MILLICOMA HATS For Summer Wear TheBest $3 Hals aae New, Stylish Shapes COOS n.VY TIDES. nol w Is given th tlmo and height of high and low water" MarahOold. Th tides aro placed In the order if occurrence with tholr times on iiie first lino and hnlnhta nn ,-. .. onil lino of each day; a comparleon of ronsccntlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low wator. For '"K" wniur 011 bar. nuitmri 9 1,..- 31 inlmitpB 1)11 to Is amongvthosQ montlonod as his ouc cessor. Develop Mines P. o. Weeks of Portland left for his homo yestordav l,lf,,..r vlslt'nB tho property of tho nig Hill Coal compnny of which ho 1b president near Ulvorton. Tho com puny has O. A. Tlbbctts, an experien ced coal mining man, In chargo of tho development work and expects soon to begin shipping coal to tho Port Innd mnrkot. I.iuploy An Expert. Harry Inge- PERSONAL NOTES W. J, RUST has gono to Coqulllo on business. JOHN SCHETTER wns In from Ton Mile today, EARL GRAY of Allogany Is a Mnrsh- llold business visitor. MllS. JOHN I10WRON of Honry- vlllo is In Marshfiold todnv. brltzen, an export mechanician who'MUS' 13,'1 K' , P.U of Dnnl'8 Creek 'ri ii'M rui' .limn 1 lis. ,5 s 28 3.30 It'oot .7.2 2.0 4 7 lGlllrs. . o o.lC 4.21 IVi-t .7.3 l.C 1.9 bus recently been employed by tho Spinning Co., of Seattle, ono of tho largest cash register and typewriter repair houses in tho Northwest, hna been engaged by tho Marsh Hold Cy ciery for their repnlr department which has been enlarged to Includo fusil leglsters and typewriters. Ciio Dolem-il.-The dlvorco cn.o of John (lordlcr vs. Jonnlo Onrillor S.lfiiW Ifh wim to have eoiuo tin hoforo 3.0 I Judgo Coke today wns deferred until 0. to Monday when It will bo tried nt Co- 3.0 nulllc. Deputy Prosceutlni: Attornov SUPI TINKLER 5 EXPECTED Official of the MacArthur, Perks Company May Ar rive Here Today. Oonornl Superintendent Tlnklor Is a Mnrshflold shonnor today, JOHN STONELAKE was in from his Tea Mllo ranch todny on business. MltS. T. M. COLLVER of Catching Inlot is n Marshllold visitor todnv. MRS. EMILY O. McKARLAND of 'of tho MacArthur Perks North Inlot Is a Marshllold shop per. MRS. JESSIE DAVIDSON of Catch lug lulot wns n Marshlleld shopper today. 012011013 ROSS of Catching Inlet Is looking after business in Marsh- Held today. UllPiivhtt was iinnblo to como ovcr,M"S' S- C. IIILU10RN, tho well AAAi a . . ." ' "'i'v iw V.U1IIU UH.I today for tho hearing. Tho case Is 1HI3 WEATHER not contested and tho grounds aro (Hy Associated Press.) cruel and Inhuman treatment. ORl.'OOX. Fair tonight with ,JlJMls "n,' Ib tiftornoon, J liulit final I,. -... ..ii.. a (- Coleman of tho Owl Knlnnn nntnr. Siindav fair and warmer. North- f ' n l,lt-'a of BUllty to a chnrgo of soil- MESSRS. 01H11S and company, contractors for tho last nlnoty-flvo miles of tho Coos Dny-Eugono lino for tho Southorn Pnclllc, is oxpoctod hero on tho RoJondo Into 'this aftor noou. Mr. Tinkler will probably bring tho first definite nows rolntlvo to tho present status of tho railroad sltua- V Vestelly , winds. Woolen Mill Store Leading Hatters JlauMidd Or cgon ) I.OCAr. THMl'rCTMTURE UK. I PORT. For twenty-four hours ending t ?l !; '? !l- '" Juno 1!. ' nenj. , omilnd, special government mo- I toorologlcnl observer: 1 Maximum 02 v .Minimum 4i v ai i: i;j a. in. Plef'lltltlltlolt tumn , Wind, northwest; clear. v Ing Honor to Hnrrv Jones, n minor. A second chargo of tho snmo nnturo In which Clifford Doono was tho ro clplent, was dlsmlssod. Colomnn was to hnvo been trlid boforo City Recorder lJutlor this nftomoon. Tho latter has withheld his sentonco for thirty dnys. A Jury consisting ofi uoy i.nwiiorne, John A. Dlntt, D. W. Small, E. Crosthwnlt. Win. Uuck nn.l ,j j Henry Hugglns had boon nssomblod to hoar tho case. Colomnn limine en lered n pica of guilty when first arraigned. Ri'iloiiilo l,ii(e The Rodondo will nnlved In between C nnd 0 o'clock this nflornoon from San Francisco, having been dolnyod by strong head winds and son. Sho Is Bchodulod to sail from horo for Pan Francisco nt .'I :.'!() o'llmk Monday afternoon. AI.ONCITIIE WATERFRONT. Holt. N'o mm linrit linn linnnl nnv- known Mllllcomn pioneer, Is the' thing definite relating to tho awar.l- kuusi oi .wnrsiiiieiti menus, i ing or the Httb-contrncts. MESSRS. ALUERT TARDY nnd Or-i W. S. Chnndlcr is expected to ar rlu Pratt nroin from Camps 1 and rlvo hero Tuesday on tho Dronkwntor i respectively for tiio week-end. i from Portland. According to rnll- PukIi. tho rond uossln hero tndav. lin will urn. North Inlot cranberry ranchers' bably brine somo doilnlto nnwn rntn- woro Marshllold business visitors tlvo to tho negotiations botwoon tho today. I Terminal Railway and Southorn Pa- MISS .ELLA SWINFORD left today elllr. for tho McFarland ranch on North . No further nows has boon glvon Inlet whero sho will npend n fow out rolntlvo to tho Smlth-Powors dnys. I Logging rond or tho F. A. Hnlnos' MRS. E. C. DARKER loft today for railroad project. It Is understood Allogany for n short visit nt tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oco. A. Gould. J. OORDIER leaves soon for Wod- dcrbiirn whero ho has accepted n position ns engineer for tho Wed- dorburn company. MISS FLORENCE FLANAGAN loft yestordny for Ten Mllo whero sho will spend n week or so with her nun , Mrs. IIIIIIh Short. MRS. F. M. MARHOFFER will loavo on tho next Rodondo for nn ox- is"Thr lliixji Ctirnfr". Kncsr wjtcepi 4 'UJU t .. . ." J ' . , . T"" V w r ivw; v&Ql y. TT'M x1-. v-jii Ax rm CCr'OCjOrrt jr, r.F.n iua m a' TCO;! IU8ll j 'f no t,ctror(- (j v.wU.,.1,3 UoUl j : h t'ie to j' .-:iiMth 1 ' l' ;c s, U- , .. .icn,lv. I 3 WANT ADS. Tho schooner Advent of tho Sltnp fion (loot nrrlvod In yestordny, thirty days out from San Pedro. j Sei'iit-iM llli,.,,... Vo I,... i.. mo Bl'liooiiors lltlgll IlOgnn mill lmiontH nnnr Hull . I.nlti. nitv t'lihiubeiH. .IimIko J. S. Coke granted J'01-,110 H"or nrrlvod nt Ilnndon yos- JOSEPH VASEY of tho Smlth-Pow-Mi. Jimp .Ii-nkliis lliown a divorce tulA,y fi",',"". ,," l vn,ni, ,8'0,' , ' ors I'tiKRlng Compnny nnd family i mil it iiiiiiiwiii llrotvn. Mrs. Ilrown '"" ""uui" hhhiioh sniiou Is n niece of Stun Archer, of Enstsld". yo"'M',,!!.y for.Sn I-'mnclsco. I eons Height from tho Hay to Dandon I F totlny. The Alllnui-e Mailed last evening Hint tho Smith-Powers noonlo nnd tho Southorn Pnclllc have not yot como to nny dcflnlto ngreomont nbout wbeelngo rights over tho present lino for tho Smith-Powers logging trains. If they do not, It Is understood that tho Smlth-Powors pcoplo flguro on building tholr own rond from Mnrsh lleld, paralleling tho present lino of tho Southern Pacific. OFF FOR CRUISE nnd ennie l.ere n couple of yairs aico irmii Si'iihimi wheru Mr. Drown Is IK V H.,:ltMi' In he. ( liniiKi' Yet. .Indue John F, tended visit nt tho homo of horj Itiimlon ntul Mailillelil Members of Naval Militia On North Members of tho Rnndon and Marshfiold Divisions of the Orncon will loavo Monday for California, Nnvnl Mllltln loft on tho Ilronkwntor points whoro they will visit for, vestordav for Portland to loin In thn uwlillo. . I annunl trulso. Thoro wore nlnotoon M. PARSONS of tho llusy Corner i from Ilnndon. Lieut. Sorenson of nrrlvod homo today from u wook's I Dandon was unnblo to nccompnny his diihiiiohh nun pieasuro trips to iWWTi.'ii tiu ........ .i . '.. ' """i"' "' Jiiiiwo .loim i'. , , , " , , V. ' " " ."".T: "i"u mm iiiuiiauru irips 10 men. Among inoso going woro tno .i..... T7ii. , ' .,,1",,,,:,n n"' ",l11 Htni.Ml today that P. M. Hull- trnnl I'ortlnml fur Coon Day and will Portland. Mrs. Parsons will ro- following: tit m (. Atldiess Kleetrlc Slum Shop. Lowf hnd not yot tendered his resti,. r p imp tomorrow. She Is' turn lntor. Oulller. Walters, Rnndlemnn, Wnt- lllHtlotl IIS COOS County fruit llisnoc- " 'UI to mil MOIUlny nt 1 0 OlOClC ,,nmf nni:u n...t -.t , i..,1cIiir. MeNnlr. Ilnrlmnn. Mlllnr. linn. WANTED Wtiiimn to art as nurse '!"' "U1 mi", ll 1,MH ,l0n reported r" Lnrekti. , W(j oxmutw, ,iure , ," fow .inJ'Pr. Laird, Hesslo. Crocket, Nogroy, and housekeeper for elderly Inval- .':. " . '''W!H w"",.! .(l m beenuse from llerkoloy. Call., to visit t tho I Krugor, DoJolrB, Munck. McDonnld, II. Apply to Mrs. Henry Huuca- ", " 'Kn tnopostiion ng city En- 4T , . - .. - hiimea of his brothois. .!. S. Coke lnglols. Fortnor. Parks. Dodgo, i"i'Kni. ," Ul" ''":. -'1: '' L'IhM' UatTI Kani . Usivir' nnd Tiomna Coke. MR. SPARE. cousullInK t'UKliU'or of tho Stnndnrd Oil compnny. is ex pectnd hero today to spend several dnys with Mnnager C. W. Mon'- gomory nf the local nKonoy FOR A largo yoiiii I weight 1000. Also good heavy' wiring wagon nn . i imrnoM. Sou F, K. Dow. TiqrrJjf B!, n..t i Met, ThjResa.l ' . SfP'JJV, wiertt'.wi 0i''j -3 1. "30 ri.i ii i.c;;ets 'l- . Tu'fUl" . If . urmtn. r-aJ to Ci'ii. '.an. j t'ic jow-r-:c3citjU..scCvia Jn teazel. AlTtOCth I'fU ,'l vnn r- 1,. r3 pve you comnlcto catlBfae- at ktxell Jinf-rt r- ,1 J.j... '"" J ""III rmdtrh tho bi.t all-around Oil rrenarnf !,- m...t. rt i 1-1 -tiWHIUUUCl fcJUlU M, li 4e Hr- ! . E "adsono l.thographcd tin wtj Thi larcrnt nwtnr.. r (! Tooth Powder to bo bad c"Miefor25c. Whart-Parsons Drug Company "The Busy Corner" WANTED Furnished limine or flat for hotigeknitplufc- until August 1, AddrosH euro Times. FOR RJfNl. - roiiiforlablo nimny! nt m loom, sin auutu Kourtli at. WNTKD -Mo'mlr. wool ami eaa oara Imrk. Apply to Henry Seng tttmitffi, in oillce of Title Omit -i iiiiteo ft Alxliiict Co. FOR S.M.U No. 1 White Orpington and While Wyandot last oar pu. lets, nil inl.e wlliiiut'4. You'll hnva to ! nny for they are going fnal. Six Inst jour's loostors, Imported. F nunKtiu eatn'o. Plat 11, Mrs. C. C. Osier. Mny, left yeator- Mel.ood and children,' (my ror rot iciver. . ' vniiM.w..wn anv ... - ... i I (' Mel.nn.l nl.,1 nl,ll,f,.mi ' "X" -'."" '.' "'" ' l" ' " '" ply Stole. Present owner Is goliu: i",.!1:;"''!,." ,.!.". !..'::..1": Mm. R. C. Holmes was a ....... .... n,win i. n luiim, I'unniniiii'i -fi,,!. vlull.f,. vitutorilnv ",f. !,:""K' .,,,.'"",,Vte n"'. ,"M"J,rt':' Km ' " ffiowmS nt.M-n iii nnu,i . ,h,'iii'v i in. iiyuii 1AU.. i ,.. 1.1 . rt . ,. !. .u ,"'i i.i iif, nun i-iibi-ui.uo ir- jjj.g hit. winy kbiihb in (own, i.eaito 0f ( on tin gor'd kh'ii Tha Oregon with their son. Henry Iloeck. nnd Hiiriii inr 1 iiti,iiiiiiiiittinn I ,! ii'iii!",. I til UUlllI IIUlKlltR. lDMVM liwl.iv! ... ... . . ' . ... ... ... mimiM icir ono year wi t ioji- f()r vta.t ...m. ri,hliivo . Ton ,,,; . '""" " " , 'i ciHto. ma n oi two years more. TMs'Ian m, ...i m. w ,"n'ir':.: vi n amnc u inn inr rnro mooi F ora Hartmnii. w piiylim proposltli.n and n lmr- i... i,i.. . - iu-Th .:....:.-:".. w,,l" n'M",B "wr "ln( -' to Run Francisco at Invoice. Wrlto or phono. ,. a,,,,.,, na ui.... . L ..WILL HORTON has taken n iimsIHd: L. 0. PAltKI HIRST' rnoullle GaroKO. CnmiU'a. m i m.. u-...' n i. i..,. on tl o Honors ranch on Cooa River, lnnai meant of tho . .!. C. Waling, Prop, ioi;. ,'i,., ii,i.'. 'f.. . ..i.u for tho nu minor months, ho and h'a enniiuuilui Is now .v.i.., wii ,..- ,. 1.(111 , iiiu, tn t vinii. " Cournil. Dubell and Carlson. FOR SAI.IJ Foinplelo fuinKure for nimny nt Astoria. four iiiiiin 1iiiiih. iitmnut nnw. nv. Mi's. Gei 1'ico Hilior. Mr. Corn lellent niuillty. I.lbernl roductlon ""! ' Hhs F. W. Iniinol, Mlaa Ilo- ' A- UAKER 1ms returned to tho Rav .ill U'lintn .! n.i ll.n ,.ln... ' f'll g'.U llllllll III ImMI1 tllM I'ncnilflnil flW ... ni.V .., u. l.,u r,UVlJ, .tll, - - " v.. ..... .. . . ...... .... i sister. Mlaa Ruth, huvlntc nostnound their trip to Idnho for tho tlui" bi'lllg. I : , I.O.SV SiiiiiII Kld Misses untch, 1 ThuiHiliiy. Ploaso raturn to Times I ollho. I OR RENT Cittiij.'e nt rue block from bridge. .Myers store. I ')pR SAl,i: (I'niiiae nnd r-rssssrJSSStsr.'saBJex Knttslde, Call nt Mrs. HUbough nt Muishlleld yostor tiny nrteinnou. Mrs. Win. Vnughnn nnd children left yesterday Tor n few days' visit with Mr. Vnughan at the Vnughnn Mt'Dontild camp on Dunlels Creole. Mrs. Jnckioii Silboitgh. lecturer ,..... , T,77i 77". "lm uivaiilyer of the W. C. T. U., re- AUJo 5 0"r " ,H' '" ,"n""1 yo'totday from Cany county. -ti,U" She has nrtcnnUCil n union nt Port Orfotd wit!, in inert mid 13 women ns . ItXIMi'AIV SVI.E: 0 horsepower nieinbers. Hho Iiob been tho guest auto for $500; (lrst-clnss condl- whllo In Mnrshfleld of Mrs. Rubecon Hon: fully euulpped: cost now Stump nnd leaves tomorrow for i:i: 8. Sth street. Phono lf.G-J. PARTY (nkliiK Jncksi'iew from Dan CampbeH'M wnodyard Is roiiiestcd to return samo nt onco nnd save t rouble. nlng an excellent hotel tlioro, they state. W. 8. SCAMMELL. mnnngor of tho Steamer Washington, loft yostor dny on tho ilronkwntor for Port land to look nfter business hoforo returning to his home In Snn Fran- slstor-ln-lnw, Mrs. Ill roturn direct from horo. who hns bona Southern Paclflo npondlng most of h'.s tlmo oil his llaynos Inlot rnneli. w. C Kolm wl o nrrlvod here this week from Nebraska hai takon ns position ua bagKagomnn nnd wnrehouso mun for tho locil mil way and Ureal; water. HPKCIUi CANDY ST,E of TAF IMFS mill PENI'T IIRITTLE, St) Cents iMiuiiil, n( STAFFORD'S Saliir- $.1000; will sell for $500 on easy Myrtlo Point, tho plnco of her next terms. John L. Koontr Mnchlna lecture, lie" work hna boon very simp, North Front streot. Phono successful organizing now unions nnd Auto Siu. isn.,1 strengthening tho old. (T iii-:i Ptionf -Main lil)H- -Va w in rain l TONIGHT VtrueSA ?rvASSTr.EL' (jl-ANDSKILL-Jj ttt.CANMAKEjy NOT CHEAP DAYTON BICYCLES MIT GOOD I AT R.oyal THE IRWINS "tog their usual high grndo '"Shlng playlet: "A II.llV PAIR" 'T' Silent Witness. l5oiSre,M,"-T",B la- a l' "RJirid" We0lJ'S 1,nm,0U- ltici: inc. f p-AS STEEL- ttl-ANDSKILLHH SVCAN MAKC-Jj nfter mnklne his home In Pur land rnr n few years, ills nepiiew. Gen. MHKor wim plnyed with tho Marsh lleld team tlree venn ago . now idlchlnK for the Slonx Falls teem In the South Dakota leeitae. MRS. MOORE nnd Mrs. Henry "'"' ''"v "'", S"''r. returnod todny from n visit nt lliBlr,nnT ..,.,., rki-ait- !'T0"'Mft.?Jj:!"S.rI.i FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC Monro will lonvo this afternoon to visit nt tho homo of her sinter, Mrs. Allco Kruso on Isthinun Inlot. CIIAS. THOM of North Rend wns In Mnrshflold today on Mr. Thorn him taken uu option on tho former Lakovlow hotel proporty nt Ten Mllo which Is now hold by mills Short imd Harry -WllkliiH ind will probably take It over hoon and Improvo It. HORSEY KRE1TZER nnd son, Wlll Inm, Helton Kniumerer nnd Col. Grimes roturnod today from u fow Glvon undor the nusplcos of tho sous of Norway nt Enogron'a Orovo, Coos Rlvor. Siindny, JunolC. Doats will loavo Marshfiold nt foot of Mnr kot nvonuo nt 8 and 10:30 and 1 p. m. Alsa Alort will loavo North .Rend nt 7:30 a. m, sharp and Allco II. will loavo tho Nann Smith dock nt 7:30 n. m. sharp. Ilrlng your family and lunch bnskot. If you hnvo no family don't forgot your best girl. Music by orchostra nnd dnys llshlngnt Ten MI!o. They ro- dniiclng In tho aftornoon. Also gntnos port a flno tlmo. the fish biting und ntlilotles of nil kinds. Good better thnn they have In nitiny prizes offered. EVERYIIORY WEL- weeks. Frank llowion Is now rii'i- CO.ME. Committee. Jtl'T GOOD J. Leo Brown, Ph. 0. ?, W, Swjinton, Ph. 0, ?f 0 D1STE HERE. 'tain w'!iM "ff'voil bore "li I ihnrnUUft WaUa' WOBll, "klnl,?, y I,0I un-to-dutn lUl Tlms liero- M',s- Mc 'Plannini lecoI'onded nnd !ther a M0W Kowna should o .in , AU"oiincenient of hor "mjiejnmlo soon. f'Se" ij!" w, you tIie TaTBU Dutha. The success w'i' h Dayton Bicycles have met with has encouraged us to" move to a location moro convenient for Bicycle riders, Marshficld Cycio.y is now located at 172 North Broadway, opp, Times office. Te'eplione No, 158-R, ' We shall ondeavor to merit your continued patrooaiO by strict adherence to our motto Quality, Promptness, Courtesy, NOT CHEAP true7 aassteelm lil-AND SKILL if.) WLCAN MAKE-yy HIT GOOD MARSHFIELD CYCLERY DAYTON AGENTS 172 North Broadway Opposite Times office. NOT CHEAP AAassteel-At -and skill( m-CANMAKEy 111 T GOOD PHONE 141 or call at 71 Market Avenue when you ned PURE DRUGS or SUNDRIES. You will find the largest, best and most UP - TO - DATE Stock In Coos County, All Phone, Mail and Verbal Orders receive prompt attention. The Store for Quality Goos, Pure D'ug? And Th Careful Compounding of Prescriptions. ! m I jj.iiiWaBifc K