PPP ''WWMBIIlHIiM I ! f OfpER A MANLQSES THE LESS CONFIDENCE HE HAS IN HUMAN NATURE THTISINO In The TIMES 2 I'ut i'onr IU-I Klto "1" ff"1 .. ...,.. Effectively t WANT ADVERTISING In The TIME Will Keep tho Iucomo from Yo Furnished Dooms from Lapsing! YOU can really holp tlw family tovonuea by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho classified column, you may keep that llttlo oxtra Income as "steady as a clock." itn . iinrHLi - - ..i nut tho facU about your It ""Lpf0re He eyes of all "pou- IJffin town. And it ,""; of them who ought to r ! SMI-" "' tn MEMUEIl OP ASSOCIATED PKESS (Eoob la - . ..- t i 4uru OL W iw The ConstMnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY,JUNE 18,1912 EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mail nntl Coo liny Advertiser. No. 287 FORGES ELECT EMPDRARY CilAI TODAY ROOT "us talk it over1 RAILROAD CONTRACTORS COMING UiTLttr' IW "r'J niu iuuu,. iSEVELT IS BEATEN I nn&i hiiu"'- "- Anal Republican Convcti- fonioaayouunuu. un usual lensuuuaa. ITT .,.nll ll'IVU. Mi:diiM UiiHn nntl I-n V'J did nut preseni luij- itl'ijlc for temporary cnnir uj. He will (3"v McGovern'H cJIiscv wns not leprecoiitn icf a Folic tti HoiiKor's juanKincnt ni I.n Follotto'B laURcr created grenl oxcito- Lit llisoclatcjl Press to tho Coon Hay Tlmos). hlCACO. 111., June 18. Tho Ro- iJcm NatlonnJ Convention in nine of oratory niid fnctlonnl iiiim nt 2 o'clock mm urter- lifcid not jet organized. Unltn.l in Senator Kllhu Itoot or Now Hod Governor Francis MeGo- ifWIconsIn by Tnft nnd tho nnM- t force rcjMrllvoly linil neon I la nomination fort tompornry sin, but no vote hud boon Wit Bl STATES imiiT WINK. By Associated Press nilCfiO, III.. ' 1H- Silo,.'., .ho Tnft Cn.II. hi. Will runt" l" J yrm.in out . i VIcinl". tl'o Hi.Mitcvi-11 Tft lupiwrlfi-H rliilm Hut. ho .aUtfiioinlimU'd hyn miijoil.y illicit 20 on IIh- flrx. Imlliil. ""'" in. , lWIUI.U'l,tl' llll'l.ir '.- ..... (Dr Aisoclntcd Pross.) riirruno. Ill Juno 18. jjwr of Wisconsin Kot to IiIh IN CONVENTION rURootcrelt neoplu lmd nttompt- lilreik (ho temporary roll, but t.Tua Roiownter of tho Nutlun'tl at'rt after roiiRldornliln dobnto uieon refused to cutortnln nny mi, bot nominations for tompor tulrman. This brought tho tent ill; upon tlint Issuo. Threaten to Holt. Ta of Pittsburg, seconded M..- m nomlnnMnn. Ho doolnro.l tyou net BIO untainted votii., 'ittholhor mv constituency will tit." Great confusion followed pi ol "Vole" nnd "Cnll roll" 'renmanynnrtsof tho hnll. V'tit Wet VlrKlnln. nocondoil 3 a lir'ef iimp'i fieymnur FW i:f WVst VlrRl- la Horondod Mi'- "nvrntlon Irro honn to hIiow "flrnillcnrp -t Ihn nunilinr nt hi Franc's J Henov took 1 ' rm to F--ond MrOovorn. ir r ' ilow to prBoiinlltlo ' -v rf- n" o JuomhorH of ,l ""ll roi'imlllnn wlilo'i ' b Mil In mil i.railn.1 i...i' Mfinfi-lon Cries of "Ituof," vlrouR'-t n quick rojoindor r" I' -nh ' mu who holpod ""'iii-iimnrv roll nro dlf ,' "n Abo nuof only In thnt w H v (,, Jim ponlten , "'") wpro nmklnK up this '' r r 1..1.. i 1 L. . " ' " 'UU'I rniiH'u. "I n v ni.i n..ioi. i.i j . i Cary rf Oretcmi Bopotidod ?'' Tf Kenii-c' y snld Mh Rt"t,x I ft ft In... . . .ii i.ih ns in nrpopt niornl . ' ' ' ""i r nnns. f"A tf . . . I,,, J"M- or .soii.li nkotn .Pl)ern I,nrt nf Mnss-i. ?i ind II t n . t- 'im.j i .. "l'H III IUII1HU4 "C;i:i:,r" 'io'oKnt Elated Press'to tho Coos Day ttpv,,, ncs j. S'0 VM. Chlcngo. in.. , " '"in union rounwoii S to order of tho Nntlonnl iT?..!!!?. B(nKred throtiRh. "legations to socuro qulot. 1 a flaslilli.i.t i. C? n1"1'1 R,rUC,C "P "tn0 1 nlI"Ln,npr" wlth ovo',y- grayer by nPVi Pnthop Cnl. ' Hadlv n ii . 'annV. ,"K"iin roso to n ' imii rmat,nn' tnWnR tUo "'allan, f i , fHPorinB. Wat '' h''wol to tho pint- ttorrt V YorR ro8 t0 'in ii , uu"Py nskoil ir n 'rW '"'. ,,POn Prepared. "'"mi i .p lnt of orlor thnt .. ! In oiler until tho 1 "f sto.V .. . ' - UU70(1- ''"d t- n Lt,h 'ntomont. "-enio.i i M1 tompornry "',t1 .'' removlnp; tho t mL' ' ,,0,r,;nes nnd suh- I dl, 0 n,'er ngnlnst tho In. ""'rrnnn Uosowntop mm. t'poinf I... -... . . " 'vvvi: "' miiio'i no would HOW IIKIiKOATIONS VOTED OX TE.MPOHAItV CIIAIH.MA.V TO DAV HOIili CAIiIi MADE UP V CO.M.MI1TEE. (Dy ABsoclntcd Press to Coos Uny Times.) CHICAGO, Juno 18 Tho first nc- liinl tost of Hlrcngth In tho conven .lon cnnio on tho voto for tempornrv chntrinnii nnd thero wns u consldur ublo HWltchliiK of delegates, the voto belli!? on tho tompornry roll call :ia perfected by tho ltopubllcnii National coiniulttue. Tlioio wns ono osiclnlly tnnrked cliifih during tho roll cnll, tho Ponn Hylvunlii ilplogntlon'H vote bolng cast Holld for McGovorn. It was pontpsted nnd nimther poll urdoml, which re Miillod In Itoot KottliiK 111 nnd M. (lovein CI. Mctlov- Stnto Itfiut. em. ArlinnwiH n i Alabamii 22 2 Ailzonn n California 20 Colorado 12 Connecticut II Dclnwaro u I'lorlda 12 Georgia ...22 G Idaho s IIIIiioIh i I'j Iiidlnun 20 10 Town 1C 10 KnnHiiH , 2 18 Kentucky 2.1 .1 Louisiana 20 Mnlno 1.2 Maryland 8 S MuHHachuscttH 18 18 Michigan 19 10 Minnesota 21 Missouri lfi 20' Mississippi 1C 4 Montnnu 8 Nobrnskn 1C Novndn G Now Hainphlro 8. Now Jersey 28 Now Moxlro G 2 Now York 70 13 North Carolina 3 21 North Dnkotn 9 Ohio II :u Oklahoma -I 1C Orogon 1 G PoniiBylvnnln 12 01 Ubodo Island 10 South Carolina It 7 South Dnkotn ..,.....,. 10 Tonuofwce 23 1 ToMift 1 8 rtuh 7 1 Vermont ............... " Virginia' 22 2 Washington It SVcwt Vlrnlnlu ..:....... I6 TotHb TiTT isr, Woof- iimJorl'y B. MleliP in ll ' ' ""t the full voto, one bolus; nbir :i.ot did not voto with tho Now York dUgtIon. North Dakotn coat one voto for 1'ier- One of tho OroRon delegutlou was nliHent. Kor llesolutlon 124 nguinsi HOSOIUtlOll ig IF THERE over wns nny doubt as to the nttltudo'rindBcntlmcnt of tho icoplo of Mnrshflold on tho Bchool question It was certainly settled last night. The unanimous election of A. H. Powers nnd tho np proynl of a resolution nuthorlzlnz tho employment of tho present suporin tcnileiit. p. A. Tlodgen, for 11 period of three yenrs by the overwhelming majority of 121 votes ngnlnst 16, shhould sottlo tho turmoil and discord that 11 certain small but noisy olemont havo sought to Inject Into tho local Hcliool sltiintlon. It wnH n tribute to tho porsonol populnrlty of Mr. Pow orB nnd tho policy for which ho openly expressed his npprovnl. Such action and such n voto wns n pplcndld endorsement of tho present Bchool hoard and tho present school administration. It indicntca that tho people of this city nro weary of tho discord brewers nnd tho at tempt to piny politics at tho expoiiBO of tho efficiency of our schools. SiipIi an overwhelming sentiment nt n public meeting of the school board thoroughly ndvertlsed and where It wns known in ndvnnco thnt such n reso lution would ho presented, menus that tho pooplo wcro desirous of Bot tling the matter nnd settling it so thoroughly thnt it could not bo resur rected. Tho pooplo nro to bo conipllmontod nnd commended for their wisdom In so thoroughly squelching the would-bo mlschlofmnkors who would ruin whero thoy cnnitot rule. It wnB nlso n splendid compliment to Dr. J. T. McCormnc, who has worked long and faithfully for tho offlcloncy of tho bcIiooIb and when t beenmo necessary mndo n fnlr nnd open fight for their Integrity nnd ad ministration upon modern nnd progressive, lines. Tho retiring member of the hoard, M. C. Horton, enn nlso share in npprovnl of tho policies for which ho worked. In fnc. there wns glorv enough for nil. ROOSEVELT DIRECTING OWN FIGHT Colonel By Means of Private Telephone in Constant Touch With Convention Proceed ings. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos). CHICAGO, Juno 18 Scarcely had tho Republican Nntlonnl Convention been called to order when Col. lloosovelt wont to a room In his hotel whoro 11 prtvnto tolcphono lino to tho Coliseum had been Installed nnd by this method took personal command of his forccH on tho con vention door. Cummins or Hiighen. In tho conferences which nro In progress nt tho Ulnckstono hotel be tween tho Itoosevolt lenders nnd nt tho Congress hotel, whero nil tho enp EARLY SCENES ST Desperate Character of Situa tion Keys Everyone to Utmost Pitch. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa P.n Times ) CONVENTION IIAI.I.. CHICAGO. III., June IS. Policemen at every oornor, at vaiyloor and nt every tains in tl n Tnft enmp woro in su slon, talk of compromlBo lu rifo. Ttio only nnmos thnt havo bcon moutionaJ In connection with Biich n compro mise nro thoso of Senator A. D. Cum mins of Iown, whoso hendqunrtors wntt otionnil liv Rnnntor Koinon. and j United Stntcs Supromo Court Justlro Cannes E. Hughes. Tho unino of Senator Cummins has figured In tho discussions In both enmps, thnt of Justice Hughes confined to tho Tuft lenders. C11111111I11H nntl Tn I'ollctto Vole. Wnltcr h. Housor representing I. a Folletto snld: "I predict thnt thero will ho no nomination on the flrnt ballot. Wo nro credited with only 3G votes, but I am predicting thnt wo will have nonrer 50, and between Ln Folletto nnd Cummins thero mny he a grcnt mntiy more than 50 or GO. I look for prolonged balloting." CO POWERS AND TIEDGEN WIN Director Chosen in Marshficld By Acclamation Fine Indorsement. ' At tho annual school cloctlon In Mnrshflold Inst evening, A. II. Pow ers wns oloctod dlroctor by acclama tion nnd n resolution roquostlng tho board to oloct P. A. Tlodgon aupor- Hlnle werti tho dUtliiKii'x'iliiK tenturii; lutondont for n torm of thrco yonrs of tlio semiB at tie OliMmnr In '".".was adopted by n voto of 124 to 13. onrly hours hofoie tlio doors wh,pj0i, p, jrn wnB rooloctod clerk, opened to ticket holders. The norv-i Tho election wns vory qulot nnd on teiulon duo to tho general f placid, thoro bolng but n Buggostlou pcwtlon of tumultoua pcenee from 0f tho fireworks which bouio hnd nn the drop of the lint" nt the openlu,? tklpntod. Tom Uonuett who hnd of the convention was nppaieni nu boon making n campaign to socuro nil aide. Tho nollce were ae Horv oils a Miiyune eUe. It wns uuiicmu even for tho peoiilo wlih proper tluk- tho selection of P. A, Golden na Blip- orlntondont wns not prosont. When Mr. rionnott had rofusod to sign tho TO BAY TO OPEN OFFICES HEBE STRONG PLEA OF ROOSEVELT Delivers Scathing Denunciation of Acts of National Committee. I'm horo in Chicago with hat In tho ring. Just listen tho tumult my coming did bring, "For Teddy, for Toddy, you nro n brick." I liko over to bo whoro tho fighting Is thick. Slnco I enmo there's been no sloop . dny or night, For when I arrived they started 'o fight. A bnttlo'a a battle, and I ask no moro Than to tnko my firm stand on thnt word splattered floor Of tho groat Coliseum. There, may be, porchanco, I can lend in n frenzied Hough Illdor ndvnnco. I'M no molly coddle, no straw man, you boo, I must fight for my country; you know IT is ME. Did Ploddcn uppcnl for a chnngo of tho slto Whon tho Scots nnd tho English re paired thero to fight? Did Gettysburg ask thnt tho armies go way When It found Itsolf flnnked by tho Ditto nnd tho Gray? So, so, in Chicago 'tis horo I must ho For thero'U bo n groat bnttlo tho bnttlcflold'H ME. Vice President Hitchcock of MacArthur, Perks Co. and Assistants WILLARRIviW STEAMER WASHINGTON Wires to North Bend for Office Rooms May Let Sub Contracts Here. ' ; WIMj OPEN Ol'TICKS AT NOHTH IIEND NOW TelegrnniB rccolvod by North siPSON eois FERRY TIBER Secures 320 Acres of Fine Old Growth on Coquille River. Tho Slmpbon Lumbor company haa closed negotiation for ilioprd'jiJJ of 320 ncres of old growth timber from Jas. !.. Ferry on tho Coqul le Hlvor. Tho tract cruise uetwAn 40,000.000 nnd 50.000.000 feet, nnd It Is understood that tho prlco was "''Thls'ouo of tho l-.ttn.eu of timber In tlio county. MP. Ferry Held 800 acre of It In Sections 10. 19. 2. 20 nnd 30 In Township 2- "; This Is on about a dlreet line j s "Sn the South Coos Itlver and t"e ttlSoStattfc.Utaw.-f the t a"t ha .1- been sold, but who gnr cannot be ascertael It w,. stntoa tcuuy "u """""".,"; ,,.vv ir Hlckov of the Standisn-IUce. .jr. I1IPK-'. "',.. laovlnif ve- tordny for San Francisco, that he had not liurcnru . , Till' Sl'lipsuu i;"i'"-' . , .u tLve in which to :og thetr part of the trne", i.,i,i in have ots, including newspaper moil, to t ; ,)0tltioii nHklng Mr. Powers to bo n Into tne nan. , , ! cnndldnto for director on tho ground Outside a troinontloiin mob of p ,- Umt ,l0 (pOWOra) was opposod to tho pie fathered, making difficult , KelectIon of Mr. Golden ns Biiporln progrces of ticket holdeitt toward . no,, omIont ,nnny pr0suinoil thnt ho hall. The pooplo bogan to stream wold bQ R cnnuWnto Kn8t Mr. Into the Coliseum several hours lw-) PoworB nowovor, ho did not on fore il.e conxontlon opened. The ,0J. l0 rnco baud got to work oarly. Its first nine T((J on)y nrtjtn of gllt hy Ul0 DPIIIK Mi V-UllllllJ, .wv-. It hardly soomod poesiuie inui " I nil. hiiK hb It looked, could hold nenrb 11,000 people. Yet that onlv a few moro tiinn uio mini, omoi pulilUhwl flguioB to tho contrary notwlitnndlpg. thnt the Collsoum w'll held as nrrnnifed for the conven tion, the exnet flguros bolng 18.770 persoi.s Golden forcos enmo whon Tom Hall ontorod ohjoctlon to n resolution In troduced hy H. A. Copplo stating thnt It wns tho wish of tho meeting that Mr. Tlodgon bo oloctod for n torm of three yenrs. Mr. Hall stntod thnt ho wns opposod to tho resolution bo cnuso it accorded Mr. Tlodgon, n new comer, nn honor thnt hnd never been shown Mr. Goldon whom ho doclared KBll So.., after 11 o'clock delegates he-.shown air. uoition w om no iiocinre. t, ""."... i... i. ,nii The.-j was largely responslblo for tho up n ra"""? ' m.,." i' ...i .i.o.. 0111111111101.' of tho Marshfleld nubile h.ml now a 1 then, but .1 e general hools. Ho said that during his ton V. 'l.."?.o f, oh n serious char-! uro. Mr. Golden hnd to bo elected aiiiiiii"i ..- .. -- m - 11..1 i. .. neter that It was reflected on the grnn from year to year, nnd thnt ho favor ed a contlnunnco of It nnd so ho moved thnt tho resolution bo tabled. Honnott Swanton boconded tho mo tion and on n viva voco expression, only two or three voted in favor of fHre ef the doiognios n mej "" their seats. T e apponrnnco of Chnlrman Vic tor Hosewater of the HopuhllcBii N- .i ..-.in ml 1 1 en on the StaKO at 'l",' .. . r.. ,. i.i.. l Bil.1. I. ......!.. n, ll'IS d'OW SOIIIO OllinilBIIUIII. mil " ' l" Uiuuuil. nun uiuiiKlll mu uihi- w's soon lost In tho progress of ' al resolution requesting tho directors 'eufl, ' I to engngo Mr. Tlodgon for a torm of Thete was n laugh as n big Texas threo yenrs to n voto. Upon motion deleafUt chiuo into tie hall with n ' of Dr. McCormnc this voto wns tnken big "Hat In tho ring" mounted on a in n form bo that tho voters' names all iole. but tho Incident, umial'y . could bo registered. Not nearly all one which would croato a temporal y who had heon nt tho meotlng re humor, was almost Immediately for-( mainod to voto on It. Mutten Nominated Powei-s. Kermli Roosevelt, the Colonel , r)r. K. Mlngus placed A. II. Powers Bon, was hardly noticed when he pu-n nomination for dlroctor, saying ered tv,e ball. ' thnt ho was so well known In this Tt'e fi-st real applauee can' rt community and what ho stood for 11 :30 fr-r former Vice President Fa'r- wag so wojj undorstood by ovoryono i.a.'.tr uhn ontered with forniPr Son-.., ,n romilrel no Bneclnl Introduc- Her Hemengwav and former Repre- tjon jo other namos woro presont- as instructed to for Mr. Powers-. nanlmously ro- (Dy Assoclntod Pross to tho Coos Day Tlmos). CHICAGO, III., Juno 18. In ad dressing a mnss meotlng of liln fol lowers and others nt tho Auditorium hero last evening, Col. Roosevelt roundly denounced Prcsldont Tnft and his supporters for tho tnctlcs thoy havo pursued in tho campaign. i pnrt Mr. Roosovolt snld: "My frlonds and follow eltlzens I address you hb my follow Ropubll cniis, but I nlso nnd primarily nd drosH you ns fellow Americana, fel low citizens, for this has now boennn much moro than nu ordinary party fight. Tho Ibbiio Is both slmplor nnd lnrgor than that involved In the per sonality or any nmn, or thnn thnt in volved In nny fnctlonnl or In nny or dlnnry party coutost. Wo nro stand ing for tljo great fiindnmontnl rights upon wlich nil successful froo gov prnmont must he bpsed. We are stundlng for olemeiitnry deconcy In politics. We nro fighting for honosty ngnlnst naked rnhbory nnd whoro rob bery is concerned tho nll-lniHrtant question Is not tho IdontHy of the innn robbed but tho crimo llself. "Ah far ns Mr. Tart and I nro por sonnlly poncernod, It llttlo mnttera whnt tho into of olthor mny bo. Hut with Mr. Taf.'s ncqulosonco or iv his direction, nnd in his Interest, his followers have raised an Issuo which Is all Important to this country. It Is not n partisan Isbiio; It Is more thnn n polltlcnl Issuo; It Is a great mnrill laHlln. If WO COnildllO DOllticnl thoft, If wo do not rosont tho kinds' of wrong nnd Injustlco thnt injuri ously nffoct the whnlo nntlon, not morely our deinocrutlo form of gov ernment, but our civilization Itself cannot ondiiro. If tho methods adopt od by tho Nntlonnl commlttoo nro ip proved by tho convention, which (" about to assemble, n groat crime will hnvo been committed. Tho triumph of such proceedings nt tho momout would menn tho wreck of tho Itopub llcnn pnrty and If such proceeding" beenmo hubltuul It would menn tho wreck of popular govornmont. Tho notions of the Tnft londors In tho Na tional committee tnken with tho n- MIvo nld of Mr. Toft's prlvnto socrn- tniv inui one of Mr. Tart's cabinot or- flcors nro mons'rous nnd thoy should ,rnllroad Iicnd pnrtloH today stntod that Messrs. Cool nnd Wobhor. rail- road contractors, and Mr. Dixon of tho MacArthur, Porks com- pany woro members of tho pnrty en routo to Coos Dny. Tho telegram nlso requested thnt nn offlco suite bo eugnged In North Hood for tho offlco forco MacArthur, PorkB com- pnny wcro sending horo. Ar- mngements for hotel nccommo- dntlous woro nlso made. Vlro-presldont nnd General Maun gor Hitchcock nnd Gcnoral Suporln tendont Tlnklor of tho MncArthur Porks company nccompnulod by other roprcsontntlvca of tho company nnd also by somo othor contractors loft Snn Prnnrlsco on tho Stonmor Wnsli lngton today far Coos Dny. Tho nbovo nows enmo in a special messngo todny from W, S. Scnmnioll of San Francisco, gonoral managor of tho Stoamor Wnshlngton, to Tho Times. In concluding his messngo, Mr. Scnmmoll snys "Hurrah for Coos Day." Mr. Scnmmoll was horo laat week on business nnd grow enthusi astic ovor tho prospects horo. It is stated thnt owing to tho high bids of tho contractors for portlonn of tho work, tho MacArthur Porks company now plan to build practical ly all of tho road thomsolvos. Thoy claim thnt tho'bids o.f tho contrac tors on tho sub-contracts woro exeem slvo. It Is undorstood thnt Vice-president Hitchcock will now flguro with Coos Dny contractors on sub-lotting smnll portions of tho work. If this enn ho dono reasonably, It is under stood thnt Mr. Hitchcock plnns to sub-let ns much of It ns possible Assemble Equipment. It is stntod on good nuthorlty thnt tho MncArthur Porks company has nssomblod coiiBldornblo construc tion equipment nt Snn Francisco rondy for shipment horo. Whothor tho llrst consignment of thin equip ment will enmo on tho Wnshlngton has not been stntod. Advlsos from Puohlo, Colo., nro thnt considerable qunntitles of stool hnvo nlrondy been shipped from thoro for tho Southern Pacific's Coos Dny-Eugono lino, TIiIb stool, ncco.' Ing to tho uiidurHtniullpg thnt C. J. Mlllls nnd Mr. Hitchcock hnd whon thoy woro on tho Dny a fow wooks ago, would go to Eugono, most of tho rails bolng laid from thnt end. Howovor, structural stool for hrldgOH will probably bo brought to Coos Day. In ndditlon to tho work an tho terminal linos In North Dond, It Is undorstood that MacArthur PorkB company plan to start construction on tho hrldgo ncross tho Dny Just as soon ns n pormlt Is given by tho War Dopartmont. No Of her News. , . Supt. W. P. MI!Ior of tho local Southorn Pnclllc lntorosts who re turned from n trip to Portland today stntod that ho had not hoard nny particular nows rolatlvo to tho Coos Dny lino. Ho snld thnt progress wns bolng mndo on It nnd thnt things woro working nlcoly. Ho hnd not boon ndvlsod of tho coming of tho contractors. Materia! I Assembled. It Is roportod on good authority that tho Southorn Pnclflo has 2000 tons of construction mntorlnl on tho docks nt San Francisco ready for shipment to Coos Dny. It was ox nocted thnt n nart of this would bo shipped on tho Redondo, but slnco no material xrrivou it ib be Indignantly condemned by tho .thought by somo that tho stonmor moral Eontlment or tho wnoie coun-.Washington on hor noxt nrrrvui win try. Tonight wo como togotnor o ,nvo n consignment or construction mntorlnl. MEAT TRUST QUITS entst've Jos. K. Watson of Indians. I od nnd tho clerk wa Watson wss chosen last night as n (,nfct )0 0,ro naiiot i Tnft floor leader. Fairbanks ws jQ,m p was u l..AKa,l AlltbllS aStlCntiy " " ,.lontnfl olarlf . i""""" . . . 1...1 ..IIs.ii.iu UIV.w" .w... . to bo to Ills seni. um '" ! forced him to tho front whero he go '. Qi,ar in conforenoe with C'olonol Itogether In conforenoe Dr. McCormnc then aroso nnd ..-n..... n..nt..Di n Ailnin whlnli Hlrlkna' straight at tho hoart of ovory prin ciple of pnlllcnl deconcy and honosty, ii nrlinn which renrosonts troason o tho pooplo nnd tho usurpation of tho j Xntlonnl 1'nckliis rompniiy to Dls sovorelKiity of tho pooplo by Irre- miIvo of Own Arcon!. sponsible polltlcnl bosses inspired bv i (Dy Assoclntfcd Prosa to tho Coos Day tho sinister InfliiencfB of moneyed i Times) privllego. Wo hore til this hull aro WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 17. engaged not only In u fight for the Attorney Genoral Wlckershnm wns rliihts of every decont Itepubllcaii. but of every decent Amorlcan. what soever his party may be. And. oh, mv frlonds. for ono tMng nt loast wn ndvlsoil todav that the National Psnl Ing company would be voluntarily dlwolvod by tho beef packers bv Au EiiFt 1. In -w of thN action. AVI"k- should be profoundly gratoful. V.'o nr.ilnln nnnnnnrnrf that the Koveru nre moro fortunato thnn our fathers nmnt would hold In nbeyanpfl Its plvll In thnt thero Is no slightest tinge of BUt wj,0h ho proposed to bring sectionalism In tho fight wo nro nowjapI1Bt ,uo company to compel ttn waging, tho principles ior wniou vp dlsliitogrntlon. stand nro ns vuni ior too souui e (Continued on page 2.) (Continued on pago 6.) Dnn't forget I PHONE 21 U. tno Turkish Daths. I tCoi nt,nu1 on pago 2.)' New company owns.