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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. 4 ft ft! L BALL SCORES PITIFUL ISF Christ Wahl, Paralytic, Shipped Here Penniless Idaho People. by Transit May Run Later In Evening Between Marsh field and Eastside. It is expected that the Coos Coun ty commissioners will soon nrovldo for nddltlonnl ferry scrvlco botweon In tho Const League were ns fol- a Uerninn who arrived hero recently j Mnrahflold and Eastsldo In the near from IlnrrlBon, Idaho, presented a pa- ruiuro. tho pian is 10 proviuo lor tlictlc sight hero today. Provision nn extra trip on wcok days to bo Portland Takes First Game of New Series From Oak land Tuesday. PORTLAND, Ore, Juno 12 Port- innu IOOK ino urai Biuuu ui tiiu now ,,,, -n-,n.. i,l,,lao i... ,,. . Borlcs from Oakland here yesterday . ' '. ' . . ,,. ... by a scoro of oven to two. Tho scor- lalysls nnd rheumatism, Chris Wahl, J Penniless among straiiBors and BETTER FERRY E snss Rpnmmin InfliPC the most strenuous tests you can give them. cs lows: At Portland U Portland 7 Oakland 2 Vernon 5 Sacramento . . . t 3 At Snn Francisco It Los Angeles 1 San Francisco 4 II 1 7 8 7 11 G 12 GARDNER TO ST. PAUL for his temporary care by tho county was made nnd it Is likely that his story of a wrong suffered at tho hands of supposed friends In Idaho will he Investigated and nn effort made to force restitution of pnrt of tho property which he claims to havo been swindled out of. Wnhl was brought hero on n intincn from Isthmus inlet today. Ho was mado at 6:30 and for additional sor vlco Saturday night. Tho matter has been under con sideration for soino tho. It was brought up by n petition but tho ad ditional service requested in tho peti tion would nccossitnto tho placing of nn extra crow on tho ferry which tho county commissioners did not tlilnlr wnn lllnflflnfl nt lliln Mmn. Former Coqulllo Pitcher Transferred discovered tliero trying to walk back I Cnpt. Alex Ilnll of tho forry Trnn- llV Pittsburg I to tho Hay from Coqtllllo nnd n Mrs. ' u nprnnnl.ln In Mir. nrnnrmnil tilnn Harry Oarduer, fonnorly twirlor, Moore, who resided near tho head of fc uottorlng tho service, that Is mnk- for Coqulllo in. tho Coos County I the Inlet, discovered his league and who"marModTcoauiuo " TO &A0 ll I !..! I. ...... ..! 1... ' "l tHIUJIl Ull UI. .lltOUIIUUt ! Kill, huh juav. uuuu 11 iiiioiui iuii u Pittsburg. A St. Paul dispatch to a Portland paper says: "Horry Gardnor, former North western loaguo twirlor, has boon re leased to tho St. Pnul team of tho American association. Qardnor was do something for tho old man. Dr. Mct'ormnc took It up by phono with Jutlgo Hall nt Coqulllo nnd nrrnngo. to send Wnhl to tho County Infirmary to be rnred for until something can be done about his ease. Wnhl Is tint only physlcnlly Infirm condition. jng n trip nt 0:30 week day ovonlugs nnd running up to nbout 9:30 Sat urday evenings. Cnpt Alox Hall reports that during tho month of May tho Transit car ried C199 passengers, 110 doublo teams, 220 slnglo tennis, 32 head of stock nnd 47 nutos botween Marsh Hold and Knstsldo. . . . ..... n .. ' 1,41111 IO mil Willi llllj'riivjllllj IIIIIIUI, given a tryout by the Portland Colts ,mt Ma nin,0t8 mVo evidently nf In 1909, but did not stick. Ho was fectc(l M8 keenness, to sny (ho lonst. Blgnod by vnncotivor, who sold him 0 tn, Bovornl letters on his porson to Frod Clnrko's Pittsburg Pirates. fr0m 12. W. Wheeler, of Harrison. Gnrdnor Is now n toninmnto of Tom- Idaho, nnd tho tenor of tho lottors my Murray, anothor former Portland would seem to Indicate that Whoek.- player." hnd shipped him to Coos liny to- get Tho NOTICE porson, or porsons, who re rid of hlin Wnhl claims that ho had n flno ntr1mtif ntnl fnrm wn mllna trrn moyod tho dorrlck from tho dipping Harrison, Idaho. Four yenrs ago. ho U1.1K. BUIBIBU Hi ixorill WOBUW, wn(1 tnl(Jn lcl Ho nn,l no rolntlVPS Mnrshflold, will ploaso roturn It nt nn,i WMon t wn8 found that It would onco, or legnl action will bo tnkon to no jiccossnry to send him to tho ho- rocovor Bnuio. pltal. Wheeler, whom ho regnrdod a COOS HAY WATER CO. ,t m0st rollnblo friend, camo to bin . Wahl says that Wheolor told him ho I would soil Wahl's placo and for tho " ninnoy derived would Inko enro of lmlnnco of His days. saloon mnn, named Ceo. T)rlmtta rttl It In fnPin n tt1 1i altvim.1 11 Tiftnli nlinltttnnit 111 tilnniin twin. ft ..".. . hlv' ti' -.:"...'..'"' ' . . . , . . over tho check for 2bTiO to Wheolor, 1 NOTICE. On account of somo of tho chair men not being roady to mako report, 'wnhl tn iim tho Fourth of July commltteo will not r -.-, meet until Thursdny ovonlng, Juno ,,'i "',", i 13. Each chairman will plcaso havo ovor (ho chcck for $2r,r,0 to wl nbWlli.,T,n, TV h'Vu! I'1'"" went to tho hospital. " LV 30 ' MXs,S.rA Jr8d,, . wnn nbout three yearn ago. evening nbout Wnhl having friends In Coos County who would tnko enro of him nnd nlso stntes Hint Wheolor has sent tho Mnrshflold postmnstor money ' bo turned over to Wnhl on his nrrlvnl hero. Wnhl Bnys ho hns no frlonds horo nnd ho did not know tho unnto of 'the mnn ho was to meet In Marshnold IIo also says that Postmaster Curtis told him Mint Wheeler did not sond him nny money. One of tho letters in an envelope nddrcssed to Wnhl is nddrossod to Hoy WIobc, Vancouver, Wnsli., nnd refers to Wnhl ns not being of sound mind. Ho speaks of n friend In Mnrshflold but docs not gtvo his nnmo nnd nlso says that Wahl Imag ines ho Is sick nnd Insisted on romnln lug In bed. Wnhl Is badly crippled nnd his m,' sympnthy for him. Men of dvery proportion can be fitfPt? tall short or stout fellows. Tho season's most stylish colors are hcre-CamSidn! qrays, light grays, tans, browns 5 blue-grays. These Suits are priced at- $18, $20, $22.50, ff$25,$30andg A Pretty Showing of s New Shirts We want to call your attention to our excellent showing of new Cluett Shirts new pattens and colors in both plain and plaited fro.its. New Soft Shirts with SoM Collars and French Cuffsin silks and silk mixtures. Priced at $1, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 l "Money Talks" STIvTSOX SIIOICS IX Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. ALL Til 12 nkw lasts. MABSHFIELD. BA2TDON. New Slclton "ft lint In fedora, tele (copes, crush ers, nmoolli frit and icrntclwiii, It. O. QKAVKS, Manager. Mrs, Lola Lovo, wlfo of Wlloy Lovo, n farmer living nonr Covonn, an., says: "I havo taken I'oloy Kid Wahl later went to Vnncouvor. Wnsh. Tho letters from Wheeler nro addressed to Wahl at Vancouver, and nil of thorn keop urging Wnhl to como to Coos liny. Thoy Btnto that Wheol or has sent $12 to tho ngont of tho Unique Pantatorium1 TIIK MODRRN DVKIW. CLKANKIW. rilK8SRH8 nnd HAT ItBNOVATOna ncv Pllln nml find thnm tn hn nil vnn lirnntu.ntn,. .1 tinrMn.,.i r- ii... Agont for Edward E. Strauia & Co claim for thorn. Thoy gavo mo nl- to Wnhl to Coos liny. It states that t,n TaHorlnc Lot us mak your moat instant rollof whon my kldnoys tho ticket was to bo second clnss and SSI1"1, , , woro sluggish nnd Innctlvo. I can that tho llrcakwator ngont would glvo , rom'nw'"'' rhoma ggQ-T. cheorfuily rocoinmond thorn to all .him JG In cash of which 3 was to bol niiffnrnra frnm 1ltlnnv tcAnlilna ' !.,,.. At.. H. n.i.. a i.i hmMBtwu .l. . .... ft4w wmu(., Ktvuil iu iliu lllllll who nut nun llUCinrJ TBBLBfl" "mi, nanvoiofnoinvcniiTOiiDim . . 1 m tiTA iu.iIm iiiti'i'i ka.kj-r...i nttnr mifnla 1IT1K.BI IV1V' -"" ""'":i ".." "" Bufferors from Hod CroBS Drug Storo. tho Ilronkwator. Tho lottor tV.KlHl. 1 Fat'-wcnr)JSiiHi Special Showing 1 Latest and Best Dining Tables Let us show you how and why our line is incomparably the best. KQUIPl'KI) WITH WIKIiJLKSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAVH ON TI.MK. BAILS FROM AINSWOUTII DOCK, I'OUTLAXI), AT O A. M., JUNK 2ml, 7th., 12th., 17th., 2nd nml U7lli. THOM MAItSIIKIKLI) AT thi: sicuvici: or Tin: tidi: juxi: itii, utu, nth, loth, sttii nmi 20th. L. A. I'AUKHUHST, Agent. Phono Main 02 LL. The Electric Shoe She is wiii:m: yi cav liirv skii l-'KH SIIOKS OK Alili BIZKS IX)1 CIIILIKi:X Wo can fix your SIk Millie you unit. PAST AND COMMODIOUS J- Steamer Redcmdo l.Ull'ri4I? UHJI llUIil.) A.MI hUlUIAUUMJ IHJIilj 'to SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR. COOS BAY" Thursday, Juno 13, AL 3:00 P. M. INTKItOCKAN THANHI'OHTATIOX COMPANY, l'liono 4 1. O. I McOKOItah, Agont 7Frm &Skf$FR?. r Jy wr--r- - -jf-v js--c r a We know it is the best lino becausts wo carry tho best tables, offer the best assortment, and ask the lowest prices. We Want You to See Thf Points m Ask to see our Special Dining Tablns where the leaves are carried under the top. Talk is cheapBut quality. Diuing tables .it lowest prices must be seen to be appreciated. So we ask you to come in, compare all you please and where you please. Our Dining Tables are on exhibition for that very purpose. TIIK FltlKXD (r COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE r.QUlPl'KI) WITH WIItKLKSS SAILS FOR. COOS BAY FROM PORTLAND FRIDAY, JUNE 14 AT 6 P.M., CUNNKCTINO WITH TIIK NOItTII HANK HOAI) AT I'OIITLAND XOHTII f'ACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPAXY. Phonn 41. O. r. MiUKOHGK, Agont. Blanchard's Liver Wo linvo secured tho llrerjr boil rcRs of L. II. Holsnor, and at pn pared to render oxcollcnt icnlc I tho people of Coos Day. Cirefi arivcrH, Rood rlKs nnd eTerrtmai tunt will monn untiFtactory 'erne t tho public. Phono us for a drlila horso. n rlK or nnythlnc needed t tho livery line. Wo also do truci Iiir lHialncsB of nil kinds. dlaxciiahi) nitOTiu:ns Phono 1IIH-J Livery, Feed mid Snlcs Scrrice. Ml Klrsr nml Alilrr Htrocti. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FHOXT ST. Have That Roof Fixed .VOW See GOIiTUELL Phono lltill Thbh.0".1! ". $9.00 KJ"!?! $14.00'- English IBrcakfust dio ff Tables $ 1 Z.UU 1 rand Finished Dining dio ff Tables piO.UU lUxlra Size Special EZfl ft A IIassive Tables, $2,") u'r pOU.UU I' " ' Steamer Washington Sail for San Francisco From Coos Bay Wednesday, June 12, at 1.00 F. 8. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. WANTED!!! CARPETS WJIOLSTKIUSa AXJ I'lANUH I" Wl-"' "' J mutlc cienuing t;onii"7 ",u uork token nt (IOINO & iiAiivur PHONK 1V PROFESSIOpLOIRECIUKl cv it mnn n. nfiAHKIv. L Specialist in NcrTe and Bplnal Disease. Offico, Room 2, Rogen Houijj .. ...ii nrri.A iniim m v '. Aiurouiieiu. wi.u ..- - Phono 144-L. COOS BAY-IiOSEBTJIiG STxGE LINE. Stage loaves Marahfleld every morning at 6 nnd reaches Roaoburg In time to connect with evening train for Portland. Stage nlso leaves Roseuurg every morning at 6 o'clock and reaches Mnrshflold sarao evening. PARK 90.00, Round trip 911.00. Good meals en route. C P. Barnard, agont, Roseuurg. Otto Schotter, agent, 120 Market Avenue, Mnrshflold. Tickets can be obtained at Hlllyor's Cigar Store. Dll. A. J. UBNDRVfl Mwir Hiatal Parlor. fcff AflUlDMd tO dO bllB & work on short totlo t tb jrrt lowosi prlcos. Etamlituoa - Lady attendant, Coke bnlldM. w tlte Chandler aotl- pp"' "' " JW. hxnnvtt, ftMWJtff )me over Flanagan A Betmott BsJ vmim,m .u ui" IMIBOHOIU PERRY & NICHOLSON Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKXitV 8KNGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo OflUu Phono 101 Platting Landa a specialty. Varms Timber Coal andent "EABTSIDR" QenanU Ag llarshfleld Offlca 14-J. DR. J. T. McCOnIAC, Phv.lelan and Bnrjeoo Marshfleld, Oregon. tm t ..i.v.-. ni.tMlnr. nn..n.ii nr.Q nfflr. Phone v l'nn i ....-"- dtt ii. noDOE narsnneia ru." 8b Decorating CO. Estimates MABBHFIBW. . . . . mi. urs' Furnished t'nono " Barnard & Langworthy l.-l.l..t nnntrnetOTS And BUPP PHONE 1W'B (, Union Meat Slarket.