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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1912)
gBHNGJRRATKJ)OB NOT INDICATE THAT YOU ARE A GENIUS pTjBnTISlNa In Tho TIMTJS I'Sn Pot Your Ileal I&UU, "In the Jlwk0t" K""1' ... .. h facta about your '"Vnfnrd 'he eye. of all "pos- filters" h town- An if "". nn8 of thorn who ought to tir,.f !wil loll ltl .n. " fflmiS flaw ttttS memukr op associated press WANT ADVERTISING tn Tlio TIMS Will ltwp tho Inconto from luv Furnished Rooms from Lpsla(t YOU cnu really holp tlw fnijjlly revenues by renting a fow iurnlstMd rooraB and, If you know how and whon to U80 tlio classified "olumiu, you may kcop that little extra Income as "Btcndy as a clock." I WU 'established in i7 IQU AArt" m, Tho Const Mali (IK INSTRUCTED DELEGATES I! SWITCH AT CONVENTION MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1912-EVENING EDITION. L and Roosevelt Forces Busy mawiiuw"""" of Delegations. ItiLL UNCERTAIN AS JOKUUOCVUui u -vi"i" Lcirffls Anxious to Know Whether Man From Oyster Bay win Miiwiu. l7!.."cc tii.lHlllXH 4 Fu,,,lX)il CONVENTIONS (By Associated rrossj u-ASlUNOTON, D. 0., Juno f ,i Tho Senate louuy ugium . i program of n inrop-tmy re- a daring tlio National convon- TflFT FORCES IRE TRYING TO GET AID TO VIUTIMS A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mali mid Coon Hay Advertiser. No. 282. v CONTEST Ml Hot Debate Before Committee Over Fourth California District. (Dy Assoclntod Prosa to Tho Cooa liny TlmcB.) CHICAGO. 111.. Juno 12 -Tlio ll, publli'tui National coiiimittoo totlnv voted to Kent tho two Tuft delegate In tho N'ntloiml convention from tb roiirui cnlirnriiln district, tho on'v cnnfoHt from Hint fitnto. TIiIh nctlon followed u running fire oponed on tho conunlttoo by Franc .1. Honey nnd n stinging Htntomeut from (lovemor .IoIiiikou In the Inter OBtH of Roosevelt. Hency Rented In the National roni mltlee on n proxy asnlled the mem liorH of tlio rninnillle.. etmilmiiwin iiioclatoil Press to Tho Coos (particularly Senator Murroy Cinno or Day Times.) (Massachusetts whom ho addressed nu 13CAG0, Juno 12 Posltlvo ln-n tnnn who liml "No respectability to -itlon as to whothor Colonol lose." While Clinlrninn Rosowater itelt would conio to Chicago to wns mimonisiiuig Money to nddroM ih Mi nvn IntorcRtn boforn tho committee, properly. Governor ...v f ilnHillne tho contested ' JohtiBon nrrlved nt tho CollReum. H. i'ef ts finished by tho IlopuMI- "IouIIiicmI to appear before tho com- Vitlonal uommitico wna sougui, ." . " duiii-hiuiii Details of Havoc Caused by Volcano Along Alaskan Coast Slowly Reaching Seattle. 4 TAFr ASICS All) (Dy ABsoclntcd Press) wABuimixoN, Juno 12 iresuient Tart in n apoclal mos- biiko to uongross todny nskod an v appropriation of ono hundred thousand dollnra to bo expended by tho rovonuo cuttor sorvlco- In caring for tlio volcanic vie- tlniB near Koillak. Alnsltn. CUBAN FEDERAL TROOPS WIN (11) mr Associated Press) WASHINGTON. I). C, Juno J-i Majority f.ender Under- nod announced todny that tho 3,3m would tnko threo duya' 4 ttii only during tho Domo- ,tlc N'nlloiinl convention. UtttTT-r-r-rTr-.- Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times) SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 12 Dc- JnllH nro Blowly ronclilng horo of tho suln and adjoining lslnnds of Kodlnk, Afognak and Raspborry by tho erup tion of Katmal volcano which burst forth last Thursday nnd spouted ash es nnd stones for two dnya. Every effort Is being mndo to got aid to tho stricken villngos. Captain Klrtlnnd! . I'crry, comranndor of tho rovonuo cutter Manning has boon at Kodlnk slnco tho eruption bogan nnd has tnk- on personal chnrgo of tho relief Work. His vessol undoubtedly savod tho lives of many pcoplo In Kodlnk for he ordered all tho flvo hundred men, women nnd childron In tho town to bonrd his ship na soon as tho orup tlon bognn. Tho govornmont has ooen nskod to ordor tho transport tneri(inn winch Is In Alaskan wators to proccod to Kodlnk. Tho Shorldan Is taking tho Thirtieth Infantry to Alnska and is well stocked with pro visions which nro soroly ncedod In IN ENGAGEMENT WITH REBELS WNNNWWV I TAFT SMS HE WILL VETO IT mivoiriuiBod cintho AliiBltnn penin- the dlBtrossod district. WAN T VOTE OS SUPRIN T T I tbr bl own workers nnd those (crtlnK Tflft. Tlio huccc8s of tho tell workorfl yoBtoniny in gnin (protest would bo mndo against : lome of tlio Tart uologatos itcostciti. Iitiien of both sides aro busy ar tie Instructed dologntos in nn ct to learn Just wlioro thoy ! rote. lAlTfilVM.V AHI'.OXA which Honey later read to tho com- mltteo. In thts Johnson donlnred ho declined to Hiihmlt to "A trial to the ... .ni,.(n.i inivn riu,. n i tltlo of pronoitv by tho thluf wh nsort that tho formor president B,0!0',,"1 , , , , . ,,V-. After tho commltteo had voted tho MrichumnBBiirnncothnthowlll JJoosovolt faction down. Ronntb. It here. Othor UooBovolt work-, """" " '""" "" 'xirin "ill U at Krldny nlghfs mnss t,ltJ oommltteo was Making It Im- f when It was oxnoctod n i'"""""' " iiuihiiiii-h m hcnuu I wncn ii m oiutiou .nvnp t . - i.. n,v tnr yenrH." During tho roll cnll a bitter nttnek on Honey was mndo by Shnckleford of Alnska, who voted for tho Tntt delegates. Ho declnred Alaska had Iww... IM)nl,li.wl 1. 1. III.. V,...,,u" t Mln. oa tho ononlnc ballot in tho, , .,.i .i,,,, hrnL , ir '. istlon. Thoro Is bollof that u i,i,.f .lt,i ..q-'i.t.' !.ii,,,n BrdtlgateB of thla class nro BnM glinrklafnni. 'Vnmo Into th'la tlll n tn Iia rntivlnrAfl linu Hint1 ... ...... ""-" -v vw v.... ...... "",,. roininiMpit 0i. n iinixv ii nil iiim nrni yoll was nbout ring rulo In San Frnn clsro. I cnuie here ns a reforco and Impartial judge and I have scon the nttcmpls of certain members to drive tltls commltteo to do what thoy want It to do. "And 1 for one. rofuo to bo Intimi dated or to bo driven from doing what I think Is right." JnmcB A. Tawnoy declnred thnt ntiv notion by tho commltteo which would t Our Siv IMcuitcs Dccld'iil In I'mridcnt'M Kiivor. Iiiuoclated ProsH to Coos Hay Times.. SCAGO, Juno 12 Tho Arizona fltloa at lnrno of nix votes wnu aw to Taft by tlio Nntlonnl Uo Joa Central Commltteo today, i recognlzo the Btate'8 Instoad of tlio California fourth district's district's would estab Vtltjstcs woro glvon to Taft. rluoclatecl Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) WAGO. Juno 12 Tho IxjuIb- "Mack and tan" dologntcs-at-ilx delegates for Taft, woro nioriy-eight to two. Contoatn firtt. Second, strlli nml nnvnntli Ati for two delocntoa oach woro -nn and credited to Taft. WD F1IIB I.V SPOKANK and Oil O.iiniiniiv'u itnii.ii.. i. Barns Midi suinnn r.uu fiaociited Press to tho Cooa Day Times.) 'OKA.VE. Juno 1? A n mm. fc4t.V. (-- r?" Be started of spontanooiiB ".waqestroyed tho building In - ids faint and Oil com "".v today with a loss of forty "" uouar8. D FUENOHMAN DKAD iocated Press to tho Coos Day litis niies. I I3. June 12 Predorick Passy v:.unoinist ana poaco npos- here today in his ninoty- Uiip " isliw IAS SCARED !CliVP Drl.. T-..r. . .-; "luvvu lesunes in los Angeles Bribery Case Todav. related press t0 th0 CoOB B I Tl,.. . ' uica.i hEVUno 12-"Drown, rf ns J )ou d0 th "eat you V rLm. J 1 take caro of 'ntheili.??i led Samul I 'kat Pid tr,ct nttornoy'a ofTlco 1151 & ,?. S- Darrow Ba,d , LnM, . "D """ory ot Hick Darrn ?U' the charSO P urow is on trial. Ilsh a precedent which would overthrow Hopubllcaii principles. ItonM'Vcll Mcii'h VIpivk. Hccourso to tho Hoosovolt inon who luivo been solected presidential elec tors In tho different Btntos Ib tho ii. nounced plan of "William Flynn ot Pittsburg. Bhould tho convention nominate Taft. Flynn declared such a movomont while It might dofeat tho Hopiibllcnn nominee for President, would snvo tho party In tho big H. publican stntoB. Ills position was en dorsed by Governor W. K. Glasscock of West Virginia, who declared that nil tho West Virginia Hopubllcnu electors nro for Hoosovolt and would voto for him In tho electoral college, regardless of tho nctlon of tho conven tion. Senator Dixon said. "I don't think thoro will bo any need of such action. In my opinion, Hnosovelt surely will bo olectcd and Taft forces will not dnro to steal tho nomina tion." O. K. S. NOTICE To tho ofllcers and members of Doric Chapter, No. C3, 0. B. 8. You aro requested to moot at tho Masonic Tomplo Thursday. Juno 13 at 8:30 a. m to nttend tho funoral services of Dro. Robert Itooko. Dy ordor of CAUL W. EVBRTSEN. ROOSEVELT IS FOR SUFFRAGE Former President's Chicago Platform Will Declare for Votes for Women. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day "I'lrrtoq, ) OYSTER DAY. Juno l2.Colonol Roosevelt announced this afternoon through Judge Don D. Lindsay of Denver that ho Is In favor of woman suffrage and that tho platform he would submit to tho Chicago conven tlon would contain an unequivocal declaration to that effect. CRACKED CORN at HAINES. School Election Next Monday Night Will Be Animated Resolution Proposed. Tom Ucnnott. who has boon en deavoring to luivo F. A. Golden rolti- Btntcd as supurliitondcnt of tho Mnrshlleld public schools, and Albert Sellg tills morning cnllod on Dr. McCorninc. of the school board, and endeavored to havo tho Goldon ques tion submitted nt n voto nt tho school election noxt Monday night. A. II. Powers, who Is unqualifiedly In favor of retaining Bupt. F. A. Tlodgcn as head of tho schools, Is a cnridldntofur director to flit tho vncancy caused br ibe expiration of M. C. Horton'a term, but the Golden forces do not wish to oppobo him. They talked for a long tlmo, but Dr. McCorninc stntcd that ho was op posed to havo any quostlou outsldo of the schools bolng submitted nt tho election. Ho said it thoy wanted to hnvo tho question ot Indorsing the excellent. work that Supti Tlodgcn bna nccompllHhod ns head of tho schools voted upon, ho was willing. Ho sug gested thnt If they wonted" this that It be placed In the form of n resolu tion which would mean tho nbsorp tlon of tho contract that tho board has already mndo with Mr. TIciIkoii for next year nnd suggested tho fol lowing ns the text of It: "Itosolved, That It Is tho sentiment of the voters ot School District No. 0, that Mr. F. A. Tledgon bo engaged as Superintendent for threo years from September 1, 1912." Messrs. Dennett nnd Sellg contend ed that North Rend n year ago had taken mi advisory ballot as to wheth er Supt. Raab should bo rotalnod nnd claimed this was a precedent ns to why tho voters should bo allowed to voto on whother Sir. Tledgon or Mr. Golden should bo elected superintend ent. Dr. McCorninc stated that this waa the reason why the advisory ballot should bo taken on Indorsing Supt. TIedgon's work. Ho pointed out thnt North Dond hnd boon merely permit ted to voto on tho question of retain ing their nctlvo superintendent nnd not on voting on men outsldo tho schools. Whother the Goldon forces will mnko nny further effort to hnvo Mr. Goldon's nnmo voted upon Is not known. The resolution Indorsing Mr. Tled gon may bo submitted by tho School Donrd oven though tho Golden forces do not Insist upon It. In enso it Is, It Is expected that tho Goldon forces will voto against It. Dr. McCorninc stated that ono rea son why ho would Ilko to hnvo tho resolution voted on would bo to set tlo tho question of superintendent for n consldornblo length of time. lie said that tho bringing up of tho Gol den controversy every few montliH was detrimental to tho welfare of the schools and for this reason, he would like to see It disposed of. It Is expected that tho school elec tion Monday night will bring out ono of tho Inrgest crowds that has over attended a school election here. It will be held nt the Central School building and will open at 7:30. QUAKE IN GEORGIA Three Distinct Shocks Felt at Augus ta Today (Dy Associated Press to Coos. Da Times ) AUGUSTA. Ga Juno 12 Threo distinct earthquake shocks wero felt here and at Columbia, S. 0., and Sa vannah, Ga., today. Houses wero rocked and sleeping Inhabitants roughly awakened. Little damage was done and no one was hurt. MASONS ATTENTION! Owing to tho postponement of tho funeral of Dro. Robert Rooko, mem bers of Dlanco Lodge are requested tn meat at the Lodgo-roora Thurs day, June 13. at 8:3C la. m uy oraer oi E PDPILS PASS IN EXAI Ten Out of Twelve Succeed in State Examination un- usually Fine Record. ' Word wns.recolvcd hero todoy thnt ten nicinbors of n claBB of twelve who too.k tho stato eighth grado examina tions In Marshllcld Inst week had passed. Supt. F. A. Tledgon rccolvo.l word todny from County Suporlntoud out Hunch. Tho two who failed to securo di plomas this tlmo only failed In two iirnuciies so taut tuey will bo entitled to tako tho examination over in them It) September, making It practically certain thnt thoy will bo ndvanccd to nlgli school this fall. Tho high porcontngo of pupils nnss Ing out of tho last class la tho cautu of much elation In tho schools be cause with tho exception of two, ail wore half-year pupils. Tho result of tho last cxamlnntlon tnkon with that of tho examination u few weeks ngo moans that 30 out of 3S pupils pnssod, nn unusually high porcentngo. Two of tho pupils of tho llrst 28 who fnlled In only ono stud . each passed In this branch nt tho Inst examination and If tho two who fnlled In two studies tho Inst tlmo pass ).i September, as Is oxpectcd, It will mean comploto success for tho clan. . Tho pupils who havo just pasacl nro John Hymor, Edwin Lon'ot. Ans- elm Johnson, Emtl nnckman, Alto-i Johnson, Frank Curtis, Leona Mc- l.cod, Ronnld Nicholson. Mnrlo Vns- ey nnd Adolnldo Clnrko. Miss Mario Moloney, tho toncher of tho eighth grado, and tho pupils, aro highly olntod ovor tho result. Tre examination wns conducted by Mrs. Chns. H. Curtis. Makes Hlg High Rclno). Tho results of tho examination will mean tho Inrgest high school enroll ment next yenr that Marshflold hits evor hnd, probably ovor 100. Last year, 70 woro enrolled In high school and seven woro graduated, leaving C3. Tho 3 C or 38 freshmen who will enter high school noxt fall will mako mora than 100, not Including othou who nro llkoly to como In from out sldo. This will tax tho accommodations ot tho high school and It may bo nec essary to provldo a special room for tho senior clnss next year. President Threatens to Use Ax In Retaliation for Abolish ing Commerce Court. (Dy Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 12.--President Tnft told friends todny that lift Wnillfl vnti illo ImrlulnHt nvnnii. the mid Judicial appropriation bill if when it comes up for his slgnnturo It abollBhea tho commorco court In effect by cutting off tho court'B ap propriation. Doth tho Houbo and the Sonnto cllmlnntcd tho provision for tho court from tho mensuro. Tnu said ho considered tho court nccos Bary for tho prompt and offectlvo on forcoment of tho Inlorstnto Commorco net. In speeches ho litis sntd that when Its limitations woro doflnod by tho Supremo Court, tho now tribunal would bo approved by tho railroads and people. Tho Supremo Court this wcok glvo Bovornl decisions grently restricting its powers. Ten Negroes Killed and Many Wounded in First Battle of Campaign. FEDERALS' ARTILLERY TOO MUCH FOR BLACKS Second Engagement Reported In Progress Near Caiman- ara Late Today. to Coos Day (Dy Associated Press Times.) SANTIAGO, Cuba, Jjiuo 12 A do tnchmont of govornmont troops un- iiui- Major uosomio Uollazo today do foatod tho Insurgonts In n bnttlo nonr HI Cobre, ton miles west of thin city. Tlio robols lost ton killed. Tho gov ernment troops mndo offectlvo ubo of nrtlllory nnd nro pursuing tho floolnc Insurgents. ANOTHER RATTLE ON Rebels nnd Government Troops Meet Again (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) CAIMANARA, Cuba, Juno 12 A bnttlo Is reported on todny botwoon tho govornmont troops nnd robols ton miles from Imlns on tho north const of Orlcnto Province DEADLOCK IS LIKELY Agrco Cous Moiifio nnd Semite Unable to on Canadian Reciprocity (Dy Assoclntod Press to Tho Daytimes.) WASHINGTON, Juno 12 A doad lock botwoon both Houses of Con gress ovor tho Sonato's proposal to rcpoal tho Canadian reciprocity law was fproshadowod whon tho Sonato today by a voto of 33 to 27 refused to rocodo from tho amondraont to iron nnd stool tariff rovlslon bill em bodying tho ropoal provlslou. woods losi:b OUT Rill Day Scnato Refuses to Reconsider Ousting Hlin Out. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Times.) WASHINGTON, Juno 12 Tho Senate by a voto of 29 to 28 refused today to reconsider Its adoption of the couferenco report on tho army appropriation, bill carrying amend ments which would loglslato Major Leonard Wood out of his ofllco ns chief of staff of tho army. ONE LOST IN WYOMING FLOOD NORIS JENSEN Property Damage of $400,000 Caused by Cloud Burst Near Buffalo. e (Dy Associated Press to "Coos Day Tlmo.) DILLINGS, Mont., Juno 12 Whon telephone communication was restor ed to Buffalo, Wyo today the reports that a cloud burst which sent a wall of water down tho narrow valley of Clear Creek Canyon upon tho town last night had caused many deaths, proved unfounded. Ono man was drowned and a dozen frame buildings woro washed away. Tho property damage is estimated at four hundred thousand dollars. SPEED LIMIT IN NO TH REND Council Decides to Limit Autos to 25 Miles Per Hour Other Business. Tho North Dond city council lnt night adopted n speed ordlnnnco which Is designed to ollmlnnto racing In tho streets thoro. Tho now ordl nnnco fixes tho speed limit of nutos and motorcycles nt 2i miles per hour, of bicycles at IB miles, of horsobnek riders nt 12 miles, nnd of horsn drawn vehicles nt 12 miies. Tho p. nlty Is fixed nt a flno of from 2 to $50, or Jail sontonco to bo served nt tho rnto of S2 per day. Tho council nlso repealed tho old dock nnd whnrfago chargo ordinance. Wnrron Painter, city wharfinger, who was allowed 25 per cont of tlt-j amount ho collected under it for his sorvlcos, will now bo paid $15 per month. GriulcH Aro Established. Tho council also established the grado on Montana streot. From Shorman to Hamilton tho grado Is to bo a descent ot ono-half ot ono per cent nnd for tho balance of tho dist ance descent of three por cent. On Shorman nvonuo n now grado was also established. From the north sldo of California street to Montana It Is to bo an ascent of ono-half of one por cent and from Montana to the ball park It Is to bo an ascent of 1.6 per cont. Tho intersections of Connecticut and Montnpa are to bo level. Will Open Street. The council voted to accept nn of fer made by F. D. Walto and others tn October, 1910, to opon up a stroet connecting up Tromont streot and a continuation ot Railroad nvonuo through tho Simpson Lumber com pany's property. Tho offer was con ditioned on tho men being allowed to vacato somo of tho- other streets. L. J. Simpson stated that ho had al ready mado piano for dedicating the street through tholr property nnd that It would bo filed as soon as tho pa pers wero returned from San Fran ctsco Sleet Friday Night. Another meeting of tho North Dond council will bo hold Friday evening when action will bo taken on tho. plans for Improving Montana streot nnd Shorman avenuo. City Engineer Drlghtman was Instructed to havo tho estimates and plans ready then. SIIONTi TALKS TODAY Delivers Commencement Address at Drnko University. (Dy Associated ProBB to Tho Coos Day Times.) DES MOINES, Iown, Juno 12 Thcodoro P. 8hontj! of Now York de llvorod tho nnnunl commencement nddrcss nt Drako Unlvorslty today. At n mooting of tho Donrd of Trust ees of tho Unlvorslty, Shontz was reoloctcd chairman of tho board. Mr.1 Shontz's fnther-ln-lnw, tho lato Got, Drake of Iowa, was ono of tho foun ders of the Unlvorslty which was, named for him. CARD i OPPOSES Moat Coos Day men would feel per fectly happy If thoy could And u home where they could enter with out wiping their feet. Hpve your calling cards printed at The Times' office. G. W. Slonecker Says Machines ' Are Nuisance and Menace to Country Roads. SALEM, Ore., Juno 12. -All BortH of appeals nro mndo to Governor WoBt, nnd tho latest Is from G. V. Sloneckor, of Gardluor, Ore., who naked tho Governor to keep nutoinv blloB off of tho now rnnd Jimt com pleted botwoon Gardiner mid Glon ada. "Wo don't consider that these autos havo any right or privileges on this road," ho said. "Wo look upon thorn as a dangerous nulsanco nnd in restraint of trade" ire- explained that the road hrd been built nftor 20 years of offor; that It was narrow and hnd short turns, and hud but few placos for teams to pass, Ho said for 11 ml leu thoro was not a house and for 10 miles not a tolophono, mid thnt the tenms been mo almost scared to doath at tho approach of art automobllo. "Either tho fnrmors or tho nutQlita. will havo to sta,y aft," ho said, Ho added as'a postscript that ho thought, tho settlers would bo willing to glvo, tho road ovor to the autolsts on "Huin day to chase thornsolvcs It thoy wish, providing Uioy don't nbuso tho privi lege." Governor West turned tho com munication over to Attoruoy Gonoral Crawford for reply. CALIFORNIA IS SORE Ac- Dclegates to Clilcago Condemn tlon of Committee. , (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Times.) LOS ANGELES. Call., Juno 13. Whon the California dologatlon to tho Republican National convention In Chicago nrrlved horo today and learned of tho action ot tho National committee deposing two ot tho dele gates, resolutions woro adoptod con demning tho commltteo. Talk of tho creation of a "Third party" If Roosu volt Is not nomlnatod "To go tho limit" against thoso who nro "putting through the antl-RooBovolt program" in Chicago was freely Indulged in. Resolutions wero adopted denounc ing "acquiescence to Presldont Taft In tho program of "political larceny now bolng carried out." Thero'll bo boxing In England as long na the Drltons can put up their dukes. A Michigan man says ho ralsos strawb6rrlc8, seven of which will fill a quart box. It's all In tho box. Try The Times Want Ads.