THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, ORECON. TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1912 EVENING EDITION. i 5SWT5S'.'iMi,ifa fTV niAfiu THINK Before Yon Buy Beds and Bedding THIS "We en ltv an immense lino of strictly Now Hods, whether yon want Brass, Steel or Wood .Beds: I f your Bed conies from our stock it is a New Bed--Further, it is the best Bed that money can buy Cor the price wc ask for it. Beds for $3.00, $4.85, $6.00, on up to $60.00 The Inside of the Tick Xs, of course, the principle part of the Mattress. Not alone how good and how clean is the filling, but how much filling do you get. The very same applies to pillows. Come in and see what wc have. AVc will guarantee you the best that money can buy for the price you pay. Mattresses $2.50, $4.50, $6.50, $?.50 up to $35.00 Large Sizes, Good Qualities and Low Prices Must go hand in hand to make real bargains in Blankets, Comforters and Bed Spreads. Come !n and compare our linos. We like to have customers compare and to express their opinions. WE MAK1D LIBERAL TERMS TO T.IONIO WHO WTSTT TO PAY PART DOWN AND PA TIT IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS. i PERRY rl VjBIJ't j NICHOLSON ErgmnrrgraCTgmrasL We Have Been Successful In buying a Inrco stuilc of 11 rat class Electrical material nml cnti glvo our patrons a very low prlca on Iioubo wiring. Got our prlco you enn't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J If You Arc Not Using ti4y cx W9 k ffM ttf T0&-3 GflO' You Arc Not Using the Best i We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suils Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry' PHONIC MAIN ft7-J Wanted Quick A hliroml InvcNtor lo pick up : bargain In two of tliu choicest lots on Kiihtfeirio. riuo view of Hay iiikI Marshllold. High, level uutl sightly. $170. I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front St. Just the Very Cut you want Is wlmt you got when you nrdor meat from this innrkot. Just tho very quantity too. Wo don't cut off a half n pound or so over In order to Ineronso snlos. Wo don't havo to. Our meats are so well known that It keeps us busy supplying tho domamh of regular customors. Hut wo havo room for you on tho list. MAHSHFIKLD CASH MAIIKUT. FOURIER BROS.' Muislilleld Telephones North llcnd UUI-J TwoMnrkoU fll BlancharcTs Livery We havo secured tho livery bust roes of L. fl, Holsnor, and arc pro pared to render oxcollont servlco to tho peoplo of Coos Day. Cnrotul drivers, good rigs and everything that will moan satistactory servlco to tho public. Phono us for a driving horso, a rig or anything neodod lu tho livery lino. Wo also do truck ing business of all kinds. UliANCIIAHU 1IHOTHKKS Phono lilK-J Livery, Feed iiih! Sales Service. Ill First and Alder Streets. Get Busy AM) OKT AFTF.U THAT HOOF. HIT F1HST COMK IN AND GKT Ollt PIMCKS ON SHINOMCS AND ItOOFINU PAPIIH. SHINKMCS $1.50 AND UP. HOOFING I'APKIt, ONK VhY, $1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. IUJTA I h DKPAUTMI3NT. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See COllTIIELL Phone KIWI Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKNitV SKNGSTACKKN, Mgr. Coqulllo OfflvO Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Varma Timber Coal undent "EA8T8!DIA" General Ag Marshfleld Orllce 14-J. WANTED ! ! ! CARPKT8 UPHOI.STKHINO AND PIANOS TO OLKAN, by tho Pneu mutlo Cleaning Company. Orders for Mork taken at GOING IIARVKV P1IONI3 100 If you havo anything to sell, trade, or rent, or want holy, try a Wunt Ad, Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do ell to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS Soutli TJroiulwny and make sole :;. tion iroiii the largo stock now ou JT,7j lionI A. ii Ar;ioi-v., i...r, ;. i.: i.. Avk tno onl-v proeticnl.n.nrblo and granite LlTiT7LX& euti01' iu ("oos County. And nouo triU.t.,Lg but tho best work is turned out. . 'ii mi The Big Celeforaitnora Program Is Announced Members of Committee. Tho mombors of standing commit tees In chnrgo of tho colobratlon aro: Manager R. O. Graves Patriotic Exercises . .J. T. McCormac Electric Lighting. . 12. N. McDonnoll Horso Racing F. P. Norton. Advertising committoo M. C. Malonoy Hand and Instrumental Music .... F. 13. Wilson Uont Races nnd Water Pnrado . . . A. K. Peck Automobllo Parado Jay Towor Human Rose Dud Drill ..Pof. Uoggs Liberty Car F. 13. WilBon Hoso Uncos Dan Keating Field Sports, Strcot Contests .... Frank D. Cohan Log Rolling Contests . .A. II. Powers Tug of War Contests . .A. II. Powors Trap Shooting Win, Ekblad Strcot Shows Jay Towor Strcot Docorntlons, Opora Houso. . Warner Ogron Masked Carnival ..E. N. McDonnoll Judges of Show Windows, Parades, Etc Mrs. Geo. Murcu, Mrs. Ralph Williams, nnd Airs. II. J. McKcown. Marshal A. T. Haines. contest. $G. Three prizes, $20, $io nnd A. II. POWERS, Secretary. Tho following Is n comploto list of tho events and prizes of tho celebra tion: JULY 2. 3 to 12 n. in. Trap shoot. First Evont Ton tnrgctsj prelim inary. Unknown angles. Entrance fee, $1. Tlireo prizes. Money divid ed GO and 40 per cent. Second Event Fifteen targets. Unknown nngles. Entrance fee, ft. $2G added money. Threo prism. .Money divided GO, 30 nnd 20 per cent. Third Evont Fifteen targets. Un known angles. En trance fee. $1. $25 added money. Threo prizes. Money divided GO, 30 and 2ii pi-r cent. Fourth Evont Twenty targets. I'tikuowii nugluM. Entrance re, $1 CO. $."0 added money. Four prizes. Money divided 10, 30, 20 and 10 per cent. Tho highest Individual nvorngo will bo presented with tho Peters medal. All ties will be divided. All events will bo shot off lu strict accordance with the American Aswo dittloii rules. WILL EKI1LA1), Scei'otiu-y. 10 to 10:15 a. in. Human rose bud drill. 0 1:30 to 1:30 p. in. Races at fair grounds. No. 1 Trotting and pacing, '4 mile boats. 2:30 class, host two nut of throe. Purxe, $150. No, 2 Running mllo dnsh, for horses owned In Coos and Curry counties since January 1, 1U12, catch weights. Purse, $7ii. No. 3 Half mllo burro race. Pun-o, ?r. No. -1 Carrlngo horso raco, half mllo, host two out of three. Purso, $25. No. 5 Running, mllo dash. Purso, $150. No. 0 Qunrtor mllo dash, catch weights, for horses not trained this sensom Purse, $15. F. P. NORTON, Socrotnry. 7:30 to 8:30 p. in. Dnnd concort. 8:30 to 10 p. in. General tironie- nndo city streots. JULY 3. !) a. in. Assombly. Music. 0:30 to 11 it. m. Hont races. No. 1 Speed boat raco for" boatB with speed over 25 miles per hour; 15 miles. Threo prizes, $25, $15 and $10. No. 2 Speed boat rnco for boats with speed less than 25 mllos per nour; jd nines. Threo prizes, $20, $10 and $5. ARTHUR K. PECK, Socrotnry. It to 12 n. in. Water parade. Host decorated launch lu pnrado. Two prizes, $10 and $5. 1:30 to 1:30 p. in. Rnccs nt Fair Grounds. No. 1 Trotting nnd pacing; half mllo heats, best threo out of five, free for all. Purse, $150. No. 2 Running, hnlf mllo dash, for horses owned In Coos County sliici) January 7, 1912, catch weights. Purse, $100. No. 3 Running ? mllo dnsh, catch weights, horses not tralnod this season. Purso, $20. No. 1 Running, ?i mllo dnsh. PurFo, $150. No. 5 Half mllo mulo raco. Purso, $G. No. (! Canlago horso raco; half mile heats, best two out of tlireo. 1'iiibo, $25. F. P. NORTON, Secretary. days. I: 15 to 5:30 p. in. Loir roIlliiK IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSI TIVE About tho size of your shoos, It's iomo satisfaction to know that man) poople can wear shoos a slzo smnlle by shaking Allon's Fool Eonse, the antiseptic ppwdor, Into thorn. Just tho thing for Dancing Parties, Pat oat Leather Shoos, and fo- Ilronklns In Now Shoes. Whon rubhors oi ovorshoos becomo nocnsmi y und your shoos pinch, Allen's Font-ICnso gives (nstnnt rolit'f. Sold overywhore. 20 cts. Sample FREE. Adress, Allui S. Olmsted, Ln Roy, N. Y. Don't ac cept any substitute. WANTED. 50 million feet of first growth timber either in Lane, Douglas, Curry or Coos Counties. Have the buyer for it if you have it. Have a good business buy on Front street. Long lease. French Realty Co. 315i2 N. Front St. 2 to 1:30 p. m. Field sports lu town. 100 Yard Dash for boys under 1C years. Tlireo prizes, $3 $2 and $1. Polo Vault Free Tor nil. Threo prizes, $5, $3 nnd $1. Polo Vault Hoys under 10 years. Three prlzos, $5. $3 and $1. Polo Vault- Hoys under 13 years. Tlireo prizes, $5, $3 and $1. Running high Jump Freo for all. Tlneo prizes, $5. $3 nnd $1. Polo Vault Hoys under 10 years. Threo prizes, $5. $3 nna $1. FRANK D. COHAN, Sorrolnry. 1: 15 to 0 p. in. Log rolIliiR con test. Tlireo prizes. $25, $10 mid So. A. II. POWEIIS. Secrelnry. 7:30 to S:30 p. in linml ronrort. 8:30 to 0:30 p. m. Strcot b1iov. JULY".!. 1IM2 0:00 to 9:30 n. in. Assombly nnd music. 0:30 to 10:15 a. m. Pnrado. Rest business or Industrial floats In parado two prlzos, $10 nnd $5. Host appearing frntornnl order in Sunday school making best npponr nnto lu parade, $10. Host docorutod automobiles In par ado, threo prlzos, $15, $10 nnd $5. Host decorated buggy or wngon, ono prlzo, $5.00. Host decorated blcyclo In pnrado, $1.50. Host decorated dog or goat cart, $1.50. Host mho wagon In parado, $2. Host decorated doll carriage. Tin oo prizes. Ono box candy ench. Rest drilled team In Human Roso buds. Two prizes. Lnrgo box of candy ouch. Rest buy flag bwircr In Rosobud mi I mil. Two nrlzes. Lnrco ho nt omul enh. 10:15 to 11:00 n. m. Human Roho Ilud display and drill. u:ou to 12:00 n. in. Patriotic oxorcisos. .MaMiule Opera Houso 1. Music IJmid. I-', not itntion Declaration of In- uopeiuionco by Miss Ruby Hondry. 3. Music Rand. I. Oration Dr. Hnrry Lnno. 5. "Stnr Spangled Ilannor" nnnd. J. T. McCormac. Sec. 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. Hoso races and exhibitions, two prizes. $35.00 nnd $25.00. Dan Keating, See. 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. Flold Sports In town: 100 yd. dnsh, frco for all, two pri zes, $10.00 nnd $5.00. 100 ynrd dnsh for ladles, two pri os. $5.00 and $3.00. 75 ynrd dash, running backwards, two prlzcB, $3.00 and $A00. Snck raco for boys undor 10 years, throo prlzos, $3.00, $2.00 nnd$1.00. 100 ynrd dash, mon weighing ovor 200 pounds, two prizes, $5.00 nnd Haso ball throwing contest, ladles two prlzos, $5.00 and $3.00. .(0l0mb,ns Gron80(l I10'", ono prlzo, Ple-entlng contest, ono prlzo, uEH3 UJJj3 The Sign of Good Candy Always HU1LDINO AND REPAIR WORK House Moving mid Grading, Wo nro prepared to do this work by tho day or contract nnd irunrnntnn satisfaction. Let us figure with you. a. S. FLOYD & CO. Phono 31K-.T Mnrshflold. Ore. Ltfc A. H. HODdrNB T. J. BOAIFE VUJ Marshfield Paint, ( Decorating Co. estimates Furnished MARSHFIELD, Phone 140L Oregon PoisoneoaK DPMPnV 30 YEARS NtVER JSvi"2L nUI'lUUI THE5TANDAR0 "W.,..n,ll-,,LIN3' rtLONS. BURNS. tTC. ... ..AXABLC HOUSEMOl.0 SALVE. au. CRUooire Mve IT OR WIIL OBTAIN ON HIO.UMT ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. rwconj conrs. I aHRIFVa MICHAELS CO 5ANFWANCISCO Barnard & Langworthy ;00 to 5:oo p D' chan, contest, two D 5 ?-uB of ju.uo. :-v- ib.oo I-30 to 8:30 p. m H,1f0WMi1j nivni v" ai .U" p. m.-M;:"i ........ V.UIUUUI llntdn n-:r"Bui .. AI thoso aon V,"' streots nf Afn..i...vu6 on ti P. m. July 4,h ii"" masks. "' BUOm wearil ove S'?!?""o cencorntn. .11 SocretarV hatffi" & charge nat event An nddltlonnl ntl,n .. bo given for tho boitd U00 ' noBB window In MalW ' tho throo days. AIarhneld dut All .1,1 t'as r"" nnu uuutnB for tv:::i JLawt,S ONI)S8KLliWKI Portland People Hy Special Imn ment ii i M ,mPw Tho Portland Journal',..,. prices offered nt previous ?a" Portland lim.rmn, ;lou.' H1 tho bids opened by tho war.. menilB cnnnnlMn., ; .l .WB' anuw r. ...... ... . ' . ulireti ton years. "'luruj Thero wore 30 bids, the In... Wl Cll tcmlnriul . l0?"t cent.. Tiie-greno" " bids ranged from 3.G0 to tj nbovo pnr. m Tho ISHIIO wna nt',....l.... . Iv flvn limn. .. ' . "' . ,USCr"d III Inrltv n h u7n, m "ett po, As thero was no n',m.,.. .. !.'"."c?,.n 'S'-'!to. :e?!.,.rtSa ll cllCHt b itilnra TI,.. . w pnrturo from this custom. howt becauso of tho fact that City Ti, uror Adams has SMR.nnn Mii." LlLl,c,tr vn,lUs nnd wnti to bl $100,000 of tho Igsnn. ti,;!.. -. ., . - - - - illDUJUUfll I II n lintwlanf tlum lt.. . . ' r .:,;.. 7i".:., V'r t,l "aur, n ,v'i niiouiu no applied towird duclng tho bonded Indole.. It may bo posslhlo that the com will figure that a Having of 6 dc on some of tho IhmiIh win k! .. ablo to selling tlietn, even nt the bl imummiiiiih uini mivo uecn orfertd. UNITIM) STATUS SPKNllS 9UO,I)()0,000 FOR LUXl WAHiiiMJTON, Juno 18. Laii iob imporicu into tlio United 8U4 during tho llsrnl year which -n this month will execod $200,000 & In vnluo. Undor this term, "luii ies- nro ineiudod such aructsi (iininoiiiis, art works, laces nd i orouieries, eiinmpaKna and ota wines, tobacco and manufutei thoreof, ostrich feather, superfld iiowors, toys, poriutnoriei and cj metlcs, Jowelry, manufacture! otr nnu siivor, nnu numerous other this genornl character. In mis; tiieso articles, especially the ma important ones, tho Imports of llscnl year 1012 will exceed In u those of nny earlier year. Art won show for tho nine months endll with March n total exceeding by I por cent tho highest record of onrllor year and will npproila $40,000,000 In vnluo for the full I eal year, ns against $22,600,000 1911 and $21,000,000 In 1910. Diamonds will show also t It totnl for tho llscal year 1911. nlno months' figures thus far reived by tho Rureau of BUtlttl Department of Coinmerco and Lab show for diamonds and otn precious stones a total of $30,5 000. indicating for tho full m total of almost $11,000,000, thosi ccoding tho rocord of nny other ya oxeont 1910. whon tne toui nonrly $18,000,000 nnd 1907, w tho total was S42.&00.Q00. U diamonds will amount to abonf fourth of tho grand total orprte and soml-prcclous tone. It often haiipona that business-! mum Imlnn itnmnnnl nDDfrSrSBCf I much as porsonnl appearance hell business success. If you have anything to sell. M or rent, or want neip. ur Refular Price 55c say urn I J AJtmUmI You will uio' Flcrtricul 170 Contrartors nnd Sunnllcj PIIONK 181-R. ho, itioailuay, next door Villon Mwit Market. "Wear-Ever" AlumbumUtcnl alwoys, if ono such utensil UjfUe z..L i.-. ,a minufsctun belfeve. That la why they uf their profit nnd we cut ourt a. l.t Mip.ntlirt s Saucepan, which is youra l at the Special Wee. Replace uteniUi that vfl .. !.... :i-T..AtWr.fcvi wiuiuicasus UWt "- r 1 Pioneer Hardware to m & W Pi5ai.a,ELMyAy,V,& I 330 NnrHi Front bt. u j a $ 5jjjsM5 j wravaisco. lUOllR l- III- Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality