The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 17, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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"!7T77!,,QVrj In Tlio TISIES
..... .... ..mlOffV1 I., rri... Vltfl'U 1
.'V.: vour Knil EhLU, "In
IVAAl lli lilH.Jal.lM ill xuu i..-
Wlll Kw'p tlio Income from Tow
Kuriiiiihetl ltooins from I)itingl
YOU rnn really holp thd futjll-
revenues by routing n few furnished
rooms aud. If you kiiuw how nd
when to use tho classified cohlmcj,
you may keep that llttlo extra Incoiu
ns "steady as a clock."
Market" KlTcctlvcly.
... ..t the facts about your
!1 W"1 '. ' ., ai nf mi "noa-
fcn.'ri them who ought to
th e...T sell It!
. ..!...! I.. IU1U
, Coii.Hnllibilloii of Times, Const .Mull Jq, 2B6
ii lid mw liny Advertiser.
flL XXaV ,. Hi,,, roast Mall
. f .t AUifnl MnfrVlt
of Delegates.
-,i Political Game in Na-
Vs History Now Being
piaycu in oinuauu.
.... ii3iw BtiuKlil tlio man
Fitesotltlii tho neck.
,0idnnl h s ohm
.i.f9ril3 from tho dock.
""... . I...IIIU
tat keen on railing Br lib.
(". '.. 1....1. ...nt,t .lluiitnv
IBBCJ 1110 Oliuuim ......... "
. .....a... I till
ThiCCnt WllO Willi- u tun
juaan nnturo's mill tho same,
c'i they merely played tho gnmo
IHliffloro finesse, you hop;
.nno doubt If wo could Hcnn
lie truth or miiicui. ""-
Woman and Babe Meet Tragic
Death Near Vancouver, B. C.
Other Parent Badly Hurt.
(By Associated Press to Cooa Bn
Times )
VANCOUVER. 11. C, Juno 17
Cnught under n heavy touring car
which 1 ad Hklddcd 50 feet down tlio
rond. Mrs. It. C. Harvey, wlfo of a
prominent Vancouver real cstnto op
crator with nor year old baby, Rcgl
nnld, hold In her arniB, was smoth
ered to death In tho sand near tho
foot of a steep Incline four miles from
New Westminster yestorday. Harvoy,
who was driving tho car to Vancouv
er. Is In tho general hospital In u
procarlouB condition. Two other
children Bitting In tho car woro unin
Roosevelt to Address Chicago
Gathering Tonight On
His Stand.
(Ily Associated Pross to tlio Cooa Bay
CHICAGO, III.. June 17. Man
ager of tho Itniwovelt chiuphIku
busied themselves today In complet
ing: nriiiiiKouieiiiH for tonight's maun
meeting In the auditorium. It wan
announced that Col. Roosevelt would
be tho only speaker and that ho
would lmvo BoiuotliinK to any rognrd
lug tho woik done by the National
Republican committee and further
filllllfiii liln intimn(fMi nrtrntnmita ft
k-J find tho olllro sought tho man , H(,(, np,,entloiis for 10.000 tlclc-
Hod cinched mo tioicgjuun. ,,rt t0 .M0 uK.,.ing have been made.
. . ; Inasmuch as tho seating capacity r(
'ho theater Ih only 1200. It Is expect
illbKi:i:i' CONTESTED ed It will bo filled to tho legal limit.
HKu:flATi:s i'iiom voting ;
By Associated Press
CHICAGO. Juno 17 Sponk-
i( for tho Itoosovolt forceH to
ur, Gov. Hadloy of Missouri,
tlosen floor loader for Colonel
looMTcIt. declared that no con
luted delegates seated by act
if the Kcpubllcnu National
iConmlttco should sit In tho con-
"How can you help It7" no
km tilted.
"Wo nro not unmasking our
ihtterles today," ho ropllod.
r.'o dclcgntu with stolon cro
ilntlili shall liavo a vote In thin
Ii mention If wo can holp It.
i Jr tomorrow wo shall lmvo our
i !iu completed."
All Shrlnors on Coos Hay nro re
(liiested to meet at W. J. Rust's offlco
on Front street Wcdnosdny evening,
June IH, nt 8 o'clock.
ISjAisoclateil I'r'RH to Coos Bay
CHICAGO. Juno 17 Tlio Roobo-
I'JtindTaft managers spout today
Inapletlng details for tho political
is whlrh will open In tho eoll-
Senator Poindexter Makes
Threat When Roosevelt Del
egates Are Turned Down.
(By Associated Prosn to tho Coos Bay
Times T.
CHICAGO. 111., Juno 17. Tho
;a tomorrow when tho envoi falls ' uoosevelt delegates from the Stato
the nepiiblltan National Con-of Washington who were refused re"
don to order. Lenders whoso , vtinmii ltoiiulilluan
n brought Into play ovory artifice' committee- held a " '"fi.'1'" J',1.
i lo modem polities In tholr of- nml decided to prow bo r IIk it on
.... ..i .,. 1...1 ... tin. ini.i. nf iim ((invent Ion. Senator
orTfl. It una no nlnro for tho Mo Polndexto.- was cooncur-
t Keen eyes and trained ours limn of the (lfiegnuon aim ':
liewchcd for the ilrst sign of ; ib rcsoi won m i; " " ". "- "
Nor aUk at any point and ns to Victor osownt or. , a B eh Jman
usworo tlghtoned to tlio last "i me ." y -",;. : nf wns'--ttutho
day woro on, thoso who Ion on contos a , tlioStn o of nj..
wred to waver ovon In a slight' Ington ins denrhed our stato or ro ,
iwwero subjected to merciless ren , -, ;,",,
pie tholr rights. Tho persons on
unjustly scaica no hoi ji""" ":
Hnniibllrnn party In tho Stnto oi
One Leader of Insurrection
Killed and Another Cap
tured on Island.
(By Associated Tress to Coos Da
WASHINGTON, D. C. June 17.
Admiral Usher from (Juantnnnmo
cabled the Navy Department today
confirmation of tho report thnt Clen
oial Kztenox, tho Cuban lusurgont
loader, had been killed nud (leucnil
Lncosto captured. Officials bellovo
this blow was practically tho termi
nate resolution, though somo brigand
bnuds may continue to pillage and
loot for somo time.
(By Associated Pross to tho Coob Bay
SANTIAGO, Juno 17. Insurgent
Leader Julio Antoninrcbl, who Satur
day ordered all whites to leave the vi
cinity of 101 Cobro, Issued n procla
mation today stating that ho will
hnng any parson npproiichlng him
with the suggestion thut ho surrender.
Roosevelt Members of National
Body Condemned Action
On Contests.
(By AB80clntod Press to Coos Bay
tttu a question for Hnnl nnnly-
iuthe day woro on whether tho
Hbllcan party woa blggor than Its
wiling body, tho National Com-
w,or bigger tbnn any ono cnnul
u. vhetlier tho olonbnnt would
-i to the right at tho holiest of ono
Frank Smith Saves Party of
Local Men in Gasoline
Launch Accident.
. A sorlous calamity wna nvortod
last night by n timely rcsuuo by
Krnnk Smith. Prod Bents;, ownor of
a small gasolino boat called tho Evo-
lyn, was coming from Coob Rlvor
with n party of frlonds and had
reached a point nonr tho rnllroad
dock when bis engine Btoppod. In
trying to make repairs no usou a
lighted match, which ignited somo
gnsollno thnt had leakod out. In on
Instant tho boat wna on 11 ro.
Frank Smith, who wns running tho
Allco II. at tho tlmo, had Just stop
ped nt tho Eaatsldo dock to tako on
Will Hennessey nnd Jack Stolnor,
when ho saw tho blaze and wont to
ward it Iminodlatoly. Tho flames
woro shooting high Into tho air and
tho danger to his own bont wns very
groat. In 'tho excitement ono man
had fallen out of tho boat nnd an
otbor lind Jumpod. Thoso woro first
picked up by tho uso of n strong
senrch light, nnd thon tho bont wns
tnkon close enough to nllow tho
thrco remaining men to escape Tho
names of thoso on bonrd tho, livolyn
woro Frod Boutz, Honry Lomloux,
Peto InBtriimen, Abol Iiistrulnon nnd
Emll Qldmnrk, all of whom nro em
ployed nt tho Kastsldo mill. After
thoy had boon rescued tho blazing
bont stnrtcd to drift Into tho rallrond
dock whoro it would lmvo cnusod
n great deal of dnmngo lind It not
boon for somo men who miceeodoil
Clarence Dietz On Coos Bay to trtibJtSZS coxM
Frank Smith hnB saved sovornl
peoplo from drowning on tho Bny
nnd on Coos Rlvor. HIb coolness nnd
self possession stood him in good
stend Inst night nnd lind tho Allco II
boon loss speedy nnd powerfully built
lc is doubtful if nho could have
reached tho distressed bont In time
to savo thoso on bonrd.
Mr. Smith deserves much prnlso
for his roseuo last night as bo took
bis llfo In his hands nnd took chances
Associated Press
Tlmos. )
CHICAGO. 111., Juno
17 Mom-'
Locate Noted Wisconsin
Case Recalled.
Clareiue Dlolz, ono of tho defend
ers In the notod Cameron dam cno
In Wisconsin, which attracted nation
al nttoutlon n yenr ngo, la on Coos
Hay and niny locato here. Ho ar
rived tlio lattor part of last week nnd
is seeking employment here, far dlst-
ant from tlio scones m me vic'y o i8nj i, bont In order to. savo
imttln which cost tho lives of his ,. ,,,
iirntiinr nnd sister nnd for which a 1
llfo Imprisonment sontouco is hang
ing over his father and of which ho
will carry wounds to his grave,
nietz's Identification hero was
bors and momborB-olect of the Itepub
Henn National committee nud four
stnto commlttco chairmen, 13 in nil,
In n public statement todny de
nounced tho notion of tho Nntlonal
commlttM In making up tho tempor
ary roll call of tho National conven
tion. Tho Btatonicnt follows: "Wo
donounco tho fraud by which n dis
credited mnjorlty of tho Republican
National commlttco has mndo up a
toinnornrv roll of tho Nntlonnl con
vention, nnd wo dony tho right of tho
commlttco to mnko a roil tuni miguii
result in n nomination thnt is at'
fectod by dishonesty nnd trickery. I
Wo ilcslro to servo notice on tho com
mttteo nnd convention thnt tho rank
and file of our pnrty novor has per
mitted dishonesty In pnrty mnchlncry
to attest pnrty regularity."
Colonel Flashes Indignant Ovei
Unseating of California
"Strenuous One" 'Displays
"Case of Nerves" Before
Delegates Today.
(By Associated Pross)
CHICAGO, Juno 17 Sonntor
Dixon, campaign manager for
Itoosovolt, duclnrcd todny tho
temporary roll cnll of tho con-
ventlon would show Roosevelt
will bo nominated by n mnjorlty
of nt lenst forty-two and that
Borah will bo namod temporary
chnlrmnn over Root by n largo
In responso to tho continued
claims of accession by Itoosovolt 4
among the Bouthorn delegates,
Director McKlnloy of tho Tnft
forces todny issued a stntomont
assorting tho Tuft forces nro
' holding firmly and thnt Rooso-
volt has Bticcoodod in socurlng
only two southern dologntos.
John Adams Succumbs to
Wounds in Family Mlxup
West of Roseburg.
ROSRIHIRG, Ore., Juno 17. John
Adams wont to tho Ilnrdmnn ranch,
near Boston, and commenced shoot- ii"", who wTo'lKS
lug at Bon Ilnrdmnn and Paul Graft , ,ioluKUtm wn8 i,0jtj,,B nn "oxpor-
Wllll n piBlOl III Ulieil IIHIIll, lliu uui-
lots going wild In tholr nlm, nnd Bon
(By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos
Bny Tlmos.)
CHICAGO, Juno 17 Grcotlng a
pnrty of California dologntos today,
Col. Itoosovolt ilashod out nnothor In
dlgnnnt protest against tho nctlon oC
tho Nntlonnl Republican Commltteo
In tho California case. Ho declared
"novor wns thoro nnythlng llko It.
Thnt's tho kind of nctlon thnt mnkcR
revolutions" ho doclnrcd. Tho lino
of enthusiastic dologntos and nltor
natcH who wnntod to shnko hnndn
with Colonol Itoosovolt onco moro
wns so grcnt nnd tho oxcltomcnt so
teiiBO thnt Itoosovolt got a enso of
nerves and Hovernl tlmos protestod.
Finally ho shouted, "Hold tho lino
ns It la nnd I will pnss nlong It."
Policemen did tholr host to hold It
nnd with a body guard, Itoosovolt
rushed along the lino, llunlly bronk-
Wnshlnion and tho voters of our
stnto will not submit to your blnsed,
nrejudler-l ami -anu-a ui-ioi.
Wo will tnko I' ssnry "tP ,0
..." "V.i. ..... ti m tlio Ronubllcan
l-'orto left ut tho command of lVnY0. i convention nnd before tho
Ner or disregard either nnd go its Xot Z country. No candidate
rywasa matter of sorlous con-'v oeo nmimtlon doponds upon
lUnwere Indications to.lav thnt " p " B ,,BW "' '
Is hit contingency wns not nt all, ,l'
riuio. Tin itoosovolt forces
null... ... ......... ti.
-rv. uuut, niiir n iiii.riifin I
tjc! delnir.itlnti Allinmli
5jv fU are for tho nomination
A Ulna Of till. 'lr,.ll,. Mukii
red they would votn to nvor-rula
pK'onor tlio National Committee
;" "B Taft delogntes over Rooso
iWegatos from California, Toxns
""hlngton. This sontlmont wns
; by tho Itoosovolt crowd with
?;'! atoUl0r arriving dologntlons
tb huluced to follow suit.
I n l'''ms of Hooscvelt.
It llnnenvnlt ... ...
J the flsht tho mlnuto tho con
noa li nn..i ...i i..i
rt, vmv iii'oiii' ity iici;tii-i
kWii "'" wnicu oniy inos'ji
?He8 WllOSA Ennli n i.twlnlinlnil !
fSoosevelt oi.oii ,,..1. mi,. nnn,. Mnrnhtlelil
Si... :..""'" "",- l,,u """aj:i;..ii.ii.... i.u
VinT !, pect t0 neIvo this end , uuiu....h - - ttent,allC0 tlian has
fcfflindng a ro t, tom.,drow a '",,'Vn a school election
STttalrmanBhln and on tho very' over participated I bcii
QtHKt . !.": . ;r hrA. 'ino .miia "w
. ' """u i. ii ii r rnninq nn nnroru T '
Ak .. " -- w.--.
h iuiannn mi
It ...,v"l,u' ncn
Isi. : Vyer',0r John
N 6
Lively Time Expected at Elec
tion at Central Building
annual school election In
nt tlio wmii ,"t"
ovonlng iiroiio
Tho polls
os up bororo ' V.30' th8 ovonlng.
" ! T "?,'M7-3Dod0KerB wore circulated todv
CSh . 7 . lllinuil "J Kl.-" ", .,n( ,, I(W won (I ue run i"
Jut the 2.1 votes for that stato stating t hat nuto b woui a
question. This notion by ,0ln Lt0 ' . 'notlilns partlculnr.y
,; Is expected to bo objected to Tn"re. ,,"., at lo "today. A. H
; Tft Mwten In tho I now in rto tBJonn ,1Wnt0 for dl
i'etM.ilfornla ""strict. This June-, Powers H l io , l)0 n catt.
'il gra8,cd by u' Hoosovolt rflctr. V 1 1 cUWn l , Whe Mr
&?? " Pn which to get . dk In e ns ioU o ot f
purely accidental. J. Gordler was
horo Saturday en route to Wedder
burn to tnko a position as engineer of .
tho Wedderburn Trading company.
He wns a stronger horo nnd In going
around saw n young man dresswl in
corduroy who wns evidently n strang-n-
no tiinucht bo recognized Mm
but had difficulty In recalling his
Identity. Flnnlly It enmo to him in a
flash. J. Gordlor had been nt Min
neapolis when tho Cameron Dam case p
was nt lt height nnd ho remembered
the vouug man was Clarenro Dlotz,
son "of the principal in the noted con
troversy. Ho saw Dietz In Minneap
olis, the latter nppenrlng on the stnge
at benefits to rnlso funds to nld In
defending Ms fnthor on tho charge or
murder as a result of tho bnttlo with
ofllcers. '
Later Mr. Gordlor had quite n
visit with Dlotz. Tho latter has prat-'
tlcallv recovered from his wouni's
but carries silver plates In three or
four different places wimre ui"
were sbnttored by tlio volleys of tho
ollleers. Ho stntcd that his brother
and sister succumbed to th"ir
wounds a long tlmo ngo H'f fntlu-r
la now at liberty under $200,0Aij
bonds pending final action by tho
Supreme Court on J la case. Ho Is
renulrod to remain In the States of
Wisconsin nnd Illinois nnd Is now on
n theatrical circuit raising funds to
fight l1 Is case
WcMcott Will Nomlnato Him
mid Goro Will Kecoiid
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny
WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 17.
Senator Goro, of Oklahoma, who ro
turncd todny from a conference with
Democratic lenders nt nnltlmoro will
second tho nomination nt tho Balt'
moro convention of Governor Wood
row Wilson of Now Jersoy which will
be mndo by John Westcott of Cain
doin N. J.
Hnrdmnn struck at Adams with tho
nx ho bnd In his hnnd when ono bul
let struck Pnul Graft In tho bronst.
They wero In n woodshed nonr tho
house when tho shooting bogan.
Ilnrdmnn then rnn Into tho houso for
Ills gun nnd Adnms started to run.
ilnrdmnn shot nt him ns ho wiih go
ing into tlo brush. Hnrdmnn tolo
phoned for n Doctor nnd tho shorlff
nnd they wont to tho scono of tho
shooting nnd found Adams mortally
wounded, tho bullet striking him In
tho back. He wns taken to Rosobur,?
and died In tho hospital Saturday
ovonlng nt 7 o'clock. Adams' wlfo
had loft him. nnd bolng n sister to
Graft's wlfo and Ben Hnrdmnn, Ad
nms thought thoy woro instrutnontnl
in getting hor to lonvo him, henco tho
Hardmnn was not awaro tnni no
lonco gnthorlug." Horo tho iiollco
forcibly held tho crowd in check nnd
dually tlio crowd which had pursued
him through tho hotel dispersed.
Tnft Foivi'M Ilenily.
Tho Tnft supporters declnro thoy
do not enro how soon tho Itoosovolt
contingent start tlfo bnttlo. "Too
temporary roll of dolcgatoa an ar
ranged by tho National Commlttoo
will organize tho convention," said
Director McKliiloy. It wna statod
nlso that tho Tuft lenders woro pro
pnrod for nny kind of movo and that
thoy wero well acquainted with tho
various plans coming from tlio Itooso
volt quarters. Tho sources of tholr
Information Is not divulged.
Mother of Mlk'amlst'H Wlfo Tries to
Kill him.
had bit Adams whon ho shot nt tho (By Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay
fleeing man and did not dlscovor mut Times.)
Purga.ed" vote of "tho dole! ; Dennett dtac ! g of the Gold-
Anwr ,oader w movo ntbe,I!,nnrte?i nro iSg thnt he run.
)br(KLtvh.eAei"I'ornry roll ns mndo TBU' "JfnHwiii i.robably be re-
tl mi ,i,nn' committee be re- J""" ;,'i ot ,il0 district.
idi!?i5atLBubBtltuto roll call elected cleikoftiioa g
1 nt V d0,tBte8",c,a'l!ed i.voly to bo over resolutions
.bim el' u adopted. In thus I ',K0,y. '" ,u " nl0etlng.
m. ,n5 the mntior nf dnhntaliducedat tho iioevab. t,
his aim had been truo until Adnma
wns inter found dying In tho brusii.
Ilnrdmnn is now out under ball.
Adnms nnd Mrs. RUla Nelson, a di
vorced daughter of Hardmnn, wero
mnrrlod at Kugeno, Janunry 12.
Mrs. Adams kept tho nowB of her
marrlngo secret from hor family nnd
they would not bollovo thnt alio really
had married him until tho mnrrlngo
certlf lento wns produced by Adnma 'a
tho hospital hero. Sho la slightly old
er than her hiiBband who wna 31.
Adams wns nddlctcd to tho excessive
mso of liquor nnd drugs nnd his wlfo
left hi in n fow weeks after tholr mar
riage Ho mndo n couplo of trips to
bco hor but oach tlmo alio was absont
and on his socond visit, Mrs. Hard
man notified him to remain away.
When Adams loft Roseburg on tho
(By AssociatodPress to the Coos Bay aw aar r EJf V"
Times). uiuubui" - - - ....--.
BALTIMORE. Md.. Juno 17. Two tho influonco of "fluor and carrylns
dark horso" booms for tlio Demo-
New Presidential Possibilities
for Baltimore Conven
tion Talked.
PORTLAND, Juno 17 Tho pre
liminary hearing of Avory C. Groy,
charged with tho bigamous marriage
of n daughter of Mrs. C. Johnson of
Soattlo todny bnd a dramntlc termin
ation. Gray had Just boon hound ov
er when Mrs. Johnson Jumped to her
feet screaming "Tho dirty dog, tho
dirty dog," and whipping n small re
volver from tho folds of hor gown
fired three shots ut tho nlloged biga
mist ns ho wns taken from tho room.
All allots went wild. No ono wnn
hurt. Mrs. Johnson whh placed un
der arrest. Sho oxprossed rogret that
sho had not killed Gray.
rrntln nrosldontlnl nomination wero
informally cilsciiBsea noro touny uv
tho National committeemen. Tho
The rameron Dam case is ono of booms woro for Mayor Gaynor, of
1 lle ' a Hit run '' . v vnrlf nml C.nV. Euceno FOBS. Of
t,,rvt nietz bnd n homo on ha Mn MachuBe 1-7 Whether the movo-
e!,U" nn,i' imllt n lam ncio" s the rlv- ment In behalf of Gaynor Is bolng en-
?rVrniB I mbernienonwnlng timber cournged by Chnrlea P. jrurnhy. lead-
', rii tn Zvo tho dnm remove' er of Tammany hall, could not be
nbove trieo: to imvo mo uiiiii ienrned hero. Tbo movomont for
"M1 FobTwob launched by Frank Hend-'
nun un '""r.:." r. wi i.fl rink nf Now York, who said tnnt uov.
,. "" . .w. . - ,,.
u..? "' matter or uenatei
I'll rtiu invention en bloc, none
tot. 8a es "ffectod by contests
On ll.n -.. .1 mu
,e'l men .nll.,X 4t.. V. -
-.. uui.OTU UlUV OUC11 M
nued on pace I.)
nmitr nninr ilmiiiiiiiim
a wwu .---- -- ...,,, in ,oii.. TT'rtaa nintrnrm war ior inmitruiiuu ic
lf, Worttlon bj roVceo aVmsand auction of tariff and reciprocity wltn
tanJtl 'with offlcerB followed, the of- Canada. Regarding the repeated re
"1" .,!'., nfan.1 capturing porta that New York. Indiana and I-
ntions wouia unuo iu
'.L. .".. i m which had been bar- llnolB dolog
LV" rA Hnvoral were wounded and make the
killed In tho battlo. .
n-esldentlal nomination,
Pnmmltteeman Sullivan of Illinois,
'remarked in tho presence of other
of rnmmltteemeu today "Tho Illinois
t tn0 " lfaM1, tll(, nrln-
n itn iir ill I 1 iiibiuu -
election. .
Your Portrait in colors at Walker, framod Rt Wakor Sludl0, were opened today.
linpnT nnANDT of tho firm of committeemen toaay -me iinnum
ALBERT ""Vo 0i San Fmn- delegates will vote as a unit and so
Heller. K,ln5,0; rday" a8 tho continue to vote throughout tho con-
clsco Is spending a few days as mo conunu 0)nrk
guest of J. Albert Matson. JSnartera for Clark and Wilson
n brnco of concealed revolvers, ho
mado opon tbreatB to "cionn out.
certain persons. Tho night of bis nr
rival in Rosoburg, Adams secured n
ouart flask of whiskey nnd n vial of
Reston Is 17 miles west of Rose
burg on tho old Cooa Bny wagon road.
President Aimouncc Ho Will Upliold
Geiiernl Woixl.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 17.
President Tnft votood today
W. 13. DeLnrm of Orrlmril I'nko l'nss-
os to Highest Tillminil
(By Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay
SEATTLE. Wash., Juno 17 W. R.
DoLnrui, promoter of tho Columblu
Rlvor Orchard Co., nnd Its allied cor
porations which sold iJG.OOO.OOO
worth of bonds, now cutlroly worth
less, died at Placorvlllo, Calif., last
Saturday according to a dispatch re
ceived here today. DoLnrm wns n
fugitive from justice and had been
Indicted in Portland, Oro., for using
tho mnlls to defraud.
Humor Timber Hulo According to
reports hero today, tlio Standish
Hickoy company has about concluded
noirntlntlonH for tho lIlircllttBO Of tltO
tho! ilno tract of timber on tho upper Co-
nrmy appropriation uiii. no -turned
the bill to Congress with a
mossngo indicating his disapproval of
legislative provision which would
oust Major General Leonard Wood
from tho offlco of chief ot staff
March 4, next.
Hove your Job
Tha Times' office.
printing done at
nuillo owed by Jos. Ferroy, Sr. Tho
tract is wprtn aooui ?iuu,uu".
B. Hlckel of tho company who baa
beon hero from San Francisco, left
for home todny.
The Breakwater sailed from Port
land this morning nnd la expocted fo
reach Coos Bay about 7:30 tomorrow
' morning.