f JOJi!NGJTONM(NOWS THAT THCRES PLENTY Of MOSS IN THE RUT iZonr Ron! KaUU "la the Miutkci " .in out tho facts about your '"LVnro -be eyes or all "pos- before ..inert! '.'..' tinvers lii town. And If i't. V of thorn who ought to OIOOB "YlJ iWfllillslied In 1878 1HL AAA" - T, roast Mnll filOSKACOASTTOWNS IlflGED BYJAT1AI VOLCANO PRISON 11 !mj Qfattra MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio Tlf Will Keep tho Incoino from JTowi Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can roally holp tlw family revenues by rontlng a fow furniauM rooms and, It you know bow and whon to ubo tho classified columns, you may kcop that little oztra Income as "steady ns a clock." wmmmmmmammammamKMam MABSHFIELD, OREGON MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1912 -EVENING EDITION, EIGHT PAGES.' A Consolidation of Time, Coast .Mall nnd Cooa Uny Advertiser. N0.28TJ. ArM Alonci Shelikcf rails Endangered by lla' nU Pnlnl UIU UltllUI . AiiHTRY FOR 350 MILCO 10 i 1 i-w. L.,hir9i Darkness and VoN pWui" ..,- Cffnrle nf I (MIO UUSIB.- -.--- Rescuers uiinuuii. hr Associated Press to Coos Bay ..,t.p .Tnno 10 Dollnlto nows 'X,ly awnltod as to conditions IW the snores 01 ouuimui uu.w I wri the Katanmi voicnno jhib uuuu ' !r , Icul u nllnnd on Kodl IrV k nnd Itaapborry Ialando l-rithe eruption bogan Thursday PROVES FATAL Order Restored at San Quentln After One is Killed and Two Wounded. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Tlraos.) SAN QUENTIN. Juno 10 An nn. Ktr ashes nnd hot Btonoa ovor , enBlonnl yell In tho night nnsworod t, srosporous flshlns villages and by n cry from anothor coll marked '''. l.lliirnl Intlil nil ICnill.Mlin nn.l f II... ...!.... ..! t. ... .. v..... , iu itimuil UUlurUUK in San Quentln prison hero yostorday In which ono convict was killed nn.l "irtoon tliero has boon n constant two woro wounded. Shortly boforo jolubcsnnd Btonos ovor a wldo dnwn today, thoro woro Indications " . ..iinlnrt linlnc nnrrlnil tiv I Hint llm IrmiltlA ..i..i.i i. . .. '- " (. nllln n.A1 ll I. Mil il 1 I I. 1 . Hia ......- II . . iiflDdM ar D,l,v"' DU,U ! ""'' lllu KiiiiiH inroiuonou 10 turn 'ei east of tho volcano. Doiibo tho Btoam hoso on tho malcontonto ,ji of smoke, black as Jot, liavo nnd unlet woh roHtorod and when tho -M day Into blackest night thru men fell Into lino for iiiosb, thoy woro -. ll.w..n ll...ut.ml ttlllfttl .flli.. n.t.l aa....... (tirtalUSOl IIIIUU liuimmu liilivg Dlltllk mm lUtVl'll, . Mount Katnmni. mo unnai- IJirlincss and tho stilling volcnn licit comblno to mnko nnvlgntlon 1 1B. 1UCLIUU I..V4 i.i.M....M, .. a Dtko It dinicult for tho roscu- 1 lo reach tlio nsiiormon nnu enn- unolovos along tho shores of idkoff Strait whllo tho volcano lu ... ... .IIa f lltn tt.ttlln Mm trcsce cutter Manning Is groping e uj toward tho northwostorn MefKodlak Island to glvo nusln- iii to tho distressed Inhnbltanta .lia obtain accurate Information ns iNtdltloni. Tho Manning la oqulp- ij tlth wireless, but tlio ntinos (tic conditions rondor tho Instru- t almost worthless. EIGHT iOWANS SLAIN WHILE ASLEEP Joseph Moore Home Scene nf ton,nJ nml ,n8t nleht- An attended Tnrrililn Tr,n,U, M ni..inn. entertainment togothcr bo It Is .v.iiun, naijbuy uu wiirj Jolt certain that tho victims nro tho to muraerer Who Mutilated Victims horribly. HOUSE SAVES CANADIAN PAOT (By AsBoclntod Press to tho Coos Bny Times ) V1LUSCA, Iowa, Juno 10 Josoph Moore, a leading Vllllsca buslucss mnn, his wife and four chlldron nnd two women supposed to bo Mrs. Van Olldor nnd her daughtor, relatives of tho Moorcs, woro found murdered In their bods today In tho Mooro1 home, their heads crushed to a pulp. An axe covorod with blood and human hnlr was found In tho houso nnd Is supposed to liavo boon tho Instru ment with which tho crlmo was com mitted. Thoro la no doflnlto cluo to tho murderer. Owing to tho torrlblo mutilation of tho bodies, tho identity nB to who tho womon could havo been could not bo positively estab lished but tho Van Olldors nro known to liavo boon visiting tho Moores yes AFT FORGES (IK: TO m STEAM ROLLER IN CONTESTS women named. No robbory was committed nnd It scorns cloar tllflt nnlv n. rlnalrn fnr rnviMirn pnnltl have prompted tho murder unless it1 whb tho work of a mad man. I.titcr tho bodlos supposed to bo Mrs. Vnn Gilder nnd her daughter later today were positively Identified as the Spllltngci' sisters, daughters of a wealthy farmer near hero, who went to tho entertainment last night with tho Moorcs. An uniisunt neighing of horses tt. day attrnctod tho attention of neigh bors who trlod to get into tho houso nnd falling summoned tho city mar shal. Mooro nnd his wlfo woro first discovered lying dend In bed In the front room. Then enmo tho flndlr-? of tho two guests and tho bodies of the children In tho third room. All were murdorod lu tholr beds. Moore wns mnnagcr of an Implement con cern and a leader lu business nnd Mo dal circles, TWO BATTLESHIPS SENT TO HAVANA IS HELD FOR rl A. R. Carey, Pasco Contractor, Arrested for Killing Cashier Christianson. IE VOTES . W fcpls Conference Report Leg islating Him Out of Position Today. Associated Press to Tlio Coon Hay Tlmos.) J WASHINGTON. Juno 10 Tho tfe today after u blttor dohato W!i to 21 to acroo to tho confor- y report on tho army approprla 4 bill, caminc nmondinontn which r3 legislate Mnlor Oonornl Loon- IH'ood out of his olllco ob chief of J.March 4, 1913. (" 'liMWAMnoi'' TUT AVi:L'i: CHANGED i'EDTOItl). nro. .limn in o I? '1nt of T.'l' . venue nt tho .'ilar me ting of tho city i Refuses to Concur to Senate Amendments to Tariff Bill Annulling it. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bny Tlmos.) WASHINGTON. I). C, Juno 10. Tho Houso voted today, 144 to 101, not to ncccpt tlio Sonato's amendment to tho metal tariff revision hill which would repeal tho Canadian reciprocity pnet nnd fix n universal duty of two dollars a ton on print pnper. Tho House accepted two of tho Somite amendments reducing tho duty mi plglron and on certain nl toys. Thu bill will again go to con f( renco. I HYDE TO PRISON United States Sends Two Men-. cu,lA vw or it of-War From Key West To- r,ittic imposition to discuss coming day situation on island More Serious. ' WARSHIPS AT HAVANA By Associated Press HAVANA, Juno 10 Tho U. S. battloshlps Washington nnd Ithodo Island entered tho liar- 4 bor this aftornoon and oxchang- 4 cd salutes with tho fortress of Cubana. ! of U. 8. Vessels (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.. HAVANA, Juno 10 Thoro la llttlo popular disposition to discuss tho coming of tho United States warships but tnnny expressions of rollof nro heard on account of tho nssurnnco of security that tho prosenco of war ships will glvo. Tho warships woro expected to arrlvo shortly boforo noon. AMERICANS AUK ATTACKED (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay' . . , '."" , A, mim0H) Ciilmn HcbclM Hcpulscil Ncnr Snutln- WASHINOTON. Juno 10-AmorI- vDy Asaodulod Proia to"Coo8 Bay can marinoB will ho avallablo for sor- Times) vlcoln Hnvnna.beforpthcidayiaov- SANTIAGO, Juno 10. United w. Tho erulBee Wuhlngton.and tho StntC8 niarlnes commanded by Cap battleship Rhodo Islnnd left Koy tnln Etlwnrd D .Mnlnwnrlng and on W est early today and nro exported BnBe,j ,n guarding tho El Cuoro to rench tho Cuban capital In 8lximn08 worq nttnckod today by insur hours. Mnrlnos only will bo landod Bent8 who woro ropuIs0(l nftor ,nucn In tho Ciibnn cap tal In case i of dlro( frjng. , Thoro woro no cnBiinltlos emergency In which ovont tho bluo nniong tj10 mnrlnoa and tho loss to JncketB on both ahlps nlso will bo tho lnsurgontB Is not known, avallablo. Tho gravity with which. this government regards tho situa tion Is Indicated by tho fact that Rear Admiral Ostcrhaus, commander of tho Atlnntle flcot, Is aboard his lliigshlp, tho Washington. VESSELS SAIL TODAY MORE .MARINES LAND Battleship nnd Cruiser Hall Presum ably for Havana (By Assoclntod Pross to Cooa Bay Times.) KEY WEST, Juno 10 Tho bnttlo fihli) Rbnilo Ifllaml nnd (hn prulnnr Additional Unlletl States Troops on Washington loft hnrbor with soalod OiiiimI in Culm. ordors today, presumably for Ha- (By Associated Press to tlio Coos Bay vana. Tlmos). I Tho Colllor Mara followed tho CAIMANERA. Culm. Juno 10. Rhodo Island and Washington Just Oregon and California Timber Fraud Men Lose on Appeal in Noted Case. WASHINGTON, Juno 10. Tho C I nlL'M iirvtltlnnnil 61 ,j,.i.i.vniir olpiiiln nf KredorlClC A. tiZTJ KTS."i2 Ji " n"a J-,r achno!,,,or ! 08Ti n many So, -,,li-ts nnd "loin- ' liuprlwiiiinoiit for nn allogod consplr-j 's liavo i ,.i ity nnd tho uey to dofrnud tlio Kovornmoiu ouv oi ; of Taf v s iint t! ought i,uu8 jn California nnd Oregon ondod woprlate. Tins council In nn ... ,.. ..i.. .i.m, ii annrnmo TOnanco Will -nm. nln ,...llm 4. " ""," uy ""v" T,atheM ,.?"" tftk0 mtl(m rilllr, found no error In tholr convlc- Itlon In tho District of Columbia. Two furthor ronipnulOH of tho United Statos marine orim woro despatch ed from hero today to Uuantaunnio City. A company of mnrlnoa from tho battleship Missouri under Cap tain Mondo Is on the wny to llarn- coa on board the Culgon before noon. It mny bo used ns a dispatched boat, It la roportod. Throats of resignation by Presi dent (lomoz as tho result of tho sending nf American wnrslilps to tho Island aro rumorod among Cubana here. mqq mm q U Mill IVIWIin ill LUANCE IN I OUT TODAY r Arrives from Euicka nml Sails for Portland ' Alliance arrived in oarly to '"rom EnroVo .i n-.i r (J'ter for Portland. Sho had le list of through passongora turekA. Anmn,. i,nnn .. u. . ""b lliuau Uilll- y the Alliance woro tho follow- itttttrVfM' C PomI5an. A. M. "vi K. h. Morcan. V. nnnnlolf v,AfflesandMrs. A. Smlthors. uto cr. - W,."1-"' for DIIAIV nml a,( Mar!fy.,Way of Allegany will it ""'li'ld ovory mornlncr nt t 1911 .1. -. .--- .-- i c p ,T lllls' Corner for tlclc v' Edwards. lAtt r'i':- T' kind YOU lmve '"J&Tr,? ,' ,,,,ol, 73 Pacific ., TraKfer Co, .YE2,4fwt l,,e Turklsu Butb ''!. wLa.n,yt!1,ne to sell, trade. i mip, try a Want Aa HOERTA I0VES FORCES TODAY Mexican Federal Troops Now Nearer Objective Point of Campaign. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Tlmos.) SANTA ROSALYIA, Mex., Juno 10 -Tho entire division of the federal troops commanded by General Huer ta has. moved Into camp hero tl loush tho outposts today nro within thirty miles of Bachlmba Pass where tho rebel forces of General Orozco aro gathered. Tho Government scouting nnrties liavo approached within soy onty miles of Chihuahua, the object Wopolnt of tho present federal cam- pnlgn. 1MPORTAXTCASKS LKI-T United States .Siiprenio Court Ad journs Until October (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Juno 10 Tho su premo coi.rt adjourned until October leaving undecldede tho cases of tho coal trust? tho Union Pacific merger nnd the state rato cases. GIVEN DECREE 1SH SURVEY TO ROSEBIffl Judge Coke Grants Divorce Petition Against Former Marshfield Pastor. Snturday ovonlng, Judgo Coke handed down u dooroo granting Mrs. J. T. M. Knox a divorce from tho Rov. J. T. M. Knox. Tho docreo fol lowed nn ngroement entored into enrller In tho day by tho attorneys of tho two. Tho ngreomont provided for tno disposition of tho proporty. It also specified that Mrs. Knox Btrlko put front hor petition tho charges that Rev. Knox was addlctod to tho ex cesslvo use of liquor and to tho use of profane language. In tho decree. Mrs. Knox is given the custody of their son and daugh tor. No alimony Is allowed, tho pro porty division having taken placo of This marks tho culmination of tho, further developments will bo awaited "" .. . ... ...i.ii. , in.' will. uniiRiinl lnlrOHt" T.-ftv fnninv rrmiuies wuiuit m "" t . - - . deratood to have been of long dura F. A. Haines and Party Work ing That Way No News of S. P. Contracts. ROSEBURG, Oro., Juno 10 Tho Rosoburg Rovlow says "P, A..HnInos who made a railroad survoy botweon Coos Bay and Rosoburg ovor two yoars ago, Is again in tho Hold with a crew of 16 or 20 men, so Al Croaa on, of this city, ia Informed, Ho wna in communication with Mr, Haines by tolophono this week nnd has this Information from him direct. Ho is now working this sldo of Myr tle Point and Is coming toward Rose burg. Who la backing his move ments at present la not known. The equipment which Mr. Halnoa stored in Rosoburg when ho comploted his former work has boon aont to him by Mr. Croason. With thla and tho other englneoring parties in tho Cold tlon. Following inn n.-iBnu from hla pastorate hero, Rev. Knox Instituted suit for uivorco mm .., NO NEWS AT EUGENE IIhvu not Heard of Contracts West of Knox fllod a cross petition. rue, xunnci. matter has been pending for somei Tho Eugeno Guard saya: time "Engineer R. J. Wlor of tho S. P. Mrs Knox and children expoct to engineering department and a party inive nt onco for tho homo of her went up tho Oakrldgo branch today imronts in the East. Rov. Knox has to begin surveying In tho nolghbor nt announced his plans for tho fu- hood of Crescent, beyond tho point lutuiuu UJ .lig vwnv w v.w w.. Construction company. Tno object la turo. tra Knox was restored hor mold- en'namo. Delia V, HopklnB. Her par ents reside at Bellbrook, Ohio. Try The Times Want Ada. doubtless to collect data on which to base estimates for further contracts. H. P. Hooy, who la the head of tho engineers of thla department, has tho murder of Henry E. Christian son, cnshler of tho bnuk of PaBco, and n member of tho Pasco city council by poison, Christianson diod on a Spokane, Portland nnd Soattlo train Juno first nftor drinking from n flash of whlskoy which Is thought to havo contained strychnine. Car ey was taken to Rltzvlllo oarly todny to bo hold ponding nn investigation. Ho camo to Pasco from Walln Walla two years ngo nnd has boon prominent in business nffnlrs horo. PLAN TO CALL W 0 u E Train Men and Engine Men On Pennsylvania and Erie to Vote on Question. (By Associated Pross to Coos Buy . Tlmos.) PHILADELPJIIAi Juno 10. A commlttoo representing tho Ordor of Conductors nnd Trainmen and Broth erhoods of Firemen nnd Engineers on , tno ronnsyivnnia itaiironu unst or Pittsburg and tho Erlo In n dlsputa ovor cortnln working nrrangomont to dny sent out n call for roforondum voto on tho question of giving tho commlttoo powor to call a strike About 25,000 mon nro said to bo involved. President Given Indiana Dels gation by National Com mittee Today. VOTE OF THIRTY-ONE TO THIRTEEN ON BALLOT Col. New and Chas. K. Fair banks Among Those Seated by Committee. (By Assoclatod Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) (""tUn A fifl Tnnn 10A nnlnnnit. (By Associated Press to tho Coob Bay ,. nf .., ,,, f ,,, ,. Times.) " w "" "w " "" '""""' PASCO, Wnsh.. Juno 10 A. R. In tho fourth California dlRtrlct to- Caroy, n contractor, was nrrestod day brought to high intensity tho early today on a Varrant charging' iieatod conflict botweon tho Tntt and Roosovclt factions In tho Ropubllcan Natlounl Commlttco. Tho voto of 38 to 13 by which tho postponement was offectod on motion of Sonatov Crnno of Massachusetts drow boyond any posslblo doubt tho lines botweon tho fncttona. Tho ncgatlvo votes woro Knight of California, Borah of Idaho, Burnam of Kontucky, Wight of Loulslann, Kollog of Minnesota, Llttauor for Flanlgnn of Novnda, Ward of Now York, Capers of South Carolina, Thorson of South Dakota, Lyon ot Texas, Loose of Utah, Rogora of Wis consin, nnd McCoy of tho Philip pines. Tho commlttco then took up tho caso ot tho four dologatos-at-largo Jn Indiana. It wna oxpoctod that tho Indiana cases and porliapa thoso from Kontucky would bo llnlshod todny, Tho Arizona, cases woro postponed until Wedncsdny. In tho Indlnnn enso, tho commltttm again gavo n decision for sitting tho Taft dclcgat08 nt largo (four dolo gatos) making 72 contested delegate? given to tho Tnft Bldo bo fnr. Ttta four from Indiana aro tho first cred ited from tho north, tho other OS be ing from Alnbnma, Arkansas, Florida nnd Georgia. Tho voto on tho Indl ana roll call was unanimous 52 Jto 0. Col. Now did not vote. Tho Indlnna dolcgatos thus con firmed nro Col. Harry S. Now, e Vlce President Chnrlon W. Fnl. tinnks, Repre8ontntlvo James E. Wat son nnd Josoph D. Olivor of South Bond. Tho dofonted contestants nro ox-Sennlor Albert J. Bovorldgo, Etl wnrd M. Lee, Lnwroncobiirg; ox-Itou resontatlve Frodorlck K. LnndlH, nf Loganport, nnd Chnrlea II Campbell, or Sholbyvillo. Tho Hirst Indiana district's, two dolcgatos woro nlso given to Tnft by n iinniilmoiiB voto. Tho third Indlnnn district two del egates also wont to Tnft. The contest In tho fourth Indlnnn district was wltrdrnwn, crediting Tnft with two moro delegates. BOOST FOR CUMMINS Senator Keiiyon of lown In Chargo nf ('olIeiiguit'H Campaign. (By Associated l'r8a to Coos Bay "vlrTUi, ) CHICAGO, Juno 10 Tho Stand nrd of Sonotor A. II. Cuiiinilns of Iowa for (ho ropubllcan presidential nomlneo wns raised today by hla col- Jii" nt daylight todny from Suh Fran- loaguo, Sonntor Konyon, who nrrivod ,.Srn nflnr n L-nnil trin III) tlio roast i fr0,n IoW" flin f OntllUSlnSIll for tllO cluco nftor n good trip up tho coast. Hnw, candidate. Cummins haa Sho had 280 tUns of incoming now ton ,JoiOKato plodgod to him. freight, tho lnrgost miscellaneous Boforo the end of tho wook, tho JJ cargo sho ' has brought In Bovoral wans oxpoct moro than ono thousand ..,.., I other onthuslnstlc boostora to bo horo ,.. c ,. i ' to domonstrnto tholr fealty to Cum- W. S. Scummoll, gonoral managor!mnB of the company oporntlng tho Wash- ' Ington, is oxpectod In this nrtornoon via Oardlnor. His trip horo Is to got In touch with tho local situation nnd confer with F. 8. Dow. Mr. Scammoll has boon figuring on Im proving tho Borvlco botweon hero and Snn Francisco nnd It Is also under stood that ho has been figuring on bringing In equipment and supplies for tho Southern Pacific railroad con tractors. Ho will remain horo about a wook. , Tho Washington will sail from here Wednesday nt 1 o'clock for San Francisco. " Among thoso arriving on tho Washington woro: mot Mrs. Israel. W." Jones, Mrs. J. Mrs. D. w. Bchrock of : KmPiro a. n... f- t, .i, in.. T.ironn I n Marshflold visitor today. Hlio is ex- Haster Jackson, Mrs. Wldoror. Mrs. pectins as guests at her home ilr July D. E. Roberts. John Sussman, Mrs. N. three sisters, from dlfforont nmttm J. Hanson, Miss Hanson, S. A. Am-'of the globo om sho hw not seen ott. Gus Bwanson. W. II. Smith, nnd I for thirty years. The four married wlfo. Mrs. Korman. Geo. Hona. II. and drifted P"' nBd ' "hS C. Moffatt, V. N. Splor nnd Miss May reunited for first t mo In more thaj t, .. . a nuartor of a century. Mrs. Duncan UUllllOVl. I.. '..... t nt..,nr,r. Ur. .MCAllllun toiliuo liuui uuiuiftu, ...... WASHINGTON IN EARLY TODAY l Steamer Arrives From San Francisco General Man ager Coming Today. Tho Stoamor Washington nrrivod FAMILY WILL HAVE REUNION E. W. Shrock Home at Empire to Be Scene of Notable Gathering. beon In Klamath Falls for somo tlmo, Benton Prey, daughtor-In-lnw of which Indcntea tho possibility of fur- Judgo Proy of Iowa. Ironi W abster, thor activity at that point. City, In., and Mrs P. Ilauerly from ,.m... . '...i . ln,l nn Pnntrn n. Wash.. tbO tWO former the oarl train this morning' from making tholr first visit to the PacWo San Francisco and consists of eight Const. Aftor visiting In Ininlro Tor mon besides Engineer Weir. I a month or bo, Mrs. Schrock wlll ac- "Aa yot nothing doflnlto haa been company her Bisters north to lort ofllclally reported with roforenco to land and Washington whore thoy will tho details of tho Coos.Bay lino from visit boforo soparatlng again for their tho tunnel to Marshflold." An unfilled want causes unhappl ness Times Want Ads bring results. sovornl homes. Have your job The Times' office. prlutiufc done at