The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 15, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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FraiiBo, Mrs. J. p. Komi hi I, Mrs. E.
F. Morrlssoy, 'Mrs. D. C. McCarty,
Mrs. E. G. Flanognn, Miss Bloncho
Ferdlno and Miss Gcorgo.
Marshfield and North Bend Auln ii
GORST Ai KINO. Proprietor L"W
Mrs, S. C. Small was hostess to a
dozen guests Wednesday nftornoon
nt her new homo near Ferndalo, on
tcrtninlng Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs.
Esther 11. Converse, Mrs. II. Reed,
Miss Maude Reed, Mrs. II. S. Tower,
Mrs. F. E. Leefe, Mrs. E. F. Morrls
soy, Mrs. F. G. Horton, Mrs. LoMloux,
Mrs. J. W. Mitchell and Mrs. F. D.
Mrs. W. E, Dungan Invited Mrs.
J. II. Milncr, Miss Edna Barnum,
Mrs. E. E. Straw, Mrs. E. S. Down
ing and Mrs. J. T. Hnrrlgan In to
PERSONAL notices of visitors
In tuo city, or of Coos Bay pooplo
vrbo Tlslt in othor cltloB, together
with notices of social affairs, nr
gladly rcceWod In the social de
partment. Tolephono 133. No.
tlces of club mootlngs will bo pub
llflhod and sccrotarlos aro kindly
roqucBted to furnish same.
I. 0. U. Dancing Club danco
at North Ilond.
Miss Nclllo Tower for Miss
Charlotto Murch.
MIsb Mary Mahonoy, Week
end on Coos Hlvor.
Auction at Norwegian Luther
nn church.
Sons of Norway, picnic at I3n
egron's Grovo.
Wedding of Miss Charlotto
Murch and Mr. Hugo QuiBt.
Miss Frances Golden, enter
taining, WEDNESDAY.
Norwegian Lutheran Young
People's Society.
Prlscilla Club witli Mrs. Kinid
Brldgo Club with Mrs. J. II.
Mlnnle-WiB Club with Mrs.
Mary Thompson.
Altar CI u I Id of North Rend
with Mrs. Tims. Chapman.
Soclnl Sowing Club with Mrs.
D. Rhodes.
MIbb Frances Golden enter
taining. FRIDAY
A. N. W. Club entertained by
Mrs. Clias. Dungan of South
Coos River.
social hnpponlngs, intondod for
publication In tho socloty depart
ment of Tho Tlnios, must bo sub
mitted to tho editor not later
than 6 o'clock p. m., Friday of
each week. (Exception will bo
allowed only In caaos whore
events occur lator than the tlmo
When tho sun is hot and the wntcr
And tho clover nods to the-breeze,
Comes tho summer girl with tho
fetching curl
And filmy gowns and teeth of pearl,
To set male hearts in a dreadful
As slio lolls beneath the trees.
And tho dainty Miss. who's tho sub
ject of this
Novor dreams of tho havoc wrought;
With tho same sunny smile, all tho
men sho'll bcgllo
Till her casualty list's as long as tho
Each silly young man thinks he's IT
for a while,
And gets scorched as all silly chaps
When I build my homo, no matter
It may havo never a room to sparo,
It may bo lacking In lines and
Its nrchltccturo may causo a smllo,
Rut this ono thing I shall reuulro -A
wldo mouthed hearth with an open
Whnt do I enro If tho walls bo plain.
If the low roof leaks In n heavy rain, I brilliant social lights today
There II lie pictures enough In tho And this loads me back to tho girl
choory glow who can bo so much to hor hostess
Of tho burning wood when the lights If sho linn tact, heart and a roady
aro low, I ilow of speech. At a small dlnnor,
And I can ponder my heart's desire, I afternoon reception or evening gnth
And dry out the rain at my open Ilro. ' orlng such a guest Is a godsend to tho
I hostess not altogether suro of hor
No gas-lit humbug will suit my tasto self. For. with quick tact and much
(It reeks too much of mud world's heart such n girl can take any shy
liosto)-. guest or "tnlkless" guest off tho
I want n hearth where tho wood- hands of tho hostess, and, If at a re-
Homes gloam rcntlon, pilot her nway to where nn-
i iiiL-ituiiiiK i-nuur me wiihc i (i ream inner guesi enn uo trusted to "break
And puff content on my blackened hor Into conversation," or If at a
rlar I dinner try to draw such a one Into
I conversation herself. It rouulres on
And part of tho dream of my heart ly nn easy naturalness tho suhstl
would bo . I lute for true friendliness to do this.
Roineono to sit at tho fire with mo, I Ami It Is not a bit stupid of yoursolf.
To sit at tho Ilro In tho pleasant It Is rather Interesting to seo thorn
., , , Rionm, I "thaw" out under your genlnl man-
Making my house In truth n homo, I nor and to display your naturnl skill
To theso great bloHHlngs do I nsplro In this way. "To (III up gaps" In tho
Tho girl 1 love and an open lire. I general talk at tho tnblo Is nnothor
help for your hostess. Sho may bo
distracted by an Incompetent mnld
and a husband who is no ho)" for
her In tho mnttor of conversation,
and If you literally "throw yoursolf
into tho breach" at such critical inn
Hod a wealthy man of high social
prominence and Is one of our most
O .
til T OSTESS' delight!"
Jr-J You tiro probably racking
your bruins to know what that
"delight" can bo! Well, In order to
nut von (in r nr miuni'L. tiu .,..i..i......i..
as piiHBlblo, writes Loulso I) Mitchell mol,,H wU" n ,mMny turn of Joct.
lot mo hasten to rollovo the tension '" "'o Kolng to win her everlasting
by saying that It is the girl who can V'a",u,le' n ,"" reputation as a
talk' l""( charming girl, gronter conlldenco in
And of course, you aro going to do- yo!,r, ?WI '""" '.
fliu. that "any girl can talk!" Rut ,"Hlilornlilo populnrlty.
i inn going to assure that this Is not u
ho, in fact, It Is so little so that
'' "' '" in Kiuir hoc a c re os a rnviM.'irn im.vmi-h a
of tho First Methodist church of Min
neapolis. Whllo studying under
Mmo. Uehrons, Mrs. Gldloy was
asked to sing a lullaby by Conductor
Oborhosscr of tho Minneapolis Sym
phony Orchestra and tho noted musi
cian was so pleased with hor Inter
pretation of It that ho lator often
playod hor accompaniments. Among
tho others who will assist in the
program aro Low Koyzor, a violinist
who recently como to tho Ray and
who was a pupil of Prof, llcndrl Jac
obson of Chicago for sovoral years,
Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr., notod local
pianist, and Dr. W. A. Toyo, tho
Marshflcld clarinetist.
Among those named as patronesses
are Mcsdames J. W. Bennett, .1. S.
Coke, J. II. Flanagan, W. S. Turpon,
M. C. Horton, .1. T. McCormnc, II. S.
Tower, II. Sengstncken, E. G. Por
liam, J. Albert Matson, M. C. Mnl
oney, F. E. Leofe, W. T. Morchant,
(. W. Knufman, W. M. Rlako, R. K.
Booth, Arthur McKcown, Claude
NtiBburg, Otto Bchottor, Clias. Stauff
W. A. Toye, A. T. Haines, Eugene
Crostliwnlt and J. V. Snienton.
Sovoral of the pupils of Miss Mil
dred E. Rood gave a recital at her
home In North Bend Tuesday after
noon. Tho pupils showed markod
progress In their work; tho program
was well rendered and enjoyed by nil
thono present. On account of exam
ination and special work tit the end
of tho school yonr, n number of
tho pupils did not take part In the
recital at this time. Among those
who did were Clara Mooro, Jenny
Johnson, Elsie Lnrson,, Evelyn Mlr
iii so u I, Bcrnlro Mlrrasoul, Ruth Hal
Mead, Olive Moore, Mrs. Geo. Hor
rnn, Mrs. H. Sneddon, Milton Jack
son, Maude Fry, Ruth Fry and Eddie
On Monday evening nt 8 o'clock
tho marrlngo of Miss Charlotto
Murch to Mr. Hugo Qulst, both woll
known and exceedingly popular
young pooplo of .Marshlleld, will bo
solemnized by Archdeacon Win
Horsfnll of llnnilnn at tho Kmmnnuol ,' S,,::,,..' il ?.
Episcopal church. Preparations aro' .;.:.,, "'v" ;,', s.i.
being made to in.iko the woddlng one, ! ' '",,' JIA",.'U
tea last Saturday to help out tho Ep
iscopal cause.
A largo congregation Including re
presentatives from many of tho
churches of Marshlleld gathorod at
the Christian church Wednesday ev
ening to welcome Rev. 55. O. Dow
ard and family to their now home.
Reverend Downrd is lately from
Grand Island, Nebraska, from which I
pined ho was transferred to tho Chris-1
turn church horo. Several commit
tees wore In chnrgo of tho oven
Ing's entertainment and a program
was given early In tho evening. Mr.
W. A. Reld as choir director, pro
cured tho music and tho members
of the Christian Endeavor furnished
and arranged the Moral decorations.
The olllcers of the church and othors
received. Tho program glvon fol
lows: Congregational Song, "All Hall the
Prayer and romnrkB by Rev. McDon
ald, Christian minister of Coiiullle.
Song Baptist choir.
Remarks by Reverend G. LoRoy Hall,
former pastor of tho Mnrshllold
Raptlst church.
Solo W. A. Reld.
Remnrks by Ho v. II. I. Rutlcdgo, pas
tor of the Marshlleld Methodist
Remarks by C. A. Se'ilbrcde.
Song by Baptist choir.
Remarks by Row Short, present pas
tor or tho Marshlleld Baptist
Remarks by Rev. Grlgsby, paBtor of
Morshllold Presbyterian church.
Response by Rev. Downrd, pastor of
Christian church.
Song by Congregation "Blessed be
the Tie that Binds"
Prayer Rev. Rutlcdgo.
Subiiciiucnt to this program nn In
formal hour followed, during which
refreshments wero served by tho
committee In charge, Mrs. II. V;
Painter and Mrs. Geo. Coleman.
Among those attending tho recep
tion were Mr. nnd Mrs. Hobscn, Mr.
and Mrs. II. W. Painter, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A, Reld. Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coleman,
Mr. and Mrs. E. lltisliy. Mr. and Mrs.
Roberts, Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Ayro,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alva Doll, Mr. and Mrs.
Colvlll, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Copplo.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvn Custer, Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Steminerman, Mr. and Mrs. Johns.
Row Rutledge. Rev. Hall, Rev. Grigs-J
iij, iiov. nnori, uov. .mcijohiik! ami
wife, Row T. F. Brown of Iowa. Mrs.
bus. Curtis, Mrs.
Sarah Painter, Mr
7:16 A. M.
8:00 A.M.
8:45 A. M.
9:30 A. M.
10:15 A. M.
11:00 A. M.
11:45 A.M.
12:30 P. M.
1:15 P. M.
2:00 P. M.
2:45 P. M.
3:30 P. M.
4:16 P. M..
5:00 P. M.
6:45 P. M.
6:30 P. M.
7:30 P. M.
8:30 P. M.
' 9:30 P. M.
10:30 P. M.
11:30 P. M.
12:30 A. M.
7! 00 A.M.
7: A.M.
8:30 A. M.
9:15 A.M.
1Q:00 A. M.
Jl:30 a.m.
"MR P.M.
1:00 P.M.
1:46 P. M.
2:30 P. M.
3:15 P. m.
4:00 P.m.
4:45 p.m.
C:30 p. m.
:1G P.M.
7:00 P. M.
8:00 P. M.
9:00 P. M.
10:00 p. m.
11:00 P. M.
12:00 P. M.
Leave North Rend Allen's News stnnd.
Leave Mnrsliflold Chnndlor and Dlanco Hotels nnd Busy Corner
of the most bcmutlf. nn. f oiaborn to' '' ' ' " "' ' "," '"
or the season. Tho church Is to bo " ' U"VL ii ! v?P,1 ln Kvn
extensively decorated and many " V" iHn-nr Vm 'v "um mn.'
handsonio gowns will be displayed. 'Vu ''""liiiior. Mr. N. Whereat.
-I'l-n ,,nru,.M ,i. V-m.. ... " ... : Alfred Downrd. Orton Howard. Em-
'l! IIAfUMHIIII txf til 1...I.I..I ...... I.
Incldently.'ns follows: ' I i"1, ,,0WMr, Rnbort Clark. Wayne
iiuiiiiM, iiiinniiy i-niiiier. i.nviuu
Mnld of Honor, Miss Nellie Towor;
nro actually sent away to be trained
now io no so proper v.
MioMier interesting fact
First RiMes.nnld. Miss Lucy Horton I .?"" r. 'oroa ;. 't
Pecoml Ilrlilosiinild Miss Filnn ?hin. " heieat. Robert Ayro. Clias. Ma
.uouu iiiiuesmaiii. .miss i.iinn Hlim-. ,.,., ttnth nobsou, Mr. Tnrrey. Mr.
j Groouisinnn, Cornell Lagerstroni;
nii'l Mrs. Mobley, Miss Mobloy. Miss
' Walrath. Miss u. Mcintosh. Miss h
1 I iit i lliili.iH M .. 1.1 ... I. .
I iUtlTIII III Mil lOIllllllV Il1llulilflliu ' "' " - .....,, .. i . a f.,,.fl f, .ii,,,,., IJ r.. ......
Miomer intereHtlug fact is that n Coos Bay will appeur in a recital """" ITh""-- AiWKnr Lngerstrom: u , , ". V"' ' " "' "',,"'
tbnv aro ii g.e-il many I.l "talk- to . given at the Mnsonl c O per """. S . J. V. Smeaton. I 2 ' ,"' nt raiin To. o' Z'
ers . ineiuis woll iih women, who aro' House Saturday ovoiiIiib 'Juno " A woptlim to which about one n mmJ i ! in i mJ YMVH
lut.od.ued into social niuctlons In or- Itehearsr H we e' beg"" this ' " ''"! ' """",l" r'lw"" " 'vunnn Mr" hi i uT'&to'wl
dei ' make things go." WOek and the i.riwriini will h Vm ' Mr- Q,l,8t ""'l "'''nle fiisnds cf ,c L ,' )"',., v ' ,lblIl ,l; tl'1' U
, A,, ohm, knew n woman who'.-oumml ! UftnTfoT In " a':, M'ss J.urch nre Invited will be held , , '.Ci i ," "ci, WoioTl
lu.-l been n popular belle at a .noun-1 Hio who will nsslst In the progrn.u " "W" ') ,'11 holno ,mmolB"p fo'- 'A Sel Ire lc. O. o II Io1
lijln H..0.1 ror u number or seasons. e so well known to Coos liny music ! ,,)W,,, tho iiioiiy. irickell. Miss France Frnnse. Dr G
h bo tt.ts young, wlnson.o and clever, lvor8 that they need but little Intro- . ATVl A A A -. A A ' w- '""p. Charles Rehllold. Alpha'
nnd moreover. Hie daiighier or very l-Hoii here and their appearan.o! Miuey. Helen McLaughlin Dr l" I
wci'iby pRieuiM. Suddenly one or w' '""me a large attendance. Mrs. SHOWERS II. Clark. Miss llesslo yre and Miss1
III" lliuili.litl ciilaiiiltles droniied A. B. CI Hey will be Mdolst ami Imr tkA)Al .,... ...... v '"".
iiss iiuiriotto .Murch, n Juno
1...I.I..A-.I.- .. . a II
Every Detail of the Modern Gas Range
Is Planned for the Comfort of Women
tho factories that make gas ranges aro im
mense plants, Thoy produce gas cooking ao
pliances by the thousand,
they can afford to employ tho highest skill in
designing and constructing and they do,
the ranges manufactured aro tho product or
many clever minds working for two objechs
(1) the convenience and comfort of the usur
and, (2) economy of operation,
every heat unit in the gas is made to render full
every unnecessary movoment by tho user of
the range is avoided,
our co-operative payment plan distributes the
cost of the ranije to meet your convenience.
select the stylo of range that best fits your
Telephone 178
iliiui from the kv nn I muiterel the Hrroiinmnlinonts will be plnyed by
rl h - In her rumlly to tint Coin-wiiwiu Mrs. Win. llomriill. Jr. Mm ru.iiou
or liien. They were roduced to biii a pupil of ICowulskl In ciil-' 8""wer Kiv,,n r"r ,,or ''' ' N'ollle
aiihh iiuiriouo .Miircn, n
bride-to-be. Is guest of honor
nt a
cugo and also studied undor Mine. ! Touor ,1,,H "flinonn.
Among the
.Mrs. Geo
Irs. N.
niero In Inn epeuse.
Dv this lovely girl splendid ,u'l"'" f Minneapolis who was n i '""""""'Hlo-1 gieMs nro Mr.
uff in her. and she row. to m...., n... ""'I'" r Mnilnnie Mart-hen I. She. t- .M','vh-. MH- ' ' Q't. M
did llul sltiiHiiini u-iih n i,..,.,.i,.... as first soprano in the nolo I ilmii-'11- vw'lander. Mrs. R. K. Booth
con, lt!l. she Interviewed the pio- "" " ' .V.?,,;in,Sll,,"-1M,ri '""J ,'0'V".' M
' iLL,ynV.V.ii:xT,w--w.l "."'" """"I ' "'" " v . '""
'-- - i i iuu i iunnt iikt-ii vikit u. .i..i..m. vu . . . ...
m. i mi .T . iiuMir in .MiiiiiHiipoiis mil may como
! Mnmle .Maheney Miss Laura Kruse. ; here later In the season.
; Miss E.lim Stanley. Miss Cora Maoj o
I Mentgomery. nnd Miss Floremo Vornon A. Smith i nv,.n,...i ,.
.- . .. .... ... w.,,.w. .., ... lV
prii' or the hotel al ulihh nh.,...
she l .i I heen such a charming guest,
mid laid liBfoni Hiem the plan she
hail Kiiiflvel. It was to the eheit
thai .1 . was to he permlitrtd to ('
In r re-tort as usual, hut as a paid
out,.- hum-. She would undertake
Io K ti up the euierlulnnieiit In or
out ,!i.oi. locking after the spurts ror
l he u u .Hid women ami mcli amuse
ment for girls or hoys n the occasion
reunited. She would plav cards
will the .rubbel old Imihelors. drink
ten wifb the iiihI lens or ninny sum
mer gossip with the Hint rotis, nnd
ofii cii-i. ir nei-ess-iry. with vomhs
that ii Iht otherwise el into mis-t-lil
t r
ly. ''
con '
tu '
or i
i al i
u.i. ,
T !i '
roi .
or . II ! r
I'ltlo i,
Miss Kdlth M. DiinnliiK and Miss,
i O. Welnnder. Mrs. 11. K. Booth. Miss io ......, ti. ..,.... .1 u V.r. .UK !
u ton. Mrs . r.wm 1 n Mncoo.. ..,.i ih h i.. ..
Willis Keni.ely. Mrs. M. C. Maloney. I Miss Kdl h Mo en u" iii 'in "' !
. -.-- ,, iinuiMh V- was accopted Imiiiedlnte
11 worked like a charm. One
n she Insltffel upon, that the
' -he wns a paid guest Instead
'Ins gucKt, should he kept a
' 1 secret, mnl she be allowed
in-fiuiii Niie urn. 11 ways
1 011 luevioiiH miiniieiH.
' inrallv lirlllliint mini ,le-
ii ler the new order of
nl she heianie almost too
r her own he-ilih's hik
' and en Ross variety nr
iiroiwl by necessity made
a remarkable young w,-
was phhl an excellent sal-
ho had to dreu well, but
Mrs she supported her rath
"ther lu thi way until her'
overed his losses uiil.!nt. '
Iv t m ble thaw to llv coigrgrtably
at b t it U pleAHiiil to close thu
Jim. . n uy tauiug that she mar-
Most Brides
Are Happy
W en the wedd nK (, t..,t,
beuln coming in. .
hi hies are h.ippy when the
presents come from Red
Cros Jewelry Dept.
Wc Have-
Cut Glass,
Hand Painted China,
Solid Silver
Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay
At the close o'r business April JH, 11)12.
Loans nnd discounts $20S.201,61
BoiAls. warrnniB and securities 78,7.04
U. S. bonds to bi'ciii.i circulation . . 25,000.00
Koul estate, r.iriilturo and fixtures 81,01 LSI
Cash and sight exchange 198.2CS.C8
ijtflH, 128.11
Capital stock paid In $100,000.00
Surplus ami undivided profits 8.S15.49
Circulation, outstanding , 25,000.00
Doposlts ' 457,613.22
turn to tho Ray shortly nom tho Kust :
where he accompanied his rnthor, O. '
A. Smith, who sails in a day or two'
for a two mouths' vacation In Uu-
a.a4444 'opo
Miss Alice Butler was hostess last
Saturday at ton to .Mrs. R A. Ooldon
nn I Mrs. Fred Backinnn or Ferndalo.
Mrs. Otto Schetter, Miss Floronco
Aiken. .Mrs. C. W. Tower. Mrs. W. T.
Merchant, Mrs. Arthur McICeown an 1
Miss Mainle Mahonoy.
Mrs. J. T. Hall ontortalnel at test . Mrs. K. Mlngiis, Miss Mny Bonnott.
Weluesday Mrs. F. M. File Iborg. ' , ''' R- K. Ilooth. Miss Mamie Ma-1
Mrs. .1. m. Upion. Mrs. K'Jna JUngus. I 'wno' " Miss Lucy Horton formod .
Mrs. F. A. HnaiBiHl, Mrs. Mary Mi- "" f'f"i'mal theatre-party Mondavi
Kiitsht. Mis. J. T. McCormac. Mrs. vonln.
n :
Miss Hilda Steiiholin nnd Ml'
Mario Malonoy loavo on tho noxt Re
dondo Tor Pan Francisco nnd Ber
keley Wliero hOtll OXIlOCt 111 nllnml
the summer school nt tho University
or California.
In oddltlou to Capital Stock tho Individual liability or Stockhold
ers Is paid ox ti.mi: a.vd s.wi.vcs dkposits.
W. S. CIIANDLKR, President. M. C. HORTON, Vice-President.
'1 'io i In -i the mn (
ti id-..
Spfcial June Prices
'iv-v . in- .nn! mall ordi'ra
- 'viwl.
Red Cross y
The B ide's favorite Jewelers
I.'S. Itolnnilson. Mrs. Carl Uvortsen
nl Miss Matilda Oeorge.
At one or the Kplaeopal teas Airs.
Mr. and .Mrs. W. 13. Warwick havo
leased their house to Mr. aa;l Mrs.
I'lieelhliri III lor to :i nrnnnul u.....!
. ui - . . T -. . . . .-.--rw-v.. ow.M-
11. riiiKiiii wns uosiess to aim. ' er can piiir ii;i, nil me being en
C Ken lull. Mrs. Carl W Kv.ii.ri , 1 . 1 11 ! tMn i...i.b ., 11,.. 1
C. MiCorty. Mr. Alva 1),U m 'i-n n :i Mi-nds v ,.,,,1 i,.a
K. Kelly. Mrs. I:u. Kevins
rs. .1 T. Hall. MUs Ce.irge Mrs ' u-n 1'
Mary McKnlght. Mrs. J. T. Mi Cm--
sT.Ti:.Mi:.r of co.nih n-
1 1
'ii n 1 ,. s
mac au.l Mrs. Fannie Hazard.
Mrs. Carl W. Kvertseu Invited a
number or friends In to tea Monday
afternoon, among them Mrs. Mary
Mi Knight. Jim. Fannie Hazard. Mrs.
J. T. .McCormac, Mrs. Alva Doll. Mrs. '
I K- K. Kelley. Jlrs. U. 1). McCrnrv.
Mrs. Dan Keating, JIUs Framos
spa" n ,. v. vi iyf n-rysn MMic.An.tlm.,lwC.Biii," I
fc-JWjgu - -n, , j- ,. .
""artu 1
At the close or business, April 1H, 1012.
Loans and Discounts $432.7!2 C6
Manklng Homo SO.onn OJ
Cash and Exc: anges 231.981 96
Total , 1734 774 62
r, . LIABIL1T1KS. nnn
Capital Stock paid In jsn.noono
Surplus and Undivided Profits ' ' ! ! ! or 5C3 67
Deposits C29.21O05
Total $734,774 C2 J