THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1912-EVEMING EDITION. H 5 SI ON W REMAIN Capt. Macgenn Declares Shep herd Cannot Hold Command of Naval Militia. "Capt. Edgar Simpson will remain ns commanding ollleer of tho Uoston and tho Oregon Naval Mllltla despite tho outcomo of tho recent enso In Portland," declared Capt. T. J. Mac genn of tho Uroukwnter, lieutenant In tho Naval Mllltla and commnndor of tho Coos Hay divisions, on his ar rival horo today. "Ocorgo Shepherd Is not quallflod for tho placo and cannot retain It. Ho has never had any experience ns an olllcor or a seaman. I lmvo been told that his only sea exporlonco was galnod 88 a passongor on a sailing vessol from Portlond to Liverpool and return. "Not only this, but ho stirred up troublo when ho did hold olllco In tho organization, by trying to Inject politics Into It. Pow of tho ofllcors or men hold Mr. Shcphord In tho ro spect duo a commanding olllcor nnd I bollovo that most of thorn would ro- slgu rather than servo uudor mm. I know 1 would. "Tho test of Mr. Shephord'a claim , n dm nrmlflnn will COIllO WllCll llO goes uboard. Capt. Elliott nnd tho other olllcora will not rocolvo him. "Capt. Simpson Is In ovory way qualified for tho position nnd I am certain that ho will bo retained." Capt. Macgenn stated that all of tho mombors or tho Coos Hay di visions of tho Naval Mllltla who dc slro to go on tho nnnunl crulso imiHt notify him nt onco or they cannot ho nccommodnted. If tho mombors can not seo Capt. Macgenn, they can no tify John Motley at tho Chamber of Comtnorco. DIPLOMAS FOR EIGHTH GRADE WEST OPPOSES SHEPltEltl) to Governor R-oos Not Wish Mm Couiiuiiiiil Nnvnl Mllltla. Tho Portland Telegram says: Whllo Oeorgo S. Sliophord has won, by default, an opinion of Uio court that ho rogularly was elected captain of tho Naval Mllltla, It seems certain Hint he will not got tho oulro whllo aovoruor West Is chief execu tive. It further nppearB probabln that It tho decision handed down yov tcrday by Judgo Ilradshaw Is to bo glvon nny practlcnl force, tho career of tho Naval Mllltla may bo cut short by tho Oovornor. Whllo horo today Govonior West did not discuss It. Ho seoms to feel f nt Shepherd Is not a right man for tho offlco ho Is trying to got h. forco, and tho full power of the- chief executive's offlco Is to bo omployed to provont his getting tho placo. It waH Intimated today thai tho Attor nny Oonornl will bo required to probo tho situation on bohnlf of tho Btato, nnd seo thnt tho stnto Ih protected In Its right to keep out of tho offlco n ninn whom tho chief commnndor be IIovoh unfit for It. The lognl point decided by Judgo llrndshnw went by dofnult, becnuso no ono cares to nnswer. Shcphord wns ousted when subordinates of tho Nnvnl Mllltla concluded thnt ho lin.l no nbllltv for tho position, and when potty broils throntoned tho existent of the. commnnd. Then tho enlisted men of tlo old Nnvnl Mllltla, after) vigorous electioneering by the ousted rnntnlii, re-elected him. Hut tin stnto officials hold that only com in'sslonod officers had n right to elect the- captnln. Tho difference- of opln-j Ion grew from tho fnet that tho stato. nuthorltles hold that tho captnln In. the nnvy, ranking as n colonel of the nrmy, Is elected In the sninn iiianno-, w''oreaH. Shoiiliord Insists that n cap-, tnln In the navy, whllo ranking ns a . colonol, Is yot designated ns n cap-) tnln. and should bo chosen ns captains of the nrmy In tho gunrd orgnnlza-! tlnn. J That the wholo muss might bo cleaned up nftor tho first big frncnsj urdor tho Slionhord roglnio, tlo on-! tiro Nnvnl Mllltla was dlHhanded. nu.l n now organization perfected under n now law. This orgun'zntlon proceed ed to select tho officers now In charge. Shepherd brought nn In junction against, tho first captain chosen, but he resigned. Then Simp Bon wns unuiod captain, and Shep herd proceeded against lilm. Simp son wnB reduced to tho rank of eoni inander nt tho tlmo of tho oxnmlnu- th ns. Then thoro wns no captain to' defend In tho case. Tho Btato, believ ing tho suit n fnrco nnd ponding ngnlnst n person who did not oxlst is i CMn'iln, did not dofond. Hut tho court rendered n Judgment by dofnult. ! which Is npparoutly In fnvor of. Shepherd's contentions. As no legal ( Ibsiiob woro fought out, no defenso' mndn. tho Judgment Is regarded as dee'dlng nothing, nud It Is snld that t Oovornor West will not nceopt Shop-' herd ns a captnln of tho Nnvnl Mllltla. ! In tho meantlmo tho Oovornor BnyH . ho Is waiting to determine whether i the Mllltla Justifies existence, and wMl give It the remainder of thin, month boforo deciding. North Bend Pupils Hold Exer cisesFine Showing in Examination. The nnnunl commencement exer cises of tho eighth grade of tho North Head public bciiooib wore hciu mm evening nt tho auditorium of tho new high school building. Thoro was a lnrgo nttcndnuco and nn excellent program was given. A fenturo of tho program wns the presentation of tho class play " Man Without n Country," by tho class. The balance of tho program wns as follows: Plnno Ducts (Mnrjorlo Swenrlngcn nnd Prof. Davidson) Song Girls or Class Music Piano ......Gladys Craniate Caudle Drill Girls Plnno Solo Anna Truman Cluss Poem Written by Shirley Peterson, rend by Hud Emery. . . ProBcntntlon of Diplomas Miiliu Oood lU'coril. Tho North Hcnd eighth grndo pu pils who took tho examination hut week niado nn especially flno show ing, 11 of the 11! talcing It passing. Those passing were: Vera O. Wilson, Alice Mnrlo Wnt tcrs, Nellie H. Crnnlck, Losllo Pullcn, Hud P. Emery, Hornco H. Holm, WIN llnm E. HcuchnuRon, Tom 11. Wal ters, Curl M. Johnson, Harold Jen nings nnd Lenorn Lope. In tho previous eighth grmlo exami nation, 12 passed, ninklug n clnBH or 23 to he promoted to high school next fall. Supt. Haab nud tho patrons or tho schools nro elated over this ro mnrknbly flno showing made. Tho eighth grndo pupils who paBHtsl the btato eighth grade exami nation earlier In tho season woro: Mnrjorlo Swenrlngen, Shirley A. Pe terson, Mnrgnrct M. Stntnhiick, Matil da A. Grove, Gcofrroy A. King, Dan ton Slovens, Olen It. Ilnrt, Herman w. Monde, Ivnn J. Pullon, Anna L, Trtiiiiun nnd Harry L. Lcvnr. SAIL TODAY ON WASHINGTON Steamer Leaves This Morning for San Francisco Re turns Monday. tho Bicnmor wnBiiingiuii Bnueti uj- day Tor San Prnticlsco with iinsson-, era nnd freight, hor cargo being principally made up of lumber from ' tho Coqulllo Lumber company's mill ; which sho took on nt tho railroad dock. She also had considerable miscellaneous freight. General Manngor Scammcll of tho Washington who Is on the Uny, did not snll on her ns ho romnlncd over to look nftcr Interests horo. Mr. Scammcll aside- from tho steamship business Is engnged In tho cominly Blon business nnd Is negotiating for sorno big orders of shingles nud other stuff hero. Ho will bo hero for n few days yet. Tho Washington Is scheduled to sail rrom San Pranclsco Tor Coos Hay next Monday. Among those who snllod on hor to dny woro the following: A. Dawson, llnlph Hardin, T. J. Oothard, Mrs. It. Smith, P. Shoupp, C 13. Horn nnd E. II. Kroenko. FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC! &cnJM'JLC!oth are to themost strenuous tests you can give them. SUMMER SCHOOL IN NORTH BEND Free Instruction in Several Branches to Be Afforded Pupils There. Tho North Ilond Mothers nnd Teachers' Club has arranged for n freo summer school thoro to bo con ducted In conjunction or as a pre liminary to tho big school fair to bo hold In Soptombor. Arrnngoracntfl huvo been perfected for classes In sev eral branches which will bo highly bonollclal to tho students nttondlng ns woll ns tending to Insuro tho suc cess of tho exhibits of Hchool work. MrB, Herbert Armstrong, who Is taking n loading part In tho movo inent, today mndo tho following nn noiincomcut concerning tho nuinmor clnsseu: "Miss Oilmen's classes In freehand drawing will begin next Wednesday nt tho Contrnl school building. Chil dren below tho Sixth grndo will moot nt ulno o'clock, those of tho upper grades nt 10 o'clock. MIbs Qurnoa will bo nsslstod by hor nolco, Miss Mary Ournen. Tho classes In plain sowing will mcot with Mrs. Taylor nnd Mrs. Nowklrk nt Mrs. Tny lor'H homo Wednesday nt 2:30, Mrs. linhoff's clnss In broadmnklng will mcot nt her homo Thursday morning. Pastry classes under Mrs. Palkou stein nnd Mrs. Reborg nro bolng ar ranged for. Embroldory clnssos with Mrs. Hodson will bo nnnouncod lat er." Given under tho miBpIccs of tho sons of Norway at Enogron'B Grovo, Coos Rlvor, Sundny, Juno 16, Boats will lenvo Marshllold nt foot of Mar ket nvonuo nt 8 nud 10:30 nnd 1 p. m. Also Alert will lenvo North Hond nt 7:30 n. m. sharp and Allco II. will leavo tho Nnnn Smith dock nt 7:30 n. in. shnrp. Hrlng your family nnd lunch bnskot. If you havo no family don't forgot your host girl. Musla by orchestra nnd dnnclng In tho nftornoon. Also ganios nnd athlotlcs of all kinds. Good prizes offorod. KVEHY1IODV WEL COME. Committee. BALL SCORES STANDING OP TEAMS W. L. P.O. Vernon 10 2G . .015 Oakland 39 28 .G82 I.ob Angeles ....35 30 .538 Sacramento . ...27 30 .129 Snn Prnnclsco ..27 39 .109 Portland 24 31 .411 PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 13. Po-t-land yesterday won agntu rrom Oak land by u score or 3 to 0, Tho Const League games resulted ns follows: At Lob Angeles It. II. E. Los AtigolcH 3 7 2 Sncinmonto 1 4 . At Snn Prnnclsco It. H. E. Snu Prnnclsco 2 8 2 Lob Angeles 10 II 1 At Portland It. II. K Portland 3 7 1 Oakland 0 G 2 Men of every proportion oan be filw tall, short or stout fellows. Tho mS most stylish colors are hcreCamfi $1 8, $20, $22.50, $25, $30 and $35 A Pretty Showing of New Shirts Wc want to call your attention to our excellent showing of new Cluett Shirts new patterns and colors in both plain and plaited fronts. New Soft Shirts with Soil Collars and French Cuffs in silks and silk mixtures. Priced at $1, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Money Talks" (61 STETSON SHOES IN ALL THE Nli.W LASTS. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD. BANDON. New StcUon "oft lind In fedorni, tdc. neopcs, cnuli. crs, smooth felt anil fcrntcli-ui. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SSS? Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM A1NBWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND, AT O A. M., JUNK Snd, 7li., JSth., 17th., SSml nnd ISTIIi. FROM MAHBHFIELl) AT THE BEUVICE OP THE TIDE JUNE Itli, Oth, 1-ltli, 10th, Slth nnd " ' L. A. PAHKHUHST, Agent. Phono Main 021-1, FAST AND COMMODIOUS JjO Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIItELESS AND SUItMAHINE DELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR. COOS BAY Thursday, Juno 13, At 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCHAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY'. Phono 44. O. V. McGEOHGE, Agent The Electric Shoe Shorn IS WHERE YOU CAN I1UY SKlil run shoes of all sizes vm CIIILDIIEN Wo nin fix jonrSh w inio yon wait. FIRST THIP TO CITY Try Tho Times Want Ada. For rhoumntlsni you will find nothing bottor tlinn Chnmborlntn'a Llnlinont. Try It and hgo how quick ly It glvos relief. For sixlo by all lonlors. I.lhhv COM,. Tho kind YOP ln AIWWS PSI'D. Phone 712 Pnclflr 1 l (i-v A Transfer On I Will Purnish Your House on the i Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman ill I North lVom St. Una. Phono 29G-X: Res Phono Ififi.J MEN of Urti t, who have aoma Inventive ability :i .1 MlTIIIK, Wa.kluiil.u, It. U i!a.wu wrilu OliKlXCy A M.IM'IIIK, .K.l ...lurf.vj.. Next Week Brings Us An Entire New Line of Suits The Latest Summer Styles and Patterns From $8.50 To $25.00 The Suii The Fixup Mnrshfield Xorth Bend. SItCHii-Yi'nr.0hl Hoy OiMh Ills I-'h-st Train Hide. PORTLAND, Oro., Juno 10. hoy or 10, who novor In his lifo ho foro hnd ridden on n rnllroiul trnl... who novor hnd beon In n Krcnt city, nor seen nn olcctrlc enr, to whom skv scrnpora nnd lmrndcs nnd olcplmnra woro in i) leu wonders llko thoso of nn Arabian NIkIU's tnlo, who hnd not oven henrd n brass band piny, wns ono of tho pnsBongora who enmo to Port Innd over tho North Unnk rnllrond to boo tho Hose Festival. Ills nmno Is Walter Illnns, nnd nil his life ho hns lived on n GOO ncio much nenr Dot, Wnsh.. n llttlo pot offlro 30 miles rrom Ooldondulo, Ho has 8oven hrothors nud sisters youni; or thnn ho, who llkowlso novor lmvo seon n city or tnken n rldo by train. Ooldondulo wns tho Inrgest ot towns within his ken. Coming down tho Columbia rlvr ho sat with eyes rixed to tho enr win dow whllo stntlons nnd pooplo and. Bights thnt woro strnngo swept past. It wns ns ir It woro tho wholo world that ho wns swing. And when ttu train moved on to tho big brldgo nt Vancouver, ho experienced nn entire ly now sonant Ion, hanging seemingly on nlr thus high nhovo tho water, for ho hnd neyor boforo crossed a river on n brldgo. Hut wlmt ho wanted to seo most In "ortlnnd wns not skyscrapers, nor electric enrs, nor pnrndos. it was nnlninlB. Tho first thing in his plans was to go to tho City Park Zoo nnd there seo for himself the strange wild creatures pictured In tho geographies This hoy of 1G, unsophisticated ns ho Is In city ways, could yot give ninny a city younuster valuable points on courage and solf reliance pud the dntng of renl things. Ho Ins luntotl lieu-, nnd can find his wnv In ho great woods at n'ght. And he end n brother, two ywirs older, lmvo for two roars routed 130 ncros or land which unnldod. they havo plowed. -wod to wheat and harlev and har vested He Is makine this erenteqt trio or hfa llfo on monoy thnt le mndo .' nun Faven uimaeir. THE FHIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE aciriT EQUIPPED WITH WIItELESS SAILS FOR. COOS BAY FROM PORTLAND FRIDAY, JUNE 14 AT 6 P.M., CUNNEGTINO WITH THE NOKTI1 HANK HOAD AT POUTLAND NOHTH rACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 41. O. F. MrGEOItGE, Agent. Steamer VashlIgtOI Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Monday, June 17. F. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. Blanchard's Liverl JWo havo secured the llrery bttfl ross or u. it. iioisnor, ana art pi pnrcd to rendor excellent gertlet tho noonlo ot Coos Day. Cure: drlvors, good rigs aod ererrtM that will moan nnniactory terilM tho public. Phono us for a drill noroo, n rig or nnyminc neenon tho livery lino. Wo nlso do true Ing buslnosB of nil kinds. ItLANCHAIU) IlKOTIICItS Phono 138-J Livery, Feed nnd Sales 8mlc(. Ml Klrt nun Aincr aireti. WM. S. TURPEIi Architect 171 FIIONT BT. Have That Roof FixJ sow See COR'MELL Phone 811 WANTED!!! ninmyrll !TIimT QTftrtlN'O A WHH1'.4 0 "-".-.,.. !, PIANOS TO t'liK., "J '-; miitlo Cleaning uonipanj. uork tnKcn ni ...,-. (30I.VO & IIARVEl PHONE l"" Dlt, HUH) H. OLAllKB. Sneclollst In Nerve and SpIoU Disease. nffir. noom 2. Roger. lH -- T -. '. . .l IlniiH J 10 I Mar8iineia. uuico - pnono m-i COOS BAY-liOSEBUIiG STx9E LINE. Stngo leaves Mnrshflold ovory morning at 6 and roaches Roseburg In tlmo to connect with evening train for Portland. Stago also loaves Roseburg ovory morning at G o'clock and roachos Mnrshflold same evening. FARE 0.00, Round trip $11.00. Good menls en route C. P. Barnard, agent, Roseburg. Otto Schotter, agent, 120 Market Avenuo, Mnrshflold. Tickets enn ho obtained nt HUlyer's Cigar Store. CRACKED CORN at HAINES. TUHKIHn BATH will do yon GOOD. Phono 114 J. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HE.VitY SE.VG8TACKKN, Mgr. Coqullle Of0 t Phone 191 Platting Lands a gpoclalty. Farms Timber Coal undent "EASTSIDEV Denarii An MarshOeld Offlco 14-J. pi It. A. J. HENDRY'S JS Mmlrni Detl I'nw . e are equtppl to do Wik "J work on anon nuwn - - . i-. u-Tuminnuuu -"a iva"z :; uaay aiieuuoui, ww- -- Blto ChandlP" """ Dnou" " -W. UKNN13TI-, Lwyer. )fflee oror Flanagan & Bennett Bj laranneia i-Nii J T. MeCORMAO, L Phvalclan and Bargoon Mnrshfield, Oregon- . . . i n.iulnr jmce: L.ocKnan s" - ,o5 ' ll.llM T. J. BOAIFB iW McKpirl Paint DecoratingCj Estimates Furnished Barnard & Langwortj Electrical Contractors and B W riiijsiv -" door 170 So. Rrondway. ne" Union Meat Market.