THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912 EVENING EDITION. . COOS BAY TIMES EL AI. C. MAI.ONEY Editor mill Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor ! M ! I y f1 1 I P n n I i i Kntercd at the postofflco at Marsh Reld, Orogou, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall matter. FREE SPKECII. FOLLOWING on tho licols of tho eastern decision In which tho courts licl'1 that u reporter can not bo required to dlvulgi, Bources of Ills Infornmtloii for 'lint which l.o ttiny write, It Is gratifying to observe that tho courts of Vlrglnm linvo fur ther uphold tho rich's of nowspnpon tn n decision Involving publications relatlvo to the Ueattlc case. "Contcmpornnoous reports of testi mony taken In open court, howovnr objecilonnhlo to somo renders, nn leglMmnto nnd may ho clrculnted in the malls," said Fedornl Judge Wnd dlll In the caso ot tho Richmond Journal. (Bt lint tho court adds that rcptraVlo IS Sons of Norway Perfect Local Organization on Coos Bay Name Officers. At a meeting at tho Finnish hall last evening tho organization of Dobre Lodge, No. 2C, District No. 2, Sons of Norway, was perfected. The lodge Btarts with a membership of. about 30, but It Is expected thnt this' will be Increased Boon to GO or 75. I The Sons of Norway Is a fraternal I nnd social organization of Norwegian men. It has n mcmuersiup of about 10,000, of whom 3000 nro on tho Pa cific coast. Dobro Lodgo was Insti tuted by W. I). Olson of Seattle, grand secretary of District No. 2. Mr. Olson leaves for his homo today. I newspapers will bo governed by con-j but wns much Impressed by this set Blderntlons of common decency In tho court proceedings that they glvo o tliclr renders. Ills suggestion culls attention to tho rulo of nowspaporlng which governs almost altogether In every offico In this country. It Is Important, however, that a decision of this chnrncter has boon written Into the court records. There nhould bo no check upon tho ncw.3 nnpor In Its effort to print tho record as It Is from day to day. In thnt thing lies tho guarnnteo of tho pres ervation of tliu rights of the" people. GRATITUDE. I'm glad tho pcoplo don't InsUt thnt I should for an offico run; thcy'vo tumbled to tho fact, I wNi, tbnt I don't llko thnt sort of fun. No dolegntlon soolc my door to toll mo that tho stnto demntulH my prosonco on tho House's floor, the sorvlco of my brain nnd hands. No pntrlots come round to say that all Is lost f E don't rlso mid knock the welkin loose, todny with fncts, statistic, plpcdrcams, lies. I do not list to Toms or Dicks unwind their cam paign rigmarole; tho stale old gain" of vvolltlcs Imparts tho willies to my tooul. I've seen tho tlresomo game bo long! I've seen the- roorback punudod flat; I've seen tho snmo old nhrleklng throng doninndlng this, re buking thnt! And alwnyH when th" noln Is done, expired the music and the thrills, the- o' ronlr statesmen get tho iikmi. tho voters hnvo to foot the nllls. The statesmen know I do not rairo who wIiih or loses In the fight; they know I will not pnw tho nlr, or lug truiiMpnroiu'y by night; they know B will not toot u horn or waddle with Che other goose, and so they pass mo tip with scorn, and I enjoy a splen did peace. CcWlfJvWffH tlon and mndo some nrrangomonm which may result In his coming to Coos liny to mnko his home. Dobro Lodgo will meet the second and fourth Friday evenings of ench month at tho Finnish hall. Tho officers elected last evening nro as follows: Prosldont O. O. Lund. Vice President Chris Potcrson. .Tudgo O. M. Johnson. Secretary B. Kullorud. Financial Secretary Andrew Leo. Treasurer A. Jarcn. Regent O. Martinson. Marshal J. King, Inner Guard O. Hanson. Outside Guard A. Anderson. Trustees II. Ellortson, J. Ulugcu and I. Skytterholm. LOCAL OVERFLOW I ftf.nlfkl.lMZ (li luilluw i 3WITHTHE t 8 TOAST AND TEA : , ROOD EVENING If -wo enn porcolvo bonuty In ovcrythlng of Clod's beauty wo inny nrguo that wo havo reached the true perception of Its mil- versal laws. RUSKIN. viierh love is When 1 come home nt night, nnd she, My wlfo, with old-time, girlish art, Moots mo, and folds hor hand In inlnu And Buys, "Today was long, dear heart." Then does my day ngnln grow bright, .And life once moro seem utrangoly Hweot, Wlille all tho cures that thronged my way Have turned to blossoms at my foot What matter thnt across tho way ."My neighbor dlnos on princely faro? F dlno on horbs with love and hor, JV king what do I know of care? X stands for a ton-dollar bill and mi unknown quuiillty. Dollars are moro common than the uouso of some Coos liny people. When it comes to porputual mo tion this Coos Uuy railway rumor proposition seems to answer tho lines itlon. Todny ('apt. Mucgouu was compli mioutod by n friend for liuvlng a go-id inomory "Yes," tlio cnptnlu quickly Topllod, "It Is too good, for I romoui ther many things t nt I would like to iforgot " J. F. MAHAFFY and wife, of Illinois, who havo boon visiting nt tho Leo Webster and Mr. Mnhuffy homos here, loft today for their home In Illinois. MI8S EDNA STANLEY left today for her homo In Portland after a short visit with Coos Uuy friends. MAKE ROOD SCOUTS. Tho Mnrshflold (Jim Club held a practice shoot this morning nt tho raco track. Thoy will enter the shoot next Sunday at Coqulllo when llan dou, Coqulllo nnd Mnrshflold will bo represented. Dr. Dlx and several others mndo some high scores. A Story Without Words The .sounds of l.nmu.or.t and snws nnd the glint of sunlight; on now roofs in First Addition to Mnrshiiold toll a story more pointed than words. A half dozen familios have already built homos in this beautiful residence addition and many others are buy ing in anticipation of building there this summer. If First Addition to Marshfield makes such a remarkable start under normal conditions, just consider how quickly this addition will build up when the real build ing era commences. To the Home-builder and to tho Investor in city lot;-? we say Keep your eye on First Addition to farshfield. It's the surest success of all and the terms of purchase place lots here within the reach of everyone. The bestinside lots are now selling for $300 each ; covnors for $350. All lots .10 feet by 120. Terms of puiv'.iasc: $25 cash and $.10 per month. TSiiy now and get the best. Reynolds Development Co. Coke Bldg. Owners Tel. 1G0-J. ana "I wnnt you to understand that I jaot my money by hard work." "Why, 1 thought It waB loft you ttjy your undo." "So It wns; hut I had hard work rgotting It nwny from tho lawyers." - ALONG THE WATERFRONT OIHTUARV Ilobert Ilooko was tho youngest sou of Theodosla Itooke, (his fathor died before his birth.) He was born Jan. 28, 18 10, In Round Houso Itound Four, Dublin, Ireland. Aftor IiIk common school education, ho wont to Trinity, but ran awny, and began to learn tho carpenter s trade, lie caino to America In 1858 nnd worked for three yours at carpentry In the New England stntes. Ho en listed In tho nrmy for a year and a half and wns taken prlsonor. Ho was working In Cincinnati when he cnllstod. Later ho wns placed In tho Sollsborry Prison In Collna but was exchanged and wont to Ohio whoro ho was foromnn of tho build ing of n bridge across tho Ohio river. Ho wont to Now Orloans and from Now Orleans to Oroylown nnd up tho Nicaragua river nnd then on across the Isthmus of Panama, from whence hu en mo to San Frnnclsco nnd from Snn Fraurlsco to Coos liny on n small lumber vessel In 18C4. Ho worked nt ship carpenter work In North Hoiid, doing cabin work. Ho bought n ranch or rather a homo stend right In I815U and lived on tho place until hu wns murrlod Juno 1-1, 1880 to Mary Uobecca Gurnoy. Ho did carpenter work nnd building for a time, nnd then settled on tho ranch whero'he lived tho rest of his life. Ho wns n momber of tho Church of England, his fathor bolng English, his mother Irish, Ho wns also n member of tho Mnsonlc lodgo. Tho following children mirvlvo hlin: Mrs. Frank Pray, Mrs. Edith llrlor, Mrs. Luther Judy, Robort O. Ilooko, Ilcsslo Hooko, Floronco Ilooko mid Cent-go Ilooko. CONTUII1UTED. Marsh fie Id and North Bend Auto Line GOHST & KINO. Proprietors. I.EAVJ3 MARSHFIKLD I.KAVK NOItTII HUM). 7:15 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 7:4G A. M. 8:45 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:15 A. M. 10:15 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 11:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:30 P. M. 12:1G p. M. 1:15 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P. M. 1:45 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 3:15 P. M. 4:15P.M.. 4:00 P.M. 5:00 P. M. . 4:45 P. M. 5:15 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 0:30 J. M. - :!. P. M. 7:30 P. M. 7:00 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 10:30 p. M. 10:00 p. M. 11:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 12:30 A.M. 12:00 P.M. Leave North Rend Allen's News stand. Lcnvo Mnrslifleld Chandler and Blanco Hotols and Dusy Corner. Do You Know How to Get Full Value Out Of Your Gas Rdnge? Telephone 178 Occasionally we learn of ladies' who neglect to use the oven or I certain burners of their gas range. Others use more gas than they need by failing to employ a lit tle care in combination cook ing. We will take pleasure in sending a representative to give free expert instruction to ladies who may not quite un derstand how to get full vain their gas range. The gas range will cook any thing that ,can be cooked by a coal range, and do it much better. Oregon Power Company The Newark Is In from llnndon. Tho Hustler, wjlh a cargo of about 75 tons of miscellaneous frolgh', anils today for Oold Iloneli. Port Or Jford nnd Euroka. The Nuuii Smith enmo In from Kay Volnt last night and will sail today vlth a cargo of lumber from tho Smith mill. i.uht Hunuoy i:upt Edwards' now PLANS OF DOYLK Claim to Have Secured Considerable of Itlglit of Way Tho Itosoburg News says: "It Is uudoratood hero this after Oregon & Southern which has boon at work on tho west slopo of tho Coast range establishing n perman ent survey, has run tho lino ns fur as the Churchill place, in Qimns Vnl-I ley. From this point tho men re- turned to tho summit nnd will go, over tho ground a socond tlmo for. tho purposo of fixing n ono por cont grndo. Twenty inon constitute this party, it Is said. Information Is also1 current that tho pormnnont survey, from Itosoburg to Churchill's hns boon mndo nnd rlght-of -way for two ' thirds of tho dlstanco obtained." A CARD This is to certify that FoleyM Honey and Tar Compound does not contain any opiates, and habit form ing drugti, or any Ingredients that --- - ,' , ." ii-iiiiHi pussiuiy iiurin us users, un boat, tho Rainbow, made a fast run , tll0 contrary, its groat hen-Ung and KSTAIII.ISIIHD IN 1H8I). STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At the close of business, June 11, tlli- RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts $427,481.18 Hanking Houso , fi0,00o!o0 Cnsh nnd Exchanges 240,112.32 Totnl 723.59a.70 LIAHILITIES. . Capital Stock paid In t 50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 57.4G9.90 nepMlts C1C.123.80 'ro,nl 1723,593 70 from Marshllohl to Allegany. She mndo eighteen landings. Including n 'fourtccn-mluuto ttop at tho Cream cry. nnd reached Alloguny two iiours -.ind fourteen iiiliiiitos after leaving soot! til ir nunlltles mnko D n rtm edy for coughs, colds nnd Irritations of the thront, chest and lungs. Tho genuine Is In n yellow package. Ask for Foloy's Honey and Tar Compound 'iiero The exact dlbtauco is said to and accept no substitute. Red Crosn 'bo 19 nnd one half miles. It Is announced thnt the Nashurg t'stnte "will soon build n wharf and wnrehouso at tho foot of Abler street, tf'pposlto Wolcott's store, for tho '.Steamers Washington and Homer. It s stated thnt General Mnnnger Soam unell practically closed arrangements TrvJth tho Nnsburg ostnto while hero EAtt week and that tho work will be Ofln soon. DniK Store. E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler 100 North Front Street, MARSHFIELD, ORE. Get Busy AXD GET A1TER THAT ROOF. RUT FIRST COME IX AXI) GET OVR PRICES ON SHINGLES AXD ROOFIXO PAPER. SHINGLES Sl.rtO AND UP. HOOFING PAPER. ONE PLY. $1.23 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, Juno 1 1, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $23S,516.7 Ronds, warrants and securities 7S'Ani'rtft V. S. bonds to secure, circulation 25,000 Real ostnto, fuiiilturo nnd fixtures fl'VJiqq Cash and sight exchange 183,taJ. Total r ?ll,:i7:l.I LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 100'2?,t Surplus nnd undivided profits . i0AnTn Circulation, outstanding H'S3u Doposlts 477.024.71 Total , ss(JlL:l7::J7 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is 100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. V S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON. Vice-President. DORSEY KREITS5ER, Csh.j. 4LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE ' Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIEKHY SEXG8TAOKKN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl.u Phona 101 Platting Lands a specialty. Farma Tlmbar Coal ta4snt "KA8T8IDBI" Qaaaral Ac Manhfleld Offlca 14-J.