THE COOS BAYv TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1912 EVENING EDITION. ItJ II IK II' l.'i COOS BAY, TIMES HAPPY OLD JLVID , O. MALONHY Editor ami Pub. AN K. MALONEY News Editor Entered nt tho postofflco at Marsh 8eld, Oregon, for transmlssloa through tho malls as second class mail inntttr. AIOTOH 11US STREET CARS. THIS recent successful Installation of nutomobllo sorvlco between Mnrshflctd and North Bond proves the growing hso of tho nnto ns n substitute for street cars. Lord Montague, vice president of tho Automobile Club.of Orent Drltnln nnd a student of trnnsportntlon meth ods, has been noticing trnfflc condi tions In Now York City nnd says Hint motor buses should bo used In plnco of street cars, Tho motorbus, In his opinion, has been developed until It Is a boUtr means of public trnnsportntlon then tho street cnr. It can bo oporatod, ho says, at n cheaper cost per pnsscngor nnd per mllo thnn tho street cnr, ow ing to tho fact that It needs no per manent way; It can tnlco on and dis charge passcngors at tno sldo or tno streot, nnd it can movo more freely In tho streets. "The possibility of tho motorbin supplanting tho street cnr has boon recognized by street rnllwny men for sovoral years," says tho Chicago nev oid Herald. "If, as Lord Montngtto r.lnlms, 'nearly all those who havo Html led trnfflc problems In tho older countries are losing their fnlth In tramenrs nnd nro turning their nt tontlon to tho freo-wheoled mechnn Icnl vorlclo.' It would bo well for American cities to study tho operation of the motorbus In I'nrls and Lon don. Not to hnvo tracks In tin streets and not to hnvo tho noise of ntroct enrs would bo a blessing to tho public, to sny nothing of tho flexi bility of oporntlon possible with tho motorbus." Tho development of tho motorbus n3 n passongor carrlor will also servo small cities such ns Marshfield whoro i regularly equipped street cnr busi ness might no( pay. CORRESPONDENCE Htv TI. V. Dorian) (Dedicated to tho Ulrl who Is not a Juno Urldo.) I m what thoy call an old maid, , And I thankful my stnrs it is so, For I am no longer niram Of wasting my tlmo on a beau. I've passed through tho frivolous stago Of lovo that doth many dostroy, And now nt a scnslblo ago Tho world I can truly enjoy. Pvo lived long enough to porcelvo, That husbands nro seldom a prlzo That man nt his best will deceive, Tho angol ho capturod with lies. I'm glad for my lucky escapo From Cupid's unmerciful snaro; My heart has not doorboll of crapo That many, so many, must wear. I help thoso in troublo nnd pain, I cheor thoso In sorrow nnd woo; Tho clouds that aro darkonod by rain Their sllvory linings I show. I'm loved by tho dear llttlo tots, I'm blessed by tho friendless I aid; My record abovo has no blots, And won't if I stny an old maid. DEAFNESS CANNOT UK CU11ED by I cnl nptillratlnn, n they rannot reach tho (lltcft'cil imrtlon of tho cnr. There llonly lono wny to ciitcilcnd c , hihI t lint li lir con atltutlotinl rcmcHe.. Denfnu n Is cnnscil liy an liillninfdcoi dlllui of I ho mucous lining nt tho KimtnclilnnTulic. When I Ills tulic In In flamed ynu havo n rnmlillnp imind nr Imp-r-feet henrlim. and when It la entirely rlorcd l)ctiie l the roult, nnd unless tho Inflnm mntlonrnn ho taken out and thl tube restored In Its normal cnndltlon, henrliiK Mill bo do M'orcil forevcinlnecnieoutot ten aro rained by Catarrh, ulileh li nnthliiR but an Inllatn mrdrnndltlnn of theinncnin nurtures. Wo will clvc Ono Hundred Dollar for any cae of deafness (rained by catarrh) th.l ran. not ho cured by Iln.i'n Catarrh euro, Send r J. CIIKNKV it CO., Tolo Jo, 0. Sold by DrttRKUtP. 7.V1 Tnko Ifall'a Kamllv rill for rotntirntlon. Are voiir ways much hotter than thoso of your dad? Tho prcaont dny Ipttor- makes lot of folks mnd. It sooms most unduly nnd needlessly small; "Donr 8lr," nnd "Yours Truly" nnd that's about nil. No gossip is written, wo'vo no tlmo to wasto; wo loonies nro smitten with microbes of hnsto. No nows of tho mulcy old cow or tho pig; "Dear Sir" nnd "Yours Truly" ami then comes tho slg! How wiser nnd hotter tho wny of your slrel When ho wroto n letter ho itsod up a t it lie; ho strung words to gether with fervor and zest; ho told of the weather, the crops nnd tho rest; Aunt Mary was havlu' much grief with her hair; ho told of tho spavin upon tho gray iniiro; tho big spotted gander got nick nnd went bunco; old Tom Alox amlor had painted his fouro. Tho nows of tho neighbors was nil wrltton there; their games and their labors, tholr joy nnd their carol Tho mod em way hotter? Indood and Indeed! tho old fashioned lottor had some thing to rondl I just got a billot from Jenkyns do Smith; ho'd no tlmo to till It soiiio Idons with; his pa tience, unruly, soon suffered a fall; "Dear Sir" and "Yourn Truly" nnd that's about nil! CHEER UP! A lot of uw would Kwetir off hiiki'. Ing If wo didn't entertain old-fiish-loued notion about perjury! Tho "morning after" new leaf turns protty ereaklly! A resolution with a holdout "It" In It crumbles in tho making! It's nn ensler-looklng rnce with that bad actor "Habit" scratched! WANTED. 00 million feet of first growth timber either in Lane, Douglas, Curry or Coos Counties. Have the buyer for it if you have it. Have a good business buy on Front street. Long lease. l-nv folks are moan enough not to want to wo n btmh longer on or off tho ball Hold make good! Tim purposeful man doesn't ran whether it's a eieor or a Jeer thnt fulls upon his oar! The boiM says that any man's "bent" In good enough, but that only cue In ten riUhos out that brand of good' . YOU CAN CURE THAT BACKACHE. Iu In along the back, dizziness, head ache and general languor. Get n pacUago of Motho- Grny'a A ROM AT. IO-LHAF, the pleasant root and hero euro for nil Kidney. Hlndder nnd U" luny troubles. When you feel nil run down, tl ed. weak nnd without energy use this remarkable comb!n utlou of naturo's bo bs nnd roots. As a regulator It hns no equal. Mo. ther Gray's AROMATICLHAF Is sold by Druggists or sent by mail for 50 cts. Saniplo sent FREE. Address, Tho Mother flrnv Co I.o Itnv N. Y TONIGHT AT TEe Royal " FAMILY SCRAP AT MIDNIGHT" Pros uted by THE IRWfNS Comedy sketch nrtlsts who Keep tho house in an uproar. THREE PHOTO PLAYS "The .Yew Ittineli Owner" "The Injustice of Man" "An Fnto Would Havo It" COMPLETE Til NGE TOMORROW 10 cents. French Realty Co. 31 512 N. Front St. City Auto Service Good Cars, Caroful Drlvors nnd i''.utuuntilo chnrgos. Our motto: "Will go anywhero nt any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Ulnuco ClgnrStoro. Day Phones 73nnd4G Night Phono 40. HARKTH Al GOODATjK. iirnnrletom. Unique Pantatorium TUB MODERN DYKIW. CLKANKIUi, PRESSORS nnd HAT RHNOVATORH Agent for Edward K. Strauta tt Co. flno Tailoring Lot us uak youi next Suit. 2.15 Coninirrclul. Phoo S.10-X. IYER JOHNSON BICYCLES nt Pin)) cor Hard war a Co. Real Estate and fire insurance Sevornl good bargains In Farms nnd city property. ALTQ. FKJZEEN. (IH Central Ave. Marshflold, Oregon. You Auto Call Foote PHONE II 1-.T NIC3HT AM) DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NKW OAHS Aftor 11 P. M. Phono CJ Resldenco Phouo 28-J Will iniiltn Irlns to Coiiullle. Lynn Lambeth Fred Neralo Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Hates All Night Service Careful driving assured. Phone niant-o Pool Room. 231-n until 11 P. M. Aftor 11 P. M. phone 5-J. Palace Restaurant. R. J. MONTGOMERY " Real Estate and Insurance 11 Vnrtli Wont fitr.v Thoro novor was a tlmo whon poo plo appreciated tho roal merits of Chnmborlaln s Cough Romody moro than now. This is shown by tho In crease in sales and voluntary testi monials trom persons who havo been cured by It. If you or your chlldron aro troublod with a cough or cold glvo It a trial and bocomo acquainted with its good qualities. For salo by nil dealers. TEe One Big Event of the Year TEe Great Vaudeville Under the Auspices of the Loyal Order cf Moose x At the Masonic Theater, Friday, June 14 DON'T MISS IT Hear the Coos Bay Lyric Quartet See the Wonderful Butterfly Dance Hear FRANK RILEY KIRK He Tells About Life's Funny Side See FRANK LAUDE Wonderful Work on the Horizontal Bars Moving Pictures Girl Singers and Dancers Popular Prices, 25 and 50 Cents Seats on Sale at, "The Busy Corner" O'Kellv's Aui Hllnnlni, i.i " Ll hnojl HloMwrtrj Leave North nclu :'.') n. m. 7:40 " 8:25 " 9:io " 0:55 10:40 " 11:25 " 12:10p.m. 12:55 ' 1:40 " 2:25 ' 3:10 3:55 ' 4:10 ' 5:25 " 0:10 " (i:55 " 7:55 " 8:55 " 9:55 " 10155 " U!55 " 7.1A :'j.a.i D0 8M0 9:20 " 10:io 10:65 11U0 " 1 P-a. 1:55 2:40 " 3:25 4:10 4:65 6:40 " 6:25 7:25 8:25 9:25 " 10:25 ll!3!i M 12:25. J i.v. North llcnd -Allen' vT LV. rshf,e,d.-C,,nndK;S We Have Been Success in buying a Intra in .. class Electrical materhi ..i I glvo our patrons a vory low J on houso wiring. Gei nf you can't afford to mlu J. Coos Bay Phono 237-J Co, If You Are Not Using You Are Not Using the Best Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line COIIST & KINO, 1'nuirietorH. SJBbJS ,k T.KAVR MAltBIIFIKM) LKAVIC NOIITH UKXI). 7:15 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 7:45 A. M. 3:45 A. M. - 8:30 A. M. 9:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 10:15 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 11:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:30 P. M. 12:15 P. M. 1:15 p. M. 1:00 p. M. 2:00 P. M. 1:45 p. M. 2J45 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 3:15 P. M, 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. ' - 4:45 P. M. 5:45 P. M. 5:30 P.'.M. 6:30 P. M. :15 P. M. 7:30 P. M. ' 7:00 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 10:00 P. M. ii:30P.M. ii:00P.M. 12:30 A. M. 12:00 P. M. I.enve Xorth Item! Allen's News atand. Leave .Mnrhllcld Chandler and Dlanco Hotels nnd Busy Cornor. Get Busy AND OCT AITKU THAT HOOK, HUT FIH8T COME IN AND GET OUlt IMtlCES ON SIIINfil.ES AN!) HOOFING PAPEH, SHINGLES $1.50 AND UP. HOOFING PAPEH, ONE PLV, $1.23 AND UP, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. It ETA I L DEPARTMENT. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do veil to cull nt PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make sole Hon from the large stock now on hand. Air. "Wilson 1ms in his employ the only practical niarhle and granite cutter in Coos Countv. And nono - but the best work is turned out. DKT33&Kf3 A P"1 l m x JEX cn-vl,, Every Detail of the Modern Gas Range Is Planned for the Comfort of Women tho factories that make gas ranges are im mense plants, Thoy produce gas cooking ap pliances by tho thousand, they can afford to employ tho highest skill In designing and constructing and they do, tho ranges manufactured aro the product of many clevor minds working for two objects: (1) tho convenience and comfort of the user and, (2) economy of operation, every heat unit in the gas is made to render full value. overy unnecessary movement by the user of tho range Is avoided, our co-operative payment plan distributes the cost of the ranye to meet your convenience. sftlect tho style of range that best fits your needs, OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 CON D K NS E I ) STATES! ENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Ba At (ho close of lnislucHN Alrll IH, 10 12. HESOUHCES. Loiws nnd discounts .' J20S.J01.6 IlondR. warrnnta and securities 78.917.0 U. S. bonds to sccuto circulation 25,000.0 Heal ostnto, furnlturo and fixtures 81.01U Cnsh nnd sight exchango 198.HM Total ....'. $50U2.1 MAIULIT1ES. Canltal stock nnlil in ' SlOO.OOO.f QlltMllllQ fti,l .! Itil.ln.l nln S.olvt'l Circulation, outstundlnj; J5'Jil UOP08U8 ""'""'I Total $301,128.71 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of StockhoUi er8 18 HUU.OUU.UU. INTEHEST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON, VIce-PreslM DORSEY KREITZER, CaaUmi. A Modern Ilrlck Rulialng, Eloctrk Ulght, Stonni Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. IIOTE J, COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates; 50 cents a Day and Upwards Cor. Broadway and Market. Marshfield, Oregon. HL'II.DINO AND REPAIR WORK House .Moving anil Grading, Wo aro prepared to do this work bv tho day or contract nnd guarantee satisfaction. Let iis figure with you. (3. S. FLOYD CO. Phono 31G-J. Marshfield, Ore. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BAN1 MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tho close of business, April 18, 1012. iiiisuuuuw. 43 793.64 Loans nnd Discounts bo'oOO.OJ Cash and Exchanges J , ' I IT"." LiiAUiuiiiia. . sO.OOC.v" Capital Stock paid In 55,563-67 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 6291319'5 Deposits ' - " 736! ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFIC