II". " compared to tho opportunities for do- lug, na Is pointed out by those lntor- cJtetl In tills plinso of reform. 1 it Is nulto ovtdont that we no M. O. MAL0.VE1' Editor ami Tub. longer need to bo tormented by files COOS BAY TIMES DAN K. MALQNEV News Editor Entered nt tho poutofflco t Marsh Held, Orogon, for transmlsslnm through tho mails as socond claw mail matter. Dedlcnted to the service of tho people, that no good causo shall lack a chnmplon, and that evil shall not Ihrlro unopposed. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. One year Per month WEEKLY. Ono year 16.10 .10 nnd nioBqtiltos anil other dangerous pests If wo set about their elimina tion In n Bclontitic innnucr. rro fessor Hodge of Clark University do clnies thnt the problem of tho fly filth la so ensy ns to bo humorous. Tin hna Interested tlw chlldran of the ! public schools In tho campaign, nnd bellovo thnt rcwnnU should bo given not to' thoso securing tho greatest number nf dend flics, but to the f fighter who Is able to report n clean J field, n street or alley or back yard that has no flics. But tho fly and mosquito cam paign Is only ono of tho mnny Indi cations of a now regard for material comfort Hint Is arising. Tho rigors I WITH THE t I TOASTANDTEAS " (5001) EVENING Evolution. I know not of n thousand croodB Which ono la right; A child In midnight's gloom and darkness lost I seek tho light. When nald strictly In advanco tho subscription pricu of tho Coos Day Times is J6.00 per year or 12.60 for six months. $1.60 of clitnnto nro mndo loss disastrous An Indepondont Republican nows papor publishod every ovonlng except Sunday, and Wookly by Tho Coon liny Timoa Publishing Co. Address nil communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. ' Afnrahflrld :t a " Oregon EQUITABLE TAXATION. NOW that the question of cqult nblo taxes Is bolng dlscusBod In Oregon as n result of tho slnglo tnx fenturo of tho noxt olectlon, it might bo woll to cxamlno the meth ods pursued In othor atntes. In tho mnttor of levying and collecting rev enues, a glanco nt Now York would not bo amiss. There last year whnt is known ns n corporation tax ylcldol nearly $10,000,000, while- tho second source of rovonuo was from Inherit ance taxes, amounting to more thnix $8,000,000, tho cxclno tax being third nt less than $8,000,000, nna about $2,000,000 wns raised from the mortgngo tnx. It Is probnblo that the Inheritance tax collections In Now York this year will amount to about $20,000,000. Thoro nro two cIobsos of beneficiaries under the Now York Inhorltnnco tax law. Tho first clnss Includes fathom, mothers, husbnuds, wives, children, brothers, slstors, wives nnd widows of sons nnd husbnuds of daughtors of decedents. Tho olher class In cludes all othor persons named ns beneficiaries In wills nnd nil corpora, lions not exempted from tnxntlon on tho ground of public policy. Persons of tho 'first clnBs may -. cclvo bcqUCsts ut) to $5000 without paying any tax whatever. On any anion nt n excess of $RQ00 up to $r0 pOO their hhnroa nro tnMI 1 por coiltt on ntnoiints from $f!0,000 to $2",0,r ,000 they nro taxed 2 por cont; on amounts from $2Ti0.000 to $1,000, 000 tho lax Is 3 per cent, while In hmounts In excess of $1,000,000 tliu tnx is 1 "por cont. PorsonR of tho second class mny receive 1000 without taxation, but nro tnxed 5 por cont on any bequest from $1000 to K0,000, 0 por cent up to $2G.D,000. 7. percent up to $1, 000,000, and 8 per cent on nil)' amount In cxcchb of $1. 000, 000. THE TIME TO SHAPE YOUR CA REER IS IN THE PHEPAH ATOUV SCHOOL. I-' ONLY somo ono," Clara "I by various protective devices. And Instead of ruthlessly appropriating the forces of nature or destroying them, as we hnvo dono in tho pnst, wo aro beginning to question na U tho future and the ultimate effect' of our actlonB. Man's place In the scheme has soonied to be thnt of an lutclllgoni npproprlntor. And ho Is Just coming to rcnlizo tho possibilities of Ills po sition. Not ruthlessly, but reverent ly, nnd nt tho snmo tlmo with vigor nnd conviction should tho work of humanity reflect this now spirit of ro gard for humanity's boat comfort nnd concern. Tho work requires tho co operation of nil. Tho avenues for of fort nro manifold. It Is Important that wo loam to utillzo thorn wlsoly. If Job had only hnd a telophono Ills record for patience might hnvo been achieved. VACATION DAYS. When I think It host to enjoy n rest I don't go to Cork or Homo, to tho mounlnlns fleo, or Infest tho sea I Just llo around nt homo. With my trusty pipo which Is good nnd rlpo I Book for tho uoldcn Flooco in a rattling book, in a cozy nook, my foot on tho. mnntolploco. I do not sigh for Italian sky or yearn for an Alplno guldo; I do not crave for tho ocean' wave I'm perfectly satisfied. In books I find from tho beastly grind rollof thnt Is better far than to blow my wnd for n tour aboard In airship or motor cnr. I climb no hills and I pny no bills for breathing tho moun tain ntr; I am not mobbed nnd I am not robbod nt home- In my enBy chnlr. I pny no ensh for outrageous hash but feed on tho things I like, nnd I do not wnku at tho morning's break with tourists, somowhoro to .hike. I nm not clubbed by tho cops or snubbed, ns tourists nro oftoh spurned; tuv Jaws don't creak in attempts to speak n innguago I nevor loqrned. And" wnon I nm dono with vncntlnu fun no wenrlsomo tales I pour from a tlre Iobb Jaw of tho things I saw so no ino cans nip a boro oc?ri.M.i!ii,wr Cbajcjh 4rji WOMAN'S SOLILOQUY A husband, liko nn . umbrolla, should bo Bolectod for his durnhlo nnd sorvlcoablo qualities rather than for his shapo and stylo thoso bril liant showy pattorns ftoldom stand thovoar nnd tear of domesticity and UHiinlly fndo or shrink or .run in tho wnBh of matrimony, writes Holen Ilowlnnd. Evory man looks upon homo ns n Ilrown Lyman walls, "could. ..,V .'..'-.'... "'...',. 'f, "'", .""".,. ' " " hnvo told rao boforo I loit ' "" v" "" .".."" B,,u "'" uo " coIIoko! Thon how dlfforont my business llfo would havo boon!" Miss Lymnn spent four yonrs it collego fitting horcolf to tonch, bo- cnuso nt thnt tlmu no othor profeH slon open to women off 0101! equnl opportunities. A brief enroor, how over, as n teacher hIiowciI her thnt hor heart was not In the work. So nho secured n Job us reporter of mimical nnd driunntlc nffalrs. She graduated to gonoral reporting, niut Borured n "hcoop" on a basoball story that mndo a Mauhnttnn editor linaglnn it wns written by n man nnd mndo Mlas Lyman migrate to tho metropolis In tho faith that sho would Immediately obtain a position on any papor at a flno salnry. head rost or n footrost. No homo Is comploto without a hushnnd; he Is ns ncressnry nn n clock, ns. useful ns n doormat nnd ns dcrnrntlre ns n potted plant. It Is difUcult to toll which is the moro tragic flguro-rtho woman whom n niun should havo married and didn't, or tho woman whom lie shouldn't have mnrrlod nnd did. Making famo, or making n for tune, or mnklng bookH nnd political apoechos is not tho real forto of a woman. It's mnklng a husband nut of n man. Flnttor n husband n ilttlo and ho will adoro you; flntter him too much nnd bo will bocln to wonder wliv I such a porfoct combination of wit. 1 only know that nothing is to day A8 yeatorday; The whole world changes and I too ovolvo In God's own way. . Vorno Dowltt Rowoll "MY VIEWS" A Humtlng Record of In dividual Opinion by a Quiet Observer. A COJLMON LIKE. Editor Times: Tho death of tho lato King of Don mnrk In tho streets, tho romovnl of tho royal body to tho common morgue where it awaited idontiflca- 1 tlon, wrapped in nn ordinary winding sheet nnd among other forms equally silent and unknown, has provided tho I . I. 1..K.I t ..f i1i a worm wun n sinning uxiuii-i-u ui iu a 'groat leveling power or dcain, or tno Tim BUOTIIEIl OF LIGHT Ho nover koops n catnloguo of cvor- lastlug woes; Ho says good morning to tho world an' whistles as ho goes; Ho hides tho thorns o' llfo away and only wears tho roso Brother to tho two high hills of Morning. Tho pleasant patliwnys known him Holds whero tho daisies throng Tho winds mnko music for him ns thoy swoop tho world along, And when thnt music's silent in his honrt ho hoars a song, Brother to tho Light that makes tho Morning. And fnr awny up yonder, in tho win dow o' tho bluo, Tho drenmed-of angols listen to nn echo glnd and now Thrilled to tho Gates of Glory, and they say: "Hcavcn'B lovo to you, Brother of tho Light that makes tho Morning!" A Marshflold man who rocontly quit n situation told n friend ho had Bono Into business (or hlmsolf tho business wns looking for nnothor Job. Hugh McLnln says that tho comont ho carries is strong enough to mend tho break of day. Somo "Coos Day men dlvido tholr lives botwoon trying to' forget and trying to rocovor from tho effects of trying to forgot. You may talk of your dandy dancors, Of nny place or cllmo, Who Htop the fancy Loncors, And whose movement Is a rhyme Of. thoBo who tiend the "Texas Tom my" On tho stage or on n rug, But thoro's nothing halt so funny As the "Two Jims" In a "Runny , Hug." You mny rave about tho maiden Who dances on her toes, Or of the grncoful glrllos Who travel with the shows. But of all tho world's groat duncors, Thoro nro none thnt can compare With tho poetry of motion Of tho "Two. Jims" . the "Grizzly Bear." (almoin nll.nlianrliltiif nlillvloil willed none can gainsay. No royot robes, or attendants or stately death chnmbor, ndded their unmeaning pomp to tho great man's passing. No bells or heads or echo ing dlrgo recalled tho thouglitloss mind to tragic mood, but tho ordi nary daylight hum or Hamburg streets, the ordinary curious gaze of caBiinl crowdB. and then tho cold mnr ble slab and tho long, pnlo garment with tho dignity of Its uttlmntonoss mid tho democracy of Its unpreton slon. The incident wns n strangely touching one. And yet, significant only beennso of tho hnlo nnd mystery which death nlways lends. Tho cir cumstances of his dying woro rcnlly no moro meaningful than tho fact of his living, of his walking unrecog nized through tho highways of tho world. "An elderly gentlcmnn In n sack suit" this was tho description to which tho King nnswerod In his man's cstnte. Tho Ilttlo details of his dnlly wants, his dreams, his sadness", his ensual laughter, all must hnvo been as botraylngly human ub IiIb death, yet they were not regarded so. For wo aro likely to forgot tho commonness, the mutual Interests of our several human lives. Wo pans men nnd women In tho strpot with Ilttlo thought thnt thoy nro men nnd women with heart's and inlndB vory much like our own. Thoy scorn so many passing shapes, sometimes BiulHngniid at 1 I rnct I ye. sometimes ills MOTHER AND HER 1!0 CHILDREN TO CHURCH MARSHALL, Mich., Juno 20 Mrs. William .Moore, wifo of a farmer of Burlington township, brought her twenty-six children to this plnco rocontly to attend church, nnd Incldeutully, watch hor post u letter to Thcodoro Roosevelt telling' him tho slzo of her family. Practically the whole town turned out to watch tho army of youngsters toddling nlong with Mrs. Moore, nnd tho res- taurant koopora hurrlod to mako oxtrn arrangements for fcodlng tho brood. "Thoro nro a lino lot, too," Mrs. Mooro Bald, "and I Imag- ino Toddy will bo glnd to hoar that thoro is such a largo family in this country. Now, thoro's a lino mnn Mr. Rooso- . volt. Ho has tho right Idea and .would voto for him It I only could." ' A girl may bo n;porfcct dear, but Just because sho carries- away tho tooth sho has had-extracted is no sign ulio's also an Elk. COUNCIL MEET IN NORTH k Many Street Improvem J Discussed-No DefJ Action Taken. M,.. " nVUB tho W ww uiuu;ii mot evenlnir . u proposed street lmnrn5.JIBIIrt broiiL'h i... i...l""pronient. " . "' "i 110 infli.. wtiB tnkon on ti,. ,,B"nto Ono of tho matter. ,,. was tho oneiilni -.".JM Mrs. Mooro desnlto her larao -minuy is only 4C yoarfl old. And while you arc growling about tho weather hero It might bo woll to romoinbor thnt In tho east thoy -aro having tho imual number of boat, prostrntlons nnd V. T. Stoll recolvod n lottor from Spoknno saying it Is 110 In tho shado. Frank Parsons has a papor from Missouri telling of cy clones and Moods, WE WONDER Wo wondor, on That othor shoro, If people still Ask, "What's tho scoro?" ARCHIE JOHNSTON. Tho youngest of hor children has not yet piiBsod Its llrst yoar. Sho wns married first whon sho wns 1 1 years old, nnd mnrrlod hor prcsont husband whon sho was eighteen, having glvon birth to ono child by hor first husband. 4 Fourteen of tho twenty-six children nro twins, tho othors having nrrlved ono at a tlmo. "Yes," Mrs. Mooro snld, "It Iiuh boon hnrd to ralao all thoso children properly but It Is not as hard to havo a largo family In this country ns most pooplo would suppose." Dcsplto tho euros and worries of govorning twonty-slx children and n hus- band, Mrs. .Mooro llnds tlmo to keop up with the times and Is a close student of political c,on- uiiiiuiH 01 1110 country. wns tho opening 0 tm ,Mtn roadway over thn ,?L10 P' unfit nn um. t. "o" , " VI. tho tasteful tind dust-lndon, but far, far romoto. Wo bruBh elbows with ono who has porhapssouiided tho Hamo depths of trngedy that wo nro Just tasting. .Wo smllo at n chnnco Inci dent with the snmo appreciation of tho unknown bystandor, but wo do not touch his hand or look Into his eyes, or in any way respond to our miitunl emotions. Wo nro Ignorant or Indifferent. Which? Wo watch our follow bolngs with calm uuconcorn ns thoy toll or wcop or smllo nbout us, but when doath mnkes thorn sllont and unresponsive, and forever boyond need of our sym pathy or possibility of our compan ionship, wo nro Inclined to question their past curiously, to lend a mo ment's thought to tho chronicle of their living, nnd perhaps oven to let fall a tear or n bunch of flowers on tholr uunnsworlng coffins. It Is tho mystery of n common end that draws us, nnd yet tho common loves and tragedies nnd fleeting, precious Joys might well provide a similar Interest and concern. It Is conceivable that wo aro missing much In tho cold Indifference of our llvlinj. Underneath tho uxterlor of rcsorvo mid caution and foolish prldo wo iro hiding tho things thnt mnko both denth nnd llfo significant. If wo could como closer together sometimes In our living It might mako us loss childishly Inconsistent In our dying. Somewhere in tho warm touch of hands, In tho subtlo understanding of Intellects, there Is possibility of Intercourse, of a mutual responso to tho things thnt stir us and ploaso us nnd wring our sou, 4 with tholr unntiBworlng mockery. Yot wo loso nil thlH. Wo exchange It for tho pitiful sentiment of tho doa'.ii chnmbor, the cold stiffness of still hands nnd tho otornnl ntlonco of closed lips. Somehow the thrilling pathos of n common llfo leaves us un moved. DIXIT. swoop tho ontlro Pad lie Const, ns well as many other stntcs. Nor do thoy proposo to. stop nt the Presiden cy. Tho stnnd-pnt Congressmen llko Hnwloy, who was so strongly en dorsed by President Tnft whon In Rnsoburg Inst year, nro also to bo ollmlnntcd. With this end In vlow, friends of J. W. Perkins, of Rnso burg, nro urging him to enter tho rnco for Congressman from this dls-lMarH,lfloI,l I'otirth of Jnjr celebra - i, i u nn -,..... - vj waterfront simm. i.u."n7;oy city, engineer rc ZZ 8"J won a cost $531.30, cxduZ1 hlnstlng of rocks y lve would hnvo m i,n rL,t.l"npi ?S,L-pKW, foraiWtoft'oSnr116 n lodro of nm L ciT.ncc.- .91: Lend is also rovTrVT' work. The wnicr malt Vl ,1 1 to bo protoc eil nmin. ., '. ai8 tho blasts and this Win age "mu "I'. It Was RllC(rn.(.l .1 "' "KHtle " l tho bulla. fill n. I. """ for (1it.li- i.n,,,w " " oul, railroad contractu r,uCi t? nld , nxlng ,1MK ,t6,!l rip-rapping tho Some SitTi w...i. Tho council wns nouWn...! inln parties want .i.-"r Llh,t Klnln avenuo lowered, six uA ;""'" "" ruin HcPhH Union and Mcndo avenues, n(j j elnln nml win ...... .. ... '""M position. -nitroDs Tho coat of oponlnir the nll,r , or the ,, pnrk 58;S. PotlV Illlnt Win nall.,.l-..l .... engineer to bo 9103.20 ezciuh The cent of It m .... ,..u iiuimiiiB property osnei no nnoy lias never been dedlci o tho city. Tho object In ow It Is to hnvo an outlet when the provomont of Sherman nn.l v,i nvenues Is underway. Al'Ceill Illlllntlnn ,T?nlsr.,te"?5.'o.ira"hpil trlct on tho progressive ticket. Thnt I " L'"ii 111m 11 wns decided to Hnwloy can bo defeated by a llvo;?0! ", ,Nxt i'nr. It Is propose man Is concodod. and, Mr. Porklim Is I m H,b,K I''rth of July celebra .. "Mll-r. u.lrn" nil III.. Mm., Al l.iilul.'U 'MU'tll 11011(1 mill Mnrihfllil !! llnanlnirir wniilil tinl linvn In will! Inn ns'(l h) Jrtlll 111 It yearH for that Fidoral building If . 'Proposition from the North Porklns was In 'Congress. Jonathan Bourno or Dr. V. H. Coo mny ontor the Senatorial rnco as a real progres sive candidate ngnlnst Bon Soiling, who Is n Tnft supporter. Get Your Berries Now Phono your ordors Fancy Strawberries 1 8s ' was bu lOC Box $2.00 Crate j'Fine Strawberries ' band concerning Btreet llchtin. weekly concerts wns also dlscu 1110 iinna nskod Hint four clr lights bo put In at Vlrclnlit ant r mnn nnd strings of light strnir invuii ilium, 1110 rnunrii wns t 10 pay ror uio iigiitlng. The con: nowovor. decided thnt the CHv North nend would pny one-half cost of all tho cluster lights put uio jironony owiici-r m pay the ot half,, This will app'y to nil imrt town. Cltv Ttocordpr BTlivuhlre v, structod tn notify MnrAHM" v comnanv Hint the City of NV"- n would fiirnlsli frco dockese for railroad material brought-In. sins iiKXs in ins coifix .Mini ll(.N(INnl tol)leSolatrh lug Would Hi' IndUturUil. NORTH ADAMS, Mass., Junq 'lieu IMwanl I). Pomeroyi us burliM In the little rnounJ Sho fnllinl to do so, became con.- wisdom, virtuo nnd pulchrltudo ovor panlon to a wealthy woman nnd uo-i happened to marry you. Thoro would bo moro happy mar rlogos if tho nvorago woman would spond less time trying to ndjust hor luiHband to hot Idonl nnd moro tlmo trying to ndjust herself to hor husband. mi I red shorthand. Her first position as stenographer and typewriter was worth $8 n weok. She set hor teeth, stuck to this Job a year, and acquire! her business training. Her second position brought recog nition of hor oxecutlvo capacity. Sho wns round to have distinctive nlilll y THIS MTTI,EOI,D WORM). for promotional and ndvertlBlut! - work. Tho results of hor activities . 1 ' little old planet Is rolling nlon,; on this line for two years took her' ' the lilt of a laugh and a rollicking to tho Borvlco of a now mngiulno. song, needing her combination of oxperl- And over a welcoming smllo, ence ns editor nnd advertiser. From And bottor and bettor 'tis growing that to tho work, unspecified, thnt'i '"u day. she Ib doing now was 11 natural stop. And lovo bonding ovor to brighten She has arrived, Hi'e- states, who-o I the way, h)io hnd started six yonrs before; I And lighten ench wearying smllo. thnt Is, at a llfo In the business; world whero sho can seo mid bo part .This ilttlo old enrth is n havon of rest of It, With blossoms strown over Its mo- Miss I.ymnn's contention Is thnt thorly breast, the rond was too long for any woinnn' And soudlng their frngranco to travel merely for the sake of nml-1 around; lug herself. Hor conclusion Is that Thoro's evor n word of the- kindliest tho real place to start nt shnpini;' cheer one's career Is In the preparatory or, To gladden our hearts when tho Joiti hlgh Bchool. Its girls neod guidance. noy grows drear, ns to tho course that will host pro-! While pleasuro and plonty abound, pare- them for the future. She bo-' llevos that such schools should hnvo! This little old world Is a rofugo nf women on tholr ntaffs whoso solo' lovo, ciiuy snouid consist In studying girls with rapturous skies bonding o'er ns Boll your whiskers If you want to kiss, or mnny n kiss you're suro to miss. Thov snv in whiskers mlerobea A-k-t.,.....i V " .." V; .... . .. -rvTTTTTTTTT-T nosi, nnu, won, up 10 up is rnr 1110 best. ThrecCp Boxcsk-1 Crate 41 .75 tain town of llucklnnd In a coM flu that ho made with his own hands u strange plea made W tho old man to n doctor to mvI his llfo for two weeks came to light. "Cnn't you keep mo alive two! weeks?" asked tlio 111 nun, anxiously. Why do yen wnnt to llrei PERKINS TO Rl'N who seem promising and In advising them what to elooso as a profession. Out of her experiences and heart aches ns a bncholor maid In business Miss Lymnn utters this wnrning: "There o a wider Held for girls un fitted to enter nubile or professional llfo than nnv Held offered by busl liois. This field Is the home." above. And little ones clasping our hnno, While eyes, nil alight, smllo tho Jjy that they know Back Into our own, with n honrt nil aglow, And a yearning we well under stand. This Ilttlo old world Is a beautiful sphere, STORY OF THE DAY Chick! Chick! I 800 by old friend Joo Schilling is thinking of going Into tho hotel bus iness in Myrtlo Point. That's tho placo wlioro Archie Johnston and Gone Paddock rocontly found thorn- bo enrrjed for Tnft solves dining together. On looking ' ovor tho bill of fnro thoy noted that m-ma young "fry woro 'speclnl" for that inoal, so Archlo turned to tho pretty Ilttlo waitress and askod: i "How's tho chicken?" Tho young lady blushed, then nn- sworeii: "on, nn nirigiu. now are you?" HosebiiiK .Mini Mny lie Candidate on New Rouse veil Ticket. Tho Roseburg Review says: "Slnco tho "Btoam-rollor" has re nominated Taft and Shormnn nt Chi cago, tho progressive Republicans now declare that thoy will carry moro states ror iioosovolt than will Thoy oxpoct to JiiBt two weeks?" asked thodoc-l Logan Berries 5coerbox 5 ,0wen. v,,,, .e. he-wiw. ' a ... .. ... . -.., I.. IV. ,1 I nnvo six liens fcuuuiK m i'i coffin and I'd rather not dli-l turb them until they're! luitched." But Pomoroy d'ed n few daysl ago and now nests were foundj for tl-o hens. Raspberries 10c per Iviv A full lino of berry boxes and borry crates. The Bazar Phone 32. Th ft n nil up nf O unlit if. I Times' Wnnt Ads bring results. PREVENTABLE EVILS. TMS is pro-om'noiitly an ago ot. While Lovo lends tho way nnd is hm--eliminating the revontnble- Ills' orlng near, of llfo. From the days of slug- To guide us nlong on our way, glsh Indirferenco or fanatic stollclsnii It radiates joy, If our hearts aro we hnvo como to .1 tlmo whon tho nllght slightest as well ns tho most' appal-j With all that Is happy and cheerful Hug ailments to which flesh Is heir and bright, are receiving the most Intelligent it- Wherever we're led dnv hv dnv. 1 tentlon. And yet we have dono little SELECTED. Frank Lalso wns talking nbout taking a ilttlo auto trip with Dr. Dlx.l "But, Doe," Frank said, "If I go It must bo undorstood that you will not run ovor twonty miles an hour." , "Huh!" replied Dlx, "you don't want to go In an auto, you wnnt somo ono to tnko yqu out in n bnby carriage. " An eastern paper has found a now sporting novelty a pair of cats that do a wrestling bout. Tho felines' strong hold is, wo presume cnts-as-cats-can. WE SHOPDX'T WONDER. Thoro lives a damo in our town Whoso biscuits nro Immense, Hor husband put two dozen down And hasn't felt well since. DORSEY KRR1TZER. P o people nro naturally congon lal, nml others make "daffydllls." SPIRITUAL COMFORT. To sit up near tho pulpit. "Wo greatly do aspire, When Maud, upon" tho organ plays And liraro sings in tno choir. CLAY CHURCH. Get Ready for the Fourth We Are Coos County Headquarters for Celebration Supplies Cane Pennants Rockets Decorations Balloons Peniit nts Everything in fact to make the Great and Glorious Day one to ho Remembered. NORTON HANSEN Wholesale and Retail 'CENTRAL AVENVE- Flags Fireworks Firecrackers FRONT STREET. TWO STORES Times' Wnnt Ads bring results.