THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1912-EVENING EDITION ilTELLS WHAT IS FIE MACHIKE SHOP OPENED DO 1 0 Y Coke Bldg. OKI A VACUUM CLEANER for That Spring lIou-ccIenliig ANY CHILD CAN OPERATE TnEM No Dust or Dirt fUtlsfnctlon Guarantied UOHT TO HANDLE AND WILL LAST FOIt YEARS" THY ONR MICK ONLY' 910.00 C. A. Johnson, Oldest Furnlturo Store on Coo Day STADDEN All Unit of photogrnpli won.. bromide enlarging nnd kodak iilllhlDR. XOTICK OP SAM. OK HEAli l'ROl'ERTV. N'OTICR Is liorobv clvon that the uAtrilgneil admlnlHtrntor of tho m bit of John Mild .loronKPil will re- jTe scaled bids for tho snlo of tho Eftlnnlng 15 chains south of tho cor. &?. 14. in. 2" nnd 23. Two. 21 ' o'n. 13 W. of tho Will. Mor.. in Cms County, Oregon, run thonco S ISO Chi! thmina UF Oft nlia . tlinnn,! .50Chs',; thencoE. 20o"chs. to "'Piace of beginning, containing u . more or less Snld bids to he rresented at tho offlco of James T. . Marsliflcld. Oregon, on or bo 'e July 3, 1912. Dated at Mnrshflold, Orogon, this "lodayof Juno, 1912. ,. , ALEX JOHNSON. l", deceased. J0lICn TO CHKDITOHS OF THE POUT OF COOS HAY m Ice Is horeby glvon that in tho h . il Court of no Stnto of Orogon, j m for tho County or Coos, In tho I iereIn Thomas McGlnnls Is '! and Henry Songstacken, ot nd defendants, caso No. 3328, undersigned wns on tho 2nd day J'W. 1012, by ordor of said court, '"' appointed receiver of tho Port vwj uaj.( a (Je fact0 corporation, M that iiv .i ... . i .lj "1 UIIIUI Ol BUIU lUUIl 111 Jla railed .!.. x. .. .... lj, VI, " ""ion mo sain nay oi mi!. . ' n11 iwsons having claims tfnni . e Ba,tl P"t of Coos Day nro . Jired to nio their veriflod claims '" rrft,d Port of Coos Day wltb,n in,. '"' l'yi irom mo isi nay oi fta ."A ?J -f .th.?i. IS . - i una uuiilu, Willi uiu rZ, Snel receiver at his oillco In BdmJiS 3 aml F'"t National Bank ''1. lip Marsnfleld' Oregon, June ,ju J. D. GOSS, Receiver, l.indi publ,cat,on Saturday, June tpJ j First Addition To Marshfield Reynolds Development Owners nffTTi vi fla 'V ii ,wi fTrn HubClothing&Shoe Co. MARKHI'IEM). IIANDON. Wo Iron njodi by the very latent machlnory and tM not crush to U out of the llnon after a few weeks. Our low prossm , machinery Is so onsy on the good that nro onublHd to launder many garmonts as long as a year or more. fJiilHli thi't we iirwliire Is an ex act (lupllcnto of that which U brim worn by the most careful dressers In tho lnrgor Eastern cities. If ou want laundry work that will nlve you the sa isfnctlon of knowing that ou nro wourlng the vory latest, yo should be sure to send your package to us. Our wagons can imi-i .. Coos Bay Sam Laundry PHON'E MAIN B7-T. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman it 11 North Front St. nq Pi,nn 29CX: Res. Phone 16C-J l..t'XI)KV lht by order of said court In I j o .-. u,s0' t,nto(1 tho 29tu day of BlancharG s Livery 1S12, all norsons havlnc clnlmsl " . ... ,!.... i.0i. Wo have secured the livery busl nous of L H. Helsnor. nno i v p?" .0.h,, Axcellent service to Sjsj' srjsrvsss " Phone 138-J , ,.,,, Feed nnd Sales Service. Ill First nnd Alder Streets. Will put you iu possession ' of one of the choicest close-in residence lots in the citr. Just a short distance south of the High School and adjoining the host residence sec tion of Marshfield. This Addition lying along the beautiful Boulevard extension of South .Fifth Street, occupies an unexcelled location for a home. These scenic lots, stm ny and shcltero 1, all 50 x 120 feet, at only $300 each, are the best real estate invest ment in this city of wonderful opportun ities. Call at our office for a pint; sec the prop erty and let us arrange terms to suit your income. Invest your savings iu Marshfield real estate and double vour income. Don't Walk Too Close to your horse with n mcasuro of our ontu or oilier grain and food union you Intcail to glvo It to him. He pimply "won't bo linppy until lie go's It " Tlrore Is no getting off their feed witn horses fix! with our grnla nnd feea. Try thoin mul you will have lew to spend for condition pow der than you over thonght possible. A. T.Haines Phone 190J Waterfront, HM. Get AND CLT AFTEH THAT HOOP, BUT FIHST COME IN AND GET Ollt I'ltlCES ON SHINGLES AND HOOFING PAPER. SHINGLKS $l.BO AND UP. s ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, 91.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. 1 1 ETA I L D EPA HTM ENT. ,...,, cogs my, ' S UTW iir 1 imSh&fJ 1 Tho past has proven that Investments cities are tho mcit proQtablu. The C. KruHRhko, Mnrshflold. Or. Balance the Bread ', we sell and tI:o usual heavy home- mado loaVes and you'll wondor why nvarvboilv don't pntronlzo this bakory. There's just ono answor to ' thnt. They havon't trlod our bread. 'Those who have dono so couldn't be Induced to go back to homo baking. Coos Bay Bakery The plnco for good goodies. Phone Ill-L A.irkPt Ave. MarshneH 'SAFEANDJ1P W'4P oral. s.i wk. v Scy - ?v S r ( J'PRESEli'rED Nn; w Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do uell to mil ut PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS 0i ujSDf---5irp3jft P but the best ; The Times Does Job Printing Co. Tel. 1G0-J. Busy miasm. , ''' '' '' fnnc DAJ nnri vvvst ant ixcml.1 r SYNDICMTF DEALERS J& AGENTS COAL cotmrrATinn haitm farm nurr. mineral, T7AfSrn rufno ! I 0r6aniziN6 6r mi5WAi COftMNKS A SPZWlTYsv In small acre tracts near growing B, R. S. has such to offor. Cbas, J. WiDfe (rrr vx tfss W V T If South Broadway and make selec tiou from the large stock now on hand. Air. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite Mittnr in Coos County. And nono work is turned out. Henry Sengstacken Gives Out Booster Interview While In Portland. The Portland Orconlnn prlnN tho folio wins booster nows of Coos Uay: A pulp mill, to coBt $7C0,000, is under construction just nbovo Marsh flold. Tho C. A. Smith Lumber & Manufacturing company Is bulldlnR tho mill, according to Henry Seng stacken, who camo to I'ortland lna wcok to attend a convention of thu Oregon Association of Tltlemea. "The lumber business Is Improv ing, nnd lnrgo Improvements and de velopments nro under wav," snld Mr. Scngstakcn. "Tho Smith pulp mill Is to bo completed wltnin six montiit. It will bo situated tmmodlntely south of tho lnrgo sawmill on Isthmus In let, Just nbovo Mnrshllold. "This mill will coiiBiimo tho wnsto from tho C. A. Smith Lumber Mills, nnd produce pnper pulp, wood nlco liol, turpentine nnd rosin In largo quantities. "Tho Coos liny Fuel company ro ccntly was organized by tho C. A. Smith Interests with Patrick Hon nesBoy, cx-snpcrlntondcnt of tho Lib- by mines, as manager. Tho company expects to be rendy to ship coal with in threo months. This mlno Is closo to tldowntcr on Isthmus Inlet, nnd Is favorably located for cheap transput' tntlon. It will prove n paying mlno. "A Inrge power plant Is nlRo under construction by tho C. A. Smith com pnny, which will not only furnish power for their sawmills nnd pulp mill, but will furnish power for tho Terminal railroad, and all tho log ging donkeys, bo that tho company enn do Its logging with olectrlclty In stend of steam ns soon na tho plant Is complete. TIiIb will rcduco tho con of logging, nnd romovo tho danger ot flro In the woods, trcQiiontly cnusu.i by spnrks from tho stenm donkeys. "Tho Coos Bny Terminal compnny Is busy building Its road between Mnrshllold nnd North Rend, nnd Is nt prcsont working on tho Marshfield end with n lnrgo force of men. "Simpson's largo mill nt Porter Is running on full time, nnd tho now stenm schooner A. M. Simpson Is making quick trips between San Francisco nnd North Rend, cnrryln.j largo loads. "Tho Krueo & Ranks shlpynrd nt North Rend Is busy, having nt present three new vessels on tho stocks bo- sides ropnlr work. Ono of tho new vcssols minor construction Is Doing built for Estnbrook & Co., of San Francisco, nnd Is expected to run be tween San Francisco nnd Rnndon, cnlllng nt Coos Rny on her down trip for passengers. She will bo n fast snllcr. nnd will bo fitted up with first-class passenger accommodations. "Tho stenm schoonor Nnnn Smith Is running on schedulo time, making a round trip from tho C. A. Smith mill to Rny Point, nenr San Francisco, ovory flvo dnys. It carries about 1 . 800,000 feet of lumber to n Ion, which Is tnken on In 10 hours, load ing with nn electric crane. Tho schoonor will enrry nbout 00,000,000 feot this year, which will bo moro thnn three times ns much ns nny oth er vessel of Its slzo will carry during the snmo tlmo. "A sister ship of tho Nnnn Smith Is building In tho onst for tho lumbor compnny. It will bu completed n nbout six months. It will bo n lltHo I lnrgor than tho Nnnn Smith, nnd will have a few moro Improvements. I "MeArthur, Perks & Co., who hnvo tho contract for the south end of tho Eugeno-Coos Ray railroad, nro ar ranging to hnvo rnllrond supplies .brought to Coos Ray and Gardiner, nnd If Is oxpoctod that nctlve con struction will commonco on tho Coos Rny end within tho noxt two weeks. "Tho proFont payroll of tho C. A. Smith lumber Interests Is nbout ?80, 000, nnd this will bo Incrensed to about $100,000 by tho nddltlnn of tho pulp mill nnd coal mlno." HERMANN SEEKS VINDICATION Pnidoii of Jones on Evidence i'lmt Jury Was "Storked" HiisIh. WASHINGTON. I). O., Juno 22.- I Dinger Hermnnn Js hero trying to got tho House to nuthorlzo nn luvostlga I tlon of Orogon land fraud prosoeu jtlons undor Hitchcock, tho Secrotary i of tho Interior, with n vlow to socur I lug vindication for hlmsolf, basing j lis domnnd on tho rovelntlous In the I Jonos pardon caso. I As predicted, n thorough InvosM gntlon of tho methods of Prosecutor F. J. Honoy nnd W. J. Rums, tho do- I tectlvc, In tho Oregon land fraud ensos Is being domnndod or Congre.s, Thnt an Investigation would bo cnllo.i for was evident whon President Taft granted an unconditional pardon' 'o Wlllnrd N. Jones n fow dnys ago, tin pardon bolng basod on tho evidence showing tho jury wns "hand picked" by tho Government and "stacked" so t! at tho defendants could not becupj n fair trial. In tho trlnl of Hermann tho Jury dlsngreod, standing, It M said, ten for conviction and lvp for acquittal. . RUV NOW. Some choice lots In NORTH nEN'O i enn bo had at n vory reasonnblo price If tnken now. E. S. GEAR & CO, First National Rank. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEVTABSORPTION METHOD. If you miffrr from Mivll!ifr, Itching, tllnj I or rutruilluii l'lli, ninl uu jour udilri'.x. mid I will t fit )ou liuw tu curt Juur-rlf at 1 liuioo It tUe new Uorillwi trfatuicut i and will al.o end Mime of Hit Louie trcatuifut fri fr trial, with rfferni. fi.i.n ..ur oho locality If riutliil. luiiuclin'c it ' lief ami Hrinaiirnt nure aw.ire.1. Kcnd im monrjr. 1'Ut tell ntliem of tlila iWTtr. Vrln- Icalay to Mm. u. uuuunr; iv. i; .-grt Baoit, lud. Bradshaw - Kimball Company Will Be Ready for Busi 1 ness Next Week. Ono of tho most up-to-dnto nnd complete machine shops nnd garages In Oregon will bo oponod early noxt weok on North Front strcot, Just North of Alder, by tho Bradshnw Klmbnll Co., Inc. Most of tho ma chlnory hns been Installed In tho now building nnd tho plant will bo a modol fnctory. Tho firm will hnndlo nil kinds of mnchlno work, from repairing to building absolutely now parts or machines. They have tho lnrgost Intho over brought to this section which will cnnblo them to hnndlo work thnt tins hitherto been sent to Portland, Scattlo or Snn Francisco. Tho equipment of tho now shop will not only permit them to turn out nil cIbbsch of work but It will on nblo them to do It promptly. Tho up-to-dnto machinery is lnbor saving: thereby reducing tho cost of produc tion. Tho now building wns especially designed for n mnchlno shop nnd gnr agc. It Is 75x50 feot, and woll light ed throughout. In tho front, nn ofllco hns. been arranged nnd tho bal nnco Is divided between tho mnchlno shop nnd tho garage Thoro Is room for twelve or moro machines nnd thoro Is nlso room for tnklng throo or four machines to ploccs for over hauling nnd repairing simultaneous Resides this clnss of work, nrrnngo mcntH nro being mndo for tho con struction of ways whoro gasoline boats can bo brought In nnd tholr machinery tnken out for overhauling This will bo labor saving nnd tlmo saving. Resides tho lnrgo lathe, n milling mnchlno hns been Installed which enables tho firm to turn out nil klndn of conrs. It Is n mnrvol In this ro- spect nnd will bo of gront bcnolU In repairing nutos nnd ganollno engines. llullil OnHolIno Engines Resides tho gonornl ropnlr work, tho firm will mnnufneturo n gaso lino onglno of their own, known nn tho "II & K Knglno". It In doclnroil by tlioso who hnvo seen It to bo an other mnrvol, being much slmplor than tho ordlnnry gnsollno cnglnon. Whoro ninny gnsollno engines haro n hundred or so pnrts nnd springs, tho R & K Knglno hns only olght, Insuring grenter durability ns woll ns simplicity nnd sorvlco. Mr. Rrndshnw who comes horo from Portlnml Is rated ns ono of tho best gnsollno engine exports on tho const In addition to his roputntlon nn n mechanic. Ho Is president of tho firm. Mr. II. J. Klmbnll, Jr., who will bo socrotnry nnd treasurer of tho firm, will hnvo gonornl chnrgo of tho oillco nnd business. Ho Is woll known horo having spent considerable tlmo horo In tho past looking aftor his largo property Interests. Resides thcmsolves, thoy will havo M. L. Curry who has boon cngngod In auto repair work on tho Rny for no in o tlmo nssoclntcd In tho business. Mr. Curry Ih now In Portland looking nftor now machinery but will roturn In n fow dnys to nld In rushing out n considerable amount of work thnt hns already accumulated. It Is worth n trip to tho shop to merely look over tho lino up-to-dnto oqulpinont they havo liiBtnllod. Tho selection of Ed unit J- Chamber lain ns head of the Grand Trunk rail way, succeeding tho Into Charlos M. Hayes, who was a victim of the Ti tanic, another Amerlrnu Is placed nt tho hend of one of thu great railway systems of the world. Mr. Chnmbor lain Is n New Knglnuder, hnvlng boon formally elected, tho nnnouueomout from Loudon thnt ho would ho pro nioted to tho plnce, makes his election rortnln. Von will look n good while hefora ou find a bettor modlclna for coughs nnd colds thnn Chnmborlaln's Cough Remedy. It not only glvos rollof It cures. Try It whon you hnvo a cough or cold, nnd you nre certain to ho pleased with tho prompt euro which It will effect. For salo by all floaters. Let Me Hear Your Watch Tick! If you wont your watch re paired by a skillful repairer bring It to us. Wo employ a watchmaker who understands not only tho thoory, but tho mechanical principles of WATCHES. All work guaran teed. No matter wiiat kind of n watch or how badly brokou, It enn bo repaired at RC(1 CrOSS Department ji:wkm:kk anr opticians lOit Front St. ifozfafr1' v KBl v-?I J -s' - uiuiuuy, uuoe 6V.)