THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 4 'STETSON HATS; "STETSON SHOES STETSON HATS' Value-Giving Is the nnmiriiT nil JUflvrn on UCO PRftCT I UMlt " g 'iin iiniii i ii iu ' i n ii i r n mn i a i .nil 11 unni ibb Roc PROCEEDINGS IT CONVENTION BILL SCORES I LU Upon WhichOu) I ' u IN ' Vi , V i (Continued from p.nup one.).. rjnlv Marshficd Man There- the tiny, greeted pynn Wjres q Qrjmes dcmonstrntlon of them. Scnntor Hoot, tompornry chnlrnuui, entered nt 10:51 and was greeted with applause. Senator Hoot, James W. Watson Close Forecast. So far as known, Thayer Crimes Is the only Coos Bay man attending tho Natlonnl Konubllcan convention In Portland Loses First Game of New Series to Vernon Other Games. At Snn Francisco H. II. Los AngeleH 8 It Oakland 1 7 ,nnd Governor Hadlcy, the Tnft and Chicago. Ho has been thero nttond nnnnnvnh floor lenders, conferred InK nn nrt school and Dennis Flynn lor Bovcrnl minutes before the gavel of Oklnhoma who visited hero a few- Los Angeles . . .i r. . .. . n-1 .i. ......., months ago, wired yesterday that Sacramento .. fell. Senator Hoot called the convon-, w nm, ',,,,, gon( gtrcotcr Fynn, Portland tlon to order at 11:10 a. in. ' were attending the convention. After prayer by Hew Solz, Senator Mr pynn s n niombor of tho Hoot announced that an agreement xntlonnl Hcpubllcan contrnt commlt had been reached between Watson tco from Oklahoma. Ho Is a Taft and Hndloy that three hours debate ,nnn nnd ho wired Col. Grimes yostor bo equally divided, lladley opened , ,,ny ,nornlnB Umt Root would bo ol tho debate arguing to unseat tho 02 cctod chnrlnnn by nU0Mt Blxty votes contested Taft delegates. Hartley nm, Tnft woul(, w, tho nomjnoti0n preseiueu n swieiuciu oi i i luumuum bv ni.out twenty votes of the National com.nltteo that 02 S.Tlynn's Lrecn's I'UllKJHll'U lll'll'Kllll'S DIIUU1U BVillUU. ' .... , Rn ,.. Gov. Hadley said, "Wo could liavo "" u """ "iZ met Immediately nnd forcibly ovor- AAaaa como tho arbitrary and unpnrllamon- ,,Znt iuiT i7n ii'i-iie a tary ruling of yesterday. Wo could iCJWSill f. "' "", . . ?hJMffSbAVS82S .ml w?SS5 BOSTON. jJiTSt UI t Inx-n fnrn.Mv nl in EJnfrn? n lnt,eC(1 b 0,,,, POromoiiy that S ? ' BJ ri'nS tZ S EnBh Portrait painter, to Ed- Gov. HniHoy Id not attempt to go A Lo;iRfolIow, Tho nmtch )8 )Iiru. a Into ho details of the various con- A , of , , wth 0 0 A tested cases, saying ho would leave A tho tlp0I whoro ,,,,, ,ght , that matter to another speaker. Ho 4 to be. And hero nro Ho things road tho Indlctmont" o tho nation- a tlint rcngon (loo3 ot ro(,ro ln a nl commlttoo ob uttered by HoosovcUa tn0 marriage ceremony: A mln- In his speech nt-tho auditorium mass a iBtor, a rollglous ceremony, meeting Monday night. 'a brldesmnlds, best man and ush- Gov. Hartley who was Interrupted a or8; Edmund M. Parker, n frequently during tho first portion of (a nBton lawyer, will go out to tho Ills remarks robukod tho rtlsturbors a Cambridge estate of tho Dnnas by asking for Hcrlous consideration a nn,i will tnko tho formnl nc- of tho arguments on both sides. Had- knowlcrtgmcnt of tho people's ley was followed by W. T. Dovoll tor contract to marry, whereupon tho other side. Dovoll declared It' thoy will consider themselves was utterly folso that "tho stato of duly married. Edmund T. Washington ovor was carried for Dana will be a model husband Itoosovolt." In every sense of tho word, as Dovoll was Interrupted with angry ho neither drinks, smokes or 1a.ak.n fitMnAnnt M. Hin nlinl.. UOl 00 rk.n.tdtil.i i.nM nltuniit nvflpt TTnnt win. , 411lliiolilr .HO ......WOI. VA..V., Utta .!. jcors and questions from tho Hoosc vclt partisans. II. J. Allen of Kan sas followed Dovoll supporting Hnd ley'B motion. Allen ridiculed Dov oll 'b Htntcmvnt about tho Washing ton prlmnry nnd quoted figures to nliow that Tnft'H voto had been Bmnll. Allen said Hnosovelt said ho hart got nil but about COO of tho COOO votes cast ln Seattle. A dolcgato nskod how ninny voters thero wore In Sonttlo and Allen admitted that thero -woro possibly a liundrod thousand Alton denounced tho methods of tho Washington state loaders at stato convention saying tho conditions woro such that nil Hooscvelt nion woro practically barred from tho hall. chows, and Is vcrv fond of his home. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'OUH fiE.VKIUTIOXS IN AM1AXV HOME ALIJANY. Ore., .Tune IS. Four generations live In ono house ln this city and the oldest Is. Just C7 years of age. Mrs. C. M. Mason represents tho sec- ond generation nnd says slio hns never been nwny from her mother. Mrs. Emma Strlngor, for moro thnn n year nt a tlmo during hor llfo and thnt her daughter, Mrs. I.llllan Price, and her grandson. Monroo Price. Ho denounced tho national commit- t v - '8 iivcrt V'1 h l101"' 1 too nnd took n lllng nt the credentials N,' ???2" marrlwl when commlttoo which as yet romnlned to J 2 "5 ",?'"" ,of,?Bonna wn" 1 im minimi i n grniirtmotlior nt 3r. STANDING OK TEAMS a W. U PC. Vernon 43 28 .00(5 Oakland 41 31 .5G9 ..10 31 .rG3 ..31 38 .419 . .20 37 .413 San Francisco ...20 43 .103 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PORTLAND, Ore., .Tune 19. Port land dropped tho first gnmo of tho new series with Vernon nt Los An geles yesterday by n scoro of 3 to 4 The scores In tho Const League yes terday wero as follows: At Los Angeles R. II. E. Vernon S 11 t Portland 3 8 2 G. 0 3 At Sacramento II. H. E. Sacramento 8- 14 0 Snn Frnuclsco 2 S C Kill IIS WAS KINO HEX Tho Portlnnd Oregonlnn says': "Unmasked Hox Oregonus nppcar cd In tho flunl electrical parado of roso festival week Saturday night as Frederick A. Krlbs, mllllonnlro lum berman, capitalist, ronl cstato own er, nrdent roso grower and festival supporter. No festival king was ov er accordod groat volumo of popular ncclnlm by so great a throng of loyal, fun-loving subjects." Mr. Krlbs Is n brother-in-law of Goo. D. Mandlgo of North Dond. Tho Mnndlngo fam ily aro now guests nt tho Krlbs' homo. O X 09 o CO Hi oo CO X o CO Hi 00 LU o X 00 o oo 00 MM I I I i'i KJB W!BXLtJLLatJMi X.S O :.', 'W,xll XHi)X"m W :irl. Conducird by l he SISTIKS OF IKE HOLT NAME8 OF JESUS AND MARY. C.t.J,. AttJmteni CilltiUu Ctotm. lluilt. An. ElooiilonandComintr' till Dpl.irfJi . R(lntilLloul .nil l.lllctnilTrUlnf.Wil(cfatAnnuncfnicnt.A(llirii tllTXK WnRIOR. tl. Utrj'i JuJmi. r'lUn4 Mrs. Lola Lovo, wlfo of Wlloy Lovo, n fnrinor living near Coveqa, Gn., says: "I hnvo takon Foloy Kid ney Pills anil find them to bo all you claim for thorn. Thoy gnvo mo nl most Instant rollof when my kidneys woro sluggish and Innctlvo. I can cheerfully rccommond thorn to nil aufferors from kldnoy troubles." Red Cross Drug Store bo named. Dovoll wan Interrupted by groans by tho Roosovelt forces when ho said, I "wiion it wns discovered tho night AAAAAAA PLAN NEW HOAI) Taft forces woro In control, tho nd-' lioroiits or Roosovolt declined to como to tho convention becnuso thoy know thoy wero beaten." Tho dork for tho Information of tho convention then rend tho nnmos before ho.oven,ion that'tj'""." tZVSr T.ifi f.m..o . i.. .....i i. -.i '""'PO o iinnuio .Mutter At n mooting of thoso Intorestod In tho proposed now rond from Allo gnny via Cooston to Potorson's Land ing North Inlet, a commltteo was nnmed to try and raise funds for one- linlf tlin Avn.knaA f .1m An..H...l which tho lliulley motion would f ,10""rol Mnny none 1 o ro niun.j nuiril II WIIHHI Mem, ornto to tho flllloat nvtmil nn.l V Allen was challotiBol to my nr, n, ,SrBOi has i offwrnlto bin.? iboui whether ho Intended to support tho V.SOO feet o "ft througl hh, nronS nnmlnco of tho convention. Ho sal.l Tl e comml teo am o n od Hi ho would on ono condl.lon-that I wIJ ,0t, ."riy'rioS nlon" tK i s nominal Ion Is not naompanlod ( ro,0 aboi t subscriptions toward o by fraud and thievery." A great up- r0Ht of 10 roni, consists of A. A roar of cheers and angry shouts fol- nnnb, nrry Wlnklor. 0.0. Innsou We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Electrical material and can glvo our patrons n very low prlco on liouso wiring. Got our prlco you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J J. 0. Mullen nnd N. E. 'Daggett. Turkish Dutb lowed. Nowcomb of Now York raised n jioiiu oi oruor against t no intorrup-i Don't forgot ttio tlons. The chair unstained tho ino-i imiovh oi. i tlon nnd nskod for fnlr play on both ngninst H!K .Son0""'"'" 8,,k ' " y" hnV0 nnythln t0 Bn' ""nommenwny oXZ that of tho ! ,r rCnt' "r nt hrlp. try , Want An rourteon mombors of the Xntlonnl Lnmmlttee protesting conimltteos roll, nil but two hnvo been retjred from the commltteo this yenr. Goorgo Record of Now Jorsov spoKe in support or Miulloy's motion If you hnve anything to sell, trnd. or mnt or wnut hol'i. trv n Want Art We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered oo r- X o oo oo IcorrmciiT nil MICHAELS, STEHN.& CO, ROCIIESTrR. N, Y. Clothing Businesd Is Built! Value giving Is the foundation upon which w. have established it- Just as all our other depart-! ments. And after all, what is there of more vital impoit- ance in CLOTHES BUYING. This is the reason why nearly every Suit in our! stock is $3 to $10 under value measured by the standard of OTHER STORES. ' Every size for men of all builds. Prices Range From $!0.00 to $35.00 "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. AIAKRIIKII'jIjD EZZISTETSON HATSZZ 1STETS0N SHOES BANDOXI STETSON HATS: PROFESSIOrMAL DIRECTOR D u. nun) u. oiiAitici:. Specialist In Nerve and Silual Disease. Office, Room 2, Rogers Hoimo, Marshfield. Offlco IlourH 2 to 5 Pjiojio 144-Tj. Modern Dentnl Parlors. Wo are equipped to do high cIaii .vork on short notlco nt the vorj lowost prlcoa. Kxnniluntlon free Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo j rtto Chnnrtler hntol, nhone 112-J , i 'THIS PKIKNn OK COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANC1 KQUIPI'KD WITH WIltKI.KSS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND THURSDAY, JUNE 20, AT 3 P.M. CONNHGTING WITH TIIH NORTH HANK ROAD AT I'OUTLti NORTH PACIFIO KTEA.M.SIIIP COMPANY. Phono II. C. K. McCnOIMHUgi J W. HKNNHT1, ljprfer, )fflae ovor Flanaguu i Dennett Hani lareli field Orogor rM. J. T. Mcl'ORMAU. Pnyslclnn nnd Surgoon Marshfield, Oregon, imce: Lockhirt Dulldlng. ! OfipoBllo noil ofllro iMiono lORO Coos Bay Steam Laundry, f PIIO.VB MAIN (171 IM C U f Um ' '1 ho avfloma Inventlva ability in i-i,i ,,..... .m,,i. i,. i ItlCPOUT OK TIIIJ CONDITION OK "if i-oir'rw'Siiixo ihi riKhiTr "iw ; The First National Bank of Coos Bay ite iH'loaU'8l'to8Blt"ln tho National M Ma,sl,,,'l(, , '' Slnto .f Oregon, nt the close of business, Juno 1 1, lDlil. com state convention. ' Kniil lloi-nnl -Vin hnve OHtnblU'ed Bovornmcnt by the ' l;'"'8 and discounts miiioiity. ou are Ktibmlttlut; to n partial and packed tribunal In enses where the verdict Is reached bofmv tho evidence mihnilttcd." C. C. Littleton supported tho Had ley motion. Littleton said ho was n doleato himself nnd Intended to voto for Tnft. MAY STOP MAXKUVKUS Vet liy Tnft of Army 1 til 1 Will Cause fiiief (Ily Asfloclatod Press to Coos Bay TlniPM, WASHINGTON, Juno 10 Presi dent Tuft's voto of tho army appro priation bill mny prevent this year's maneuvers In camps of tho rcRtilnr army and National Guard. Tho bill vetoed by tho President contained nn appropriation of 11,350,000 to pay part of tho expenseso of tho on cnmpmontB. Tho northwest encamp ino'nts nro sehodulod for July 21, KICJ1IT HOUR LAW President Taft Exempts PunnniA Cn- lllll "MltlJICS Kl-Olll it. (Ry Associated Press to tho Coos Dny Times). WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 19. Prpi'dent Taft signed today the net of Congress limiting eight hours por day service for laborers nnd iiiq e" nnlcs omployed on government work nnd Immediately Issued nn ox ecutlvo order oxomptlng any contracts In connection with tho Panama Canal until Juno 1, 1915. The canal win bo finished before that date. RESOURCES. .! r.1 C. 71 V, S. bonds to securo circulation on.nnn nn Other bonds to securo Postal Savings $20,008.98 20,CC8.'9S llonds, becurltles, etc 57,522.1 1 Hanking house, furniture, and fixtures Sl.'oil.'s I Duo from National Ranks (not resorve agents) ll,51G.5i Duo from state and private banks nnd bankers, trust companies, nnd savings banks '. 2, -137. 17 Duo from approved reserve agents 1 17, 55932 Checks and other cash Items 2,52-1 15 Notes of other Nntlonal Ranks 225.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents "75.03 Lawful money reservo In bank, viz: Spoclo J52.885.95 Legal-tender notes ; 180.00 53,065.95 Redemption fund with1 U. S. Trensuror (5 of circulation)... 1,250.00 WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT 8T. City Auto Service Good Cnrs. Careful Drivers nnd rflasonabio cl urges. Our motto: Will go nnywhero nt any time." Stands Dlnncn Hotel and Illnnco Cigar Store. Day Phones 73 nnd 4G Night Phono IG. laHKTR GOOinLrc. nronilelnrs Unique Pantatorium IRK MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS. PRESSKItS nnd HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward E. Strauss & Co fine Tailoring Let us maka youi next Suit. 2rtr Commerr Int. Phone 250-X. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwati ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS KROM AINSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND, AT 0 A. M-. R l!ml, 7tli., IStli., 17th., aaml nnd ISTIIi. I'ROM MA11SI I lh J THE SERVICE OK THE TIDE JUNE -llh. Iltli, i lli. 10th, -Un tIAit. L. A. PARKIIURST, Agent.! Phone Main S2J PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redond EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SURMAIUNE IIKLt SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS B Saturday, June 22, At 3:00 P. M. INTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 14. o. F. MiGEOIWMM 1otal $011,373,37 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid ln $100,000.00 Surplus fund G.500.0U Undivided profits, less expenses nnd taxes paid 4,048.3 National bank notes outstanding , , 23.S00.00 Due to state nnd prlvnto banks nnd bankers. , . . t 5598 92 Individual deposits subject to check '. 370.4G3.10 Doinnml certificates of deposit 6 310 B ii..... .,.tln.,ni ... .!.... ..i. '. z: "' Time certificates of donoslt t'ortlilea cnecks Cashier's c' ecks outstanding U, S, Postal Savings deposits ....Jll.373.72 73,052 19 50.00 4.170.42 11,373.72 Total G11,373.17 State of Oregon, County of Coos, ss: 1, Horsey Kreltzer, Cashier of the above-named bnnk, do solemnly swear that tho above statoment Is true to tho best of my knowledgo nnd belief. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. Correct Attest: W. S. CHANDLER, M. C. HORTON. WILLIAM GRIMES, Directors. Subscribed ami sworn to before me this 19th day of June, 1912. WALTER E. RUTLER, Notary Public. Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE Sevoral good bargains in Farms and city proporty. AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 Central Ave. Marshfield. Oregon Steamer WashingtOl Will Sail for San Francisco From Coos Ba Saturday Evening, June 22 AV1TII PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT OowwD0 F. S. DOW, Agent. 1' You Auto Call Footc PHONE H4 J NIGHT AND DAI Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J Residence Fhono 28-J Will niiike trips to Coqullle. A Modern Rrlck Building, Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL C008 C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day nnd Upwards. Cor. Dronnway nnd Market. Marshfield. Oregon. nrro t av ryoz7i7?7T7?? .QrPOE LINE. y tytyo mx -k vw u y - mtq stngo leaves MarBhflold every morning ai o 7UU, orflee also il time tp connect with evening train for Portland. D'"' hfleid tal Roseburg every morning at 6 o'clock ana rem."" evening. . .. n rente. FAllE 80.00. Round trio $11.00. Good menu en C. P. Dnrnard, agent, Roseburg. . Anue. MrH Otto Schetter, agent, HV, . niirar Store. Tickets can be obtained at wmra clgar a ' The Electric Shoe Shop R. J. MONTGOMERY IS WHERE YOU CAN nUY SKUF-n tp . LannflnCr3l FER SHOES OK ALL SIZES FOIt (gal LSiatCallU IIW"' i iiiijimu . wo can nx yonr miioc tyoat B"" iiuu you wan, i i" nuci