ffyBJEVERAnWL.'O-THE WISP CHASERS TO STRIKE PAY ROCK kCTnVEUTISlNa In The TIMJG8 fl ... Vnur Ileal Estate "In fce Market" KJTecUvelyl in nut tho facta about your It "' ?.. Mm IWfll of nil "noB- fr0peri,Tors" 1" twn' And lf ,H! WJe" . ,hcm who ounht to v.r' one v. iTi It, TOU'Il BO., m dans wait Mmt& MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TUOfl Will Keep tho Incoino from fou Furnished Room from Ipll YOU can really help Uu faintly revenues by renting a few furnished roomB and, If you know how and when to use tho classified columns, you may keep that llttlo oztra Income aa "steady as a clock." VVU iCRtnmisiieu n "o flL XaA m Tlio Conat lMnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1912EVENING EDITION. PCRATS BEGIN NOMINATING Al NIGHT 10 DATES SESSION . . . . . . . MRS. TAW ATTENDS I DEMOCRATIC COXVEXTIOX. (By 111 iNSUCI!UCM I'rCH.) BALTIMORE. Mil .Tun,. M7 - Mrs Win. 11. Taft. wife of tl.n President, wns a lsltor at 'lie iiummi uemncrntlc couvontloi today, having u placa ns a dies'. n tlio gnllory. sho wan iiter- tallied by Mrs. iinvti u..n., wlfo of tho dclognto from liio ouuo-oi wasnington. ami Mri. o Mark, wlfo of tho DimiiopiiiI: National el alrinan. 4 $4 j n,mn Cnrnno An. pj ?:; :7 parCycntion Today. ' bUTH DAKOTA TEST ftm Wlkoun i .w,. rfand Harmon Forces Out- fJoled-James Takes Seat loaay. I ., ILI,N0MIXATE 11 OINIM'ATKH TONIGIIX (Dy Assoc latod rrossj nii.TIMOItK. Mtl.. Jo 27 Biting completed lienimnoiit puliation, tho Doniocrntio MaTentlon shortly boforo four dock took a rccosa until eight i.iotk this evening when tho nomination speeches for tho iprdidcntlnl candidates will bo ik)fnn. ,, '7 Aisoclatcd Press to Coos Bay ultimohij. Mci.', jimo 27.Tho Governor Wilson's Supporters :u.wiisou piooiesHivea won mi- Claim That it Will Give Him rr..'.ory in tho Natlonnino.no. , ., ,. inuiijr ubibjjtuuo, abolish rxrr nn.ii. (lly Assooliiipd Press.) v SUA (HUT. N. J.. June 27. Governor Wilson wan olntt-d to- dny over tln ncUon of tho Dem- ocrntlr National convention lutt nlKht In abolUhliix tho unit rule. A Consolidation of Tlmca, Const .Mull and Coon liny Advertiser. No. 295 SAYS TAFT OFFERED TO STEP ASIDE UNIT RULE IS CHANGED SOE Gov. Hadley Confirms Report That Roosevelt Refused to Accept Compromise in Chi cago. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times). CEDAR RAPIDS, lown. Juno 27. --Governor Hadley, of .Missouri, hero today confirmed tho statements of Col. Roosevelt nucl Comptroller Prendergnst, of Now York, thnt the Taft lenders offered In Chicago to tent tho Roosevelt delegates from Washington nnd Texas If Roosevelt would consent to the nomination of llmljoy or hdiuo otiicr third man FIDST CAi ON REZIN RANCH Li convention today when tho del Lnotcrturiad tho report of tho latlili couiuillteo mid seated tho tlilioa uvUgates no in south .du- la. Too Wilson HiipportorH claim- Lii vote made tho iioiiiliiallou ol Jica practical!) n certainty. .Now ill JO votes which yostordny wont -i. 11 l I I iifi.i ...nktlilitiii lni i in Liiurh'i.iii iiiiiii uuiiiuiiiiiiiuii n today cast In a block for tli'Ji i2mj uelcKftti.. (Iroi.t chuorlii todtho Illinois auuoiiucciiioiit of' iwtw favornblo to Wilson. Rtrotc on the South Dakota cou- itm: For WUoii delegalOH, 033; for i:k dtlcgntc.s. I ST; not voting, 'li Ulal'DC South DiiKuta; ubsoiit. 2. Xorthwejtorn states voted tin foi- tti, the yena being for tho Wilson ii'Sitci: Orroa, jcas 10, .Montnna, yonu 8: lo, jeas 8; WiiHhlugtoii, nays 14. (Jutll(ii Involved. Will Make Headquarters There While Establishing Other Construction Camps. Thomas Dixon who lins general IIIM.KS OKKEItEl) PLACE Piesldonl'.M Clialrninii OITvrvd Cl.nlr- niiinvlil)) of Xadd.inl ltepubllcii Committee. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Bj Times). WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 27. It becamo known definitely nt tho White Honso todny that Charles n Hllles. President Tnffs secretary, can be chairman of tho Republican Nntlonnl commltteo If ho cares to tako the placo. riiKTCHER IS NAMED Vermont Itopubllcnn Xnmcd Candi date for (aoverimr. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) BURLINGTON, Vt., Juno 27 Al len M. Flotchor of Cavendish was nomlnatod governor by tho Vermont ropubllcnn Btnto convention lioro. WILSEY HERE WITH PART! Projector of Hunt and Sumner Lines Looking After North Bend Holdings. ' W. J. Wllsoy, who financed tho O'GDMN AND BRYAN WRITE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PLATF0R1 SENATOR LA 1'OLLETTE ATTENDS CONVENTION . (By Associated Pross.) BALTIMORE, Mr., Juno 27. Senntor La Follotto entered the Nntlonnl Democratic con- ventlon hnll th.ls afternoon nnd was escorted to tho platform whoro lie was given n scat. Ho wns greeted with a nlonBlnc demonstration, cheers nnd cries of "La Follotto" falling upon his ears. S G BALLOON supervision of tho MncArthur Porks Hunt Burvoy nnd was largely rcopon company's affairs hero pending tho slblo for tho formntlon of tho Pacific (By Associated Prow in Coos Bnv Times.) BALTIMOUi:. Juno 27 Tho effect of tho notion of tho National Demo cratic convention Inst night In amen ding tho rulo making It binding on dologatlons to ntlhoro to tho unit rulo wns explained by Charles R. Crisp, parliamentarian of tho Houso arrival of General Superintendent Tinkler of that company nnnouncod today that tho llrst construction camp would bo ostnbllshod within n day or two on tho Itczln rnnch on North Inlet. An outfit used by tho survey ors noar tho Umpqun whllo making tholr Until survey will bo brought down nnd usoil In cstubllsblng enmp. nio enmp will lio only n smnll ono Great Western nnd Pncltlc Const Lino railways which, somo claim, hnstoncd tho Southorii Pacific's coming to Coos Bny, arrived Id North Bond today with n party of friends. Ho camo down tho coast, having followed tho railway survey from Eugcno to Coos Bay. Ho stated that ho Is lioro morcly On n llttlo trip to Inspect soma pro- ami will bo tisod ns hondqunrtor8 for I norty which ho bouuht on tho Bnv a tho othor construction camps which fow months ngo, tho bulk of It bolng will bo obtabllshod nt onco. rocurcd from tho Simpson Lumber Mr. Dixon snid tlinl tlioro wns con-' company In North Bond. Ho snld sldornblo work clearing right of way! thnt a party from Europo who was before nny nctunl construction could .heavily Intorostod financially In his bo dono nnd men would bo put to projects would bo lioro this numinor ON LONG TRIP Count Zeppelin Starts on Ten- Hour Over-Sea Trip With 12 Passengers Today. (By Associated Press to Tho Coot Bay Times.) HAMBURG, Germnny, Juno 27. Count Zopplln's dlrlglblo nlrshlp, Victoria Lulsc, started today on n 10 hour over-sen trip with 12 passen gers. Tho monster bnlloon flow di rectly out from this city over tho North Sen. It wns stated in somo qunrtors thnt tho purpose of tho trip wns to demonstrate th,at an airship raid on England Is possible. As I ho vessel's speed Is 4G miles nn hour, her fuel cnpaclty gives her n radln ns wldo ns London from Hamburg and ns fnr ns Bristol from Km do. of Ilcnrosontntlvos. who is nctlni: Wore tho convention wns cnllotl t lnrllninontnry clork to tho conven- ) order, there was an exulted coi Irc.tj In tlio Mlsouil dolegutioii. 'JtorLuko Li.i, leader of tho Dr i forces. Former Senntor Dubotr., nnd would visit tho Bny with him and arrnngo for Improving their proporty. Mr. Wllsoy Is ncrompanlod by J. work nt this soon. Ho snld fair pro gross wns bolng mndo on this. I'niiilf Wolinr. Imnd nf Mm rnmmlR. tlOII. "ThO action Of tho Convention Rnrv ilniinrtiiinnt nf tlin MnoArtlinr , M. Ritilv wlm unn linrn lnut ni.nmnr In ndoptlng tho roport of tho com- j.0C8 tompnuy on this contract, who' ns right of way man for tho Sumnor mittcoon rules," wild Crisp, "will bo, WBH expected hero In tho Washing-' nnd Hunt linos which hnvo boon nb- m oii.i. to unn nut) .... iiuiCKiuc oi- lnn cnmo ,. ,omi 0f Bchodu o and s.sorbod bv tho Soutborn Pacific. i mm, luiiuir Diiiiiuir ijii)uir.,i " v ...- . mil riunu in uiiuuii ui m-iiunuiu uuii in soruoii .) mo anuiiioru i nciuc, atorStono nnd Former Govornnr. ,ol ""'o comontlons whoro the;now assisting Sir. Dixon In tho pnr-' Mr. Wllsoy did not caro to talk m rrancis, K.unen'ii in n groiip "" i'i"'" ju "'": """ """"'" iiiuinnry wont. .Mr. 'i minor iins.inucii nuout tno railroad situation onuod tlio who were eiociou uy conuroiisionni . Wro.l thnt ho Is leaving Chicago for but declared that it would bo built districts or in prororenimi jirnnnnoii coos Bny nnd ho should bo horo with-' soon. Ho. wns very reticent whon will not bo bound by the unit rule . weok or ton days. Inskod spoclflcnlly nbout tho rnllrond undor tho nmondment to tho rule' Mr. Dixon said that tho Arizona , projocts nnd tho prospects for a lino Kmiiinrtnru nf Clnvnrnnr Wllsnll ' . - .ln in. n II... rnnHn.iIMl .1. .1.- . m rt i .,..,.,..., .v... ... ,., "---'", miinw muuii uiuiii ui mu juuianiiui iiiunu iiiu uuuni iriiui vuiih uiiy iu Perks company had not reached Snn Eurekn. Howovor. hosald, ho had Francisco yet nnd consequently nonoj been trying for nlno yonrs to got n j Inulng what Ltn tor iwa iMKotfi mci." Lon in no lamia terms took tho Clark MU- vunito tn-!c for tliulr ntthiido to- -i thO SOU' 1 Dllktltll I'OlltOHL Vn the Wilson dolountos woro ro- ll by Chirk men by n innjorl-.y Govornnr claim tholr cnudldnto will gain ninny votos by this net lon bcsldos tho olgh 7"t of tho crcileiitluls coniinltteo. I teen which he will gain from Ohio ame group broke up Lea liur-i to Lo platform to plnn u fight itw credentials coinmltteo'a iim-l r report. i Tie South Dakntn enso wns lielnc fffl by cvcr' lcJogntlon. Tho , InlllOn delecnlp Imil Imnn inmon-. UMhe credent Inls cbmmltteo nnd delegates biibstltutoil after tb aonjl commlitto had put Its seal ipproval on t'i- Wilson delegates. it credential' ronnnliinn i,iih..i Ktlonon the clnlin Hint two Clnru 'u had tapcther polled mort" ,'" '"n "e Wilson ticket. Tho delegation pented by tho ero ''' rommltteo appoared on the '"J Dakota ballot undor llio het.l '"Oil, Clark mill tti-vn.. ,l..i,,nn- Vj" m..i...-- iwitixi: OF CONVENTION IVdllfj Proceeding nf n.iim..i.ntl I Oalheilng Todny. 1-fAwoclated Press to Coos Ba Tho third CONGRESS TO GRAI'T RELIE "SS U IIIU I UUUIl-l sir iHchnrd Porks, LANDS AT HA.MIlURd Victoria Hour Lulsc Mnlics Nino Flight SiiccuHbfiillr. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bny Tlmos.) HAMBUitO. Gorninny, Juno 27.--Tho Victoria Lulso landed hero thts nftoruoon after n flight of uliiu hours. .CATCH CANADA IH'IKSLAR Detroit Police Identify Money on Bus- IM'ct i.K That of Dig Robbery. (By Assoclntcd Press to tho Coos Bny Tlmos). DETROIT. Mich.. Juno 27 Tho police todny clalmod to hnvo hlonM rniiieinvu jui nut. vuiibviihviiii- iiuuu iieuu trj.i.K T niiio yuurn to got. a ; . t,nnn .... i iv ., of It roultl bo brought hero on tho rnllroad built to Coos Bny nnd would i,'', ?,,n , " l " 1,ow Stoniner Wnsh.ngto,, this week . won ronllo His anibltlon. . I , lind boon rumorod. Howo'ver, It will bo shipped lioro soon. Mr. Dixon snld that ho mot W. J. Wllsoy nt North Bend this morning nnd had n brief tnlk with him. Just wlint Mr. Wllsoy's prosonco on tho no did not sny. ?ugllshiiiim Coming, ggosted that possibly. the noted Engllsli Aftor n fow days' stay hero, ho and his pnrty will loavo for Portland. EN ROUTE TO HAY W. .T. Wllsey mill Pnrty Coming Here for Short Outing. Tho Eugono Roglstor says: "J. M. Eddy, W. J. Wllsoy and son, Myson Wllsoy, who woro all connected with Threatened Ti and Navy Departments to Be Avoided. ( By Assoclntcd Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Juno 27 The Sonnto mndo today tho llrst mm to rellovo tho government of the em bnrnssiuont nrislng from tho failure or Congress to pass many law mi ply bills. Tho bonnto appolnte.l con- " inll. m. ..t ltrt forces to nieoi roiireseuuiimm ' in- rontrnctor nnd builder who was tlio Pnclflc Gront Western which ro- knlghtod for tho big work ho had tontly sold Its surveys nnd rlghts-of- n nf urtnw!,lono for tn0 ',r18" government, way to ino Houiuorn I'ncinc. woro in ,J UI HI Illy i might bo tho man from Europo whom I Eugeno yesterday. Thoy Just stoppol Mr. Wllsoy Intlmntod wns coming to over for tho day nnd nro on tholr wny lULTIMnnJ"?.. - . !..,:; --"'. juiiu -i iiio iiiirti, iw" "- .";-,""- j too uemor ratio National Con- Houso of tlio logismtivo uii-,,,, stlon v...w milt; IMIVIUIUU Vlllll- .."- , --v - " . onenixi nt io.r. ... .i.iltinn iiiu. This carrios saltrles una ?f great nnlmntlon. With tho mllongo of moinbors of Congress, the ," "Galleries nnd vast hnll filled Judiciary, tho president's snliiry nnd 'lr utmost cnpnclty ongor ox- many other Hems, none of vhlel can T was mnnlfostod on nil i,iU bo nnld after Jul)' 1 lo "!'. M ! '"Jippronch of tho strugglo for Is muwoJ nnd slKned by H" presMom. lilion. ' 8irubB, Ior L ,., tlmt ll0 wiu voto ic loeaiwo ' opening had boon dolnycd for- of tho provision which abolUlu.s the U .the mbuiU profession Commerce c, . it. Unlow c b, &! "!P c-rowa in good hu-j I- tk.n on the nrn an re n,rgn af....I "'"' iuo nnrty loaders uui nun mnj '"'.'.'"'.V ,. .TI "IIIItl nr it. -.-. IlikoBM .V .B,nKo' Flnnilywlth Jo, Z parkel HmoBt to Btiffoca "convention was called to or- J'nporary Clinlrmnn Pnt.-o ,.. 4 w. In' tho con-vqpt1on was UrtW. ' ,er,t3 wero crowded with i noi. . PnniHiat'ea nnd kept M ,", 'j )ken tholr sents. Tho "fed K " "lanngors eac'i IM-tC .."or w,,h imvlng I.7.,h? Palleries. Tt wno Monr- W I at ,ho galleries held a wt.,'a nevond tholr usual cn- Hr. Ii Vttt r,?rke'" sovornl times .ult ' C'pTr tlin irnllntoa l,f "i -wn.,u rr.;"""-. ' UK (III lUIIIUSt IIII- . !J'I iLVonc,lldod nn" tho cal "oni foro .Monday, practically nil tho nev yards will lay off tholr man and tne nriiiy officers will bo wltho'U lny. Tho government ofllclnls nro t-onll-dont today tl.ft Congress w.tul.l get nn emergen.)- bill with n blanket re solution extending all present i ppro printlons Into tho new your. MILI.IGAX IS NAMED Montana Man 7 ll Superintendent of California liistltutlmi. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Ba Times.) BEHKELEV. Call.. J"0 27.DI. t v Mllllgnn. of Montana. 1ms bepji fornla Institute for Blind. the T'0 Women's Auxiliary r..l...lnplnll fh.ircll Will licainm."" - i.n.i rnil sn'o o'clock at Perry-Nicholson's of the hold n Saturday at 1 Want Ads bring results. tho Bay Intor in the summer. Mr. Porks Is a niomber of tho firm of tho MncArthur Perks company but his Interests In the latter aro nttendoi to principally by his nophow, Mr. Volekinnn who visited tho Bny lost yoar In conipnny with Mr. H. A. Sum nor. Mr. Volckmnn holds tho posi tion of gonornl manager of tho Mac Arthur Perks company. RUSH KLAMATH ROAD to tho Coos Bny country for nu out ing.. "Engineer Rnlph Hunt expects to loavo for tho uppor McKenzIo in about n wook whoro ho nnd Dun Un ion, who knows every foot of tho ! wny, will reconnoitre for a moro prac tical county road ovcp tho mountain, ' SURVEYORS ARE COMING It Is announced that two or threo parties of surveyors will arrive hero i within a day or two for additional Additional Men Were Put to Work work on this ond of tho Coos Bay- Itecenlly Ilnllnstl.ig tho Truck I Eugono lino. It fa understood that KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Juno 27. there Is some final location work and Work on tho Klamath Fnlls-Port- also somo cross soctlon work to bo land cut-off of tho Southern Pnclflc done. Rnllroad, which will bring the main Uno of tho road through this city, a Is to bo rushed to completion. ' WANTS FATHER TO A crow of fifty men has been en-, stop THUNDER gagod for sevornl weeks In ballasting' ono little Eugeno miss cor- track at this end of the cut-off nnd a I talnly has supremo confidence In lnrgor crew has been nt work not fnr Dad's powers. Tho thunder from Natron. Advertisements for Btorm Sunday frightened tho men now appealing aro taken hero little lady very badly. Sho had to Indicate that a small army of never seen anything like It bo- workmen will be engaged In laying 1 fore, and sho flow to the bod for track, digging tunnels nnd pushing. refugo under tho covers. Even the construction. with this protection fright ov- Laborers hnvo ueon arriving nero 4 erenme her. Throwing back the covers, sho called excitedly, 4 "Dad, do something quick! Can't you telephone?" Eugeno Register. dally nnd havo been sent to Chlloquln to aid the trnck ballasting crew at work there. As soon as the 16 miles of track built boyond that point is put In shape It Is expected that tunnel crews will start. Tunnel building will cause the greatest delay In the .completion of tho road. When that difficulty has been surmounted tho trnck will be laid In a short time. Early estimates uero that the cutoff would be com pleted in 1015 .Tnder the present flrcumt'tntes. with indications that the working force is to be largely augmented, it Is believed the line will be ready for operation before thnt time. Tho new 18-Inch gun will be mounted In ono of the Pannmn forts. Its length Is nearly 50 feet. t(a dlametor nt the breech Is CO Inches, tnperlng to 28 Inches nt tho iiinzzk'. The charge of powder Is G7G poundb, If will hurl n projectile weighing 2100 pounds, a distance of 22 miles. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU hnve VLWAVS VSER. Phone 72 Pnclftt Livery & Transfer Co. ngo ns tho money stolon In tho $375, nno bank robbory nt Now Westmin ster, B. C., In Soptombor, 1911. Powell lins gono under tho nnma of Bnrtlott, Wilson nnd Butchor. H wns arrested In Now Orlonns In 100.1 nnd ngnln nt Nlngnrn Falls In 100'). IS HELD FOR BICYCLE THEFT Roseburg Youth Arrested for Taking Wheel From E. Ban del of Marshfield. Selected by Sub-committee to ' Make Draft of Party's Promises. BRYAN SAYS IT IS PROGRESSIVE DOCUMENT Declares for Tariff for Revenue 'Only Completed This Afternoon. PLATFORM IS COMPLETED. (By Assoclntcd Press.) BALTIMORE, Mtl Juno 27. - -Brynn nnd O'Gormnn com- pletcd the drnft of tho plntform nt 2;30 p. m. 4 (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) BALTIMORE, Md.. Juno 27. W. J. Bryan nnd JiiiIko O'Qormnn. or Now York, will write' the platform of tho Democratic Nntlonnl convontlon. When tho working subcommittee of tho commltteo 011 resolutions mot todny, tho moinberti found thomsolvos without a platform draft of nufflclont cohoslvoness to form n basin of tho committee's operations nnd n con clusion wns arrived nt to appoint a second subcommittee to propnro tho draft for convonlonco of tho nubcom mlttco nnd Inter of the full commlt teo and Brynn nnd O'Gormnn woro designated to porform thnt sorvlco. Brynn nnd O'Gormnn wont to wonr Immedlntoly, turning ono of Urn com mltteo rooms of tho convontlon ha. I Into n workshop nnd refusing ndmlv filon to nil. Before beginning tho work. Brynn ttild somo of his friends tho plntform would bo "nn essential ly progressive, document," nnd Hint spoclnl stress would bo laid on tho tnrlff plnnk which will doclnro for tnrlff rovenuo only. The Republican party will bo charged with breaking fnlth nnd fnlllng to porform tlw promises of four yonrs ngo nnd President Tuft will bo condomnod for his nftltudo 011 tnrlff mnttors. HAHMON STILL IN RACE Ohio Governor Denies Thnt Ho Hat Withtlrmvn at Baltimore. (By Associated Pross to the Coos Bay Times). COLUMBUS. Ohio, Juno 27. Gov ernor Jiidson Hnrinnn, of Ohio, stui od eniphntlcnlly today that ho had not withdrawn from tho rnoe for tha Domocrntlc nomination for P'retl-dont. BLOW TO RVAN I. Brynn Siiyx New Vnrk Fliinn. cler is Losing His (Lip. (By Assoclntod Press to tho Coo's Bay Tlmos). BALTIMORE. Mil., Juno 2fv W. J. Brynn remarked before lenvlug to nttenil the. deltboratlons of tho reso lutions commltteo this morning "Thnt tho convention yesterday cllppod off tho tnli of Thomas F Tty nn's cnt." -Tho Nebraska lender prev iously lad depleted Rynn, tho Now York flnnnclor, as crscklng n cnt-o-iilnc-tnlls ovor the convontlon. "Tlion tho course of progrosslvelsm Is moving along moro smoothly?" "Tho proceedings of yesterday," ropllod Brynn, "would Indlcnto Hint they had not mndo any InroniU an us." WILL NAME BULLITT A young inn 11 whoso linmo is tin known was taken in Roseburg today I'. W. Loiilxvllle Mini to Si. cteed f4'lmimm. (By Associated Press to Tlio Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. I), C, Juno 27.-- Wlllliim tiii.ul...ll II, .11111 ... T ....I.. - c,loll.... l,l,...l -.,. W Iln..,ll ':..'" "-"" """I, "I J.UIII- .f i ,',' , "" " "". '""'.vino, Ky w bo iinmoil by Presl of tho Marahflold Cyclory. No char- dont Tnft to BUCC00(, ,,, w ,, ' ges havo beon proforrod against him nH solicitor Gonornl of tho United ye, howovor, and tho caso will pro- stntcB roslgnod, nccordlng to n ro bnbly bo dropped on tho roturn of tho .,ort todny. wheel, which wns rontod Tuesday, , 1 supposedly so that tho young man, INDICT PORTLAND POLICE could make a trip to Empire. In-1 stead he caught tho Eastsldo ferry) Multnomah firmi.l Jury Finds Fivo nnd started for Rosoburg with anoth- Trim IIIIIh. or young follow. It was supposod ati PORTLAND, Juno 27 - On indlct the time that lie had a blcyclo of his monts by tho grand Jury, Captain of own which wns broken In somo wny polleo Beatty, Detective Re-id, Mad and tho trip made Imposslblo on it. dux nnd Hntumorsloy and Dotoctlvo Tho Rosoburg polleo woro notified Borgcuit Smith woro nrrostod. Tho nnd sent word today that tho blcyclo J mon nro Indicted on nllogntlons of lind been discovered. The young Doputy District Attorney Frank Col man Is nbout twenty years old nnd ro-: uy that thoy had attomptod to brlbo sides In Rosoburg. Ho Is tho only him with $400 to secure tho tllsmls support of a wldowod mothor and tho, 8al of nn Indictment against a wo authorities beliove that to punish man by tho nnmo of Reed, nnd Mad him for the offense would bo a groat-; dux had domnndod nnd secured er punishment to her than to tho boy, j an nlloged brlbo of $50 from her. Tho wheel will bo returned to Marsh- Mayor A. O. Rushlight and Chief of Hold nnd tho cneo will probably bo Police Slovor of tho local polleo do droppod upon tho payment of tho partmont, nro being quostlonod by charges against it. I the grand Jury In connecMon llh Mio I nlloged brlbory. Further lndlctmonts SPECIAL K. l. .MEETING. aro expected. A speeni meeting 01 .Myriio tougm . No. 3, Knights of Pythias, Is callolj w FOUHTH OF JULY CELE for Saturday night, June 29, for bul- BRATION at LAKESIDE. Out door loting, receiving applications and for conferring degrees. AH Knights of Pythias are urged to bo present. GEO. BOSS. C, C, If you have anything to sell, trade. r rent, or want help, try a Want Ad. sports with prizes to tho wlunors. Dnskot Social, Ball Gnmo and a big Banco. EVERYONE INVITED. Have your Job printing The Times' office. done at nu:l on Page Two.) Times'