THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUKE 13, 1912 EVENING EDITION. JHkX xH4 K x V "Sti i'fiTW Be Sure You Get Selz Royal Blue Every Selz Shoe has attached to it a guarantee tag, promising you satis faction. Look for the tag, read it. You'll find nothing like It on any other shoe; It's something you want. $3.50, $4.00, $4.50. Woolen Mill Store coos my tides. Tel w la given tho timo and height of high and low water at Marshfleld. Th tides nro nlaced In tho order of occuriunco, with thulr times on tho first lino and heights on the sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consocutlvo heights will Indlcato whethor It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, suhtrnct 2 hours 31 minutes. Date. Tides for Juno. SOGIAH CALENDAR TlIintSDAY. Urldgo Club ovonlng session with Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Toyo. Mrs. E. Q. Flanagan at ten. Friday. W. C. T. U. reception for Mrs. Jackson Sllbough'. FRIDAY Miss Corn Mao Montgomery cntcrtnluing. A. N. W. with Mrs. Chns. Mrs. . G.-t'J 1.41 C.2C Ft. 0.9 4.3 3.3 Mrs. .1.03 7.39 2.39 Feet .7.0 l.C 4.0 Ilrs. .1.51 8.28 3.30 Feet .7.2 2.0 4.7 PERSONAL NOTES Dungun on South Coos Hlvor. F. P. GREENOUGH, of Handon, la a Mnrshllold business visitor. S. 1. HARTLETT Is hero rrom Ha". dolph on business and pleasure. It. HENDRY roturned today from a short visit with frionds In and near Portland. J. C. KENDALL returned last ovon lng from a business trip to Co qulllo. ' MUS. F. GRANDELL of Uunkor Hill arrived homo today from n short l visit ut Portland. ;OEO. 1. LAI 111) enmo over from linn don yestorday to attend tho Elks I meeting last evening. , JOHN NODLE roturned today from Portland whoro ho has bcou at- , tondlug Columbia Unlvorslty. JOHN ELLERUY who Is now operat ing ouo of tho O'Kolly bonts, Is moving his family from South In- Itnllniad Man Here Mr. Graham, I lot to Marshflold. a railroad englneor, has been on tho OEORGE FLANAGAN, Jr., returned Inst night, en. No particulars woro glv- Cnso Postponed Tho hoarlng of of J. C. Coleman of tho Owl snloon charged with soiling liquor to Clif ford Donne, a minor, was continued this afternoon by City Recorder Uut ler until Saturday morning. Homo of Good Shoes. THE WEATHER (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON. Occasional rain tonlgnt and Friday. South to southwest winds. .0.0 0.0 7.20 3.5 8.15 S0" liny for tho last few dayB and It Is unuorstoqu tnni uis mission is in con nection with a railroad projoct bo tween Coob liny and RoBoburg. Ho Is understood to hnvo visited hero Hometlmo ago. Nothing haB bcou given out about his plans. LOCAL HE- TEMPKRATUItti PORT. For twenty-four houra ending ut 1: 13 a. in., Juno 13, by Don. Oslllnd, special govornmont mo teorologlcal observer: Maximum Gl Minimum 53 At 1:13 a. m 53 Precipitation 12 Wind southwest; cloudy. Miirwliflclil Cyclory Moves H. Uan del has completed tho removal of tho Marshllold Cyclory from North Front street to Ub now homo on llrondwny, across tho Btrcot from The Times office Tho rapid dovoloptnent of his busluoBB and a doslro to bo u ciunrtorB moro cotnonlcnt to bicycle r dors nromnted tno removal, mo. now establishment has boon thor- today from Portland whoro ho has been attending Columbia univor alty tho past year. MRS. A. P. GREENOUGH of Uandou passed through hero today en routo homo from a short visit with rola tlvos at Astoria. L. A. WHEREAT, englneor of tho locnl Southorn Paclllc linos, ro turned on tho Uroakwator today from a trip to Portland. W. O. PETTYJOHN and wlfo return od today from a few weeks' vIbU with rolatlvcs at Satom nud other Wlllnmctto Vnllo'y points. J .V. SMEATON nud wlfo and sons, Tod and Jim, arrived horo on tho Nnnn Smith today to spend a coU' OlllllllV flttod nlld omtlPPOd ipr tllO, ,.i nf ..innllm mi Min Ilnv. business nnd will provo a popular1 ciiAS .I1RAD11URY who Is now ro- placo with Coos Hay blcyclo riders. Funeral Today Tho funoral of i Robert Rooko was hold today at tho . Coos River Cometory., About fifty ' ' held at tho Chamber of Commorco Mnsons nnd mombors of tho Eastern ( this evening to arrnngo tho program. ; Star from Mnrshllold attended it. . fni.1 V V.vnriann liml pnnnrnl rhnrirn. I V... a ... w. . o" - .. . Meet Tonight. Another meeting of tho general comiultteo on tho I I'nnrtli if Tnlv niitnlirnlloti will liA bUIIuk In Portland nrrlvcd horo to day to visit frionds nnd to look after business Interests on tho Day. D. MEREEN and his undo, Mr. Dunning, who recently camo to tho Day from Minneapolis, havo takon apartinontB In tho Williams Flat building Test Flro Alarm Tho Marshnold R. H. Wnltor olllclatod ns chaplain qkkk GRANT, foromnn of Smlth- , flro alarm system wnH tested this and Rov. J. T. M. Knox dollvorod tho Powers Camp No. 7, camo down to ' morning. Tho Bounding of tho siren prayer. Among tho pall-bearers ,jny (0 tako his annual vacation. whlstlo caused many to think mat a woro Emmott Plerco, Win. Longstnrr, i prnnk Wilson Is In chnrgo of Camp flro had brokon out and caused many w. II. .Curtis, -55. T. Thomas, J. T. 7 uurlng jr. Grnnt'H nbsonco. Inquiries. Hnrrlgan, D. W. Small, F. K. Gcttlns A Kt ADELSPERGER left yestorday ' and J. 11. Miinor. Tho rnln dotractod Initiate Two. Marsh Held Lodgo t Homowhnt from tho attendance 1.Mt.. Inul ni'.mltn lliltlnllltl lufil VlftW . 1 ions itint uiviiiiih iiiimnviu ! .w.. hags "The Busy Coma . W Tho Beat if Jfi Tooth Bruah g Bristles ! L . Como From S JAPAN I They mako tho firmest, ntrong "I, most ccrviceablo tooth bruthes. TbsRexallilmccIst la ablo to lopply you with these beat tooth tnuhes et tho lo;cct prices, be Mujehe buys in conjunction with w tho other Rcxall i!rugBlsts tleleaulng druggists of tho coun-fT-and to commands tho Jow- prices on tho best nooda In thematic.. Any tooth brush you cet hero WEive you complete eatlsfac- Lon. j.R'xall Jntlsoptlc Tooth rowder is tho best dl-around c Preparation mode. Bold "hthelte.a.l nuarantee. In "noaono l.thographed tin .,', fh'' '"Best package of food loeth Powder to bo bad "J'wheteforaSc. lockhart-Pa rsons Drug Company "The Busy Corner" mumbcrs, J. A. Jnnollo of Gardlnor, 'f f 4 4i .and Dr. Leon of Handon. Thoro was Ai.oisin TIIK WATERFRONT. -'la good turnout nud a good time was 4 4- s enjoyed. District Doputy Hill of A1-, . Vnwnrl. ., ,,. tomorrow Ith a cargo from Lumbor company. I unity Ih expected hero the last of the fn ' , t, " co ,1 o w TL eznn f week or tho first of tho next week tT .iwidolnh L unib. llC O gn 01 to pay IiIh annual visit to tho lodge, j ,no KnnJolpli Lumlr Good Candy Always Logaer ltitllttl A logger nnmod Tho Nnnn Smith nrrlvcd In early WANT ADS. Logner ltitlicu A logger nnmou . , ",.-,.1..,, from illv i(,t John Hole, today claimed that ho lmd,t,im orlk fromiiay 1 oiih bcoiirollojrr for B0 or JJOJioro Tho wm,olmDtt arrlvot, ,n t0l,.iy ,u. ,nm i,.. nTdnplvo of bath.1 Trom Florence nnd other north connt pantry and haU. Finest view In 5?'i w,u ,nKo 0, tt cnrK" l Forudalo. Terms It wantod. B. O. Hall, Phono 109-J. Soo morchnndlHo. FOR KALi: Indian iiiiiiicr eggs, at 212 N. llroadwny. WANTED Six-room niodeni resl I deuce. Address Electric Shoo Shop. t , WANTED Woman to act an nuro nnd hotiBukeopor for eldorly Inval id. Apply to Mrs. Henry Sengs tacken. ; T-lin l.lvrnlulnr snlled last OVeillllR , ri.wUh a cargo of lumbor from tno (IIICIC a,i,i, fni. Run irrniinlMi'il. I fi 4 ' rpi,A llmwliii nrrlvAil 111 liltn VOHtor-' A ll JltllUM w rf.-. WANTED FiirnlNlii'il iioiiho or uac tny t Unnilon from San Francisco. for housekeeping until August 1., . AililresH cam Times. I NOTICE. . I On nccount of somo of tho chnlr-, , 1 for Myrtlo Point on buslnoss. At a recent meeting of tho now Myr tlo Point Fair Atwoclntlon, Mr. Adolsporgor was olecled director of It. MISS EDNA STANLEY arrived horo today from Portland to visit frionds nnd to attond tho marrlago of Hugo Quint and Miss Charlotto Murch which will bo solomnlzod noxt Mondny ovonlng. A. L. DARKER, prlnclpnl of tho Mnrshllold High School, has takon a position with tho Smlth-Powors Logging company for tho nummor vncntlon nnd will begin work In ono of tho camps nt ouco. W. F. MILLER, superintendent of tho locnl Southern Pacific Into. osts, expects to loavo on tho Uroak wator for Portland to Join Mi"i. Miller for a short vlnlt mid to loon nftor business IntercHts thuro. MItS. NELS RASMUSSEN nnd sou, Gordon, nrrlvod homo today from Portland whoro thoy havo spont sovornl months Hocurlng troatmont for Gordon's Injured arm. Ho has noarly completely recovered. LOST Laruo hunch of keys on two connecting rings. Ono dollar ro- ward for return to Tlraos olllco. i?oit i.'u BAI.I.' M'lilln W'vnmlntji mill mnn .( linluf rnnilv tnvinnko fODOrt. wMtn nrnlnetnn chickens, lnrso thn Fourth of July comtnlttoo will not' nmt Hinnll. and occb for hatching, moot until Thursday ovonlng, Juno HUGH McLAIN hns roturned from at Flanagan estate Plat D. 0. C. 13. Each chairman will plcaso havo, Coqulllo whoro ho went to arrnngo Oalor 1 his roport and program ready to hand to bid on n couplo of blocks of now " '. . p. . n rt .. f ..liaw. miii.MCln.. Ill Ut (!UU 1. .! DliIl AltlltOUll R. O. UIIAVKB, Managor. been hurt by Goodrum's auto, but Mr. Goodrum snys It Is not truo. MRS. T. J. MACGENN of Emplro is a Marshflold visitor today. MRS. H. P. MURPHY plans to loavo soon for Portland for a short visit. II. W. RUSSELL of Uoavor Hill Is a Marshflold business visitor today. MRS. C. C. GOING cxpocts to loavo tomorrow for Portland for a short visit. A. O. AIKEN nnd wlfo oxpect to lcavo soon for Portland nnd othor northern points. MRS. FRANK ROGERS of South Coob River hns roturned from an extended visit in Southorn Califor nia. MRS. D. L. WATSON returned today to her homo nt Coos City aftor n short vIbR with rolatlvcs In Co qulllo. MRS. HERDERT ROGERS of Cooo Rlvor Is tho guest of Mrs. Eliza both Adams and Miss Mnmlo Ma honey. MRS. R. M. SARTER haB roturned from an extended visit at hor old homo In Klamnth Falls. R. L. WHEATON, W. F. Rollins, L. F. Rnfforty nnd A. J. Towson woro outgoing passengers on this morn ing's stage for RcBoburg. COUNTY Commissioners Domont nnd Armstrong loft for their homo on tho Coqulllo this nftornoon nftor n short Htay on tho Day. M. A. DANO will lcavo tomorrow for Hood River whoro ho will spond pnrt of Ills vacation. According to rumors horo today, ho will not return nlono. MRS. A. II. POWERS nnd dnughtor, MIbs Margaret, roturned this morn ing via Drain and Gnrdlncr from their trip to Minneapolis. Mr. Powers met thorn nt Scottsburg. ANDEHSON WRIGHT, ono of Cooo County's oldest pioneers, was down from Sumnor today. Ho said It wan a picnic party but tho rain spoiled tliolr fun. Among tho oth er Sjunnorltcfl In town woro Mlko Uoono, Cnp't. llnrrls nnd Mr. Ma. Hon. W. L. KOLM and wlfo and baby ar rived horo today from Bchuylor. Nobr., to visit at tho homo of Mrs. Kolm'B pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. B. W. Uornltt. Tliolr urrlvnl today was a most plonsant surprlso to tho Uornltt family who did not ox pect thorn until Intor. REV. T. D. McDONALD and wlfo ro turned to their homo botwoou Myrtlo Point nnd Urldgo today nf tor attending tho rc'coptlon to Ror. Doward and wife at tho Mnrshflold Chrlstlnu church InBt ovonlng. Whilo hero, thoy woro guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alva Custer. ' CECIL CARTER of Myrtlo Point was looking nftor buslnosn on tho Ilay yesterday. Ho says that whllo tho rain was Injurious to tho early strawberry crop, It will bo bonoflc Inl to tho other farm crops. A very successful season for tho Myr tlo Point cannory Is being anticipated. A. RODINE of Allegany wns In MaiRhllold yostordny on buslnoss. Ho roports tlint considornbio ronu work la bolng dono In Hint vicinity but not noarly as much ns would hnvo boon dono hnd not tho Coos County Tax Association knocked out n apodal lovy which tho resi dents of that district votod last yoar. FOR SALE Muggy. UuriiH, Plat 1). Inquire of Mrs. HUNT Comfortable roomy front room. 373 Houtii i-ouriu si. ' ovonlng. ' WANTED Mohair, wool nnd cbb ! rum bark. Aunty to Honry Seng- WANTED Hoy or 17 or IH years, nt etackon, nt office of Title Guar-r Lewis'. Good wages to right party. ' nntoo & Abstract Co. , '"uAlUJAl'V SALE; 40 horsopowor FOR HALE A largo voiiiik lion.e. auto for $500; flrst-clasB condl weight 1C00. Also good heavy tlon: fully equipped: cost now spring wagon and harness. Sco F. $3000; will soil for $500 on oasy S Dow. tonus. John L. Koontz Machine - . shop. North Front street. Phono FOR HALE Two lots nOxlti.T with ISil-.I Try Tho Times Want Ads. PtSlSQNE&AK ,SfS REMEDY &IBI& nrv;Mii-!i.'N' reLONS. nuntis. etc val lnir, houstholo ilvc. I. I'HOCUUT WlkVtITCd WIILOBTHH ON AC&Utlr V , nvv ACCC(,T IIO IUBJTITjTCS. frieo ascer.fs. Hi tfY4MirrrLSC3 SA'IfTUNCISCO sower which will bo put In thoro soon, tho bids on which will bo opouod noxt Saturday ovonlng. AKNO MEREEN nnd dmightor, Miss Doris, nnd her aunt, Miss I C. NORTH REND NEWS Dr. Dlrd 11. Clnrko will tako hor Domorcst modnl enntostnnts to Sum nor this ovonlng whoro thoy will glvo n program. Those taking pnrt aro Fromnnt Hodson. Hnrold Hunt, Clar- 3d Ith Dunning, nrrlvod hero on "' KI!VJ.!I'0,JJ Itltotilo. Anna Trit- tho Nann Smith today for an ox-innnnna oiiinoy i-Bioiwin. ai m i.b.h tended stay. His other (laugh or. I , "'- "'". Miss Ed th, la visiting rolatlvoB; ""","'" T. XlJa in inJru n 1.. mi..nn..iiu ho given by Mrs. L. G. Masters, ns- - " 1 jl NOT CHEAP 1 N(.T(lli:l' r-T? I TRUE ?-ASSTEELA BJ-ANO SKILL-) J ViUCANMAKDJy VTHEM G In MlnnoapoliH, GEORGE GOODRUM returned yestor day by auto from n fow dayB stuv at Uandou. Tho roads wore bad owing to t',10 rn'.n. Ho says that tho roport that ho ran down boiiih nne In llaiidun last Sunday with IiIh auto Is not truo. Pnul Glrurd, of Llbby. was roportod to havo -Main 2DH- -Us TSt QqkoMj Star Clean and Press '' and Gent's Sui's Onnrlo r-llJ C t anrl ni:..w. 1 toos Bay Steam Laundry 'HONR MAIN IJ7-J DAYTON BICYCLES : V '"tmnfr saaas m33V HIT GOOD TRUE ,ASSTEEL-, (:-ANOSKILlH,J l, cau Mir. II It would surnrlso ynu to know of tho groat goon ttiai is being dono by Chamberlain's Tablots. Darius Dow noy, of Nowborg Junction, N. II., writes, "My wlfo Iiuh boon using Chnmborlaln's Tablets and finds thorn very effectual and doing hor lots of good." If you hnvo any trouble with your stomach or bowols glvo them a trial. Fur salo by all ilualnrs Q Wanted Quick Juvwd Investor to pick up : Jr'n In two of tho choicest lots ijf'Wdo. i.,l0 view nt Ilay StifSS1 nlsht ,ovcl nnd ' S. KAUFMAN &C0. 177 Front St. The success which Dayton Bicycles havo met with has encouraged us to move to'tC&WW" Broadway, opp, Times .office. Telephone No. 158-R. We shall endeavor to merit your continued patronage by strict adherence to our mono yuuiuyi 1 itiuiK"- 1 -- HiibClothing&ShoeCo. MAItSliriKI.D. HANDON. slBted by sovornl of tho W. C. T. U. members. Tho launch Iluffnlo Hill will leave North Hond nt 0:30. A curd wns rocolvcd today from Mrs. Jackson Sllbough, who Is now lecturing In Curry county, saying thnt sho would return tomorrow to ho present nt tho rwoptlon given for hr tomorrow night nt tho M. E. church In Mnrshllold. Emll Potorsnn, who has been ut tendlng collogo nt Monmouth for sov ornl months, returned this morning on tho nrenkwator. J, J. Cnrr of Legrnndo, Ore, who has boon In Portland, Is coming on tho Uroakwator tomorrow to vIbU his mother, Mrs. Frank Wood. Mrs. Robert nnd daughter, Miss Gladys, of Catching Inlot nro Marsh Held visitors today. NOTICE Tho person, or porsons, who ro- I moveu 1110 uumcii iroiu inu uiiiiuuis tank situated nt North Hrondway, Mnrshflold, will ploaso roturn It at once, or legal action will bo takon to rocovor samo. COOS nAY WATER CO. Phone 141 or call nt 71 Market Ave. when von want PUT"? 13 D1UTGS or SUNDKTES. The Store for Quality Good. NOT CHEAP fAASSTEEL-A (fl-ANDSKILL-jiJ tUCAN MAKE-yy MARSHFIELD CYGLERY DAYTON AGENTS 172 North Broadway Opposite Times office. NOT CHEAP yTRUES Ar-ASSTEEL-A M-AND SKILL M HVCANMAKE'll VN'THEMN 2SR9i HUT (JOOD fftcraiaisco. ifMtlR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality HUT GOOD B