ww-ua, .uu;,,r.,T5,,7.".T5 "i uiiumuii, iiLunLOum, joiil tu, toitr CVCI1II1U CUIIIUIV (Grand Celebration and Big Race Meet MYRTLE POINT, OREGON SPSS July 4th and 5th Destined w uo tno t" h; "-hi nays m tiie history of the beautiful Ooquillo Vulli-y. PARADES, BALL GAMES PATIUOTIC EXERCISES Frivolity and Jollification will Heign. Jfake your plans to come to Myrtle Point and I3o ITannv. 1 1 ' mmmmmmmmmmmmm Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENitY BKNGSTACKKN, Mgr. Cojulll Offlvtf Phone 11 Platting Land specialty. nrffli Timber Coal aatents "HABTBIDIT OMiral Am eUrshnelu Ofloe 14-J. Get Busy 1XD CRT AFTER TnAT ROOF, HUT FIR8T COME IN AND GET OUR MIICES OK HIIINaLES AND HOOKING PAPER. IBIKOLES fl.OO AND UP. ROOFING PAPER,' ONE PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C, A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItlCTAIL DEPARTMENT. Steamer Washington il for San Francisco From Coos Bay Tuesday July 2 WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT P.fUJOW, A cent. Occod Dock. THE FRIEND OF OOOH HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHELE8B SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAND SUNDAY, JUNE 30, AT 11 A.M. (OXMiOTINQ WITH TUB NORTH "ASK HOAR AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIO STEVMSHIP COMPANY. rtwno U, 0. P. McGEOUQE, Agent. PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELEU8 AND SUBMARINE ULLL SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY Wednesday, Juno 26, At 6:30 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, ftone 44. ' 0. P. McGEOHGlv, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. gtS FROM AINSWORTII DOOK, PORTLAND, AT 0 A. My JUNK Spl'i? ,a'-. 17Mi.. nana and 27th. PROM MAH9I FIELD Ar JjSEItVlCR OP THE TIDE JUNE 1th, Otli. l-llli, lOtli. SHIi an.1 L. A. PARKHURST, Agent. Plioue Mnlu 321 -L. THE PEOPLE'S fORUM m CnrtQ TtAr nraTTJTn cm, an T.JNE. Cin63 Ma"hfleld every morning at C and reaches Roeburg HJwCOnnec w,tu evening train for Portland. Stage also leaves 58? 6Very mQtoB at 6 o'clock and reaches Marshfleld same C P ARG 90.00, Round trip $11.00. Good meals en route. Uar"ard, agent. RoseburK. .. n,.. -.Otto Schetter, agent. 120 Mnrket Avenue. -. TlcketB can be obtained at Hlllyer's Cigar Store. P fetric Shoe Shop Nt tuuZ XOV CAN nv SKUF. .. ra8 "x Y0r Shoe R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance jM North Front Street of tho people. I hnVb boon Thn Tin,.. ,m t. . v,,,"",, Impressed slnco being In this stnto ine llttlOB Will bo nlflnnert ..K. lint li, mnt, , !. t i.., nan letters Irom its readora on all "o'dors havo not been paying their questions of nubile Inter , Just nnd equitable share of tho taxes, letter must bs ZJ hi ?? Th'8' howover. ,8 nt necessarily tho .,, i . T y th WrIt0r' fauU of th0 Prc9ent 8ystcm' ut rath- una so far as possible bo limited to r the fault of those who execute tho zoo words. In publishing theso lot- Iaw8- l adm,t however Uie difficulty ters It must bo understood that The '" ,mvinB ",0 ',IWS Properly nnd hon Timna j. .... rstly executed. n , ,u rS0 tno T,0W8 cx Wo n,UBt not forGt liowovor that pressea therein; It Is simply affordlne nJer nny system of taxation, tho a means for tho voicing of different Wcnkncsses n' apparent In tho exo- opmions on all questions affecting tho public welfare. B SINGLE TAX IS REPORTED BUD HEAD OF ORGANIZATION OPPOS !T.H ADDITION 11Y OREGON !V.!lJIKS 1)U- MINOUS AnoIT MATTER. Dr. 10. Mlngus who recently cir culated a petition hero against tho Blnglo tax movement hnB received tho following aclf explanatory lottcr from Clins. H. Shields, secretary of tho Oregon Equal Taxation Lcaguo which 1h fighting tho singlo tax: I beg to acknowlodgo receipt of ypur esteemed favor of tho 5th Inst., also tho blndor containing 100 sign ers for which wo thank you. Plonso pardon mo for not answering your letter at nn earlier date, r har. linpn bo bimy compiling tho first Issue of wio uregon Kqual Taxor" that I havo been unnblo to give time to any thing olso. I nm mailing you n copy "' i'" paper unuer separate covor. ould bo glnd to furnish you as ninny ns you dcslro to distribute Wo are today Bendlnc rou bv mnii ?r. copies of "Singlo Tax Exposed" ao ro- quesieu. win bo glad to furnish you na many copies ns you may Indicate Referring to th aublect unnn which you dwell In your lottor, tho wruer quuo agrees with you, that some relief In tho tax Is nocoasary and Hint a moro fair and oqultablo tax is necessary to satisfy tho do- Wanted Quick A Nhretvd Inventor to pick up bargain In two of tho choicest lottf on EnNtfildo. Pino view nt Day nnd MnrNlillcld. High, level mid Nightly. $170. I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front St. T. J. iCAIFE A. H. HODOINI Marshfleld Paint Decorating Co. animates MARStlPllSLD, Kurntshod Phono 140L Oregon WANTED ! ! ! CAR PinS UPHOLSTEHINa AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu. uiullc Cleaning Company. Order foi tioik taken nt GOING & HARVEY PRONE 100 cutlon of tho laws wo have, will not have boen strengthened under tho so- called magic singlo tax. or, possibly , any other system. I I think, however, some changes may bo made that would mnko our 1 system of taxation more easily en forced. One Improvement might bo made by divorcing state from county In levying taxes. As an Illustration, allow tho state to tax public servtco corporations for their franchises, rights of way nnd operating equip ment. Land and personal proporty not used In tho operating; dopartmont mny be assessed by the- counties In which It Is located. Inhrltanco tax. Income tax. corporation tax nnd other taxes of liko nature mar bo handled 'by the state, allowing tho counties to oporato under laws acting uni formly throughout the state, to as sess land nnd personal proporty In their respective countfcw under class ification The question of taxation, however, ts one that has taxed tho tnx-thtnk-ing mind of today to Its uttermost. It Is extromejy hard to get a system of taxation that wonld work out to' tho satisfaction of atr, as paying tax es Is vory much like paying for tho dead horao it bo nppoars at leaBt to tho groat majority of those who havo tho bills to pay. I note with much Interest that your county employs tho services of a tim ber crulsor to ptaco a propor valua tion upon the various holdings of In dividuals and corporations through out your county. That Is a movo In tho right direction. It is cBscntlnlly right that such should bo done In or der to carry out the provisions of tho prcsont system. If tho peoplo In tho various countled throughout the stnto of Oregon would pay as much nttontlon to tho enforcement of the rules of taxation we now havo In forco as tho peoplo of your coun ty apparently are attempting to do, thoro would bo less complaint. True, wo should not fall In this grcnt forward and progressive period to kcop paco with the progress In matters of taxation. Wo should howovcr bo oxtroraoly carefiil that o do'not in oitr haste mnko tho mnt tor worse. You romnrk that thoro Is n crying need for tho reconstruction of our tax systom. As Indicated nbovo, 1 should say, a greater crying nood of strict nnd posttlvo oxccutlon of tho nystom wo have with some adjust ments nnd additions thoroto. Wo nro prono to strlko nt those who nro on tho top Heats nnd flcem to hnvo tho best of tho flltuntlon. This Is qulto natural, yet not consistent with logical reasoning, which should over bo our guide In framing laws. The statesman of tndny has n greater tank lioforo him, providing ho docs his full duty, thnn at nny tlmo or nny per iod In tho past. Tho machlnory and whools of our prosont economic, social and Indus trial world, aro becoming moro Intri cate In their relationship thnn over boforo. A Binnll and nppnrcntly un essontlnl part may disturb materially tho workings of tho wholo machlno.' Thoroforo, tho necessity of tho great est enro and Intrlcnto study of tho psychical, sociological nnd economic elements that have, to no wiin our Real Estate and Fire DJSLT.Ance Several good bargains In Farms nnd city property. 'AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 Central Ave. Mnrshflold, Oregon. MA E APPEAL Argument to bo Published, Int Official Pmnplilct Filed by Mrs. Dmiltruy SALEM, On, June SC Mrs. Abi gail Scott Duntwny, on behalf of tho Oregon Stato Equal BufTrnga Associa tion, has filed with tho Socretnry of Stnto tho argument In favor of tho equal suffrago amendment, which will be voted upon at tho coming el ection. This makes tho second argument filed with tho Secretary oft' Stato In behalf of measures to bc.put on tho ballot, tho other bolng lni bohnlf of tho bill creating' tho oluca of Uouton-ant-governor, and which wns refdr rcd by tho last Logtslatumto n voto of tho peoplo. So far 12 moasurcs nro on file to bo voted on at tho election. Petitions for many niora-nro In cir culation, and It Is expectad they will begin to flow rapidly, ass they must bo filed by July C. The argumont for tua-equal suff rage amendment followat "The undorslgHcd, i-uprcsoutlng,n wo boliovo, tho largo majority of the women of Oregon, nr happy to re mind you that slnco we Inst np pcalod to you for your adlrmatlve voto for tho enfranchisement of one half tho people, we havo Hcon the olcctlvo franchlso oxtumlcd to all women on equal terms with mon In our sister states, of Washington and California. "We como to you, bollovlng thnt you will bo glnd to add Oregon to tho constantly Increasing numlxr- of Equal Suffrage states of tho mighty Wcat, thus making' the Count states a solid, phalanx nt' tho hend ofj tho great procession, nnd by giving our Coast moro pown'to aid and protect her grcnt and growing Interests. "Suffrago Is a duty that .should bo performed by evory citizen of' every state, otherwlsu' Nomocracy- Is n fail ure; It Is a duty that, If shirked, re sults In mlsguvarnment, Inequality, and Injustice, Those wfeu would uv ndo this responsibility, because It mny entail labor, Blmnry plead lad ncss. To call n government n Democ racy whci half tho population Is barred from participation' In govern mental affiilrn Is an ubsurdlty. "Tho sn mo arguments used In do fenso of depriving women of Kiiffrngu woro used to keep tho Romans on Hlnved to .keep th. peasant of Eur ope In serfdom, to clog tho progress of human liberty throughout tho ages. Tho Inequality of suffrage has been tho basic principle that has over oppressed humanity. "Thoro Is always an tomont thnt resonts change. Many a sorf fought to prevent frecd6m and many n alnvo opposed his own liberation. It should be tho obligation of ovcry Individual. Irrespective of box, whoth or householder or not, to havo a volco In the making of our lav both civic nnd national. Liberty nnd re sponsibility for both soxea In public affairs will Improve tho quality by stimulating tho study of government. Men nnd women can never bu pitted against well other In government, becaiiHU naturo, which In higher than human law.han fitted them for com panionship. They must help men In tho uplifting of tho world by making doinocrncy nnd Its consequent devel opment, n ronllzed dream. The growth of public sentiment In favor of this movomont nil around Orogan mntorlal. utul octun) and aoclnl do- ' ueou, muu n,.u, ,.......... voloni lent I "ollovlng that our boloved Oregon A low ino to compliment you upon HouUI nnd will prove that her pro- tho knowledge and Intoroat In public B.roMlvo spirit Is equal to that of ho six miuiu BiumiKO hiuich nurrwuuu affairs displayed In your lottor, It You Auto Call Foote PHONE 1 1 1-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW CARS Aftor 11 P. M. Phone C-J Residence Phone 28-J Will muko Irlns to Coqullle. UllUirs uiHiiiiiyuu m our mnui, " .: , , ,j ., , . Is one among tho fow of Its character ,lfi or, nnd add ft sovonth star to which has reached Uila ofllco. U.'' a ' fAs!!y fre? .?tnt8-, w0 lma boon n aourco of Inspiration, In- rest our cno with you at tho coming nSrc l I "Wo felt that In ana-flection. In the hopo that wo aliall ?B,M.....V ..- ;..!..,. ni i not bo compolled ngnln to mako this Plea upon which good government -J SSSWl?"rt Jft !iS5" w2 X lion for the reply. Our country would bo safe snectfiillv reouest you I S ll.n o r. . I . MAtiniltii llnnnl nn.lTIOr IIIO UIUU1 BllltlUKU lUHDIIlUll.Mll.l sound ns the Rock of Ages If wo but had moro men of your kind and who , display tho Interest In tho wolfnro or mo community in wnicu inuy uvu thnt Is to bo found In your lottor." A TVKK1IM Ani GOOD. Phone IUJ. nmendmont nt tho coming olnrtlon "THE OREGON 8TATB EQUAL SUPFRAOE ASSOCIATION," Friends of tho Anior!cnn MorctlHRt Marino aclllpVe'l rt liotlitllu Vlt'topy non the House of RuprosotitnttvoB T 1 L IS ID NOTED STRAWDERRY SHAFT DRIVEN FOR IRRIGATING LARGE AREA IN UTAH. WASHINGTON, Juno 2C "Hole through today." This was tho la conic mossngo relayed by telephone from Camp Qulnton In tho Wasatch Mountains, Utnh, and flashed by wire today to tho Reclamation Service hero. It markod tho coinplotton of tho Strawberry tunnol, ono of the largest and most dlfllcult pieces of engineering work tho reclamation sorvlco over has been called upon to undertake With ono exception this under ground waterway tunnel Is tho larg est In tho world. Many hard cngln coring problems had to bo ovcrcomo In planning It; nnd groat physical endurnnco wbb required of tho moa who carried tho work out. Tho tunnel pierces tho solid rock of one of tho highest peaks of tho Wasatch Mountains nt n point whoro thoso eternal hills are moro than 20, 000 feet through. It will movo a good sized stream, tho 8trnwborry River, from ono dralnngo basin to an other forty-flvo miles away. Only 2,000 feet bolow tho Bnow cappod crest of tho mountains tho tunnol has pierced Its rocky way. To tho south nnd cast of Utah lnko, In ono of tho most beautiful valleys In tho west, aro G0.000 acres of ex ceedingly fertllo lnnd, now only par tially productlvo for lack of wator. To transform this vnlloy to a rural settlement, dotted with thriving towns and villages and bnrrod with long rows of fruit trcos, tho Govern ment engineers havo ovorcomo al most unheard of obstacles. Doyond tho Wasatch rango which rims tho vnlloy's oastorn border, Strnwborry river, for centuries bank full, porhnps, Iibb run UBOlcasly by, Its wntor finally roachlng tho Gulf of California through tho Colorado riv er. To divert this water from tho Colorado dralnngo basin nnd turn it Into the Utnh Valley, tho enormous Strawberry tunnol, noarly four miles long, baa boon bored through tho Wa satch mountains. Its cross soctloa menaurcs moro thnn GO squnro foot. It (n walled and buttressed with tim ber nnd lined with cement. Iloforo construction could begin, thousands of squnro miles of vnlloy and rough mountain country woro surv6yod nnd mapped, nnd tunnol nnd canal lines mnrkod oilt. A tele phone lino as miles long, oxtondlng from Spanish Fork to both portals of tho tunnol witH enntructed, nnd a wagon rond from Diamond Switch, tho shipping point on tho Denver, Rio Grnndo railroad, to both portals 33 miles long wns mndo. Down In tho foothills a diversion dnm wns thrown across Spanish Rlvor nnd tho waters turned Into n power cnnnl 'i 1-2 miles long, which dropped thorn through huge pipes on the big tur blnos 100 feet bolow, Power thus generated was transmitted eloctrlc nlly to tho tunnel slto, where It was used to turn the diamond drill In tho rock, light the enmpa nml run tho heavy machlnory. Tho surplus has been sold to towns In tho valley for municipal and commercial purpoeoa. Tho camps aro located a hillu nnd n half nbovo sea. lovol, and during, several months eacli Winter 1Y8 l'00 prnctlrnlly lolitd frim ij wc-rUL tho rond hlorKt'd liy Mansion of snow nnd lco, VW inure than two years' thowork has gono on without conning, threo shifts or men nlteriintlllg dur ing tho twenty-four hours of tho day nnd night. Thousands of gallons of wntor, poisonous gases and uwolllnff ground havo made tho work dliflcult nnd dnngorous. Tho mon tied for their Uvea on sovoral occasions. In 1910 tho work or placing tho concroto lining was bogun and slnr. has boon cnrrled on Btmu,tur)ooiHlu with tho oxcnYoMpn of Uil) llOutllllS. Tll ru'ii'lvu'l uHlllfnl handling of lili'li nlll Itlllttirlul i 'avoid deny In nllior foaturo of tho work. A Modern Drlck DiiUUIiik, Electric.1, Light, Stenra Heat. Elegantly J Furnished Rooma with Hot and Cold Walef. . i HOTEL COOS , ' 0. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market. Marshfleld. Oregon. Vv tnili.Cwulort.iVrT ib. SiSItll J Of IHtHOU NAHCS Of ItSUS ARO MARY. Cr.A JitmUn4 ILtlutuu Qmitm. MuU. Art. Ilcuu tad Ctimiiup Clil Deju. Mint tndD 3n4fH. t-tttti Mfl 4 IIu&4ulTrltlar.Wrliel(AauuiicmDLAdJrcu tltTBK IVttWOX. ft. Mto'l jiitJtmj. JV.itiW Mil 09 T9U :V,'Vri8vn1!!'.Tfn,nnV Notwithstanding tho dllucuitles I iv.ont .S'..'i.X'.L9 " ,0. ? or (l,o uiuiortuuius It !,na lirpn rBr; ' I :. agau.Bl t,osmon of tolls u. ; ; comot 0,j wftUoilt lIlU lew Rf ' AmorlPnn coasting VOSSols llslllg tl0 Jl ' l i vi Panama Cnnnl, This result was nt tallied only In tho fnco of tho most bitter opposition. If you liuve au)thlug to sell, trade, or mnt. or want hel!. try h Want Ad I'- iBlanchard's Livery D R. IURD U. CLARKE. Specialist In Nerve and Spinal I)lteuc. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOHY Wo havo secured the livery buil- I r-css of L. II. Helaner, and are pre pared to render excellent service to the people of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisrsctory service to the public. Plioue us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed In the livery line. Wo also do truck ing business of all kinds. RLANCHARD RROTHERS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service. t It Flpf nml Alder fit reefs. Office, Room 2, Marshfleld. Office Phone 144-L. Rogers House, Hours 2 to 5. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S IMtulprn Dental Parlors. Ve are equipped to do high clan vera on ahorl uotlce at the verj towesi prices. Examination free Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo ilte Chandler hotel, phone U2-J. Mrs. Lela Lovo, wlfo of Wlloy Love, a farmor living near Covena, Ga., says; "I havo taken Foley Kid ney Pills and find them to bo all you claim for them. They gave me al most Instant relief when my kidneys woro sluggish and Inactive. I enn cheerfully recommond them to all sufforors from kidney troubles." Red Cross Drug Storo. J W. RENNBTT, Lawyer. Jfflae over Flanagan & Bennett Banl i larshfleld Oregon D' R. J. T. Mct'ORMAO, 1'nyslclan and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. mce: I-ockhart Building, Opposite post office. Phone 105-J We Have Been Successful In buying a large stock of first class Electrical material and can give our patrous a very low price on house wiring. Get our price you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will k anywhere at nny time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blnnco Cigar Store. Day Phones 73 and 4G Night Phone 46. DARKER & GOODALE. nroiirlplnrn. RUILDING AND REPAIR WORK House Moving and Grading. We are prepared to do this work by the day or contract nnd guarantee satisfaction. Let us flguro with you P'riiKi 31B-1 O. R. FLOYD H CO. Mnhflfii1 Ore WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. a single iir'e. Iloyond tho tunnol, In tho shadow of tho grnnlto poaks, a great resor volr Is being built. A retaining dam of rock, cement and steel Is bolng built bo deep that a six story build ing might be hidden behind It. Fed by melting snows tho waters will rlso bohtud this structuro, covering 8,200 acres with 278,000 ucre-foot of wat or. Tho valley to bo Irrigated Is es pecially Interesting becuuso It Is tho scono of tho earliest Irrigation by AnglO'Saxons In tho west. Sottled by Drlgham Young and his followers In 1847, nftor their march through moro than n thousand miles of un known territory peopled with sav ages. It Is tho oldest example of com munity farming by an Englfsh-Bpoak-Ing peoplo In tho west. For protect ion ugulnst tho Indians, tho farmers lived In llttlo towns throughout tho vnlloy, their houses built close to gether nnd facing a common street or squnro, thus practically forming forts. Some of these old community houses nro still standing. The orig inal farms wero for tho most part not more than 40 or CO acres In size, which may account to somo extent for tho enrly success or agriculture un der extremely difficult conditions. When tho stnrago and distribution system Is finished nnd nn ample wat er supply assured for all tlmo, tho valley will support moro than a thousand farm homes. Salt Lako City and tho nearby mining camps will furnish a homo market for many of tho products, and threo railroad lines which traverse tho Irritable area, will furnish unusual transpor tation facilities to tho outside world. ii