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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1912)
IE JiAWAYJUjANDICAP JUST AS CERTAIN AS LOVE IS ALWAYS A LEVER TVKItTlSlNa in Tho TIMES lag ttiws WANT ADVERTISING in Tho TIMltf Will Keep tho Income from Yoa Furnished Ilooms from Lnplicl YOU can really help ttw family revenues by renting a few furnlsbid rooms and, It you know how and whon to ueo tho classified columns, you may keep that little extra lncomn ns "steady as a clock." the iwtct wiccu,r' m nut tbo facts about your It ' p." h, ores of all "POB- ..rft neiui" . - j i We"of thorn who outfit to l '11 Mil HI fflDtl .11 Ir. inWU. AUU tL l.rtll. ' MEMUKIt OP A8SOC1ATKU PRESS m (E002 trvYi WnMlsMcu in ion L. XW M Tho Const Mail MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. fflJL REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE APPROVE ILL ISPEEO 15 KENTUCKYJO TAFT TODAY SLOUGH PLAN A Consolidation of TInico, Coast Mall and Coo liny Advertiser. No. 281. m 82 !"" jfe ucciuuii m i ot rrusiuwii. Iif NEARLY THREE U U1VC I IV 111 I n.w.i m pteL iifil on llemders w ouiimiiiM.1. Id UIIUcHJU. LittcUtod Press to Tho Cooa Imrino 111.. J""0 H T" L.? iv tlio Nnllonnl Kopub- Swnmlttco today Bei cro seated by n volo of Ml" . ...-1...I... .lll..W',i lll'n Ip.Vs went to Tnft by a unnnl- 1 . I,.. rMii1i illfltrlct mil. Lut ulthdrowii, seating tho Tnft It1, .1. l'..l. .!,.. ,1lulrlMa "'. . ..!.... f1, 1... iftltgatCI WOro fiivun iu j mi. i of 33 to 13. liOUAIl WON'T HUN , Senator llcfiiM'i to Consider I'lpftifrcsldciirv. L iitocUtcd Press to Coos Dny TIlllO ) UCAGO, HI.. Jnao 11. In tho lobbies and tlio nvni nonuquar iite wa much discussion todny rsflble cntidldntos for tho Vlco- ii(tliai noniiiinuon nun nuiuuur , r nnrnh. nf Iilnho. WAS 111011- la that connection. Hornh, i.r, tniphntlcnlly rofiiHed to bJ iJtrM. MMjSIX'ONBTAFT M GIVEN rUnullry of Kentucky to Hup- port President ut Chicago Hwxlatod Prois to Cooa Dny Tlmoa) MSIHXOTON, Juno 1 1 Sonntor ft; of Kentucky who socondod unlnatlons of Grant In 1880 Uooierelt in 1001 will Bocond k urination of Tuft In tho Ghlcn- uitntlon. Ho Ima accepted tho Aat'i Invltntlnn to ninko tho bo- ipwch. ICE MESSAGE Managing Director of Titanic to be Held for Speed Responsibility. (Dy Associated Prosa to Cooa Doy Times.. LONDON. Juno 11 At tim r.,. BUiniitlon todny of tlio Hoard of Trndo Innulry Into tho THnnli. .iianainr m- UufiiH Isnni-H, attorney gonornl, nn nounced hln Intention of BUbmlttlng to tho court thnt tho wireless dis patch which stated that Ico was soon on tho routo or tho Titanic was hand ed to J. Uruco iHinny in his capacity an mnnnglng director of tlio Whlto Star company, becnuso of Its serious- 11088, FAREWELL 15 ALMOST FATAL H HE IS HIED DOWN Stora Sustains Hnnuv toss Near Allegany wuse is unknown. f ranch homo of Alfrod Stora Eait Fork of North Cooa Rlv wt nine miles from AUogany, wwij ucsiroyoa by nro of mya- biu mio ycsioruny nnor- IDA hnma nml nil a l.n nnn Oacludlng tho clothing, nro a BMgre particulars of tho firo icu uere louay. m!' wl" Prol,ably bo upwards ". Mr. Stora carrlod aomo lW tUt tho limnnnt In nr . ITS COURT IS ABOLISHED Wfe Knnfiks Hilt Annmnnio. 'Won to Support Com merce Body. plated Press to the Cooa Day NlNGTnrH.. .... .. . Hi'.-. 7 --', juuu xi ma t iSr 6 10 23 10 ab0,,Bh tUoJ brtii. uy rotUBInB to pro- Watio. tY.. l m ine Judicial ap Wt S11, The Houso hA limn,! . 8enato voted down an ttent to restore it. L WOniUW imEDGE fftts on Vessel for Coos C&' D- C, Juno 11.- - cm v. 7 wwioy has JiiBt beon VdrMmy e"elneera that tho !aio7.o lul wmen uongresi 'Km ,,350.000 well under kta .' l? completed In time to It vt,"auon for tho season of fitwl.'!aU8e8 unhappl- """ t" onng results Pennsylvania Prisoner Almost Kills Daughter Just Be fore Execution. ' (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, Penn., Juno 11 Jean Kllmrlk, convicted of murdorlng Mr. and Mrs. Novak and tliolr step son, Stnnvonl, w.ih linugcd hero tj) dny. A few hours beforo his execu tion, his dniighter, Antonln Illbarlk, who hnd testified ngaltiHt him, called to bid hor Intlior good-by. Ho nt tneked her and was choking her when tho guards rendered him hciiecIchs by n blow from n ntcel bar. TO BE PROBED Congressional Committee Will Hear Charges Against Judge at Seattle. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Juno 11 -An Im poaebment resolution similar to thnt In tho Judgo Swayne cuso Is to bo presented to tlio Houso by tho Judi ciary Commlttoo against Judgo Cor nelius II. Hanford of Seattle, Wash., undor nro for his action In tho OIs son socialist citlronshlp case. Tho commltteo will go to Soattlo to hear tho charges against Hanford. STOP NAUGHTY DACES SOON Dancing Masters Declare War On "Texas Tommy," Tur key Trot" and Others. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, IU.. June "nlwlw awaits the "Dear Cat 'Grizzly Rear." "Tto-- .Toj-W. ' ' ' and kindred Pfont-day departurca from tho stately danco of 30 years ngoTdeclared the International Asso elation of Masters of Dancing in bcs b ton horo today, "was decided also to begin a campaign against rag tlmo music. NOTICE The person, or persons, who re moved the derrick from tho dipping Unk siVuated at North BroadW. Marsnfleld. will please return it at once, or legal action will be taken to recover same. wATBR If you have anything to sell, trade, or rent, or want help, try a Want Ad. City Council Favors Proposal 1 to Fill it Improve Fourth Street. Tho Marshflold City Council last evening approved tho plan of filling Mill Slough from tho East lino to Droadwny west. Tho mntter wns brought up by Dr. Lcslio of tho spec Inl commltteo of tho Chntnbor of Commorco who asked that tho coun cil npprovo tho potltlon to tho Secre tary of War which ho Bald had been signed by about four fifths of tho property owners in tho vicinity. lie snld thnt owIiik to tho necessity of n big drnln or sewer having to bo put In when tho slough Ih closed, tho Cliambor of Commorco hnd decided thnt the council should tnka charcu of It. It wns suggested thnt tho council Instruct tho city engineer to propnro tho plniiH nml ostlmntOB for tlio sewer thnt would liiivo to bo put In. It vnn stated thnt tho affected district would hnvo to pay tho oxponso of this. After tho reading of tho potltlon to tho Secretary of War Stlnson nHk lug permission to closo tho slough, sotneono noted that nonrly nil of tho city olllclnls had slgnod it. Council man Ferguson said that ho hadn't niul tmlil thnt ho thought tho slough Hliould bo kept open mid dredged out. At any rate, ho snld ho thought tho city should got Curtis nvcuue opened through to tho wntcrfront ns a cotiHlrterntlon for closing. Ho snld tho city hnd been forcod to pny about Jlfi.OOO to get Commercial openod through to tho wntor front nnd ho did not want to seo tho city hnvo to dupllrnto this oxponso olsowhoro. Councllmnn Copplo snld that Bomo thlng ought to tho dono to Improvo tho slough bocnuso It Is morcly a breeding place for mosquitoes now. Someono said that C. A. Smith rlnlmed thnt tho council hnd tho right to closo tho slough without tho con sent of tho War Department but City Attorney Goss contended otherwise. Ho snld If the city had tho right, thon tho claimant to proporty In tho bod of the slough hnd tho right to do so. Councllmnn Snvngo moved thnt tho petition to hnvo tho slough flllod west of Drondwny bo approved. Coun cilman Ferguson offorod nn amend ment that tho city bo granted tho tltlo to tho through strcots in tho district, namely to hnvo Sixth street openod and Cut tU nvonuo oponcd to the wntor fiout. Dr. Leslie said Mr. Smith had ngrecd to tho opening of Sixth street and the widening of somo othors but did not concede to tho opening of Curtis nvenuo through to tho wntor front. Finally City Attorney Goss wns In structed to draft a resolution approv ing tho application to hnvo tho alough closed and ho did so. Tho resolu tion states that it seems that tho fill ing of tho alough Is tho host way to secure n romody for tho objectlon ablo features of Its present condition. It was adopted by tho council with out a dtssontlng voto. Improve Fourth Street The plans aud specifications for Improving Fourth street from Cen tral avenuo to Donnelly avonuo woro adopted last night. Tho cost will bo $2,950 for bridge nnd olovntcd rondway and $550 for aldownlk. Mr. Gldley proposes to hovo tho street n trifle higher than It Is nt present, that Is, to contluuo tho roadway on a grade even with the crest of tho bridge. in this connection, It was auggest ed that th,o work bo deferred until Mill Slough Is filled and then tho solid fill bo used as a foundation for tho roadway. However, Dr. Lesllo said that It was uncertain about tho time tho slough could bo flllod as be fore they could make any arrange ments for tho work, It was necessary to get tho consent of tho War De partment. Ho hoped to got tho Dredge Oregon to pump mud from the Day to All It. Mix-up Over Saloon. A mix-up over tho ownership of tho Brewery saloon, or rather the license to conduct tho liquor estab lishment, took up about two hours of tho early part of last evening's couu cil meeting. At the provlous meeting a petition from tho Coos Day Liquor company stating that they had x -quired tho business from Andrew Hokkla and asking that they be al lowed to contlnuo tho business until tho expiration of tho present license, June 30, was granted. Last night Mr. Hekkla and Harry Hoy appeared before the council an stated that tho Cooa Dny Liquor com pany had simply ousted Hekkla from the saloon and that ho had not trans forred his business. They asked that tho license bo returned to Hokkla and that the action of the council in transferring It to the Coos Day Liquor company bo rescinded. Mr. Hoy stated that as tho number of saloon licenses In town was limit ed the license waB valuablo and tho revocation of it without rea- 1 L IS 15 MILES City Council.After Long Debate Changes Rate Some Wanted Ten Miles. After a lengthy discussion last ev ening, an ordlnnnco reducing tho opced limit of nutoa in tho city of Mnrshfleld to fifteen miles por hour wns ennctcd. It wub first proposed to reduce tho limit to ten miles por hour but bo mo of tho councilmon thought this too low and less than ac tual snfoty roqulrod. Tho council evidently does not nluo tho tlmo of nutomoblllsts vory highly for tho penalty provides n flno of $50 or n sontenco of not to oxecod twonty-llvo dnyB In Jail for tho first ofTeHM.' nnd a flno of $100 or not to exceed fifty days in Jail for tho socond offense, tho nutolsts being allowed 32 por dny for their tlmo If they Borvo out their Bontcncoa. The ordlnanco wns ordorod nro pared nt tho Inst meeting of tho coun cil and nftor tho reading of It, Coun ( llnian Savngo snld thnt ho hnd boon Investigating tho mnttor somo nnd thnt u number of nutolstH hnd in formed him thnt ten mllcn wna too alow so slow In fact that tholr en gines would not run If thoy nttomptod to go nt that spcod. Councllmnn Alton snld thnt boforo tho council nttomptod to roduco tho Bpeed limit so. low thnt thoy got In nn nuto nnd rldo around for an hour or no nt n ton-mllo gait. IIo snld It wns too Blow. Councllmnn Copplo took tho othor view of It. Ho snld thnt ton m Ilea per hour was a good spcod in town. Ho &aid that thoro was no oiio around hero whoso tlmo was so valuablo that thoy had to go spoodlor than ton miles nnd Intimated that tho only speedy ones wero tho "Joy rldors." IIo de clared that It waa not right to men ace thd Uvcb of mon, women nnd chil dren by allowing "Joy rldora" to speed up on tho city atroota. Any way, ho oald, tho object of tho ton mllo limit was to ennblo tho city officials to convict violators of tho speed limit. IIo said that tho auth orities would not bother nutolstB who rnn fifteen miles or so par hour but thnt it would ninko a cinch of con victing thoso who Inslstod on running twenty-flvo to fifty mllos por hour. City Attornoy Goss suggested that tho limit bo llxod at sovonteen miles or thereabouts. Ho said thut It was n't too fust nnd thnt nn nuto running eighteen miles por hour wna In per fect control nnd could bo atoppod nl most within tho length of tho ma chine In nn omorgoncy. Ho said ho didn't bollovo In onnctlug InwB which It waa expectod would bo vio lated. Councllmnn Allon said that ho was opposed to making nny regulations which It was known wquld not bo lived up to, Councllmnn Snvago said thnt ho favored letting tho old ordlnnnco stand, tho limit In It bolng 24 miles outsldo tho fire limits and eight miles within. City Attornoy Goss snld thnt ho would like to hnvo a now ordlnanco. Councilman Copplo said that ho felt that Bomothlng should bo dono. He Bald that If somo child or porson wns run down and klllod, tho council would hastily do somotblng and ho was in favor of doing it beforo a catastropho necessitated action. He Insisted that ten mllos waa speedy enough and when It waa soon that Messrs. Allon and Savago would not voto for It, ho said that In caso'of an acldent "tho blood would bo on their heads." Marshal Carter said that tho ton mllo limit would enablo tho officers to enforco tho speed limit and de clared that any autoist whoso engine would not run at that speed should be required to get one that would. A. H. Stutsman thought that ten miles per hour waa fast enough for autos to run in the city whon tho state law only permitted them to run twenty miles per hour on roadways. City Attornoy Goss said that tho state limit waa twenty-five miles per hour. Stutsman Insisted ic was only twenty mllea per hour and finally wagered a bat that It waa not twenty five miles. City Attorney Gosa took tho bet and dug up tho law and found It was twenty-flvo miles. Councilman Copplo Joshlngly sug gested that tbo autolsta had beon giv ing Savago and Allen free rldea and won them over from the low apeed limit. Councilman Ferguson said that ho thought something ought to be dono and finally the fifteen-mile limit waa agreed to. v TRUST PROBE PLANS (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, June 11. Tho Houso Investigation of tho "beef trust" and othor trust questions will bo conducted by a sub-committee of tho Judiciary commltteo consisting of Representative Webb, of North Caro lina; Carlln, of Illinois; Rowland, of Ohio, and Norrls, of Nebraska. Tho "Trust" investigation will begin after tho Archbald Impeachment case has been disposed of. FEAR ALASKA VOLCANO HAS CAUSED WIDESPREAD DAMAGE TO BUSH AID FDD ALASKA Extent of Disaster on Nortn Pacific Coast Cannot be Ascertained. ERUPTION CONTINUES TO ENDANGER MANY Federal Government Takes Steps for Relief of Vol cano Sufferers. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) WASHINGTON, Juno 11. Tho federal govornment is moving Bwift ly for tho relief of tho AlnBka vol enno suffororu. Tho rovenuo cutter Tnhomn or McCulloch will bo rushed to tho nsslstanco of tho refugees. Captain Perry of tho rovenuo cuttor Manning reporting to Washington Bnya St. Paul and Wood iBland vil lages nro burlod undor ashes, sand nnd hot pumlco stono. Captain Porry urges tho ncod of n govornment om orgoncy fund for supplies for tho destitute Tho hnvoo wrought on tho eastern const of Kodlnk island cnuscd officers of tho rovenuo cuttor scrvlco fnmllnr with AlaBka to bo llovo that vastly groator damago has been dono on tho western sldo. Government Appealed to for Relief for Victims Loss of Life Not Estimated. APPEAL FOR All) (Dy Rssoclntod Press) 4 SEWARD, Alnflkn, Juno 11. Tho Kodlnk Rollof commltteo of Sownrd has Issued appoals to 4 mayors of all cltlos to aond monoy to relievo tho noods of tho volcano sufferers. Tho com- 1 mlttco expects It will bo cnllod 4 ' upon to caro for mnny hundrods of people. Money mny bo trnns- . ferrod by cnblo. CANAL BILL IS i FEAR NEW VOIiOANO , HAS BROKEN FORTH ' (Dy AsBOclntod Prosa) I SEATTLE, Wash., Juno Tho ashes are falling nt Fnlr- banks nnd Dawson, fnr from tho 4 const, nnd nro bollovcd to conio from n now volcanic contor In 4 tho Ainskan rnngo nnd not from tho Aloutlnn dlsturbnnccs. $ REPORTED OW Senate Committee Favors Reg ulations Adopted by House for Panama. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coon Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 11. Tho Sonato commltteo on Intor-ocoan-lo canals todny favorably roportcd tho Houso bill to open, protect nnd opor ato tho Pnnnma Canal nnd govern tho cnnnl zono. Tho bill retains tho Houso provision oxomptlng constwlso vessels from cnnal tolls and embodies In It an amendment Btrlctly regulat ing rnllroud-owned vessols. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Dny ''"niM.) SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 11.- -V messngo to the Assoclnted Press from Cnpt. Porry, of tho rovonuo cuttor Manning, which nffardod a rofiiK to tho COO Inhabitants of Kodlnk nn tho nearby villages of 8t. Paul nnff St. Morldnn, nn!d ho bollovcd thin 'la tho greatest disaster Alaska hns over sustained. Porry roportcd no loss of life h Kodlnk, but ho feared for tho safety of thoso In tho sottlomont near tho volcnno. Tho pcoplo on tho lulnnd who sur vived tho hall of hot unites and Btones nro confronted with tho seri ous problem of obtaining drinking wntor and food. All tho crops nro de stroyed and tho fish upon which many doponded for food woro killed, reunit ing In n pollution of tho wntor sup ply to such an extent that thoro !m great danger of pestilence StcamorH nnd tugs of ovory sort nro hurrying to tho Island from towns on tho mainland to glvo rollof to the unfortunnto pooplo. Tho destruction ot tho wireless Btatlon at Cordova mnkes It difficult to got nows to Soward, tho nearest cnblo office. PASSES AWAY Well Known Coos River Pio neer Succumbed to Short Illness Last Night. Robert Rooko, a resident of Coos county for over forty years, died at his ranch on North Cods River late yesterday, Doath was duo to tho rup turo of a blood vessel sustained lato Monday aftornoon as a result of straining hlmsolf whllo lifting a sec tion of fence at his homo. Mr. Rooke was born in Dublin, Iro land, January 28, 1840 and came to Coos county about forty years ago. Ho settled on the ranch whoro ho has mndo his home for over thirty years. Mr. Rooko Is survived by a wlfo and several children. The children are Mrs. Frank Pray of Sprlngflold, Mrs. Luther Judy, Mrs. Drolor, Rob ert G. Rooke, Desslo Rooko, Flor ence Rooke and Gcorgo Rooko. Tho funeral will bo held at tbo Coob River cemetery Wednosday af ternoon about 1 o'clock. Tho Alort will leave hero with tho funeral par ty about 12 o'clock tomorrow. Tho funeral will bo under the aus pices of the Masonic lodge of which Mr. Rooke haB long beon a member. Mrs. Ivy Condron and Mrs. F. L. Sumner of Marshflold are nolcea of the deceased. MASONS t ATTENTION 11 MnmiinrH nf nlanco LodKO No. 48, A. F. nnd A. M. nnd nil Master Ma sons In good standing nro roquestea n miuii nt tlio lndiro-room. Masonic Temple, on Wednesday, Juno 12, nt 11:30 a. m., tor mo purpose 01 in tending tho funeral of Dro. Robot t Rooke. Dy order of tho W. M. NORIS JENSEN, Sec'y. O. E. fl. NOTICE. To the officers and members of Doric Chapter, No. 53, O. E. S. You nro romiMtttui to meet at tho Masonic Temple Wednesday, Juno 12, nt j li;30 o ciock 10 imuuu m i Borvlcea of Dro. Robert Rooke. Dy order of Worthy Patron. CARL W. EVERTSEN. (Dy Associated PreBs to Coos Day Tlmoa.) FA1RDANK8, Alaska., Juno 11-r Persons arriving from tho South bring reports of heavy cannonading In tho foot bills of tho Alaska rango and It Is supposed thnt tho volcano thoro aro in action. Tho sounds aro from tho vicinity of Mount I lay on. Ashes aro falling horo and tho sun is obscured. Mount Hayes, 14,000 foot high, is situated ono hundred miles on a dlr oct lino Southeast of Fairbanks. Tho samo dlroct lino contlnuod would roach Mount Wrangell which Is a smoking volcano. Tho Mount Hayes district has not been looked upon so subject to volcanic eruptions. So far aB known Mount Wrangell has given no signs of dangor during tho prosont outbreak In tbo Aleutian Peaks. MEETS TRAGIO DEATH Representative Wlckllffo of Louisi ana Killed In "Washington. (Dy Associated Press to tho Cooa Boy Times.) WASHINGTON, June 11. Repre sentative Robert O. Wlckllffo :of Louisiana met a tragic doath horo to day. His badly crushed body wjis found on the railroad tracks In Pota mac Park near the entrance to the bridge across tbo Potomac river. It Is presumed that he either fell off or was knocked off tho train bound for the south. An investigation disclosed that Wlckllffo left the capltol yoBtordoy to bo away today on a fishing trip. IIo was run down by a train. Tbo engineer Bald he saw tho Congress man too late to avoid tho accident. How he happened to stray on the railroad tracks Is not explained. Mrs. Wlckllffo did not loam of tbo death of hor husband until friends saw her In tho gallory Just as tho Houso was about to adjourn In re spect to tho memory of hor husband. There waa a hurried conferonco. Soveral representatives made thoh way qulotly to whoro Mrs. Wlckllffo was sitting and Invited her to Speak er Clark's office whoro thoy broke tbo nows to her as gently as thoy could. Mrs. Wlckllffe fainted. Sho was tak en caro of by friends and removed to her homo.