HHfl K News From Nearby Towns Taraknath Das, of Bandon, Will Not Give Up On Lecture Tour Now. Taraknath Das, the first Hindu o seek cltlzonshlp In tho United States, arrived hero yesterday from Bandon. He Ib now making a lecture tour. DaB until recently was connected with a clay products company at Dan don. He says that he Intonds to keep up his effort to gain cl.tlzonahip ana that he has been advised that he will bo given anothor opportunity to ro new his application beforo Judge Coko tho last of this month. Ho says that ho has had his papers cor rected and oxnects to gain his cov eted rights. When Das' case was up the other time, Deputy United States Dlstritt Attorney Johnson came hero front Portland to opposo it. Mr. Johnson snld that tho United States Depart ment of Commerce, and Labor was rfrcrso to granting tho right of cltl- rcnshln to Hindus. Das Is an extraordinary Hindu. He holds n Master of ArtB degree, was formerly fellow In Political Sclcncb and Economics at tho Unlvorslty ot Washington nt Seattle, Is a member of tho National Geographic Society of Washington, D. C. and Is a represen tative of tho Lnko Mohonk Confor- enco on International Arbitration, nccordlng to his card. Hero Is an Item ho handed Tho Tlmos: HINDU SCHOLAR TO LECTURE. Mr. Taraknath Das, A. M.. of Cal cutta, Indln, formoriy a follow In po litical sclonco nud economics in tho University of Washington, and schol ar In tho University ot California, mombcr National Geographic Society ot Washington, D. C, otc, who hns been lecturing in Unndon, Coqulllo, Myrtle Point, will deliver two lec tures at Socialist hall, formerly tho Ilcdmau hall, Juno 25 and 2C, Tues day and Wednesday cvcnlngB, nt p. in. On Tuesday tho subject will lie "India and Her Pooplo." Special reforonca will bo mndo on ancient civilization, social economic, political condition of tho pcoplo ot India. On Wednesday he will speak on "Soclnl Ethics of Christianity." After tho lecture the sponkor will , nnswor quoHtlons put to him by tho audience. To meet expenses n sllvor collection will bo taken. All nro cordially Invltod. MVRTLE POINT CELEBRATION Tho Myrtle Point Enterprise says: The Myrtle Club hold a special mooting last Thursday ovcnlng, for tho purpose of hoarlng tho roport of the commtttco appointed to solicit funds for tho Fourth of July celebra tion to bo held in connection with the Coos nnd Curry County Fair As sociation. In tho absonco of tho sec retary, Orvll Dodgo was nppolnted to act as secrotary. Tho commlttco re ported that approximately $400 had been subscribed. After somo discus sion It was decided that a street par ado of merchants' floats, automobiles and bucIi burlcsauo attractions as might como out, literary program and oration at tho.grovo, n barbecue, foot races and sports would constltuto the attractions. Tho following commit tees woro appointed: Parado, Walter Condron, S. C. Dradon and C. M. Schulz; entertain ment and speaker, II. A. Schroodorj bnrbocue, J. O. Stemmler;' amuse ments. II. D. Steward, II. A. Schrood- or nnd Orvll Dodgo; advertising, C. M. Schulz: concessions, Secretary of Club. ELECTION AT HANRON HAVE YOUR SPUDS ULACKLEO? Prevention HiiggvU'I by Agricultural College Crop Pest KtrjMTt. COItVALLIS, Ore., Juno 25. -At this seasoiiiinuny potato fields aio at tacked by u dlseaso known as blnc leg or blackstom. V. D. Ilnlloy of tho crop poet forco of tho Oregon Agri cultural Collogo Hiiya of tho pest: "A dlHoiiHe- of tho Irish potato ap pearing In pregon nt this season, con cerning which the college Iiiih re ceived many ImiulrloH, Is that kuowa as blnckstum or blackleg. It Is calmed by bactorlu, and has been known In the east for tomt earn. "Doth stems and tuborH nro at tacked, and while nil severe epidemic of rot In the field nr In storage has been traced to this disease, It Is quid) evident that the Ions of scattering plants Is sufficient to reduce tlio ylolds materially. "As tho nuine Implies, tho blnck discoloration of tho stem Is n con stant symptom. In live early stnges of the dlsoaso thu.pliuitH nro undor alo nnd not thrifty. Tho brnuchos anil leaves grow up ward formlae Comh Allowed Freedom Piflk Qucs- tlon CniTies. Tho Oandon Recorder says: Tho Unndon City election passed off quietly Wcdncsdny, although there was considerable cxcltomont throughout the dny. Over 300 votes woro cast, and many who had neglect ed to register sworo their votes In, whllo on tho other hand, many win) had registered did not vote. On tho park proposition proposed by tho Common Council which was for tho purposo of authorizing the purchnso of tho plat of ground known as the Parade Grounds, and baseball park, thoro socniod to bo nlmost . unanimous sentiment In its favor. Tho vote on tho park In Ward No. 1 was 1T1 for and 2G against, and In Ward No. 2, 81 for and 29 against, making n total ot 232 for nnd 55 against. On tho cow question Ward No. 1 voted 0G for shutting out the cows and 80 In favor of lotting them run. In Ward No. 2 tho voto was -14 fo. shutting up the cows nnd 70 for let ting them run, mnklng a total of 140 to 150 In favor of tho mlld-eycd bossies. In tho mayoralty contest, J. W. Mast, the present Incumbent, re ceived 114 to CO for Geo. P. Topping In Wnrd No. 1, and G4 to 4 I for Top plug In Wnrd No. 2, making n total of 178 for MaBt and 113 for Topping. For City Recorder 13. U. KajiBiuil tl'c present Incumbent, received 1 53 In Ward No. 1 to 31 for A. D. Mills, and In Wa.nl No. 2 tho voto was 00 for Knusrud and 20 for Mills, mak ing a total of 2 13' foriCnusrud and r.l for Mills. f y For Councllmcn In tho First Wnrd O. A. Trowbrldgo received 137: C. It. Wndo, 132; C. 13. nowmnu. 93; II. F. Morrison, 80; Frank Ilufford, 77. Trowbrldgo, Wndo and llowmnn bo Ing tho wlunors. In tho Second Wnrd tho voto stood: Herbert Drown. 75: Fred Mohl. 03; It. V. Windsor. GO; C. Sollmor, 153; II. II. Dufort, 31; O. J. Armstrong, 32, making Drown, Mohl nnd Windsor the winners. ItltlEI'S OF HANDON Nchh of ('Ity.liy.tlie-Sen ( Told by The Recorder. I. N. Do Long nnd faintly, who formerly lived In Dnndon but who hnvo been living nt Marshflold for fiomo time, liuvo returned hero nnd will mako Dnndon their homo ngulu. more Or loss compact top instead ot spreading out properly. In advanced Goo. Strang nnd Miss Louise Hale Htagos tho stem becomes blarkoned woro mnrrlod Thursday night nt th" below tho Hurfnco of tho ground and icsldonco of Justlcn C. It. Wndo, who Homotlmes for two nr tlnee IiicIum I performed tho coromony. nbovo. Tho upward flow of sap ts checked, and in coiifcoquenco tho City Attorney F. J. Foenoy re plant soon wilts and dlos. icelvod word yestorday to tho effect " rue organisms causing tlio iiu onso nro carried over winter In do rnylug, bruised, or , cracked tubors. Whon such potntoos nro cut for seed with other clean ones It Is ovldo'it that tho bacteria will bo well dis tributed. "If cnic Is taken, howover. to se lect sound tubers only nud spread litem to dry In the open ulr and sun light or subject them to n treatment In formalin for twu hours, using n pint In thirty gallons of water, the (llKcnso can bo prevented. wiai ti'p case or property owners along Sixth vs. the City of Dnndon, In which tho proporty owners hnd a' tempted to enjoin the city ngalint making tho Improvements nnd col lecting for tho same, hnd been decid ed nud that the Judge had decide, In favor of the city on cvorv count. This will have tho effect that tho Iiu pro omenta must be paid for by the proporty ownors. "It Is rare to find the dlsenso fpi ending from one hill to another In tho flleld, and the bacteria probably will not live ovor wintor In the soil. This, however, has not been proven for climatic conditions In western Oregon." At the i nftcnioon school olectlnu yesterdiy A. G. Thrift wns olected n TURKEY TROT MARRED FROM PUI1LIC DANCI'S ABERDEEN. Wash.. Juno 25 Mnny of tho nowor dances. such ns tho "Turltoy Trot", .tho "Dear Hug" and others ovolvod from ttio rormor. hnvo been bar red at tho Electric pavlltlon. This doclsion was enforced Inst week nnd sovoral couples woro ejected from the hall for ills oboylng the order. Tho pnvll llon Is owned by tho Grays Har bor Railway & Light company nnd tho management Intend to mnke tho Wednesday night dan ces of such n character ns not to offend tho most fastidious. If this cannot be done, thev sav that tho dances will bo stopped. : member of tho school bonrd for three years. Mr. Thrift tnkos tho plnco of A. McNalr. whoso (lino expires this yonr. Tho other candldnto placed beforo tho voters was J. L. Kronen borg. Tho fight, however, wns not over the two men. but It was tho old gymnnslum question nrousod ngaln. .Mnny who woro opposed to tho gym nasium thinking that If Thrift wore olectcil It would kill the proposition, ns .Mr. Thrift Is known to be op posed to It. J. W. Mast wns unnnl moiislv ro-elected clerk of tho school bonrd. Ilin FOURTH OF JULY CELE IIRATION at LAKESIDE. Out door sports with prizos to tho Wlnn i.HHKoi nocini, nail oamo nnd a Dance. EVERYONE INVITED. big Don't ferret PHONE S14J. ttin Turkish Hatha An unfilled want causes unhapnl' jxesa Times Want Ads bring results A CARD This Is to certify thnt Foley's Honor nnil Tnr Pnmnnim.i ,in . T contain any oplntes, and hnblt form J.lng drugs, or any ingredlonts thnt could possibly harm Its usors. On iiiu iiminiry. hs creat Iien-Mnir nmt sootl Ing qualities mako It a renl rem edy for coughs, colds nnd Irritations of the throat, chest and lungs. Tho genuine is In a yellow package. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound nnd accept no substitute. Red Cross Drug Store. I Double Your Savings First Addition To Marshfield Every savings account should bo so placed that it is earning money adding to itself and multiplying. It should be so placed that it is absolutely safe in order that tho "rainy day" which comes to us all will find it intact. Take advantago of your oppor tunity. Make Marshfield real estate your savings account. Every dollar invested will be doubled aud your monthly savings will bo multiplied many times with the growth of the city. Buy a lot in First Addition. Buy it on our easy terms. It will prove to bo the best savings,account you over opened. Every dollar invested will bo working harder for you than any you have in a regular savings account. The lots arc beautiful; somo day you'll want a home in this addition wliore the property is sunny and sheltered. Directly in the path of tho growth of the city, just n few minutes' walk south of tho high school along the Boulevard extension of South Fifth street. Fifty foot lots at but $300 each ; the lowest priced residence property in the city. Tonus to suit you. Plais at our Office. Reynolds Development Co. Coke Bldg. Owners Tel. 1G0-T. "The Grand Thing Abou The Electrio Flat Iron Is It's Economy of Time" Marshfield and North Bend Auto Lid GORST & KINO. Proprietors. SAVES LABOR SAVES TIME Many a woman has said that of the electric flat iron. Its time saving quality is only one of its best features, To a busy woman, a few extra hours each week mean everything. Extra hours for rest or recreation will keep woman young, . Telephone our New Business Department and ask to have a demonstrator call. Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178 DOUliLES OUTPUT PRICE $3.00 LEAVE MARSIIFIELI) , LEAVE NORTH I I 7:15 A.M. j 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. ' 7:45 A.M. 8:45 A.M. -8:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 10:15 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 10:46 A.M. 11:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:30 P, M. 12:15 P. M. 1:15 P.M. 1:00P.M. 2:00 P. M. 1:45 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 3:15 P. M. 4:15 P.M.. 4:00 P.M. 5:00 P. M. 4:45 P. M. 6:45 P. M. ' 5:30 P. M. 6:30 P. M. 0:16 P.M. 7:30 P. M. 7:00 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 9:00 P.M. 10:30 P. M. 10:00 P. M. 11:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 12:30 A. M. 12:00 P. M. Leave North Bond Allen's Nona stand. Leuvo Mnrshllold Chandler und DInnco Hotels nnd Busy Corner. KSTAUMSMED IN 1880. STATEMENT OK CONDITION OK FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tlio close of business, Juno 1 1, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts J427.481.48 nankins IIoubo 50 000.00 Cash and Exchanges 246,112.22 To,nl ; 1723,593.70 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In so 000 00 Surplus n.,d Undivided Profits . 5714 69.90 Doposlts 616.123.80 TOtal , 1741 KOO TA .......,,,, VHUUfU,V I Unique Pantatorium VII K MODERN DVKRH, CLHANTCRS, PRESSKRS and IIAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward E. Strauu & Co fine Tailoring Let us maka your next Suit. 253 Commercial. Phuae 230 -X. Barnard & LangworthyJ Electrical Contractors and Supplies. PIIONEIHI.R. 170 So. Itroadwny, next door Union .Meat Market. to CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Ba At (lie close of business, June 1 1, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts ,2?l'i91S Ronds, wnrranta and securities ll'albQ It. S. tinnrlft in Rnnnri MrmilnHnn -. :: . Real estate, furniture and fixtures irs'sss's Cash and sight exchange m' L Total $0U,3T3-1 T.TATUI.ITFRS finnltnl Btnolf nnlil In " J1??'?;.' Surplus and undivided profits 23 SOO.O Circulation, outstanding itt'o'I.I Doposlts Jlhv- Tota. W"3 .. . .i.i.MI, nf StOCVblJ in auamon to capital atocn tue inuivmuai nuu era is $100,000,00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON, Vlce-PrldeD DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFK