THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912 EVENING EDITION. ri v'i k ' fl I, How One Towira Owns) AM lib's Public Utilities town farm, pny tho Interest on the Investment. And tho electric light plant, down town docs tho pumping. Sabetha seemed by this time to bo . proceeding rather moro smoothly on Its municipal career than observers In tho nenrny towns had believed, or In soino Instances, hoped; but Engin eer Johnson wasn't qulto satisfied. Tho electric light-water plant was not , doing enough work, and tho town needed heat. Tho old problem about Blcam came back. It worried him to Tho following article from the Technical World tells the Interesting story of how a Kansas town a llttn! larger than Mnrshfleld manages to own Its public utilities to tho profit and comfort of Its citizen's. Subctha, Kansas, was formerly the home town of J. V. Mitchell and ho bears per sonal knowledge of the excellence of tho sorvlco rendered. The following Is the article: It did not take long for Babotha, Kansas, to build Its own utilities. While tho newspapers were printing sco that white cloud, mounting hour frosty messagos last winter about tho. after hour, Into tho blue. A big weather thirty degrees below zero, hospital was being planned for tho com snoringc anu smvcrlnc fnm pr. town on tlio 1 nes of Mm Mum i.mfi,. this little town of 2,100 Inhabitants' crs at Rochester, Minn., nnd thero in icmann county, was the most comfortnblo placo In tho state. It nau its own pure wnter supply; It owned an excellent light plant; It had a perfect system of sowcrngo dispos al; and moro important than nil, in tho winter, It had a municipal Btcam hcalng outfit that mado it Indopond- in. ui cvurywiinK anu everyone on wnB talk of henting It with stenm Why not do this for tho wholo town, Johnson demanded? He knew, now, jiiBt what ho needed, a slniplo llttlo attachment for tho radiators, a llttlo attachment with n big name, n ther moflcr! An Instrument maliciously planned to defeat Jack Frost. Somo may not understand tho hard the frozen, snow-covorcd earth, ox-, times Johnson had whllo ho planned ccptlng only, the noworn Hint nm. ' this Improvement. Manv of ilm hunt duccd tho fuel oil for the furnaces . n,cn ln town who had boon leaders nnd It had a good supply of that. ,n Public Improvements had to "call Sabotha had no Injunctions to foar n hnlt" when tho young engineer laBt winter. It had no franchlso gnib Proposed to send stonm through pipes to fight, no coal trusts to fear and ! t0 radiators, pass It through this not ono lawyer within Its peaceful thormofler nrrangoment, nnd roturn limits. This doesn't moan that Sa-1'1 t0 tuo Plant as wnter to bo rc botha had nn embargo on lnwycrs. i uolel Into steam and again sent out, It moans, only thnt n man In that "Bain nnd ngaln, and somo moro yot, profession would stnrvo to death nml "" tor tl10 I"lco below tho cost mere anu so would tho honorable or ton1, T,lcy wcr public-spirited pollco Judge, appointed as a ncccs- J citizens, they wanted that understood nary part of tho town's corporation, if ho woro not nbovo want, for ho noyor holds court. It moans, too, that Sabotha has boon wlso enough to profit by tho mistakes of other towns nnd cities nnd, In view of tho record to date, it must liavo had much to learn. It Is without n doubt, tho ono town on tho American continent so Boii-sausiicd mat it Is not particular but thoro was n limit, nnd when it enmo to this kind of schemo well, although residing In Kansas thoro would still bo n demand for vlBiblo proof. Tho lowest bid Johnson turned up in Chicago to equip his town, wns $0,000. And that wns rather too stiff. Tho doctor with his hosnltnl plans, Involving about $75,000 was ly Interested ln commission form r . with him, nnd togothor they soarch government now. althouch it mn cd tho town. It must bo nonnlbln. progressive citizens nro urging thlsJonn8on "rguod, for n town to got juiuiur movement, wniio ndmlttlng It Is not especially needed. It Is In n class by Itself, too, In that it has rcwor than 125 nogatlvo votes In n total of about 700 homo-owners. And oven this timid opposition to things taxablo Is weakening, thnwod out, anu warmod Into smiles and wnoicsaio prlco when it bought in wholcsalo lots. Ho not his cut rntnn. too, llnnlly, nnd then tho "Dig Busi ness came around with a lower bid and Sabotha got Its pipes nnd Its ra diators and tho llttlo contraptions with tho long namo. When tho aya- icm nau ocon installed, tho labor of good naturo by tho graceful radla-i dlBBlne having beon dono by high tlon that Comforted nvnrvnnn ixlilln flCllOOl boys, for tWontv.Hvn rnnti nn tho outsldo world was wrapped In ' nour Sabetha had spent exactly gloom, nut thoro nro no ward bosses, '22' That Included tho vacuum In Sabotha, nnd, ns I said a moment m,n,nB' Standard ateam plpo was ago, no lawyers. usod In size eight Inches at tho plnnt, Thorq novor wnn an engineer, I roducod to sovon inches, two or threo mipnoBO. who did not, nt somo tlmo b,ock8 nWfty- with n three-Inch re in his llfo, try to flguro out nwny to" turn n,no n" tho way. To sorvo n uso wasto steam, especially when j,o PonBMmor n two-Inch tap plpo was loomed that only about 20 por cont uscu w,tu one-Inch return pjpo, " "'unmount actually did nny work. I ,ino I"nC8 We ,n,(l In a, conduit iirouiom siuck in tho mind of ""' cost, ror mntorlnl and labor, Oeorgo Edward Johnson. Sabothn'a lnolnR tho digging ofthb-dltch nt nty engineer, for yoara. It had boon 2" ccn,B n "ur. $2 n foot. Tho thoro for a long tlmo. Ho didn't ro"''lt to enrry tho pipes, consisted boIvo It olthor; lot mo put that down: of n '),no ,)0X of '-2 Inch stuff having jHit ho learned how to uso tho stenm no covcr- ,nl1 'n tho tronch on top of Ho created, instead of lotting it float four Inches of concroto nt tho bot nway Into tho Kansas aunshlno and tom of wllk'u wni Put a four Inch tllo no told Sabotha what to do and how' t0 cnrry off ttny seepage. Tho main it? . 'J1 rnw' younK rlIow whoso ?,?nm '''I'0 an'l tho roturn plpo woro on or tcchnlcnl training had been m,tl ,n ,ho box wlilcli was filled with gained in n hurry-up courso in tho ,oncroto. Expansion Joints enro for iiimur icciinoiogienl instltuto In l" UHUni P'l'o activity and undor tho rurnirn iiri.ii. . - ; "nnu Homo omcrs mar ooned In small towns woro content to draw their salaries, Johnson, help od by a wlfo. a Chicago girl, who was n graduato civil engineer, figured out tho way, and learned tho lesson, nnd uavo tho town what fow towns have, n municipal heating system thnt conduit n roller nt certain intorvnls imposes or "creoping." Tho con struction, tho engineer bollovcs, could bo dono somowhat moro cheaply af ter tho Hrst trial, but this was ono of tho things thoy learned by exper ience 8tenin, Mr. Johnson know, could bo produced nllvo for nlno , cents n squaro foot of radiation, but It lsn t nn easy task to unravel tho thormollor woro needed nnd monoy municipal business negotiations of for development was needed, so thoy tho avorngo American city or town.-'"""Wl -' cent8- Ho satisfied him Uioro Is nlways so much to hide, nut se,r' ,00 t,mt electricity could bo you can sco tho hooks In Sabetha. Produced nt tho board for 34 cents They nro as clean nB tho drinking n kilowatt hour. If fuolpll woro usod. water. Thoy show that tho town be- 0n' snllon of this oil will ovnporato .. ..o wiuiii .wiivoniont in lfioi, "riwn puunus or water. Tho steam whon It bonded the town for $19.- Produced Ih sent through tho pipes in i ." ,,,fi,,,'nK Plnnt. To cover nt nno Pound pressuro, usually, but iinnLni,!p,l,ll'B8 ,ho town IsHiied u on,er8 tho vacuum at tho velocity 910,000 In four por cent bonds, nnd of n ennnonbnll and when it conden- issued six per cent warrants for tho BCB '" tho radiators tho water Is roina ndor to ho paid out of earnings. m,,le"' l,nek by theso vacuum pumps i no of course woro paid out through a smaller plpo lying undor- I! .. ,n.x?f nt thnt Umo e'Kl't llls ,"e,,.,h- Tho ,U,"P nro lPllcates on tho dollar. Xow the tax rnto is ''"vlng 0 by S steam cylinders nnd 12 Blx, ",IIH- by 8 w"tor cylinders. Less than .1 urn or population w" ,,or ('0"t or tl10 "team Is wnstcd ?"' '- rii' imma us peoplo nrdlnar- '" l,u Process Ily. consider thomsplves ns nonr lici VI.T1 Ha fltl. V.tMnl I..1..1.I1 a . "". "1 ... iiiiiiiuiiniii uas an ovory-day right to bo. nut In Sn botlmfl enso this Improvement wns ... iH-Kiiining. Truo it drnggod ur courso no ono mon "unaided and nlono" could handle a deal llko this, initio all tho options and satisfy all tho viewpoints. Sabotha has a finely organized Commercial Club nlong for seven nr nlolit vnna -.i which linlilu tlm niuinln'u .,n. ... . 'n.vv.i.o KllUVr . . . i 'viiu g lUIUIMVdlU-" ...... ...miKiiimy contontod, hut then camo tho ilomniid, ono day. for water pure water and lots of it. So S. betha with Its customary unanimity of public opinion, remarkably infro quont In Amorlrnn communities, voted somo moro bonds. $fis.000 worth, at 4 u per cent, reimiw na Plant, put In oil burnlnir nn. n storage tank for light paratus, erected li is wie peoplo ror that matter and a dty council does Just whnt tho Commercial Club thinks is right. It was this represtVtatlve body that carried out tho inside ramifications of tho business when It cwno to equipping tho stores and factories and homes with radiators. Theso woro bought by tho town In Chicago nun how jo uio consumers nt an nd leys. Thero isn't any coal ln tho towns except in tho homo districts whero tho steam plpo has not boon laid. And nil theso districts will linvo steam next winter. To get stenm into tho homes of Sa botha tho property owners must pay for the mains ln tho stroct. Dy com bining this does not crcnto on oxcob slvo cxpenso: about $125 or $140. Tho rate then Is based on the prlco of coal and whnt it cost to heat tho house the winter previously. This method Was usod last winter. For instance, the Sabotha National Dnnk had n rnto of $57. Its coal bill in the winter of 1910-1911 was $06. It had moro steam heat last winter than it needed. A drug storo 00x22 with 16-foot colling paid $41. for its radiators, last winter. It cost $70 to Install tho system. This store couldn't be heated with furnaco ror less than $75 a winter. Another de lightful feature Is tho fact that if you don't uso steam hent ln Sabetha you don't have to pay a tox for somo ono olso' heat. Tho tax Is appor tioned among the users, in tho shapo of payment for services, and thoso cnrnlngs tnko up tho city's warrants Issued to pny for tho equipment. Uut Sabetha Is Just tho sort of town to demnnd tho now Borvlco Just ns fast as It can bo supplied. It Is n motor town. Thoro nro so mnny motors in uso that a special rnto was made Wo have novor seen so many electrical conveniences in homes nnywhero. Thoy nro round in shops, tho butcher stalls, planing mills, garages, grain olovators, and In homes; thoy nro used ror passeng er elevators, feed grinders, washing mnchincs, Ironing laundries and den tists' oulccs. They scorn to dollght In putting In ovory convcnlonco thoy can buy. They were not satisfied until thoy had spent $20,500 a fow years ago, to install septic tanks nnd sani tary sowors, a system largo enough for n town four times ns largo as Sabotha. Tho lateral sowers cost them $15,000 moro nnd nil this tax, ns tho books show, was paid up with in thirty days, except $3,022.12 tho treasurer Inslstod on having tho exact amount reported. And how about paving? Snbothn will have paved streets, thank you, after awhllo. It prefers right now to lot tho steam plant pny for ltsolf as tho light and wntor plant has dono. It would llko, too, to hnvo n fund a paving rund, but it docs not enro to put down n root or paving until all tho wires nro underground. Think or that in a town or 2,1001 You couldn't string n lino or poles In Sn bothn today ror lovo or monoy. All wires muBt go under. Thcro'a tho "White Way", ror Instance, on tho principal street. Tho ornnmontnl polos, with thrco or four globes, hnvo been ordered ror sovon blocks or bus iness property nnd ovory root or tho wire will go undor ground. This im provement will cost every business man $8.33 nn an installation charge Artor that, presumably tho rato will bo "sliding" llko tho others, ror ev eryone In Sabotha pays according to his consumption, with a liberal dis count above cortnln amounts. Tho Ico plant uses $400 worth or current n month with n rour cont rnto. Twolvo rents n kilowatt hour Is tho basis ror this chargo. It Ih duo Sabotha at this point to draw nttontlon to tho fact that It Is not n Socialistic town, a co-opomtlvo community or anything of tho sort. It Is n town nlmost without politics. Indeed thero aro no parties whoro tho wolfaro of Sabotha Is concerned. Theso distinctions nro rosorved for state and national disturbances nnd nowspapor polls. Thoro nro two tick ets In tho Held when tho town has an election; Citizens' nnd Municipal, al though both, bless their hoartsl nro working for Snbetha. Tho only con- tost nppoars to soo which sldo can got tho candidates first. A city ofnclal In Sabetha has precious llttlo to do any way. Tho pooplo don't leuvo him mnny of his prerogatives. Wnon somo thing turns up that would look good, thoy call a meeting of tho Com mercial Club and talk It over, and that's all thoro Is to It, so far ns Mr. City Ofllclal Is concerned. It would bo hard to Imaglno n happier family, munlclplally speaking. And not n lawyer In tho town. Sabotha, however, docs not exactly attrtbuto its prosperity, Its freedom from discord to nbsonco of members of the legal fratornity. No It docs not so Indlscrimntlngly Jumblo Its causes and effects. , It thoroughly understands that tho lack of layers nlono does not mnko for harmony. Whon tho good cltlzons of Sabotha If that day should over come grow fractious and quarrelsome, lawyers may follow. 'Meet Me In Marshf ield Have a Merry Time Three Days of Fast and Furious Fun Tuesday, Wednesday Eni Thursday July 2, 3 and Program ofEvents As They Happen JULY 2. 9 to 12 n. m. Trap shoot. First Event Ton targots; prelim inary. Unknown nnglcB. Entranco foo, $1. Thrco prizes. Monoy divid ed GO nnd 40 per cont. Second Event Fifteen targots. Unknown angles. Entranco foo, $i. $25 added monoy. Thrco prlzoi. Money divided 50, 30 and 20 por cent. Third Event Fifteen targots. Un known angles. Entranco foo, $1. $25 nddod monoy. Thrco prizes. Money dlvldod 50, 30 and 21 pur cent. Fourth Event Twenty targets. Unknown angles. Entranco foo, $1.50. $50 added monoy. Four prizes. Monoy divided 40, 30, 20 nnd 10 por ocnt. Tho hlghost individual avorago will bo presented with tho Peters modal. All tics will bo divided. All ovonts will bo shot off In strict accordanco with tho American Asso ciation rules. WILL EKULAD, Secretary. 10 to 10:45 a. m. Human roso bud drill. 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Races nt fair xrounds. No. 1 Trotting and pnclng, '4 mile heats. 2:30 class, best two out of three. Purse, $160. No. 2 Running mllo dash, for horses owned in Coos nnd Curry counties sjneo January 1, 1912, catch weights. I'urso, $75. No. 3 Half mllo burro rnco. Piirso, $6, No. 4 Carrlago horse raco. half mllo, best two out of thrco. Purso, $25. No. 6 Running. mllo dash. Purso, $150. No. C Qunrtor-mllo dash, catch wolghts, ror horses not trained this season. Purso, $15. F. P. NORTON, Socrctury. 4:45 to 6:30 p. m. Log rolling contest. Threo prizes, $20, $10 nnd $5. A. II. POWERS, Secretary. 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Hand concert. 8:30 to 10 p. m. General nronm- aado city streets. JULY 3. 9 n. m. Assombly. Music. 9:30 to 11 n. m. Hoot races. No. 1 Speed boat raco ror boats with speed over 25 miles por hour; 16 miles. Threo prizes, $25, $15 nnd 1 w No. 2 Speed bout rnco for boats with speed less than 25 miles por hour; 15 miles. Threo prizes, $20, $10 and $5. ARTHUR K. PECK, Socrotary. 11 to 12 a. m. Wnter parado. Dost decoratod launch In parado. Two prlzos, $10 and $5. 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Races nt Fair Grounds. No. 1 Trottlnc nnd pacing; hair mllo heats, host threo out of flvo, frco for nil. Purco, $150. No. 2 Running, half mllo dash, for horses owned In Coos County slnco January 7, 1913, catch weights. Purso, $100. No. 3 Running mllo dash, catch weights, horses not trained thin soason. Purso, $20. No. 4 Running, ?i mllo dash. Purso, $160. No. 5 Half mllo mulo raco. Purse, $5. No. 6 Carrlago horso raco; half mllo heats, best two out or thrco. Purso, $25, F. P. NORTON, Secretary. 2 to 4:30 p. m. Field sports In town. 100 Yard DtiBh ror boys undor 10 years. Thrco prizes, $3 $2 and $1. Polo Vault Frco ror nil. Threo prizes, $5, $3 nnd $1. Polo Vault Roys undor 10 yenrs. Throo prizes, $5, $3 nnd $1. Polo Vnult noys undor 13 yearn. Thrco prizes. $5, $3 and $1. Running high Jump FYcq for nth Threo prizes, $5, $3 nnd $1. Polo Vnult Hoys under 16 years. Threo prizes, $5, $3 nna $1. FRANK n. COHAN, Secretary. 4:45 to G p. m. Log rolling con test. Threo prlzos, $25, $10 nnd 55. A. II. POWERS, Socrotary. 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. nand concort, 8:30 to 9:30 p. m. atroot show. JULY 4, 1012 9:00 to 9:30 n. m. Assombly nnd music. 9:30 to 10:15 n. m. Pnrndo. Rest business or industrial flonts in parado two prlzos, $10 nnd $5. nest appoaring fratornal order in parado First prize, $10. Sundny school mnklnc best nnnoar. nnco In narndo. $10. nest docorntod automobiles in par ado, thrco prizes, $15, $10 and $5. Dost decorated buggy or wagon, nno prize, $5.00. nost decorated blcyclo in parade, $1.50. nest decorated dog or goat cart, $1.50. nest rubo wagon In pnrndo, $2. -Patrioul MAat iltnninli..l . Ti.rn:;: :... ao,l.wrii4 "Yost drilled Team" ffiS, burin. Two t,,i.. "uran Hoi(j candy each. ""' wge nost boy fine iiMr. i- n. . Dnrndo. Tn .i.. , '" "?MtU cand each. ' " box i nnVllJ.n ..uu uu 1Ui,m nu aril. 11:00 to 12:00 a. m.-lp oxorclscs. Masonic Opera Ilonie 1. Music nand. 9 T) nnl 4H4l. .Z : rjr.T"". end ----..,,, liuoyHendn u. tuuilt ilUUU. 4. Oration Dr. Hnrrv T... 6. "Star Spangled Hanner" DinJ - . "cwrmac, Stc. i:au to' z:30 p. m. nM neJ ntl.1 nThlhlllnn. ... -.1 ... l tr "" "u jiuioa, f to IB Tu. .,AN KEATING, SccreUrr. : 30 to 3:30 p. m. Field 8wi in town: BpcrtJ 100 yd. dash, freo for all. twonri zes, 110.00 and $5.00. 100 yard dash for ladlct, tiro pr .to, ru.vv UUU fd.VV, I 75 yard dash, runnier hi-w.,;J two prizes, va.oo ani $i.eo. Sack raco for bars under ll threo prlzos, $3.00, $2.00 indjl.oj iuv ynru uaon, mon welgblnr ot .uu pounuo, two prizes, 15.00 is $3.00. naso ball throwing contest, Ulld two prizes, 15.00 and $3.00. Climbing Greased pole, one prtn fZ.UU, ' Z'lo-eating contest, one prln $2.00. Frank D. Cohan, fc 4:00 to 6:00 p. m. Tuj of wd contest, two prlzos, $45.00 $30.00. A. II. Fowen. I 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Band Coacf 8:30 to 12:00 p. m. linked C nival, Conretti Dnttle, Ball. All thoso appearing on tie streots of Marsnfleld after 1:19 p. m. July 4 th, should wear masks. For information concerning tn ovont, ploaso correspond with th Secretary having that erent charge. An additional prlzo of $10.00 wl bo glvon for tho best decorated ba ncss window In Mnrebfleld dorla tho threo days. All entries for field sports ill closo at 11 o'clock on day of ewisi All citizens will kindly deconu tholr homes and business placet vlU flairs nnd buntlnc for these tbrei days. R. O. Gravel, Mil Don't Miss the Beautiful NEWS OF THE RAILWAYS oil, n tank that holds 22.000 vnneo Just hlch enmich in nv tn n... constructed n smoko stack that cost work ' Putting them in. Seven 91,400 and mado a contract ror ruol "'wte. or rather threo on both sides, oil at - .1-10 cents n gallon. This n"'1 been eiiulpped when tho extreme was two years ago. Citizens of Sa- '' co,,l weather came. Tho rnto for uuiikiii f.fu,uuu worth of thoso wrvico is now twenty-flvo cents uiiiiiiH, mm u mo law hnd not ro nulro'l that tho wholo public hnvo n ohanco at thorn, thoy would hnvo bought tho entire Issuo. bonkors sny. Ilolng nn Inland town, n nr..rvr settlement, Sabethn had to dig for Its water. Most towns would hnvo bored tho wolls and let it go at that. Hut Halietha s wlso men did morn. Timv pestered tho stato board of health tin- tM0 surrounding towns nro arranging ... im ...Miuris jiiuriiovou to its lionrd- ,n "" eieurie current from Snbothn n square root or radiation, about 75 per cent, tho cost or coal, tho usors sny, hut this will bo reduced nftr tho plnnt Is paid ror , which will bo a iiuip more than two yenrs. Tho revenues rrom stenm heating, the last service yenr , 'will bo nbotit $2,000. Tho town used last winter ii.uuu nturo nci or rnuintion. As Tho Pennsylvania railroad claims to hnvo a payroll that Is unlquo among tlio railroads or the country. It hns on its snlary list 2040 em ployes who havo beon In service 40 yenrs or longer, nnd 1572 mon who served 40 years or moro nnd nro no., receiving pensions. Thero nro upon Its payroll today 489 men who hnvj been In tho service of the companv moro thnn 60 years and ono employe has beon receiving pay from tho com pany for 00 yenrs. There nro living today olght Pennsylvania employ who are over 90 years of age. Human Rosebud Pa rail An Inspiring Spectacle of a School Children's Flower brill and May Pole Dance Two Days of Horse Racin; $1,000.00 In Purses ors nnd marked tho best slto for four wells. Tho slto ehnnreil to bo on a mnn's farm all the land out horo Is sonieotio'8 farm so Sabethn bought tho two acres for $1,000, put n well 140 feet deop. steel cased nt ench of tho four cornors, nnd promntly plant ed tho tract to nlfnlfn. Now nlfnlfn you must romombor Is tho golden egg of Kansas. In this rase tho crops, four or flvo In number, cut from the for light and power, more steam will do generaieti ana in this way tho In evitable extensions will bo supplied i nose wno need stenm heat, Llbby COAL. Tho ktnd YOU 1-ave ALWAYS USKD. Phone 72 Pacific lAxvry & Transfer Co. Have your Job printing dona at fha Times' o."lca. If you havo anything to sell, tinde r rear, or wnnt help, try a Want An HKLPEI) TO KKKP DOWN KXPKNSKS Mrs. J. E. Henry, Akron, Mich tolls how she did so: "I was both Dancing Every Nigh Good Music,Sf ti c,!ilVoy8 of Sabetha lered with my kidneys and had to I'll, "I L l!r".8. nJL . nearly .double. I trrod a sample Btonm radiators is tho town cloanll ness. u hns no coal smoke. Tho houses are bright, tho windows shine. One's linen shows no signs of black, Thero aro no ashes in the a)- saninlo ... Foley Kidney Pills and they did me so much good thnt I bought a bottle, nnd reol that they saved me a big doctor's bill." Red Cross Dm Store. Come: We Will Be Glad to Se You Welcome