THE COOS flAr iflMES, HARSHRELD.ORFRnM TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION. ESlGHiCH Them Choice of Stono "".InRST. Ark., Juno 11. -.. miiwii " . . massive rock Ullo iJ of iition ttia lnw M"1 j.lrtaS',"1.'0; i.iaka little tf.r(Doncs," convicted of- nf biff onvB .... ,ii, "' . their I nc u Uk"" ,,"?. ip,,auniy mornlngB. For J, n? their privilege of """f.nmo ' ror ten hours u !'& credit of $2.50 'JS. mainly of tho "old Wrt"- . .. administered In nil " .'. the mlnlstors oi ' tauo Innovation was born V. Mavor A. . rvi"i"-V - . Miilll III IV" "-"" n1." ii.inr Kinney, long no- .. Aiajw ... . i !;.i honored wmi uio cunirui im i Vffnlrs. wsb nn nrdont I'hinrr. JtlBtlCO should 1?,,, Kaci Sermon. .- who agrees to Ko K "TM; nn fine In Qruo-i Mayor ho at- ctftnier J, be li convicted in ".""..ft Every Unto ,irth $2.00 is marked off Mu assessment against lilm. S. hM lecn reinnrkubly suc- i Etery man who hns agroou ,fklf flno by attending church at a constant church-goor nlw out tho entire nssoss :.J.Mn. Not one hns brok. ..ronlie to attend church roK ltd not ono lias been boforo IjrllnCC DO WHS i!iiiuin;i:u. .tminn. tho mnyor's Hysteui used icvernl other offondcin jp" or reform. They hare n i desire ns yet to fnco tho tnt tnclr conuuci is now nciir l mirk, wnereas n lurinuny ml about 20. fi Out tan breaking. Bijor's system virtually ht-J Mt He lawbrcaklng elomoni d Forest, and, although It nl- ubcen a morally goou town, improved remarkably under Klaofy's ndmlnlnlrntton. ii tn argutsl by nnmo 'thnt itajgrrat an allowance froi,. i fhe for attending cluircht Klaney. however, bellovos It oi the grounds that if n mm. bt converted with four nor iprtsAntlng $10, tho innyor'a n fine, Grotm Furost 'hoodo s'lteri. ifuvot Is lu Carroll count, j, en tho MlHsouri & North n ullwny. BACHELOR GIRL HAYS fiDcy a man Is In love with tut he looks at you with a. Walt until ho looka nt I that critical "I wonder If il" eipreislon. a lll agree with tho phy ttt kissing is dangerous io lean manage to escape nft it husbands aren't "caught," (. A husband la a work of hit to, bo finished by hand, t be turned out by mn Hke a cNromo or n lltho- M path to a man's heart all stomach has long rdnco iBdonedj nowadays it Is a i road round his vanity, Ms suspicion, and straight termination not to marry. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS A NEWS OP ALIiKGANV J ; (Speolal to The Times. l Tho Allegany nchool gnvo a tern peranco program last Saturday ev onlng under tho auspices of the teacher, Abo llueuergardt. Most of tho children were small and ull did great credit to themselves and their teacher. A number or them really deserve special mention. Tho BcllOOl liOUHQ Wnn imnuf If...... decorated with eodar, fern, Mowers and bunting which showed an artist uuu kuurKU oi mo uecorutloiiB. RlMldo Stommormnu acted as president and presided lu a credit able manner. The- program givon was as follows: Song by tho Bohool, marching, "The .... Pledgo thnt Makes us free " Recitation, "Then I'll Drink" . . . Gray. Rnmnril jjiaioguo, "Wiiat's tho Harm" a ""1","VV,811 lltUo children Song, "Tho Drink I'll Uso" .... ., ;, Six Pupils. Recitation, "Tobacco". John Kudrnu ItocltnUon, "Tho Devll'B Exchange" Pearl Price. Solo, "Old Dad Mado Now" Mr. Huendorgardt. Tftblenu, "Coll No. iG" Recitation, "Courago" Ileta Sawliom ExorclHO, "Our Rights" Kdward Sar- son and three others. Dialogue, "Tobacco 1'lpo and Doml- John" Emmett Collins, Chas. Andre Recitation, "Sign Tho Pledge," ,. . Myrl Stommcrman School paper, "Tho Klovator" . . Lonzo Stommcrman, editor. Song, "Tho Drink for Mo" ..School Recitation, "A Llttlo Girl's Docom- tlon" Anna Kudrna Hccuaiion, "Tlie Two Glasses".. , Uoryl Noah Recitation, "1'vo Drunk my Last GlnBs" Lonzo Stemmermau Tableau, "Tempcranco" . . Anna Kudrna and llazcn Price Debate Resolvod, That Tobacco Is More Harmful than Alcohol. Ainrmatlvo Orcn Totten, Mason Nonh. Negative Noel Noah, Elva (Sray. Tho decision was given tho noea- Uvo sldo. Song, mnlo quartet, "Down In tho Li conco Saloon" ChaH. Andre, Ma son Noah, Abo Huenergardt and Noel Noahi HUIEPS OF BANDON News of ns Told by tho Recorder. At the regular meoting of tho city Li... ; '.Kay wna declaed vacant owing to absence from tho city for n p w wm1 .",orc tlm" 30 day8' and ,. :v,ndBt' was elected by tho council to nil tho vacancy for the un- iuicu lorm. A. a. lloyt Is building n flno now house on his lots by the sldo of his resent residence. Ho Ib building t to ront mid it will mnko a cozy home for tho occupant. Dr. Mnnn's new resldonco on Ab ernathy street Is Hearing completion and will be a very cozy llttlo home when finished. John V. llano left on tho Bandon as a guest of Mr. Uurgoss of tho hstabrook Co. Mr. Dano goes to ban I-ranclsco for a ten days' trip and will purchaso machinery for his mill on Sixes River. Tho mill will have a capacity of about 20,000 foot and will saw mostly Port Orford cedar. C. E. Dowman has commencod the construction of a fine sovon room bungalow on Ills lots on Abornathy street, Tho house will bo modern In every particular with basomont and oilier conveniences. THE MTTI.K IJA.NI) WAUO.VS. ron llttlo band wagotiH standing all line: Some ono lost 'his courage and then tliero wore nine. Nino llttlo bnnd wagons lined up nlco and straight. Ono driver jumped off, nnd then there were, eight. Eight little band wagons Just a campaign leaven Ono dished n front wheel, and then mere wero seven. Seven llttlr band wagons seo their drivers' tricks: Sand In the highway, nnd then there were six. Six their fnons JHJ. will do you maiJ for DRAIN and VI ' by way of Allegany ulll wifleld ovory morning at ul at Busy Corner for tlek-Edwards. ? The kind YOU haye ' iflKD. Phone 73 Pacific WferCo. '&& want causes unbappl- Wast Ads brine resultt )" nrthlng to solL trade. "umeip. try a Witnf Ad. llttlo band wagons how owners drlvol Ono struck n boulder, nnd then thn . wero five. Five llttlo band wagons hardly room for more Ono stopjifd for speeding, and then tlwro woro fonr. Four little band wagons fine, an ail ngTeo One broke nn axle, and then thci wero throe. Threo llttlo band wagons drlvem tried and true Ono took n side road, nnd then thric wero two. Two little band wagons finishing the run; Wheel struck a roorback and then thero was one. Ono llttlo band wagon at the Whlto House gate Driver getting transferred to tho ship of state. KXIIIIUT OLD VESSELS. SAN FRANCISCO. Cnll.. .tntin 11. Word was received by the Pana- llUl-PuclflR tntnrnnllnnnl tfvnnaltln.. that the three Caravels, the Sam.. Ainria, tne I'lnta and Nina, whlca woro fcjiturcs of tho Columbian Dx position of Chlcngo in 1893 nnd which have been In tho lako nt Jack son Park, Chicago, aro to be repaired and brought to San Francisco by tho Knights or Columbus of this country. The Santa Maria Is an exact repro duction gr the old Spanish vessel which enrried Columbus on his tour of discovery lu 14f2 and In construct ing It the plans that are preserved In the Spanish archives wero followed. On their arrival In this city they will he plnrcd lu tho Yacht Harbor which will bo ono of tho Interesting fentunm of the World's Fair. FENCE EXPOSITION GROUNDS. SAN FRANCISCO, Call., Juno 11. It Is estimated that tho fonco thnt Is to enclose tho Exposition will bo two and ouehalf miles In length. At a meeting of tho buildings nnd grounds committee hold a few days ago, It wiih decided to lmvo It nine feet high and not to permit adver tising on It. Tho board of supervi sors of tho city and county of San Francisco lmvo aisu been petitioned to close nil streets within tho Expo sltlou site. STUANOE STORY OF .MAN WHO STOOD STILL AURORA, 111., Juno 11. Tho uenth of D. W. Stockwoll. of this city, In Hnwnrden, Can., marked the passing of one of the quaintest characters In 1111- nols. He wns known ns the "man who stood still." As owner of one of tho blggost stores outside of Chlcugo during $ tho civil war lie prospered. Af- tor tho war he failed to keen abreast of tho times nnd tho samo goods which ho purrled then still nro on Hie shelves nnd Bhow windows of the store. Flvo yonrs after tho war Stockwell still was making a profit. In ton years moro tho place was n curiosity shop, and 9 has continued so. The hoop- skirt, barber-striped lioso nnd Jot Jewelry continued a pnrt of 0 his stock. In later years ho was tho only one who entered tho 4 placo except visitors to the city. Ho did no advertising. Ho had about $10,000 worth of goods and settled down to wait for customers who never enmc. He was at business nt 7 o'clock ouch morning and ro- malned until G o'clock in tho evening. Ho wns 70 years old. OREEKS PLAN KXIIIIUT. SAN FRANCISCO. Call.. Juno It. It is tho Intention of tho Qrcoks of this country to roproduco In whlto murblo on Telogrnph Hill, which overlooks San Francisco Day and i adjacent to tho Exposition site, tho inmous Parthenon or Athens. Steps with this in vlow lmvo nlrcndy been takon by Consul General Richard do Fontaua, of Grccco, and ho is receiv ing tlie co-operation of tho exploita tion department of tho exposition. Consul General Fontnna has cabled ICIng George, of Grccco, for permis sion to carry out tho plant nnd is confident thnt tho Greeks of this country and Europe will donnto sums of money to bring nbout tho building of this magnificent structure; $tMeimtynft vSrortlaad, Orrcon S a , (IU.IJ.ot ud D.r School for Olrli lnK ctitn of fllit.r of BLJnha DtplUt IKpltoop)) C.llUk.,Ai.4,al 4 glam.ilirr D.p.ttn.sti, I MuL, AH. SlMiU.B.OfBMilim. I rrMllc4drfMTIti; RIHTEK KUTKniOlil Of Hoofl . 81. 1 lolorn 1 lull I HAS MANY HOTELS. SAN FHANCISCO, Juno 11. Tho hotel men of San Francisco havo pledged thomsolvcs to rnlso $100,000 In addition to tho $100,000 they havo already subscribed In ntd or tho 1915 World's Fair. San Francisco hns 1237 hotels with 00,000 rooms. Ninety per cent of the hotels aro less than four years old and aro modorn In every respect. Bororo 19 15 tho list or hotels and apartment houses will bo Increased materially. ' i i ' IB?.6 i n u son a Aft "ISC1?- - 5NpAMnninn Ifs Auto Line lYrl"" F0rth Bend Dd J! Per schedule. Q fend! I Leave r.r.r.fiai Don't forget rae PHONK S14J. Turkish Datbt. An unfilled want causes unhappl neas Times Want Ads bring results. "My little son had a very sovero cold. I was recommended to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and before a small bottle was finished be was as well as ever," writes Mrs. H. Silks, 28 Dowllng stroot, Sydney, Australian. This remedy Is for aale by all dealer DEAFNESS CANNOT RB CURED br I cat npjillcMlotii, ii they nnnot rraeb IhedUraittl portion (1htfr. There Ii oaljr touewty to cuidetlnfi.,ud llitt ii bjrron tltutlontlreuedlM. Itfueii Ii cauicd by tu InfUtnul condition of the murouillnlnfof the Euittchltn Tube, When thli lube le In. fluuiMljou bare romtllnt wund or Jrap-r-frcthtarlnr, and when It U entirely cloird Peatneieli thereiull.and unlen the Inflam mation ran be taken out and thli tube tutored tolti normal condition, hearing will be de it'oed fortrerinlne ca.ti out o( ten arerauied br atarrh. vrbleh Ii nothing but an Inflan. mrd condition of Ibimuroui mrfarei. We will le One Hundred Dollara for any cae oruealneti (cauea or catarrni tnai ran not be cured by Hiii'i Catarrh Cure. Bind ',M,rCUU"';.TcnENtYCO.,ToUJ..O. Seld kr Dniff titi. TM Take UaU'a Family Mill fr eenilipaMon, Havo your Job printing done at rba Times' oflce. ISZZ I s I i I HubClothing&ShocCo. MARSIIFIKLD. IJANDON. Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suils Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman Oil North Front St. rius. Phone 296-X: Res. Phone 166-J m. 7:10 a.m. 7:66. 8M0 9:25 10:10 " 10:65 o Ji:0 12:26 p.m. 1:10 1:55 2:40 " 3:25 . 4:io " 4:56 '. 6;40 " 6:25 " 7:25 8:25 " 9:jb 10:25 11:25 :25a.m. idb11'.8 New Stand Handler and Blan- Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at The Pacific Monumental Works South Broadway and make selec tion from the lars stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson ha In his employ .k- i nrartlral marble and rranit cnttcr In Coos county. And none but the best work Is turned out. TjsMtaJ- i KBB - R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance jot North Front Street Real Estate and FIHE INSURANCE Several good bargains In Farms and city property. AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 Central Ave. Marshfleld, ' Oregon. Get Busy .t, .niv nnF nUT FIRST COMB IN AND GET 2SS JffoSSf SiB" SoSng paper. HUINCLES l.BO AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONB PLY, $1.28 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. You Auto Call Foote PHONK 144-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J Residence Phono 28-J Will ninko trips to Coqullie. Lynn Lambeth Fred Nemle Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Rates All Nigbt Service Careful driving assured. Phone Blanco Pool Room, 231-R until IIP. M. After 11 P. M. phone 5-J. Palace Restaurant. A Modern Brick Building, Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market. Marshfield. Oregon BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK House Moving and Grading. TOn am nrnnnreil to do this WOrk by the day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us figure with you. a. d. FT.OYD & CO. ' Phone 316-J. Marshfield, Ore. Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line GORST . KING. Proprietors. BHHHHBHHnDuXnjiAt LEAVE MARSHFIELD LEAVE NORTH BEND. 7:15 A.M. '' 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 7:45 A.M. 3:45 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 9:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 10:15 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A. M. . . 10:45 A. M. 11:45 A.M. ll:3H A. M. 12:30 P. M. 4 12:15 P. M. 1:15 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. . 1:45 P.M. 2:45 P.M. 6 2:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 3:15 P.M. 4:15 P.M., 4:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 4:45 P.M. 5:45 P. M. 6:30 P. M. 0:30 P. M. 0:15 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 7:00 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 10:00 P. M. 11:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 12:30 A.M. 12:00 P. M. i i . i. i. . i . .!, i ii i. i.. . a -. .i-i. i ...i. Lcnvo North Bend Allen's News stand. Lenvo Mnnriiflcld Chandlor and Blanco Hotels nnd Busy Cornor. Every Detail of the Modem Gas Range Is Planned for the Comfort of Women tho factories that make gas ranges are Im mense plants. Thoy produce gas cooking af) pliancos by tlm thousand, they can afford to employ the highest skill in designing and constructing and they do,' the ranges manufactured aro the product of many clever minds working for two objects: (1) the convenience and comfort of tho user and, (2) economy of operation. every heat unit in the gas is made to render full value. every unnecessary movement by tho usorvof the range is avoided, our co-operative payment plan distributes the cost of the range to meet your convenience select the style of range that best fits your needs, OREGON POWER CO. Telephone. 178 4 ', Ik'. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho close of business April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts f 208,201.63 Bonds, warrants aad securities 78,847.06' U. S. bonds to securo circulation 26,000,00 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 81,01i;j4 Cash and sight exchange 198,268,68 Total fH01,438.? LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus nnd undividod profits 8,816.49 Circulation, outstanding 25,000.00 Deposits 467.613.22 Total fQ01.4S8.71 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON, Vice-President DOR8EY KREITZER, Cashier. STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At the close of business, April 18, 1MB." RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $433,792:66 Banking House 6O)O00.OvJ Cash and Exchanges , 251,981.96 Total 4 $784,774.62 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In '. $ 60,000:60 Surplus and Undivided Profits , 66,668,67 Deposits 029,210.'95 Total $784,774.62 r. iV