THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912-EVENING EDITION 8 GET READY EOK THE CELEBRATION IT'S NONE TOO EARLY TO THINK OF YOUR 1 ! - n i H k i J"i I ' in ia u I. H J --ry-..Tr " - .-"? f Jll)lllU imrilll uVyvnm 1hiwMa tw-,,"w SMm ;? Sf COOS BAY HAS THUNDERSTORM Heavy Rain Accompanied by Electrical Display Storm Reported General. Tho twouty-slxth of Juno, nnd It In mining. Cool, refreshing, misty 1L tlo drops nro falling upon old mother oarth nnd rotting tho now potatoes In tho ground. And thunder, too. Alas that ouch should (rlghton tho honrt of man on old Coon Day! Hut It is true nevertheless that spring) tho season of tho year that usunlly catches tho poet's fancy, Is mnklng too long a stay and summer rcd by Robert Lnthrop, nnd Jim Dald would bo qnlto welcome April . win, n pacer ownod by K. T. Amlor showors In Juno nro rnthor distaste- son of Berkeley, Calif., arrived horo. ful nnd ninny Coos nay peoplo ate, anxiously awaiting tho tlmo whfm Httmmor will como, and como tn stay, nt loast for n while. Tho rain fall from Soptembor 1, 1011, totals about CO Inches, which, Is very closo to tho nvcrngo for 12 months. Tho thundorstorm Inst night and this morning wan tho that Coos County has experienced in bo mo time, nnd It Ib reported thai many on tho Hay. slont. or tried to sloop, with their heads under tholr. I),liowo' ..... I Tnkon nil In nil tho wcathor ban boon very dlangrcenblo this spring, moro so thnn usual, but they say that ovory ciotiu nas n stiver uncng ana it thnt Is true, Coob nay can nt least hope for good things from tho weath er ninn hoforo tho yonr Is over. Howovor, tho storm has been very gonornl. Heavy rains have been full ing In California and ns far north ns PtiRct Sound. Yesterday nnd tho dny hoforo, n Bovoro storm swept tho Wlllnmotto . .. - - - vanoy. tiio telegraph lino between Rosoburg nnd Portland was out of.,r.u, commission nnd only ono wlro was.- ""'"'" """ ivuouuuib mm omi Francisco. CLEARING OFF LAND Washington Institution Compile Dn. In on Work PULLMAN. Wash.. Juno 2G For -4ho past flvo years tho Stnto colleuo.l through ItH western Washington Ex- porlmont Stntlon nt Puyalluy and through tho Stnto Experiment Stntlon In eo-oporntlon with tho Hurenu of. Plant Industry of tho U, S. Depart ment or Agriculture, hns beon Inves tlgntlng tho cost nnd methods of -....... ....... .. ...v .... ........,., i-'irtfniekors Hi haioin. tlmborod, but has boon logged off, SALEM. Ore.. Juno 25. Hollovlng for Its meiThnntnblo tlmbor and Is 8;U10 Kourth. Mayor Lachmund now ; aval nhlo for settlement nsfnrm im8 Mliea proclamation thnt tho lands. roni tlmo to tlmo, bulletins dlsehurgo of pistols, guns, cannon! giving tho results of these Investlgn- fUccrackora. or other preparations of ions havo been published. Tho fol- Knpowder nnd explosivo compounds lowing is n list of tho bulletins on WH ot bo allowed within tho city's this subject which aro now nvallablo corporate limits. In his proclamn for distribution nt tho Stato Exporl- tlon he snys: ment Stntlon: ..Th,8 j,ro'Cmmntion Is Issued for Oonornl Hullotln No. 03 A pre- tm, mx80 u,at the practice provnlt inilnnry report on somo Experiments j,,B j ti,0 ,mH of dlBcl-nrglng flro in clearing logged-off land with n crackers and other explosives has rc Btump burner; n promising mothod suited in many injuries to persoi. of destroying stumps nnd logs. Hy and In loss of llfo and great danger . H. Lnwrenco. , t0 property, and tho sontlment of tho Oonernl Hulletln No. 101. Moth- public demands protection In theso oils of Clearing Logged-off Lands, respects, and that independence dny Hy H. W. Spnrks. should be celobrntod In a moro mod Special Sorles No. 1 Clearing oin and sano way." i.nnus witnn uonKey wnglno. liy w. He appeals for tho co-operation II. Lnwrenco. and assistance of nil citizens, prop- Special Series No. S Tho Cost nnd orty owners and especially merchants Methods of clonrlng Land In Western accustomed to soil firecrackers and Washington. Hy Ilnrry Thompson. . other explosives, In order to carry out Copies of thoso bulletins mny bo the plnn of preventing danger to life obtained free, bo long ns n supply ro- and property. I nmliiB, by writing to R. W. Thatcher, - I Director Experiment Station, Pull- HAINF.VLL HECOIU) HHOKE.V ! man, Washington. i SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 26 Re Heavy ICnlia Today ' corda for C3 years of rainfall on From Four o'clock this morning J 24 woro broken nt noon when until A o'elock this afternoon, tho GG of n Inch of rain had fallen In rainfall on Coos Hny was 1.13 Inches. Snn Francisco that dny. Hut little according to tho ofllclnl records kept by 11. D. Ostllnd. raiiui 1 4? t i&& ME 10 RACE HERE Two Speedy Animals From Cal iforniaOthers Coming From Independence. F. P. Norton who has chargo ot tho rnco meet to ha hold In Marsh field July 2 nnd 3 Bays that tho pros pcctB nro for one of tho best moots thnt has been hold on tho Day in a long tlmo. Ho expects n number of horses will bo brought hero from In dependence, Oregon, whoro a big moot was hold tho past wcok. This weok, Nonrcst. n trotter own- Neither horse has u mark but both nro fast and Noarcst was ono of tho money winners last wcok on tho Stcadliam track nt San Francisco. J. L. Knight who has four gallop ors In training nt Myrtlo Point Is ox pectod horo with thorn shortly. Ward Urothors nro also oxpoctod to bring their pacor, Wnbkl, horo soon. A number of other horses aro also . pxnnrtmi sann. During his California trip, Mr. Norton nnd his nloco, Miss Preston. visited Los Angeles, 8nn Dlogo and Tin Junnn ns woll aB northern points or intnrnnt in timt nn ,. - - . - .... North Bend News -Mr8. C. E. Mnybco Ib ill at her homo. C. II. Guernsey has been HI of lumbago ut his homo for tho pa it Mr8; Wm. I.nwhorno was the guest nr .Myrtlo point this week of Mrs. T. V. Johnson. Mrs. dins. Donno and Clifford Donuo, of Hnlncs nvenuo. Marshfieid, visited friends hero yesterday. Mrs. C. E. Eckhoff, who hns beon i vlBltlng for nbout two weeks with j relatives nt Myrtlo Point, roturned homo Monday, Mr. s,r8 K- Nelson will return w,n from n vlslt of "ovornl months '" "" c,t'- whoro thoy went in hopoa of Improving Mrs. Nelson's health. " " ' AITER SANE FOUHTII ivminmatlmi Against Firing tiuns or tlnmngo was dono by tho rain, which was coutlnod largely to bay counties. Fourth of July Outfit You will want GOOD STYLE ann GOOD VALUE in your clothes. No better combination of these merits can be found anywhere than the makes to be found at this store. We carry the world's best. Benjamin Clothes CIuetL Shirts Marshfieid Hlb ClOthlllg MANY ENTRIES FOR ATHLETICS Much Interest Being Aroused by Fourth of July Program of Events. Frank D. Cohan, chairman of tho sports commlttco for tho Fourth, an nounces that nil ontrlcs must be mado by fl o'clock on tho day ot tho ovont by thoso who wish to par ticipate In tho nthletlc program. En tries can bo mndo nt tho Owl Phar macy. In ordor to provent profes sionalism, the .prizes will bo turned Into merchandise so th'nt nil tho boys can keep their records clear In caso thoy should wish to nttond nchonl. olsowhoro. Tho probabilities aro that comnotltlon will be keen In all tho ovontB ns n lnrgo number Intend to enter. Tho polo vnultn for boys un der 10 nnd 13 nro croatlng much In torcst among tho younger sot. There Is some talk of arranging n blcycio rnco nnd Mr. Cohan boRevcs It will bo pulled off. It has not boon doll nltoly settled ns to whero tho sport will ho hold, but nn nnnouncomont will bo mndo shortly. Mnrshflold Is beginning to tnko on n Fourth of July appcaranco nnd n lnrgo number of cednrs as woll as ot 1 or decorations nre being strung nlong mo siroeis totiny. FEW KILLED IN WRECKS Lot's of Life nit Passenger Trains Is (irratly Itcriiircd. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Juno 26 In the Inst thrco years and ten months no pnssongor hns beon killed through collision or derailment on tho Southern Pacific, according to tho nccldent statistics of tho Inter state Commerce Commission, recent ly mndo public. During this period tho rond carried 150, -100,000 passon gors nn nvorago dlstanco of 42 miles. In tho last threo years and four months but ono pnssengor was killed through dorallment or colli sion on the Union Pacific. Thero woro 27,900,00 passongors carried during that tlmo. Rail breakage lias beon reduced to n minimum by tho Introduction of tho standard rail. Stool cars nro replacing woodon enrs over tho en tire Harrlmnn System nnd automatic block slgnnls will soon bo In opera tion over every port of tho lines. Tho Inspection of tho rails as they are manufactured, originally innugurn tol by tho Harrlmnn lines, hns had much to do with tho mnklng of this safety record, and several other ronds In this country hnvo recently started similar Inspection methods. Thoro Is ono way to reduco the fatality record on. Amorlcnn rail roads and that Is to pass laws that will prevent trespassing on tho rights of way. FIfty-threo por cent or tno peopio Killed on our railroads annually loso their lives becauso ot trespassing. A lnrgo mnjorlty of thoso killed aro hoboes and others, stealing rules. To show tho Importance that fuol oil is in tho world nt present, It may bo stated that thero are now being built In England nlono 5 lame steamers with 800,000 tons loading capacity. These, for tho transporta tion of fuel oil only, mind you, nnd yet tho demand has senrcely begun. Coal aB a fuel seems to bo on tho rapid decline list. Maude When you broko tho en gagement of courso you returnod tho diamond ring ho gave you." Ethel Cortnlnly not! I don't enro for Jack any moro but my feelings have not changed toward tho ring. Times' Want Ads bring results. Try The Times' Want Ads. -This Motto- "MONEY TALKS" Will eniP vnn 1fl tn 90 nnr nnnt. Spend the difference that you make by paying Cash and CELEBRATE THE FOURTH "MONEY TALKS" ALONG THK WATERFRONT "I'LL SPIN YOU A YAltN IF YOU . WILL DARKEN TO ME." "Oh, glvo mo Bomo tlmo to blow tho man down." Now all you young follors thnt fol low tho sen, "Away! Hay! Dlow tho man downl I'll spin you a yarn, If you'll listen to mo, Oh, glvo mo somo tlmo to blow tho man downl" Tho Osprcy crossed out from hero this morning. Tho Nownrk arrived In yesterday nt North Ilend. The Washington snlls tomorrow evening from Snn Francisco for Coos Bay. The nrenkwater will all tomor row nfornlng from Portland for Coos liny.." Tho Redondo lenveB bore nt C o'clock this evening for Snn Fran cisco. Last year 6,890 vessels entered nt tho port of Antworp, which is cer tainly going oomo. Tho Hugh Hogan crossed out from nnndon yesterday with a cargo of lumber for San Francisco. Tho Nowhorg left horo yestorday with n enrgo of lumbor from tho railroad docks for Snn Francisco. "Captain," said tho pilot, anxiously "1 fonr tho vessol Is aBhoro." "Humph!" ejaculated tho captain as tho stcamor'B noso wont further Into tho mud, "your fonrs seem to bo llko tho vessol well grounded." The Schulto Recording Compnss Ik being plnced on mnny ships. It faith fully records all variations up to less thnn n qunrtor of n point, so thnt if tho whool mnn lots tho ship fnll off tho register allows It nB woll as tho tlmo. Hy Its uso the navigating of ficer cannot bo fooled by a neglectful whcolmnn. During tho first thrco 'months of this year, 47 vessols roprosontlng $8- 3i:t.00n linrnnin InRfina nmliv tunrlnn Insurance policies effected In London,' Plomont thoso nlrondy established at either with Lloyd's or with tho Mar- Tncoma, San Francisco, San Dlogo, lno Insurnnro compnny, or both. In i I'nnamn and Valparlnso and nlroady addition flvo vessols nro mlslsng, nnd K"t quantities of crudo oil from If theso bo Included tho loss Incur- California nro being shipped to them, rod by tho London underwriters will Othor stntlons nro to bo ostnbllshod reneh tho glgnntlc total of $9,980,00 on tho eastern const and on tho Mox in the pnst thrco months. Ifnn Pacific const. It Is oxpoctod In 'fnct thnt 1912 will bco tho Amorl- Accomodntlons for moro thnn (nn continent girdled with nn ndo 5000 pnssengora will bo provided on lnto numbor of oil bunkorlng sta tho Gorman transatlantic steamer tlons, nnd It Is hoped thnt tho Poru- Just built at Hamburg. A now bill called tho "Safety Act" hns pnBsed Congress, which Includes nil tho lessons lenrned by tho Titanic, horror. Tho Nelson bill recognizes foreign tnal comn tugs operating In tho bar steamship lnws whenever they nro as nmI outside, names not mentioned, effective as American lnwa and reg- hnvo on different occnslons switched ulntlons; would equip every passen- off ihcir running llghta bo thnt In gor craft leaving an American port n,llK,n ,or n Inbound vessel tho with sufficient lifeboats to accom- ci"PotlnB tugs could not discern modnto everybody aboard, togothor , lr movements. Tho nction, whlca with other safoty equipment: nnd ls reBnrrte(! t Astoria as highly dan would create a commission of flvo ?,crou,8 a,i(l contrnJ to tho interna persons to investigate merchant ran- Uonnl C0(l?' w.n.8 rofo"l to Custom rlno construction horo nnd aboard I l?nV nutnorl,'e,s "n'l reported to It requires rigid itlnSAn)0? 7!? port drills, defines qualification of " ,lt In? n S2int ."8 "X n, n, seamen, penalizes failure to assist ,,cnn ,. , nl)n,y,nB ,0 th caso U n-iii.,1, oi,ii . . Informed of tho "stunts" of tug mast- nrtlsh shipping men nro deeply In- ors, nro In danger of colliding with terested In the prospect of the bill those racing for pilotage Jobs passing tho United Stntes Congress tub ' iimabe jqds. JvqflntnL0ZLVt8Sel ,,censod r- An unfilled want causes unhappl ry fifty or moro persons and leaving ness Times Want Ads bring results J I Stetson Hats Stetson Shoes (b Shoe CO. Bandon COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Shut Out in First Game of New Scries at Los Angeles. STANDING OF TEAMS W. h. P.O. Vernon At 30 .610 Oakland 43 33 .566 Los Angolcs ....43 33 .566 Sacramento ....31 42 .425 Snn Francisco ..32 44 .421 Portland 28 42 .400 PORTLAND, Ore, Juno 26. Portland wns shut out yestorday nt Lob Angeles, tho Angola piling up thrco scorcB. Tho othor games In tho Const League wcro called off on account of rnln. At Lob Angolcs R II E Lob Angolcs 3 9 1 1'ort lnnd . .. . ... j.jji'OBO any American port to bo equipped with two wireless operators, so that ono enn nlwnys bo on duty; nlso thnt nn nuxlll'nry power supply. Indepen dent of tho vessel's mnln electric pow er plant, must ho provided capable of supplying power for four hours. This legislation hns largoly been brought nbout by tho falluro of tho Callfornlnn to go to tho assistance ot tho Titanic, duo to tho wlrolosa opor ntor of tho formor bolng off duty nt tho tlmo thnt tho Titanic struck. It is bollovod thnt had tho Callfornlnn cnrrled a second operator, tho Titan ic's call of distress would havo boon received In tlmo by tho formor, so that this tcrrlhlo loss of llfo could hnvo been nvortcd. Seven new oiling stations nro to bo opened July 1 on tho west const of South America, which will great ly facllltnto tho ubo of oil ns fuol exclusively In merchant nnd nnvnl vessels plying tho Pacific Ocean. Theso stations will bo locntod at Tniltnl Tncopllln, and Iqulpuo in Chilli nnd nt Junln, Plssngua, Callao, and Pnlta In Peru. Thoso will sup- I vlnn nnd Chilean oil fields will bo dovolopod to such nn extent thnt thoy ' cnn supply tho stntlons within tho boundaries of their own countries. Ffom Astoria comos tho ronort CHANGES 11 IN U. I CHURCH Pastors of Denomination in Coos County Transferred at Portland. Several changes In ministers vers mado at tho annual conference olthj united Drothron church In PortUnii this week thnt' will bo of Interest to mombors of tho denomination In Coi county. Concerning tho conference, a Portlnnd pnpor snyB: Dlshop William M. Hell, D. D., de livered tno sermon to tbe United Urothcren Conference nt tho Flrtt : Church, EaBt' Morrison and Cist Fifteenth streets, raised $1030 for tho conference cvnngcllst, 'ordained Rev. Charles L. Wllllnms, and then road tho report of tho stationing com mittee, closing tho conference. The sermon wns directed to tho ministry nnd church, nnd urged that ever; minister nnd layman hnvo high Ideils nnd then mensuro up to them, in sponklng of tho uso ot money Dlshop Hell declared It Is romnrknblo how much monoy thoro U In use nnd little for tho use of tho church nn1 for tho spread of Christian education. 1 Tho bishop announced that Her. J. R. Parker has been commissioned u enter tho ovnngollcnl work of th ennforonco, and In n few minutes $1030 wns subscribed, of which Hlshop Roll, Dlshop N. Cnstle and District Suporlntondonr nonebralw gnvo 1100 each. Then followed the ordlnntlon of Rov. C. L. Williams, a rocont grndunto of tho Dayton Semi nary. Tho only Importnnt changes In the nppolntmonts of tho year are at Port land First nnd Portlnnd Socond. Ret. R. 8. Showors, of Pennsylvania, who hns been pnstor nt Portlnnd First, re- ! tires for tho present, nnd that chars wns loft without n pastor. To Port land Socond Rev. C. L. Williams Is sont, nnd Rov. nnd Mrs. J. W. Spreeh cr go to Tlllnmook. Following tn tho npnnlntments for tho year: P. O. Honohrnko. district superin tendent; Coqullle, to be supplied! Coos River, to bo supplied; Dufur, to bo supplied; Gravel Ford, R. M. Mi son; Hnzol Oroen. H. M. Peoples; North Bond, R. N. Lowls; Vancouver. W. T., R. O. Summerlln: M. ! Stains, student In Moneurnke Scml nnry; II. F. White student In Ilone brnko Semlnnry. . , Dologntoa to tho World Christian Citizenship Conference, to be held In Portland, 1913 P. O. Honohrnkc. F. II. Neff. C. C. Hell. W. W. nose branch, n. E. Emortck, fl. E. McDon ald. J. L. Oarrott. John n. Parsons, W. N. Dlodgett. J. N. Henkle. 0. J. nennott, Mrs. R. N. Lewis. F. H. wns appointed frntornnl delegate to tho Oregon conference of the Kvan gellcal Association, nnd Rev. p. b McDonnld delegate to the unliea Evnngollcnl conference of Oregon. I SAILS FOR CHINA. Oplnnd, Which Took on Coal Here, Takes Cargo for Portland. Concerning tho steamer Opland. which recently took on coal he-row comploto hor trip from Old 3iexiw to Portland, a Portland paper says, "With 850.448 feet of berr' Norweglnn steamship Opland, w tnln Erlksen, will leave down iw rlvor Tuesday afternoon bouna w Tslngtnu, China. She Is one0,'11.; smnllest stoamers evor to leae rj" land on a trans-Pnclflc trip. Ae delivering lier cargo, the steam will be placed In the Chinese coart trade. Her cargo Is being d,8Pac,. by tho China Import & Export Lum bor company. She is expect w complete tho passago to Mo, , first port of call, where she wiu r plenlsh her bunkers, In about - 23 days. While In the harbor was given an overhaul ng and p fine condition for her long passas