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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1912)
E COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREQQM, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1912 -EVEHING EDITIOW. .f ft" acI If.mVM IK im M VLVJ?! 1 VvKAr All-Wool Clothes CIothcraftYour Idea of Clothes nCTURE in your own mind the kind of clothes you want the cloth, the I style, the fit, wear and serviceability. Tiiciicoinpareyoui' ideal with Clolhonii't. You rill find thoy tally in every particular except noi- haps in the price you thought you would have to pay. .For Glothcraft Clothes, guarantee;! to be all-wool, foliold shape and snmi'ti less, to give satisfaction in wear nml service ; yet cost less than other clothes of the same high quality- -spit) to $25. Tlicv enable vou to rave money without sac rificing anything that vour clothes should have. . Our new line, strong in every range of price between the limits of $10 to $25, includes val ues nt $15, $18 ami $30 that you will bo es pecially interested in. AVe show the cream of the season's best styles and patterns in plain and fancy weaves worsteds, ( a s s i meres and serges in all th'O colors stamped with the season's approval, blues, grays, browns, tans, in a variety of shades and combinations. "When will 3'ou be ready? IIIIMMIIMIMMIHUMiai i Sure, we've got it the I Clothcraft Blue Serge 2 Special, No. 5130,$15. f r MMMBHSBMMBIBBimiS Woolen Mill Store Ml LL-TO-MA X OLOTJ 1 MS 1 c Clean and Press pes' and Gent's Suils Goods Called for and Delivered W5 Bay Steam Laundry .u.iji ji.ii.-x 071 E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler KID North Fiont Street, .MAItSHFIKLO. ORE. U MONTGOMERY plfetate and Insurance l North Frout Street Real Estate Finn.?. sm bargains In Parma and " property. AUG. FltlZBEN. Neld "' Ave' i urt'BUU. WAnto Call Foote nEl4J..T KmiI ., ,,. wild !. nntt nn.M Yu? f L,yd Hotel. After V i '' OAUS ft i LP- M hono 5.J trm"..0 ne 28-J Ij'i. " Fred Nemlo Hc Auto Service All i jreasnable Rates 8erv,ce -, 'flul driving assured. ?'1P T ?.?01 non- 231-R 1 hA ?r 11 P. M. phono "vauiurant. Wanted Quick A rfuvml iim'Mor l'lck up ; luii-gulii In two of the eliolceM lot on Enstslde. Fine view nt liny anil MiiifliflPhl. UlKh, level and Mghtly. $173. I.S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Frot BU We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Electrical material and can give our patrons a very low price on house wiring. Get our price you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J City Auto Service flood Cars. Careful Drivers and roasonnulo craw. Our motto "Will go anywhere at any me Stands- Blanco iinwi -"" ---Cigar Store. Day Phones li and 40 ... i ni...nn 4 a UMWrn & GOODALE. promoters. COOS II VV TIDES. "Ol w Is clvon tYi- llm o.l (height of high and low water at unrsliflald. Th tides nro placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For 'li:h water on bar, subtract 2 hours M minutes wntq. Tides for .lime. b mmmmiiLM mmmm. nit U III' Ill5l 1 WV. fJJJJJMt' X Vi I HHHK I lf I S m BJJBcV. I rai :jK?WI (OTtLVl JMMffll iGA height of high and low water f KtfiNixww imi& mv&&xmr2mmm&&mvsA ill fl Wtffflmm tmmm 1 iw'k semrns MsHigtiMiM u SOCIAIi CALKNDAIt WEDNESDAY. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. W. F. Sciuire. 4 Christian Church reception for Hov. Downrd nnd wife. Mrs. S. C. Smnll nt ten. Mrs. J. T. Hall nt ten. THimSDAY. llrldge Club monlnn session with Dr. nnd Mm. W. A. Toyc. PERSONAL NOTES 12Ilrs. fi.55 H't. -0.1 13lllrs. .C.4U H't. 0.9 1 IjIIrs. .1.03 IKcct .7.0 IB Mrs. .1 51 ll'oot .7.2 12. 47 2.1 1.4 t 4.3 7.30 l.C 8.28 2.0 G.30 3.0 G.2G 3.3 2.39 4.G 3.30 4.7 12.17 C.7 .0.0 0.0 7.20 3.C S.15 3.G 444 party en routo to tho lakes yesterday were caught In tho heavy ralnstrom niul given a sover soaking. Among thoso In the party weto Dorsoy Krclt zen and son, William, E. W. Knm nieror nnd son, Dolton, and Wni. Grimes. 1'IiichI City Recorder Dutlor K. L. RODINSON wont to Myrtlo 1 Myrtlo Point today on business. Li. II. PRICE of Sumner is In Marsh field on business today. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM of Coos River Is a Mnrshflcld shopper today. FRANK ROOD of Coos Rlvor was a Mnrshfleld business visitor today. GEORGE ROSS of Catching Inlet Is I n Ainrsimciu business visitor to 1 day. O. J. SEELEY of Conuillo was look lug after business Interests on tho Day today. MRS. U. A. ANNIN nnd son. Craw. I ford, of Myrtlo Point nro guests or Airs. j. u. ijwfnford. PUN TO TOUR COOS COUNTY yesterday lined II. Mathlson $10 for, HERMAN SMITIiaAI,!.. nnd family THE WEATHER (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Occasional rain tonight nnd Thursdny; south westerly winds. I.OCA!j HE- THMPnrtATimE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt t..lfl n tt. Ttiw. 10 1... II.... I Oslllnd, special government mo- toorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum GO Minimum 47 At 1: 13 n. m GS Precipitation 83 Total precipitation slncu Sept. 1, 1911 R8.10 Wind south: rainy. assaulting E. A. Vnller, a non-lu-lnw or i.o vi Holsnor. Tho troublo oc cured on North Front strcot tho night boforo InBt. lJoth aro employed on tho Dretlgo Oregon. Mathlson plead ed guilty nnd no dotulls as to tho causa of tho troublo camo out nt tho hearing. Improve itoiul. Capt. Edwards expects that tho regular auto service via. Allegany and Scottsburg can lio Instituted soou. Mr. McDonald has two crews of men Improving tho threo miles of tho worst stretch of rond and expects to have it in good shnpo soon. The attempt to start tho scrvlco this week was duo to n misunderstand-1 lug. I Funeral Postponed Tho funoral nf ttnlinrf llnnlrn Hin Vnrtli Pnnu I - ww.w WU.J. ..u .W. fc.. JJJO have gono to Charleston to enjoy n row unys cainping near tlio bench. MRS. L. Q. MASTERS nnd daughter, Miss Olllo Richards, of Sumnor woro Marshllold visitors today. W. J. RUST who hns been laid up with a sovoro cold for a few days whb nblo to bo at his ofllco today. MISS NELLIE WARWICK loft to day for Sumner whoro slio will visit Miss Wlldn Ilurrls for n wcok or so. FRED McCORMAO will arrlvo homo tomorrow from Corvnllis whoro ho has been nttondlng Oregon Agri cultural college MISS DLANCHB FERDINE, a teach or In tho Marshllold schools, loft this morning for Eugcno, whoro sho will spend tho suinraor. HORN ANDERSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. Hon- ry L. Anderson nt their homo at Coos City, Tuosday, Juno 11, a daughter. This Is their socond child. Meet Next Work. Tho Norwoglnn Lutheran Young Peoplo's Society, which was reported to bo mooting this evening, will moot noxt Wednes day Inutend, tho error arising from tho fact thnt tho society moots every threo weeks Instead of every other week as It did formerly. Co On 1!ivhUwiWt. Win. Moo luu resigned as operator at thu local United Wireless stntlon and will take n position nu pursor nnd wireless op erator on tho Urenkwater this week. Mr. Warner, an oporntor from Snn Francisco, will succeed him ns opor ntor nt tho locnl wireless station. d'et Konklng Parties In from Ton Mllo today report that n Marshllold WANT ADS. WANTED Six-room modem resi dence. Address Electric Shoo Shop. WANTl'l) Woman to net as nurso and housekeeper for elderly inval id. Apply to Mrs. Henry Bonga-Uckcn, FOIt SALE Household fumltiiro and kltchou utonslls ot host qunl ity, almost now. Prlcos very low If taken nt onco. Only thoso wanting good nrtlcls need apply. Phono 1GC-J; or apply nt 43G So. E'ghth street. River ploncor, which was to havo J0S- VASEY, of tho Smlth-Powors cogging compnny, nnu rnmuy, ex pect to leuvo on tho next Rcdondo on a trip to California nnd other points. MISS NELLIE TOWER is oxpoctod I homo on tho Urenkwater tomorrow from Soattlo whoro sho has boon l nttondlng tho University of Wash Ington. DALE S. HILL, of Albany. District Deputy of tho 11. P. O. E., Is ex pected hero this week to pay his auniinl visit to tho Marshflold Elks Lodgo. HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN loft for Portland this morning, via. Drain, to attend tho annual meeting of tho Orogpn ABSoclntlon of Title Men, on Juno 14. MISS ALICE T1CKELL, slater nf Mrs. O. LoRoy Hall, who has boen employed In Shorlff Qago's office nt Coqulllo for several months, hns taken n position ns boukkecpor at Going & Hnrvoy'H ntoro. C. A. WOODWARD, formorly of Coos Day but who has been located at Loh Angeles for somo tlmo, wrltos frlonds horo thnt ho has dlBposod ot his Los Angelos proporty and moved to Santa Cruz. J. E. SCHILLINO arrived horo last ovonlng from Gnrdlnor and says that no railroad nows has boon ro colvod nt Gardlnor yet. Mrs. Schilling and tho children aro still up Smith River on their outing trip. MRS. PAUL IIAU11ACH of Ton Mllo was in Marshllold today on routo to Portland to meol Mr. Rnubach'a sister, Mrs. Jannos KrommJnga, who Is on routo horo from Cher am, Colo., with throo children to mnko a oxtondod visit. MRS. K. 13, 8THAW expects to loavo tomorrow for Klamath Falls to Join Pit flnvw who is visiting re latives, thoro, Dr. Straw wired her to coino, saying lil mother wuo much disappointed becauso alio waij not with him. MRS. N. HANSEN of Myrtlo Point was takon to Morcy hospital at North Rend for treatment this weok. been hold today was postnonod un til tomorrow, Tho cnuso of tho post ponement was to cnablo Mrs. Frank Pray, n daughtor, to attend. Mrs. Pruy and her husband will arrlvo via Myrtlo Point tonight from Sprlngflold, Oregon. Tho funoral party will loavo Marshllold In tho morning. In I'InIi Warden Intimation that the state Is plauulng to keep close tnb on tho fishing on Rogue Rlvor is given In tho appointment of Alfred Cnugholl, of Gold Ueach, ns deputy fish warden for that section. There hns not been any fish warden on Regno for a couplo of years, ulnco tho stream has been closed for com mercial tlBhlng, end It is presumed Hint the appointment now mndo u due to tho fact that somo local par tics havo announced thnt they will ongago In shipping salted fish from Rogue Rlvor this year. (.'nteipllliirn Wort Had. In con nection with tho many complnlntu nliout caterpillars becoming so nu merous ns to bo almost a post hero now, Tom Hall recalls that ten of fif teen years ngo, Coos County experi enced a rent catorplllnr pest. Ho Hiiyn they were ho numerous on tho railroad truck nonr Coaledo one dny thnt the train was blocked by them, tin Insects getting on the rails and making thorn too sllppory for tho on glho. Attor Bovernl hmlrs delay, suf ficient snnd wns dried to put on tho rails so thnt tho train could got thVnugh. " ' Ikniii'n I'lnu Folder. Copies. of u handsomo foldor Issued by thu New port Commercial Club, advertising that section aa a "year around" ro Hort, have boon received on tho Dny. Geo. ninuchnrd, formorly manager of tho Coos Ray Gas & Electric com pany horo but now mauagor of tho Nowport Gas A Electric compnny, U president, o( tho Nowport Commorclnl S.1. 1 JLI .J-.. 1.1,. (1, .. v,iiiD. auico assuming poBiuon, Mr. Illnnchnrd has been doing much to boost tho Nowport soctlon nnd tho advertising foldor which ho has had tho club Just Issuo will accomplish much In thnt direction. LOST Lurgo bunch of keys on two connecting rings. Ono dollar To ward for roturn to Tlmos ofllco. An unfilled want causes unhappl ness Times Want Ads bring results. Oregon Agricultural Collena Fruit Experts Will Visit 1 This Section. CORVALLIS, Ore., Juno 12 A tour of Coos county Is to bo mndo this month by Profs. II. S. Jackson and II. F. Wilson of tho entomology dopartment of tho Oregon Agricul tural College accompanlod by F. O. Rolmor, superintendent of tho now Southern Oregon Experiment Stntlon. Tho Hon. A. II. Carson, commission or of tho third horticultural district ot Orogon hns nrrnngod tho schedule of trips nnd meetings, and will ac company thorn. On Juno 14 tho party will loavo Rosoburg on tho G n, in. stago for Urldge, nrrlvlng nt G p. m. Tho noxt morning thoy will drlvo through tho roglon nbout Urldgo, Inspecting or chards, nnd will dlno with tho Drldgo Horticultural Socloty. After a moot ing undor tho auspices of tho socloty that afternoon, thoy will go 02 to Myrtlo Point. Tho morning of Juno 1G will bo dovotod to nn nuto tour of tho roglon adjneont to Myrtlo Point, nnd In tho nftornoon orchards ot tho vicinity, especially tho-Sunshlno and Arago or chards will bo vlsltod. Until noon noxt day tho Inspection of orchards thoro will continue, whon tho Myrtlo Point Horticultural socloty will ontor tnln thorn nt dinner. At tho closo of nn attornoon mooting, thoy will bo takon by nutomobllo to Coqulllo. ' An nutomobllo trip to tho Fair vlow section will bo tnkon tho morn ing of Juno 18, followod by n dlnnor nt Coqulllo and nn nuto trip through tho Fat Elk, Flshtrnp nnd Norway flections, returning to Coqulllo at night. Tho noxt morning tho or chards about Coqulllo will bo vlsltod and a dlnnor and horticultural In stitute will fill tho rest ot tho day, tho hosts being tho Contral Horti cultural Socloty of Coos county. On tho morning ot Juno 20 tho party will go by boat to Dandon, ahd In tho afternoon will drlvo through tho Two Mllo nnd Four Mllo sections. Noxt morning thoy will drlvo to Uonr Creek, returning In tlmo for an nf tornoon meeting nt Randon. A boat trip to Coqulllo with a Journoy by rnll will bo tnkon Juno 22, (ho pnrty arriving at Marshflold In tlmo .for tho annual Coos County Grango picnic, after which thoy will tako a launch nnd Inspect ranches nnd orchards about Coos liny. Tho noxt day will bo similarly occuplod, and on Juno 24 lnunchos will bo chartered for visits to tho North nnd South Forks Coos Rlvor orchards, followed by a Horticultural mooting at Marshflold In tho evening. A trip to tho Ton Mllo Lnkos rog lon wll bo mndo Juno 2G, rpturulng noxt dny. On Juno g7 Uiey will drlvo to North, In o morning and hold a nioitliiK t,ho,rQ jn ()n afr tornoon, HUMORS AT ROHEIlUItO Tho Rosoburg Revlow snys: Work Is progressing stondlly by tho Doylo & Fnrron Elocfrlc railway surveyors through tho Edonbower district, and reports cftmo In from thoro today that rights of way aro b. ing securod. Railroad runio- aro Always "Tho Busy Corner" FOR SALE Huggy. llurns, Plat II. Inquire of Mrs. WANTED Hoy of 17 or 1H ycurn, t Lawla'. Qood wnges to right party. FOR SALE A Inrgo young liorhe. weight 1G00. Also good hoavy spring wagon and harness. Soo F. S. Dow. FOR BALK Two lots B0xl25 with iitm .nnm liniinn. oypIhrIvo of bath. , , u .WW... .w. - -- . pantry nnd hall. Finest vlow In J Forndalo. Terms 11 waniou. aoo E. O. Hall, Phono 1G9-J. FOR SALE CHEAP Furniture, il most now. Room No. 1, 130 Uroad way, Sengstnckon bldg. I'OU SALE White Wyandots nnd white Orpington chickens, largo aud smnll, and eggs for hatching, at Flanagan eatnto, Plat B. C. C. Osier. i.'fiit im'VT Comfortable roonij front room. 373 South Fourth aU WANTED Mohair." Wool and cas cara bark. Apply to Henry Seng Btacken, at office of Title Guar antee & Abstract Co. llAilHAI.N SALE; 40 horsepower auto for G00; first-class condl timi! fnllv enulnped: cost now 13000; will soil for $500 terms. John L. Koontz shop, North Front street. 1 viu.l on easy Machine Phono ;w ' WM. WARWICK nnd wlfo nro plan- cumulating tho past few days, slnco nlng to loavo soon for a month's ,th "n,n1',n!;t); ,of ""fvoy"" iiiivu ivuiiiuiuii uiu tiuiu. i( in iiiiu said Hint a Southorn Pacific locatlug englnoor has been quietly looking camping trip following which thoy will go to California to mnko tholr homo. Thoy havo leased tholr homo for tho summer to Mr, and Mrs. Inglohnrt, who eamo hero re cently, Mr. Inglohnrt having chnrgo of construction on tho now C. A, Smith pulp mill. A. II. DAVIS, of San Francisco, presi dent of U o Alaska Commercial company and the Southport Land & Commorrlal roifnmny. who In Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery HICYCLES FOR RENT The Sign of Good Candy Always Health and '1, Strength ore better than riches, and much easier to attain. Now is the timetcbuiU up your strength, tone your entire system and estab lish a solid, permanent foundation of health. Begin with a good tonic we have several excellent ones. Jt U3 recommend Rexal' SarsaparillaT :nl(. It will clear your blood, impart tone and vigor to all your organs, stimulate your entire cystem and help to strengthen and build up your body, brain and nerves. Sold in large bottles, $1.00, with the Rexall guarantee. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company The Busy Corner" IMione Mnlu 208 Us The gtWgggj Star I HELPED TO KEEP DOWN EXPENSES I Mrs. J. E. Henry, Akron, Mich., tells how alio did so: "I wns both ered with my kidneys nnd had to go nearly double-. I trrod n samplo . Foley Kidney Pills nnd trey did me so much good thnt I bought n bottle, nnd feel thnt they saved mo a big doctor's bill," Rod Cross Drug Store. ovor tho local Hold tho past low days. compnny with his wlfo has bcou spending several days on tho Day looking ovor tho company's hold ings, loft for homo via. Drain this morning. R. G. ROOKE, n son of tho Into Rob ert Rooko, camo In from Loon Lako today to nttond tho funoral of his father which will bo held to morrow morning. TONIGHT AT TEe Royal THE IRWINS presenting "A QUARREL AT MIDNIGHT" A screaming comedy sketch PICTURES: "Ity Decree of Fato" Drama. "Tony uud tho Stork" Drama, "Dlvorcoiih" Comedy An unusually good program ONLY 10 CENTS ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho A. M. Simpson snlled lato yes terday with a cargo of lumber from tho Simpson mill for San Francisco. Tho schoonor Advent of tho Simp son floot Is duo horo, bolng 28 days out from Snn Podro. Tho nreakwator Is duo to arrlvo early tomorrow morning from Portland. If you have anything to soil, trade, or ront. or wnnt help, try a Wnnt Ao Phone 141 op cull at 71 Market Ave. when you want PUR13 DRUGS or SUNDRIES. Tho Store for Quality Goods. u. jf iff tSwjmv Rentals ca. Bur Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality V