The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 18, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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M t. MALOXHY Keillor mill I'ub.
DAS' IS. MALOXKV .Vcs Keillor
Entered at tho postofflco at Marsk
flold, Oregon, (or transmission
through tho innllB as second claaa
malt matter.
(Contlnupel from Pngo One.) .JSnJnwjnigoJ
JoTTlTZ'loUe 'sntno allow each side twenty minutes for ' -tntcd that lio wished tho meeting
ns If he had been elected President? debate, iladley took tho floor In would tako some action that would
Elected toSuccecd F. W. Stev- Special Programs in Beavor
CH00I.S CLOSE I S. Mffl ffi
Tlmt wus when onthuslastlc friends support of his motion.
v.'oro trying to get him to run In Argue Over Motion.
1900. lie said ho linn mu two terms itndlov declared that
ens on North Bend School
Board Other Results. i
Tho North Bond school election
ovcry election nnd keeping up a cam- yesterday was not as closely contost-
Ho praised tno Mnrautioiu m1 nB im,i been expected. II. 0.
stop tho turmoil that wns caused by
certain ones stirring up a light at
already. Looking at it that way If .,,,,,,', ,.nln,i iiv tim reinvention lnen
ho Is nominated at Chicago he w 11 Uj ,"fnlrlv ...... imvo n tainted candl- schools, saying tlmt tnoy "inKcu elected director to succeed
B-nwff fivss .: s Sis ' srjs.- Br !rrs, a-,-,,..,,, , ,, ..
country ever put Into tne n to ndloy went Into tho detail.
J10'0 " "".i'rn' I -C oTtho wortof the National Com
saying thnt they ranked
. i.. H.i. ii-ii.. .i.1HM.. i.. tin1 net ml nlnrlc.
. . I1I1IIIM 111 I II1U IMI lll'l IMII II III! Ill' I llll av.VV --
CltlU18 ..nut two vnnrs. Ill order to sottlo tho Tho voto was ns followB!
;. . ... ..... ... . i itimij oi uio worn ui mu nuuuuui uui..- ..,,.., ., .,. ,. i,,i ..,, ,,. vnr director:
or three cither. " - .'" do8ei1 nihl 8,,out8 0f a , ges That tho supe7intendontD bo II. a. Kern 01
FIvo American statesmen nave nan l" "" ,,.,. . .mv TnrHnv foi. chosen for a torm of three yonra and . . lu'1"" ".".
three nominations each for President. , , Go ve nor 1 a t of Now Jersey fol- hjj Umt nt , f . T. Coftel . . .;." .;.;
IU..V.-H uw........B w - - -- ,.. Tinr, otnnil rnmlv n nlnrf i m MT. .uuriuii imu mu uiihmuuiu -
tho Ilonrd stood ready to elect him
... . . -. ......i..i...rt
lilCVon liaVO I. nil iwu iiumnmuu.n. , -- --- --.- ..... ...,ii linn.
Tim Mii'nn.lltnnra wnitv I "" lolluHI"K l"u niu kuuuiui ....vo
T1A S.n numlMtod by of argument. Ho declared tho con-
caucus of radical Domocrnt.c-Ropuy vcntlon Is nink ng ) edent for
llcaus, 182-1; defeated by
Qiilnoy Adams. Nominated by Dom-. "',-' ,, """....XZ1 superintendent had
IWlllu unum ..w .... .. .t 1 ,1 1.,
and Elk Rock Dis
tricts Are Held.
The Denver I llll school closrd lust
week and following Is tho program
which wns rendered at tho Hall Wed
nesday ovenlng beforo u In rep and
appreciative uttdlonco:
"America" on tho harp by Nolllo Mc-
Hecltntlon, "Ily Your Chorrles" by
Tonn Hussoll.
'Speech for a Little Girl" by Violet
Ui Hubs.
ltecltatlon, "Tho Wreck of tho llos-
pcrus" by Kntrona Nylund.
this period If tho meeting so express- lected by the JlotliorB' and Teachers' limitation, "I'll Try and I Will" by
od a des re. Ho sa d that tho board tan" nun n. v.uuu.t o v..u .... inu. D.i.u......
,....- ti ....,...!. lot rniiiililiitn. Mr. Kuril was tho n nlnirtio. "Droadftil lloya."
lohn all tlmo ns to whothor tho convon-1 """"" -7"" ,,,",.,. n rn..,ii.into favored by Sunt. Unab nnd s,,c. "Columbia, tho Com of tho
Nominated by Dom-. Hon controls Its own PorBonoI. J " '" Vomlont lmU boon sort of a Ma friends. . . Ocean," by school.
Uocllntlon, "Ulty wniii" ny mmnr
"Teacher'H Addresa" by Kthel An-
ltecltatlon, "Lady Clalro" by Mary
Hecltntlon, "If I Know" by Frances
."... iooq. iMn,t ,.v,.i. Aiinmj ' "anaii tins convc
ULMUO, lo., ..v.u.v.u .. -; I .. . .,,. ,-(, , ,l,nniln,l
Nonilnnted by iieinocrais, isj-, iiimumu wimunao. ...........
olcelod over Clay. I-otid continued cries of "no" nns-
Honry Clay, nominated by caucus wered him. "Thon lot us determine-
of conBorvntlvo Domocrntlc-Hepubll- this question now, if not now It
cans: uoieiucu uy jouh wi;j an-, uhih to 'uu. ""
urns. Nominated uy iNiuionni nenun
llcnns, 1832; defeated by Jackson
said Fort who
concluded amid cheering.
Kx-roprcsentntlvo Watson follow-
Nominated by Whigs, 1811; defeated cd Fort on tho other aldo but yielded
.. ' I . ..., ... ... nAH.nAH,nlllfn CflK.
liy 1 OIIC. I ten iiuiiuiuh iu nuintsiiiiuun! ubi'
Jlartln vnn Huron, nominnicn uvono ij. i'nyno ot jnow iorK. rujiu
Douiocrats, 183C; olected over W. H.
Harrison. Nominated by Uomocrnts,
1810; defeated by Iiurrlson. Nomi
nated by Freo Sollors, 18 18; defeati'd
by Taylor.
Grover Cleveland, nominated by
Democrats. 1881: elected over UlnliK.
Nominated by Democrats, 1838: do-!in fnr "order" nnd tho followlntr
fentod by Donjnmln Harrison. NomI-, 0 precedents established by previous
natod by Democrats, 1392; elected conventions.
OVCr HnrrlBOll. I Wntnnn wnn rrnotoil tiv plinorn nn
William J. Ilryan, nominated by l0 ,, the argument ngalnst
was heartily chcorcd. Ho maintain
ed that tho question Is on "botween
orderly proceduro on ono hand and
chnos possibly on tho othor." l'ayno
proccodod nmld great confusion,
constantly being Interrupted by
iiliouts of tho opposition. Ho mndo a
tryout nnd thnt ho had moro than For cleric, u. a. iMiyuoo, u o i.ruH
mado good and ho snld that ho bo- out Incumbent, received 130 voIcb
lloved that fully nine-tenths of tho nnd N. H. We ling received thrco. I
parents wero in favor of rotalnlng! mi I-leclloii at A lleniwiy
Mr Tlodcen Tll elections held In shool dls-
R. A. Cop'plo followed Dr. McCor- trlct No. 45 and 7C nnd nt Cooatou
mac nnd said that ho felt Just ns Dr. J Inst night rcBUlteil an followso. . .
Mnnn..,nn .11.1 nn,1 onl.l hn No. 1C W. A. GagO, rCOlOCtCd
tho vast majority of pcoplo who' had ' director; Mrs. M. D. Price, reelected ltecltatlon, "A Little Girl" by Holla
cictk ior mu iciiiu iiniu. i HuiniCB.
No. 7C -Mrs. Laura Schappors Diai,,, ''Shocking Aunt .Tano."
was named chairman of tho bonrd of Hudtatlon, "II or No II" by Jim Mc-
dlrcctors, Chnrles Nelson and George Adams.
Noah, members of tho bonrd, nnd ; Sonft "oh, tho Sports of Childhood"
Mrs. HoBn Hunch, clerk. School.
Election In Cooston ' Hecltatlon, "Mn Can't Voto" by Will-
Mr. RussoU and W. 13. Hommo inM1 Mcniilclwrni.
imt vt kvi tuiv i . UAM,inu --- ... .
on it. Mr. Copplo said thnt It hndiwero rcoiceiou """""')' ""' Hecltatlon, "Llltio I'liini" uy Artniir
.,.. .1. .....! ... .!. .,., ,. nild clerk. rCBDCCtlVOly, Of tllO OOOH- Amlnrsnn.
weok nnd that ho wna confident that'to" district nt tho annual school ol. ..gwcot unncli of DnlslcB" on tho
nvnrvnno nrosont wns nronnred to, cctlon Inst night. hnrn by Nolllo McAdauiB.
voto on It. Knstslde Klccllnii. Dlnloguo, "Tho Sowing Party."
rno unuuni scimoi uiecuuu m nam- Rucltatlon, "Uarbarn Frllclilo" by
chlldron In tho school npprovod off
It. Then ho offered tho resolution
requesting tho directors to elect Mr.
Tlodgcn for u term of thrco yonni.
Tom Hnll in objecting to it snld
that tho resolution had been sprung
on tho spur of tho moment and tho
people woro not prepared to voto
I 4..... ll1l .... 1). ..... O. ....!.... I
Democrats. lOUU. lUUU, iwa; uun-lli i ll,1 nv.'n nml nn Hn pnntoi.ilnil Hint ivnii "uu nun iiuiiuuii. oniiiiiuui .
ed by McKlnley twlco nnd by Tnft. i .V. ,'.' ia i nP,ior i,nrn..Rn : wero nniiiod BB.tollerB and tho voto B (1 uiougni out ''' "Vc""hY Mnry Mussoll.
Two nominations and two elections thnrolBio convention until It Is or-'t'o". tho mooting being kept open,111"" ' "l."""".! . - i.ii ..f So,,Bt "0l,r 01a,, vacation" by Bcbool
woro tho portions of Washington. Sod" His arKumont was of "' from 7:30 to U:00 so tlmt ovoryono ?,nrs1- . ' "0Poloc " , H . d l "' Miss Cnrrlo H. Hodlno wns tho
Jefferson, MndlBon, Monroe, Lincoln, Hn0mntnr IHs men- could voto on It. clty r "' 'l t?!l teacher nnd received mnny compll-l
loBnBo1nJI.r .0Stt only one oloc ' P f Vote on .Superintendent ff" ,-ffl V ' ' vV.r'Va 'ffi WXJ& S' """
linn fol .,, n follow Inir- ' Ml ('n,ir80 of ,lls romnrltB proclpltn- Tll0 Voto on Buporlntendont wna' For clerk. C. K. Jnriliin. tho present ' tho pnst term.
Iiilm Ailniiia (lofotBd'bv Jefferson ' ,011 "nldl cof"B,lon' lo,", cl,ccrB nmI most ilcclslvo, being 121 In favor of I Incumbent, defeated Win. Kenton Iiv ,,,.., ItorIC .)lsrltlr
John AdnniB, deroated b Jcfforaon, Mmm BroollllB u Mr Tlo,,BOI nm, lfi n8nlnBt lilm. tho' a vote of 17 to II. W'K lt0 K mhimci
Join, Qulncy Adams, defeated by"?"e.l "lltcr !""8 lcA !!.vo,0rt '"fi!. T,,. !'''n, .tcr" ' K"'8':, : Many IN ! Kx..i..l....(li. for1
' "'" iini ii .... ....... ... or oi i. a. tior.ieu. tno rcsoiuiion ' nave neon eieeicu mr uio eiiiimK ,.,
for" BuildiS"
W. S. Chnndlor nnlvn,! i,
from San Frum-lsr" . f'l, "!? 'odi
looit after Inift-.-sm ' V. "3 9
.Chnndlor ncc..M,,,ui!V ft, x!1
I win open tlu-ir Kuniinnr ' ln
' South Coos uivor t " , P 10,n6 '
I tho week for ii... "..JBMer Part
I Mr. Cliandlcr said thai n i. .
,been nuprlKil of any oiV
1 inonts In the Cons H.,f nU
uon. no said Hint there "..!
1MB to Klvo out rolntlio in!1? "i
ininiii railway and Snmhom p, ,1
Ill'KOlUII O H. .llll-l , -.-"'
work the Terminal railwa, ,1,?')
l.rt already xmZ.
nronared to hImio ' L wa
Tin Bald that nciipral Inmin...
"tlonBjvero good .ttta
uiuijiiuiiK nppeareii to lia it,,
nsldo to iHhciihr N'ntional politics
..omul "uiucarii any new riir(1
news other than that thin
prngrcsBlng sntlsfactorlly. M
little slower than had been origin
nntlclpnted. sua
Irving Chandler .who Is auditor
tho Southern Pacific nt San Pr,
cIbco, expects to come here to
hlfl vacation.
Hen Clinndler, who lmj bn
tending the Pnlvcrnlty of Oreeon
Kugene, Is planiilug to attend i-j
will not come here beforo earlr
i August.
lifll. nl... ii ... . ..
., ... iiiiiiiiilm- ami who win pr
Inlily nrrlvo hero about July l,
uuniiiiior is iiguriug on Martln
roiindntlnu for his newJiulMlar
Central avenue enst of Tho Chind
hotel this summer nnd Will wCo
hero to. supervlKc tho work.
Tholr dnughter. Mrs Helen Cha
ler Tremnlni'. Is exiiocted here fr
Vancouver. II ( mrly next mo
for nn extended vinit ytt jja
Painter Is now Mm mint nf Mr. 1
limine nnd w'll idurn to thenar
Jackson, 1828.
Huron, 1S3U
Wnt- wnB nH follows
HoRownter lifter tho dobnto con
nrr'lMin defeated bv Vun ,ho ,inU of "n',0ip 11 ,own w
Wc7viVruT Hon ''IoH011 n1"1'1 Kront t,onf,,Hln
u. iianmicu an uuron, UoB0WnleP ftor ti,0 .lobnto c
iln Harrison defeated by r,od ngnln ruled out of order Had- trJl;t so. !, Marhlleld, that .Mr. F. A. niont
ISO" It'V'H motion to nmend the temporary Tlodgcn should be omployod us Sup-i
' roll. Hosowntor's volco was Bcnrcoly orntondont of tho Schools for n per- At
I year. Thoy are Mrs. Solnin Thorn-H, ,
The 101 k Hock School, District .'Hi,
f til.. ..I I I1..I.I.... .. m
ment of Legal Votors of School DIs-, Frnnce Frnnic. who receives $.'.5 per iV,'ry.?ii
ti. J.HU iimiwhiii )tiMinniuim nuiu niiiiio
"HeBolvod. Thnt It Is tho bciUI-1 who receives $0T. per month, and MIrh
Hmiki'r Hill Kli'i-tlmi ns u reHiiii oi uio mini exaiuiunuoiiB
llui finniinl n..lwwil innnllnir 111 Which WOIO CUIIIlllutUll ThtUBllliy,
nudlblo 111 the din. Hadloy uppealod ud of thrco yunra from Scntoinlior 1.1 tho Hunker Hill district last oven-! ignin urmio Allien iiesnuy.
from the clialritinn'8 doclHlon. Wnt- mi!" . Inir. R. A. Chimin was elected a dlr- fcoventh Grade Hortha Smith, Kn
THAT Porn has asked the Unltod h(, m)VOil ,() '' on tho tnble. T10H0 vot,,K yoH ( fftVor of ortor for tho eiisulng three years nnd hmltli. Hoso bniltli and lhomnii
Stnttt Uovurmuont to wnil ' I,otl I,0H0 ""otlons wero declnrod jIr, Tledgon wero ns follows: " M. Albeo wns elected dork of .tho . I,0V0, ,, ,. , , ;
quulllli'd oinolal to tako chnrgo out of order and Hnsowater pro- F. s. Dow. A. H. Stutsman. I. C. district. Mr. Cl.npln Biirccods W. II.' 'ourtli (.rndo I-ny Hoalo, ny
of certain tMiil.ury Improvement fnBontod the nuine of Lllhu Hoot ns )nWi K(Ilo Farrlnger, C. A. Motlln, I I'liIIIIpH nntl Mr. Albeo hucccoiIs MrB. ' ' "ll''""' s-, 'liilcom, John
ulilpii ii ..iiiii-iinrliitL.d si.ono.on.i i temporary chairman. i Kvi. (innmilll. Con. Avrn. 12. Crostb.l W. F. Squire. 1 Mll'on, Dorothy Diiiignn, Mnry Honlo
'IB A6EN1 f IS
to oiiiiliiix0 the Importniicrt! Cochoms of Wisconsin proBcntod WIIn, r. p. ilurrliiKton, C. S. Dodgo,
this counliy Ii coming to iep- the namo of Gov. Mct.ovorn of Us- Cl- x nolt 0 j.: i,olt( 1It n Woods,
(,oon to
v.hlrli I!
li'scnt n n recognized force mid. In- "n-in. .ioe neiiges bccohuou uio j0, inHhuuy. Allco Hlnck, Kllon
Iced, mi emboilluiHiit of th mot ef- noiiiinuuon or uooi aiuin groat Hnoddon, Chas. Sneddon, Hesslo His
Tho annual ronort showed that the I ! Adrian Grnnby
district hiiB between $2,000 nnd I Second Grade - Sunle Wlrth.
$3,000 on hnnd nnd It was vntod at
tha uicotliig that a piano bo pur-
fli-lent mlhod of public Huiiltnilnii. ' cheorlng. delogatos rising nnd wnv- lmI) .j,llm jiinaon, nnn Mnlonoy,, chased for tho bcIiooI. It wns nlso The Hoard nnd parents of this dls
Tho Bewors which the government lug hats nnd applauding vociferous- tuiih iinnson. Win. Kklilml. Leo Woh RUggestod thnt tho school building be i trlct aro much IntoiVHted In innkliig
.. - . . . ..I.. ...- ...1.1 . ........ll......l.u., ' ' . . , . , . . . . . 1 a1i
nlu Honlo, Lloyd Halcom,
Shepherd and Fruilu Milton.
J. C. Wlillsr Appointed Lol
I Representative of South
ern Pacific.
t as estiihllHlied In foreign lamU nml I !' Hodges quotod n complimentary ,cr tnttn .0jmSon, M. M. Roborls,
1 wilier aiiiuiiv mtui limit wh'i-h ii !im , trlhuto of Roosovolt to Hoot, cniiB a simutiid w 1.? wiiun,. t 11
installed ktaud for u pivctlcal and 1 lug great nmusoment. I HHhskopr, J. K. Johnson, W. S. Nlch-
mnterlnl triumph which l not Incon- Governor Hndloy followed Hodgos 0S0II y scoi, Nols RnsmiiHRon, C.
splcuoiiK In 11 decode of grent 111:1- to second McGovoiii'b nomlnntloii l y Connor, John Johnson, F. W. Itoh
trll riUiik. Whore t Amovlc.111 nmld loud nnd prolonged cheering. I nni,i nm- i.niin v iinn.nn '.1 i
flng goes, this efficient and cleiuiHliu Governor Johnson of Cnllfornla i.ti-litnor I) A Tones II It Hyde'
sanitation follows. seconded McGoyorn. JohiiBon stut- c. II. Wiiltor, V. C. HrniUoyMliiiilo!
I 1 1 1 It .- im'tupM i.itrlri'h.rT nnnl. nf ml Hull rrillrnlflln "anl-lTB linflfn Mint .. .. . .. I
. ...... ........, , ..,... ,.w. w. .. ...... w... . -.. - nraiiiey, iinry .Mciuugui, v. u. rrnit,
painted, tho yard fenced
grounds henutlllod.
and the
b L
ni.iKl.lllli'll, luir.ii ....11 lUKKiivn til.', iiur -w iiuu-.i 11111 uu cum ui. uiu. I i 11 1 1 1'C W llnllROll I' . Yi AllOll H A '
uncloanlliioHB of tho deadly ami tor- question" causing hissing nnd cheor- copplo L II HelsnerAlvn Doll M '
pld sort havo vanished time and ngnln lug. c Hortoil J T McCormnc I ' w'
beforo this clvlllr.liig forco of owei- The two Taft dolegntoB from Cal-! iiiiiinnlirnnii 'v ' Pnintor' 'n v'
ago nnd snultntlon. Anything whlc.i Ifornln nro slttlnc with tho Alaska; ,V,l ,,,,-..''. '"',,: ... ,."
I i'iai 11. it ci i j ii( iimia nmum. u
contributes so directly to the common , delegation.
good enn not he undrestlniate.l. j. jj, FmA, colored, delognto-at-Tlmt
tho United States still has much largo from Kentucky, secondod
to lenrn In tho way of health preeuu- Hoot's nomination.
tloiiB, clenn streets iiuil ndequnto veil
t'l'itlou Is proluiblo, but (I'e fact that
the government has gone to the bo'
tom of tho matter, has found tho
most destructive and menacing evils
mid tins learned to remedy them, is a
grent stop in the way of Ideal physi
cal environment.
This conquest of dangers, tho mi
La I'ollette Platform.
"As for tho Ln Follotto platform,"
(.'. Malnney, Alice Mnloney, Flora
Painter. II. W. Painter, L. M. Noblo,
W. Sullivan, C. I. Helgnrd. J.'C.
Donne, Fannie Holgnrd, Sarah Hain
es, A. T. Haines, W. L. Hachtol. J. T.
Hall. Dora Cathcart. Kllzaboth Ayro,
III UI I I I nilll lis their usual 1
said Walter L. HoiiBer. hero for La ( Win. Cardell, August Frl-eon, Knoch
1-oiieite, "it win not diner material
ly from the one four yenrs ago. Our
tariff plank will demnnd n revenue
producing system based on tho differ
ence In cost of production sclontlfl
Program Annoiintiecl for Band
Entertainment Tomorrow
I)Irmtnr TVtnnn tt (lm rmu Tinv
Johnson. Sarah Pntchett. Ada J Hor- Coticort Hand today announced tho
rlngton. Jonnotte Cox, W. F. McKI following program for the concort
iiownoy. ii. ii. "neiitui, J. ll. Cox. which will bo given nt tho city park
K. 13. Marcoy, Karl F. Johnson, J. J tomorrow ovenlng nt 7:30:
ii. iiuiiHur. iieiirioun uoooris, a. is , March. "Vninos" Klnfr
their school tho best rural uchool In
tho county and Imvo fair prospects
of Hiicioiw us tho iiureiitH aro ready
to cooperate with any unit nil efforts
for the best good of tho school and
the Iloaid have ninny Improvements
under consideration.
The closing exorcises couslsto.l of
u delightful picnic nt Goodwill's
mothers brought largo
to overflowing with
kinds and tho pup-
healthful nppotltoa.
nnd consequently a splendid time was
hud. About forly-tlvo woro present.
The school spirit of tho neighbor-
Hood wns much Increased by tho
Intci-Mutc Commerce Cimiiiilhsloii Or-
dci-s Probe.
(Dy Associated Press to The Coos
nny Times.)
i inn v.iiiwniJ.31 ui iiiiiikimp. iiivT n r ' ..ii.. .... . .. i .. .1 in.. ...mi . ' ---....-.. ... ... . ,iiiii ii. v in nun .......... iviititir-....
perlorlty nnd Bklll which I attests.! V.r"" " :... " V1'"UTV.4 ""01 C. .lngary, Kmo Magary. Jno' Overture. "Barber of Sovlln" ' " 0 n, Coinmorro Commls
may well attract our admiration. It , " V''""'0"'""' ,r"l i"; Hnckmnn. A. K. Honglnnd, C.J. . n' ,, " upon lis own Initiative ordorsd
"ono or he act. 'Miie. o pmiro !?"" W,U ,w'0,,B 8,r!" " ,i0 Krlneh. F.nimn Stutsn.nn. C. W. Mc Slinplo Avou'I Thoi o lo,lny, nn litigation into the rates.
working quietly nnd mic enint m I. Undo. G. Flckworth. R. Sc ic Ion "Travlatn" V.' ' ' ' Verdi '""l;" '",'" ogulntlons which upplv
but with tremendous power al, ! I "'" pro "iinom f0a urea of 1 will be A, Kirkworth, C. S. Hoffman, Kate Canrlco "Dnnco of tli Vro. ,Jh.ii. t0 """"fonil trunsportutlon of hard
m'anlng. the s riuturnl valuation of rallroad." Horfn)nu Jom Motoy( Anna Holin.' ' Dnnco of the Honoybo Is Jcoal. All tho unthrnclte roads em-
''0, 'i-Hale. Hentrlco Walter. Nettle LaChapello. ' Grniid'sol'ocilo'n '" A mo'ri. '' Si ,),'n('0,I ,u Ul --callfil "Hard ccwl
rSLI.'tlL .MUX. Sell out? Why. the Hoiithorn dele. , Klnmn 1)ow, wIn Allo fmbQ rn cr8n' " ., Mexnndoi1 t,UH.'. wl" ,w 'l.nlents In t! o pr i
ti... unr,.i . .i,.i.. ....... uates amy there sn't viiniiuli innnav . I'm nn t w i.m ..i i.i r.... t ""'" .",""ul1 ,"H" "-?-"nlJri ceccllnirH.
"JSinr SlintlL'Inil lnmiui." I
UI .
(finks both sane and good: they're In tho niinl to buy them out. Henry Ins. Kato Morlarlly. Altn Duiignn, G. '
plowing or they'iv hewing or HnwIiiK " . Hhthop. n Irt delogate and t Dungnn. Henry Hlschop, Agnoa!
Jininii I. Seninan, A. K,
i..-ks of wood. They iniike twi vdcl 1 southerner of the old school Sengstncken. K
I, .Kin. nf liiltiii-ii vrnu- u-lii- linn hiii r nil Hill, lllilliy gnvn WOlllO IOH- Siuininn. Mnrv .Inluiami n I ni..
g ew before: the do not bore or fru '"f why t ere vns llttlo likelihood iliiKor. Minnie Whoreat'. G.' W. Lea1
i wlib an eternal roar. Ah. wlion " y;"". "--''K's " mo, He. Hattlo McCormnc, Fannlo Hast
1 conteniplate them, my ee In mols- hOI,,,1'1 wn,u! . B0 ""' , ' nrd. Orn McCnrty. W. II. Dlndlngor.
t.Mi. swlum. Why don't you emuhi'o . . '''"" know tlmt there H not n n. Ferguson nnd F.innia IMmunds.
li.ein. you tiresome Windy .llnis? 1 delegate or an nltornnto from Florida. ' T1OK0 voting no and atsalnst tho
R-i so tired of HiioukliiR. of verbal Vn'ilnA V.0', WM0 1 -t worlli nt least election of Supt. Tledgon for n term
i laiacis. ot Biaiosiuon wuo nro reox- v- .,,,"" .""Bl " '" or threo yoars woro:
lug with Arguments and FnetHj of ""Mi nio holding or havo held high, Mn... Kar,y Mn,.y R
pillllclaus yellow who toot tho brazen lltloiiB of trust In heir respective M,.Cra,.. 'j'l Hack Alice s,
I I... ....... .... ., PIlllllllllllllllW II, if l.,.ollln..u ,.,,;, 11. !, lHlll, IHU OI
n iii- i.itii uvula mi' iiiiiiu, aimiiuiuu : --. v v "" i. w Fnrirn
.. ..i., .1., ... ...... ... . nf niii ivlni .... nl. I I... t. . ....... r i... ...... '" "' iiih".
lioilllilK, iiihiiiiik, III llllip UIO rilCO to .."" "v """h ".' Animnl lf,.iwn( lln.l..
w n. and Idle ure the frothing, tho 8,1" of "!0J!ey , , i , ,, , ' !
1. 1 .,,.,,!.... .....i ,i... .it., mm... ... i. . Civil Sei'vtn. lv.itiii.i. John F. Hnll. clerk of the M.-nsii.
I uls n collar upon his spavined bav, . President Taft has given hla assent flo(l "li""! district, read lis anuiuil
i nd earn a sweaty dollar for tolling '" a l",(M'-nl that u couimlttoe of,''"lort at the meeting. It showj.l .
fi'oimh the day to me U more an- ,,,N" xrvlco employes app-'nr bofore tlmt iliree- men nnd 17 women tench-'
i i nilng than all the gifted boys who ""' resolutions coninilttoe of tho Clil- '-s have been employed the psst yenrj
--,1'iul the Bimimor ranting nnd kick- P,U" "'"ventlim to pross for n c'vd , '" ,l,- whools. Mr. Hall also stated'
ii up a noW. Tim uiful men hi-o sm-vicb pension plank In the Hopubll-I " oi mo loncnci-s now Hold cer
I ilnu lun-rm-iiiiiiv khi.i.,1 ,i..u.u. can platform. Tho hiiiiio ooniinllfi.. i tlflcntes. tho two who started Iln
t -O-e-om where iIiIiik. hi-.' kiowIii' "'"' K to ,1"' Democrntle convention j u',u' "der permlt.s having later a-!
. 'iiiIIIiik up the wwd the weeds '" Ihiltlmores No civil servloe em- "'fed certificates. T' ere aro nv i
i amputate tbeni, detro. ihom i'l,je '" " asiceu to contribute to
i mi s mill llmb. wh don't von iuui. t e e.pne.
1 ihein. yini c' cap od Wlndv phe c iiunilit' represents 200. Oft'i
' -" ' veriiment euiployev In and outMe
e,.rfA. aw, b, 'a. yt., "f ih.N Dlstrlet of CulinublH. The
ik.i.iu..uw Lih..(t0. eoinmltti.. mil . association officers
i....- mi iiiivh 'ue nosireu piaiiK lller,
ed !u tb platforms.
I Try Tho Times Wnnt Ads.
Hove your Job
rha Times' olco.
printing done
Aiiiiiiiiiii' w.ii ninth' to
by W. F. Miller of the nppolnlrj
'of .1. C. Miller .is ngent fr
bteumer lire.ik.itcr. tno toi.ii
wnv and the Dcnwr lllll Coa
iiany. Tho piialtlnii lie a-wl
la u consolidation of loca o;
which will give lilm general fh
I of the Coos lltiy intercuts ot
b'outheru Puclllc and will rel
Supt. W. F. Miller of many ile
of tho business,
.1. (5. Miller nml wlfo arrhM
today on the llrciikwatcr from
Louis. Do Is a brother of Supt
F. Miller. For mventocn year
iinu iinoii I'dimtTii'd with the
Mountain road at St. Louis and
vlous to that was with tlio Ml
' Paclllc.
I Ho assumed his new duties to
i a ii.i.Miiivui u lm lms been at
niien't will return to his Kentuck
rlot ranch nt once.
Hccoml Double i:ccutloii id .utj
... i ,.'..,i.... i
riiM'ii k'ii.i;. j
(Dy Associated l'ies 10 ueCooi
Times, i
AU ' .......'. ' fn
Bccoiiu cioiio e urn i "- -history
of Auburn m Iron occu
UlIB IllllllllliK w" "'",.. I,
mid Jacob Kuhn of lliirlicst r. i
lars who niunii'iMi "";-ti
crnrt, a grocer. in- '
Try The Times want ao.
rTl n H
I INDSAY. Oiil.. June 17
i 'i I with a violent i-ougbhig
- !I. Mrs. J. A. Means coughed
i ii a live lentlpede. 1. has beeu
in lii'i- stomach since she swal-
, li i.t It four vears ago In AH
i i .iii.l hid In" mm' ivm'i'--.
M V'ls wN have not sent In
"mm i r...' t'e Invitation list for th
-"ilnt bir m'Ihv prty must do so lis-
f m kiiiku row eveulns or It will be
f"o late.
(ivo noonHl'M
1" . " i' D C.-.i-.i' tn ,
MJU unoks 111 tile schoo llbrurv. J.l
hnvlnii been added during the yeir.
i n? mini iiutiii s uiiring tne yenri
were $81,575.20 and the total eoen-1 1
ilHUI' 1,0 oy Tho niitmnn ll'i .
bouded Indebted nes n:w 171,500 '
hi:.mi:.mhi:h that mo ckxts .maick a
s::k hi:al livi: clothikhs who know this
'run nrsixicsswi': waxt you to comi; aaajv
Tom Hall today state 1 tint the
vote en superintendent was not lesrul
bemuse tho eg 11 for the election hi 1
not liulu-'e' that in Its purnose
However, the school bor1 did n t
ccneler the vote as a bin ling one.
being irerely advisory. Iu view of
It being so ovorwbelnitng. It Is ex
eeitil tint the v ti0 M bmrl i'i
. r'- i .t the wi'i e;uo K t. jt
TSue Fi
The S:..iv with the Right Goods nt t e Hlislit Prlcvs.
JtB, .-s.