JOOLMPI INSTEP , Of RIGHT IS AN EMPTY VICTORY '&hl 7,.r 1KI BtU ". m-nut the fct about your M'i'L h. ert of all "pos- wX thorn who ouiht to amnion "! ,fl 1W '" , 7 fflooB Smj tttts iCstflblliliwI In 1878 aa Tho Const mwii fSuxxxv STrddsevelt i MEMDEIl OP ASSOCIATED PRESS WANT ADVERTISING ta Xho SUCH Will Ket tho Income from Yoma Paralihed Rooms from Lpla(t YOU eta really help tbi Easily revenues by rontlnc a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use the classified columiw, you may keep that little extra lnootna as "steady as a clock." MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1912-EVENING EDITION, EIGHT PAGES. 10 PERSONALLY I (ENTER OF CHICAGO FIGHT " i i i ,. . A CotuoUdatlcm of Time, Const Mnll q. 285 find Coo llsy Advertiser. to Personally Assume fharaeoi nisuaiuHuii f There Now. ,l try TO WIN cniiMffl's and Cummins' Relegations SoughtMay l Address ounvwuiuu. ; FflCn,,lSi08MVKM15J inr Associated Press.; ..iirunn ill.. Juno IB. A nonary of tho contests to dnto SAYS HE WILL FIGHT TO EI Vuli contests atoutnot. 2D 1. Tift delegates seated, 185. Roosevelt delegated seated, I ". . . . .... .1...1.1...1 r.A rifitiiu to uu uuviuuu, ui. , LET US TALK IT OVER m. Roosevelt Declares En Route to Chicago He Will Battle Until the Finish. bluoclatcd Press to tho Coos Bay li(iiuo; IffllCAGO, III., Juno in. tiio oii- L Republican convention struggle OltOWl) WELCOMES HIM (Hy Associated Pross) GUICAC10, Juno 1G Col. Itoosovolt nrrlvod lato today and n troinondoim crowd choorod tho cnndldnto as ho stoppod from the train. - (Dy Assoclatod Pross to tlio Coos Daj Times.) TOLEDO, Ohio, Juno 15 With Chicago only n fow hours awny, Col. ItooHovult Just before tlio train reach ed this cltv tnilnv Hinind hiu iintm.. ! about Col. Itoosovolt from ' ""nation to light his opponents to "" ' .. . .... i tint end. Ltooeot ho alights from his train .iit this nfternoon. It will U iMier of political manlitulatloii &A against tho wltii, strategy iiiijlas powers of tho Tnft fornix. ib the nomination, ltoosevclt a nuit break Tnil m rniiKB 'is HMar near tho souiomont of ilut delegate contests by tlio Nil- ul Committee or win tho Hiipport Gt LaFollvtlu mid CiiiiiuiIiih tlulo- Li or both. SU followers arc enthusiastic In ItiWkt that he and they togcth- tta inecp tlio convention. Every. jtpenainuiR to ino convention on (Roocvelt side from now on will t tsder lils personal supervision. iltn hare arranged no llxod pro- ioI activities for Col. Itoosovolt IneUfi hero hut they count on Jltttloj in personal toueli with n hjaemher of delegates counted billy os Tn it suppoi'toiH hut re- dd as Itoosovelt possibilities Ci Monday night, Roosovolt Is - r-d to addrors a iniiHH moot I in?, i u Colonel la expected to runmln l'i ii(9 until tlio eoueluHlon or the -iciil convention, This In Itself wh depnrttiro from the proceed 'Cf rait candidates ns to furnish Atooi for speculation, it sconifl M( tbut ho will Insist, lint Ik attends the convention, thnt V -tn tho delegates In explnuntlo.i iiitll'udoon the Issues they hnva . llono fiii. KIiiiiiiii'Ii Ixh an address would glvo nn op satltr for a stainnodo of thn vnr- Tttat was foarod oven by Itooso J WmBelf four yonrs ago. Tho im followers nro hotilnc such Opportunity will nrtso M imk of physical preparation "I did not feel nt liberty to refuso to coma whoro tho light was being waned," ho said. "My object In go. Ing to Chicago Is perfectly simple." Hero Itoosovolt paused n moment, carefully choosing his words boforo he continued. "Tho actions of cer tain national comlttccmen have un fortunately irndo It evident that In this light botween plain pconlo and tlio public m .mi who should bo tliolr' sorviintu and who Imvo nttomptod to bo their masters, Micro Is n concortod effort being mnde by professional politicians mid the Interests for which thev stapd dnllborntoly to rob tho peoplo of tho victory they havo fairly won. When such wns tho enso I could not romaln awny." "I'm n regular," said Col. Itooso volt In addressing a crowd nt South llcnil. ind. "Tho light docs not mnko regularity." THE TIMES thinks thorc Is much merit In tho suggestion made yes terday that Tom Ucnnott head a ticket ns candidate for school di rector representing thoso favorablo to Prof. Golden and opposed o Prof. Tlcdgcn. Thero Is no othtor one thing thnt 1b more detrimental to a community and damaging of Its schools'thnn a continual factional fight, For two years there has boon constant agitation by the olomont headed by Tom llunnott to secure a reinstatement of Prqf. Golden ns head of the Mnrshfleld schools. Despite tho hurtful Influence of this continuous agitation the schools havo continued to improve and prosper under Prof. Tledgcn's administration. It Is not tight thnt this handicap of opposition and agitation bo continued. Lot tho tnattcr bo settled once nnd for nil nt next Monday's olcctlon. Tom Uonnctt ns tho nctlvo head of the Golden forces Is tho proper person to head the Golden ticket. Everyone who Is favorablo to Golden can easily unite on this progressiva nnd popular young man. Al II. Powers hnB five children In tho Mnrshfleld schools nnd Is lh miliar with the conditions under the Golden administration nnd also un der Mr. Tledgcn's rulo. Mr. Powers stands for tlio present superintend ent nnd has accepted tho nomination ns a friend of tho schools under the now conditions. Tom Dennett Is ngnlnst tho new order. Tho Issue Is clear cut and doflnlto and should bo Bottled without bitterness or bluslor. It should bo settled for nil tlnio. Everyone favornblo to Golden should attend tho meeting Monday evening and voto for Tom Dennett. Evcryono favornblo to Prof. Tbidgon should bo prcsont nnd voto for A. IF. rowers. LUMBER INDUSTRY THIRD IN NATION Assumes High Place In Indus trial Life of United States According to Last Census Report. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). WASHINGTON, Juno in Lumber and timber manufacturers rank third In valiio among tho products of In dustries In tho United States accord ing to 11)12 statistics made public to day by Director Dttrnnd. Tho figures show 40,071 lumber nnd tlmbor es tablishments nnd 784,089 persons on- gagod In tho Industry. Tho nvorngo nMnbor of wngo earners was C9G,- 019. Tho value of tho products was $1,150,128,747. Tho valuo addod by tho monufneturo which 1b tho dlffor enco botweon cost of mntorlalB nnd valuo of products was $048,011,108. Lnulslann led In tho numbor of wngoonrnors and Washington In valuo of products $89,104,820 nnd tho valuo nddod by innuufacturo, $G1,- 27G.9GI. QCnUVTU DTI III Hill III 1 1 1 1 1 CONVENTION California Delegation Adopts Resolutions Indicating Readiness. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Day TimoB.) CHICAGO. Juno 15 Aroused by 'Of convention nrnntiAniiv la An. tho unseating of two of tho Itooso .1 . . . "'. .,, ... .... .... .ii.-..,u ..... Piillfnriilfl fill" a conipioto innor structuro today lui 1 a ronrerenco and adopt ed resolutions wblh wero construod to many to hull i h y stood rondy to bolt, If their favorite leader, Gov ernor Johnson, woul.l say tho word. PROGRAM FOR iGUS IH FOURTH GIVEN .MAN IS HELD . Chas. Bailey Bound Over Grand Jury for passing Worthless Paper. General Outline of Celebration Is Announced Changes In Chairman. Tho gonornl program for tho thrco days Fourth of July celebration In Mnrshflold wns comploted today by It. O. Graves, cholrmnn of tho gen eral arrangements. Tho dotnllod program of tho celebration will bo nnuounrod soon. Arthur K. Pock has been secured n no niinirmnit nt tlm limit races. wator sports, wator parade nnd other camo from California. nttrnct ons. F. H. t-ounn nns uuen v juurn uiu piind to tako Konorul charge of tho' Dnlloy field sports. Doth have had much oxperlonco In collego sports nnd will do much towards making tho pro grams n big success, to Chns. Dnlloy, who was nrrested Into yesterday, was today bound over by Justlco Ponnock to tho grand Jury "n tho churgo of forgery. Ho ontorod n plen of not guilty nnd his bond was fixed at $500, which ho was unable to furnish. Dnlloy prosonted n very dissipated npponranco when nrrnlgnod this morning and did not voluntcor much Information oxcopt thnt ho recently Ho is nuotti TAFT'S MANAGER SAYS THE T FJE STAMPEDED TEXAS GIVEN 10 TAFT TODAY Contest for State's Delegates-at-Large Decided in Presi dent's Favor. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day TImos.) CHICAGO, 111., Juno 15. Over tho drnmntlc protests of Cecil Lyon, Na tional committeeman mid RooeovuU lender, tho Republican National com mittee todny voted tho eight Texas dolegntcs at largo Into tho Tnft col umn. Tho voto followed n Hvoly Je bato In which tho Tnft representa tives from tho Lono Stnr Stato ac cused Lyon of boosing TcxnB Itopub HratiB through methods thnt rocnllod tho rotten borough system In Eng land nnd In which Lyon licensed mem bers of tho contesting Tnft delegation with having run for offlco on tho Democratic ticket nnd having bolted the Republican ticket. The motion to sent tho RooBovclt delegates at large was defeated, tho domauds for n roll call being refused. Tho Texan decision wns followed by scones of disorder outtildo tho committee- room whoro tho wld cheering of sovornl hundred Tnft adherents mingled with hooting nnd groans by tho Itoosovolt supporters. Dy unanimous decision tho first Texns district's two dologntes wero credited to Tnft. Tho Becond dis trict's two dolegntcs contest nlso was decided In Tnft s favor. Director McKinley Declares They Cannot Be Bulldozed or Bluffed. Tho third Texas district's dolcgnUs Itoosovolt. contest was dccldo In fnvorV.of Tho fourth Texas district, two del egates was credited to Taft. Tho fifth nnd sovonth districts, two votes each wero given to Tnft. Tho eighth Texns, two dolegntcs, wos crodltod to Taft. Tho Tenth Texas district's two delegates woro crodltod to Tnft. Tho Ninth Texas district's two dol egntcs woro given to Tnft. Is nccuscd of securing $33 from Enimorson Ferry of tho Dlnneo bar on u bogus check. Ho secured $15 from Goorgo Stolnburn of tho Drowery Biiloon on a worthless checit secured $'' TO LOCAL M nll n nimios ir ill m iiunnti, mui uxnuiiuu California delegation which arrived lllro departments ' reared within tim imii nt wllwim nnd Its ndjolnlng nnnox ' -iiateroom. Tnnir.!., ..... ni,ni rl-lll, 1S8 thnt nrn in nPAnmnilnl. fWegates, nlternntos. candidates. '"'onients am n fow rnvornd Rl't Cltlzonu Ulll l.r. I.. nn I rthetolloum hnll In tho base lot of tlio .. -. . . ' iuu uuiiiit ui'iiriiu rr oin prt Instruments nro ulrondv In 'i'"'t ' ,"'",u'r ' c"Imn "evo1. I REIIKIi KILLED l' "j"'0 telephono oxchnngoa nt Ion wns Slain iitalOT7h.anSSMr Associated Press to Coos Day 'lie inner t ttannrnrv l...,..(i..i ...1.1. ... 'H..I . ' "uol" Willi Kill 1CI eaulmnnnl lino l.., ., I -Wed within easy rench of tho UoB auditorium nnd pollco !?mrters imvn i.nn ...i i.. "roftlieimli; """" Tlinos. HAVANA, Juno 15 It Is roportod that General Evarlsto Kstonoz, a robol loador, wns killed In an encoun ter with tho government troops near Songo. No confirmation of tho story has been obtained. UlTfEE IS BOGUS TICKET CALLED DOWN TO CDjVENTION r)f J vernors and Eight Na "nal Committeemen In "ite Letter Todav. delated Press to Tho Coos JlvXG0, Juno 15. Demnndlng Iklfto '""""mi 4uiiuuui i;om- J rescind tho "fraudulent ac- ttt ,', "'"fating dologntes. or bear WM?slbll,t' f assassinating" letei ,i " ,mrty- leaders of tho t!e e.8 lnrlll(,,B tho gover- 'titer . ?r tho nomination, sent Jee PTvest.,nB tho acts of tho com 'WBOii anrt0ti.Pr, Is 8lEno,, by four ad eight committeemen. 'plIiTKcSKOTS anl Picnic STOW:. at the COOS pa- RAY Ruse Adopted to Gam Admis sion to Republican Meet ing Discovered. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tiroes.) CHICAGO. 111.. JW'3'-!S tickots to tho KopuiiiHi" " convention wore discovered t do , h Harry S. New. cholrman of the cou- Unusual precautions woro take .o Biinrd neainst the use of such tickets. Tie so null o ticket has secret marks known only to a certain few persons I la Chairman New has Incorporate. In the ticket a secret mark known onlv to himsolf. Chicagoans who are ?n No employ of the committee will not act as door men. men from othr idt esl and who will bo changed every "Nfhnnr acting In that capacity. If you want SOMETHING DELL , OIOUS try one of SAItTEIt'S sundaes. ""'." ,""" .......,,i. for $135 nnd ho also so Win UOIIUIIK ' BUiuih..-i" , n,rl0.n Rl,rnnlr nt n North ready for tho hoBO contests nmiuiB ;,' oti or worthloss ti.nt praciicaiiy nu oi u. - --- nnnrohondod In in tho countj win g h rccovorod ' his money, leaving Dnlloy with about i CO cents. I Tho checks woro supposed to bo drawn by Henry Laird, who Is sup ' posed to llvo out on tho old Coos Da . wngon road nnd wero In Dalloy's fa 1 vor. I Dcsldes thoso out on tho bogus ! tinrtlplnntn. The gonornl program for the colo uration Is as follows: July Sud. 9:00 to 12 n. m. Trap shoot. 1 : 30 to 4:30 p. m. Rnces nt Fair grounds. 4:45 to 5:30 p. m. log rolling contest. .. , . 7:30 to 8:30 p. in. Hand Concert. 8:80 to 10:00 p. m. General Promonado City Streets. July Hnl. 9:30 a. m. Assombly. Music. 9:30 to 11:00 a. m. Doat races and wator sports. 11:00 to 12:00 p. m. Water par ade and decorated launches. 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Rnces nt fair grounds. 2:00 to 4:30 p. m. Field sports in town'. w , 4:30 to 0:00 p. in. Log rolling contost. , , 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Dnnd concert. 8:30 to 9:30 p. m.T-Street Show. July Itli. 9:00 to 9:30 n. in. Assembly nnd music 9:30 to 10:15 n. m. Pnrnde, auto mobile, business nnd general. 10:13 to 11:00 a. in. Human Rose Dud display and drill. 11:00 to 12:00 a. in. Patriotic oxenlses at Opera House. 1:30 to 2:30 p. in. Hose rnces nnd exhibitions. -30 to 3t30 p. m. Field sportB. 5:00 to 5:00 p. m. Tug of war contest. , . 7-30 to 8:30 p. m. Dand Concert. 8:30 to 12:00 p. m. Mnsked car nival, confetti battlo, ball. checks, D. L. Footo hns qulto n bill ngalnst Dnlloy for nuto hlro, Dalley having used nn nuto qulto frooly lu colebrntlng on his "onsy money." Ho claimed thnt Nlghtwntch Dill Shoupo wns a friend of his. but when Shoup wub found, tho officer disclaimed any knowledge of Dalley. Dalloy will bo takon to tho county Jail at Coqulllo to await action by tho grand Jury. SMI 0 p.) FIDE IN WASHINGTON Dliie Causes $:0,000 low, In Napa- vino Today. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times.) CHEHALIS, Wash., June 15.--Flie of unknown origin early today burned $50,000 worth of bublnew property at Napavine. M. F. Mar shall, a merchant, was heaviest look er, loosing a $20,000 stock with but $7000 Insurance on It. T REFEREE Chicago Sporting Writer to Of ficiate in Johnson Flynn Bout. (Dy Associated Press to The Coos Day Times.) LAS VEGAS. N. M Juno 15. E. W. Smith of Chicago, a sporting writer, was today selected to roferoo tho Johnson - Flynn championship battlo horo July Fourth. Tho fight will bo staged at two o'clock In tho l afternoon. STI.ATTON & WHEELED, want to glvo a price on your VAINTING and PAPER HANGING. 1C4 4th st. Phono 144-L. Work gunruntccd. Portraits In black crayon. Walkui Studio. Fresh COOS DAY STItAWUEJlUY SUNDAES at SAItTEIt'S. J. Albert Malson, Herbert Lock hart and J. V. Smeaton Get Fine Property. Negotiations for tho salo of tho northwest corner of Front and Con tral by Capt. Adam Donaldson to tho Matlock Investment company weto concluded todny. Tho property Is nbout 50 x 50 feet nnd tho purchase prlco Is understood to havo boon $10,500, n new record in Marshflold real estato values. Tho corner, how over, Is ono of tho best In tho city. Tho Mntlock Investment compnny Is composed of J, Albort Mntson, Hor bort Lockbnrt and J. V, Smeaton. Toots Noblo hold n ground lonso on tho corner nnd the prcsont buildings on It which nro occupied by Hlllyer's Cigar Stand, Farloy's O. K. Darbor Shop and W. J. Rust's Roal Estato ofllco, bolong to him. Just ns soon as this lcaso Is terminated, It Is un derstood to bo the Intontlon of tho purchnsorB to erect n modern two story brick or concroto building on the cornor. Capt. Donaldson has owned tho proporty for a long tlmo and mnkes n handsome profit on It. Ho retains tho balanco of tho block's frontago on Central avonuo. Rumors woro current todny of oth er real estato deals but nono of them havo been closed. Gow Why 1b said, to havo refused an offer of $20,000 for his property at tho southeast cor ner of Droadwuy and Commorclal. CLAIMS TAFT HAS IT ON THEFIRST BALLOT Declares Roosevelt Lacks 78 votes of the Number Necessary. (Dy Assoclatod Pross to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, Juno 15 Ab a final prccnutlonnry mcnBUro against tho advent of Col. Roosovolt and his ex pected activities among tho dolegntcs, Director McKinley of tho Taft hoad qunrtcrs Issued a ntatemont contain ing a wnrnlng against "bluff, bull dozo and bluster" of tho Roosovolt forces. "From this tlmo until tho nomina tion of Win. II. Tnft. for president by tho Pcpubllcnn Nntlonnl convention," snld tho stntoment, "Every offort will bo mndo by tho followers of Rooso volt to sweep dologatos off tholr foot by bluff, bull-dozo nnd bluster. Tho coming of Roosovolt Is a gain ovont among tho rank and fllo of Roose velt's followers but It will not change ono voto In tho Republican national convention. "Thnt body Is already flroproof and non-stnmpcdnblo nnd only ono unthinking will soo lu tho ovontn of tho noxt fow days nnythlng which seemingly disturbs tho soronlty ot tlio situation. Tho (loop undercur rent of republicanism which will characterize tho control Is as stondy as tho rack of Gibraltar and no word of mouth to n physical act by nny living man or men' can prevent tho cortnln ronomlnntlon of Tnft. "Roosovolt still lacks 78 votos of n nomination according to his own managers whllo Taft will control tho convention by n majority over nil tho first ballot. "Tho work of framing tho plntform hns boon dolnyod until tho nrrlvnl of Sonntor Root from Washington whoro ho went to consult President Tnft about certain pinnies." JEWISH MEAT MARKETS CLOSE Over 6000 Shops In New York Shut as Result of High Prices. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Cooa Day Tim OB). NEW YORK, Juno 15 Six thous and Jewish butchors In Now York today dccldod to closo tholr shops until tho prlco of moat products nro lowored by tho wholosnlors. Tho do- j clslon directly affected ntoro than ! three hundred thousand Jowlsh resi dents. iSCHOOL VOTE MONDAY NIGHT Sco tho now styles of Photos at QUATERMASS' STUDIO. Don't forget SAItTEIt'S SANI TAItY FOUNTAIN whon you want n REFRESHING DRINK. NOTICE Tho person, or persons, who ro moved tlio derrick from tho dipping tnnk situated at North Droadway, Marshflold, will ploaso return It nt once, or legal action will bo taken to recover samo. COOS DAY WATER CO. Much Interest Centered In An nual School Election In Marshfield. Tho annual Mnrshllold school olec- llnn nt tlio Pnntrnl Bclinnl 1 ill 1 1 il III tr 'next Monday evening from 7:30 to 9':30 promises to bring out ono of tho largest crowds tnat lias oor auouuort a school mooting hero. Llttlo now dovolopod In tho situa tion todny nsldo from the fact that a numbor of F. A. Goldon's frlonds woro busy campaigning for him and for T. T. Dennett ns school director. Muny of the friends of A. H. Pow ers nnd Supt. F. A. Tledgon hnvo nl so boon nctlvo. Many today statod that tho can didacy of Mr. Dennett va. Mr. Pow ors would mnko tho Issuo Monday ev ening clear cut. ORDERED OUT OF CUDA PAPER DAGS for tho NEW I PEK RAO COOKING at tho COOS DAY CASH STORE. All KINDS ot DRINKS at BAR. TER'8. Rebel Lender Serves Notlco on Whites to Leave Section. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day TItiis I SANTIAGO, Juno 15 Tlio robol genornl. Julio Antomarehla, alias rl tilll, has Issued a proclamation that ho will grant four- hours for every white man to abandon the vicinity of El Cobre, ten miles west of hero, nftor which ho will burn all tho buildings and plantations.