THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1912-EVENING EDITION. 'itfAM ; ADS. 7AUt!Uiy- Uuixdva of Mrs. rtinSi"'T. it "....I i'iu " iirTrnlltirc almost now. :r"'B' -rrHuiy of JT or 18 years, nt ,iTKD-:,,". .,.ns to right party. i (10OU "o , LC'S' --TMinit has rotumod from W V,iu where ho bus boon at- Conn'g '0reBon AgncuLumu -"--""TTT i..nrn voiinir horse. fl". uiBOO. Also good heavy "' jgon and harness, boo . piMD g, uow I15 8Kuso, OXClUBiVO of bath, J,Dir,lo TcrniB If wnntod. Soo Jfiffla. i'" 1C-J' ''"uvleiiMliig. ",)or P1,H,,,K flWSTLnnHos. Phono 8-J. lit. CTui' CHi;Ar Furniture, nl. RiS. Room No. 1,130 Urond- ,,, SeBgStaCKCUOIMB. Ciictwcc" Kliotl nveiuio ami SS Centra., Bold r.nB will --i mill liiiLiiLin ia u lu tnt '" , Tlmos office TTTr. At' W'rnnildtH nnd 11,118 Orpington chlckonB, largo ffJSwd eggs foi ; hatching, It Flanagan cstato, Plat B. O. 0. Ciiir. !,T-ljirco Jack, bekingliiB nt ""'fS:.-' llnwnnl for rotliril HBr.""i':i.i. loHcumcrD""'"' rtTnrVT Comfortnblo roomy "Jit room. 373 South Fourth at. flXTEl Clrl at Stafford's. t.vTKl)Mohnlr. wool nnd cas- nrl bars. API" i ""' wvt- SckM. at offlco of Tltlo Qunr- vfjtt & Abstract uo. liMAIN SALE; 40 horsepower ftdfor $500; flrat-claaa condl- ,. fully cquippou; com now W will soil for 500 on eaay i,i' John L. Koontz Mnchlna E North Front Btroot. Phono W Cofrliht Mart Schiflncr & Mitt layton Bicycles Marshfield Gyclery BICYCLES FOR KENT Ij.KiirE HODODfl S " Marshfield Paint Decorating Co inltl MARSHFIELD, ftrtlibed Phnne HAL Orcgoo NOW, fellows, say it all together Wat's the matter with Hart Schaff ner & Marx clothes? They're all right I You can take it from us that they're certainly just as "all right" as you ever thought clothes could be; and we've got the goods here to prove it. Choice patterns at $20 and $25. Woolen Mill Store This store li tho Cooa Bay horn of II art 8cha.ffnor& Marx olothoi LaVPTiLV The Sign of Good Candy Always 1 Are You on the Right Track? The way to ill health h a down nrnde, nnd the faster you get running dow.i the harder it ia to stop. Our pure, fresh, reliable inedicinea vill set you on the road to recovery nnd br:n you back to perfect health. We arc l:nown for the high quality of our medi cines and the low prices wc charge for them. If your By3tem ii in need cf general building up, if you arc threatened with consumption, take Roxall Tonic Solution of Ilypophosphltcc. It is a valuable tonic and restorative, excellent in all pul monary diseases. Very pleasant to the palate. We recommend it, because we Unoci its formula. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. Full pint bottle, $1.00. Lockhart- Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" MAIN 298 PHONE - coos uy -rums. 'l.d w is given th-5 tlmo anil IcIUit of high nnd low water at Marsh Held. Tn tides nro placed In tho order ( occurrence with tholr times on tho first lino nnd heights on the sec ond lino ii f each day; n comparison of consecutive heights will Indicate whctlor It Is high or low water. For 'ilgh wntor on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. SOCIAL CALENDAR MONDAY Ladles Aid, Norwegian Luth- ornn with Mrs. Will Nelson at liny Park. TUESDAY Sisters of Bothnny with Mrs. Arthur McKcown. Mrs. J. T. Hall, Episcopal tea Boinotlmo during tho summon Mr. Edglngton feels that Mr. Tlodgon will bo n strong addition to his agoncy force. I PERSONAL NOTES D. D. PIERCE Is hero from Coqulllo on business nnd pleasure. Dlt. M. O. STEMMLER of Myrtlo Point Is a Mnrshlleld visitor. VM. BLACKMORE was In from his Larson Inlet ranch Saturday on business. Dntis 12 I Irs. Foot Ills. Feet Mrs. Ft. - Urn. Tides for .Juno, .1.01 .1.0 .T..01 .0.8 . ik'h" -0.1 0.49 Ft. 0.!l Mrs. .1.0.1 Feet .7.0 Mrs. . 1 ill Feet .".'J 10.38 3.8 11. 15 1.0 12.17 2.1 1.1 1 1.3 7.39 1.0 8.2S 2.0 3.11 2.3 4.30 2.7 5.30 3.0 C.20 3.3 2.39 1.0 3.30 4.7 10.43 CO 11.31 G.I 12.17 0.7 .0.0 0.0 7.20 3.5 8.1", 3.G THE WEATHER (Hy Associated Press.) OUEfJON Fair tonight and Tuesday. Winds mostly westerly. HE- LOCAL THMPHTtATUItK I'OItT. For twenty-four hours ondlng nt 4:43 a. m Juno 10, by BcnJ. Ostllud, spocla) government mo toornloRlcal obsorvor: Maximum 04 Minimum DO At 1:43 n. m Gl I'reclpltntlon nono Wind northwest, party cloudy. Iteturn Case Tho wall caso of pocket knives which dlsappoarod from In front of tho Gunnory tho night of May 30 was returned last night and hung In Its old plnco. Not u kulfo had boon taken out. Tho case wns evidently tnkqu as a Joko on Jny Tower. II. L. COLEMAN and wife and baby oxpoct to return to Spokano about July 1 to make tholr homo. MItS. QEOUGE LORENZ and Mrs. E. Lorcuz of Coqulllo woro guests of Mnrshlleld friends yestordny. Elect Old Officer. At tho annual meeting of tho Mnrshlleld Odd Fol lows' Cemetery Association, the- old offlcors woro rc-olectcd. Thoy nro: C. A. Johnson, president; John ! Ilnll. Becretnry; W. 1). Curtis, treas urer. Tl o ofricors nnd E. A. Andor boii nnd E. W. llornltt constltuto tho boatd of directors. ED. McKEOWN, foromnn of tho Smlth-PowcrB South Inlet Logging Camp, spout Bundny In Mnrshflold. North Bend News Tho Presbyterian Ladles Aid will meet Thursdny afternoon nt tho home of Mrs. W. It. Slmnson. Mth. Knto Hood will leave Wednes day to Bpond tho summer with rela tives on South Coos Hlvor. Meet Tonight Tho Mnrshllold city council will moot tonlcht to tnko up street Improvement mattors and othor routine business. Dissolve Finn AddlBon Cook and Frank Hermann have dissolved tholr paint nnd decorating firm pnrtnor Hhlp nnd now Hnrry Qnlbralth will be nsHoilatod with Mr. Cook In tho business. Social Tomorrow Night Doric Chapter, O. E, S will enjoy a social hi'hmIou tomorrow. All visiting mom. Iters of tho Order nnd a fow frlonds have been Invited to partlclpato In the festivities. Justus Snlen ana family left yes terday on tho Hreakwater for Port land on their way to their old homo In Finland. Ilobort Kehoe, superintendent of tho Portor mills, loft yestordny for Portland to visit relatives and spend his vncntlou. WALTER ASPLUND rotumod Sat urday from Corvallls whero ho has been attending Oregon Agrlcultur nl college ItALPII KItUSE leaves today for a fow days' outing nt Ten Mile iib n guest nt tho camp of Mrs. J. V. Dennett and sous. MRS. II. C. NOI1LE mid children loft yestordny for Portland whoro thoy will spond a week with friends nnd tnko tn tho Hose Festival. JAS LAIRD cnino In from Laird's to day on business and plonsuro. Ho reports that tho old Coos Hay wag on road Is In much bottor shnpo this summor than ever beforo. O. J. SEELEY nd W. Andorson of Coqulllo camo ovor Saturday on buslnoss. Thoy woro formorly on gaged In tho logging buslnoss to gethor but Mr. Sooloy has rotlrod. Mr. Mason nnd dnughtor, of Myrtlo Point, loft yesterday on tho Drcak wator to attend tho U. I). Congress nt Portland. Miss Florence Jennings, n former resident of Eastsldo, has como down over tho Hoscburt; route to Hemoto to spond the summer nt tho homo of her brother, Lnwronco Jennings. SUNDAY OUTINGS Joo Williams nnd Dr. Ilorsfnll yos- terdny enjoyed n flno motorcyclo trip. Thoy loft horo in tho morning ami For Po JMont-J. T. Ilarrlgan j" t, t , t , b t, COftflt and a party autood to the South Fork, , t k lh Qun club B,lool "'. Jl1". ".on proceeded to Coqulllo for tho ball game and reached about 8:30 in tho ovonlng. homo Honry Hugglns nndC. K. Perry spent yestordny on coos Jtiver nnu Daniels Creek fishing, landing twon,- ty-llvo nlco trout. Hugh Sneddon nnd family, D. J. Reoa and family, W. J. Rohror and report that Mr. Andorson who Is pro Jectlng n big wator powor thore, has quite a force of surveyors and othors clearing for the Installation of tho plant. Made FnM Trip Yesterday aftor noon a now rocord was miido for tho auto run from Ilnndon to Mnrshflold, when 1). L. Footo brought a party .inutullnir nt W. N Kklilnil. P. N. Tto- berg, Archie Madden and Fred Unrn-j family, Mrs. Alloo Snoddon and fam nr,i homo iiv thn const rond In less lly. Potor Mlssnroul nnd family, John than two hours. I Mlrrnsoiil and family, and Miss Zolla Swlnford spent Sunday picnicking Jinny Knjoy l)unc. Ovor fifty ennr Allegany. couples, Including a largo numbor . from North Ilend nnd Mnrshllold, on- J. W. Illldonbrnnd and family, joyed tho dnnco by Koysor's orches- Miss Edith Illldonbrnnd, Mrs. J. a. tra at Emplro Saturday night. Thoy Klnnoy, Dan Koatlng and wlfo, Miss plan to give nnothor dnnco nt Emplro Mlnnlo Hnrkonsco, Miss Martha nor- soon, which will bo gratifying to tho nltt, Miss Goorglo ZImmor, Mlsa El- many who tripped tho light fnntastlo Ion Rudnns. Mlsa Solnjn Holms, and to tho excellent music Inst Saturday Miss Ella Holms, Ray Olllvant, Guy ovonlni; Chnmbors, Ford Painter, Wm. Long staff, Mr. Holllngsworth and Rill lluchlns constituted n plcnlo party that enjoyod n delightful outing Sun day nt Piper's Qrovo on Coos Rlvor. FRED McCORMAO will return on tho noxt Droakwator from Corvallls whoro ho haa boon nttondlng Ore gon Agricultural collogo. Ho has been visiting frlendB nt Portland for a fow days. UERT ALLEN Is horo from Hrldgo with his string of racors to got them In condition for tho Fourth of July raco moots in Marshfield and Myrtlo Point. Ho has somo vory promising animals. MISS MAY DENNETT arrived homo this morning from San Rranclnco whero sho linn been taking a nurse's courso nt Lnno Hospital to spend n mouth nt tho homo of hor pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. A. Uonnott. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL wont to Co qulllo today to attond a special mooting of tho Coos County com mlsslonors cnlled to tnko up road mattors. Tho commissioners also plan to spend two or thrco dnya inspecting roads. MISS JESSIE CHASE who was ox pocted to spond part of tho summor on Coos Gay writes frlonds horo Hint slip has taken a position na private socrotary to a Uoston man, n most lucrntlvo position, and con sequently will not come west this summer. Complaint Filed Hoforo City Re corder Hutlor this morning, a com plaint wns lllod by City Attornoy Gobs ehnrglng J. C. Colomnn of tho Owl saloon on North Front street with soiling liquor to n minor. J. O. Doano la tho complainant nnd ho nllogos Hint his son, Clifford Donno, was tho recipient of tho liquor. Tho dato of tho hearing hnB not been sot. Dr. nnd Mrs. J. T. McCormnc nnd A. T. Hnlnos and family spent Sun day nt the McCormnc summor homo on South Coob Hlvor. J. D. OOSS will loavo tomorrow for Rosobiirg to look aftor soma road tax casus. From thoro, ho will go to Salem to nttond the aupromo court, tho enso of Ilalnos vs. tho C. A. Smith Co, Involving tho log nllty of tho franchise for tho loc al tramway Hues, coming up for hearing then. Mi LEAVE ON BREAKWATER Steamer Sails Sunday With Large List for Portland Rose Festival. Tho Hreakwater sailed at 1 o'clock Sunday for Portland. Sho had a largo list out, tho ordinary travel being augmented by a largo numbor going to tho Roso Fcstlvnl. Among thoso sailing on her wero the following: Mrs. Lnmphenr, Mr. Lnmphonr, M. L. Curry and wlfo, L. Wllholm, Hol mn Lohtl, Matt Lohtl, J. J. Noblo, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Jensen, Mr. Jon sen, Mrs. G. Loronz, Mrs. E. W. Lor Oiiz, Miss P. Loronz, Mrs. C. McClos ky, J. McClockoy and wlfo, Mlsa R. Horsen, Mrs. Ruggles, 1)111 Shoun liuii, O. Dnnols, Ed Carlson, Rov. Tom Hnktn, Miss Mnol, Mrs. Ossloy, D. Shelby, Mrs. E. Wilson, C. Wilson, E. Wilson, Mrs. Win., Hodgson, Win. Hodgson, Sam Ntmoro, Mrs. W. R. Smith, .Mrs. J. Hlomes, E. A. McDon ald, L. Crcson, Mrs. L. Creson, A. A. Hole, Mrs. D. L. Rood, Mrs. Noblo, Mr. Noblo, R. Noblo, A. E. Johnson, Mrs. A. E. Johnson, Mrs. L. E. Cook, Stolla Cook, S. O. Shorrlll, R Mas ton, Miss Floronco Mlsson, J. M. Bow on, Mrs. Engrain, Miss I. Engrnm, J. W. Uonnott, O. Gllost, R. Ogorton, R. Honosoo, R. E. Dcnn, G. W. Forry, Mrs. F. W. Cnttorlln, A. Berry, J. II. Cocks, F. J. Orowloy, Carl Goldor, Mrs. Whcolor, G. E. Stonor, C. B. Henry, S. B. Rnthharm, Mrs. W. F. Miller, Mrs. T. C. Russoll, Mr. Rub noll, A. Georges, Myrtlo Shoro, Helen McAdan, W. G. Bradgloy, Horman Maklla, JI. Bowln, R. E. Wills. F. Fonk, Dan Onkcs, ond S. R. Wright. WILSEY WIS ABOUT OFFEB Announces MacArthur, Perks People Will Make Head quarters in North Bend. II. O. Dlors of Norfh Bond yostor day rocolvod a tologram from Wm. J.'Wll8oy, original projoctor of tho Sumner roads nnd now associated with tho MacArthur, Porks Company which holds tho contract for con structlng tho Southern Pnclnc'a lino, to Coos Bny, Intimating that thoro would bo actlvllty on this end of tho rond soon. Mr. WHsoy wired that tho MacAr thur, Porks company had accoptod North Bond's offer of free dockngo for material nnd equipment during tho construction of tho rond and would tunko tholr hoadquartorn ln North Bond. Ho also stated that Gonornl Suporlntondont Tlnklor of tho MncArthur Porks company would bo on tho Bny soon, Mr. Wllsoy did not stato nnythlng about tho sub-contrnctu on tho road. No ono horo haa received any dofln- , Ito nows about thorn but It Is pro- sumod mat tno coming or Air. TinK lor Indicates that It will bo settled- AMOXO THE SICK Dennlson of Hay City Mrs. Chaa underwent nn oporntlon at Morcy hospital for appendicitis today. She Is reported gottlng tilling nicely. Takes Position F. A. Tlodgon, suporlntondont of tho Mnrshflold schools, has taken a position with It. V. Edglngton's Insurnne agency l. ..nt unnnitnti mill will tin ."I ...... ..'.".- n,.i .n.i, nn oiii ' Frank Bossey. tho young son s&. 3. i & .s stti - ga.-swE" Afcjf-at i sk HUH nn uy tv" l of r. 'i . w orolablv take a trln ' to w ns re8,,,t of rrloml l'ledgon will probnbly tnko a trip , JorkI)B ,, wl)0 ,llnyllK, T10 ,ils- Genuine Imported Aluminum Warc; location will not leave any permanent 111 effect, although It wns very pain fill. ? The ACID AND ALKALI PROOF In POIICKOF.S.M.K m, iiiMi. PROl'KHTY. TICE Is i.,.i. i.... .,.. .,. ""Ln Makl. deceasod, will re t f b'us for tho sale of tho Tifcr,n'?a Property, to-wlt: EJte, Kiiuiiia souui of the cor. R V,',1.?' 22 na 23. Twp, 21 m &,,.,. v,Aor tno will. Men, In m.X' 0reBn. run thonco S , --. mence w. 20 Chs.; thonco icAV!,th.ence K- 20 Chs. to X mnrl utlnng. containing u MM !,fuless Sall u'( to " UarAvl1,6 ofnco r Jainos T- 4 3, m'2reBOn' n r b" .'"sh'ueld, Oregon, this "'OlJiine, 1912. lalnuu.. ALBX JOHNSON, Wed1" r the eState of J0,m We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry I'HO.VK MAIN 57-J E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler 100 North Front Street, MARSHFIELD. ORE. Host Cooking Uteiiblls world. We Hnvo the IIO.MKSTKAD HILL SIGNED HY PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, Juno 10 The three-year homestoad bill, so ardently fought for by Sena- tor Horah of Idaho, was signed by tho President. Tho now moasuro provides that tho homestoad period bo reduced from five years to throo years and entrymon nro por- mlMnil Innvn nf nliROncti of not I to exceed live consocutlvo " S'l'EW PANS STEW KKTTLKS TEA KETTLES COFFEE mill TEA POTS HICE HOILEHS CASSEROLES STEAMERS DRINKING CUPS DIPPERS SPOONS LADLKH months each year, thoy being re quired to notify tho locnl land ofllco when they leave tho land nnd tho dato of tholr return. A cultivation clause Is Incor- poratod which requires tho en- trymen to cultlvnto not less than one-sixteenth of tho area of Ills entry the second year nnd ono- olghth the tniru year, uororo receiving a patent. The bill will nnoly to all ontrlos, including STRAINERS FRYING PANS enlarged homestead entries and ail peuuiut; BUUHJO. Entrymeji who havo not yot received a patont will hnvo the privilege of completing tholr proof under tho three-year bill or continuing under the old law ns they mny prefer, The Bazar Phone 32. The House of Quality. Have your Job fha Times' ofnco. printing done at MRS. NELS RASMUSSEN and son, Gordon, aro expoctod homo on tho Broukwator from Portland this week. Thoy havo boon In Portland whoro Gordon linn bcou receiving trcntmont for nn old Injury to his nrm and It will bo gratifying nown to his many friends to hear that ho has fully rocovored. LES SMITH of Coos Rlvor says ho has somo of tho best cows In this soctlnn. Last month, ho rocolvod on nn nverngo of a llttlo ovor 114 for onch or them. Ho soils his milk to the Coos Hay Ico and Cold Storage company. With fair luck, tho cows will bring him ovor $100 npleco for tholr yoor's product. J, N. TEAL of Portland Is oxpoctod horo tho latter part of tho month for a short visit on tho Bay ns tho guest of J. W. Bennett. Thoy will I also visit Ten Mllo nnd whothor Mr. Honnott will porpotrnto anoth er hoax like ho did when ho Intro duced Mr. Tonl to tho "Bollo of Ten Mllo" n couplo of years ago remains to bo scon, ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Anvil snllod from Rnndon, for Portland yostordny. The Nunn Smith sailed early yes terday for Bay Point with n cargo from tho Smith mill. soon. VISITS JN ROSEHUHO Mrs. Anna Hurd Savago, nloco of Mrs. W. F. Carroll, arrived horo on Thursday night from Mnrshflold nnd loft this morning for Portlnnd whoro sho will moot hor husband, who wont to thnt city by stoamor to buy nn automobile Thoy will return to this city In tho machine nnd spond sovoral dayB at tho Carrol homo Rosoburg Review. MORE CHARGES MADE Tho Ecelalor nrrlvod In from San Frnnclsco today with a shipment of oil and will take n enrgo of lumbor out from tho Smith mill. If you have anything to sell, trado. or rent, or want help, try a Want Ad Judge Hiiufonl Acuscil by Seattle lawyer Now. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Juno 10 Furthor charges against Federal Judgo Hun ford of Soattlo woro received today by roprosontntlvo Norrla from a Soat tlo lawyer and will be laid beforo tho Houso Judiciary committoo tomor row. Tho resolution to Impoach Judgo lfanford for his decision In tho Olsson soclnllst caso Is alroady be foro tho committoo. TRUSSES Insist on getting the Triicform Truss for general comfort. Al ways fitted by experts anil guar anteed to retain rupture. SOLE AGENTS Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality