IMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912 EVENING EDITION. ft- m R h Mull " Ira l! Mk vPvv I Iff" ""A jg V - X CoprrlM Han Icbtffacr & Mm ONE trouble you find with some ready made clothes is that often they don't keep their shape Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are made of all-wool fabrics, thoroughly shrunk; the tailoring in them is highest grade; the"insides" are of best quality That's what gives shape-keeping quality; and makes style that stays stylish. Suits $20 to $35. Woolen Mill Store This' store lavtba Cooi Bay home cf -Hart SehiSntrft Marx cloths Toilet Requisites FOR YOUR Summer Outing .... ... ... M .. . ii.i i-.t rri,lli i e carry uio largest lino on '.ooh nay or evurymuiK nutuuu. iu liap, Tooth nniBlioa, Tooth Paste Tooth Powders, Cold Cream. Tal linn rowuor, runtimes, in rani an uio iimo mnigs nuvvij IIDor comfort nnd convonlonce nwny from homo. COMB AND 8KB US REFORE YOU CO AWAY. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" FHONE- MAIN 298 US P. S. if it la a sea voyaco, don't forget a bottlo of Mothorslll's 'ck remedy. COOS RAY TIDES. oi w la Blvon tho time and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tides aro placed In the order of occurronco, with tholr tlmti on tho nrBt lino and holghts on the sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive heights will indicate whother It la high or low water. For nigh wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 mlnutoB. Oato. Titles for Jump. Hrs. iFeet lira. Fcot lira. Feet lira. Foot lira. Feet Tides .G.30 .0.2 10.33 .C.G .1.10 .0.3 . 1.G5 .0.1 .2.31 .0.3 1.19 4.0 7.18 0.2 7.59 0.G 8.33 0.0 9.22 0.5 0.09 3.2 2.11 4.1 2.57 4.2 3.35 4.5 4.09 4.5 0.00 0.0 G.G9 3.'5 7.40 3.S 8.28 3.9 9.00 3.9 T1IH WRATH Hit (Dy Associated PrctB.) OREGON Showora tonight. Tllllt'Kilnv trnlinrnlto fnlt .wnn, A llllllllln- .. .. . .. t onunuiH unu cooier in norincnst. WcHtorlv wlmln. WASHINGTON Showers in West fltlil Rhnwnra nml Mnimlnr. mornis in oaat tonight nnd prob- nlllV TlllirRflnv. Pnnlnv In nnof portion winds. LOCAL tonight. Wostorly TUMPHTUTUHE UK-' POUT. For twentv-fniir hnnra amllni ! at 4:43 n. m.. Juno 20, by DonJ, , Ostllnd, special govornmont mo- j toorologlcal observer: Maximum 72 .Minimum 54 4 At 4:43 n. m G4 Precipitation 1.01 ' Precipitation alnco Soptombor 1, 1911 G9.01 Wind northwest: partly cloudy. . I HORN. ! HuaEllS To Mr. nnd Mrs. Anson Rogers nt their homo on Coos River today, Juno 20, a nine pound son. Mother and child nro doing nicely nnd tho proud futhc-r would not trado places with tho fn vorlto sons In tho National political conventions. Tho grnndpnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Rogers, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larson, nro nlso ovorjoyed. This Is tho first non bearing tho nnino of Rogora In tho third generation of tho Hogoru family hero. Congratulations nro being shnworod upon tho happy families by ticlr scorcH of frlondB today. Camps to Close Tho logging ramps around Coos Ray will work I next Sunday nnd closa down next Tuesdny ovonlng for tho bnlanco' of , tho week to lot tho employes linvo WANT ADS. Homestead Southern Oregon out from Ashland, woll tlmborcd on public road, In fruit bolt. Relin quish for $250. C01110 to 129 4th Street, Aahlnnd, Orogon. WINDOW-cleanlng, floor iiollshliii:, etc. Call A. handles. Phono 8-J. M)ST Hamuli gold three-link Odd Fellows' pin. Return to Times of 1 flee and recclvo rownrd. WILL PARTY who picked up pair of long brown kid gloves yesterday plonso return snmo to Times' of-tlco? FOR RENT Smiill house, furnished. UG5 Soveuth Streot. The Sign of Good Candy Always fe Clean and Press s' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Bay Steam Laundry ."mk MAIN 07 -J l"llmbeth Fred Nem,e lllar Alirn Qotnirn I ""fl Cars Hoasniiiililo ftulod &,.?& Service . .. "i urivinn aaiiAri fUllPw1'0 Po0' Room. '231-R Lpalii A,ter ll p- M- Phone ssl- iioamurnnt It.. . hit YATe antMns to sell, trade. ' AT WANTED A girl to assist with general housework who can go homo nlghtB. Apply at 139 South Tenth st. WANTED A saleswoman. Apply be tween 7 nnd 8 In tho ovenlng at 250 Front st. SOCIAL CALENDAlt TODAY. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. A. L. Dutz. Elks' Rail. W. C. T. U. with Mrs. F. A. Wheeler. THURSDAY Mrs. P. A. Snndborg, enter- tnlnlng nt ten. n complete Fourth of July celebration. tlco Pounock hold that tho Smith Powors Co. is still responsible, for tho bill. Hnlit Docs Damage Coos Rivor rnnchcrs In tho city today report that the rain has dono much damago to the hay ami amiill fruit crops. I Wed in Coqulllc Will Abel and Miss Ellen Sneddon, two well known Marshflold young people went to Co qulllo yestordny afternoon whoro 1 they wero quietly mnrried. Tho bride Is a daughtor of Mrs. Kllen Ktlnttltftll ntltl tlln tM'fintn lu tlln ann of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Abel. Tho brldo was until recently employed ns cashier of tho Coos Hay Dakory. A host of friends of the young cou plo will unite in wishing thorn a long nnd happy voyago over tho sens of life. Thoy will make their homo In Marshflold. Entertain Imst Evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Parsons entertained last evening for Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Qrcon nnd their gueata, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Young and Miss Isabel Young, of Albany. Clear Right of WnyJ. II. Plnkor ton of North Inlet who was a Marsh flold business visitor today roports that ho has been informed that tho contractors for tho Southorn Pacific lino will soon hnvo crows busy clear ing tho right of way for the road. A Delightful Dancing Party. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. Smenton cntortnlnod hiBt evening nt one of tho 111041 charming dancing parties of tho sea son. A full account of tho event will appear In tho social department of Tho Times Snturday. Drill Friday. Prof. Ucggs an nounces that tho "Humnn RoaobuJ Pnrndo" rehearsal will bo held Fri day at 2 nnd the Maypole drill at tho same time. All tho children In tho county nro Invited to march In tho pnrndo. Fifty moro girls wnnted on Friday. Romantic MiitTlngc Tho mnrrlngo of It. R. Plnkorton of North Inlot lu Portlnnd this week to Miss Ethel Stiles, who enmo from Pittsburg, Ponnsylvnnla, to meet her promlsod husband marks tho culmination of a collcgo romance. Mr. Plnkorton and Miss Stiles graduated In tho samo clnss from tho Ktngsvllle, Ohio, Ac ademy some llftccn years ago nnd tho nffectton of their school dnys finds Its fruition this week In tho Roso City. Mr. Plnkorton owns n lino homestead on North Inlet nnd rocontly added a swarm of bees to his possession. When ho left for Port land his father, J. II. Plnkorton, said ho had gono to get a queen, So ho has but alio will bo queen of tho ranch Instcnd of queen of tho hlvo. PERSONAL NOTES S. D. IIARPBR Is making n business trip to Coqulllo today. Uso Mocks Tho cedar blocks for paving Anderson nvenuo botweon Hrondway and Third street aro now being cut nt tho Smith mill. Spoclnl blocks nro nlso bolng rut for lining tho rails along Front street, It bolng Impractical to put tho hard paving up against tho rails. North Rend Team I'nst Tho North llend Fire Depnrtmont's hoao team Is training hard for tho races hero on tho Fourth nnd expects to carry off tho honors. Whllo they hnvo not given out their tlmo It Is reported by tho wiso ones that thoy have a good fast bunch nnd will mnko Marshflcld hustle, MISS PHOBDB LARSON Is visiting In town today from Larson Inlet. MRS. 13. DYER of South Coob rivor was n Marshflold visitor yestordny. W. H. D1ND1NOER Is making n bus iness trip to Coqulllo today. Hot Hoiiho Cucumbers J. J. Clin kenbenrd of Danlols Crcok brought down tho first hot houso cucumbors over produced on Coos Day to Marsh flold markets. Thoy aro products of his nowly constructed grconhouso nnd In appearance nnd flavor oxcol! tho Imported vnrloty. Next season Mr. Cllnkenbonrd hopes to bo first In tho market with theso uucculont vo-gotablos. Uso Old Konil Road Supervisor Norton urges that tho old road bo tweon Coos Ray nnd Coqulllo, Hint Is vln Llbby, bo used until ho com pletes tho work ho now tins underway on tho rond vln Hunker Hill. Ow ing to tho dcop cuts on tho Hunker Hill road, tho hoavy rains .nro caus ing slides thnt Intorforo sorlously with rigs nnd nutos. Ho hopes to got tho now rond In good shape soon. Growing Fast. Oeorgo Ross wns down from Catching Inlot todny on business. Uu Is chnncollor command er of Myrtlo Lodgo No. 3 of Mursh Hold nnd reports thnt tho lodgo Is en joying nn umiBunl growth. So many now mombors hnvo boon Joining ro contly thnt ho finds It necessary to cnll snmo special meetings to dispose or the business. Tho first of tho spe cial meetings will bo hold next Sat urday night. HrlngH Octopus In Peter Scott brought In nn octopus today which measured about eight foot sproad. PROF. REaaS loft hero this morn ing for Coqulllo. MAYOR L. J. SIMPSON of North Rend wns n business visitor in Marshflold today. EDOAR McDANIEL, of North Ilond. was a Marshflold business visitor todny. O. V. HOLLISTER, of tho Albors Co of Portland, nrrlvod on tho Alli ance on business. MISS QBNBVIHVB TELLEFSON, of Enstslde, Is n Mnrshflcld visitor to day. J. D. CLINKINDHARD. of Danlols Creek, Is n Mnrshflcld shoppor to day. WAYNB STEAD oxpects to loavo shortly for his old homo In Iown whoro ho will roninliv until spring. AUGUST FRI55EBN loft this morn ing for tho Anderson plnro on South Slough. T. E. SUTTON wont to tho Coqulllo Vnlloy today to put up hills for tho Mursblleld colobrntlon. MRS. CHAS. IIICKOX nnd Mrs. Mc- Cullough roturnod yesterday from 11 short visit with friends nt Myr tlo Point. MISS EUOENIA SCHILLING arrived hero yesterday for an oxtondod stay nt tho homo of her mint, Mrs. W. P. Murphy. horo by Dr. A. L. Housoworth to day. J. E. OREN nnd wlfo nnd children aro expected horo on tho noxt Nann Smith to spend a fow wcoka with frlonds and rolatlves on tho Uny. They nro now located at Hay Point. DR. GEO. E. DIX Is plnnnlng to spend tho month of Soptombor with his mothor nnd othor rela tives nt Rochostor, Minn. This will bo his first visit at his old homo In four yenrs. II. W. ARCHER arrived horo on tho Redondo to roltovo Operator Moe nt ho Marshflold United Wlrolesa Statton. Mr. nnd Mrs. Moe will niovo to Portland, Mr. Moo having taken a position ns wirolcBB opera tor on tho Rrenkwator. TOM LAWHORNE camo down from his Allegany ranch today to got a consignment of windows nnn doors for tho now houso ho Is building, Ho says ho has a flno field of spuds but the rains mako tho woods grow nlmost as faBt as tho potatoos. EUGENE CONKLIN expects to loavo tomorrow for Eureka, Calif., whoro ho will spend soma tlmo with relatives nnd grlcnds. Ho has been employed nt tho C. A. Smith mill. Ills daughter, Miss May Conklln, will accompany him. MRS. J. L. KOONT55 and children left yesterday for Gardiner whoro thoy will visit nt tho homo of hor undo, Captain Halt, kcopor of tho Umpqua Light Houso. Prior to hor marrlago, Mrs, Koontz mndo her homo for years with Capt. and Mrs. Hall, hor mothor having dlod when sho wns qulto young, nnd thoy regard her moro as n daught er than nn a niece. ' $ HOTEL ARRIVALS Chandler Hornco Richards, Dan don; J. R. DoLong, nnd wlfo, Port lnnd; H. M. Knhn, Portlnnd; O. H. Miller, Randon; D. J. Dolnnoy, Port land; Maud Nowton, Portlnnd; O. Jules, Portland; J. W. Holllstor, Portland; J. Fosytho, Portland; O. Krcomnn, Portland; 8. P. Uartlon, Wm. Cnndlln, Coqulllo; F. Wines, Tncomn. Rlrnco R. II. Glinllairi, Grants Pass; A. B. Elliott, Portland; Rud Hutehcson, Port Orford, 44. 44 AMONG THE SICK Goorgo Murch was tnkon to tho hospital last ovonlng to undergo a minor operation. Mrs. Robort Young, whp under went nn oporntlon nt Morcy hospital Monday, Is doing nicely. Mrs. Knud Erlckson roturnod homo todny from Morcy hospital where sho recently undorwont an op orntlon. Mrs. F. E. Hnguo will probably bo ablo to loavo Morcy hospital to morrow, much to tho gratification of her frlonds. Miss Fnnnlo McLean who has boon vory ill, Is gottlng nlong nicely at tho homo of her Hlstor, Mrs. D. Ferguson. aro Soveral of thoso doou sea tlsh brought In overy yonr by Coos Ray! flshormon. Thoy mnturo host in southern wnters whoro thoy roach their greatest slzo, A mnu stands llttlo chanco when tho octopus gets one of Its arms around him nnd starts sucking his blood with Ita thousands of suckora. F. A. WARNER of tho O. A. Smith Co. loft Snn Francisco yosterdny to mnko tho trip overland In nn nut6 to Coos Ray. MRS. ALICE DOLl! Mrs. Ohns. Ualdwln nnd Andrew MrClolland loft horo this morning for Rnndon on n pleasure trip. MRS. AL. KIRKLAND of Portland nrrlvod In tho city this week for n visit nt tho homo of hor daugh ter, Mrs. R. Hendry. NORTH IXLICT NEWS. , (8pcclal to Tho Times.) Mr, Jones, 0110 of tho railroad con tractors, was horo n fow days ago nnd Btntod that ho 6xpectod to hnvo tho clearing gang In this section within a weok. Mrs. Mary Thompson, of Mnrsn llold, has been visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. Savugo horo. Sho will tench a two mouths' term In tho Shuttor school district nt Ten Mile. Mrs. McNnry nnd Miss Crnlg, of Hunker Hill, nro visiting nt tho O. Hamilton homo. Jus. Rubs, whq has bcou living at tho homo of his brothor-ln-lnw, Chas. Hamilton, has taken a position nt tin Smith mill, . . J. II. Plnkorton wont to Marshflold on business todny. Ho oxpects his sou, who Is to ho mnrried In Portlnnd todny, and his brldo to nrrlvo homo Friday. JOE SHIRA of North Rond who Is arranging to open n liquor estub llshmont nt Ten Mllo wns n Marsh flold business visitor yesterlny. Company is Held Justlco O. L. Ponnock honrd the enso of Thayor Grimes vs. Roy Abbott thla morn- u, v. RRADFIBI.D loft for his old lug. Grimes uttnehod Abbott's wages. ),omo ul Docntur. III., this wook fronr tho Smith Powors Logging Co., ftur n fow months on tho Ray his claim amounting to $25.80. Ah- Wth his brother, Harry Rrudllold. nott cannon ins 111110 chuck wiiiiu iiih The Royal TONIGHT FOR SALE B-yeaiMtld Jercoy Cow: good mllkor. Phono 021. wages woro gnrnisneu, nnu mo Smith-Powers Co. allowed tho chock when turned In by tho bank. .Jus- I'OR RENT 7 Room Modern Houso on Pino St. Inqulro Mrs. A. Huteh cson, Phono 297-L. .WANTED Girl to cV office worts; experience unnecessary, auu In own handwriting "Opportunity" cnio of Tlmos. "Miillllo IloilltOII," COIIieil). I .., , .. , Imrso. "The Trouble Maker," ilinnu. W0Rjlt ifloo. Also good heavy "Sixfold Duel of FooWiead," funny. Bpring wagon and harness. Seo F. Tomorrow Night .n Indian Maid's Elopement." "The Wrong Rattle." "The Stranger." A Dime's WoitU of Fun and Fcatuiv. Have That Roof Fixed SOW See CORTBELL Have your Job prtatw done ai S. Dow. WWTED Mohair, wool and ens cara bark. Apply to Henry Seng stacken. nt office of Title Guar antee & Abstract Co. HUIOAIN SALE; 40 horsepower auto for 500; first-class condition- fully equipped: cost now J3000' will sell for S500 on easy ?: John .L. Koontz Machine shop". North Front streot 180-.T. Phone Marshfield Cyclery nirVci.Es for rent Phone 15K-R. 17!I No. Rroadiwiy. Try Some DeepSea Tuarkey A most dollcato and de licious nrtlclo of -food, suitable for lunches and picnics. Coos IBay Ice & Cold Storage Co. Phono 73. Deliveries 8 a. m.; 2 p. in. T. H. GUERIN of Myrtlo Point wns In Marshflold yesterday to close up tho deal for tho sale of his Myrtlo Point hotel proporty to J. E. Schilling. DR. J. T. McCORMAC Joft todny for Coos River whoro ho will spend a few dnys nt their summor homo, Mrs. McCormac and Fred having precodod him there. 1 L. A. LILJEQVI8T nnd wlfo nrrlvod liuru luuuy Hum iuiuinu uu iuiiiu to Wasnu, Wis., whoro thoy will spend n mouth or so visiting at Mr. Llljeqvlst'u old home, MAYOR AND MRS. E. E. STRAW will nrrlvo homo July 1 from nu oxtondod visit nt Klamath Falls according to n telegram received RUY NOW. 801110 cholco lots In NORTH REN'D ran bo had at n very ronsonnblo prlco If tnken now. E. S. GEAR & CO, First National nank. Poison Oak Is immediately relieved and cured by applying "DERMOL. The latest sci entific and best remedy on the market. 09 in every 100 cases cured. Money rei'iindcd elicerCnlly if yon aro not satisfied. T)ER 10L is a pleasant, cool ing, healing, antiseptic cronm. SOLE AGENTS. I ;1 ;T"i g n h ll tmTti Mraiffli3ca iJflllB'Stff IDR' m flflUR iFrJ Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality The Times' offlce. "uiueip, try a Want Ad.