m TIMES' MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912 EVENING EDITION. at JUST ask us to show you J the best $15.00 Blue Serge Suit you've ever seen. It's 5 1 30 Examine the cloth; you will ap preciate the fine even texture and it's full rich color. A try-on will convince you that a suit could not (it you or become you better. Compare it with any other suit you have ever seen. Woolen Mill Store Mill-To-Man Clothiers tides aro placed In the order CODS H VY TIDES, icl w Ih Riven ttm time- and "Kii. i men ana low water Hnruhucld Tli or occurrenrn. with ttii. i.. -- tho first lino and holghts on tho sec ond lln0 of each day; a comparlaon of consecutive heights will Indicate whetlor It U high or low water. For high water on bur, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes Date. ID Mrs. Feet His. Foot Mrs. Feet llrH. Feet 23'IIrs. Il'ect 20 21 Tide .n.ii .0.15 .2.7 .1.20 .2.3 .2.23 .1.8 .3.30 .1.1 x for .Mine. 11.15 C.19 -0.G G.C 0.19 12.35 B.7 0.2 7.27 1.2C CO 0.3 8.41 2.19 t.5 1.1 0.57 3.22 4.2 1.8 0.00 0.0 7.37 5.7 8.23 CO 9. '.5 C.l 10.09 G.2 TI1IJ WEATHER (By Associated Press.) OREGON -Oenernlly fair to night mid Thursday; westorly wIikIh near coast. HE- LOCAL TUMPrntATUHE TOUT. For twenty-four hours ondlug at 4:43 n. m.. June 19. by HonJ. Ostllnd, Bpeclnl government me teorological ohsorver: Maximum 70 Minimum r0 At 4:43 ii. m 54 Precipitation nuno Wind northwcHtj clenr. iNew Supply of ADLER-I-KA le Great Remedy iFor Appendicitis Has Just Been Received. - Ask for FREE BOOKLET on the treatment of this common disease. Lockhart-Parsoiis Drug Co. m- "THE BUSY CORNER" .MAIN 298 US BORN. 4 OSTROW-To Mr. and Mrs. M. J. OHtrow ut tholr homo on South Fourth street Tuesday, Juno 18, n ten and n half pound daughter. Mother and child aro doing nlcoly and Mr. Ostrow who is employed at the Coos liny Ico & .Cold Storngo plant Is even too happy to pay any attention to tho Chicago conven tion. If Roosevelt wins with his woman suffrage platform, Mr. Os trow may call hor "Teddy." OI.SO.V-To Mr. and Mrs. Iloynold II. Olson at their homo In Emplro, Tuesday. Juno 18, a fourteen and a half pound girl. Tho proud par ents are receiving felicitations from their hosts of friends. MrORIFF- To Mr. and Mrs. Sylves.. er Mcdi-lff. of EnstBldo, a son, Sunday, .lime 10. Is Pined Thornim Ward was flnod $5.00 today before Recorder Dutlor, on the charge of drunkenness. ;ie Hull J. V. Smeuton nnd wlfo are Inning Invitations for a ball to bo given at tho Finnish hall Juno 29. IMioctor Elected At tho annual school election In Mllllugton, Mrs. (corgo Montgomer) was director for three years and Louis Default was elected clcik, both being chosen un animously. W. J. Hust nnd E, A. Harris are the other directors. .Sends Turtle Dr. Straw sent six turtles, supposed to bo of tho snapper variety, to Ivy Condron who will euro for them until tho doctor makos known his plans. Whothor ho In tends to give a turtle soup bnnquot or put them In n sldo show at Dnr uum and Ilalley's Is not yet known. WANT ADS. FOR RENT Store with Flumes, al so ofilco. Apply to Honry Song-etneken. IVanted Quick 'towd investor to pick up .i Ml In tun .if i... -i... i a .V.. . r..i ii . "" viiuicuoi iois "Wile, l'hie vfinv if llm- !MeM. iKl( t.ve, ,', T fMO, S. KAUPMAN & CO. 17 Froat St. Pchard's Livrv ! . - w -m.j jT' ,wa tne livery bui( L H. Helsnor, and at pro' ..-ucr excellent service tf tot! vi toos Day. Carefu rjifr.i .r.lK8 an J every thing . p:ml0jyjwwu Wi, ua lor unring IC.. r "yMMiB neorted In EvJ.? kinds. imwhh BROTHERS in p Tu" J,,MJ Flrl, a.na Sale8 Service. .h "jL, Mlo II JWU 41 jl S Auto Service Ai,,.cns,","lo Rates CVrefui V." SerTlce kBl'u' "Jf'vlns assured. waai mm mm Mtjjia jntTTH The Sign of Good Candy Always I'Olt ItKXT Sl room house, gar don nnd barn in Forndalo. Phono 7-J for further Information. I'Olt HKXT Four wmiiii cottage; moderately Improved; C48 11 at. S. Barnard & Langworthy Klfclrfciil Contractors and Supplier. IMIONK 1HI-H. 170 So. IJiondiwiy, next door to Viilim Meal Market. I'lPlt w?01 "oom. 231-R W, ,er ll P- M. phone &irinurnnt Roof Fixed vow OOlfTJTELL Pbonc gun III'ILIM.NG AM) KKI'.UM WORK House Moving and Grading. W are prepared to do this work ;y the day or contract and guarantee JiUlsfactlon. Lot us flguro with you. . a. 8. FLOYD. CO. . Plmnn 3U-.1, MarshflPld. Ore I'Olt ItKXT A nicely fiunlhlKMl room with board, Hiiltablo for two moil. I'rlvnto family. Close In. Inqulio 392 Ms North Ilroadwny. WAXTKIJ A coiiipetent gh'I for gen oral housework. Mrs. Henry Song-sai-keu. iik SALIC A lurua youni: horso. wnii-i.t igoo. Also good heavy spring wagon and harness. Seo F. S, Dow. ' VAXTI-:i Mohair, wool and cos- i earn uaru. niipijr iu mwm v0 MarshField Cyclery liirvn.KS ion uf.xt I'Iiuiio ISH-lt. 17U Xn. HwMHlwV; f. J. BCAIFB A H. HODOINi s rshfieW Paint, (gh Decorating Co. atea MAR8HFIBLD. Furnlshpd 1'hnnn 140L OreKOP stacken. at office of Tltlo Quar anteo & Abstract Co. I'Olt SALIC Oarage ami Auto Sup ply Storo. Present owner Is going to California and ylli ell at ln volco all stock on hand, consisting of the most complete auto sundrioi stock In county. Agency the Good year Lino, nnd I'lost-O-Llto Ser vice. Only garago In town. Lease on building for ono year with op tion of two years more. T.ils Is a good paying pioposltlon and a bar gain at Invoice. Write or phone, Tho Coqulllo Onrago, Coqullle, Oregon. J. C. Walling, Prop. I'Olt ItKXT Large Stock, Dairy and rruii ruiiii, i"t ---- should have some capital In order to maKe a Biiccesa. mn-j ry Songstackon. WANTED ! ! ! oTlISx? S'S AS! ,,,'aUc (lnnln C"M'r. Orders fo, uoik taKen at ...,,. (joivo ii nvi-. PHOXK 100 I'Olt ItKXT FiirnMied front i-"""' 321 South Broadway. ittiiRAlV SALK: 40 horsepownr .n mr J500: flrst-class conJt i... r.iiiv enulnoed: cost new $3000: will sell for 1500 on , easy iS Vorth Front street. Phone 180-J. SOCIAL CALKXDAIl TODAY Norweglnn Luthoran Young I'eoplo's Society. Priscllla Club with Mrs. Knud Krlckson. Bridge Club with Mrs. J. H. Flanagan. THURSDAY MInnle-Wls Club with Mrs. Mary Thompson. Altnr Ouild of North Bond with Mrs. Thos. Chapman. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. I). Rhodes. Miss Frances Golden entertaining. , I ! . PERSONAL NOTES B. A. BECKETT of Coqulllo town todny. is in chas. Mcknight wont to coqulllo I todny on business. TOM NICOLS loft this morning for i tho Coqulllo Valley. I MIIS. 11. I10DSON of Catching Inlet Is In Marshllold today. BENNETT SWANTON loft this morn ing for Coqulllo to attend court. Mns. A. L. FOSTER of Bay City was a Marshllold visitor yestordny. EDGAR McDANIEL of North Bond In the mean time tho turtlo fam ily Is resting quietly In tho window fo the Pioneer Grocery on Front strcot nnd scorns well contented with tho Coos Bay ntmoBphoro whllo Mr. Condron Is kept too busy learning tho intricacies of his new nutotnobllo to oven challongo them for a rnco. Dr. nnd Mrs. Straw will return next week. Postpone Concert Diroctor Pon ton of tho Coos Bay Concert Band announced todny that tho concort which It wns proposed to glvo nt tho city park this oveulng had bcon post poned for ono wook. Itccltnl Saturday Tho musical ro cltal to bo given by local musicians nt the Masonic Oporn Houso Satur day evening Is arousing consldorablo Interest. Tho progrnm will not bo gln until nlno o'clock in ordor that tho business men can attend. Makes Kscapt Win. P. WIMto who wns serving a flftccn-year boii tenco In tho Oregon Stnto Pontlton tlnry nt Salom for tho tnurdor of his Rtcp-fnthor at Bnndon n your ngo or so nindo his cscnpo last wcok. Ho was n trusty around tho prison. Buy l'lno Ilaiich Fred Sclnndor of Sumner nnd John Grant of Feru dalo yesterday closed n doal for Uiu purchase of tho E. J. Coffolt ranch on South Coos Rlvor. Thoy expect to movo on It nt onco and farm It Joint ly. Tho consideration wns not made public. Case Dismissed Tho enso of Mrs. J. A. Graham of North Bond was dis missed by Judgo John F. Hall yes tordny afternoon after ho hnd tnkon tho evidence. Stmt. Itnnb complain ed that her children did not rccolvo proper enro and wnntcd thorn taken from hor. ltullroad .Men Tomorrow. Tho Steamer Washington will nrrlvo ear ly tomorrow morning from San Francisco with viro-prcsldont liiicn- cock nnd tho othor mombors of tho, railroad party aboard, no rurtnor nows hns been henrd from thorn slnco yestordny. filvo Pnigrani Mrs. Uoboccn I.uso Stump hns arranged for tho Marsh llold boys who rocontly gavo a uom- orcst Modal contest hero to repeat tholr program nt tho Bunker Hill school houso Fridny ovonlng. Fol lowing, this contest, a gold modal contest will bo arranged for tho near future, tho winners of tho silver modals competing for tho gold medals. VM for Upper River Supt. Smith of tho South Coos Rlvor Hatchery has mndo application for a permit to furnish P. E. Larson of Allogany a fow thousand young steel bond sal mon to bo placed In tho upper waters or tho North Fork of Cooa Rlvor, nbovo Golden Falls. Tho fish novor got out to sen and consequently dlffor In nppearanco from tho regular steel heads. Honor Newly-Weds This after noon tho Nnnn Smith nttrncted con sldorablo attention as sho .wns going down tho Bny. Frlonds of Hugo Quint and his bride had n largo ban ner palntod with tho Inscription "Tho Nowly-wods" strung betwoen tho masts and Cnpt. Olson sounded tho whlstlo sovoral times, bringing a largo number to tho dock to seo tho young couplo off. AMONfl T11K SICK ii LEAVE ON BREAKWATER Steamship Sails This After noon for Portland With Large List. Tho Brcakwnter sailed this after- nnnn fm- Pni-Mnml wild n Ini-nn nii. i iMcuAiNim.1 or isortn uond i""" J ,, -","' "-- i- wns n Mnrshfleld business visitor ,:",", t "a u " bUUU UU'BU ".' it vihiiv. todny. JOHN NOBLE hns returned from Ton Mile nftor n four days' visit with Ed Welder. CLAUDE NASBURG nnd wlfo hnvo moved Into npnrtmonts nt tho Will tains building, JOE NOBLE Is In todny from Ten Mllo to rccolvo niodlcal treatment for his nrm. Among thoso snlllng on her wero tho following: W. E. Honglund, Mrs. Hoaglund, Miss Honglund, Mnster Hoaglund, F. II. Grant, O. Gravel, Miss Stanley, Mrs. J. Conro, Louis Conoum, Dr. E. F. Winkler, O. A. Tlbbcts, W. B. Olson, Chas. Mettler, B. Clark, W. Crewo, Jerry Vnndcnventor. C. O. Wells, R. D. Hodson, J. J. Cnrr, J. O. juts. Ji . Mcl.AlN and Mrs. Harrison Mccnwloy, Harry Pcrssy, R. F. Cook, of Lasts do wero Marshllold shop-lw. smith, Miss Faith, Mrs. Dola Hop- pors yesterday. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL nnd J. M. Upton wont to Coqulllo todny on on tlio enso of Lnrson vs. Larson kins, James Hopkins, Mr. Drodburry, Mr. Calvin. E. Mornn, Mr. A. W. Hiu gor, Mr. Voloro, Mrs. Volcro, O. M. Phillips, J. A. Gnmble, Mrs. Slclsco, HUGH SMITH enmo In overland to-A'ctor Brown, Mrs. S. J. Potcrmnn, Mrs. Knud Erlckson, of Bunkor Hill, will bo operated on tomorrow. Mrs. n. It. Keller has been con fined to her homo for tho pnst two days. Mrs. Frank Hague, who undorwent an operation at Mercy Hospltnl, Is do ing nlcoly, much to tho gratification of hor many frlonds. day from Corvnllls, whoro ho grnd uatod Inst wcok, for a short visit. MISS FRANCES WILLIAMS went to Kmplro yestordny to visit with Miss Madgo Barry at tho T. II. Barry homo. MISS LUCY HORTON, MIbs Nolllo Tower nnd Dr. Towor loft yestor dny for tho Towor cottago on South Coob Rlvor. MRS. J. T. HARRIDAN loft today for Shepherd's Springs on tho Colum bia Rlvor whoro sho will spond n fow wcoks. MRS. L. ERICKSON hns roturnod from n throo wooks' vncatlon trip to Tncotnn, Portland nnd other northern points. MRS. DELLA V. HOPKINS and child ron, Jnmes and Dollnn Knox, loft todny on tho Bronkwntcr for their old homo near Dayton, Ohio. I). C GREENE, malinger of tho Ore gon Power company, nnd wlfo nro oxpectcd homo from tholr trip to Taconin and Albany tomorrow. MR. nnd MRS. A. E. SEAMAN mil Mnrlnn nnd Wesley Seamnn, left today for their summer homo on Coos River to roinnln until Sopt ombor. HUGO QUIST nnd brldo loft on tho Nnnn Smith this nftornnon for San Frnnclsco nnd other California points whoro thoy will spend their honoymoon. SUPT. A. G. RAAB of tho North Bond schools loft this morning for Co qulllo on business connected wlm tho teacher's examinations which nro to bo glvon thore. P. P. QUIST nnd wlfo nnd daughter, Mrs. Ida Wolnndor, left today on tho Nairn Smith for San Frnnclsco from whoro thoy will rottirn to tholr homo In Minneapolis. EDWARD WEIDER enmo In todny from Ton Mllo. Ho roporto that fishing Is good nnd that big pre parations aro being mndo nt Lnko side for a Fourth of July colobra Hon. CAPT. J. FRED CHLEMEN8 who has bcon master of somo of tho small vchsoIs plying out of tho Columbia recently pnssod through horo this wook on route to Bnndou to visit his father, Honry Chlomons, a plnncor of that section. DR. E. F. WINKLER loft today for Edmonton, Albortn, Canada, whoro ho will locate. In n recent letter from frlonds It was stntod that Ed monton Is having n groat boom, that an average of throo hundrod peoplo nro arriving thoro ovory day and Hint tho building pormlts Issued during tho Inst month nlono rnllod for an expenditure of two million dollars. T. R. Fnlr, Jno. Arbors. Mr. J. F. Mnhnffy, Mrs. J. F. Mnhaffy, Honry Morton. C. W. Hill, A. W. Bryant, J. J. Thomas, M. Kllpatrlck, Mr. MathowB, Mrs. Mnthows, Mr. K. Bond, Mrs. Ilnrrlgnn, Miss Mcintosh, C. A. Carlson, A. , B. Reed, S. H. Chootton. LOCAL MAN HONORED Henry Scngstnckcii Elected Vice President of Oregon Alwtrncters. Houry Scugstnckcn roturnod today from Portland whore ho wns attend ing tho nniiunl convention of tho Ore gon Association of Tltlo Men. Ho wns honored by bolng elected vice president of tho association, Chas. XL Wedor of Albany bolng elected pres ident. Ono of tho objects of tho as sociation Is summed up us follows by nn nrtlclo In a Portland paper: "Thousands of dollnrs nro wasted each year In tho Stnto of Oregon straightening out titles to proporty that liavo bcon bungled by Incompe tent nnd poorly equipped abstract ors," said W. C. Snundors, sccrotnrj of tho Oregon Association of Tlt!o men yestordny, "and to prevent this tho Oregon Association of Tltlo men hns ngrccd not to recognize nny man or company who hns not a fully equipped abstract plant. Oregon ts absolutely tho worst stnto In tho Union In this respect. Troublo Ii constantly occurring becnuRO some unqualified nbstrnctor hns mndo a mlstnko through Inck of records nnd equipment nnd It must ho stopped." SURVEY" DOYLE LINE Tho Doylo nlltl Knrrim electric rail road surveyors are busy locating tlielr lino inrougn uaenuower anu y,.;' nin beyond. Rights of wny nro also bo-l ,; ""In Ing secured and the manngors aeciaro that 20 miles of this road will bo built before tho end of tho present year. Rosoburg Review. AT THE HOTELS Chandler I. R. Stearns, Portland, E. D. Dornn, Portland; W. F. Pardon, Sonttlo; C. It. Gray. Soattlo; K. Kliishlno, Soattlo; J. Macauloy, Tn cqma; Frnnk Pago. Portland; C. II. Albert, Portland; 0. R. Tarr. Port land: O. J. Boss, Portlnnd; C. I. Smith, Portland; W. Sadler, San Frnnclsco; A. W. Scott. Portlnnd. J. A. Gnmblo, Astoria; J. Goldberg. Snn Frnnclsco: 11. Gouldstono, San Fran cisco; R. A. Johnson, Portlnnd: I. H. Barton, Wllllnmsport, Pa.; II. Illonn, Portland. Lloyd Hotel I, Connnnay, "Port land! T. Potorson, Portlnnd; 8. Frnnk, Portlnnd; J. II. Clnrko, Eu gene; liny anu iiiiycuc, UKiiiiimiiiv North Bend News Mrs. TIiob. Chiipmuii will ontortaln tho Altar Guild ut her home tomor row. Mrs. W. N. Ekblnd nnd llttlo son are visiting today at tho W. I). Simp son homo. Mrs. Sylvester Johnson of North Bond spent a fow days on tho Inlot lust wcok. Mrs. Lydla Carlson of Bonneville, Oregon, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson. Mrs. W. Wonthorley, who hns boon in Portlnnd hns roturnod to North Bend to make hor homo. Mrs. Georgo Hurtmnn, who has been visiting In Monmouth for tho pnst two weoks, returned yoatorday. Mrs. John Brain and children nnd Mrs. Jones of Oakland, Cal aro visit ing nt tho P. H. Plnkorton homo. Eif- M ens Bathing Suits Just received n now and complota lino of nil tho latest In this season a styles and colors. Illm-k Black nnd Cardinal Cardinal llltu-k'iind White Navy and Oxfords Bathing Suits from M (( 11.50 to vl.wu Boy't. Bathing OKn Trunks J The Bazar Phone 32. The House of Quality. Blanco Hotel I. A. lienor. gone: C. C. Lilly. Portlnnd. Coos Hotel W. Neff. Portland; F. Bo77on Por'lnnd: M. Rnphnol, Port lnd; W. D. Vredenbiirgh, Shoshouo, Idn.; O. E. Nlles. Antlers, Oklu.: W. Dunning, Tncomn; I. R. Farr, Portland, A TURKISH nATII GOOD. Phone JHJ will do you Thoro was a largo attondanco at tho hall game Sunday, tho gnmo bo lng between North Inlot nnd Lako-side. Tho annunl school mooting was hold on Monday. J. II. Plnkorton was roolectod director and Sponcor Small was olectod as clerk. On Sunday aftornoon about twen-ty-tlvo of the nolghbors mot with Mr. mid Mrs. Roubeii Lyon for their weekly song service nnd Blblo study. Tho object of tholr gatherings ts to soon duvlso Homo means of building ft chapel whc) s vory mucji noodod. HELPED TO KEEP DOWN EXPENSES Mrs. J, B, Henry, Akron, Mich., toils how sho did so: "I was both ered with my kidneys nnd nnd to go nearly doubjo. I tr?ed a samplo -. Folov KIdnev Pills and they did mo so much good that I bought a bottlo, ' and feel that thoy saved mo a big doctor's bill." Rod Cross Drug Store. Poisoira Oak Is jinmcdintcly relieved and cured by applying DEimQLr. The latest sef entific and best reined)' on the market. Pf) in every" 100 cases cured. Monov refunded cheerfully if you are not satisfied. D13R MOL is a pleasant, cool ing, healing, antiseptic cream. SOLK AGEXTS. trtfinBunntl Yi -ztgGi siiy m nnuR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality I