THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1912-gVENINqEDmo ' 1 Every Family on Coos Bay Should Have a Piano Music SB Most Important and Refining Factors of Civilization, Every Family on Coos Can Have a Piano Now III alll mnAWWMmsA Ml IfB llrfr wi"i7fJlr 'fa AVA'WtfiA'MviiTtB TlVf 7T rr TTihiU Tlr t ili llllii III 1IB I II 1 1 After many months of study of the piano game we have taken the selling agency on the following well known lines: Weber, Vose, Kohler & Chase, Kohler & Campbell, Andrew Kohler, Fisher, Aeolean Player Piano, Wurlitzer Me chanical Players w"u.k?oin Piano Players. J We have an elegant line of these pianos on hand NOW. J Our method of selling these pianos puts it within the reach of all to enjoy the delights and refinement of music. I A small payment down and NINE or TEN dollars a a month does it. Special If you have an old piano or organ we will take it as part payment on one of these fine new pianos. Extra Special Trade in that vacant lot, talk trade with us on anything we are out for business. Whatever you do see us before buying your piano. Going & Harvey Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS TAFT AND TEDDY AND CLARK ET. AL Tnft and Teddy and Spoaker Clark, Wilson, Harmon and Underwood, Tlioy aro out on their usual lark Agitating tho neighborhood. Each would llko, if ho only could, Votoa to win with somo bright re mark, Kcoplng Btlll would bo Just aB good Taft and Toddy and Speaker Clark. Champ and Wilson and badgor Bob, Harmon, Teddy and tho rost, How tlioy long for tho White Houso job Now by corpulont Dill possessed. If tho nation thoy'd sorvo best, Lot them sllonco tho shout and sob Qlvo tho nation a littlo rest, Champ and Wilson and badgor Bob. Tnft nnd Toddy and Tod and Taft, Through tho nation they rant and roar, Northward, southward and foro and aft Tolling things wo havo hoard bo foro. TTMrnt It's Tnrlilv Who has tho floor. Then It's William who drives ub daft; Gous or Bilonco wouiu pioaso us moro, Taft and Toddy nnd Tod nnd Tnft. Bob nnd Toddy nnd Hnrmon, too, Wilson, Underwood, Clark nnd Bill Thoy aro only n moagro fow With an eloquent spocch to spill. Tnft and Toddy, wo'vo hnd our fill, Put tho muffler upon tho crow; Wo will lovo you If you but will, Taft and Toddy nnd Harmon, too, Taft nnd Toddy nnd Wilson doar, Bob nnd every candldato, Whllo tho populace shout nnd chcor Poor old Business must pay tho freight. When our cltlzons sit up Into All your eloquent stuff to hoar, Buying, soiling nnd such must wait, Taft and Teddy nnd Wilson dear. Tnft and Teddy nnd Underwood. Clurk nnd Wilson and Pompndour, Knch wo'd glvo It, if but wo could, If 'twould sllonco tho awful roar. How wo wish thnt tho thing woro o'er, How wo wish It woro understood! PEACE Is what wo nro longing for, Tnft nnd Teddy nnd Undorwood. Tuft nnd Toddy nnd Sponkor Clnrk, Lot us sottlo tho Jnmborco; Enrh In onlyn tiny spark, Ench but ri candldato la ho. And tho nntlon shall ndll bo frco, Safely snlllng tho stntoly bark, After nil, If tho wlnnor bo Tnft or Toddy or Spoaker Clark. HER I'OIjTjY-TICS Just a Few Figures About Tob IN AN editorial on tho .cigar busi ness tho Dally Oklahoma, Okla homa City, has this to say: "Tho moro or less foolish hnblt of smoking hna co-operntod to build n business which hna assumed enor mous proportions. Thoro nro so ninny clgnrs smoked ench 24 hours thnt no ono has over hnd tho cournga to computo the exact numbor or tho value" To any ono whoso livelihood con sists of writing nbout tobacco and tho tobacco business this comment United Stntraov Mua4 rings out llko a challenge so much every houri nni i1?7' so, In fact, that upon reading It our! With ovorv iipS """j nnd 1M82vcr77r every Becond. H i eountT,BTenlnnLh6 Is 8C cigars?' me m t If nil tho i. United Stain,," ,Bta pother, end to0neeJ"r" Blrdlo U,0 earth .ffr lhJ cu..,forence,22tClUll't . Ab to tho cigarette, u. I '""D ot them 2i.lh'i PollyW nlwnyn talking politics; 'Hint's hor latest capor. All hor views aro swootly culled Prom tho evening pnpor. What n lot, of things sho'd flz If alio woro In politics. Polly Is a "Roosovolt Man," Loves to talk "Sound Monoy." "Referendum" ami "Rocrill" Mercy! It 1b funny! "Trusts nnd things!" SHE'D foil tholf tricks If sho woro In politics. Polly's bought n suffrngo hat. Just to match hor gloves. Polly wonrs a Roosovolt bolt Thnt sho fnlrly "loves." Polly mnkos hor wardrobo mix Cutoly with hor polltca. Polly thinks that I'm depraved Really almost wlckod; That tho country would bo SAVED Should I voto HER tlckot. Sho can glvo mo fearful licks When sho's talking politics. But I know a littlo wny Noatly to escapo hor. To tho BARGAIN sheet I point Polly grabs tho papor Then from toa-t!mo until six, Farewell Polly's Polly-tics. You will look a good whllo before jou find a bettor medicine for coughs nnd colds than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only glvos relief It cures. Try It when you have a cough or cold, nnd you nro certain to ho pleased with tho prompt cure which It will effect. For salo by all dealori. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonnnlo charges. Our motto: "Will yo anywhere ot any time." Stnnds IUanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phono 46. HARKEIt GOODALE, proprietors. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYKRS. CXMArTOU. TRKSSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agont for Edward K. Strauaa ft Ce. due Tailoring Let us make your next Suit. 2J55 Commercial. Phoaa SM-X We Have Been Successful In buying a large stock of first class Electrical material and can give our patrons a very low price on house wiring. Get our price you can't afford to mlii It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J and of 2 statistical wheel started a-buzzlng, nnu in conscquonco wo uavo coiioctod a fow flguros, somo of which, though well founded, actually Btirprlso our selves, and wo bollovo thoy will provo Interesting, If not almost startling, to tho readers of Tho Tobacco Loaf. Tho Internnl rovonuo from tobacco for ono year would build 14 battle ships ot tho first-class; or It would pay tho salary of tho President of tho United Stntcs for nearly a thousand years. It would pay tho lntorost on tho public dobt for thrco years, and thore would bo enough left ovor to add a dollar to tho account of every savings hank depositor In tho Unltod Stntcs. Tho money spent by smokors for clgnrs only, not counting clgnrcttcs, smoking nnd chowlng tobacco nnd snuff, would moro thnn pny for tho building of tho Pnnama Cnnnl, be sides taking enro of tho $50,000,000 paid to tho now Fronch Canal Co., nnd tho Ropuhllo of Pnnama for prov.- nrtv nml frnnchlMB. And In nildltlon : '."-. :. .. i !: - .i numa m iv to tnis It would cover tno cost ofiblnod woleht of tnr .., forllfvlni' Mm Pnnnl. I imnli nrtnu .n..i.., "J ." 1 ttmti . .tt.ii .,- .. . ve fortifying tho Cnnnl. Or It would build a fleet of 3d trntiB-Atlantlc llnors, each exactly llko tho lost Titanic, coal them, pro vision thorn and keep them running botwecn Now York nnd Llvorpool with n full complement of pnssengorK nnd crew, almost Indefinitely. Thoro nro 21,718,448 clgara burned up In tho United Stntcs ovoi 24 liourH; and uiM.uan every nourt day, the year .'!' dropped Into thoaihtal0wi isarouo smoker i. States, not counfl h h their own amm.5 T spend IG0.64B.9C 36 M papor-covern,! nJ " Ior tt If.L'n'lBMrtttHBoJ u"ilu amies in ODO Tcir.. end to end and alooS lWe thoy would mat. ."5?.??. Ing, C12.7CC miles in oCrk! ... If Btrung on a Z 7" uiiKo a cnblo that would 7 the earth to the Sotft again, with enough left o?e? one and a halt Uajft,1 . Thorn ni-n til iti... 2Bo.fl7i;. :rwvi wi chowed and snuffed In m.1' ovory year, not county J If this aunndtv ni u... bonlnccd on ono sldo of hJ ...ii,iiib ntiuo ii would uke ty men, to pull down the otb thu ucnlo. Tho weight of the im,J Humcd In tho United Statte la n viuui io mo weignt of tbtJ nnd combined DonuUllon il wnro, Maryland, District of Cod Virginia. West Vlrclnlt. v.J linn, South Carolina, iii2TonnoB8onnd Alibuail Women jMust Bewai of Love of Luxury Labor Saving Devices Have Causl Destructive Tendency By Prlncese HBNRIBTTB of Belgium, Sister of King AIM THE QREATKST DANGER TO THE AVERAGE WOMAN J DAY LIK8 IN HER QROWINQ LOVE OF LUXURY.! V V MAY BE A RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FOLLOWING LABOR 8AVINQ AND OTHER INVEH AND VARIOUS DEVICES WHICH MAKE LIFE EA8IER, IN A THAN WA8 FORMERLY THE CASE. THI8 CONDITION SEEl BE CONSTANTLY INCREA8INQ. Until a comparatively fow years ngo hard work by women, civilized countries, waa a NECESSITY. It was FORCED on whether thoy liked it or not Thoy could not escapo it bad tbej to. which FORTUNATELY thoy did not in those time, In Trance, for inatanco. tho women nro fumed for their tf .... ... !. - ! ill. J and application, but as tho world progresses conumons w iu .; as in iimnv othors. havo chanfrod. and women wlio nt ono time j hard, perforco, can now accomplish as much, if not more, vrithj effort, with tho result that moro tirao is afforded for otner ni4 a constantly increasing LOVE OF LUXURY nnd ease cbp.Ap.iI. Do not let my meaning bo misunderstood. I do not vriih vov tho imoression that I boliovo Franco will follow in tbo foob tho early Roman empiro to tho extent tfiat decay of the peoj wumlf frnm Wm crrAarfli n( a nva n( lllXUrV and CSSe. Such an assumption would bo unreasonable and atsuri nevertheless, TO BE FOREWARNED IS IO ua : Ail a; i l j ....-j ....Hn n.rAn a .r.rt iinu m -- AU D1UODB SIIOU1U gUIirU Hgniwil. uyum- -- CnANGB DANK ItULB Mny Rat Rmnll National Institutions , In Suburbs.- (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times J WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 11. TIuj policy of tho Treasury Depart ment In nermlttlnt? thn ornnlrnHnn of small National banks In suburban sections of large cities may ho FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC Given under the auspices of the sohb of Norway at Enogren's Grovo, Coos River, Sunday, Juno 16. Boats will leave Marshflold at foot of Mar ket avenue at 8 and 10:30 and' 1 P. m. Also Alert will leave North Bend at 7:30 a. m. sharp and Alice H. will leave the Nann Smith dock at 7:30 a. m. sharp. Brine your family and lunch basket. If you have no family don't forget your best girl. Music by orchestra and dancing In the afternoon. Also games and athletics of all kinds. Good prltes offered, EVKRYBODV WBL COMB. Committee. ... -...llnn lft bell changed. '";-.;:,,, slderod by Secretary Jg Bocrmui, ...--:- ,,nmerou boon raiseuK ";--.-, 0 cations ior 'cuo,".,,:r7 h or with JGO.000 capital to J0 In cortaln sections of pejj1 though tho law PJwerl,1 tlonal banks In cttlea ofJW Intlon musi u capital. If you havo anything to jj ;.. ant help, try a l ur r" nec All PNfS FOOT- The antlsentlo oowder U ba Into the shoes 4 and comfort for tired'" j swollen, sweating feei. J Foot-Ease, """."-"refestt I thing fo"r"DMel.f Wfgy Leather Slioes,ana '- ,,j . V22GT 'l accepc wiy """":;.... Al en trial package, address a. sieu. uo " - If You Arc Not Using O U C II f Me"- ho hxve Kma tnvAnUre ability You Are Not Using the Best .. Mfrmcj WJklwi.'lfira