tIMSl CUSTODIAN THAT NEVER SOLDIERS ON THE JOB -TnriSlNG In Tlio TIMES ffS rut Year Bed EsUU, "In (Hens WANT ADVERTISING In Tuo TUAK ittts Will Jiccp tno income ironi ioi Furnished Rooms from Lniitt YOU enn ronlly holp thd fsrolly revenues by renting a few lurnUtasd rooms and, If you know how nd whon to ubo tlio classified colunim, you may keep that llttlo extra lncoue as "steady as a clock." (l,o Market" iim.".;.. mi nut tho facts ubout your " w. hnforo 'Uo eyoi ot all "poa- t?u5' in town. And If ittl bn'- nt thorn who ought to yiS'H-iijti MEMHEH OP ASSOCIATED PIIES9 Tjstabllshcd In 1B7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912 -EVENINGEDITION." M Tho Const Mali A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mall Jjrj. 288 and Coos liny Advertiser. waw voLXXXV CONVENTION RECEIVES BOOM 1 60V. HADLEY WITH CHEERS fisouri Executive Suqqosted 1 r nrlidate for President , Late Today. dflEGATES IN WILD ... i r tl.. Cn,.t,. uicagowoma,r-y-.,o wave ui cimiu-iao... for Roosevelt. w CHICAGO, t Wstion ROOSEVELT Aisoclatcd Press to tho Coos Day ft Tlmoa). III., Juno 10. Jnmos tlio Tuft floor louden, tl tho plntforin In tho Republican il I.. In tntlnf lit ft It- Minna convention iu j l Kb to tho Hooaovolt program. fin argued tlio convention had itaowlcdgo and wns in no temper 2 K $m tho 92 IIciobovoU con VI Vntson said ho believed Gov. fft would cunsont to refer tho Son to tho commit eo on ron Sow when it wns appointed. H.DUJhcd hack to whoro Govoriinr nilier itood nnd then they pnHsoJ Sb lo the front of tho platform M . ... i I. t.i ...nit! iiiifrin'. mchccrlnR which lasted for ovor.il j..(.t The cheering beenmo deaf- IS STILL LEADER Colonel Holds Early Confer ence With His Aides to Direct Campaign. 44 luwMi.vijir ivi;i;is OUT Or COXVEXTION ! I.,r Pew of tho Tnft dolvgutcii Ijtrtlclpatcil In It. corernor on." ' , ." , ,," (lly Associated I'rosH) CHICAGO, Juno 19 Ono of the questions iIIbciibhciI nt a con- fcronco of tho Uoosovolt londora tlI morning rolntod to tho ad- vlBablllty of Colonel Roosovolt KoIiib to tho convention hnll nnd dlrcotlnB his light at closor rniiBo than from tho hotel. It wan decided that temporarily at least tho plait purHiicd by Roosovolt yofllorilny would bo followed to keep him In closo touch with Mm lomlors by moans of telephone. Kooscvclt hns been supplied an choir was prominent In tlio , with n bunch of tickets admit- irlnc New JerBey uprooted 11 ting "boaror" to a Bout on tho Mind led n procession up tho nlslo. platform. Whonco theso tlckols loourl West Vlrginlu, North Cnre-, rnmo from Ih not given out. i KnM.ii, Oklnhoma, Now Yeir.t ' ..i imt nn.i lumen mm ncai iy mu ilo! body of delegates wns cut their W jelling. . .. , Tte high regard of tho convention u i whole for (lov. Iladley had boon CTircni nn uny i"j Olio, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Cillfornla, Minnesota, PoniiHylvnnln bJ South Dakota later Joined, all tittrlns for Iladley and WalHon. The uproar lasted fully twenty t!iatn. In tho midst of tho ova dca to Gov. Iliulloy, tho Illluoln dolo ptn tried to Btnrt tlio rofraln, "Wo Tut Teddy," hut It wan hardly nud ftt In tho din. W. C. Coloman of rouburc rushed to tho hUibo aliout S "Iladley, tho next President of til United States' nnd continued kiplng and wnvhiB IiIh nrniM. Tie crowd continued to roar iih tho rjnt nt nrms led Coleman from it platform. AbcautlMl Bin in tno fiiiucry utM a picture of Uoosovolt mil and another tremondoiis ovation. 1U California deleBates rushed to le gallery with tho California bour se and other delegations followol cl picked up tho yomiB woman who rod to ho Mrs. V. A. Davis of Kitigo and carried her down to tho fUtlorm. After 40 minutes of tor nfle din Chnlrman Hoot begnn to mi for ordor nnd Mrs. Unvls ro Urud to' her seat In tho Ballorv. CUIraiaii Hoot could not (iiilot t'.io nvd. After nearly SO minutes, quiet w;u stored and Gov. Uadloy spoke, lie) hid there wns uo inlsundorBtnudlni; j Mta Watson or any othor honornbo ua. He mid ho would fnvor rofw fa the resolutions, but In such way in no man should bo n Judgo ot his na cue, (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO. III., Juno 19 Colonel Itnopcvolt wont Into conference early today with Senator Ilornh, George H Cortelyou, Governor Johnson, Glf ford Plnchot nnd William Plynn nnl other Icnilors. Colonel HoohovcU will contlniio today to keep In touch with Ills forces In tho convention hall by means of a telephone In his hotel apartments. Gov. Iladley snld after Rome con sultntlon that ho thought thero wns no rhnngo In tho convention program of the Uoosovolt forces. "Wo aro going right nhend fighting every Inch of the ground." said McUlnley. "It Is the present Intention to renew Im mediately today our demand Hint tho convention b purged of fraudulent delegates until tho credentials com mittee can act." Hoosevelt Is porxnnally In rhnrgo of his fight. He Issues orders like nu officer In the field. "The Colonel N nbsnlnto boss." enld ono of the Itonie velt lleutennntH. "Wo know of no change In tl o cnmpnlgn plnns up o date, hut ho might chnngo thorn nt any moment." TO PROBE on dl nun una 5K KS rfflro",'!:;;?. ' Congressional Invostlaatlon of oiiiuutju nf(juuiiuuu Convention. ittoimion w. Cor Dencen of Illinois moved nn iMndnient to llndley's resolution Jjt no man whoso sent was contost Jl could sit In JudBinont of n case. ion moved to tablo tho Donoou Jtlon. The roll call on tlio motion jaoie tho nmendmont began u, SAVS XO rOMIMlOMISK "Utcr Pciirosw Says Tnft Has (Ji-eut. cr r.eml Today. CHICAGO, HI., June 19. "There nOthintr III ll.lt, mnm.niiliii Inllf j lll not bo until wo settlo tins ilon of organization," said Son r Penrose when ho nrrlved In tho Whenm. "We will lmvo more votes ?"Jt Hartley's plan to upset tho "Pi roll than wo had yestordny." WIT WIXS AT YALK "WlfClCd Moillll, nf n TTnlvnpclil' Ih i. . Corporation. ' Aitoclatod Press to The Cook rWV ;'rj;N' conn., June rj. W of .I af.1 wna ro-olected n mem lit n x Ya,e corporation yestor jjj Out of 3263 votes ho received (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. I). C. June 19.- Itniirosoiitatlvo Mllltlll W. LlttlotOll "t.hns prepared a resolution calling for a congressional invosiigiuioii m charges of brlbory In tlio Hepubllcau National convention, nnd It Is said that ho will submit It to the Hmiso nn his return from Now York In u day or two. ' i t VlJ. j "t.ii!i HK.T OUT. r- " Associated Press.) Rt, Mi0- ?... Jno 19.-4 ,.":" compiled by the tole- ordi c?mI'anles all show rec- r l , 0,,tBolng dispatches of it. roken the opening day ttaeil ?nnnvnent,on- Approxl- .V!y. 1.000,000 words were I .-""'iri. ' ' TOTAL VOTIJ OX COXVMXTIOX. Hoot Had .158 and McGovern ."502 In fun vent Inn Tho total voto for temporary chair man of tho Hepubllcan jsauonai won veutlon yesterday was Root &0i and McGovern 502. nmiiinil from yestordny s roll call wero the following: For Root Wyoming C; District of Columbia, 2; Philippines 2; Porto Rico 2. For McGovern Wisconsin 13, "Tho balance of Wisconsin's voto was divided up: W. S. Lauder of North Dnkota being given 9, Houser of Wisconsin 2, senator uium... North Dakota 1. DEIHS HAVE NOVEL SCHEME CONVENTION DEVOTES TODAY Plan to Have Second Highest Candidate for Nomination for President Accept Vice Presidency. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). I1ALTIMORI2, Mil., Juno 19 Preliminary to the meeting tomor row of the arrangements commltteo 1 " "yt t o m p o rn ry qfll c o r s for the Democratic National Convention, thero was furthor discussion of tho proposition to hnvo tlio cnndldato who received tho second high numbor of votes on tho final ballot nccopt the nomination for vlco-prosldont. Headquarters of various presi dential candidates wcro In full swing today and tho rival camps issued hourly claims of victory. See. Wood son snld nil tho contests received so far wcro minor In chnrnctor nnd that tho number of contested delegates probably would not exceed forty, F 0 SLI E T IN PORTLAND VICTIMS DEAD Man Believed to Be W .Tanner of Albany, Ore., Killed in Rooming House. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). POIITLAND, Oro., Juno 19 A man who registered bb W. Tnnnor of Albany, Oro., In n lodging houso on Alder street nt'nr Fifteenth, two wcoks ago last Sunday was found murdered In his room todny. Ho had been struck on tho head with n blackjack and must hnvo died in stantly. Tho man wns accompanied by an nttractlvo young woman whom ho represented as his wlfo. Tho wo man Ib missing. Tlio theories nd vnncod nro thnt tho wnmnn killed 111 in or thnt ho was tho victim of tho Jealousy of nnothor man. . I ALDAN Y, Or., Juno 19 A family named Tanner lived hero several years ago but it is believed they moved to Eugene, Oro. Heavy Loss of Life in Mine Near Trinidad, Colo., Early Today. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). TRINIDAD, Colo., Juno 19 Thir teen minors wcro entombed nnd nro believed to bo dead as a result of an explosion in tho Hastings mlno of tho Victor Anioricnn Fuel Co., early today. TWO AKItON'AUTS KILLED THAW'S .WIFE AGIST HIM l'leiuli Army Olllccrs Victims of Col lision In Air (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos). DOUAI, Franco, Juno 19 Captain Dubois and Lieutenant Albert Pelg nnn, ofllcors of tho nnny, wero ktllod today by n collision of their biplanes. MAYS IS ALSO Appears as Witness to Prevent . Him Gaining Freedom From Asylum. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times). WHITE PLAINS, N. Y Juno 19 Evelyn Nosblt Thaw appeared in court hero today ready to tako tho stand for tho stnto nnd testify ngnlnst her husbnnd, Harry K. Thaw, who Is lighting for his releuso from tho Mnt tenwnu asylum for tho crlmlnnlly In sane No lgn of recognition passed between them. Another Oregon Land Fraud Artist Granted Freedom by President Taft. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 19. President Tnft pardoned Frnnklln l . Mnys todny on tho ground that tho government prosecutors used Improp er methods In securing bis conviction In tho land fraud trials In Portland, Oro.. in 1907. This Is tho soconil pardon granted by tho President In the famous Dlngor Hormnn lnnd cases. Wlllnrd N. Jones wns par doned n fow days ago. fHACK IS HA C MPB L 233 FT. TALL HUH i T IN AUTO Immense Reinforced Concrete Machine Ditched Near Pony Structure Being Erected Slough Bridge Three Wh at Smith Mill. I ers Slightly Hurt. of I FIST FIGHT XE.VHLV J " VoLl'oWS WORD WAR ,.-.. t nnimnnssv All) PiimAflO. June 19 During rionnrn Records' speech, a war 4 Georgo Hecorus s jiwi ... y of words broke out in the Indl T ".. l.tinn The o wai mi. a wna a .lAinrTormii iiia iu - Passed between' Captain W.E tii w" i.by m f lite,, j. vn,,, Phone 72 Pacific wants u. UttAVfi i .;'' Tho k,nl YOU hare . -a IMKIl Tl. lnrrllQIl o- . ii..n,l TVToi'nr c great con usioi " -" : W. i Shanks or inuianapoua "- ' cord was a liar and declared he "can get a scrap out oi um - Tho concrete work on tho new Biuokostnck for tho C. A. Smith mill englno room was stnrted todny and tho immense tower will be one of tho largest In tho country, towering 233 feet over nil wiien compieicu. Tho foundation for tho smoke stack Is on piling nnd Is thirty-six feet square. The base of the smoke stack proper will be eighteen feet In , diameter and tho top will be about eleven feet In diameter. The smokestack will bo of rein forced concrete nnd It Is hoped to, erect It at tho rate of about twelve feet per day. I The Idea or having bo urn n 'i- stack Is to Insuro n draught that will , work the boilers up to their full ca-. paclty all the time. It will servo both the mm ami eieuuiu i,i.. "..- ers. Hush Pulp Mill ... x'lnrlnini wlin nro to haVO chargo of the new pulp mill of the C A. Smith company returned on the Nnnn Smith yesterday from a trip through tho East during which they ordered machinery and equip ment for the pulp mill. They will, remain here now and supervise tho . construction of the pulp mill. It ls . . .. ..i, i, m nnmnlptlon and they hope to get it In readiness for operation about January 1. 1913. CALL FOR HANKS. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 19. The Comptroller of Currency has Is sued a call for statements of the con dition of all National banks in the United States nt the close of busl ness Friday, Juno 14. Ray Campbell met with nn nuto mobllo accident last night on tho county road a llttlo this sldo of tho Pony Slough Drldgo. His lights wero In poor shnpe, ono being out of com mission all togothor, and ho could not keep tho road but ran off and into a loir nt tho sldo. badly smash ing his cnr. Hnd It not been for tho log, however, tho mnchlno would have gone over tho bank and Into tho slough, probably killing Campbell nnd Dlondn Dellvlew and two other women nnssoncers from tho DellvlOW plnco In North Rend who woro with him at the time. Campbell was tnkon tn the home of his brother. A. D. Campbell, In South Marsnnoiu, and is resting easily. It Is believed thnt no serious Injuries will result Thn women who were with him es caped with a fow scratches. Tho car Campbell was driving Is ono ho re cently purchased from J. O'Kelly and was on tho run between Marshfleld and North nend. After the accident the party was picked up by Fred Nleme who was sent from hero to get them. TO ST DELEGATES AIS T BOLT Gov. Hadley and Gov. Deneen Opposed to Roosevelt Forces Quitting Convention. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da Times.) I CHICAGO, 111., Juno 19. Colonel Roosevelt's llcutcnnnts, Including Gov. Hadley and Gov. Deneen, served notlco todny thnt they would not sanction n bolt under nny circum stances. They mndo no Bccrot of their position In this respect. On tho othor hand that Col. Roosevelt had ordered tho withdrawal of his dolo- Bntea from the convention If tho cre dentials commltteo falls to unseat tho protested 80 delegates Included In tho appeal submitted by Hndloy, was tho most dlscussod proposition nround tho headquarters Just boforo tho con vention opened for tho second clay. On every hnnd It wns agreed thnt this development wbb cortnln to follow tho approval of tho Nntlonnl commit tee's nctlon. It.wns nlso oxpected :n another cortnlhty thnt Roosevelt could not tako from tho convention somo of his pledged delegates. Roosevelt Forces Try to Unseat Ninety-Two Taft Men in Convention. SEVERAL HOURS ARE GIVEN UP TO DEBATE Several Near Riots Mark Dis cussionBitterness Man ifested Often. TAFTF A Director McKinley and Aides Labor Hard to Keep Dele gates in Line. (Dy ABSoclntod Pross to tho Coob Dty Tlmos). CHICAGO, III., Juno 19. Up 'o llin vnrv iiininont thn mil volition wns called to order, tho Taft managers labored migntiiy to mmntniii tueir iiinrrow hold on tho majority. , All through tho night nnd morning, dolo gates crowded Into tho nntnrooms and conforenco rooms of Director McKlnloy'B hendqunrtors whllo Mc Klnloy nnd his nldcs nrguod and nlnnilml u'llh thorn tn rnmnln firm. McKluloy neglected practically ovory- tuing oiso to inuor wiiu mo uoie Bates, McKinley oxprossed confi dence thnt tho Taft voto In the con vniitlim tmlnv wontil bo f nil v us stroiiB ns yestordny. Tho Taft forces lire iiushnken, ho snld. OFFICERS ARE NAMED TAFT LEADS AGAIN TODAY (By Associated Press,) CHICAGO, III,, June 19 The Taft forces won the only test of strength today by a voto of 563 to 510, Tha voto was taken on a motion to table a resolution which would prevent delegates whose seats had been contested from voting In contests, Tho Taft forces wanted to table It, Watson's motion re ferring tho Hadley reso lution on contests to tho credentials c o m in itteo was adopted viva voce without division, VICTIMS OF RIOT Cleveland Ktrlko HcultH in Death of One. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times). CLEVELAND. Ohio, June 19. Edward Parker, a patrolman, was killed and Wm. Garllch, an express wagon driver badly wounded In n demonstration by 100 striking track workers of tho Pennsylvania railroad here today. Garllch will recover. Temporary Officials of Hepubllcan .ationai uoiiveuiion. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmos.) CHICAGO, III., Juno 19. Tho tompornry officials for tho Republi can Nntlonnl convention, named by tho subcommittee on nrrnngomonts, of which Col. Harry S. Now of In diana Is chnlrmnn: Chnlrmun Ellhu Root, of Now York. Socrotnry Lafayotto II. Gloason, of Now York. Assistant Secretaries C. M. Har Ber, Kansns; John L. Moorman, In diana; A. W. Whlto, North Carolina: Georgo L. Hart, Virginia: John II. McNary, Oregon: II. C. Lindsay, Ne braska; Horaco II. Dancroft, Illinois; Join. J. Adams, Iowa; Porcy E. Stod d.rd, Now Hampshlro: A. D. Dnl rymole, Now Jorsoy. Sorgoant-at-nrms William F. Stone, Maryland, Assistant Sorgoant-nt-nrms Ed ward P. Thayer, Indiana. Clilof Door-koopor Jonn j. nan son, Maryland, Chlof Usher WJlllntn D. Austin, Illinois. Chief .Medical Staff Dr. Georgo C. Hunt, Illinois. Parliamentarian E. U Larson, Ohio. Oflklal Stenographer M. W. niumnnlinrcr. Wnshlncton. D. O. Chief Clerk L. G. Hecklngor, Now Jersey. Chaplains Rev. James F. Calla ghan, Chicago; Doan Walter T. Sum nor, Illinois; Dr. Joseph Stolz, Illin ois; Rev. John D. Shnw, Illinois; Dr. J. Wesley Hill, New York. Reading Clerks William A. Walt, Michigan; Otto Ilossard, Wisconsin; Thomas Williamson, Illinois. Tally Clerks Archibald G. Gra ham, Indiana; C. WoodJIl, Massachusetts, (Dy Associated Press to tho Coob Day Tlmos). CHICAGO, Juno 19 With Inter est so intense ns to nlmost procludo applause, tho Republican National Convention nt noon today was in tlio midst of n threo hours' argument on the motion of Govornor Hndloy of Missouri to "purgo" tho temporary roll call of nlnoty-two delegates con tested by tho Roosovolt faction but seated by tho national commltteo. It seems likely tho dobnto nnd voto on tho question would last nil nf tornoon. It hnd been agreed In advance that thoro should be uo parliamen tary points of order against tho 1100801$) t motion, tho Taft forces ngreolng to light the innttor out bo foro tho dolegntos. Hot TIiiicn Started Senator Hemenwny of Indiana dcclnrei) tho work of tho Nntlonnl Commltteo wns fair nnd regular Ho nttnckod tho men who hnd algitod tho protest. "Why," ho shoutod, "would you loavo this mnttor to a . mnn llko T. C. Dupont of Delaware, ropresontntlvo of tho powdor trust?" Ho attacked Cecil Lyon of Texas whom ho snld controlled II vo thous and fodernl appointments. "How about Penrose?" camo from a Pennsylvnnlnn. Slinking his fist In tho faces of tho dolegatlon, Hoinon wny shouted, "Glvo mo Ronriso bo foro Fllnn evory time." Pennsylvnnl nns wont wild. Climbing over chairs and hrnndlshlnB lists, Fllnn nmong thorn, they yelled vltuporatlon nt tho sponkor. Ah tho disorder contlnuod, Chnlrmnn Root camo to tho front of tho Btngo and pointing nt Fllnn shouted, "If tho gontlomnn from Ponnsylvnnln wishes to commend his cnuso to tho Just and honest mom hers of tho convention nnd tho Am erican peoplo, ho will cease to Inter fere with the dollvory of reasonable nnd decent argument." Root was cheered. Tho Indlann outbreak followed an assertion of Record's that In ono dis trict of Indianapolis, tho returns wero mndo up by officials without oven oponlng tho ballot boxes. Or der was flnnlly restored, No blows wero struck. At l:3G, nn Intermission of flftoon minutes wns taken that tho specta tors might loavo for tho afternoon. No ono leaving wns allowod to return. TIOUTIXB OF COXVEXTION XOTICE TO ELKS All members of Marshfleld Lodfjo No. 1 160 aro requested to bo present at tonight's meeting ns business of importance Is coming up. GEO. ROTNOR, Sop. Almost Entire Session Devoted to Hitter Debute Today (Dy Associated rrss to Coos Day CHICAGO, III.. Juno 19.- At 10:30 n. m.. n half hour before tno Republican National convention wua resumed, th? Coliseum wns half filled with spectators. The band played n medley of airs und llttlo oxcltomont wns apparent. As tho bnnners of tho California delegation wore brought I., n rniinrl of BDIllailSO. thO Tim (Continued on Pago Four.) TraSfer Co.