ot bontB and rnfts and cork Jnckots, its assured. And you'd think thnt tho traveling public would bo as grateful as n wot dog, Inasmuch ns tho Titanic disaster is still fresh In cvoryono'a mind. But It Is not. Offlcors of tho lin ers report that tho traveling folk nro distinctly put out nt tho very mult. pllclty of theso dovlces for assuring snfoty. Tho boats Intorforo with flirtation now nnd then. One enn't piny shuffle honrd an easily. Tho morning constitutional becomes a weariness, because tho walkers aro confined to moro nnrrow quarters than before 111(1 IIALLOON BURNS. (By Associated Pross to Tho Coos Bay Times.) DUSSKLDORF, fJormnny, Juno 28. Count Zeppelin's dirigible, senwaunn I., Btntioncd Here, wns to tally destroyed by flro following on explosion of escaping hydrogen. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED brl ml atinllratloni. llicv ranimt mrh tho (ll.oainl ortlmi ot the car. TlirreU only (one way to cuik Ostium .amlttiat li by con itlliltlotinlromr!!r. Drulni'U It raunil by an liillntiirtlcoiiillllitn cif the iuiicoih lliilnitol th KimlarhUn Tulx. When tills tuba U In. namril nu liavoariimuiins anitiul or Imp-r-feet licurlng, ami when ll It entlrrly cltt PcariiPM Utlie rraiilt, ami utilrra tlie Ititlam niatlonrnii bo laVrn out and tlila tubn rrJorrtl In Hk normal ciiiulltlnii, lirarliiR will bn do t'otnl foreve !nliiocncntit o( touHrormnnl byratarrh, wliloli la notliliiK but an lullatn niul coiultllon ot tliomucoui uriarm. Wo will slw Ono lliiiulrcil Dollar for any (f otilcatnrM (ditirl by ratarrh) lht can not lK!Tiirfil by lla.i'a Catarrh Cute. Bend forclrculariifrct, f. J. UIIKNKY .1 CO., Toto lo, O. Hold bv PriiKuNI'.7.V Take llall'n Kainllv rlll for romltoatlon. LAl'NDRV Wo Iron our goods by tho vory latest Improved muchlnory and do no: crush tho llfo out of tho linen after n few weeks. Our low pressure ma chinery Is so easy on tho goods that wo aro enabled to launder many gar ments as long as a year or moro. Tho finish thnt wo produce Is an oxact du plicate of that which Is being worn by tho most careful dressors In tho larg er Eastern cities. If you want laun dry work that will give you the satis faction of knowing that you nro weal ing tl o vory latest, you should ho suro to send your pnekago to us. Our wagons call everywhere. Coos Bay Statu Laundry PHONE MAIN VM. The Sign of Good Candy Always I'ba psst bss proveu that luvasttuenls jltlea are tbe mrtt profitable. The C, qruscbke, Uantbtleld, Or. I'i'iM'i'i'i- CwmS MXj. aUDBW KcasrT?. : SATE M9lYf & Jf5 iaPfar V - CaV ' f yv Zj ir THE RAILROAD i CONGRESSMAN LAFFERTV EN PLAINS THE PRESENT STATUS OF THE SITUATION. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 28 So much .litis been published about the status of tho colobratod "railroad lands" In Oregon, that woro grant od to tho Oregon & California Rail road company that n correspondent rocontly requested Congressman Laf forty to give a conclso nnd clear ox planntlon of tho status of thoso lands nt tho present time. In complying with this request, Mr. Lnfforty said: Law Is Plain. "Tho law making tho grnnt to tho railroad company roads that tho company shrill soil tho lands to ac tual settlors In quantities not grcntor than 1C0 acres to any ono sottlor, nnd for prices not exceeding $2. GO an aero. That law has novor boon amended or repealed, "According to Interpretation of thnt law, It gives to any citizen the right to go upon tho lands and pick out a claim not oxcccdlng a quarter of a section, nnd sottlo upon it with out let or hlndranco from tho rail road company. "It then becomes tho duty of tho sottlor to pny tho railroad company (Oregon & California Railroad Com pany by nnmo) which has Its offices In tho Wolls-Fnrgo building Port land, tho sum ot 2.G0 por ncro for tho land sttlod upon, nnd It becoraos tho duty of tho company to nccopt tho money and glvo tho sottlor a deed. "When tho company refuses, tho sctlor has dono nil ho Is required to do and no lawful powor can put htm off tho laud. "A fow sottlcrs nro now on tho railroad lands. They havo defied tho railroad company to put thorn off. Tho railroad company will not at tompt to do bo, bocnuso n suit of ojectment ngnlnst a sottlor would bring up boforo tho court for Immo dlato decision tho vory quostlon that tho compnny Is trying to stnvo off as long as possible to-wlt, whether a settlor hns tho right to tako tho law to monn what It says. "At tho roqucst of tho attorney general I now hnvo a bill ponding In tho Houflo providing that aftor Its passngo tho railroad lands shall not tin subject to settlement until nftor tho suit to forfeit tho lands to tho govornmont Is determined, nnd that all lands, forfeited shall thon bo op ened undor tho drnwlng aystom. "But until thnt bill Is passed thoro Is nothing to provont nny cltlzon from taking possosslon of a railroad claim and establishing n homo upon It. And If tho bill should not pass at all tho rnllrond lands will continue to bo subject to sottlomont until ov cry claim Is covered by a bona fldo settlor, "Tho objoct of tho bill Is to pro vont a rush, nnd tho resulting con ftiBlon nnd disorder, which might oc cur If tho lands should remain va ennt until a final decision by tho su premo court. "But If tho bill does not nnss nnd settlors should erndually tako thoso lands up, pending tho govornmont litigation, they would undoubtedly bn given n preforonro If n forfeiture lo tho govornmont should bo declar ed. "If tho railroad compnny should win, tho settlors would hnvo to got off tho land nt tho end of tho suit, "It Is this uncertainty thnt Is keop lug Hottlors off tho railroad lands." A WOMAN'S. PHILOSOPHV. A woman will orcnslonally marry tho other follow nt the last mnmont. because sho fe1s that his llfo would bo ilesolnto wlthout,hor, No matter how much sho may lov.i hor husband she somallmei millttly wonders If she wouldn't look Just atiiiinln'r In widow's weds. MOTHER GRAVS SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AO.LlDKll.lfol'ryrl.hp.a- anatlpa.lan, II eatlnrh, Hlouarb Troubles. Teelhlatf blac M 1 W.l -. ..."i3 .... v Warpia. Tb.Hrrak up Cald TrtdaN.ia. in ,4 hum. Al.lfDnuri.i.. Il.ta, Oontacctpt HuBjrM.iU4 KKKK. iddnu, imriubttitvia. a. 8. OLMSTED, La Roy. N.Y. f rrrrrrfriTi'i 9 cm bay may ilsWInCii ttALCA KJH AieffKS CiAL CiLatUlXTlMi. MIW. T FAMff rwcT. tmdi nrnxtAtos. .. y mm a mmnf In small acre iracut nsr growlnal II, It B has uca to offer. Cba. i ' ir Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality HI