THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1912 -EVENING EDITION- 4 i i in ii i I I " " , "5stiil .... .mot . riAUP ( HifflRSBBMTra a n n m mm pniaminriothes MDsa...tS- RAH SRnRFR I D I,' mm !IS BEATEN II LOST S I0 2 Coqulllo Takes Sunday's Game .Three Errors in Last Frame Portland Loses to Los Angeles Sunday After Winning Saturday. .504 .C03 .547 .443 397 .303 on Home Grounds Good Crowd Out. Coqulllo defeated Marshflold yes torday nt Coqulllo by n Bcoro of G to 2. Thrco of Coqulllo's scores were mndo In tlio first Inning, nftor wlilch it was closoly contostod throughout. MarBliflald started with hard luck. First Uaboiiuin Lnndors wns detained In Mnrshflold until the Hrcnkwntor sailed nnd hnd to go to Coqulllo by nuto nnd did not reach thoro until nftor tho first Inning. McICcown wns substituted nt first. Ho failed to con nect with a speedy one which wont wild nnd Coqulllo scored thrco runs. Roth Collier nnd Johnson pltcl-oil good bnll. Collier struck out 11 nnd Johnson seven, but tho Coqulllo ng grogntlon Is much stronger with tho stick thnn Mnrshflold. Mnrshllold tried out tho hlf nnd run gnmo, but It fulled to nvnll tho result that Cnpt. McCutchcon hnd nn tlclpntcd, lnrgoly duo to tho luck of prnctlco on It. Colllor, of Coqulllo, got tho only long hit of tho gntnc, u two-bngger which Cownn woujd huvo probably stowed nwny had It not been for n ditch which provontcd him got tlng bnck undor It. Noxt Sunday Mnrshflold will play North Honil nnd Knstslde. Tho Marshflold-Uastsltlo gamo will proY, nbly bo played nt North Dond In tho morning nnd tho North Hcnd-Mnrsh-flold gnmo In Mnrshflold In tho nftoi noon, although this Is not ccrtnln. J. W. Gardiner, who umpired yes tcrdny's gnmo nt Coqulllo, cnusoa notno complaint from both sides by liln decisions on bnses. Thoro wns no chnrgo of favoritism, but moroly ci rors In Judgment. This hns rcsultnn In talk of having two umpires for each gamo, but It Is feared this will provo a llttlo too oxponslvc. Mnrshflold showod somo Improve mont In Holding yesterday over n weok ago. Two pretty doubles woro pullod off, tho first Lnndors to No. ninn Johnson, nnd tho second Georgo Jol'nson to Durko. Tho official scoro: MARSIIPIELD. AU. R. II. ro. A. 13. AH. R. II. I'O. A. 13. Cownn, cf I 0 G. Johnson, rf. . .4 0 McKeowu, of. . . .Ii 0 Lnngworthy, 3b. .3 0 Hurko, ss t 0 IlrlggH, 2b 3 0 Lnudors, lb. ...2 1 WoodH. If 1 0 Abbott, c 1 0, N. Johnson, p. . . . I 1 Cost North Bend Game at Bandon Yesterday. A hit followod by thrco orrors gnvo Haudon tho victory ovor North Dond nt Hnndon yestordny In ono ol tho most closoly mntcbod games thnt have been plnycd Jn tho city by tho sea In n long time. Hull had been pitching gilt odgod bnll for North Dond nnd It looked ns though victory wns assured when tho fntul ninth cninc. In tho third Inn ing, Dnndon got ono man ncross tho nlnto but othorwlso hnd not como cloco. North nend scored ono in tho fifth nnd ono In tho Boventh. Hull ntruck out ton men nnd walked out two. Craig pltchod a stiff gamo for Dnndon striking out ton nnd allowing but ono to wnlk. Tho only long hit of tho gnmo was n two-bagger mndo by McDonald. North Dond hnd throo stonls on baoBS to lior credit by Hull, Klssam nnd Wnllnco whllo Tuttlo wna tho only Dnudonlto who sllppod by on Mooro. Tho scoro: NORTH IJI3ND. All. It. H. TO 1 Totals 31 2 J, 21 12 COQUILLK. AH. It. II. PO. A. Jnhiiftnu, fH I.nroii7., 2b I Hyloa. c 1 J. Collier. ...H..I 11, Howell, (if. Oerdlng, 3b. . C. Collier, lb. A. Colllnr. rf . , 8,'iiloru. If. . '. , TiltllH I I I ..3 ..3 .If I 0 1 1 J1 1 o 0 n o n i o 1 i ii i 10 0 ) lfl 0 1 0 II 0 0 Gnffuey, 2b. . Young, If. ... Hull, p Klssniu, lb. . Heath, 3b. Wnllnco, cf. . McDonald, ss. Gurton, rf. . . Moore, c. ..I . .1 ..I ..4 ..4 ..3 ..3 ..3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 A. 13 0 0 25 7 i5 Totnls 31 2 I1ANUUK, AD. It. II. I'O. A, Tuttlo. c 4 0 0 0 1 L. Cox. If 2 0 0 0 X. Cox, lb 4 Dlpplo, 3b 4 Dovoroux, ss. . . .3 Mend, 2b 4 Craig, 4 L. Galllor. rf. . . .3 McNnlr, if 3 Tlerco, sub. ss. . . 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 13 1 13. 0 0 ii Totals 32 3 32C Mooro out for Interference. 9 r, LOSE SHOOT IT Marshficld Low Gun In Trau Contest Coqulllo Wins First Place. Mui-Rhlluld wns low gun In tho trnp shoot nt Dnndon with tho Coqulllo mid Dilution ulubs yestordny. Co qulllo took first plneo with n load of fifty ovur .Mnrshllold nnd Dnndon took RTAXDIXO OF T13AMS 4. W. L. P.C Oakland 38 20 Vernon 38 25 Lob Angeles ... .35 20 Sacramento ... .27 34 San Francisco ...25 38 Portland 22 34 PORTLAND, Juno 10 Attor win ning from Los Angeles Saturday, Portland dropped yestorday3 gamo to tho Angels by a scoro of 2 to 8. Sunday's games In tho Const Loaguo resulted as follows: At Portland R H Portland 2 10 Los Augcles 8 12 At Los Angeles It H Vernon 5 12 Snn Frnnclsco 3 10 SECOND GAME: Vernon 1 8 Snn Frnnclsco G 10 At Snn Francisco It II Sacrnmonto 3 C Oakland 7 9 SECOND GAME Sacramento 7 Oakland 6 Siitititlny's Games At Portland R Portland 3 Los Angolcs At Snn Frnnclsco Sacrnmonto Oakland At Los Angeles Vernon . .'. Snn Frnnclsco . . . . 19 1G II r G II 9 G II 10 8 the most strenuous tests you can give them Men of every proportion can bo fiiw tall, short or stout fellows. Tel1, most stylish colors are hcreffl? grays, light grays, tans, browns ' blue-grays. These Suits are priced' $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30 andjg A Pretty Showing of New Shirts Wc want to call your attention to our excellent showing of new Cluett Shirts new patterns and colors in both plain and plaited fronts. New Soft Shirts with So'! Collars and French Cuffsin silks and silk mixtures. Priced at $1, $1.50, $2 and $2,50 "Mmey Talks" mmmiti DRAIN VIEW OF IT Not Much Conllilciico In S. P. Project Tlicro Tho Drain Nonpnroll says: "Tho iinsslng of n party of railroad surveyors through Drain a fow days ago, and their actions whllo boro, to- cothor with tho fact that thoro Is a man horo said to bo contracting for of supplies for tho party looks as though they expectod to bo horo fori somo tlmo. It Is supposod to look) liko an Electric rond to Coos Day, but wo liavo all got tlroa or "sup posing" that tho S. P. Co. will ovor build anything hero but lies, ns Is Instanced by tho recent Pdrt of Ump qun UaBCO." STETSON SHOES IX ALL Til 13 NEW LASTS. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MAKSHFIBLD. BANDON. New Stefan soft Imli in fodornj, tele. mv1cs, crush. cm, imooth felt ami scrntcli-us. If you hare anything to soil, trade, or rent, or wnnt help, trv a Want Ad PLAY BALL BUT FLAY WITH THE CORK CENTER BALL EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAY'S ON TIME. SAILS PROM AINSWORTH MOCK, PORTLAND, AT O A. M., JUNK 2nd, 7th., 12tli 17th., Slntl nnd UTtli. PROM MAR8IIFIEL1) AT THE SERVICE OP THE TIRE JUNI3 Itli, Oth, llth, 10th, 21U nwl 20th. A. PAUK1IURST, Agent. Phono Main 821-L. TI1D OFriCIAL. DAIX OP Tim WORLD SERIB3 Cork IfBjjk)) Stt Ceolcr CORK . I wH'oud phut) with n load of about g fouricon ovor .Mnrshflold. KAST.SIDK IS IIK1TKV .Maiuiieiu Kunnors woro nil ii..r.....'i i... m....i i". ." . i 0lU "f tt,rui "I"1 '"' ll0t shoot up to i.rilMl by Jlyrtlo Point Yestordny IIIiyW,uro lletir t,o nvorago thoy hnd i'.ui-i i '!. V.Vrrtt ' . . . . ' ,M "inklUK on tholr homo grounds. Ki'-nn i. , , "t,,?n,, ,,orUt nl'l wn Hlmply "o dny" for thorn, Myrtlo Point yostenlny by n scoro of .1..... a,,.. six to lintlilnir. Mnnnmir Wlilltv hn. .: .'. ... . . i.iu ............ i'i v.. . """" jotiioriiayu snoot wns just n ...n ........ .....iiwuil 111 IHIIl II UUIlUr ft- 1111,1 V lll lllf. nnlu Bbnpo thnn It was a weok ngo nnd exports Co hnvo thorn rounded into winning form In nnothor wook or so. Myrtlo Point Bcorod ono In tho first, ono In tho fourth, ono in tho blxth nnd throo In tho seventh Inning, I'lintnn or Norway who has boon ono, tho only stuko being unit tho two low toiims hud to pay for tho shells nnd pigeons. It was plauuod to huvo nnothor shoot nt Conulllo before tho big shoot Is hold In .Mnrshflold during tho Kourth of July colobratlou. Tho .Mnrshllold party wont ovor by Bocurod by Mnnngor Whltty to pitch ' .,, ' " i)i tool PA 1 1 Iso J A .! ,1 !i ,' I ? 7,ri,llk ow.t fl ' r nnd tho party rcttlrnod via Co- Ml ,il J ri.pffi'l1111 Athor lrty who returned lw!il.'I ".K00'1 Bno '" Myrtlo Point. vlll coqulllo consisted of W. II. Kouuody, Al Smith, Anson Thoro wns n fair crowd out to tho gnmo. Tho diamond Is a fast ono and tho gnmo only lasted an hour nnd ton minutes. Dr. Johnson umpired nnd thoro wns consldornblo complaint ' against snmo of his decisions by tho Knstsldo fans. i Mnnngor Whltty said thnt ho did J not think thnt Knstsldo could play next Sunday morning bornuso Clin ton ennnot roach horo until noon nnd Itogors. nnd 11. A. wolls. Tho others from horo woro Dr. Housoworth, II. J. Mc- Koown, A. J. Moudol, Ivy Condron, J. V. (Inrdlnor, P. N. Hohborg, Kred Ilnrnurd, Arohlo Mnddon nnd W. N. Hkblad. SPALDING "OFFICIAL NATIONAL LOAGUE" Tho Cork Center Bull $1.25 Each Cork Center base balls will be used in ull World Scries games to come for the next Twenty Years. CtpyofSpaUlltiR Catalogue free on rctucit to utiy addrcM. Bcmlforaamplcaof lUieHall Material for Uulforiui. I'ree. A. 0. SPALDINO & BROS. 158 deary Street San Francisco I Wc Carry n Complete line of Spalding Athletic Goods THE GUNNERY front Street Marshficld, Ore. PAST AND COMMODIOUS JJ"J Steamer Redondo KQUIPPKI) WITH VIUi:w:3S AND SUIIMAUINK HEHi '' SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Thursday, Juno 13, AL 3:00 P. M. intku.oci:ax tiiaxspoiitation company. Phono M. O. 1 McGKOItOIt,, Agont TIHC KIIIKM) OP COOS HAY' . S. ALLIANCE iWippici) with wii:i:i,i:ss SAILS FOR. COOS HAY FRO. PORTLAND FRIDAY, JUNE 14 AT 6 P.M., COXXKITIXO WITH Till; NOItTII HAXIC ItOAl) AT POUTUVXD XOHTII PACU'IO STKAMKIIIP COMPANY. I'lioutt II. ( P. .Mi(ii:Olt(jn. Agent. WM. S. TURPEI Architect 171 FIIONT BT. Have That Roof Fixe .HOW Sec GORTHELL Pnor SIM WANTED H! CARPIiTS UPllOUSTEniN'Q AM PIANOS TO CIjKAN, by the Pa nintlo Clenulnc Comrant. Oratnl ttork taken nt GOING & IIAUVEY I'HONi: 100 PROFESSIONAL DIRECIOKl r it. iuiti) n. ciaitKK. -'SpeclallHt in Xervo and SiInjJ I lmvase. Office Room 2, nocen Hoii Mnrshflold. Of flea Hours I to Phono Ui-L. j. HKXimrs Modern Dental Parlor iaitsi:x at pi.oukxci: Cnptnln Iloriiinn I.nrson wna In raiiRortuontly tho bihiio would hnvo no town yostorday from Dunccn Slough he plnyoil In tho nftornoon. 1 whoro ho Is operating his drodgor nt Tho Knstsldo llnoup yoatordny was hulhtlng dykos. Ho Informs us that ns follows: i Kootl progress Is holng mndo with tho Wnltor Joiison. If; P. Hill, ah; O work. Mr. Larson also statod that ho I.nrson, lb; .1. Tollofson, cf j n. I.owls, r.s; T. Clinton, p; C Mnstors, rf; J. O'Donnoll, 21; 13. Donn, c. i Tho Myrtle Point llnoup wns: I rigor, c; Poland, of; Cnrl, lb; 0. ' McDonald. Sit: II. Doiuont, ss; Ny. . Strom, rf; I Jarvls, p; .1. McDonald, ' If. I Myrtle Point had two orrors nnd r iMslde llvo; , City Auto Service !i d Cars. Cnroful Driver nnd ronouiii'o el nrKos Our !llntto , "Will go unywhoio nt nny Unio " S'nnd ninnrn Ilntol and lilnneo Clgnr Rturo. Dny Phouos 7S nnd AC N'lght Phono 1G KAHKPH OOODALE, propilelora. has u contract for doing somo work for tho railroad ifnr Gardiner. Fiorenco Wost. A TURKISH RATH GOOD. Phono 214 1 will do yo Mr I.o1h I.ovo wife of Wllo I "vc. a f.-nner llvlnjr near Covens (i.i nrf "I bnvo taken FnW Kd n v I'l'K nnd find thpin to lu all yon (lalm for thorn. Thoy gnvo mo nl iiKct tiin'ant relict when niv kldnov v eve sl.ig-i's'' nnd 'naotlve. I ca" cl'K'rf i'lv rccouiii'i'"d them to n'1 snf'i'i'M from k'dney triuhles " PpiI "riios DriB S n-o We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Kloctrlcal material and can give our pntrons a very low prlco on house wiring. Got our price you enn't afford to nilsa It. Coos Bay Wlrlntj Co. Phone 237-J 5teamer Washington Will Sail for San Francisco From Coos Bay Wednesday, June 12, at 1.00 P. 8. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. DR. A. Mm vo nro oqulppod to do blsh c!J work on abort notice at th w inu'.n nriofit. BxainlQatloo tti Lady ntteiidaut. Coku bulldlnff. eprf alto Cbuiwller ho'o). ulmti Hl-J- J. W. IHflXXKlli IW7er, Jffleo ovor Klanasan 4 Hennelt Bi nmiiflnirt 0rei D1 R. J. T. Mct'ORMAO, Pnyslclan and Burgeon Mnrahfleld, Oregon. Ifflnn: I.nckhart DlllldlQg. nnnnolln nnt nUli-O I'llOOO C5J MF"M ofl.liii,'hnhavmsliivnllvoahtllty I S"Wl.W"Ownll:KLKY A M.llllt, ' "1'ii.m.i tu"i llothUai.n, It. I Blanchard Livery We -avc Kocured tho livery busl i'oa of I. 1 1 Holsner, nnd are pro I'lirod tn ponder excellent soivlce to the penpi- of Coos Day. Careful I'lvern. jjond rla nnd everything that win mean uatistactorv soivleo to tl e piihl'r Phono us for a driving horae h rw or anything needed In the llvon Hue. Wo nlso do truck nig bulin of nil kinds. ItliWCHARD HROTHHRS Plione t:i8-.I l.lvcrj. I'i'cd anil Sales Service. Ill First uml Alder Streets. COOS BAY-ItOSEBUIiG S1W.9E LINE. Stngo loaves Mnrshflold every morning at C bnd roachea Rosoburg In tlmo to connect with evening train for Portland. Stage also loaves Rosoburg every morning at G o'clock and roaches Mnrshflold samo evening. PARK S0.OO, Round trip S 11.00. flood incnls en route. C. P. Barnard, agent, Rosoburg. Otto Sc' otter, ngont. 120 Market Avenue, Mnrshflold. Tickets can bo obtained nt HUlyor's Cigar Store. R. J. MONTGOMERY RealEstateandlnsuranc in North Front Street Barnard & Langwortl Klcctrlcnl Contractors and Supj PIIOXK !' 170 So. Rroadivay. next door Union .Meat .Market. niinn m mini w jji Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and anne insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKXitV SEXGPTACKEX, Mgr. Coqulllo Offl a Phone 181 Platting Landa a apeclalty. Varma Timber Coal undent "EASTBIDF." Oenaral Ag Mnrahfleld Office 14-J. Unique Pantatonur the i?onmswnma.cusm PltKSSKUH ana rt. .- & c. Agent lor t.uwm . J0 fine Tnllorlng-Lot us mak J" rv...i.tnivlnl. 1 STADDEN All Unda o P0'rp,b.ffnS; hroiulde enlarging and loo" finishing. The Electric Shoe Shop 18 WHERE THEY nYSg!W PROM SI PER rA,"..rtP ! -" " OI,nP I TnE ELECTRIC S,u f " M.ll 180 So. Drocdway