The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 13, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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pTifliNa in tiio times
docs Say ttttt
Will Keep tlio Income from Yow
Furnished Rooms from Lapsing!
YOU can roally holp tlw fnjlly
revonues by renting a fow Iurnlsbd
rooms una, If you know how and
when to use tho classified column,
you may keep that little oxtra. lnooma
as "steady as a clock."
"1 UrWM K"""'
m nut tho facta about your
T! fl P" 7f. nr of all "OOB-
I.W twn And ,f
JbH buer. wh0 ought t0
lnifH0B'.,.r.nti in
'Z Hginbllshed In 1878
.AAA' M Tho ConBtBinu
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll
and Coo liny Advertiser.
No. 283
ra ge
ve That Residents of Ko-
diak isianu iu
Safe Now.
n'A.,in, Ik Prutir
$ UISCH'UUU "J w,w.
Noticeable as rar as
puget sounu.
Lhsoclalcd Tress to tho Cooa By
f Times).
ItlTTLB, Juno 13 -ItBooma ron-
Mrcortain mni an iu. i'"i "i
r"- . . . - .i. irn inn vninnnn
jjlWlla in inu .w.....
doa arc Mfo uui worn i "-
fi'tiwallcJ concerning mo i"J '
ion Afocnak and ItnBpborry la-
liindon tno main muu ui mo
i. unintiiln. Itelluf bontB hnvo
....ii Avninrn mimorouB conatn
Until iltf return to Kodlak and
sttotborcvcnuo cimor manning
sltii cstnbllslicil wlroIcHB com a-1 tli ilm naval Htntlon nt
j,m. tonJIlloiiB In tho Binnll sot-
ct will not Ijo known.
ttii discharged by tho volcnno
-, the IS hours It wn npoutlng
uprcaJ through tho air an fnr
it Pogct Sound country. Sold-
,!. ik. fnrnt ilofellBO fortB nt tllO
.uteof tho Sound lmvo boon kept
jiince veatcnlny polishing mo
ipu which showed trnro of tho
die effects or 1110 nciu.
me Cutter Hasten (o Altl Af
flicted People
Jlisoclatcd Press to tho Coos Bny
IllSIIINQTON, Juno 13 Socro-
r Stlmpson linn ordered thirty
Mi army rations Bont to 8ow-
Ululta, twenty-four hours dlB-
ttm Kodlnk. Tlioy will bo dls-
N by tho reveuuo ('tutors. Tho
JlcCulloch according to cnl-
loss bero should liavo nrrlvod
IWIik today to nsslt tho Mnnnlng
lending roller. Tho cuttora Tho-
fulTahoma nlbo nro Btonmlng to
bumanco of the suffering peoplo
ittuoue cutter Hush nt Port
tiyti, Wash In ton, Is taking on
Eonlha' rations In anticipation
Alas the relief iund.
my 10 oust
t r
ma Conlot Mndo for Mnloi-
, (ciicntl Today.
rhsoclatod I'roHB to Cooa Day
USII1.NOTON. I), C .luiio 13.
Fw tie Houbo took up today th
ttftnee report on tlio nrmv nnnro-
la bill which tho Sonnto nl
4 tare approved, Roprosontntlvo
-'.vniiuiuis, leu n vigorous ugui
iiupariicuiarly upon tho ntuond-
' Which would lPL'lRlnlA Mnlnr
l Leonard Wood out of his of-
Mtnieiorsinrr of tlio army.
Committee Will Soon An
, noimco Derision.
'Associated Press to Cooa Bay
Tim ..a 1
yASIU.VOTON. D. C. Juno 13.
House Judiciary comiultteo In ox-
l4' e$8lon tonlt iin Imlnv Iio
l1H aealnut in,i,. ii,, w
V. .f t,l comniorco court. Nt,
ijjy, '" b0 announced for sev-
Effort to Exclude Him From
National Republican Com
mittee Fails.
(By Associated I'resa to tho Cooa liny
CHICAGO, Juno 13 A motion to
oxcludo I' J. Honey of San Francisco
from tho Kvpubllcnn National Com
mlttco on tlio ground that ho was n
democrat wiih mndo by Committee
man W. 8. Sturgls of Arizona, waa
dofoatcd nftor llcnuy doilared ho hnd
roftiBcd tlio domocrnllu nomination
nud had run on an Independent tic
ket for prosecuting attorney In San
KrnnclBco. Tlio motion was tabled.
Rumor That United States
Would Send Officer There to
Mediate Trouble Denied.
(By Associated Pross to tho Cooa Bay
WASHINGTON'. D. C, Juno 13.
The ndmlnlBtrntlon has not BorloiiBly
considered Bending General Wood or
Gotieral Crowdor or any other army
oftlrer to Cuba at presont to bring
about pence between tho factions.
The proposal has been Informally dis
cussed. It emanated from porsoua In
Culm, probably resident foreigners
with largo financial Interests nt
stake. No responsible official hore
has mndo such a proposal and It hna
not been officially considered.
(Ily Associated Press to Coos Bny
HAVANA, Juno 13. Tho Sccrc
tnry of tho Intorlor Informed tho As
sociated ProsB today that the proposi
tion to Bend Major General Leonard
Wood or Brlgndlor Gonornl Knoch 11.
Crowdor on a mission to Cuba would
bo regnrded with dlsfuvor by tho gov
ernment If thoy camo with authority
tp arrange terms of sottlomont bo
twecn tho govornmont and lnaur-gcntB.
OliD l'ICt'lt i:dk
Ilutlleld-MiCoy Troublo I id loved to
be Over.
(By Associated Pross to tho Cooa Bay
ULUHFIKU), Juno 13. That
tho Hatlleld-McCoy feud, ono of the
oldest anil bloodiest In tho history
of tho West Virginia-Kentucky bor
der, has ended Is Indicated lu a tel
egram from. A. J. McCoy, leader of
tho McCoy faction to Dr. H. J, Hat
Hold, cousin of "Devil Anno" Hat
Held congratulating him on bis nom
ination for governor in tlio republi
can primary last wcok.
aim: common (uituii:its
I'ipo I.lno Companies Coino Under
IutcrMuto Commerce Iuw.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny
WASHINGTON, Juno 13 Tho In
tcrutato Comniorco Commission to
day hold that plpo lino companies
transporting oil between Btnt08 aro
common cnrrlers with obligations of
such and ordored thirteen of tho
largest oil pipe lines to lllo schedules
of rates by Septombor 1 nud to com
ply with provisions of tlio Intorstnto
Commurco Act,
W. S. Chandler Intimates
Agreement Between S. P. ,
and Terminal Railway.
W. S, Chandler reached I'ortlanu
this week en route to Coos Bay and
was to lmvo reached horo on tlio
llronkwater today, but ho remained
over lu Portland to confer with J. W.
lienncU nud others.
Whllo In Portland, Mr. Chandler
fctnted that an agreement botwoon tho
Southern Pacific and tho Tortnlnnl
railway had been practically ar
ranged. Whothcr tho Southern Pa
cific wbb to tako over tho Tormina!,
he did not specifically state.
Mr. Chnndlor stated that every
thing looked na though tho conatruc
tlon of tho road would bo Btnrtod aooii
and rushed through. Mr. Chandler
will probably nrrlvo overland In a day
or two.
J. P. O'Brlon, vice- president of tuo
Hnrrlman llnea In Washington, and
who formerly hnd chargo of this dis
trict, nlso Informed Cooa Bay men In
Portland this weok that tho niattora
relating to the Coos Bay lino con
tracts bad been practically nrrango.l
and that work would bo started
tOiortly. I
Culmn Federal Troops Victorious in
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
SANTIAGO, Juno 13 Tho govern
ment troops today fought a battlo
with rebels numbering two hundrod
nenr Daiquiri, fifteen miles from
here. Tjvo robol jqadora wprq Iclllod.
Steamer Arrives in From Bay
Point Early Today Re-
dondo Passes Inspection.
Tho Nnnn Smith nrrlvod in this
morning from Bay Point after a fair
ly good trip up tho coast. Heavy
fogs along tho lower const and stiff
southerly winds dolnyod hor somo
whnt She crossed In this morning tho
sumo tlmo tho Breakwater did, Last
week, tho Nnnn Smith camo In about
fifteen minutes ahead of tho Broak
wator xo that tho Breakwater gained
a quarter of an hour on hor in tho
round trip,
Cnpt. Olson roporta that tho Ro
dondo passed tho regular Inspection
nt San Francisco this wook and sails
from thero for Coos Bay today. Bho
will arrivo oarly Saturday.
This trip, tho Nnnn Smith will tnko
out n big consignment of piling
which will bo UBod In tho construc
tion of n now wharf for tho C. A.
Smith company nt Bay Point. This
will probably dolay her n ltttlo. Bho
will lonve about 10 o'clock tomorrow
Arno Mereen, Miss Dunning, Miss
Doris Moreen, nnd Mr. aud Mrs. J,
V. Smeaton nnd two sons wero tho
only passengers on tho trip up.
"'"at Vetoes Hill for SO-Ilouiul
. nputs in Arizona.
'clatod Press to Tho Cooa
Km. "ay Tmo8.)
'HIz- Juno 13. Gov.
.TetOed tOllnv H, I. Ill III,,.,
w!? prlle "Klits lu Arizona. In
J Glared the bill a step back-
Ration of Hanfoia'cimrges nro
!iA..,.i Arr""Rcd for.
associated Press to the Cooa Bay
S!!KGT5r3jr, 13 By a
7tmli.;commltteo ' tho Judlcl
Honmltteo to go to Soattlo and
tfait p ,t0 '"veatlgato tho chargo
Wri uMr?1 JudB Cornolluft
wii .' ,mvo nrlBn through
wision in the Olsson socialist
glp caso.
S?an Dayton 'named tho fol-
'totav rf0"nlttoo to go to Soat-
k J,. ,est,mny In tho Hanfor.l
eh?. esen,ntiv6s Grnhnm of H-
.' rA'rman Hleulns of fionnnoH-
uq-MofNow Jersey.
,ti9 M " " .
Jijmi808,1 Ba,u financially us
uJcf'lly that the Oregon
fii .lpter. of th Order of East-
Claim That Marshfield Is Not
Entitled to Game Played
Here June 2.
Manager G. S. WhiUott and Cnpt.
-..... til... in f Hi. nnnilnn bnsouall
llliy Ul'iu "" --- . . ...
team linvo fllod a formal protest with
President nnxtor of tho Coos County
League against tho awarding of the
Mnrshlleld-Bnndon gnmo horo Juno -to
Mnrshflold. Copies of the Protest
wero recolved horo today and it 18
oxpectod thnt It will come up for ac
tion nt tho next meotlng of tho man
agers of tho league with President
Baxter at Coqulllo.
Tho Bnndon tenm nlleges ns
grounds for Its protost that Marsh
field changed Its batting ordor with
out notlco to the Dandon toam, he
umplro or tho crowd nnd thnt the
chnngo strengthened tho toam.
Thoy also alleged that Marshflold
substituted players without giving
notlco to tho Bnndon management,
umnlro or tho crowd.
R. 0. Graves nnd 0. W. Brlggs who
kept box scores of the game today
plan to mnko affidavits showing that
tho allegations of Bandon nro not
correct. They state that they 'were
notified In the bixui nmK ""'
Doylo and Stanley Brlggs would bo
substituted in MTshlloldB outjeld
In tho seventh Inning, which the
wore. It was also stated that the
batting ordor was not changed and
hat both Doyle and Brlggs struck
out, showing that the result was not
duo to their efforts.
l Tho score of tho game was two to
one. Mnrshflold winning out In the
ninth Inning.
Walsh had 's - r,r;,"7rUshed.
$ ln to" MeVcy' osp.t,l
1 "S i, wound was dressed . It Is
ev. t..: "." "'" "' """'I "''"'"'' .:,.. nmnntntIon Will
''tthenn . allown was report-, not bollovou m "'',,';;; occurred
, :JJ opening buslnesa session of , bo necessary. Tho accl lent 0ccurreu
. "" annual crainn 4m. ' ..... in.iir miles from t.ugene.
Iiuuui c,n-
Eugeno uuaru.
, "annual session this morn.
njji J?i,roaBO ,n numbers has
'iti to 45,le ovor ?2000 ha8 been
,JHrim e treasury. Portland
,ir,,r in anil, trade
Brings Large Passenger List
Sails North at Noon
Tho Breakwater arrived In oarly ,
this morning from Portland after u
... . .1. nnD. CUn lintl n
good passongor list and an avorago
cargo of frolght.
Copt. Jiacgonn reports mm uuuu u
III.. t nnHlln.lll lia.l
rnin was provnmng iu -unnuu num.
ho left, Interfering greatly with tho
OT.,(..1 ,nnll,,lllAi Tlinpfl ti'lO
lioso resuvui inimire ..v,u ...-
a big crowd there for tho festival.
Tho parndo had to be called off ono
day on account of tho rain.
A Strong BOUIUWCSI mim mm J'iw-
... llm nnnal I.rI nlf.hf n 11 ll
VnillllU Oil inu tira.l. "v ...e..v "
Capt. Mncgonn said that tho Indica
tions were that It would soon shift
nnd clear up tho weather. I
Tho Hroaicwnier win nun nt
o'clock tomorrow for Portland. .
Among those arriving on her wero
tho following:
C. Bradbury, h. A. Whoroat, Jn.i.
Noble. Geo. Flanagan, Jr., Mrs. ..
Fny. Mrs. B. Davis, Dr. L. R. QuII
llams. P. II. QullUnms, W. 0. Petty
John, Mrs. Pettyjohn, Mrs. Wood,
Ruby Collvor, Mrs. F. Grnndoll, F.
Ross. Mrs. C. T. Febro. L. Febro, .1.
Kllno. 11. B. Watson. F. McCormac,
Mrs. J W. wuiiu, r. i- iwi' "
Rupert. Mrs. L. A. Rlevcs, J. .
Holmos, J. W. Wolfo, Mrs. G. E.
IllCKie, v. it. .". i..t. . ..
Stanley, Miss Nolllo Tower. Helen
Neff. Mrs. A. P. Greenaugh, H. Rus
sell, J. J. Carr, Gordon Rassmusson,
Mrs. Hnssmus". w- - ;
tie, J. U. Mitchell. K. W. Dartlott. P.
J. Hnnberg. H. Ingelbrlghtsen, O. P.
Willis. J. A. Baker. J- A. Leo, J. II.
McMurtle. C Carter. P. O. Wells Dr.
It. G. Morrow. J. S. Chalmers, It. W.
Scott. P. J. Hillman. E. T. Moore, II
Hendryx. W. Whitchurch. J. Sclialn.
i w'nnf field. G. Duffieiil, v. wnuKiivi.
I J, ,, n Pnntainst. A. PnddOCK.
B. Peterson, Mrs. J. Copo, Mrs. C. E.
Elliott, Mrs. K. A. Elliott.
Ros'ebud rol-earsal Friday at 'i
town invited to be there. Patronesses
nnd mothers bbkou i -
o'clock, pRop BEGGS( Drector.
List of Speeches Seconding
His Nomination Arc
(By Associated Press to Tho Cous
Bay Times.)
CHICAGO, 111., Juno 13. Tho Hit
of seconding speeches to President
Tuft's nomination wna completed to
day with tho solcctlon of Wllllnm
Fletcher Pcnn, of Atlanta, a negro
delegate from Georgia. Other boc
ondlug speeches will bo mndo by Sen
ator W. O. Bradley, of Kentucky, nnd
Nicholas Burray Butler, of Now York,
nftor tho President Is placed In nomi
nation by Warren G. Harding, of
Ohio. Senator Newoll SaunJors, of
Tennesso, has been decided upon for
chairman of tho committee on por
mnnont organization, nccordlng to an
nouncement mndo from tho Tuft
hendqunrters today. Tho statomont
Bont out from hero today crediting
tho HoobovoU headquarters, with in
announcement that Colonol Roosovolt
would nrrlvo In Chicago Sunday waa
promptly denied by Sonntor Dixon.
Ho Bald ho hnd no word from Rooso
volt and did not know whothor or not
ho would dccldo to como.
Roosevelt Leader Alleged to
Have Paid Money to
Alabama Man.
Also Charges Them With Ten
dering Federal Office to
By Associated Press
CHICAGO, 111., Juno 13.
Twolvo delegates woro added to
tho Tnft column by tho Repuhll-
can National comtnlttco In tho '
first two hours of Its session to-
dny when contests from ino Mis-
slBslppl districts tho uccond, 4
fourth, fifth, Blxtli, so von th nnd
eighth woro decided by a viva o
voco vote. Demands for roll
cnlla by tho Roosovolt mombcra
wero Ignored.
Committer Decides Contents In Favor
of IVcflldent.
(By Associated Press to Cooa Bay
CHICAGO. III.. Juno 13. Eloven
Tnft dologatea from Mississippi nnd
ono who refused to statu his position
botwoon Tnft nnd Roosovolt, becauso
ho had bcon elected by both factions,
woro given tho Btninp of approval by
tho Republican National cotnmlttoo'
todny. Tho twolfth dolognto, P. W.
Howard, his attorney, said, would
support Roosovolt.
Tl'a fun tn non linnl lliek null III)
pnntlng when you glvo him n run
for his tnw ngatol
Commissioners Make Auto Trio
Over Them Consider
Ferry Change.
Judge John F. Hall accompanied
by County Commissioners Domont
nnd Armstrong nrrlvod horo Inst ev
ening after having mndo an extondod
nuto trip of Inspection ovor Coos
County ronda. Thoy InBpectod tho
Middle Fork and South Fork ronds,
tho Coqulllo-Bandon rond nnd enme
to Marshflold from Bandon up the
roast road. Owing to tho rnln, tho
coast road waa muddy and slippery
nnd frequontly tho commissioners
hnd to get out and shove tho machlno
up hill.
Thoy report good progress la be
ing mndo on tho road Improvement
projecta. No particularly now work
waa outlined.
No Action on Ferry
The commissioners have not yot
taken doflnlto action on tho proposed
Improvement In tho ferry sorvlco be
tween Bastsldo and Marshflold. Ono
of tho obstacles In tho way la the
ruling of State Labor Commissioner
Hoff that tho employes or tho ferry
Transit cannot be required to work
moro than eight hours por day. If
thoy worlc longer, tho county la sub
ject to $100 fine. Tho commission
ers do not think tho travel Justifies
nnother crow. Thoy are now plan
ning to reduco tho sorvlco In tho
middle of tho aftornpon and oxtend
It In tho ovenlng. The ferry now
costs about $300 por month to oper
ate. Tho commissioners at tho adjourn
ed torm did not tako up any parti
cular new business aside from tho
allowing of bills, thus reducing tho
volume of business that will have
to be handlod nt tho regular July
A largo concroto mlxor and much
other equipment for putting In piers
of bridges nnd small culverts on tho
lino to tho coast arrived for Twohy
Bros, yesterday. Eugeno Register.
Hove your Job printing done at
rba Times' oflce.
(By Associated Prcsa to Cooa Buy
Times )
CHICAGO, III., Juno 13. Charges
of attompted brlbory In tho fight for
dclegnloa wero mndo today by Sona
tor Dixon, campaign mnnngor for
Col. Roosovolt. Ho chnrged that, u
metnbor of tho Republican Nntlonnl
commlttca hnd boon offered n United
States Marshalshlp If ho would vote
for Tnft on tho contosts now under
consideration. "I nm proparod to
namo tho mnn If necessary, " Bald Son
ntor Dixon. "I sont word to tho cotn
mlttcotnnn thnt nny federal appoint
ment mndo in tho nnturo of a brlbo
for n Tnft voto would bo hold up in
tho Sonnto."
Dixon dnrcd tho Taft mnnngors tv
glvo the name of tho Roosovolt lend
er who Is alleged lo hnvo offered n
brlbo to a dolognto lu Alabama and
tho namo of tho man who received
tho money.
It la roportod thnt tho Taft man
agora lmvo under consldorntlon tho
Introduction of n resolution In tho
convention requiring nil tho dologatea
to voto according to Instructions giv
en by their stntcfl until rolensod by
Tlio Taft leaders nftor n canvas do
clarod thoy oxpectod to control tho
credentials committee by a voto of 32
to 21.
Taft Given Six and Roosevelt
Eight of the Contested
(By Associated Pross to tho Cooa Bay
CHICAGO, Juno 13 Tho four
Roosevelt dolegntCB at largo from
Missouri woro seated unnnlinously by
tho National Republican Committee
Tho motion was mado by Sonator
All tho Missouri districts woro com
promised, four for Roosovolt nnd nix
for Taft. Tho districts woro tho
first, fifth, sovonth nnd fourteonth.
Tho RooBovolt mon woro sontod in
tho first nnd fifth nnd tho Taft mon
In tho others. Tho voto was unanl
rnoua. Tho Missouri decision followed a
long conforonco botwoon commlttco
mon and contending factions, Gov
ernor Hndloy said It had beon decid
ed that tho questions of fact lnvolvo-1
In tho district fights woro moro pro
perly questions to go boforo tho cro
finniinin committee at tho national
convention. The result gives Taft
six and Roosovelt eight out of Mis
souri's contested dologatea, Including
tho delegates-at-largo.
Mrs. Nolllo St. M. Rlky, formor ma
irin nt ilm nttlroa nf Doctors Seolv.
Sothcr & Stowart, In this city, will bo
ninrrled In itosouurg una ovenum,
Juno 11, to Porcy M. Littler, of Rid
dle. Tho coromony will bo performed
by Rev. Charles Wilson Bnkor nt St
George's Eplscopnl church. Tho brid
al couple will go to Rlddlo tomorrow
and from that point thoy will Journey
In a prlvnto conveyance to Coos Ray,
thence down tho coast Into Califor
nia. Their placo of permanent resi
dence will bo determined en route.
Mr. Littler will engngo in tho hard
ware business whorover inoy uecw
to settle For tho past eight yoars bo
has been engaged In tho sawmill
buslnesa near Rlddlo, In which Mr,
Rlky was nlso flnnnclally Interested
Recently they sold their holdings o
tho Armstrong Lumber company. Mr.
Llttler's mother will make tho Jour
ney to tho coast with them. Rose
burg Review.
Contest Between Roosevelt l-Virces Is
(By Associated Pros;) to Tho Coos
Bay TImoB.)
CHICAGO, III., Juno 13. In tho
third North Citrollna district whero
both dologatea aro for Roosovelt, the
Nntlonnl committee seated tho "reg
ular" delegates.
Hut IJttlo Credciico Placed in Rejkort
of Ills Retirement.
(By Associated Press to the Coos Bay
BALTIMORE. Juno 13. Reports
that Chairman Mack would rutlro as
head of the National Democratic coin
mlttco wero not received with much
crcdouco today by tho Nntlonnl com
mitteemen alrcndy at tho scone of tho
Domocrntlo convention. Thoy Bay
Chairman Mack's retirement lies
mainly between tho presidential can
didates aud Mr, Mack,
S. Mundy brought In a dozen
Brown Leghorn eggs Monday nftor
noon that weighed two pounds and
flvo ounces. Tho nvorngo eggs from
ovon larger chickens wolgh about a
pound and a half to tho dozon. The
largo eggs woro all laid by ono hen
which cortalnly makos hor n valu
able ono. Mr. Mundy says if anyono
can bont that for eggs to bring thorn
nlong. Bandon Recorder.
Friday, Juno 14th Is flag dny
4 and It Is hoped that ovorybody 4
who has flags will display them 4
on thnt day, und thoso who hnvo
no flags should securo thorn. 4
Flag day is observed In honor
of our noblo wnr votorans ns
well ns to show our patriotism 4
for tho flag, Tho request Is
mndo each yonr by tho Com-
mnndor-ln-Chlof of tho Ornnd
; Army of tho Republlo nnd It Is
hoped that all persons will com-
I ply with tho requost.
Marrlod, Saturday evonlng, June
i 8th, at tho rosldonco of D. W. Car
' penter, ofllrlntlng mlnlstor, Cecil O,
Cox and Mies Essio L. Butlor, both
resldonts of Fourmllo. Mrs. Cox Is
l tho eflidont teacher of tho Twomllo
1 school nnd Mr. Cox Is interested In
j tho Bawmlll business. Bandon Recorder.