THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. i;. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY ICUltor and rub. DAN K. MALONEY Ncuh Hill tor Dedicated to tho servico of the people, that uo good causo shall lack champion, and that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposod. SURSCEIPTION KATES. DAILY. Ono year 16.00 Pit month 50 WEEKLY. Ono year 1.60 When paid strictly In advnnco tho subscription price of tho Coos Day Tlnica Is 5.00 per year or $2.50 for si months. An Independent Republican nows papor published every evening oxcopt Sundny, and Weekly by Tlii Coon Hny Tlnu-w Publishing Co. AddrcsB all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrlillc1d :: a J Oregon Entered at tho poatofflco at Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second cIbbs mall matter. WALT MASON THE POET PHILOSOPHER MAKC1IING ON My sisters wnnt to voto today but they nro In ilcspnlrl Tho lady bar ber didn't como In time to fix their hair! they want to holp tho uplift, but they don't know what to wear tho girls nro marching onl Somo vital Issues nro nt stnko and ovory girl should voto; but should sho ven turo to tho polls In common walking cont? Pcrhnps 'twere bettor far to wear the now stylo redlngoto tho girls nro marching onl Tho ballot Is a sacred thing, nnd when that boon Is hers, tho bones of ancient projudlco will shado their scpulchcrs; but should sho tako hor parasol or wear her winter furs? Tho girls nro march ing onl "Tho right to voto," my sla ters say, "Is qui to too sweot, wo wist; It Is a wholesomo pastlmo that we long huvo sorely missed; for wo have soured on croklnolo nnd wo nro tlrod of whist!" Tho girls nro marching on! I nsk niy sisters" how they'd voto If they Bhould voto todny; thoy glvo tho problom weighty thought, nnd this is what thoy say: "Wo'd note how Mrs. Jlmpson votes, thon voto tho other way." Tho girls nro inarch ing on! Anutliht. 1312. t Qaucf JUttban Atliml ObmJn ,rtK7vU( ARRANGE FOB 616 IE1G COKItECT PRINCIPLE. AJt'DOE In Wisconsin has decided that a reporter for a nowspaper cannot bo required to dlvulgo tho source of Information which ho may wrlto for publication. It Is tho nrst tlmo Hint this vlow lias been ndvnnccd by any Judgo, so far as known, nnd It rings true, for It Is In encourngomont of those who Bcok to know nnd to tell the truth nbout affairs. Tho crook dearly loves secrecy. A' cloak of ilarknosfl to him Is a pro tection which ho resists giving uj. And when ho Is able to torrorlo tuoso who havo Information by threatening their certain dlscovory nnd oxposuro If thoy furnish their In formation to agents of publicity, he In nblo to contlnuo his devious waj Indoflnltoly. The Wisconsin Jurlat has put a now OOmplexlon on tho situation. The ovll door enn no longer blackmail imbltc nplrited persons Into allonco nbout wrong doing. Tho doclslon may bo tho basis of wholesomo dis closures nt least about public nffnlrs, doubtless, everywhere. PUT UP JETTY LIGHTS The poles hnvo boon sot nnd wires strung for tho Jetty lights, to light tho bar nnd Innor harbor of tho Co tnilllo river. Tho Intention Is to put In 12 lights of 200 candle power each i with powerful reflectors calculated, to bring out all tho possibilities of, l III) IIRI11H. TIII8 Will, II is lllOUglll, light tho wny at the bar and harbor uulllclontly that vcrboIh can enter or doiuirt nt night Just as easily as In the liny tlmo. This will facilitate) unipping ni mm nnruor in a very groat oxtont Uandou Ilecordor. Explained. . "I wondor why tils head Is so cnBllj N turned?" "That I easily neon." "Porhapn you can oxplnln It" "I can. It swings on tho pivot of selfishness nnd Is always freely lubri cated with vunlty nnd uolf conceit." Kept It Dark. "IIo saved a whole ship toad from drowning yearn ago, aud no great fuss was mado about It." "Uo Is n hero of tho old school." "What Is thu difference?" "Uo doesn't carry u press agent." Length of Time. "Do you manage to keep a domestic long?" 'Oil, uo; not long." "About how long?" "Generally long enough to eeo how Us does her hair on Suuday." The Pessimist. "Look plenHnntl" "Look pleiiHimt?" "Yes. It doenu'1 hurt you any, does It?" "Man, It Is such hnnl work that It taked all tho life out of mu." HELPED E Mrs. J. E. Ii'lls how slio Hied with my ni'.uiv double, l'"ol Kidney i;o much good nnd feel that donor's bill." Store TO KEEP DOWX XPENHES Henry, Akron, Mich., did bo: "I wns both kldnoys nnd had to go I I r-od n sniuplo -. i Pills and they did me that 1 bought a bottlo, I thoy saved mo a big1 Itod Cross Drug 0'Kelly's Auto Line' Ituuntng botwoen North Dond and MnrshHeld as por nchodulo. Leave North Rend Leave Miirriliflcld 0:55 a. in. 7:10 a.m. 7:40 7:55 " 8:25 " 8:40 " 0:10 " 9:25 " 9:55 " 10:10 " 10;40 " 10:55 " 11:25 " 11:40 " 12:10 p.m. 12:25 p.m. 12:55 ' 1:10 " 1:40 " i:55 " 2:25 " 2:40 " 3;10 " iiias " 3:55 " 4:10 " 4:40 " 4:55 " 5:25 " 5:40 " 0:10 0:25 " 6:55 " 7:25 " 7:55 S:25 " S.55 " S-2G " 9:55 '' 10:25 " 10:55 " 11:25 " 11-fifi " 12:25 a.m. RALTIMOEE PROVIDES AUDITOR 1UM FOR NATIONAL DEMO CItATIO CONVENTION EVEUY CONVENIENCE PItOVIDED. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) DALTlMOItE, Juno 10 Tho Dem ocratic candldnto for Prcsldont of tho United Statos will bo nominated In n huge Nntlonnl Guard Armory situa ted In tho rcsldcnco portion of llaltl moro. Whon this city Bont Us ropro BontntlvcB boforo the Democratic Na tional Committco to bring tho Nntlon nl Convention horo tho possession, of an ldoal convention hall was ono of tho strongest advantages Daltlmoro had to offer. Stuco that tlmo, nt tho exponso of many thousands of dol-l lars tho hall has boon mado to ans wer ovory roqulromcnt of tho dele gates who assomblo horo on Juno 25 and tho throngs that gather to watch their deliberations. Tho Domocrntic National Conven tion will moot In tho Fifth Kcgl nient Armory, which occupies nearly n wholo city snunro In tho Mount Itoyal district, fronting on Hoffman street, and bounded by Preston Btrcot In tho rear. At tho two ends of tho block nro Park nnd Linden nvonucs, both of which carry trolloy lines con necting with tho business renter. Two squares distant Is tho main sta tion of tho Haltltnoro and Ohio Kail road and only n little furthor, barely llvo minutes walk, Is the Union Sta tion, where passengers nrrlvo on tho other railroads ontorlng tho city. Clone nt hand, within easy walking distance, is tho city's largost hotel. When tho Stnto spent $450,000 for this drill hnll to Iioubo llaltl innro's famous roglmenU tho"'Dundy Mftli," big conventions woro In mind, nnd tho building was situated nnd designed with roforenco to affording such accomodations. Exterior oni bolllHhmont 'was a secondary consid eration. Tho Fifth Iloglmont Arm ory Is surrounded by massive walls of grey granlto, two stories high, from which rlso twolvo stool trusses, that carry tho arched roof to n holght of 85 foot. It Is lighted by windows in tho sldo walls and by a skylight that rims tho wholo length of tho apox of tho roof. From tho outaldo tho nppoaranco of tho struc ture Is not particularly Improsslvo, probably bocauso tho principal di mensions nro lntoral, nnd too exten sive for tho oyo to npproclato unless the beholders could look down on thoi building from an olovntlon. Tho nr-! mory extends .10 1 foot In width on ' Hoffman nnd Preston streets nnd Is 2S4 feet deop. Tho grent drill hall Inside, whoro tho convention will as-, soluble, Is .100x200 root. ' To ndapt this building furthor to convention purposes tho Stnto appro priated $35,000. Tho groator part of this sum has boon spoilt to In-, cronso tho seating cnpaclty by putting In temporary balconies ut tho two ends of tho drill hall. Decorations,1 which Include tho construction of a, false colling to Improve tho acoustic proportlos, cost $7,000. Sovoral thousnnd dollars havo boon spent In the construction of tho speakers' platform, on seats, and on romodol Ing tho military company quarters at tho sides and ends of tho building for UKo as committco rooms. As ono enters tho hall through tho main gateway on Hoffman street tho oyo tlrst Is Impressed by tho magni ficent dlHtnnces and tho seeming ly endless vista of Boats. Under the hands of tho decorators tho plnco has lost Its military, utilitarian look, transformed by tho moro thnn 40,000 yards of bunting that hides tho roof beams, drapes tho walls and covers practically ovory fqot of tho Interior oxcept tho windows nnd floor spaces. Tho background is a soft effect of cream, gold nnd white, which makes an effective sotting for tho nntlonnl colors displayed in countless arrange mcnis, nnd tho Insignia and colors of tho various States, Tho seating arrangements hero nro the result of long study on tho arch itects' part, aided by tho practical ox porlonco of men vorsod In tho prac tical problems of groat conventions. This hnll will seat eomfortnbly moro than 15,000 persous, and those In charge of Its preparations bollevo ! thoy havo worked out their problem so that ovory mombcr of this great ' nudlouco enn command a vlow of the I speakors' stand and understand what Ih being said. To bring tins nuoui tho locntion of tho speakers' platform waB tho matter of first Importance. In tho Daltlmoro hall tho spoakers will stand well out townrd tho mid dlo of tho auditorium, directly op posite tho main contrnl entrance, midway botwoen tho ends of tho hnll nnd nbout CO foot, or moro than one third tho dlstnnco from tho rear wall of tho Interior. This rostrum, tho heart of tho convention hall, is not lnrgo enough to pormlt much pnclng about on tho orator s part. It nioas urea about 15 foot long by ton foot deop. It Is elevated six feet above tho mnln floor. Dnck of tho rostrum, two fcot nbovo It nnd communicating by steps, Is nnothor platform of tho snmo slzo for tho uso of secretaries of tho con vention, Dnck of this nro COO Boats, bankod nt tho rear to n holght of 14 feet, which arc reserved for tho ofllcora of tho nntlonnl organization, Qroupod nbout tho speakors' plat form, nt both sides and in front, nro 435 scats for tho press. TIiobo coin- munlcnto through passages under tho banked-up scats bohlnd with tho company rooms outsldo tho drill hall which havo been flttod up for tho uso of tho nowspnpers and press associa tions and telegraph nnd tolophono companies. From theso ofllccB, with in sound of tho speaker's volco and of tho secretary ns ho announces tho results of each ballot, run wires that will carrry tho news of tho conven tion to tho world. In front of tho platform, separated only by tho narrow row of press Beats and an aisle, nro. tho plncos for tho delegates who como to Daltlmoro to roglstor tho presidential cholco of the party In tho various States and Terri tories of tho Union, Although the niimbor of votes theso States nnd Territories cast may aggrcgnto 1,094 tho architects havo provldod Boats for 1,200 dclogatca, becauso bo mo of tho states, Maryland among them Bond to Daltlmoro twlco as ninny dologntes as thoy havo Yotos. onch dolcgato be ing tho custodian of half n vote. Dnck of tho delegates sit an equal number of alternates, nnd theso 2 ,400 scats occupy tho contor of tho floor bo twoen tho platform nnd tho on tram o. Theso four Mr.rks of seats will hold much of tho life nnd motion of tho c ivcnilon. Tho locntion of tho re presentatives of each ntnto will bo shown by an elevatod Hlgn. Something to Judge liy. "They say he ln' very bright." "I wouldn't my ituit." "What Is .viiiit' opinion?" "Well, when he gels on n Jury the lawyer are careful mu to object to him." HI Way. "Never been nenws ihe ocean?" "No " "V'tii nuclit in lake Hie flip." "How is Hie swimming?" W Squaring On Clrjlo. "How you ruining, nlil iiiiinV" "Malting three Hiinire u day." "That iiiiixi be wluii ix rounding yen-out." 'iWITH THE t t TOAST AND TEA :; A dainty, roso-dockod tnblo, Bot for two A mug of nlo, a dialing dish and you Desldo mo cutting cheeso and mak ing toast Well, that's not paradlso, but It will do. Some for tho glided restaurants nnd somo Sigh for hotels. Hut who would ronm With Just tho right girl nnd tho right roclpo For limiting lovo and rarebits right at homo? rpilE sweet iinrenMoiinlileness thnt i iniiti found so delightful during courtship Is rather apt to seetu spiteful lifter marriage. Pity the rude man. lie probably thinks lie Is doing witty. The girl with the sharp tongue usu ally pays her own way to the matinee. Think of the delicious fried chicken that never was In order that there might be n cold storage egg. The bachelor uncle who Is left to lake care of the baby can't see any groat harm hi race suicide. A mau at u bargain counter Is as much out or place as a powder puff at the ringside. You can tell a lot of things nbout n man by the way he conducts himself lu a crowd. The world Is but n fleeting show pre sented In order thnt each player mny make u play for the star part. The Present. Tho past ! none beyond recall. Far In advance the future lies. We havo the present: thnt Is nil. Bo lot us Kmep It e'er It lllei. Enjoy It ns we ro nlonff And crowd It with tho things thnt pay, Mix In a share of mirth nnd ionic And make the most of each today. Wo can but dwell upon the past. And of tho future wc enn dream, Hut to tho irtnt. hint nnd 'net. Wo can apply our pounds of steam And make It count ns down the line It p.ihkcs. lauvlng naught behind Bovo records thnt for years will shine Or be n millstone on tho mind. If there Is iinyihln In life Worth IIvIiik It Is now nnd here. Bo let us mhiKl In the strife And make of cneh n banner yenr. No uso to think how thlnns would hum Could wo live yesterday onco more Or plan for duys that nre to come, A brilliant and enchanted score. This hour, this moment. Is tho one In which we live and move nnd think. Admire tho rulnbow or tho aun, Enjoy the tltlnR-s we ent und drink. So fill It up. nnd fill It high, With word and smile nnd piny and net. We live It once In passing by, Bo let us live II for a fact. Some Exceptions. Not ever) microbe ynu may moot Is nnHin cnoiiuh to en ii. The Kurm that Minors buttermilk Is quite n friend of man. Drink ne.uty and you'll live, they sjy. To see the scoffers pass away Try Tho Times Wnnt Ads. AT TiTe Royal TONIGHT The IrwlnB present tholr now coni ody sketch "WHAT HAPPENED TO WILSON" Very funny. In Photo Play "The Winning of I.e Mesa." "His New Wife." "Desperate DcmuoiuI at the Can non's Mouth. " TOMORROW NIGHT "How She Married." "Cotton Industry." "Refine Yorkttmn." (A two reol feature of tho Revolu tionary war. Lieut. Doresford sur renders to Gen. Washington. Very Interesting. Don't miss it. ALL FOK 10c A CARD This Is to certify that Foloy'i Honey and Tar Compound does not contain any opiates, nnd hnblt form ing drugs, or nny Ingredients that could possibly harm Its users. On tho contrary, Its groat heading and sootklng quulltles mnko It a real rom edy for coughs, colds nnd Irritations of the throat, chest and lungs. Tho genuine Is In a yellow package. Ask for Foloy'B Ilonoy nnd Tar Compound and accept no substitute. Itod Cross Drug Store. SEE WHAT EASY TERMS KANCH BARGAIN 120 Aero 'rrlt and dairy In culti vation Oi tho best class All stock, loolB a.xd Implements. $2000 hnnales Dalanco easy, $12,000. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. Real Estate nnd FIRE INSURANCE Sevornl good bargains In Farms nnd city property. AUG. FKJZEBN. (IH Central Ave. Marshflold. Oregon. You Auto Call Footc PHONE 11 l-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel, TWO NEW CAK8 After 11 P. M. Phone B-J Residence Fhone 28-J Will mnko trips to Coqullle. Lynn Lambeth Fred Nemle Lv North Rend Alton's Nows Stand i l.v Marshflold Chandler and Dlan-I co Hotels. Get Busy AND Oirr AFTER THAT ROOF, RUT FIRST COME IN AND GET OCR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFINO PAPER. SHINGLES $l.BO AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.23 AND U C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTJINT, Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Rensonnblo Rates All Night Servico Careful driving nssurod. Phone Ulnnco Pool Room. 231-R until 11 p. M. After 11 P. M. phone K-J Palace rtetnurant A Modern Drlck Diilliilng, Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot nnd Cold Water. HOTEL COOS O. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Droaitway nnd Market. Marshflold. Oregon. BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK Hoiho Moving nnd Grading. Wo are prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us figure with you. G. S. FLOYD Ji CO. Phono 31C-J. Marshfleld, Ore. Marshficld and North Bend AutaiTl GORST A KINO. Pu,riels. U "W LsBaaaaBsaBaWlr.iaiMlst--3. ggef jgy LEAVE MARSHFIELD 7: If. A. M. 8:00 K:ir l:30 10: in 11:00 ii: in 12:30 1:15 2:00 2:15 3:30 4:15 5:00 5M5 0:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M... P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. M-AVK NORTH ,n,.Vl) 7:00 7:IR 8:30 0:15 10:00 1 0 : 1 r, 11:31! 12:15 1:00 1:15 2:30 3:15 4:00 4:15 5:30 0:15 7:00 8:00 0:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 A.M. A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave North Kend Allen's News stand. Leavo Mnrsliflclil Chandler nnd Dlnnco Hotols and Busy Corner. Every Detail of the Modern Gas Range Is Planned for the Comfort of Women the factories that make gas ranges are Im mense plants. They produce gas cooking ao pliances by the thousand. they can afford to employ tho highest skill in designing and constructing and they do. the ranges manufactured are the product of many clever minds working for two objects! (1) tho convenience and comfort of the user and, (2) economy of operation. every heat unit in the gas is made to render full value. every unnecessary movoment by the user of the range is avoided, our co-operative payment plan distributes the cost of the range to meet your convenience. . select the style of range that best fits your needs, OREGON POWER CO. nr Telephono 178 CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At thu close of Liib Incus April iH, 10 III. RESOURCES. Lonna nnd discount f 20S..OUJ Honda, warrauta aid Bccurltloa " ! U. S. houda to secuiu circulation 25,000.0 TJpnl nnlnln. 'iiriiltnm nn.1 flvturna 81,vl'" Cash and eight oxchange ; Total 9301,428.111 LIARIL1TIES. Capital stock paid In ,100'!!!'!! Surplus and undlvldod proflta Kno ool Circulation, outatandlnR J?' Sis ill Deposits JBWISI Total .' ?301,2M In nddltlon to Capital Stock the Individual liability of StockhoW-S era is ?ioo,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TI.ME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W, S. CHANDLER, Prealdont. M. C. HORTON, Vlce-Presl"1! DORSEY KREITZER, OuhUr. STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At the close of business, April IH, 1012. .usbuuuuisa. J4S3 7.. Loans and Discounts K0 nOO.OJ, nuuoo, ........."--- 051,991.' Cash aud Exchanges ai ..WI LIADIL1TIES. KOO00.00 Capital Stock paid In br 5.J-' Surplus and Undlvldod Profits J9 !! Deposits j . I