i UK UNITED STATES At the Churches u 1 1 ( 1 L B ( V ' i.i r ,i ft f t 1 i; WAS EXCELLENT Marshfield and Bandon Mem bers of Naval Militia Re turn Home Today. Tho Marshfield and, Uandon mom bcrs of tho Navnl Mllltln who havo been on tho nnnunl crulso, returned yostordny on tho Rrcnkwntor. Tho boys all scorn to bo well pleased with tho trip nnd say they would not havo missed It undor any circumstances. They havo been gone just two weeks In which tlmo thoy wore at San Fran Ijbco and Venice Bomo of tho bos taking In Los Angolcs as well. Tho Maryland is tho second ship In lino of tho Pacific squadron and Is, fitted with all tho latest, dovlccB In troduced in tho navy. Sho sailed from Portland to San Francisco whero sho nindo a 3C hours' stay and then went on to Venice, returning from thcro to 'Frisco nnd then to As toria. In a speed trial sho mndo 22 knots, nnd on tho crulso alio covered 1800 miles. Tho boys received oxcollcnt treat ment from tho regulars and the offi cers on board. They spolto woll nf Cnpt. Edgar Simpson, who did every thing In his power to mnkc tho trip n pleasant ono for them. Ensign 12. Gnlllor, of Uandon, was also well spoken of. Tlicy met the California Naval Mllltla in Snn Francisco and wero tendered a good reception by them. Tho Washington boys made tholr crulso on tho Ponnsyivnnla. All tho drills woro gono through on bonrd Bhlp. In tho mnn-ovcr-board drill the Mllltln boys got tho buoy off In less tlmo than it took tho regu lars, nnd In tho flro drill on tho uo ton their tlmo was only n llttlo slow er than that mndo on tho Maryland. Tho hoys said that they wero woll fed on bonrd nnd hnd fruit, pastry, vegetables nnd tho best of every thing. Thoro wns no complaint mndo whntovor nnd nil wero woll plenscd. Cnpt'. Elllcott mndo a speech on Captnln's Day In which ho praised tho boys for their splendid behnvlor nnd hoped thnt they might snll under him Bhould wnr ever break out nnd mnko It necessary. Those who mndo tho trip woro: Gnlllor, Walters, rtnudloman, Wn kins, McN'nlr, Hnrtmnn, Miller. Don zor, Laird, HcbhIc, Crocket, Negro, Krtigor, Dojolrs, Muiick, McDonnld, Lnnglols, Fortnor, Parks, Dodge, Conrad, Dubcll, Carlson nnd Walter. mo suit filed. O. W. lliinl of Vlorrnro Such for 975,000 Salary. , EUGENE, Oro., Juno 28 0 W jlurd, n business man of tho lower Bluslnw, hns begun suit In the circuit fonrt ngnlnst thrco orgnulzntlons n whleh ho Is Intcrcstod, to recov er snlnrlen nllegcd to bo duo In excess nf $70,000. From tho Ilurd Co-o()orntlvo Snl- Jnon ennnory ho would recover $GG00 hH snlary slnco Dccemhor 1, 1908, V'fl ltllrtf tllo OAPi'lnno na mnnn nnw n t ti !-( " nvi iivvii a in it ii it kui 14 W I gallon Co. ho would rocov over $22 - mm, managers sniary nt ?.iuo n month nnd $UG3.50 Interest. Tho third suit Is against tho Oregon & California Lumbor Company, from whleh ho nsks $500 n month ns man ngor or n total of $11,890, Including Interost. Trouble between heavy stockhold ers or tho three concerns Is said to bo tho cntiKO of tho suits. 1110 FOURTH OF .H'LV CELI2 ItR.VTIO.V at LAKESIDE. Out door sports with prizes to tho wlnnors Daskot Social, nail Gamo nnd n big Danoo. EVERYONE INVITED. flOO a month tho Ilrst bovoij months iBOI1,"or divisions tho proportion nn of tho yenr nnd $250 n month during l'roxlmntes elght-tonths. A compnrl Iho other flvo, for tho salmon can- 80l of tlu two '0nr8 flllows n 'l ilng Bonson. Intorest nnd n lonn vitnco In nil sections, but It Is most brlngH this suit to $790G. ","lr.I(,,, '." tllc so"thoni Btn,Pfl. .ro From tho Nurd Lumhor nnd Nnvl- '',eflK the great progress of popuhr When a New Perfection Comes in at the Door Heat and Dirt Fly Out at the Window. What would mean to you iicat nnd dirt banished from your this summer to be free from the range, free from ashes and soot ? Tqw 'Bcrectiott Oil Cook-stove Vith the New Pcifectlon Chen, the New Peifection Stove ) the mott compete cooling device on the mukeL II ii U.t m quick and handy, too, (or wathing and ironing. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) San FrAncUco, Cal. Loa Angela. CaL San Dlago, CaL San Joa, Cal. Stockton. CaL Sacramento, CaL Persons of School Age in Coun try Number 27,750,599 Last Year. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 28. A preliminary statement giving tho number of persons of school nges and tho number nnd proportion attending school, ns shown by tho returns of tho thirteenth census, has been Issued by Director Durand of tho bureau of census. Tl.a census Inquiry ns to school nt tendnnco wns moroly ns to whether tho person had attended any kind of school nt any tlmo from September . 1909, to April 1C, 1910,. Tho sta tistics presented relate only to per sons from G to 20 yenrs of ago; thy do not Include persons undor 0 or over 20 years of ago who mny havo attonded school during tho period named. School Population 27,750,500. The total number of persons of school ago thnt Is, from 6 to 20 years, inciusivo In continental United Stntes In 1910, wns 27,750, 509, of whom 17,300,202, or G2.3 per cent', nttended school, Persons from G to 9 yenrs of ngj numhorcd 7,725,234,, of whom !, 078,320, or 73.5 per cent, nttonded school, while those from 10 to II yenrs of ngo numbored 9,107,140, of whom S,028,GG0, or 88.2 pdr cent, nt tended school. Of tho whole number of persons from 15 to 17 yenrs of ngo, nnmoly, 5,372,177, thoso attending school numbered 2,712,387, or 51.2 per cent, while of tho 5,540,018 persons from IS to 20 years af ngo there wero S44.S35, or 15.2 per cent, who nttended school. For tho combined group G to 1 1 yenrs, Inclusive tho most commo.i years of school nttondnnce there wnB n total of 1 G, 8.32, 374 persons re ported In 1910, nnd of this number 13,700,980, or 81.4 per cent, nttond ed school. Tho porlod of mnxlmum school at tendance In tho nges 10 to 14 yenn. For these years a comparison can bo made with tic census of 1900. In 1900, 79.8 per cent of tho chlldroi) nttended school, ns compared with SS.2 percent In 1910. Tho following summnry gives tho pcrcentngo of children 10 to 14 yenrs of ngo nt- tending school In each of the yenrs. 1910 nnd 1900 by geographic di visions: 1910. United tttates 88.2 Now England 94.1 1900. 70.S 90 0 88.1 85 7 SS 1 05 G G5 8 85 2 08.1 91.S East North Central . . . .93.8 Middle Atlantic 02.9 l West North Contrnl . . . .93.0 South Atlantic 78.7 East South Central ....79.0 Mountain 90.2 ! West South Central . . . .S0.5 Pacific 94.1 In tho nortliorn nnd western di visions nine-tenths of the children nm enrolled In schools. In tho thrco . . . -.- "mention in inoso stntes in recent years. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU nave LWAVS VSED. Phono 72 Pacific Livery Transfer Co. ! .. MOORE OAK fUISON NtVtR TAILINS. REMEDY tftWo PILES, CHILBLAINS. IXLON9. BURNS, CTC. ALL DKUOftltTS MiVCITOR wilLObTAlN ON KKDJUT ACCCMT NO lUHSriTtiTCt. AVAIUADLE MgUnUlD ALVb frco as Cttnfy. UNCirVtMICHAtLSCO 5AN FRANCISCO to have kitchen blazing This Stove saves Time It saves Labor It saves Fuel It saves YOU MJe with I, I ana i Kirntri, tundioinely 6niiKcd thruKout. lha 2 anj 3 burner Hoi c with or wtihoul a tabincl lop, which ii fcttrd with orop tnttvri. towclrAclietc. AUuVaUrt carry lh New Peritenon Stove. Fraa Cook. Book with avyry loe. Cook. Book al tirea to aayon Kochai i ctala to covar Buil ingcott. Marravillo. Cal. Fraana, Cal. Portland, Or. Seattle. Wath. Spokana, Waah. Tacoma. Waak. (Ministers and others aro request ed to hand tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday ovonlng to Insuro insortlon Saturday.) METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rot. H. I. Ittttlodgo, Pastor. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 n. m. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Evening service at 8 p. in. Prnyormeotlng on Thursday ovon lng nt 8 o'clock. Strnngcrs welcome. EPISCOPAL EmnuuiBAl Church Rev. Robt. E. Drowning, Rector 9:30 A. M. Sunday school. O SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIBT8 f G. J. Colo, pastor. f Sovonth Day Advcntist oorvlccs aro conducted ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching services nt 3 p. m. Como and spend nn hour with ub; wo will do you good. $ CHURCH OP CHRIST Z. O. Doward, minister. Res. Cor. Park and First St. Communion nnd preaching ser vices nt 11 n. m. Rlblo school, 10 n. m. Young Pcoplo's meeting, 7 p. m. MARSHFIELD PHKSHYTKHIAN CHURCH Bnbbnth school nt 10 a. in. Y. P. S. C. E., at 7 p. m. Tho Reverend Church will preach nt tho Presbyterian church Sundny morning, Juno 30th, nt 11 a. in. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 10 A. M. Sunday School. CUad StuUman, luperlnUndtnt. $ P. M. Boys and girls' mooting Mrs. Q. L. Hall In charge. Young People's meeting nt G:30. Preaching Servlco nt tho Dnptlst church 11 n. m. nnd 7:30 p. in. A cordial Invltntlou extended to all. Special music. C. E. SHORT, -Pastor. SWEDISH I.UTIIEItAX CHUHCII Corner Third nnd Coiiiincrco. 4 Sundny fscliool In English ovory Sundny nt 9HG n. in. NOItWEGIAN IiUTIIERAN, Sunday school nt 10:00 o'clock. Illblo rending nt 10:45 n. in. A CIIHISTIA.V SCIENCE. P Christian Sclonco hall, 327 Third itrcct, North. Subject: "Clnlstlnn Selonce." Sorvlco Sundny at 11 a. in. Sunday school 12 M., Wednosdny H p. m. 4 .MAItSIIFlEIil) CATHOLIC 4 - CHUItCII. Rov. A. R. Mui.ro. Mnss will bo colobrntod nt 10 o'clock Sundny morning. NOUTII IIENI) I'HESHYTEIUAN Iter. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor v O Sunday school at 10. ChrUtlnn Endenvor at 7 p. in. Trenching In tho morning nnd ev ening. $ NORTH MENU .METHODIST rill'RCII. Tho eorvlcea Sunday will bo m fol lows: Sunday school, 10 A. M. Junior League, 3:30 P, M. NORTH REND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Father Springer, Rector, o Mass will bo celobratod nt o'clock Sundny morning by tho Rev. Father Munro. t'NITED IJRETHREN ClU'RCH OF NORTH REND. 4 Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endenvor nt C:30 P. M Snec'al t'VNDV SALE p.t STF I'ORD'S, S.VIVRRW and SI'.VIlW. Tnffv niuj I'EA.M'T Riittle 20 Cenls Pound. Cameras and photo supplies, kor sfudlo. raa nia lan mi bmii m mmiw m , Wal- A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL. To all knowing auffrrrra o( rlicuraailm, whrth. rr muscular or ot Hie Jolntn. aclatlca, lumbayun, lckacUi, Vlui In the klducjra or neuralgia uluii, to write to tier for a home tri'iitiuout which haa reiH-atcUIr rurrd all ot thru- toriurra. ihe fl It tier duty to tetul It to nil nuffiTor. KltKK, You cure ourKlf at home a tbouoaiuU will ttlfx no ehance ot climate Wins ntve sarx Thta almple ilUcoTcry banlnhea uric acM from the blocxl. looaena the atllTeneil Jolnta. Iur Iftra the blood, and brlgbtcna the ejra, glilng elaitlcltr ami tone to the whole yitrm, If tha t u".' "fZZl: ZTXH u . Stop TO REALIZE COME MAHSIIlTIFiLD'S GENERAL LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENT TELLS YOU THIS-1TS ACCESSIBILITY IS A FURTHER ASSURANCE OF THIS FACT THEN TOO Perhanfl Park Restricted Residence District In Marshfield AND CAN NEVER DETERIORATE IN VALUES BECAUSE OF IN EERIOR BUILDINGS-MANY A RESIDENCE DISTRICT HAS BEEY RUINED FOB LACK OF RESTRICTIONS. DO YOU KNOW That. Perham Park is hut five or six minutes' walk from the business center? That you can select lots with any facing or view desired? That the choicest locations are selling rapidly? ; r , . That these lots have the lest values the market offers? i.i That you can buy on EASY TERMS? Don't Wait Until all the Choicest. Investigate Now and You Will Be Sure to Invest in 1 ISMS ii ili i W iWiMillllMW "M mm , , , i : lH Sporting Goods Wo wo hpailiiK no efforts lo inal.e Mils mIoio Coon County Iicml tew for hpoitMiiou, We me kIiik Ut ilo tills hy rnrryiiiK tin' liei-t mid most eonipli'to Rue "f .iorliiu,n'H Mippllen over In thN M-etlon. Wo luivo AMMUNITION OF ALL MAKE! CHESTER, V. 31. ('., Piri'LHS AND SAV.WJE. (Sl'NS AND RIFLES. Wlnctifhtef, ReiuliiKtoiii, SavaKo nnd Mnrlltw. Hiiiitlnt; Knives mid Amu. I'I-IiIiik Tiu'KU Lines, lllix, PoIe nnd ReelM. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Camping Outfits TENTS--HAMMOCKS AND CAMP STOVES. WATCH OCR WINDOWS NEXT WEEK. Q23S ARCiits for HarIey.)aldson mid liiilliin Motorcyrlcti. Crowing on Top may not t-eein very modest for lint tlie exreptlonal quality of nuv feed lunUea us feel Hiiro that our elalnis to "top notch goodll086, wl.l lie echoed liy tlioso who l.nvo boimlit from us In the paBt, or aro now donl Iiik with us. In corn, onta, honip o. iiii.m1iIiib elso wo lmndlo but ono qual ItJ tho host, and we ask only vory reasounblo prices for It. A. T. Haines Phono 100 J Waterfront, .Mild. Best On the Map of this glorious country whoso blr'U day we celebrate. Surely you are not going t bothor with homo baking on that day? Let us send you onouu'i loaves to last over. Wo know tlnn once ou try our bread you'll mik yourself Independent of baking day forover nftor. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good goodies. Phone Ul-L Market Ave. MarshflolJ ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING and Think TIIATPERHAM PARK IS SOON DESTINED TO BE- FINEST RESIDENCE DISTRICT. TI13 Perham Park PHONE 330, OR CALL AT 203 COKE AV. A. REED, Agent. offered WIN- j&m JJl 00NEJT THE TIMES' OFFICE J HEMrc-ONT OATS Locations are Sold "ONE LOOK MEANS A LOT" BUILDING. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE YOU CAN HIT SKUF FER KHOEH OF ALL SI.K.S FOR CHILDREN -Wo ruu fix jour Shoe lillo you wait. ' Barnard & Langworthy Electrical Contnictoin nnd HiipnlK'J. l'HONE IHI-ll. 170 So. Rroiuluay, next door lo Uiilnii .Meat Market. NOTICE OF 8ALE OF REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE Is hereby given that tho undorilgned administrator of the es into of Jol'ti Mnkl. decoasod. will re- I colvo sealed bids for tho salo of tho ' following descrlbod property, to-U. Iloglnnliig 15 chnlns south of tho cor. or Sees. ', 1G, 22 nnd 23. Twp. U 1 S., of R. 13 W.. of tho Will. Mcr., In Coos County, Oregon, run thence S 2.C0 Chs.; thonco W. 20 Chs.; tlienco . N. 2.50 Chs.: thonco E. 200 Chs. to tho placo of beginning, containing J acres, more or less Said bids to ha presented nt tho offlco of James T. Hall, Marshfield. Oregon on or ho foro July 3, 1912. Dated nt Marshfield, Oregon, this 10th day of Juno, 1012. ALEX JOHNSON. Administrator of tho estate of Joha Mukl, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THR PORT OF COOS RAY' Notlco Is hereby given that In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, In nnd for tho County of Coos, In tho suit whoroln Thomas McGlunis is plaintiff nnd Honry Songstacken. et al., and defendants, caso No. 33Z, the undersigned wns on the 2nd day ot May. 1912, by ordor of said court, ,1nlv nnifnlnrntl rornlvor of tho Fori of Coos Rny, n do facto corporation, and that by ordor of said court la snld cause, dated tho 29th day of Mny. 1912, nil persons hnvlng claims ngalnst tho snld Port of Coos Day aro required to fllo tholr verified claims against said Port of Coos Ray wltnm sixty (CO) days from tho 1st .day oi Juno, 1912, tho date of the flr publication of this notlco, with tne undorslgned receiver at his omce i in Rooms 3 nnd 4, First National Dank Dulldlng, Mnrshfleld. Oregon. Dated at Marshfield, Oregon, Juno 1st, 1912. G()sgi Rece,ye (First publication Saturday, June I, and last Saturday, June -9.)