fiw s -skii u ,) COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONRV Kdltor wid l'ab. DAN K. MAIiONtiY New Editor Entorod at tho postofflco at Mrih Beld, Oregon, (or trauamlaatoa through tho mails as aocond clan mall matur. . KOSi:S l'"OK COOS HAY. T1IBU13 la a splendid BUggoatlon for Coos Hay In tho Hobo Fcs tlvnl at Portland this week. Ail reports from there aro a unit In ex pression of the beauty of Portland' roses. It Is worth a trip across tho whole width of tho United S ates to bco these loses. They aro wonders nnd wildernesses of beauty that no man ran Imng no before he has seen them Thev riot and billow over the city. They flood It wltn tides ot coi- VEHICLE TAX IS R North Bend Council Abolishes Special License Plan Street Work. -' '--g-r ' 1 !-, fJ.ll J... VV- . I ,V ADDITIONAL SOCIETY .NEWS 4 4 l'ICNIO OUTINGS Tomorrow Is tho day of tho big annual picnic of tho SonB of Norway. This year tho crowd will go as In past years to Knogren's Grovo on South Coos Hlver, thoro to Bpond tho day In dancing and tho usual picnic sports, with an additional program of athlotlcs In tho afternoon. Uoata leavo at 7:30, 8:00, 10:30 and 1:00 o'clock. O or In evtiuisito reus nun wanes mm . c)al tnx tint. They pornituo mo nenai i -n opposed to talng vehicles and with odorous fiugrance mat iiei t ,. ,go m,UUn, out thut with the poet to express its iiciiciousne . 0.)01llnB ot the wntorfrotit rond bo- Tho North Uend city council Inst evening rescinded tho old vohlclo W tenso ordinance. Tho action was not generally expected and will end Saturday was pleasantly spout at tho turmoil that hns been caused tno L,fo s,lvl"S Station by Ilov. H. the turmoil tiint nns ueon caused tB0l 1UU, mombcrs of his con- thoro by the efforts to collect tho spe- ,lrlnnllin ,.intu nnioni: tho imrty Miss Mrs. B. W. Knmmoror and Mr, Hor hof t Lockhart woro'BubaUtuto guoBta. Tho pVIzcb wont to Mrs. Jlorafall nnd Mr. Turpen, high nnd low rcspoctlvo ly. Among tlic club members pres ent were Dr. and Mrs. Win, Hora fnll. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Flana gan, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. S. Towor, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Albert Mntson, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Kaufmnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Turpen and Mrs. W. T. Mer chant. Mrs. J. II. Flnnngan will en tertain tho Club next Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. Claude N'nsburg la ontortnln lng at Ilrldgo this nftornoon, unmoor ing among her guests Mrs. C. M. Hy Inr n f North llend. Mrs. W. S. Tur- I pen, Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Jr., Mrs. Arthur McKcoun, Mrs. I 13. llnguo, Mis. F. 12. l.cefo. Mrs. Henry Song stackon. Mrs. W. T. Merchant, Mrs. W. A. Tove. Mrs. J. II. Flanagan, . Mrs. J. S. Coke. Mrs. K. O. l'orhnni, Mrs. 13. K. Jones, Mis. H. M. Itlehurd Bon and Miss Genovlovo SongHtuulcon. O as rbclplont of much nocldl aflontlon by tho youngor socloty Bot. O Miss Allco Iloyt, Bister of Mrs. Guy Warner, nt whoso .homo slio hay boon upending sovornl weoks, loaves on tho noxt Itedondo for hor homo In Oakland. O Mrs. K. Shndburno oxpoctu to loavo Monday for a short stay at California points. -O AMONG Til 10 HICK 4 4 Mrs. Geo. W. Trlbboy la reported (jiilto 111 nt her homo on Contrnl avenue today. TI.Militji.M " ""iwi TO riiii,... t . 'R sciio ino first of iipw . i Olios will leave "in Porf,k i ' State UnlmsUy1!,,6" Hobblns. niif "?,... .J.Il8'ea p,VJ bo... Myrl MicinrtTadfi will leave via. L"n,d. Suse K ony, Jlttio 22, and ,,. b'.n Sad will go Sunday "i!0 l Atg inni Aiyrtlo lolnt i i ? portlonally U3 ,nw a "' hc , nt tho summer scolini ?rescn'at hi Oi-i.i.ii n.,.i".01 ns anv u. Hplrlt and ainl.liirnf eM 7 Aiyruo Point Enterprise. Ucato Many a Coos liny ninn-Tu , . I a HiiiiiMlur being JtlZ ?.hh.l nnKfrnto.1 omm,lj;MJ!i w aa Climbing: till walls. danclllK to th , ,.,.., v,.n. ii... i nnA Atoi.oMi,,!,. .- " . .... !....- . ......... .V. mwuii .-.".ill iii-uu " .iiuiouiiui'i. ortoze and crowning pnwiio '" ,,0 Mnrshfleld teamsters could come nnil imiillc tilnces. tliey transiorm cottngi's to bowers and glorify pala tini nininlom with a now beauty. Tho lose grows with gieater Itu urh'uce and bea-uU on Coos Hay than In P.utlnnd nnd more ' attention Hlinnld Iib Klven to Its cultivation. Onto planted It continue to nmv l nnd flourish wUh very little atten tion. , Publicity, It vwi" claimed by nn uu vcrtlslnn agent nt Portland recently, "Is the ii-ml factor In the develjpmenl of a country." Tie row of Por.-J Innd and the ro? festival support! his contention. They linve done! more than any other one featuie o mnhe the gate city ot Oregon known to tho economic value of beauty. Cooa Hay should profit by Port land's example. Some of the councilman i uinn Solundcr, Miss Stellu Jutstroiu, Miss Illldur Selundcr, Miss Hilda llrodd, Miss Nolllo Olson, Miss Esth er Urodd, Arthur Kolstnd, Hills "-'.-.. lander, Winner Kromiuist, lrlo Mnt-T siJWING l'AHTIKS son, A I fro I jutstiom, l'.uis urant nuu iAaaaaa.aa..oI5 z ' .. -..;... ,....,...., tin Into North lleud and do business without having to pay tho tax. In this connection, tho city engi neer was Instructed to visit tho wat erfront rond and prepare plans and estimates for opening the load north from the end of the county ron... which has been planked, to tho Plat Auselui Johnson. O ' IWItTlKS t Judge Win. Turpen was host Wod- nosdny evening to several Emplro l.IVKIA' WHKK AIIKAD. NIlITIIlClt the t evolution In Mev lio nor the rebellion In Cubi it i the r'ot in Helglum need oxpert any attention from Aniei leans this w-ilt or next. Tho Hepubllenn convm ion nt Chicago Is the rough lious" of the woild. social evening. Among his guests wore Ctiiitnln nnd Mm. Jus. Mngec, Mr., and Mrs. John Morgan, Mr. nnd Mrs. Reynold II. Olson, Mr. nnd Mis. Wm. Saunders nnd son, Jack, Mr. I), dock where connection will be ' friends and neighbors nt an Informal afforded to tho cross street connect ing up with Sherman avenue. Tlio Improvement now will he of n tem porary character, tl e dredgo fill ! lug levelled out so thnt It can be traversed. Tho latter was loft In the hands of tho street committee with power to act. Hlivct Win It N I'lanncil A resolution piovldlng for the grading of Montana stieet fiom Sher man to Hamilton wnn nlso paired. The oitlnintd cost of tho Improvu mont in $0933. R0. Provision Is only made for grading the street now. ' A resolution providing for U grading Mr n C Mi Cart v Invited wivurni of the olllceis of the Hastern Star to ui.U'lliir fllltlll'dllV nftlM'IIOOII. serxllig I lunili nt four-tlilrtv. assisted by Mrs. F. A. Hazard and Mis. K. R. Colgnn. 'Among her lnlto.l guests wore Mrs. A. J. Sawigo, .Mrs. J. T. Hall, Mrs. , Alvu Doll. Mrs. F. A. Hazard, Mrs. linn Keating. Mrs. K. 1 Colgun, Miss , Frances Franse. Mrs. K. H. McCrnry, i MIhb Nettle Saage. Mrs. l.ydln I.nng, j I Mrs. K. L. Robinson. Mrs. Carl Kv-1 ortsen, Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mrs. I. and Mrs. A, V. Wlckinnn, Mr. nnd i I.aiido. Mrs. Frames Mi I.eod, Mrs.' Mrs. John Kdck, Mr. and Mrs. lngor-I.lohn Ilenr. ntil Mrs. Mnry McKnlght. soil, 'Mrs. T. J. Mnegcnn, Mr. nnd I Mrs. Snvni'o Is to enlertaln tlio la lies ' .Mrs. Marty, Mrs. Haydeii and Miss ' Inforninlly Liter. j Mlnnlo Cutllp. Tho evening was do-1 -O llghtfully spent nt cards and a dellc- 4 i Ions auppor was served at Its close. I l)i:.MORi:ST CONTEST O '' A second howling party was glvon Anmng those attending tho Domor- nt tho Smith mill Friday evening by est Modal contest nt Sumner ThurS' meinbors of tho ollko force, and was follow'od by n ihallng-dlsh supper nt Wliit4 "ip iimttcr with the boys In th high schools of Portland? All prlch for the best osays on the early hlstoiy of the Hnltod State lit u von by girls. t.f QliuimmH nt.......m ....... i ...... ., v. wiivi uinu tt ITU HIT I I tllll . .. . ,,... i i ..... i Florida to the Hall Pmk was nN ' ?'" l)"wt, "m f" ""' V?' ,Vm'K unwed. The estimated co.t Is ! thoiie In tho ifrty were Mr.. and Mrs. !$7977.0G. If hydraulic powor wero'clnm,c Nn"nrg. .Miss oonoviavo used In tho grading tho cost would ?,0"H'ncK,on' 'M,"f1ur?, ,vn",c: ,Vir8 only be $4 132.20. but the saving oi- ,-V110 l'',',lK01'' MI Horoneo Aiken, w h are to Invest ii C.W'T SUIT OFF WATHH fected on t!:o comparatively smull amount of work to be done wou'd not warrant the- ovpnoe of Installing a hydraulic plant. The ordinances fixing the salnr of the cliv whirflnger at $15 per I.rtgerstroin. C. I.ngor Mereen and T. T. Ilon- Tbo Supreme Court of the United tnor-th parsed its final rending, Stnlei has Jest litely decided that a' ' CfUST LEAGii water company may not cut off a hous.'holdci's supply In order to form lilm to pv his water rates. Yoniii Conipaitloii. i INHIIE1 J I00SE SHOWi tj I via fj PPii RES I Clever Vaudeville Program Presented Under Auspices of Local Lodge. A fair Mixed au'Henco greeted tlia Hint ot ,i mi lies of eiitertHiuiuenta te ller tiiv tuisplces or tho f.oynl Order ol i i .' Maislille'd at the Mavoule Opi i.i Hoiist l4t evening. TN pro gram a by local talent, some of whom recently came to Coo& ll.i., nnd wu of more than ordlnury merl', the 'iiidleuoe loudly uppluiidlug iiinuy of tbu uumbors. Th'i lioilontul bar oxhlbltlon by Fiiiud l.aube wus mm of the be.t of Iho I tid ever seen hero n ml class Mth the work of ititiuy profe- performers. Friuk It. Kirk In "l,"feV Funny Side showed conslderali'e ability n a in :iolAxuo urtlst ami dccl'ilmcr. r. -cltliu suite clever oiIrIiihI veri and imrtldles. ,MIss Ruby llondry and Ruby Tun. t won much upplatmo by their priitit.iUou of the Itiitforfly Dane, j Ou clever featuro of the program, it u ig and danco number by Misses Fl..'. riiiiuuiH nnd Edith Ayres, Jinl , to bo omitted, owing to the deat'1 of Ml IIioidhh' father yesterday. Smi). peelnltlei and dances by Pi it Kttvinoud and Hcvernl iiiimb-rs by a quartet consistluu of Prof. Rich. in ib. I'r.'i. mi Joni'S. H. 11. Ostllnl ' nui I IC. llnllltiKer were plcislnu;1 f. itires of the enterlHlniiieut Sc- id noting plcturi' films were n'mj hlmw i j It v aniiiMiiiceil thiit anot'iei , vnuiU" "e perforuianct would b. iiu mi In a month or so uudur the mi? p o 'the Mm e Portland Takes Another Game From Oakland by Score of '6 toh STANDING OF TEAMS y. I.. Veinon II Hi Oakland -10 20 Los Angeles ... .30 31 Rnmameiito . ...l!S 37 Suit FraucUco ...23 -10 Pnrtlaml 2fi 3T, HH PC. .012 .&80 ..rj7 .mi ah .117 0 -Poit- PORTLAND. Ore., Juno in In ml detailed Ouulund boro yoster-i comnllmont to Tho scores sister of Ar day by a score of G to 1. In tho Coast I.engtio Friday wore: At Portland H. ir. w oul.r Portland 0 1 0 Oakland I 8 At I.oh Angalos , It. II. Vernon ", io Moasrs. A. Strom, J. D nott. Mlmj Lucy Ilorton entertains this evening Jn honor of Miss Chnrlotto Murch, nuinbeiiug among her gtiosts Miss Nollle Tower, Miss Murcii, MesMiti. Cornell and Ansgnr Lager itrom and Hugo Qulst. O r Mlsa Mnry Mmuey Is gUIng a week end party tonight at her sum- i mer home on Coos River Tor MJaa May Dennett, entertaining Miss May Dennett. Mrs. It. V. I'ootli, Miss Cora Mne Montgomery,. Mrs. Willis Kan- nedy. Mrs. E. Mlngus, Miss Genevieve SeiigvliKkeu and MIhh I.uura Kruso. O MIsh Cora Mae Monlgomory entor- tultio I iuformully at tho homo of her alstoi-s, Mrs. C. IC. Porry nnil Mrs. D. Y. Stafford, In Honor of Miss Mny Lltonnstt.nnd-Mlsrf Chnrlotto Muroh. 1 Aiming ltOr ifuesls were Miss Nollle Tower. Miss May Dennett, Miss Char lotte Murch, Mrs. R. K. Ilooth, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mi's. M. C. Mnlonoy, Miss Mary Mahonoy and Miss Lucy Ilorton. O PINNER PARTY Miss Mario Maloney Is to be hostess tomorrow night nt dinner at Tho Chandler to a number of guests In Miss Ellth Dunning, no Mereen. who Is vlslt- dny evening were Dr. lllrd II. Clark, i Mrs. (loo. Truman, Jirs. .las. Aiion, Mrs. Henry I. DIers, Miss Anna Trti-1 mnn. Miss Lola Ritchie, Miss Fran ces Golden, Mlsa Nnoml Smith, Miss Olive Seaman, Miss Ful'b Hunt, Miss Hcssle Rain. Chns. Van .lie. Fremont Ho'Soii. Harry Cotiro. Lvie Clitip-' , olle, Harold Hunt. Evnu Ilodaon, j Mr. J. F. Grubbs. Mr. llrown, and i I Robert Clark. The medal was won by Mis Lola Rid hie after a hard contest. A baniiiet for tho partlii pants and their ft lends was glvon nf-1 ter the progrnii'. after which the . crowd returned to North Rend. I -o- INFORMAL CHAT , Frank Sheti who has lneu it guest nt i lie Frank D. Cohan homo return ed to Portland yesterday. During bis stjty In tlie illy Mr. Slien was the Is a question which no one can answer satisfactory ly without the best efforts of thought and jutlrj ment. Such points as the history of the locality, ij prospects, correct proportion of incom? possibtli. tics to values, directions of future growth, ami many others, must all be taken together to form a correct conclusion. Wc have made these things a careful study, for many years, and fad that wo aro equipped to offer our clients the best possible guiJ. ancc in the consideration of this important question. We submit the following representative pieces to judges of good values, and are confident that no better investments can be found anywhere. Wis have many others as good. Saciameiiio At San Frnnclsco- San Francisco Los Angeles It. . t .3 Ins hor brother here for few months. i J. Amrng tho gueMs are to bo Miss 1 1 Dunning, Mr. Moreen. Miss Doris I j Mereen, Mr. mil Mrs. A. II. Powers, Dr. and Mm. J T. McCormnc. Mr. E. laud Mis. M. C Maloney. Miss Flor Ojonco Power.v. Miss Alice I.oulte Mal " , c;ney nnd Mr. D. E. Malt ney. -u E.-l i I w I I I i HIE DOUBLE-HEADER Marshfield and North Bend and Eastside Here Tomorrow Afternoon. (.ODD CITIVSK.V HKI Siicctiiiibs Although the rainy wonther has proveiitod tho Marshllold toam from getting much ronl practlco this vvook, Capt. .MiCtitcboon expocts to bo nblo to take North llend In to camp hero ii'inorrovv nriornoon. .MuishioUli. ""'"" r. talMiiL. ' " iy tne ill iu Hi 'i (Oil till yet - IIS I' lilt till!) i1 hi) glC K aim n Ili.T N ttun will piny a doublo-lioador, taking Noith llend on first nnd Eastsldo on iwcond. The llrst gituio will probab- id. tho two games. Poti'i Hence, Aged 1IIO, nt Co!iil!!o The Co(tilllo llornld says: There appears upon tho records of (I.mHir In the ottlio of Dr. Walter Ciibu lounly beilih ofllcer. tho nan of Pelor Donee who passed '!)! V, al .M","K.e ,,r0,, l"ra yenra ' ly w ntlled at 1:30 with North Don ... . )". Ho.w"B ",l 0, rl- "llt 8 '"BO will be ntado for tl urn nutiw in wiukoii UHVlIlg - to Couu le. J. A. Slaglo of i : Marshllold lineup tomorrow. Mc m knew iho deceased torty I Ciitclionn will play third and Ling. , , .' V." B n,ll,e ,1ooUI0,, "liy will go to right Hold In plme ... that Mieeason theday he r ju-Koowii. It Is oxpo. tod that No authentic account is oh- Norm lo,lll(lon w, pU.), , ho North regarding the history or Jtend game and Sutton will plttl" ol this mm who attained this! iTattiido game. ' ., ""'V. ,'" .. T..." ' V V0' ' T(" N'1' " !' 'wn chosen to urn- ..., ,. .,,, ,,,,,, unt mm .... , ... , ..... .,,., .,,.,.-,.. ( --- ..... .... n.-v IIMIIWIIVIII, It is oxpoitod thnt thero will bo ELKS' HALL $$ 1 -. Pieparatlens for tho nnnlversnry ball of tho Marshllold Lodgo of Elks which will be held at tho Englos' , hall Woditesday ovonlng. Juno -.., hnvo beon prnctlcnlly complotod by (leorgo Goodrtim viio Is chairman of! tho committeo on nrrnngemonts. Tho; Invitations will bo Issue I early next' week, eaih inember of the lodgo hav-l Ing the prlviloge of Inviting one coti-l pie. Tho lodge member will nppoai" In their uniforms for the llrst timo. Miiiic will be ft'inlshed by n six piece oichostra nn 1 limiting will begin nt ft o'cloik. The putiouoasoH will In-, (ludo Mrs. Eugetio Crosihwnlt, Mrs.' J. Albeit Matson. Mrs. J. W. Hlldon-' hrnnd, Mrs. W. II. Kennoly. Mrs. A T. Halites an I Mrs. M. C. Mnloney. . The dance planuel for List Sitnr- I. O. V. Drtitilng Club of a The Owl. . -Phone Says: 745 P Here I am in R Marshfield. That t Man Cohan has S Named his store C After me. R ' Formerly I McArthur's p Pharmacy. j 1 Owl N Prescriptoon s Pharmacy "In Business for Your llealte" 60 x 100 on Second near Central 50 x 100 on Third near Central 42 x 90 on Ninth near Central 70 x 100 on Fourteenth near Central . 41 x 90 on Thirteenth and Commercial $8500 07750 CI OT v 0 $1400 $7:0 45 acres finest land in Coos County, 12 r res bottom, balance level, perfect shelter, con- .,2S&akb, cujivatipjii, Jioiisearn, tools, good waterfront, a id 100 fruit trees plant ed (3 yr. old) 1 $5590 l s. kauf: & 177 Front St. raron !' 1 i TfTr TAKE A PEEK nt mir im.ln-iliit hull I DC 111 cqulll liientM. Yc ti cnnii'ii full Io nilmlrJ their lieniity mil tie inly dtlnllncn( And how complete v in raicrwi .mnf. it mill lux ir i f t'te In h Sir an otitf.t U n nt a,- I lit the inoderil hoiue. If ynur'H I wUMout rr. n tin tell yen low tut xpct'eilly llt'Ie'J will coal you to have one Wiiley & Schroeder !l!):t Xorlli I'miiiI hfrcci. I'llDM TT-I 9XKHSBeBEBG&W21Z&Mtsi w Its Of llf (lll lllluiltll Ilia Mil. ! ' figure." North Hen I was ntciln pxtpouel vvoek and will be kIvou tenlsht. O Two pleasant dnntes vvero glvon Inst Saturday by Keysor'u Orchestra In ICinpIro an I nt the Finnish Hill by the .lolly lloya of Hunker Hill, an citrnii'utloit of the young men nt the mill boa nl I an honxe. Doth were well uttendol and proved to bo very enjoyable. itit'Doi: CltAA(tJAAA 1 Hi nil I Mrs . A. Tore wore Ti wll. ptl 1IH It il Kootl crowds of North Hond and ICast-' ll0hU ' tlK "''"K0 l" " oven sldo lootets out for tho gatno nl- ,I,K l'sv,1'1 Thurslav. enteitaliiliiK though the iU nlc of tho Sons of Nor. "' live, nb'es Mr mil Mrs, .1 V way on Cooa Hlver Is llkoly to ! ,"'' U Mr and Mrs 0 M Hvler. u. ti t trout tno local attendance (WIHM)r THANKS i he ft lends and neighbors who Kin lly mts and words of sj in- njtiitenei uie bunion of our Tontorrow nftornoon the Ten Mile ' beroavenieitt in the death of imll team will piny the North Inh , iiinimiiu niiuiiiiiior wo ex-1 ten in on tlie I.nkesldo grounds. hiiiiuiiii "mi ui-tuiioii i vvcok ironi tomorrow, the mnrriPii men will jilay the bachelors thore. The new ba'l ground Is about ready and mora enthusiasm hns been I hen You N Clothing HOM.Alt, HriTK't cur ten I tlianlcs Wo particularly thank the Mt (tile I.odgo for. their many gra cloi s acts of kindness. MRS. ROni'HtT HOOKK AND FAMILY. t I MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AOertalnlt.llKorl'rvcrl.hum. I flllHllllllllnil. II mi. .1 n .. I. m. Hiuuiurli Troutilrn, Trctliluc nroiihed over baseball thoro than thoro has been known In years. TrdoXUik. Don t accei n,iul)Hitu I'liurnrrii r uriiror ; InSlbuutt. At sllOrucditi, Stcii. Pt BtmpU mailed rRKK. Addri.., " A. s. ULIUIEU, LKoy, N.T. majBiliHHBI Hi:.MKMin:it THAT I lit) CK.NTS M.WiV. A ANII THAT lU'SINKSS IS N(VI' CIIAHITV. s:i: ijkai. i.ivi: cMvrniKH.s who know thk Hl'SINKSS AND WHOAHH IIKItK TO STAY. ,VI ( .MAKK YOl'lt DOM.AIt (JO AS KAH AS ANYONH IN Tin: msixKss wi: want vor to cojiij acjaiv AND Wll 'I"S MOHK WH WANT YOF TO CO.MH j: . CAl'SH YOl' !'T WVNTTO GO KLSKWIIKHK. The Fixup The Store with the Hlgltt (Joods at t .e Hlcht IMIces, MAHSHKIKM). NOHTH HKNI).